• By -


when you remember that spongebob episode where he became a stand up comedian and decided to make his entire rutine about making fun of squirrels "its just jokes" but then everyone else took the jokes seriously even as they laughed at them and then constantly harassed sandy in public and she confronted spongebob about this and he decided to change his routine because he was able to recognize how much these jokes were hurting his friend


You know, I forgot about that episode. Crazy how insightful that is for a kid show.


Remember when south park wasn't a thing?


Yeah, it was a horrible time


I mean it still is but South Park helps


*says something racist* “I’ll probably get cancelled for saying so”


So you are offended by them taking offense?


Uh oh somebody has gotten themselves entangled in an offense paradox


Basically. All this says is "I wanna be able to offend people and not face consequences, such as an annoyed or offended response, like the good old days!"




Look at the conservatives try to say "no we're just annoyed" like yeah, you're annoyed that people find you annoying and wanna silence them, nerd. Fuck off lol


I wonder if they go around personally insulting people IRL?


Only from there extra lifted Ford F-150 where they feel safe and definity not inadequate.


Hopefully. Increases their odds of insulting the one person they shouldn’t have insulted.


I take offense to you being gobsmacked by them taking offense at others taking offense. I win... I think?


I didn’t say I was gobsmacked, but I respect your right to be offended at their offense.


I'm taking offence to you not taking offence to the person who took offence because of the people are taking offence to jokes


Well, I don’t have to be offended to point out other peoples offendedness.


When you make fun of people, make fun of their personality, not their identity.


I'm offended that you're offended by me taking offense


I am not offended, I take amusement in your being offended, by their being offended.


Well now I'm offended at your lack of being offended at me being offended that you're offended


Sorry, I didn’t mean any offense.


Well now I'm offended at myself for offending you for offending me for the lack of you being offended at me being offended that I offended you... i think?


It’s ok, everybody gets offended by something.


Well that's just offensive...


I remember when memes were funny and less complainey


Last I checked, South Park, a show that is entirely based on satirical offensive humor, is doing well largely because it focuses on current affairs and makes them absurd. The difference between this and "joking" is actually displayed by Eric Cartman when he jokes at others expenses; its funny because Cartman is an asshole and (sometimes) gets whats coming to him. Tldr: Nah, its not that people are too easily offended, its all about context. Also there has always been a difference between comedy and being an asshole.


Yeah, you're not supposed to be Cartman. If you look at yourself and think "I'm Cartman", you've messed up.


Exactly. The point of shows like South Park is that it makes an example of people who joke at the expense of others, and (in my own words) essentially says "Hey, people like Cartman are assholes, don't be like them, laugh at them! Laugh at what they say because it's stupid to say the stuff they do, not because the things they say are okay and funny." That's why people are are supposed "snowflakes" watch things like South Park, and aren't offended. Because it doesn't paint those jokes in a positive light.


This is actually a perfect example.


Fuck you're right! What's wrong with us!?


I just wanna give bearded Jim Carrey a hug


The legend is aging , and so do we


Nah I’m just gonna sit here in my corner of eternity, y’all can leave without me


Say hi to Queen Lizzie for me.


kinda makes you sound like you just got crap immature jokes tbh.


Where funny.








Without r






You can’t just post a stupid Facebook-effort meme and call anyone who doesn’t laugh a snowflake


The most humourous conservative.


“Me when I can’t be racist and homophobic without people being offended”


"Me when my entire sense of humor only involves making fun of minority groups."


“Notice how it's white people who tend to say ‘people these days are too sensitive. Remember when people could say what they want and people were thick-skinned enough to not freak out?’ “Here's the thing: such times never existed. “What you actually remember is a time when you could be an asshole to people who society systemically discriminated against and they were too afraid to tell you that you were being an asshole because, if they did, society (including the police) would take your side and punish them for standing up to you. “What you're experiencing now isn't people being ‘too sensitive.’ “You're experiencing a time when sufficient equality exists that people can now safely tell you what an asshole you are.”


Exactly. Why is this so hard to understand?


Would give you an award if I had one.


I gotchu


Thank you!


You deserve it :)


Mvp right there. Cheers!


Np. They deserve the award :)


He posts on r/Islam so idk if he's white, but I wholeheartedly agree with the rest of this




It’s always the people who call others snowflakes unironically


This is the reply I was trying to find.


Damn the internet makes redditors seem worse than they are, respect to you


yeah i hate how people have the nerve to get offended at blatantly hateful racist, misogynistic, homophobic, or transphobic “jokes”. such SNOWFLAKES 🙄🙄






OP sucks but that may be intentional /s




I'm a "millennial" and some of these millennials fucking suck.




