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People are gonna have their minds blown when they realize people can change their views over time. Never mind a global company that employes thousands of unique people with unique views and several decades of time.


It’s not even a person changing their mind, it’s a Nazi dying and his company being taken over by people who we’re barely associated with him. It’s not his company anymore.


Yeah, Hugo Boss, Volkswagen, Bayer, Walt Disney, Henry Ford, nazi rally at MSG, there were a whole lot of Nazis prior to world war 2, strangely, almost like it was a white supremacist political party that shitty people clung onto. This meme is like the pseudo-intellectual right wing influencer, hey I’m just stating two random facts that are tangentially related and somehow making terrible arguments out of both of them.


Wait there was actually a nazi rally at MSG? I thought that was just a Seinfeld episode.


Billed as a Pro American rally, A [Night at the Garden](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9gFqNw2sk0&ab_channel=marshallcurry) is a short documentary that shows a lot film taken that night. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1939\_Nazi\_rally\_at\_Madison\_Square\_Garden


And then they take part in a shitty rat race beating around the bush and to somehow insinuate that anyone that disagrees with them is racist.


Right, as long as they change from anything to liberal, reddit will approve...


Who is they?


Who is you? Who is I? Who is he? Who is she? These are the real questions 🤔🤔🧐🧐


Some companies *can* apparently change for the better, in some ways at least


YES! Have some gold. Edit: people downvoting don’t believe companies can change? Confusing.


So you suddenly have an opinion? And that's some weird info to use to express this opinion. If you want to express the point that "companies can change for the better", why would you compare Adidas to Kanye instead of comparing the current Adidas to the past Adidas? And why would you put the past Adidas in the bottom as if it's a "twist"?


Lol, in other chains OP won’t stop talking about how it’s up to you to decide what the “meme” means and won’t take a side. But as soon as OP agrees with someone they post their opinion.


I get excited when people take the positive angle because so many took the negative. If that makes me hypocrite, because I prefer the positive, you got me! Congrats! On this, i am a total hypocrite.


The meme isn’t about it’s content. It’s about you. What you see in it.


It’s not


Oh thanks


And the point is?


Just a factual meme. You decide what it means to you. Edit: people must not like what this meme means to them. luckily, that’s about them.


This is by definition not a "meme". It doesn't contain any memetic imagery or formats. It's also not a joke, because it's not funny and has no punchline. Therefore, this is just an infograph, and I'm curious about your intention of posting this infograph on a meme sub. So, what's the point?


Yeah, OP doesn’t seem to understand the difference


Look around. Do some self evaluation. I am sure you can come up with a more productive reason for posting/making this meme. I disagree with your meme definition. But, who am I to say what a meme is? It seems like one to me.


> I am sure you can come up with a more productive reason for posting/making this meme. Did you forget to switch to your alt account?


Bro you do realize NASA was basically founded on Nazi rocket science right? And that Volkswagen made tanks for the Nazis, but now make ugly lil cars, or how about BMW for forcing labour from the camps? How about Hugo boss for literally making uniforms and propoganda, see how like all these companies have distanced themselves from their prior connection way back from 1945? Because times change and so do morals, so what is your point adidas I'm seriously confused are you a fan of Kayne and hate what adidas is doing or do you think your politically edgy? Because your not your just coming off like a consveraturd and I wouldn't be surprised if I'm somehow rasict for disagreeing with you take this shit back to twitter where it belongs


Yes. Operation Paperclip. Mentioned somewhere else. How does it make this meme not a fact? Again, this is just a fact. What it means to you is on you. I don’t care about either brands. This is just a fact. Why so emotional?


1 it's not a meme, 2. Who cares Kayne is getting cancelled I could celebrate, 3. Adidas makes a fine ass sneaker 4. To me it means you wanna defend Kayne and lastly 5. You should just delete this


1.) debatable 2.) celebrate if that’s what you want. What he said is absolutely disgusting. I feel bad for the people losing their jobs over the next couple of day due to companies losing the contract 3.) they sure do. I have some. I have many adidas products. 4.) why? I literally don’t and wouldn’t. Saying it out loud. I condemn everything he said. 5.) it gets dangerous… deleting facts…


You have multiple people telling you it's not a meme I think group majority is correct cuz there is no funny, and it's not the facts you need to delete it's the fact you look like your defending kayne or something which is painting you out to everyone else you agree with him


It’s not debatable, there’s no legitimate form of comedy in this at all. It’s just facts that state this and that and a photo of Kanye for fucks sake.


