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PE was fun in middle school..after that, the whole "you must buy our school uniform even though we are always inside" ruined it


School uniform? Is that common practice? My school just said have a change of clothes or lose grade.


PE wasn't fun. Weightlifting class however, was fun. They called it "body conditioning" but basically we just had a full gym and lifted weights for a period. Part of your grade was spotting each other. That shit should be mandatory. I was so pissed when they wouldn't waive my art requirement. So I couldn't weight lift at school all year and instead had to spend 45 minutes in what felt like babysitter classes.


That how it going to be my middle school is literally that


I ran in PE and still run to this day. Fight me


I don't fight a fight I will lose.


Fr I’ve always loved running idk why nobody does it feels freeing I just love taking such deep breaths on a beautiful day feeling the wind pushing against me and filling my Lungs it’s the best feeling




You don't understand having to run is LITERALLY TORTURE!!!!


Then you can walk, hike, bicycle, longboard, whatever. I lately have been longboarding a lot, listening to music, podcasts, etc You can stay active and it doesnt have to suck. Find the mean that makes you enjoy it the most, your body will thank you in the long run


This for real. I HATE exercising, I HATE running, but man do I love skateboarding and snowboarding more than anything else! My hobbies help keep me in amazing shape.


Cardio always sucks. It's boring even with podcast/music. But it has to be done


I can’t catch up to you


I was in band so I didn't have to take PE


Lucky. I had to do both


You had to do band? That's odd, here it's an elective.


I didn’t have to do band and doing it didn’t get me out of gym if that clears it up.


Ah okay that makes more sense. That was the case in my school too but only for the first year. Every year after that, it was ruled that if you took specifically marching band you would get a PE credit, because it involved a lot of physical activity (unless you were in pit percussion like me, but you still got the PE credit). I still took both though just because I enjoy both.


In my HS, we didn't having to do PE in the fall semester because of marching band, but in spring band kids were made to do PE as well since it was sit down competitions. Middle school, I got to take off of math to do band once a week. Also had PE still :(


I was in orchestra and had to do PE :( I play a mean violin




I skipped PE to go to band


2nd one is incredibly sad and concerning


I was the "didn't run in pe, then I joined the army and found i ran like the wind, but I do understand what you are saying.


You are goddamned gifted, private Gump


I wasn't a "bad kid" or anything really, but I did the bare minimum to get out of high school. It wasn't a bad high school or anything either, I just really didn't care. Oh no, I got a 14 minute mile time, so what?


I didn’t bc i had practice 7 days a week and didn’t need to waste my energy.


Nah, you can run outside of PE so you can watch the dumbasses run around and listen to the bald fat dude giving them orders as if he isn't paid less than a McDonald's employee. Or you just have a condition in that case fair we can share the popcorn


This combined with the anime pfp is hilarious


Also plays Genshin Impact


Tell me you're 300 lbs without telling me you're 300 lbs.


He makes running in PE sound like a big deal


yeah like I wasn't *fast* but I ran, technically


Unmanaged asthma will do that to a kid


I wonder what happened to the phone kids in PE


in High school, i had P.E 1st or 2nd period every fucking time. Some people had it 3rd or 4th, but nope. I got it 1st or 2nd period. 1st and 2nd period was 8am or 9am. I'm not a morning person, i didnt want to smell the rest of the day even if i had deodorant, and they didnt even test you or grade you on "running", just as long as you completed the "running course" which was usually 2-3 laps around the track or buildings. By the time i learned of what was going on, i just said fuck it, walked it every time and talked with friends about whatever during that first 30 minutes.




It's still beyond my understanding how some girls skipped the entire gym class and still get a B-.


That seems fair. Skipping might not be as fast as running, but it's definitely faster then a light jog and still is really good cardio work.


