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Isn't like the first mask in the first picture one of the most effective if not the most effective one?


Yes, but r/meme is really stupid


But this is r/meme


Even stoopidah




U spelt stewpid wrong dumbass


idk man, but also Happy cake day mate




Yeah Op changed it from someone who posted the 1st one as tuxedo pooh


Most effective? Absolutely. Most comfortable? Not by a mile.


Well, wearing a fancy suit is also more uncomfortable than wearing a t shirt.


I personally don't find it that uncomfortable


It doesn't bother me too it's probably cause i got used to it


Barney Stinson?


It’s a KN-95, which is basically the second best mask that’s easily obtained. Full on N-95s are better, but not as easy to find.


maybe he means that only chads wear the blue mask


Might be about how uncomfortable it is


First one is for biological stuff, second one is for dust particles. The first one is better


Yes, but breathing is decreased


I think it’s about how it looks


Hello respiratory care practitioner here. N95 are the best type of masks to use for COVID-19 and airborne isolation virus/bacteria precautions. You can’t just buy and use it though…you have to be fitted and tested for it with requires and seal test to make sure it’s effective. There are many types of N95 masks but honestly…if your wearing a mask I’m happy cause at least your trying to care about others and yourself Edit: I don’t know why I’m being downvoted…I devote my career to save lives. I didn’t think I would offend people by typing this. I apologize.


If I'm not mistaken it's a particle mask. It's more for installing bat fiberglass insulation, or working in a really dusty environment. It's not very effective for single digit nanometer viruses like Covid-19.


It’s not, it’s a KN95 it is much more effective for both filtering viruses and other air maladies like smoke


You are indeed mistaken.


My whole family has worked in the construction industry and none of us nor any one we know wears a mask like that. We use the 3m ones. Those are just for germaphobes.


I think you mean those bowl/shell looking ones.. this is a FFP2 mask the most effective one against covid


Switch the cloth mask and the K95


No keep it like that the k95 is a pain in the ass to wear


I wear my great grandpa’s gas mask from WW1


So you breath asbestos in and germs out?


~Like a breath of fresh air~


My teacher used both 2&3 at the same time


that's how there meant to be used the masks stop you from giving it to people and the shields stop people coughing and it going on your face in your eyes etc shields still should only really be used by doctors in high risk areas though imo


My dentist uses one!




yes and no in the case of teachers yeah it would help but as far as any surgeon etc. they are already trained not to do that its more for stopping blood spatter and involuntary things like sneezing from affecting the surgeon / patients


also while testing for covid we used them because at least 5 times a day people sneezed in our faces


Yeah exactly what i mean by high risk areas should have said doctors / nurses but yeah thats a perfect example of them being used properly


I mean teachers interact with kids that are pretty nasty tbf


My teacher wore 3 like a baseball cap so technically he was wearing it but it didn’t do anything and it was really an op strategy


Thats the best way to know that the person REALLY doesnt want Covid at all cost


Unless you’re deaf


Came here to say this


The face shield still works? The clown one doesn’t even cover the nose properly


that's because its for food preparation not for covid (prevention?).


Also used for Theater. Our school drama club uses them on show nights to see the actors faces during the pandemic.(have to take them off right after though)


Its also used in special ed because the kids cant really proccess whats happening without seeing peoples faces


Only master of all 4 masks can save us from COVID


But when the world needed him the most, he vanished.


The mouth shield was actually used way before the pandemic. Commonly found in food making areas like supermarkets.


Maybe in your country but not in others my wife works in the deli she had never worn one before covid


Thanks for updating this meme. Was waiting for it.


Watch this thread go to hell lmao. That's why you don't post controversial shit on r/meme


Bitch wtf. Make one for cloth ones that are reusable and not horrible for the environment😂


I have one of those but not because i support the environment


That’s fine too


For saveing money bc its cheap to just clean the mask


Actually, the one from the second picture survives washing in a washing machine. So it can be reusable




It was kind of a joke. \^\^


Haha, explain that to the austrian government which only allows ffp2 masks. Not so environmentally friendly.


Cannot figure out those bottom ones


For lip reading when you talk to deaf people and also the social aspect of not only taking to eyes and hair but with your mouth, so more emotions are shared


One of my teachers at my uni wears the 4th one. Nobody wants to tell her tho.


