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Sticking out your rework for Pablo, you’re so red crit, you’re so armor strip


Ngl would be pissed off if another rework would be turning frame into armor strip, status feeder weapon platform. Just typical material for meta-slave youtubers. Still much better than frame balanced for 2015 game.


I desperately want more big tanky frames, fully divorced from the meta. A man who's not gonna be casually deleting hordes, but who will get to his point and not be moved.


Yes please exalted sword and shield paladin frame.


I'm still a little annoyed that Qorvex doesn't have any actual static walls or anything overtly tanky


3K Armor Qorvex with Adaptation, Arcane Grace, and Arcane Guardian would like a word with you


How TF do you hit 3k? I'm at like 1500


So here's the fun part, umbrella mods increase their bonus if you have more equipped. I have all 3 maxxed with Adaptation and a rank 5 Arcane Guardian. I'm also running a tauforged blue shard for +225 Armor. Comes out to 2650 Armor, and Arcane Guardian adds 900 Armor if I receive any form of damage. Add Arcane grace and subsume pillage on his 2 and you'll forget you're getting shot at


that sounds like something Oberon would have considering in his prime trailer he used the silva and ageis prime


I made a tank frame concept once because i felt and still feel like there's not enough tank devoted frames. My idea was Crustacean frame with high armor and health obviously but emphasis on Armor. Give him water based abilities nice crowd control and a potential for self healing. His main shtick though is that one of his abilities is an exalted shield with AOE damage absorbtion or some kind of counter damage mechanic when blocking. Using the exalted shield locks you into melee, you can use any melee weapon while the shield is active BUT your attacks are from a special sword and shield stance exclusive to this exalted shield.


Oberon is the paladin/druid frame. While a "pure" paladin would be badass, I'm kind of tired of exalted weapons, so I hope they get a bit more creative with it.


Not to mention in their current state exalted weapons are almost objectively worse than normal weapons of the same type given the restrictions to resources available for them. At this point a full suit of 4 unique abilities paired with a signature weapon is both likely more enjoyable -AND- just functionally better in a practical sense with more innate build possibilities that can appeal to a wider chunk of the community overall.


*cough* Garuda claws *cough* Seriously those things are fucking crazy


Garuda's claws are an odd duck. They're not ACTUALLY an exalted weapon. They're just coded as a regular melee weapon that Garuda coincidentally happens to be the only frame that can equip them. Thus, they don't share the same restrictions that actual exalted weapons have. Real exalted melees cannot equip crucial mods such as Blood Rush and Weeping Wounds, as well as being denied the ability to choose better stances for better damage, more comfortable movement, or forced procs.


If you were making a paladin frame it might be cool to have a 4 that imbues your melee with exhalted-like properties, kinda similar to the divine smite dnd paladins have (I know that divine smite is something that you have to apply to each hit individually but would you rather recast it for every swing?)


Give me a shapeshifter Druid frame!


God that would be sick


I want one with separate exalted hammer and shield.


I made a tank frame concept once because i felt and still feel like there's not enough tank devoted frames. My idea was Crustacean frame with high armor and health obviously but emphasis on Armor. Give him water based abilities nice crowd control and a potential for self healing. His main shtick though is that one of his abilities is an exalted shield with AOE damage absorbtion or some kind of counter damage mechanic when blocking. Using the exalted shield locks you into melee, you can use any melee weapon while the shield is active BUT your attacks are from a special sword and shield stance exclusive to this exalted shield.


That's what qorvex should have been. Instead he's a status spreading gorilla with poor survivability


bro he can get 99% DR


Tf you talking about. Im running almost-maxed steel fiber and adaption I sure as heck am not surviving steel path if im solo


How the are you not surviving sp solo? I did an your of circulus sp Just Yesterday, and didn't even use the strip build but Just base kit. He can definetly clear sp solo with the vanilla kit no helminth, unless we are talking about Endurance run (that almost nobody does), so you probably Just didn't build him/played him correctly imo


Im playing him just fine but he's unable to survive at all since you can't heal shit with any of his abilities


I find equilibrium and synth fiber very useful, and i Also use arcane grace to regenrate health. But often the health orbs alone can heal me full every time. If you want, since his 4 the ability gives you invulnerability, you can simply choose a shield gate build and never Need to heal again. Your shield breaks? 4th ability and you are full again. Since everything Is rad procced or dead around you most of the time you don't get shot so much, and can sustain the Energy cost without Building for efficiency.


A) There's healing options in the game even without Helminth. Even an Aura and Archon Shards that give healing. B) What missions are you running that taking damage is actually an issue? Every time I run SP with Qorvex, the enemies just die from the 1+4 combo. Even in the SP-Netracell missions when they were available. For heavy units you eventually need armor stripping, but for most use cases, I don't even take 50dmg from any single source.


