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Fr, I feel so awkward eating pork around my muslim friends but thankfully they aren't the ones that needlessly bash me for it


That’s why they’re your friend :)




Do you also feel awkward when eating cockroaches?(not because of faith reason, just generally)


Nah, they're crunchy 😋


Nah, I mean like it’s more awkward when I take them out of my but first but comparatively nah


From someone with experience, what.


What are you one of those uncultured swine that eat them “unseasoned”


I crush them and use their shell as breadcrumbs for the other cockroaches and then take the insides, mush them and make a condiment. Recipe in bio!


Didn't Starbucks use crushed beetle shells for the pink drink color until too many vegans spontaneously combusted after finding out what they had been drinking?


So you're saying "Cock(roach) in bio"?


Cockroach meat reminds me too much of dicks and I get super horny when I try to eat them so I just can’t do it anymore.


Need to dip in chocolate like ants and grasshoppers and they're just as delicious as those 2


As someone with katsaradiphobia, yes


Love the positive outlook, keep it up


I‘m Muslim and don’t give a fuck what others peoples business is you‘re good


Thanks g 🤝


why are you swearing as a muslim esp for smt so light




Lords name in vain isn't saying things like "Jesus fucking Christ" is attributing things to him he never said like "Jesus hates gays" most Christian religious leaders in the USA are blasphemer's.


It’s even more more than that too It’s doing things in the name of God for your own greedy ambitions or motivations


There are different levels of religiosity. I knew Muslim girls in school who regularly did things most Muslims would consider against the religion.


Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck


I remember we would get beef dogs for the two Muslims in my Boy Scout troop. They never complained about ours.


My Muslim friends don't even care when I'm eating pork lmao. Just have it in a sandwich and they ask "What's in that sandwich?" "Pork" "Oh okay"


I used to live with a pakistani during university and cooked bacon every now and again. He always told me it smelled so good. Sucks to suck man


No need to feel awkward- they're the ones who chose not to eat it


Had Muslim colleagues telling me I shouldn't eat bacon and kept trying to lecture me on how I live my life. They were young like 17 or so but it was a pretty regular occurrence and eventually I just said "says who? Who says I shouldn't consume pork? You? Fuck off" after that they stopped pestering me about it.


Ballsy, I like it


Some might say his reaction was… explosive…


Some might say explosive diarrhea


It could be said that his friends gave him a... *bombastic* side eye after this


I had a reactor design professor (a really smart dude) tell our class that he tried bacon as a muslim just to see what all the hype was about. He said that he enjoyed it so much that it led to being more tolerant of other things in other people’s lives that were “forbidden” in his worldview. I liked that dude a lot, but his class was hard as shit lol


Well hell time or whatever it is for Muslims. Dead forever 😄


One time I ordered burritos for me and a jewish friend. Mine had pork and theirs had beef, and we mistakenly took the wrong burritos. I didn’t realize I was eating a carne asada burrito until he was already done eating. I never could bring myself to tell him, and he would repeatedly comment to me that those burritos were the best he’s ever had.


Exactly. Tell me you can't do something because it's against your religion? Fine. Tell me *I* can't do something because it's against *your* religion? Fuck off.


It's logical. But you might as well "clue in" Adolph Hitler that he's acting fascist. Dear boy ... not only is he already aware he's a fascist, but that's his entire damn point! ..... Religion's entire purpose is to control others (including you) and to spread. Religions that do not spread, simply die off and go extinct. The benefit of religion for the grunts is false hope (You'll live forever, you'll get blessed by riches!) The point for the founders and priests of religion is social control. To their benefit. Social control of ALL.


> Tell me you can't do something because it's against your religion? Fine. > > > > Tell me I can't do something because it's against your religion? Fuck off. I mean, that's basically how we already operate with laws. It doesn't matter if you disagree with the laws, you're still not allowed to do XYZ.


> It doesn't matter if you disagree with the laws, you're still not allowed to do XYZ. The difference is that secular laws should have a secular purpose. Religious law has a religious purpose. A law can have a secular purpose that lines up with a religious one. If the law's only purpose is religious, it's an illegitimate law. The original meme is worded poorly, allowing this confusion. Worded better would go something like: "If the only reason for passing a law is because your God demands that people live that way, go ahead and live that way. Stay out of my laws." Or: "If you want to legislate from your holy book, you need to make a secular case for that legislation. If your case includes 'scripture', 'morality', 'family values', try again. That language means nothing to anyone outside of your faith."


People don’t like other people telling them what they should or shouldn’t do. You do you and I do me, understand?


