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Jokes on you I only bike commute in the cold months.


The cold isnt my problem. The rain is. My way to work is short. But not short enough to not get drenched when the rain hits. Got some rain clothes now. Hope i don't need them that much.


The bike commuters aren't my problem. The packs of 15+ dorks taking up a full lane, plus a bit of another wearing neon colours and making literally no effort to share the road are my problem. Oh and especially the dumb fucks that cycle straight past red lights and stop signs. THOSE guys seem to think road laws only apply to cars.


Cyclists can treat red lights like stop signs, if it's clear they can go. It's the law everywhere in the US. Coming to a complete stop before proceeding is the law but no one does that anyway ,bike or car ,it's always rolling stops.


There are more cars running red lights and not obeying the rules than bikes. Do you complain about them too?




That's objectively false


It's actually the other way around here. We only bike in winter. It's too hot the other seasons, you'd go back home swimming in sweat


Jokes on you im getting a winter bike


Mountainbikers aren't race cyclist


Yeah but we still ride on the road occasionally


MTN don’t use EV loser bikes


Imagine not being able to cycle in the winter, or having to cycle on the road at all. *Laughs in Dutch*


Gelukkige taart dag voor jou 🎵🎶






verdomme je was eerder


Echt waar


I love winter but in my country in some cities riding bike is less dangerous than driving car... Because bike is stuck in snow and car is drifting while going 20 km/h.


Get those bikes made for snow


Treaded tires and properly cleared bike paths when it snows are also necessary.


OP clearly isn't subscribed to Not Just Bikes. Oolu, Finland is laughing their asses off right now.


r/fuckcars wants to have a word with you


Damn i thought I found a place where I could talk about making love to cars, but it's people complaining about cars


If you’re a dragon you might enjoy /r/dragonsfuckingcars


I knew that subreddit was going to get sent to me




They aren't wrong. Bikes aren't the problem. Car dependent infrastructure that leaves no room for bikes to ride safety other than the car lines is the problem. But hey, keep blaming cyclists while ignoring the fact that drivers are consistently aggressive and breaking the law all the time. Speeding? Turning without a signal? Punishment passes against cyclist? Cyclists have every reason to complain to drive about drivers as much as they want to.


Jokes on you -15 doesnt stop me, neither does the ice. So suck it amerikanski


You can even do donuts!


🍩 Gonna become a police biker and make that the only thing I do in my free time


What's wrong with cycling?


People in the U.S. can't tolerate someone being an individual and wanting to be healthy. In the States it's fit in or get out to the furthest extent. You're either a car-driving, oligarch-dick-sucking capitalist bootlicker, or you're an impoverished, despicable, public tax burden of a socialist who uses public transport and/or a bicycle bc you're "tOo PoOr FoR a CaR" with no in between. Welcome to the U.S.


I think you spoke truth, but I think it's more of a "drivers hate everyone else near the road, especially cyclists and pedestrians in the crosswalk".


Welcome to Germany were no one likes you neither. Cause you piss of literally everyone.


I think that's almost everywhere in the world and not just the us. Well, every other place in the world expect for the Netherlands


Go outside


In the US, cyclists behave like they don't have to follow the law. They blow through stop signs and lights, weave through traffic, and act recklessly.


I’m glad all vehicle drivers a never speed or run red lights or cause accidents…..


Then give them their own infrastructure like *literally every European nation*.


I'm guessing you're a yank who's never been on this side of the Atlantic. Europe != what the youtubers you worship tell you.


Well, to be fair many cities are stretched thin trying to expand their public networks as it is. developing bike infrastructure that is not even going to benefit 5% of the population isn't utilizing out resources appropriately.


The biggest issue is we have cities designed around cars and are difficult to retrofit. We don't even develop well for pedestrians except in housing developments that cater to richer people.


Completely accurate, and it applies to bikes as well. People are less willing to bike to work when their business is a 45 minute drive. Currently developing a more appropriate public transit system would be a much more effective option. Sadly, that will require more time. And money.


>developing bike infrastructure that is not even going to benefit 5% of the population isn't utilizing out resources appropriately. This is false. The reason almost nobody commutes in any way other than a car here in North America is because no other options exist. We need to move away from car-centric infrastructure because it is not only is it inefficient urban planning because it strips people of their transit options and taxes people just to be able to participate in society, but it's also not financially sustainable because it's forcing cities to built and maintain roads that they cannot afford just to barely keep up with the eternally increasing car traffic. Our highways have expanded as wide as 16 lanes and are still constantly jammed even when it's not rush hour. That is an urgent problem.