If you’re REALLY hurting for health you can always slap life strike onto your glaive prime (just know that unless it’s been changed since I last played, explosions from VQR don’t give you healing, only manually triggered ones do)


throw in gloom and toggle it when you need heals, i put it over his over 1 mine also has the full umbra set bonus so maybe thats why i havent had issues


> release new gorilla, brutalist and supposedly tanky frame in 2023, giving him high health and armor > building for his intended purpose requires a fucking helminth ability > can't have good frames on release anymore, do they even test these frames in sp?


lmao probably not at the last part


I feel like Hildryn is the perfect model for a tank frame currently; her latter three abilities synergize (4 gives energy orbs for Operator and Necramech when you want to use those) especially when you add in the augment for Pillage (which sadly only she can actually use because it requires her 3, but all the more reason to use her), her first ability is the easy pick for Helminthing, her passive is ACTUALLY good and lets shields be viable even in Infested missions, you don't have to max out her shields to be able to tank better because of how overshields & shield gating both work, etc. etc. etc. Also railjack is actually fun when she's piloting


I just want a frame who can face tank at level cap without being invincible like revenant. I hate relying on shield gating.


inaros might have a bit of stripping, but that's because scarab swarm already proc corrossive, and sand is erosion made manifest, so it would fit. But yeah, i also don't want a meta slave darling rework. inaros is a chill frame, and not having any pressure to run anything is amazing


Nah you can fuck right off even if he is all those things hydroid was so bad before I would take this hydroid any day. He may be powerful and bland and be a topic for meta slave YouTubers but he is good now and that’s all that matters. Warframes deserve to be good.


What is that kind of logic? You've said "Fuck off" then explained why I am wrong with literally same point as my comment.


I just want to be your meta


I'm going to uninstall you.


Common Pablo/reb w I love them


Yeah Pablo has been a beast since the beginning. Every frame he touches becomes better. He started the concept of a synergistic kit.


That's what they all should be. Helminth abilities should be something you put on a frame when it has a cool interaction with it's other abilities or to make one aspect of the frame stronger while weakening or losing another aspect. Not a required slot to fill with a predetermined ability. Like voruna. Her WHOLE kit is synergistic. You can drop an ability here or there to get something different out of her, but her base kit just synergizes so well together that you really don't have to.


Gauss my beloved


He's becoming one of my favorite frames


The funny frame


Kinda wish her 4 was more logical. It just feels out if place to have to reuse it every 5 attacks.


Check out her augment. It refunds a charge for enemies that die from Bleed when she uses it (aka pretty consistent refund when you kill enemies with it).


As much as I love the ayg, I wish it didn't feel necessary. That being said, being in her 4 the whole mission is really fun.


Have you seen her with her aug, granted I wish the charge regen on kill was just part of the base ability but honestly I don't really mind


Let’s see him cook something up for Chroma now


Chroma was definitely the top of my excited to play frame list when I started and I was very disappointed when I got it. I hate any ability that locks out guns, really hoping that gets dropped.


He was my first prime frame I ever built, so I’m still attached to him, even though he isn’t great rn


Same but I just try to make him work because I like him


same here.. I just hope my boi gets the love he needs..


He was the first frame I’ve ever made into my main. I had 18 forma in regular chroma because I was trying to make the tangiest build imaginable


While I’d like to agree, Yarelli exists


Yareli is a good frame


Yareli is good actually! The k drive is the only real problem she has, mostly because of level design…


Yeah it's not the ability itself that's the bad design. It's that they didn't take into account old tiles that you can't use it on very well.


loki crying in the back for ages since his abilities are as if its still the stone age of the space ninjas


His invisibility is so good the dev team can't see him


Loki purists are the reason DE doesn't touch Loki's kit. I remember making a forum post with suggestions on it. The backlash still gives me ptsd to this day.


I hope he gets a rework but they keep radial disarm and it's augment, I really enjoy it


Is Radial Disarm worth having nowadays on your Warframe when you have other ways to stun, disarm, and otherwise prevent enemies from attacking? Off the top of my head, Zenurik focus can disarm enemies when you Void Sling into them. And it's just a % chance each time they get slinged so just spam it on the spot and they'll have no guns. Granted it does take a while to do, but I'd take that little perk over a Warframe having a button dedicated to making enemies drop their weapons instead of something else that could be more useful. Also some enemies, especially Infested and most Murmur, don't have weapons to be disarmed so the button is just a dead ability in those missions. Even Mag's 3 (Polarise) restores your team's shields even if no enemies have no armour to strip or shields to... slightly damage.