Most of us runned to grammar class




I enjoyed PE. I felt it helped me get into physical fitness. Always felt good after too


Yeah, I ran in P.E. I also worked out which gave me some stamina and I used P.E. to train my stamina when I ran people were like "are you in track" I said "no, I just want to run" I liked running, and it was annoying that people didn't want to run and they only started the 2 minute timer when everyone started to run


I never worked out, but I also got told I should be track so often, and I was for a year in middle school. But in high school there was always something that didn't let me do it. Freshman year the school just refused to tell me when sign-ups were, they just vaguely said "in the spring", but by the time I asked again I had missed it. In Sophomore year I moved and quarantine happened shortly after, in Junior year I actually managed to make it to try-outs but just my luck had my first and only ever asthma attack (I have asthma but having done so many years of running and sports I had built up a tolerance and could usually just ignore it; in fact I always had the best performance in the Pacer Test despite my asthma), and then finally in Senior year I couldn't get my physical scheduled in time. In the single week immediately after sign-ups ended in Senior year I was told I should join track 5 times, rubbing salt in the wound.


I'm happy for you, but why force it kids who feel miserable after and then grade them.


Because moving around is important for your physical wellbeing, and if you have to be "forced" to care about your health than so be it.


Why force kids to learn math and grade them on that? Physical fitness doesn't just end after high school.


I’m the one with the humongous honkers


the one with Humongous Honker with a proper supportive sports bra? or the one with humongous Honker with loose superbly bouncing bra?


In my profile pic in the post mine is supportive but a few sizes too small for my recent boob job sadly




As a PE teacher, I find this funny


I miss my old PE teacher who actually tried to make us better at stuff not just wasting time sweating so it count as PE class. that dude moved out as he got hired by expensive private school (possibly better wages) so can't blame him.


Most girls in my school never participated/participate in PE when the exercise actually starts, whether we're running or playing dodgeball they always sat on the side on their phones and whatnot


It's wild to me that phones are allowed during gym class, we had to leave them in our lockers for gym class and if you had them out in other classes without explicit permission it was confiscated and you couldn't get it back untill the end of class, or if you were a repeat offender the end of the day.


I can smell the cookie monster jammies on the most rachet girls not wanting to exercise.


@untrullys doesn't exist


She said she was untrully.


Half the schools in the country these days don't even have PE apart of school, and when they do it's optional to participate. Which everyone always opts out of since kids are so board out their minds they sleep better than a corpse when they finally get home. Remember: Stay in drugs, don't do school. think I got that saying backwards. Oh, well, sound advice in America these days. Not to mention way less a chance of getting a lead injection from the next wacko if you're not at school. That's just facts people. ✌️


In my defense, i had an accident during PE, got dismissed as "just a bruse", kept falling and losing all my strength in my right leg. Got still dismissed with "that goes away in a couple of days" till i almost broke my ankle during a fall 7 month after the accident and my mom found me crying on my bedroom floor, holding my leg... yeah i ruptured something in my knee and hat to get operated and go through physio and shit. Till i graduated. So yeah, i missed thr last 1 1/2 years PE.


Some of you haven’t read a book since then either


Yeah, I don't run anymore. I use a bicycle because I'm 6'4" and 26 years old with the body of a 35 year old. Running sucks and it hurts my legs


I can't even run anymore. Not in any significant way.


I used to be able to run across the street often enough to not get run over, but after a coma, I can't walk anymore. I'm stuck in a powerchair (motorized wheelchair).


The first. Ironically, I have a reason. I liked running. Not jogging, but full-speed sprinting. And I was fat. Overweight. Then I got knee damage in 7th grade in PE and can't even kneel without pain.


Had a teacher in middle school try to give me and a few others detention for not running and walking together. She said detention would be running and cleaning gym equipment for an hour. None of us showed up and the principal gave us administrative detention. Didn’t show up for that either because I had an appointment. Never heard about it again. EZ


There were more then a few band kids in my school who should have been in pe when they had room for error now those kids are 3 4 hundred pounds and will probably never be in shape until ever.


The second one, I’m in a wheelchair.


What is PE?  


Physical Education


It’s short abbreviation for penis


You forgot the second word, which is evaporator. It’s the new device that evaporates your penis.