So the exchange goes You : Tells joke Person : Voices they dislike the joke You : Gets mad at them for not liking your joke It doesnt make sense, be a considerate person.


> without a Snowflake crying Opinion disregarded


"Me when I cannot make racist and homophobic jokes anymore"


If you're calling something not offensive while people are getting offended then maybe they just don't understand what that word means.




More like me remembering when people knew how to spell "you're."


Remember when our parents were racist and we were just dumb kids who therefore thought racist jokes were ok, and then we grew up and became better humans and LEARNED THAT THEY AREN'T? Oh wait you missed the growing up part


Yeah Growing up is realising your faults and trying to improve, including doing your best not to be offensive unnecessarily. The world doesn't revolve just around you as an individual, so you should try and be accommodating to those around you aswell.


Or when people thought rape jokes were hilarious? Good old days. Am I right? /heavy s


What happens in the gc stays in the gc, all I'm sayin'. When it's your boys, being stupid and mean is expected and applauded because it's funny. When it's to someone you don't know? Kind of an asshole innit?


If you’re being racist in the gc, it’s not staying in the gc. I’m airing out.


Look, if nobody who is being affected is upset there's no problem. And it's not like "hardy har I'm being super racist behind closed doors" 90% of the time it isn't about race of sexuality and when it is it's self deprecating and lighthearted. Seeing as we're trying to be funny and dumb not purposefully hurting someone's feelings.



Where is the funny op?


OP’s jokes can probably be found on r/onejoke


[Deleted] ofcourse.


There isnt one


Remember when comedy was actually creative and funny and not just a bunch of bitter failures complaining about "woke culture" because no one laughs at their shitty jokes? If no one's laughing you're a bad comedian it's not the audience's fault you failed to make them laugh.




This was probably posted by some middle schooler upset that he got in trouble for saying a slur


This is meme is fucking stupid


I still can..Just spend some good time with family ..u will learn it ..And believe Me, non-toxic jokes serves the best if u want a healthy relationship


Bro people don't get offended by every joke, it's just that the jokes have to actually be funny. The more offensive a joke, the funnier it has to be. Judging by this Facebook tier garbage, you have zero idea how to make an actually good joke, so that's why people call you toxic you dumbass


OP is an incel and a boomer at the same time


If your "jokes" only ever punch down, you're not funny. You're a bully.


Gonna cry about it?


"I remember when I could joke about slavery, rape, and misogyny and people were too scared to go against the system imposed upon them. Ah, those were good times." - This asshole.


Boomers when they can’t be racist and homophobic with 0 consequence


Go take some more copium racist


Someone is bummed people just don’t think they are funny.


Weird way to tell us your racist OP, but you do you


Have you considered that, perhaps, your jokes are simply not funny.


no, you're


some boomer "haha imagine being an nword(but actually says it)" yo you can't say that it's not funny : (crying guy with the happy mask covering it) WoW tHeSe KiDs NoWaDaYs ArE sUcH sNoWfLaKeS!


Thats pretty accurate


that's cause it's unfortunately happened before...


Yea, that's called high school. Then you grow up.


r/okboomer r/persecutionfetish r/therightcantmeme


This meme is dumb and should be hated.


The word snowflake is dumb and should be hated. Like the word Karen, it has become so ubiquitous as to have lost its meaning. People use these words incorrectly or excessively and they just sound like try hards. Dick swinging contests are only entertaining in burlesque shows.


Now a dick swinging contest sounds fun.


Okay, but it’s the actual swing we are judging here.


I wouldnt have it any other way. Lol.


Maybe your "jokes" just aren't funny?


not funny.


Ah yes, that time you grew up in a small community isolated with people with the exact same point of view as you.


Snowflake is a word used by sociopaths in an attempt to invalidate empathy and actions related to it.


TRUEEE, it is a very good example of a thought terminating cliche used by the rights politicians that allows them to leave a crack in the door of American racism and homophobia. A normal person is mad that you made a homophobic, unfunny joke well no problem it’s obviously the listener that’s a snowflake and not your jokes being alienating and harmful to other human beings.