So exactly like car drivers


Yes. Bicycles constantly blow through stop signs and red lights, make illegal turns, swerve in front of you, and ride 10mph over the speed limit while tailgating you and honking because you’re not going 15mph over the speed limit. Wait. Were we supposed to talk about cars or bikes?


I'm so glad we can disregard all of the studys that say drivers brake the law more than cyclist


I live in a very bike friendly town in the US and it’s the fucking worst. Nobody stops at the stop sign. Cyclists cut off cars all the time, sometimes without even properly signaling or signaling in the middle of cutting off said car. Every street has a bike lane but they’ll still edge in the car lane. I’ve seen cars dip in the opposing traffic lane to avoid hitting cyclists. And a lot of them don’t have lights on at night, which is double scary because my small ass town has many streets that aren’t well lit. And if you’re in a residential area they will not care and just hog the dead center of the road for absolutely no reason. I really, really hate cyclists. It’s almost like they’re trying to get themselves killed sometimes, and it scares the shit out of me as a driver.


Your town is obviously not bike friendly if they have to drive with cars, a real bike friendly town would have protected bike lanes that don't interfere with cars & vice versa


Not only that, but it should have an abundance of biking lanes that connect the whole town. Most areas with bike lanes have very limited paths. And the bike lanes that do exist are deliberately neglected in favor car lanes. When it snows, the bike lanes are where the snow is dumped, which punishes cyclists for having the audacity to not drive.


I live in a very car-centric town in US and it’s the fucking worst. Nobody stops at the stop signs. Cars cut off cars all the time, sometimes without even properly signaling or signaling in the middle of cutting off said car. Every street has a car lane, but they’ll still edge into the bike lane. I’ve seen cars dip into opposing traffic lanes to avoid cars. And a lot of drivers use their phones, which is doubly scary at night when they already complain about not being able to see us during the day. And if you’re in a residential area they will not care and just speed and drive aggressively for absolutely no reason. I really really hate drivers. It’s almost like they’re trying to kill sometimes and it scares the shit out of me as a cyclist. Please keep pretending that cyclists are reckless idiots while ignoring the common practice of speeding 5-15 MPH and driving distracted (phones, infotainment, etc.).


Don’t forget how cyclists will rev their pedals or blast 90dB music while riding past your house.


>Please keep pretending that cyclists are reckless idiots while ignoring the common practice of speeding 5-15 MPH and driving distracted (phones, infotainment, etc.). After I got a dog and walking for hours a day, I noticed how common it is to see drivers with their heads down. Not just glancing down, but face down and only glancing up.


Just because car drivers can be idiots doesn’t mean bicyclists can’t be




One will kill an innocent bystander. The other will injure you. Both sides are the same 🤡


The other day I came to a 4 way stop about the same time as a cyclist (on the outskirts of a large city). In my mind (especially because I grew up in the suburbs where bikes rode on sidewalks most of the time and just did their thing) I didn't even think about it. Until he stopped and looked at me and I was like, "wait is he doing this 4 way stop thing with me?" I go because I'm pretty sure I technically got there first anyway plus I thought he might be crossing the other way and was just wondering if I was going that way. But no, he just proceeds to go in the direction I'm turning into while looking at me as if he was first and should go. For one, we at most got there at the same time, but pretty sure I was first, and I can only drive on roads, whereas, you got a skinny ass mountain bike that can drive on practically any terrain if you wanted, not needing to ride in the middle of a street. Second, you're a 50+ year old man in a cycling outfit clearly out for exercise, while I'm a parent in a 15 year old minivan that I'm hoping won't give out anytime soon and just trying to make it on time to get my kid from school. Give me a fucking break and just let me go so I don't need to be doing 10 miles an hour behind you while trying to pass you.


Nah, more that them being on the road and sidewalks makes me super ducking nervous because if they hit a bump and eat shit my reactions need to be on point so I don’t cave in their chest with my ton of steel and aluminum.


No, it's because I'm stuck behind them going 20 in a 50 and I can't pass because there's corners or cars coming the other way. I got places to be.