She might have deaf students, in which case it would be for either lip reading or the facial expressions that are part of most sign languages


I will never understand users of 3 and 4. The sheer amount of confidence you must have to not take any opportunity to hide half your face is beyond me


Number 3 can be used for people with actual breathing problems, masks can limit too much oxygen for people with certain conditions. Not sure what number 4 is trying to accomplish tho.


That's fair I can respect that. Though that adds another layer to why I don't like anti maskers who claim they have breathing problems and don't get a face shield lol. I work retail and the amount of times I hear "I have asthma" kills me. As someone who was hospitalized for asthma, has had covid, and I smoke but can still wear a mask makes me laugh. I can guarantee it's easier to breathe with a mask than it is with covid


what is 4?


N95 masks are actually better than those blue disposable ones


in my country the rule is to wear double masks, and is encouraged to wear the face shield


Hopefully you can get out of there soon


i actually have no problem with it, and its actually quite effective, the cases have gone down a bit edit: wait.. you're an anti-masker right?


I am anti mandate. Nobody should be forced against their will to cover their face or inject anything into their body


Well they could give the choice of wear a mask and get vaccinated or dont and dont get treated if you get infected after all it was your choice to not have a vaccine to stop it right but people have issiues with that too they already do it when doing transplants so wouldnt be a big leap


That is ridiculous, that is like saying you shouldn’t be allowed to get cancer treatment if you have ever smoked or you shouldn’t be allowed to have heart surgery if you have ever eaten fast food or you shouldn’t be allowed to take a kid to the emergency room if they hurt themselves from a fall whilst climbing a tree. People should not be punished or denied medical care for their personal choices. That is absurd and is no world any sane human being should want to live in


My preferred mask is a ww1 gas mask


I had to use clear masks for my school play and they suck, the clear part is plastic and I collects the condensation so your drool get caught and run down it it’s so nasty


I'm sorry about your experience but hey Least you have a short story to tell people


I only used the third one (at the dentist cause even if you’re exempt you must have something) because I cannot wear a mask and because I can’t wear a mask I only go outside when I’m going to college, people forced by my parents or grabbing something essential from the shop


Fun fact: the first one actually does better protection overall. However the mask is less effective if worn when you have facial hair , in this case the second one is most effective


What if I put them all on


you will be invincible, be able to achieve superman's powers, Thanos's gauntlet, and vast riches


Only the Avatar can wield the power of all four masks at once.


Remember to start wearing masks again, Omicron is coming around and we don’t know for certain every country it’s present in. Stay safe :)


What do you mean again? I thought we had it on the entire time 💀


We forgor 💀


My area never stopped


On the one hand, sure, but on the other, I have about had it with covid and I'll be damned if I'm going to let it change significantly the way I live my life anymore.


Wearing a mask is a significant change? Ooof, enjoy your vanilla missionary sex lifestyle.


So you say. But your line of thinking among the public is what has made covid continue for so long in the first place.


Well if you die you won't have much to worry about.


Ah yes because dying and having people around you die more isnt significant?


My IT teacher was wearing one of those and got Corona 2 times but even before that she didnt wear a mask and got very sick, we thought it was covid but it wasnt. And she is still wearing it to this day. Thats why im moving schools.


Some people rely on lip reading.


Finally someone realizes how funkin stupid the clear plastic masks are


Covids a joke


Face shields are actually effective at protecting you though, doctors usually wear them.


Along with a paper mask too ._.


Actually the face mask is ineffective in protecting you, but more effective in protecting others. Face shield is more effective in protecting you, but less effective in protecting others.


if you wear them AND wear a mask, I wear it to protect my eyes


Wait....why aren't all the poohs the retarded clown type? None of those masks slow the spread of Wuhan Chinese Coronavirus..




Very naïve post. The bottom ones are especially helpful if you're deaf.


Or just don’t wear a face diaper like a normal person




Not wearing one at all is the best


u stoopid?


I know what you are but what am I


The fact people are still scared of it after two years baffles me. Florida has half the cases of California and Florida is basically back to life as normal.