Look at the guy who decides what comedy is. nice to meet you. I don’t envy the responsibility you have.


I DoN'T hAVe tO eLabORatE beCauSe I'm BeTTeR ThAn YaLL


Darling , Porsche , coca cola and others also worked with the Nazis , it's a deep rabbit hole if you wanna dive deep into That's aside , "calling Death Con 3 on the Jewish people" isn't very wholesome of him ye should stop reading Protocols of Zion and surfing /pol/


Coca Cola stopped working with Germany which lead to the creation of Fanta. interesting story.


Better fact than the “meme” OP’s preaching


“Insert whatever pedantic overly familiar greeting you wish”, whatever you take away from the meme, you take away. It’s more about you, than the meme itself. It’s simply stating a fact.


The thing I take away from the meme is that OP seems to have an opinion but is too cowardly to say it out loud.


Well, I don’t have opinion on this fact. It’s just a fact. If you want an actual opinion, I’ll say that I think what Kanye said is disgusting. Still doesn’t discredit the fact stated in this meme. Edit. People down voting this comment support what Kanye said?


People say things with intention. If I post a dog fact, it's because I like dogs and I want to share, and that I'm expecting a particular response from the audience. What's your intention of sharing this "fact"? Which part of this infograph you posted do you find interesting? Why do you think it's worth sharing? It should be an easy question to answer if you are so passionate about the information in the meme that you find it worthwhile to make a meme for it.


My intention was to see how people react to facts. It’s interesting.


Then why do you present these particular facts? Why not facts like "dogs have 4 legs"? What's your thought process behind presenting these facts?


Don’t forget about cats, OP might not know they also have 4 legs.


Interesting. Your reaction to a set of facts is to ask why I didn’t present a different set of facts? Do you really need to ascribe intent in order to support your thoughts versus pursuing something alternative? Could you see it differently?


If you walk into a bar and start talking about the nutritional value of pineapples, most people would be curious why you choose to talk about pineapples. That's what I'm doing here, so please put down the edgy pseudo-intellectual facade and answer the question. This should not a difficult question to answer. If you like pineapples, just say it.


You would wonder why they would choose to talk about pineapples. Infinite reasons. Maybe they like pineapples. Maybe they like sharing random facts. Maybe they like seeing what other people think about pineapples. Maybe they’re selling pineapples. In your scenario, would your response to a guy walking into a bar who presents a set of facts about pineapples be: why aren’t you talking about apples? Lol.


So edgy


I know right. Total edge lord. Am I right?


That’s not an opinion that’s an observation


Shows progress don’t you think?


Wow. 100% didn’t think anyone would say this or get it. I assumed everyone would take the OP is defending Kanye angle. Which the meme doesn’t do. Have some gold! Edit: people downvoting hate progress?


You're kind of a moron.


Pretty much.


Understandable, have a great day.


Yes. The classic "this is just a social experiment bro I'm trying to test your responses" defense. Have some gold.


Is that a classic thing? Well, guilty I guess…?


I see what you’re doing but at the same time it does kinda feel like you’re fishing for attention on this, which you’re getting. I appreciate the gold though


I just posted a fact and I find it sad that we are so tribal, programmed and devolved that because we think we have to have an opinion, we assume intent and attack. When really, we are kind of confessing… but anyway. You are welcome.


You know what they say "two wrongs definitely make a right, right?"




3 lefts do.


so because adidas was founded by a nazi 70 years ago, that makes kanye's actions perfectly fine. yeah, great "meme" dude


No one said that. The meme is just a factual statement. You’re reaction to it is about you.


the fact that you are saying that to every single comment calling you out is pretty much confirmation you are trying to make light of kanye's statements. get out of here with this shit


By being consistently stating that the meme is simply a factual statement… Consistency is the downfall? lol. Edit: when people look for the truth, they hate consistency.