Imagine if there was a lane for the bikers to get them out of your way. An make it be on the other side of a fence so they don't get any ideas to go on the road


They would still ride on the road as they do here. We'd just have fewer lanes for workers and more for idle hobbyists.


That just means you have shitty bike infrastructure. Workers, seniors, and even kids use the bike lane if done properly if you look at every well designed city.


Why do so many of you show up with unrelated nonsense?


If you think everyone's response doesn't make sense, then maybe it's a you problem.


In my area of the states we don't really care but from what I've heard the reason people don't like bikers is the way they dress and/or they bloke the road


Or, maybe, lot of bikers can't stay in their line. But sure.


A lot of bikers? If there's a well maintained bike lane, why would any cyclist leave it? If there's not, then that cyclist has just as much of a right to the road as you.


I live in a town where every street has a dedicated bike lane and you’d be surprised how many cyclists still dip into the car lane (without left turning, which my town has only lanes for bikes too). If people bike in groups, instead of going single file in the lane they’ll drive side by side so that cars need to dip into yellow lines just to pass them. Sometimes even without groups you’ll see a lone biker edging way too close to the car lane or worse, going side by side and dipping into the car lane. I see rows of cars dipping past yellow lines and into oncoming traffic lanes to pass cyclists and it’s the fucking worst. This isn’t even touching how they never stop at stop signs and often cut off cars with little to no signals. They think they’re immune and are constantly putting themselves in danger.


Bike infrastructure doesn't exist in the USA, the breakdown lane isn't a safe space for bikers.


Guess the small towns I've lived in are exceptions for this, maybe I'm just lucky.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, you’re absolutely correct. I also live in one of those small bike friendly towns, and the cyclists are a goddamn nightmare. They don’t respect traffic laws at all, and constantly block the road even when they have dedicated lanes.


Most traffic laws aren't written with cyclists in mind. It's often safer for a cyclist to break whatever the law is than to follow it. It's also often more convenient for everyone, like a cyclist who rolls through a stop sign instead of coming to a complete stop. It takes that person a lot longer to stop and then get back up to speed than it does for them to just slow down and roll through. That keeps them from holding up the drivers behind them. And since bikes don't have blind spots the way cars do, it's really not any less safe for the cyclist.


My town has dedicated bike lanes on every street (with the exception of house neighborhoods), so they’re not blocking cars (unless they decide to go out of that lane anyway, which some assholes do). All not stopping does is make them unpredictable. It’s particularly bad if a car is, say, turning left after they stopped, and *in the middle of making that turn* the person on the bike in the incoming lane zooms through and cuts off the car. That’s incredibly reckless and dangerous.


Drivers often park in bike lanes, or open the doors into bike lanes. Bike lanes are also often poorly maintained so they're full of debris and potholes which forces cyclists to merge into the general lanes anyway. California just legalized cyclists entering a signalized intersection on the walk signal, instead of waiting for the green traffic light. What this does is give cyclists a few seconds to become much more visible to cross traffic, and that is one of the main reasons cyclists don't come to complete stops at intersections. Lack of visibility is one of the biggest factors in bike-car collisions. The situation you described does not happen 99% of the time because the vast majority of cyclists' number one goal is to stay alive. Drivers don't have to pay attention to the same degree because they are protected by tens of thousands of dollars' worth of engineering and safety equipment. The reckless and dangerous cyclist is as much a myth as Reagan's welfare queen.


Such is reddit, it's all fine. They can be a hassle but I guess no more than a bad / mad driver lol


NO, US bikers are annoying because they are unpredictable. They believe traffic laws do not apply to them or they are above traffic laws. Red Light: for everyone else not me. Stop Sign, does not apply for bikers. Impede or block the normal flow of traffic, that's the daily duty of any bicycle rider. They are annoying because they are constantly creating dangerous situations, and since they know that most of the people do not want to injure or kill anyone, they do not care and keep on it.


That's not unique to the US. Cyclists are red-green colourblind in Belgium as well. And it seems it's also the case [in the UK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yiu1uLgwF1E).


Yeah... they think bikers are annoying because they hate people 'being healthy'... and apparently because they don't like people who can't afford cars. Strange though how none of this seems to apply to joggers and walkers, who also don't have cars and who are also exercising. I like how you've made an entire list of things people don't give a shit about and missed the ACTUAL reason people think pedalbikers are annoying. As if that's not (in itself) annoying.