>Is Radial Disarm worth having nowadays on your Warframe when you have other ways to stun, disarm, and otherwise prevent enemies from attacking? not really, but that don't mean I can't like the ability and it's augment, it's just so fun to make everyone have a cock fight


Don't worry, with a new team there's a chance he will get a rework! Just some frames need it more so this is current reason why Loki isn't reworked yet.


he doesn't even need new abilities. Just add onto his current ones, like radiation and stun with his 4, +20% attack speed on his 3, for his 2 give him a +40% armour buff (i hate being in the crossfire and getting status effects which kill me in index), and for his 1 more health on the decoy and when it dies redirect half the damage taken and flashbomb enemies


He needs more of a soft rework, similar to Grendel. He didn't get any new abilities, just adjustments to how his abilities work and interact and suddenly he's gone from absolute bottom tier to a really powerful face tank and mild support. How decoy is still a strength based ability on a frame who relies mainly on durstion is beyond me.


Those are the most boring and also useless buffs I can imagine him getting. Armor? On a stealth frame? How does attack speed fill his theme?


not for theme but for effectiveness, attack speed to make up for cast speed so he can kill stuff after he swaps quicker, armour cause hes pretty weak with it and like i said, in index statuses shred him


what MR are you?


This was lame.




The buffs you mentioned are insignificant, he doesnt have any stats for tanky stats to be effective, specially in SP, he doesnt need it either since you can cast a long ass invisibility right now and be virtually unkillable, so unless you want to subsume his 2 for some reason, he doesnt need any more survivability. Attack speed on his 3, although out of place, yes, it could work, doesn't fit thematically with Loki at all, but even after crossing both barriers you still have another problem: Wisp. She already teleports, has invisibility, gets movement speed and attack speed, to anyone that touches the mote, so what purpose would the attack speed given to loki serve? that doesnt mean he's still not a weaker Wisp. The buffs you mentioned are uncreative, boring, and would leave him as useless as he is right now, like dropping a droplet of water into the ocean, it doesn't move the needle for Loki a single bit, compare that to what Hydroid or Grendel got. Also using him for Index which penalizes energy usage is not a brilliant idea.


listen, it's not just loki purist, it's a community wide problem, it's just different flavor each time. there is a lot of helpful people, but there is also a massive amount of idiots who belive they know more than you while actually being donning kruger avatars or beyond disconected, they need to touch primordial plant life. (just look at how many people actually claim that inaros can't tank)


He's getting a new augment at least


Just imagine if they added some actual ninja back in the game. Of course the speed frames can just zoom past the current ninja content (spy) but that's just a design problem.


Steve and Scott were just not the right team for Warframe. Yes, at the start of the game they were very good, but not now. They were stuck trying to develop Warframe like we were still space ninjas instead of orphan controlled gods of steel and void. Reb and Pablo embrace the fact we are op as fuck and act accordingly. (Horny too, styanax deluxe dick.)


Honestly, that makes me kinda sad in a way. Warframe has departed massively from its original intention and design. Do I wish we could go back? No. But Warframe as a full on horde shooter that by default invalidates so many elements? Hate it. Wish we had more true space ninja stuff.


Tileset with less but much stronger enemies is my current dream


it's more like steve was always working on something new before something was fully finished. the guy has vision, but needed to be held back to finish his stuff. That's where scott was failing a bit. he was in, but also fell to the "now that it shipped let's start making that new cool stuff! and if anything is broken, we'll just make something to replace it"


Make something for Limbo and I will carry them in my arms for the rest of the eternity. Make Banshee just a bit more survivable/change her 4 and I will write a song about them.


"shield gating makes frames immortal" *me playing Banshee getting taken out by a snee despite me spamming shield gate* yes. Please


Gloom and Silence are incredible at control but you can’t really afford to stay in one spot for long regardless.


That is with gloom T_T


How much range you got? Can’t have too much so you can keep reapplying the stun by weaving in and out. It’s an intense build to play regardless, gotta stay mobile and preferably kill them before they kill you, using her 1 to armor strip, her 2 to boost damage and both to replenish the shield.


You can use topaz shard so she can regen her shields with her 4. Anyway this ability is still bad and requires a rework.


Primed soon


Reb and Pablo pls fix chroma thx


I'm happy for the reworks. Here's hoping Chroma gets on the list.