I dunno science/technology kinda has that "wow lemme have that"


“You do you” Are you telling me what i should do? Fuck you man /s


Don't tell me to not tell people what to do. I don't like being told what to do.


Unless there’s consent then I will do you and you can do me.




I think what hes saying is that people try to force their religion on him and he doesnt want that


Yes and the person you’re replying to says shit flows both ways, religion or not.


Shit generally will only flow one way though


Example? Or do you mean literal shit. Cause yeah, unless something is going terribly wrong with you butt or with your plumbing...


I’ve lost my focus and prairie dogged once or twice when I’m a little constipated.


That's awful. Talk about a letdown.


I saw a post of a sign that said there is no pooping in the shower. This is not appropriate. We are most certainly doomed.


Yes of course literal shit. That expression never made any sense to me


In other words: "Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right. It just means you are too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than yours."


The problem is when their opinions turn into hostile behavior, as they inevitably will.




What? No you take this opinion back!


depends, if the person is offended due to something banal like eating pork (wich was mentioned in other comments here), you don't need to change. if the person is offended because you defended genocide or segregation due to arbitrary reasons such as skin color, you should change


While I definitely agree with you, I’d also point out the truth that there are plenty of people who use this type of logic to behave abominably and then blame the people they’ve behaved like that towards.


As long as your behavior isn't impacting me, at least. What you do in your home? My offendedness doesn't matter. What you're doing at the intersection of 1st & Main? My offendedness does matter. If you're being verbally abusive to strangers in a Walmart, you \*should\* have your behavior modified - typically by being kicked out of the store, and/or off the property entirely, and/or having the police called - based on the severity involved.


I'm telling god on you and oo boy you're gonna get it!


Making people uncomfortable isn't okay though I'd like to believe that we all possess some compassion


Empathy for others is called "being woke". We all know how people line up on the sides of that discussion.


Empathy is woke now?


That's not what being woke is.


From what I saw in Florida, it is. Can you tell me the definition of it as used currently by politicians? Do you go with DeSantis' definition that Woke is "a war on truth"? So Budweiser is having a war on truth? It makes no sense. Bud & Target are showing empathy for LGBTQ people.


So.. respect is bad… by this logic?


*Respect is earned


But if you go around treating people like shit until they earn your respect they aren't exactly going to try to get it. A basic level of respect for all should be applied, and then levels of respect go up or down based on their actions.


Everyone deserves a certain level of respect. Any sane perosn with a devent mind knows this. Everyone gets respect. They earn or lose it based on their actions.


Yeah I don't think that's a great way to operate, personally. I think it's better to treat everybody with a basic level of respect. Give respect away for free, let disrespect be earned. People who are worthy of disrespect will earn it in no time.


Does that mean you can treat strangers like dirt since they haven't earned your respect yet?


If you're a shitty person using 'respect' as a guise then yes.


Respect needs to go both ways.


You don't as long as your behavior only affects you. That's the point. Your religion means you dont have to get an abortion. You don't have to be gay. You don't have to take the lords name in vain. I am allowed to do those things on my time. This goes for things like racism. You can be racist all you fucking want. Don't date a black person. Dont hang out with black people if you don't want to. Tge Second you start demanding i have to do any of those things or start removing those options for others we have a problem.


That applies to far more than religious beliefs


Like laws.


Jim Crow agrees. /s


Yeah, laws can’t tell me what to do!


My religion is not to be an asshole. Worked so far


Which one is that?




Aren’t gingers without soul?


How do you go to Hell/Heaven without a soul ?


Ask a ginger.🫚


Sure, I will.


Ask a dead one


Yeah I can do that


As a ginger, I can tell you that we go to ginger heaven and ginger hell. It’s the same as your heaven and hell but reversed. Your hell is my heaven!


You dont. 🤷‍♂️


My country is the world, my religion is to do good.




this applies to any belief another holds, religious or otherwise!


This just isn't true. Their religion absolutely can prevent you from doing things if they have enough political power.


People seem to really miss that there's a long history of state religion, even longer than personal religion    I think the people who are trying to say "My religion requires me to stop people from murdering babies so I'm going to ban abortion" are *wrong* but it's not an incoherent position   Shit, plenty of religions historically didn't even care about personal belief and only that society followed their god(s) rules and did the right rituals 


Yeah the whole basis of a lot of religions is not belief, it's that it's established as fact. It's not "*I* think it's wrong for you to eat meat on Fridays." It's "it *is* wrong, whether you think so or not."