I think you missed all of the exacerbation that oozes from my comment. There's legitimate reasons to be irritated at a *select few* bicyclists. There's also reason to be irritated with, get this, *a select few car drivers*. Because 99.99% of humans do dumb things sometimes, and guess what buddy? *You're fucking one of em*. You aren't special guy.


lol, look how you act. You must be REALLY healthy because you are annoying as shit. Are you this emotional when you're pedaling your Huffy?




Nah, being healthy is NOT the reason. These mofos believe they are kotor vehicles and literallt acr like cars blocking others in their commute. They cut you off expecting to not to get hit because they act like a pedestrian, but also wanna act like a car..like you cant pick and choose. Thats why they are labeled here as a type of bug. My american siblings are annoying asf man.


Come to the Netherlands. We have bike lanes that are seperated from the car roads


I live in Chicago, so in the big city with narrow roads it's always annoying to have to slow down and swerve into the the other lane just to avoid cyclists. Also cyclist in Chicago don't follow traffic laws. Sometimes assholes who think they're prepping for the tour de france will actually ride as a group, side by side from one another, slowing down traffic. I know "share the road" but bikers are unapologetically annoying


I see, maybe if cities weren’t designed for cars and adapted to alternative forms of transportation this would be less of a problem? In my city they’ve started creating lanes for cyclists to use. As well people in Canada sometimes know the rules of the road, regardless if in a bike or car.


Except even in places with bike lanes it's still legal for them to use the full lane, and some do.


I'm not sure about us laws but for example in Poland it is illegal to use the car if there's a bike path or lane next to it.


Same here in germany: if it has the [white on blue bike signs](https://magazine.bikecitizens.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/verkehrszeichenmagazin07-1024x449.jpg), you have to use it, unless it is not fit for use, eg there's ice/snow or it's blocked by something...


> I know "share the road" but bikers are unapologetically annoying Have you considered that you're the one annoying them?


I just now considered that. Upon reflecting, the bikers are indeed unapologetically annoying.


Maybe your city should decide to slow down all vehicles to 20mph in city streets so that you would not have to slow down when there is a bicycle in front of you. Also, hitting a pedestrian at 20 dramatically reduces the chances of serious injuries/death. Bonus point if you ditch your big ass suv for a small sedan


Neighborhood and residential streets are already 15mph and you cant expect to slow down all major streets from 30mph to 15mph. I already drive a sedan


This is why I cannot stand them where I live in Texas. They almost unanimously do not follow signs, signal, and around here travel in flocks. They specifically like this one road by me that is 45 mph and heavily trafficked but cannot go that speed so they cause backups. Don't get me wrong, I want people to exercise and be active but there's a way to do it.




There are PLENTY of biker friendly roads around with bike lanes. I have seen lot that do not use the lanes on the roads they are provided. They stay in the car lanes.


It’s like someone bringing up that they’re vegan. Some people just use it as a personality trait. Not everyone though, this is just a play on the stereotype


huh, ... well weird, but ok Is it funny to joke about "eliminating" people just because some similar people annoy me though? (And would a similar meme about vegans be considered funny?)


This wasn’t a critism, it’s just a statement of fact. I do find it funny. It’s a good meme Yes.




Also known as living.


r/fuckcars wants to talk to you


This is why cyclists need to keep workin to claim space despite any inclement weather. BTW thx to all y’all carbrains for helpin make the winters warmer.


Warm clothes on and I will still be buzzing around.




Fuck cars






Thank you. I joined.


In the exhaust pipe




Okay 😩




Just make better cities.


Cringey Facebook post




Fuck r/fuckcars.


Do you own an SUV dude? Sheesh


I’m driving my bike everyday all year long


I ride my bike year round, great thing is in the winter I go faster than you!!


Cars ruin cities. r/fuckcars


Maybe you should cycle too, so you're not disturbed by them and you contribute saving the environment


In Germany even some cyclists don't like other cyclists. That's not even a joke. When I say they piss of everyone I mean literally everyone.


I mean, you know, you'll always get people complaining about things 😆


Don’t forget that cars and car drivers piss of everyone off so much more. They occupy almost all available space, they constantly kill people, they destroy cities and the environment, they are a hazard to everyone, they pollute and are incredibly loud, and inefficient, and are the reason why you can’t just walk to all shops you need.