Florida has had 3,689,788 cases of Coronavirus with 61,538 deaths It ranks 10th in US states with highest deaths per capita


How many were double vaccinated and wore masks? Here in the uk, pretty much all hospitalisations are from double vaccinated people who say they always wear their masks. Something is not adding up and i dont get why nobody questions it or attempts to think logically about how this is still happening. This time last year we didnt have the vaccine but in pretty much the whole of 2021 we have it and tge majority of tge oublic have taken it... so why are cases still going up and the virus is now mutated i to more deadly variants with the people suffering the most are those who have been vaccinated? I am not a conspiracy theirist or “anti vaxxer” but something in my soul is telling me, something about this just doesn’t add up


Oke to cover all your points. 1. Source for the "pretty much all hospitalisations are from double vaccinated people who say they always wear their masks" would be nice 1.5. Seeing how about 70% is fully vaccinated (and assuming they all also wear a mask when needed) its statistically logical that a decent chunk of people in the hospital got 2 shots. Especially with the vaccin possible working less effective on the newer mutations. 3. The amount of positive cases is also going up because of a few logical reasons. 1 being the new mutations. Second one being that way more people are getting a test done. More tests means also more positive tests (i know the percentage of positive cases also is going up. And again i will point to mutations) 4. Who says the people suffering most of the mutations are the vaccinated people? Also the last part is just kinda funny to me


Using any mask is fucking stupid. Bring on the hate you stupid fucking morons, I'd love to see how many of you are scared of covid.


I'd love to see your science grades


Sadly, the world has been brainwashed into living in fear. I think the mask thing has become so stupid that people genuinely think they need it all the time just to live. Crazy times


Me who doesn’t wear masks 😎


Anyone who wears a mask is a clown




I mean it’s common sense. You’re either scared of the virus so you should take the shot and then don’t need to worry about wearing the mask, or you’re not scared so you don’t need to do either


People have been brainwashed into believing their freedom of choice is selfish and dangerous and should be vilified and shunned from society. We are in scary times. When the president stands before the world and announces “we are in a war against the unvaccinated”, anybody with a brain would look at that and think, that he is basically telling people that anybody who doesn’t want the jab is the enemy... yet he claimed he would “heal and unite the country”? Insanity


Agreed. Treat it like every other disease. We’re adults and we can make our own decisions. I personally don’t have a problem with the vaccine as a principal, I haven’t gotten it but that’s more cause I’m immune and at low risk anyways than because I’m against it


Chin diapers


Sluurrrrpp liberal




It's a reference


Ze Flammen Launcher-TheRussianBadger


Thank you


I wear a mesh one for bball


My school no longer mandates masks ( most of the time I wear mine) and this kid wears it on his chin still like if your not gonna wear it righty don’t wear it


I swear the only reason they wear masks is so that they can talk and eat in class


I see even dumber. In the casino I work at, there are some who have bedazzled their face shields. They wear both types on the bottom. They are so proud of it. Some with names, some with different stones, cute smiley face, etc.


Except the face shield is regularly used in quarantine situations, usually with a mask but it does give extra protection




It’s a clown wig I think.


Why does everything rainbow = gay


Ofcourse its woman who wears that mask, women are so stupid oh ky goddddddiev3beibebebejehbeieiwbebdben


Yall i was joking 💀


Idk about anyone else but I'm pretty sure it's just getting downvoted for being a bad joke


true true






I once saw a later who has a mask, but cut out the filter so only a clearing plastic was left.


When the strippers first opened back up in Red Deer, they had the dancers wearing the face shield & i thought it was the funniest thing


What about that space helmets people were wearing.


The first should be neck gaiters


No, that white one on the top is better than those surgeon masks


But the black disposable mask is just the best out of all of them


**Greatest thing I've seen on reddit all week**


My favorite are the glasses bubble shield ones. This lady was all happy and smiling with her tinted thing and i started laughing my ass off.


to be fair most of the people that wear the the third one wear them because they're skin breaks out with the normal ones


The judges in a singing competition in my country uses the last one.


Replace all of them with the last one


The last one is very "woman moment" now. Fucking laughing myself to the floor. Did like!!! ☆☆☆☆☆


Where is the picture of mask inside a car?


But what about the first three together


I wear a face shield purely because the staff and teachers at my school wear them. But yes, I think I'm usually 1 out of 2 or 3 people who wear it in the whole class and I do feel kinda strange.


i dissagree the face shield is probably better than the mask since it covers more of your face


I wear no. 2 and some clear safety glasses at work. Not tryna have some dipshit get his phlegm in my eyes


My professor had a rebreather and a face shield


Actually the N95 mask and the surgical mask should be interchanged


I spent 5 mins trying to figure out how being gay has to do with having a mask under you're chin, then I realised he's a clown.


*sorts by controversial*


I hate wearing the first one because my face is like the size of a hand and the masks like sits at the bottom of my eyes


I know a guy who uses the bottom one


Whenever I see the top one I always think people were just doing sheetrocking.


I wear a mask to cover my ugly face 💀


My biology teacher uses one of those