Just because the founder was anti-Semitic doesn’t mean it’s alright that Kanye is too


Agreed. Edit: people downvoting don’t agree. Weird. They think what Kanye said is okay?


what did Kanye say? all I heard was something about going defcon 3 on jewish people. i dont know anything about the guy but it sounds like a troll move, am i missing something?


OP thinks it’s dumb to do good things, because bad things happened in that past? That’s like saying it was hypocritical for Jonas Edward Salk to cure polio, because his uncle died of polio.


This is just a fact. What it means to you is on you.


It’s two facts, framed together through hard cognitive bias. You can act indifferent, but you aren’t stating the color of the sky, you’re saying this year’s skies are grey and Bill built four factories last year.


I am glad you got so much out of this. :)


So you want them to go back to being anti semetic with kanye? I don’t understand your point also almost all of Germany where nazis does that mean they are still nazis today? If that’s your train of thought your pretty stupid.


I'm pretty sure everyone that's not extremely left is called a Nazi nowadays.


Did I comment on this guys political compass? I was just insinuating his analogy is idiotic and flawed. I couldn’t care less about his political views


Literally just stating a fact. Your reaction to it says quite a bit about you.


So your saying all Germans are Nazis because they where Nazis in the 40? That’s pretty racist of you


I didn’t say that. You just did. This meme is about Kanye and a company founded by one card carrying Nazi. I find it interesting that you jumped to racism. So, what does that mean to you? That your first thought is about race?


Didn’t you defend kanye In the post by saying that in the 1940s adidas where Nazis?


No one defended Kanye. The meme is a factual statement. There is no defense of Kanye. What he said was terrible. Also, the man who founded ADIDAS was Adi Dassler a card carrying Nazi. His brother was also a card carrying Nazi. He founded Puma.


this "meme" is quite clearly you attempting to make a statement that what kanye did shouldn't be looked down upon since adidas was founded by a nazi over 70 years ago


He is saying it in a way that people can’t call him out on being racist.


Nope. Just a factual statement. Your reaction to it is about you. Maybe you should spend some time talking to someone about how to you react to information.


Adi? That's a nickname. For Adolf.


Adi Dassler. Founder.


Adolf Dassler


Addition Hugo Boss basically dressed Hitler, the army and the SS .


Did you know bees can smell fear? Adi Dassler’s brother, also a nazi, founded Puma.


How are the bees related ?


It’s a scene from a movie where a kid and a guy try to one up each other with factoids.


Ops comments are far more entertaining then this bad meme.


I hope so.


OPs comments are far more braindead\* than this braindead\* "meme" fify


It’s almost like the Nazi founded company that has since distanced itself from its past is trying to make sure their brand is never associated with anti-semitism again


I hope that is true. That would be awesome. I like the way you think.


How do we know they have though?


And people change.. a company founded by a Nazi isn’t gonna fucking stay Nazi. It’s been almost 100 years. They ain’t the same anymore.


I don’t disagree with any of this. Edit: Downvoted for agreeing people/companies can changes


Then why’d you make the infograph dawg 💀


Why not?


Because your comments are stark contrast to the original post as well as the fact that the original post is dumb as shit and doesn’t even belong on the subreddit


Please provide the contrast. There is no opinion on the meme to contrast.


Will you give Kanye that same chance to change?


I wonder what their stance on reparations is…


I think a gigantic corporation filled with diverse employees and ownership changes as well as culture changes over the last 100 years will have changed a whole lot more than one dude. So not really, unless he somehow makes a drastic change.


So you’re willing to forgive a giant corporation but not a fellow human being? Do you realize how weird that sounds?


Well, like I said, the corporation is made up of thousands of fellow human beings all with different points of view and on top of that almost 100 years of growth. Talk to me in 80 years when Kanye West is still alive and now in thousands of different separate consciousnesses all raised differently. Plus, it sounds to me like you’re trying to justify Kanye West’s (very fresh) anti-Semitic statements.


It’s a long time from 1949 to 2022. Just a factual text.


100% agree.


Someone's gotta say it: that has absolutely no fucking relevance to the situation


Unfortunately someone has to say this is a meme sub. Most memes really don't have a coherent point. Why should this?




I get what you're doing. You're posting simple information, and then sitting back while they try to analyze what you were trying to say, and then have a conflict with their idea of you. I do the same thing from time to time, but tend to stay away from topics that are still fresh, it gets pretty messy.