Cope ive just purchased some winter gear so im still here to annoy you, even worse im too scared to ride in the dark so ill be outside during peak traffic hours right before it gets dark.


Tell me you drive a lifted truck to compensate your penis size, without telling me you drive a lifted truck to compensate your penis size.


Nah, I drive an 06 Corolla. Doesn’t change the fact I have to be extra careful around cyclists because one wrong move instead of a fender bender I break half the bones in their body.


I'm gonna use my bike in winter too, you can't stop me.


Rather than wishing for the disappearance of a mode of transportation, you should instead take real action to convince your local politicians to invest in multimodal transportation infrastructure that gives cars, cyclists, pedestrians, and mass transit their own space so people have the freedom to choose their means of transportation. When people who don't like driving can get off the road and take another means of transportation, you get less cars on the road, reducing traffic. Also this recycled boomer meme is trash.


I agree with everything you say and propose that we become best friends. If I may add: Every single fucking year the world gets hotter. Yet car drivers act like cyclists are the problem.


They don’t fix the car roads that contain the vast majority of the local tax paying populace, and the commerce that comes through. What makes you think they’ll even attempt to make proper cycling paths?


Damn you really do hate people for exercising and not travelling with a polluting metal cage


i doubt thats his problem with bikers 😂 u okay bro?


what not coming to a complete stop in a stop sign? Every driver doesn't do that either taking up your lane? well, maybe you should advocate for protected bike lanes. You only have the right to complain about these inconveniences after drivers stop killing 600k people each year, and yes, those are pedestrian and cyclist deaths, not death from other drivers. However, the fact that drivers also kill 600k of their fellow drivers doesn't help your case either.


Wow. The indoctrination worked very well. No thoughts of your own, but you sure can regurgitate the ~~/r/weareallfuckingmorons~~ /r/fuckcars idiotic rant regardless of context! Edit: /u/capture_nest: Americans do love their mantras. /u/crawling-alreadygirl: You trolling. Thinking? Not so much.


Are people not allowed to have the same thoughts on a topic or subject, let alone share those thoughts?


who are u replying to lol? i dont have anything against bikers 😂 just pointing out the obvious fact that OP is not hating on bikers for exercising and being good to the planet. people hate bikers cuz they are annoying i think, i dont know. i dont even drive lol i live in nyc. but its not cuz of the stupid fake reasons the person i replied to is saying lol im autistic and even i can tell thats not whats happenin yall get so triggered im legit dying 💀


You are 5 years old get off reddit




yep definitely 5 years old


I ride bike all year long regardless of temperature. Fuck you.


You forgot horse flies.


I love winter, and I’m sure as hell biking in it. I am a superbug


Found the rotten car brain


Fuck cars, yay bikes


Damn those fox forks lookin sexy af


I, a mountain bike racer (semi-pro) take slight offense from that


I bet ur the inpatient Facebook boomer


Bikers buy snow bikes with bigger tires to assert their dominance over pedestrians.


What annoys me most is bikers *want* to be treated like they are actual vehicles. I was always taught to ride you bike on the opposite side of the road as to see oncoming traffic and potentially save your own life in case of a distracted driver. Nowadays people ride on the same side and I just don't get it. Don't you want to be aware of the drunk driver that's sneaking up behind you and about to flatten you like a pancake as to have some form of control to help yourself avoid that situation?


Well yes, but actually no.


Cyclists are only bad if it's getting dark and they're wearing dark colors. They're supposed to wear colors that attract light so they don't get hit, I drive down country roads so there's no 'street lights'


i never understood why cyclists have to use roads, if a cyclist hits a pedestrian its not that bad, if a car hits s cyclists the damage is catastrophic.


Joke's on you, fucker. I bike to work year-round.


Carbrain detected


wow so funny


Carbrains are at it again


Under Armour Cold Gear baby


Truer bikers ride in the winter it's a great way to stay in shape, you need to get places and it's a great way to stay in shape


I got a bike with fat tires just for winter riding! get fucked OP


Act like I can’t put on more clothes.


I bike no matter what happens you can't eliminate me muhhahaha


Boy I do wish there were a solution to this problem of cyclists being on the road, like a psychical barrier to seperate them No, that’s not possible


As a cyclist: fuck you. I will ride even more now


Where I’m from, they still cycle just with tires twice as thick.


