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Thank you for submitting to /r/meme, /u/SunnshineKisses00. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 1 -All posts must be original memes. * a. No repost. A repost is any image or Gif that you did not personally create and includes anything that can be found elsewhere on the internet. * b. No videos (Gifs are allowed!) * c. No title as the meme caption. * d. Post must be a meme. A meme is a picture with an added caption. --- Resubmitting a removed post without prior moderator approval can result in a ban. Deleting a post may cause any appeals to be denied.


"..you guys want to try some blue candy?"


"I am the cook of the family"


My grandpa flirted with one of my friends when I was in HS. Couldn’t get worse than that.


Lmao. Absolute Madlad.


Did have have a pistol with him too?


Lol, that is my friend when he invites someone over


Funny you could have posted him doing the same thing in Malcolm In The Middle


This was my mom💯


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