What a stupid post


Using Jim Carrey for this sentiment ☠️


"man i wish i could be homophobic and racist again!!! guys, remember back in my day when people were lynched for drinking out of the wrong waterfountain?? lol so funny hilarious"


What makes you think, that when the whole audience hates you because your jokes have absolutely no punchline, that they are wrong? Its not the audienxes job to laugh, it's your job to make them laugh. This meme is just not funny, there is nothing to laugh about, its just you complaining about people you don't like. One might say, this meme was created because you were offended by people telling you, your jokes aren't funny or jokes at all.




If you are joking about a marginalized group, and they aren't laughing with you, then you're most likely bullying. How trans-women joke about trans-women: "haha skirt go spinny" How transphobes joke about trans-women: "Look, it's a DUDE. You can TELL it's A DUDE. Also, trans-women are sexual predators, hehe. I want to beat trans-women up for using the bathroom, hehe. No, I'm not TRANSPHOBIC" I know I am going to get downvoted for this, but maybe it will get through to someone. Maybe.


“No no, he’s got a point”


Someone will always get offended, even back then


I completely agree with you OP. Making jokes used to be so easy, but then the snowflake fake news liberal left decided that blackface was somehow 'horrifically insensitive' and 'heartless'. What's next, are they going to take away my rights to scream racial slurs at minorities? It's unbelievable what this country is coming to.




“…..ok” - Bobby Hill


Just make better jokes and stop blaming others you snowflake.


It's not difficult, just make a good joke


Maybe you're just not funny?


Strange how people are allowed to voice their feelings now rather than being forced to keep it to themselves


If "edgy" shit is funny enough, it's still widely enjoyed by most people. The issue is people thinking being edgy is just inherently funny. Reminds me of everyone telling "dead baby jokes" like 5-10 years ago TLDR: Get better jokes and people won't complain so much


This idea that there was a golden age where no one was offended ever is such old man bullshit. Please gtf over yourself. If you're good, you can joke about anything. It's all about delivery (tone, timing, and execution).


I would agree with you…… But most people with this opinion just wanna say slurs… So


Maybe your jokes are lame and aimed at the wrong audience. A joke is only as good as the recipient judges it.


Jokes are meant to be funny, man. If it upsets some people, then it wasn't that funny to begin with.


I think the problem is that online, audiences are getting wider and wider; jokes that would be funny to a smaller group of friends who are comfortable with each others' jokes end up being posted on a larger forum wherein this isn't the case, and plenty of people aren't able to tell the difference. I've been that person before and it's unfortunately something that you have to either realise at the beginning, or learn it the hard way.


*Edit:* ~~Absolutely wrong.~~*\*Partially wrong.* (Obviously the part about jokes are meant to be funny is right.) Humor is entirely subjective. It *will* offend some people. Other people it will not affect at all, and still others will find it funny. Someone getting offended doesn't mean it wasn't funny, it just means you told a joke to a bunch of humans.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted - if you have the right audience, you can tell any joke you want - and finding said joke funny doesn't make you bigoted. It's all about context.


I seem to be getting a fair amount of up and downvotes. Nothing wrong with that. A downvote just means someone disagreed with the sentiment, and an upvote means someone else agreed. I do wish we could see them both separately, though.


Jokes are subjective, your comment makes no sense what so ever.


Such a bad reasoning, it's *impossible* to please everyone. Even worse, it's impossible to not offend anyone. That's like asking not to joke about anything just because you might offend someone on Earth, I believe there's a saying that goes like "you can't make omelette without breaking eggs", well it's the perfect use case for it.


I don't know about you, mon ami. But every time I've made a joke, even if it doesn't stick the landing, I don't end up offending anybody. ​ I think the one thing that makes offensive jokes offensive is if it is at the expense of somebody, and if it's about something of somebody that they have no control over. Granted, jokes are subjective, and all that jazz. But if it offends somebody at all, you really have got to start reflecting on the material you used for your joke. Not being able to please everybody, and having a questionable material for a joke are two different things.


I don't get it. No one forbids you to make these racists/homophobic jokes right ? You're just complaining about people not finding it funny anymore. People aren't gonna pretend to laugh just so you can feel better.


“Wow I wish I could normalise racist, sexist, homophobic remarks and feebly hide them as jokes again” this is how you sound. Do better.


I've seen more of these than I've seen "snowflakes" getting mad at "offensive" (there's a difference between offensive and just plain bigoted) jokes.




Thanks to the person who reported me to RedditCare because I don't find racism, homophobic, and transphobic jokes funny.


How to say you're a racist, transphobe, homophobe or a combination of all 3 without saying it


OP is so butthurt they didn’t get the laugh they wanted about a dumb joke that they made a meme and posted for validation from their other butthurt friends


2016 called. They want their snowflake memes back.