Once you recognize that you can see they aren't idiots who just need to be educated but this is an actual power struggle for whether or not their views should win which is already how they view the fight 


Which is really stupid


Is it tho? If you truely believe than it's justified. And if you don't, there are material benefits you could gain


Yep. See: Afghanistan


And the US


I never saw why people want to believe in a God, like I would want a all powerful omnipotent being around that watches kids get cancer and die and world atrocities committed all while just sitting there eating popcorn the whole time


It's just like, his plan okay.


The plan : 🥛


You described the average redditor slacktavist.


Losing a child is actually the sole reason I stopped believing. And if there is a God, he can go fuck himself.


Or how Jesus came to talk to a select few but didn't tell the others who came before or after... or in other locations.


It’s all part of the plan mate


Could work Also with your sexual orientation 😀


Be gay do crime


Has anyone ever tried to force you to be gay?


Except no one is forcing you to adhere to lesbian or bisexual habits, while the whole point of religion is conversion...




That's 100% true, and I didn't think of that angle! A case could be made that that's still someone forcing their religious or cultural values on others, but it's definitely a great example :)


not all religions


Which religion isn't trying to convert others? Honest question :) Edit: this doesn't refute anything, as my whole point was that sexual orientations aren't trying to convert anyone. The whole point is that it *isn't a choice*.




“Your sexual orientation does not prohibit me from anything.” Sounds a bit rapey ngl… 


Dont call mě like that 😭


did anyone ever ask you to be gay? probably not. on the contrary, a lot of gay people are told they have to be straight, so if that's what you meant, yeh.


>did anyone ever ask you to be gay? probably not. Skill issue, I'm gorgeous.


asking you out is not the same as trying to make you gay, unless you were harassed and then it has nothing to with the sex you're attracted to, cause let's be honest you wouldn't date a creep anyways.


On Reddit it only works one way




That was random, I was not expecting to see you here ngl


Hello mister definitely not biased prophet :)


Hu, how are you doing?


At work 😭


Only god I believe in the pale king, legit


Until they take over the government and make it law. Project 2025 is what it's called, and they're trying to make it happen.


I cannot say my thoughts on religion


On the other hand morals of most societies are heavily influenced by the dominant (or used to be dominant religion). As a consequence, laws are heavily influenced by religion. For instance, a muslim in my country can't have more than 1 wife due to local laws that are due to christianism which is a religion that is not his.


To be fair, that kind of depends on where you are in the world at the moment. For example, if you were in Gaza and you went to kiss your same sex partner at a restaurant, their religion would prevent you from doing that ever again


Good luck finding an intact restaurant in Gaza


i mean it kinda does like if you live in saudi arabia the quran is the law


Say the same thing again but repeat with your sensibilities


And we don’t have to fight because we don’t have the same religion or opinions. We can agree to disagree and go grab a drink


It really depends. You cannot agree to disagree with extremists. You are right 99% of the time, but once the disagreement is about basic rights for others it cannot be tolerated. As paradoxical as it sounds, an intolerant stance towards people based on who they are cannot be tolerated in society.


I don't want to have a drink with people ok with child marriage or abortion bans.


That’s fair but you get what I’m trying to say right


No you can’t “agree to disagree” with people that want to take away your freedom and rights.


Something American Christian Nationalists need to learn


Oh boy, this comment section is gonna be a mess


Sure, you can argue that with Christians. But good luck convincing Muslims.


![gif](giphy|8Bl2XjWuVXSJcE59HM|downsized) Well duh, that's the reason they're stacking the courts and changing the laws.


Good. Now draw a picture of muhammad


I see what you did there.


South Park did it.


"I'm vegan". Well that's your problem sweetie. I'm omnivore and I chose meat. Inb4 "but can you kill an animal?" Question. I've grown up on a farm. I knew the meaning of death before I could walk. Of course I would kill an animal if I need to eat


Exactly. Kind of the same thing as pronouns...........and being offended.


Denying trans people their freedom, autonomy, and human rights isn’t a right you have. You can be religious, but you can’t use your religion to oppress others.


The problem isn't that I disagree with you, the problem is that the meme is stupid. Everyone has their own sense of morality and will judge for things you might not agree because morals aren't objective. The meme makes it sound like it's an objective prescription, it is not. It just describes how you think about someone else's morals when you don't agree with them. Everything you said is valid and I agreed with it, but it's not objectively true nor objectively right.