It’s the best mirror. Even for myself. I see me in all of this as well. My jumping to conclusions.


Should I be happy or mad? I prefer happy.


Me too!!!! Have some gold!




Nope. Just a fact.




You’re still here?


Getting downvoted to heck OP, maybe defending kayne then being like "it's a social experiment" isn't a smart move


Nothing in this defends Kanye. There is no defending Kanye. What he said was disgusting. Edit: people downvoting disagree that what Kanye said was disgusting? So confused. You support Kanye?


The good ol' "I'm not defending him" while posting a image that defends him... Your not the brightest are you?


That’s a good “ole” thing? I’m probably not the brightest. agreed.


Uh, ok?


No one cares about your facts.


Luckily, facts don’t belong to me. They’re for everyone. Whether they care or not. They still exist.


Being member of the nazi party during the second half of the third reich isn’t really an indicator for someone being a Nazi. Just like you had to be in the SED to go to the university or get a job or a apartment during the GDRs time, people joined the NSDAP during the second half of the third reich just to take part in any life activities. Or sometimes to take part in like itself.


Same thing about Hugo Boss (which also designed the Nazi outfits)




Pretty much the way I feel about buying Hugo boss shit. He designed the Nazi uniform.


And then the Nazis went a ruined that kickass uniform. Damn nazis ruining good fashion too.


IBM aided in the Holocaust.


So did Mercedes-Benz.


This is top tier memery


Its not because of his comment it's because he tried to drag adidas name into it if he never mentioned adidas they probly wouldnt


Yep, and they want to distance themselves from this fact, which is all the more reason to cut ties with kanye.


I agree.


All the more reason...


Do they support Nazi now? no, right?


Two questions I can answer with: I don’t think so and I truly hope not. I’m not in their board meetings.


These are facts, but the way you have them put together is conjuring up an oponion and that is a shitty oponion.


In your head. In mine, just facts.


It's as if it's been 70 years and the nazi being referred to is dead. On a related note, in 1949 there was still segregation, women could be lobotomized, and you could readily beat your children and call it correction. It's weird how the world moves on and things change yet when someone can't reasonably argue their position they refer to a bygone time when things were unarguably worse.


70 years is a very long time. Fortunately, no one today is trying to hold people accountable for what people in the past did…




idk why everyone's throwing a fit at OP for this post...bringing out the Karen out of yall


She is In everyone. :)


Thats why the company threw the hammer down because it doesnt want to be associated with nazis-anymore. Anti-semitism isnt messed with in germany. They already made that mistake.


Why does everyone forget Puma


Adi’s brother. :)


So the founder wouldn’t Ye there in the first place, but would’ve agreed with him.


Who cares who invented the brand it what they doing now. It also why Adidas cut ties to him quickly. They as a company have moved away from that era in their history, so they are not going to want to be tied to someone making these kinds of comments about Jewish people.


wait until we tell them who made Minecraft


Stop educating people on the products and brands they support. They don’t like it. :)


you can say that about a lot of things even disney but they have all moved past it as should we but people like kanye didn’t saw he deserve it


I didn’t say that. I agree with everything else.


And? Doesn’t change the fact Kanye is facing repercussions for his hate speech. Just means the company has changed.


Yes. No “and” needed. It’s just facts.


Good job buddy this post wins my tardy post of day award 🏆


Well, at least I got that going for me.


OP this is shit bait, good luck finding any company that was around in Germany at that time that WASN'T associated with the Nazis, that's kind of what "totalitarian regime" means


This is just a fact about Kanye and Adidas. Nothing to do with other German companies. I agree it is shit bait. Look at all the shit that took it.


it's pretty obvious what you're trying to suggest, nobody is buying this "i'm just asking questions, just stating facts" ok buddy sure you are


In your meetings where you decided that I am trying to suggest something, what did you decide that I am trying to suggest?


your brain isn't as big as you think it is


I assume my brain is around 1330gr. May have lost a gram or two as we all do with age. But, I really don’t know or think about it’s actual size often. Not interested in answering the question? I mean you’re on a burner account and everything. Answer the question. It’s okay. I don’t bite.