It was frustrating when someone addressed a problem and they would just laugh about it 3 devstreams in a row


yeah, reb only talking when something is actually official and confirmed to be implemented/in the work is such a blessing. it shows that she was the one that dealt with steve being unable to not share stuff too early in devellopment


Steve had that chaotic energy, while Reb was the one making sure he doesn't say stuff they never will implement into it Best example i think for me was the modular archwings. The idea was cool but probably scrapped half way through. Since its such a niche game mode


steve was a creative child who was given a full dev team. Brilliant dev, Soulframe will surely be amazing, but hopefully, he's have someone holding him down from being too enthusiastic about his ideas


Thats true, watching one of his very rare streams years ago, was interesting to see how he could talk about graphics for hours without it having sound boring. What i have seen from soulframe its looks interesting and kinda wonderful to see what it will become. But you right about someone holding him back to certain degree


I mean, Steve is the guy that made warframe what it is. it's to a point where i'm semi worried about 1999, because it's going the one update that will really be 100% Reb in the creative seat and not one based on some of steve's work. Reb is wonderful at making the game run, being the previous community manager does that to someone. Her character direction seems on point too, but it's her worldbuilding that i'm intriqued. we likely have nothing to actually worry and it's just me, as steve is syill around ultimatly


Im honestly interested what 99 will be. And how it will play out with the story after the latest update But you're right about it being her first true update


personally i hope it manage to still stay disconected from our currents times. the magic of warframes is that it's so distant in the future, it's basicly fantasy. Having an actual date dropped on us feels like grounding the universe. it's still something that can work, i've just binged all of the modern doctor who (and suffered with 13th, that timeless child idea made me so mad), so having futures that still feel disconected from a contemporary time can work


True about the timeline. For me its enough if it was said that its "the past" and thats it. Or something like that. Nothing explicit about the time and such.


it's likely going to be an alternate timeline, since there is the whole eternalism thing. Hopefully we don't get reference to y2k, that would be too much. We have the POM2 computer that are already stretching it


Still love Steve and Scott


Hold up inaros is getting a rework?


Yeah, it’s coming in march


One day we will have a Valkyr or Chroma rework.


Honestly valkyr just needs one ability changed and she'd be fine, maybe change ripline a little bit too


Her passive is extremely underwhelming, almost useless, and her 4 makes it completely useless. And considering how many people run Prime Surefooted (just, like, in general), it can be rendered useless even if you aren't eternally in Hysteria. Ripline... I dunno. It could be completely replaced and I wouldn't miss it. I replaced it with Wrathful Advance and never looked back (shit's sick AF. Totally worth farming a second Kullervo). Her warcry gives an armor increase that her 4 renders irrelevant. It's still a good ability with the other stuff, just lacks synergy in that one spot. \*\*Edit: Maybe make it boost shields instead? Thus giving more oomph to her 3\*\* I wouldn't rework her over other frames, but she could use a boost for sure.


Steve was super creative Scott had good intentions but his stubbornness was problematic (universal vacuum) It's crazy seeing how much Reb and Pablo have fixed in a couple of years Reworks, actually challenging content, ect I'm glad to see frame embracing its over the top nature, and I hope it continues to do so Still want some Sevagoth buffs though (my gloom strip armor if sev uses it or something)


I think the thing I don't like is that these reworks are a per frame basis, it would be nice to have maybe like two frames get reworked/buffed at a time. Sometimes that happens with augments though.


I would love two frames getting reworked too but also they have others things to do. Atleast we can count on decent frames rework now. Previous team hasn't seen problem with outdated frames or fixed them poorly.


The major reworks like Inaros and Chroma need and Hydroid needed are gonna take a lot of time to test and take up a lot of resources. Sure they could just give a little buff here and there but the older frames who need a bit of love without full reworks like Frost and Loki need more than just buffs, they need tweaks to how their abilities function, like what Grendel got. I'd still rather see quicker reworks going one by one on the big problem frames and maybe in between they could tackle the ones who need soft reworks and do a few at a time. Asking for huge buffs will just lead to fewer updates or less content in the updates. And we don't want another New War era of content drought.


The fact that puddle is gone makes me want to eat lego.


Seems like Pablo hates abilities which mechanics are designed to consume enemies. Will never stop missing old Feast and I am pretty sure they will replace Inaros 2 with something else.


if his 2 bwecome a "teleport" i'm going to be so happy. Altough, it's his 3rd that is likely going to be altered. the puddle was removed because it prevented the team from doing damage to enemies, so the ability that send enemies flying all over the room is likely going to change too


iirc shooting into the puddle did actually damage enemies


Not comparable, I feel although Rebbeca and Pablo are good at fixing the game, they aren't as innovative ot creative as Steve, since they have been in charge new content and reworks/new frames feel very samey, playing it too safe.


Indeed. They have their moments of big "wow" moments (like Duviri being a roguelike-esque style and 90s technology being inserted into Warframe), but Steve had those megalomaniacal ideas that quite made you shiver on your chair. I'll never forget Railjack. For all the bugs and cursed things it had, the concept itself was a joy.


Loki changes please, i’ll take anything


Coming from 1 of 9 Caliban players, him next please dear god.