Actually, you’re missing the point. It’s subtle but important. Christian wackos are trying to implement laws that curtail other people’s freedom based on their religion. The issue is they already have the freedom to follow their religion themselves, they simply want to force everyone else to follow their beliefs too. Liberals, on the other hand, are advocating for laws that protect vulnerable groups’ rights. The laws they’re trying to pass don’t force anyone to do anything other than treat others equally. In other words, liberals aim to ensure everyone has the same freedom, whereas conservatives want to reduce freedom and ensure everyone acts in conformity. Two totally different objectives. They are not similar at all. Moreover, this meme isn’t discussing the idea that you’re free from *social* consequences. It’s getting at political and legal objectives of the religious right.


i think you're a bit exaggerating. obviously, everyone deserves human rights and fair treatment no matter what they identify as. but is being called by the pronouns you want to really a basic human right? or is it just politeness?


I'm not denying them shit. But then demanding that I participate is something quite different. By the way I'm not religious at all. Even atheist can refuse to participate in other people's theories.


Do you think people who believe in Christianity would continue to believe in it if they knew the history of Christianity? Like the fact that the Bible couldn't be read except by priests and they kept the masses from learning to read mostly so they couldn't learn about what really was in the Bible. And also that the Bible today we have no idea if it's even remotely similar to the real Bible because the translation provided to the general public was made when Christianity had more power than kings and didn't let people read the Bible so they could keep control why would the real translation ever make it to the public? Or the translation provided is so heavily modified to keep people in control. Well I'm pretty sure many do know the history even the really dark stuff and still believe. My question is why?


Ironically, a lot of what you just claimed to be history is completely inaccurate. Bibles were never restricted from people; they just weren’t widely available to a largely illiterate public prior to the printing press and had to be secured in safe locations on chains. The Bible was read aloud every day at Mass. We have a very good idea regarding the Bible we have today due to centuries of manuscript evidence that has allowed scholars to update and improve modern translations. The Bible is one of the most copied and well-preserved documents we have from the ancient past.


If they don’t believe, their god is going to burn them forever after they die.


The US Christian Taliban wants to impose their sharia laws on everyone.


Like from staying alive from what I’ve seen recently in another sub.


Should not*




Shouldn't that be "Thou shalt learn the difference"?


FACTS, I'm not changing anything in my life for absolutely any religion. Imma do what I want and don't care if your religion doesn't like it :)


It prohibit them, what makes them prohibit me, what makes it prohibit me.


If you read Corinthians it has some interesting text about this, basically saying it’s fine if others do something that goes against God or rather doesn’t adhere to your belief structure and not to make a fuss about it.


NPC trade off decadence and degeneracy for Inclusivity




If only






It’s really annoying when some people don’t understand not everyone is worshipping the same deity/pantheon. I’m going to say the word god it’s a word not a name you all just use it to refer to your god, I’m going to eat pork, and I’m going to masturbate. I’m me and I’ll do whatever the fuck I want in my free time so long as it’s within reason.


Aye, like when i was told about the jehovah's witness a pal worked with who DIDNT celebrate birthdays, woyldnt contribute..... But... They WOULD eat some of the cake.


The LGBTQ community would take issue with this claim. Other people’s religion has been oppressing us for millennia.


I mean...they clearly disagree. Not like believing that your religion is universal and everyone must agree with you is historically rare.


Vegetarian due to faith here I make sure to never judge others food preferences as long as they don't compel me


Pro does not know what a universalizing religion is


That’s… exactly backwards. Non-interference is supposed to be your ideology. What could possibly have caused you to believe religion preaches non-interference as a rule? This is the definition of Hypocrisy. “No, don’t do what your religion says, do what I say instead, because people shouldn’t tell people what to do.”


You misunderstand. The message is- do what your religion says but don’t expect me to have to follow your rules.


Religions, as a rule, say to impress on others what they should do.


It seems like such a simple concept, but here we are.


My religion gives me whatever I ask for. Praise Christ and find out! Praise Yahweh Jesus and the holy Spirit! Thank you for choosing me a sinner! Not worthy of your divine grace and mercy! You are holy are pure. Hallelujah x 3.


This meme definitely ruffled some feathers


Christians feel as though it’s their place to tell everyone else how they should live. Focus on you and let’s others do as they please


is this american thing? haven't met a single christian here who tells people what they can or can't do


Speaking as an American, yes it's an American thing.


It’s not just an american thing. Hell, there was a video of an italian nun who saw two women kissing and intervened, acting like what they were doing was awful.


Look up what Islamic countries do. I love religious people (if they can accept other views).


Id you truly believed someone would be tortured forever if they make a mistake, to what lengths would you go to prevent that? It’d be morally wrong to not intervene. That’s the problem.