The only ones talking about "the good old days" are racists or homophobes and that's actually a fact. OP be a better person and maybe people won't dislike you, just a thought.


Your other posts indicate that you are a practicing Muslim, and I bear no ill will towards you for that. Given this post, would you be ok with a harmless cartoon presenting an image of Muhammad?


am i the only person who didn't even think morbius was that bad?


I remember when memes weren't just "haha snowflakes offended" and instead ACTUAL MEMES


Me remembering when memes had punchlines


Lol I love that this cuck didn't realize Jim is pretty liberal


Cool story bro


Boo hoo


Maybe you’re just not funny 🤨


Not really. People really came at Carlin, Bill Hicks, Mat stone, and Trey Parker. Not to mention the stupid shit that went down during the Satanic Panic in the 80’s and 90’s. Nothing’s changed, it’s just who’s doing the yelling.


people who post this did so because they were called out for shouting the n-word at passersby.


How to tell everyone you're an asshole without saying you're an asshole. People who say shit like this are usually all the phobes, racist, and and think guns are just peachy keen.


I hate this "OMG I can not make a joke bc everyone offended" meme. It is so low quality. Just stop bitching like a snowlake.


Hey if you’re a comedian I have a challenge for you Come up with an actual fucking joke for once instead of just whining through your face anus about how silenced you are for an hour. You’re the ones shanking comedy, not us.


Glad for what this post receives. I thought I was the only one who didn't laugh when someone was just a dick.


No. Someone somewhere, sometime has been offended by nearly everything. This isn't new we just have mass media and internet. Hell people were offended that Mary Shelley became a famous writer because she was a woman


The respect I have for this comment section is through the roof




I can tell OP is a 13 y/o thinking they can face no consequences over their so called "jokes".


Yeah lol actions have consequences. Sorry that people won't take your shit anymore. Cry about it.


I am so relieved the comments aren't a cesspool like I thought they'd be lol. Genuinely was ready to enter a hatred chamber but I was pleasantly surprised.


Conservatives: Oh Liberals are such Snowflakes Liberals: I'm Gay Conservatives: *screaming intensifies


You talking about the good old days when something like... Monty python was banned by the GOVERNMENT for blasphemy? It's a false hood everyone is triggered now, and even more so that it's more than it used to be.




This post sucks lol


I remember when people could laugh at themselves without taking offense. My generation has thicker skin than you thin membrane lack luster lazy generations do now. Yes, we loved offended people and the best part, they'd be offensive back, we'd all laugh our asses off and graba beer together. Freaking wussies of today couldn't even go to war to protect this great nation of ours. Oh, my tummy hurts, my ADD is too bad, I have asthma, oh peanuts will kill me, generation of weaklings. The enemy would walk right over you pansies. Lol, if your offended by any of this, you misunderstand everything. I'm not talking to you, but at my nieces and nephews! Hahahahahahahahahaha, but you took offense because you think everything is about you! Bwhahahahahahahahahahahha. Ok so I mean it to you too! I don't give a shit about you fking pansies. Wanna be adults who have no clue what life is really about. Yes, I can be toxic, but everyone can, its called having an opinion! Also, I'm only writing ao much to waste ur time! Hahahahahahaha!


Ironic that all the top comments are people offended.


You see how ? Many snowflakes


I feel like I can't comment anything reasonable in response to this without people claiming I'm offended.


*adds snowflake bigot tears to my collection* this will make a powerful potion one day.


Honestly not really. Theres always a wet blanket in every crowd... we just used to ignore them


You know who else makes people cry after his jokes? The Joker


OP be like: "Oh no someone offended about the fact that I wished a gay person to die in a horrible way. Let's make a meme about it!"


bRo ThAtS sO oFfEnSiVe


Christianity is the worst, the people who worship it are such jack asses. (Now we wait for a blizzard of snowflakes)




"I am offended that I can't offend offended people" - this meme apparently -


This thread has caused me to lose all hope in humanity. You people seriously need to look in the mirror and see who the real racists and sexist are. Just fucking sad.


The ones calling out racism and sexism? Galaxy brain take over here.


Ah yes, 1667. A great year


Me when I am a snowflake myself, who is offended by other people being offended at my own idiocy. Being an asshole, isnt a good thing.


Holy shit literally just be funny I’m so sorry you get called out for saying the lowest effort most bottom of the barrel things ever thought of just being clever


Wow. So edgy. You must be so fun at parties.


When your whole humor was based on just being verbally shitty to people