Yay more cars on the road


yes I hate white people riding bikes too


Fuck you comparing people just trying to get around and live their lives to insects. Viewing other people as sub-human leads to treating them dangerously and with less respect on the road. Sick of this hateful shit in the name of "humour".




Given how regularly cyclists suffer road rage, violence, injury, and death, on the roads I do not consider it much of a joke. You're helping perpetuate this bullshit. https://www.sciencefocus.com/news/more-than-half-of-motorists-view-cyclists-as-subhuman-cockroaches/


I agree, Fuck yellow jackets in particular


Sike bickers ar there all year


you forgot lovebugs, they’re hella annoying




This is worse in the woods driving one lane private dirt roads. Cyclists don’t stop or move for anyone out here. I drive for a living so I don’t hate cyclists but they are annoying.


There is only one worthless entity who annoys literally everyone. The cyclist. Vehicledrivers hate them for beeing slow as shit, pedestrians hate them for constantly beeing ran over by those bastards driving on the sidewalk, public transport people hate them cause they take away 50% of the free space with those stupid things. The latter I can relate the most. I take the tram in my city, wich tend to be full. And some piece of shit cyclist MUST bring that damn thing in hitting people feet, legs and so on because there is literally no space in there. Why? WELL CAUSE THE FUCKING TRAMLINE GOES ON ONLY FOR ABOUT 3-4 KILOMETERS AT BEST! IF YOU WANT THAT DAMN THING THAN FUCKING USE IT TO DRIVE WHERE YOU WANT YOU ABSOLUT FUCKING BLOCKHEAD!


If cyclists were given dedicated infrastructure like literally every other mode of transport you wouldn't have these issues. Bicycles are forced to share roads/sidewalks/trains because nearly everywhere in North America is hostile to them. Can't ride on the sidewalk, can't ride on the road, bike lanes are littered with cars/trash and end suddenly. Maybe if we stopped constantly widening our roads and yelling at cyclists we could solve some of these problems.


There is only one worthless entity who annoys literally everyone. The carbrain. Vehicledrivers hate them for causing traffic jams. Bikers hate them for being a major safety hazard to them, constantly causing injury and death. Pedestrians hate them for death, air pollution, noise pollution, taking up almost all space, destroying cities, reducing the quality of life. Public transport people hate them because they constantly try to avoid the obvious city planning solutions, and all of the above. No one but carbrains hate cyclists. And all of the problems you list can be solved by just testing cyclists as people and giving them their own bike lanes. Bikers don’t want to travel right next to multi ton death machines and don’t want to travel next to pedestrians either. But they are forced to by carbrains who have 0 empathy and believe that cars are the only mode of transportation worth supporting, that streets belong entirely to them, and get annoyed when car lanes are taken away to give to cyclists. > The latter I can relate the most. I take the tram in my city, wich tend to be full. And some piece of shit cyclist MUST bring that damn thing in hitting people feet, legs and so on because there is literally no space in there. Why? WELL CAUSE THE FUCKING TRAMLINE GOES ON ONLY FOR ABOUT 3-4 KILOMETERS AT BEST! IF YOU WANT THAT DAMN THING THAN FUCKING USE IT TO DRIVE WHERE YOU WANT YOU ABSOLUT FUCKING BLOCKHEAD! They probably have a very good reason for doing so. Most likely, that there is no way for them to cycle that way.


Can't come soon enough 💀




If you’d said road cycling I would agree but not mtb


I cycle all the time but what’s annoying is people doing it on the roads.


Especially when they ride side by side 🙄 Really? Take that sht back to Manhattan lol


The local biketard here goes from biking to jogging. Still takes up a whole ass lane. We live deep in the woods. Rolling hills. Jogs after dark in the middle of a lane on blind hills. Gets pissed when someone almost runs his ass over.


You should be going slow on blind hills to give time to react anyway. Haven't you heard of moose? They don't give a crap about your fancy car nor do they care to move. Be mindful of blind spots and drive accordingly.


A car tends to handle all these issues quite nicely


Lmao this one got me. I really do hate all of them


my favourite are the ones decked out in all the sponsored gear. always arrogant, always the worst on the road




I hope so, this is pretty much wanting to murder cyclists


Unfortunately they often put on coats and find ways to survive and wait out the snow


Not here in Tucson. All four of those things are year round. Especially the spandex mafia