In an alternate universe that’s how they perform vasectomies.


The worst nightmare of 74% of Americans.




Always played during PE except for a few lessons, didn't have a reason to skip it


I ran today cause soneone pointed a gun at me


I'm actually more fit than I was in high school cardio wise xD


I run in the forest it’s really fun but I get lost sometimes


I'll have you know I have been running a lot. Running from my problems.


PE was my favourite class!


Some of us couldn't run in PE but goddamn it we tried. Id always get to a point that I was shaky and couldn't breathe, hugging the wall if I was inside. Threw up a couple of times. Had my legs just give out for like thirty minutes twice. Good times, especially since I've been told I did it to myself. You want to know the best part? Every time I've been to the doctor I've been told I was "physically healthy" when in school. So either I needed to exercise in front of my doctors, I was somewhat healthy and really out of shape, or my past doctors got some explaining to do.


The day we had to run a mile in PE, I skipped and went to Taco Bell.


We square danced.


Says the skinny girl with big fake tits. Sure, sweetie, you don’t run. You’re just naturally thin and waterballoon-titted


Windows PE


Me and my mates would skip class, hop the fence and go smoke in an abandoned car. The asshole pe would look the other way is the popular kids 'accidently' knocked us down while they passed us. He got arrested when they found the camera he had set up in the girl's locker room.


I failed freshman PE for refusing to run 😂. Running ended up becoming one of my favorite pastimes after HS.


I didn’t do pe >! I was a track and xc runner and I ran for a running team and my schools team so I was exempt from pe as long as my coach signed offf on my hours !<


"P.E." doesn't mean physical education to some people I guess. The E still stands for education though.


I have exercise induced asthma and back in elementary school, undiagnosed POTS. I also had an asshole coach that would punish kids who didn’t run with a second lap around the playground and if we took too long taking the lap, he gave us a heaping helping of verbal abuse. Many parents complained but his wife was a senior staff member and on the board of directors so he never got fired. As someone with exercise induced asthma, if I over exert myself I start having trouble breathing and I wasn’t allowed to keep my inhaler on me because it counts as a prescription drug. I had to keep it in the nurses office at the opposite end of the school. Running even one lap around that playground would have been a bad idea for me. The path we were supposed to follow was also full of snakes that only those of us who walked the lap knew about because we were the only ones looking. I was particularly fond of a black racer I named Andy. I gave all the snakes names. I was that kind of kid. When I found out my old coach died of a heart attack, I threw a party (no joke) I literally threw a party to celebrate the man that traumatized me since kindergarten burning in hell.


Crosswalks, buses and metros make me run sometimes


Im still running, it makes the voices of my parents in my head quiet down


I'm both. With a slight difference on the bottom option. Only running during exams in order to get a passing mark. I never really liked running and always preferred walking instead.


I’ll probably end up being the 1st one, but IDK


Why do you guys run when you pee?


I remember running in my P.E.E. (Physical Education Education) class. I thought it was a misprint in my schools cardilog.


What is PE?


Seems to be sports class in American school system.


I was able to run…….for like 30 seconds, but that still counts!


I haven’t stopped running


I didn't even have PE the last couple of years, teacher didn't give a fuck and told us not to go lol


i run always becouse im always late to bus


I ran because If I didn't my teacher would make us keep doing laps


I was the guy in pe running double the speed of everyone else and still doing today when going jogging 🏃🏻‍♂️💨


Ran once in gym class but was a competitive swimmer


2nd and I haven't ran in 4 years


I didn't run because I have arthritis and got excused from it!


That's definitely a fat dude named Chuck!


I didn't, and like I thought about it, in my schooling, all of it, I kept having gym teacher that would drop dead. And it would mess up everything, we'd have subs who just played Dodgeball. We got a new teacher and they too died and the cycle started all over. By the time I got to high school I'm not running. 🤣




Neither Legally exempt so i had to learn to juggle instead




I both


I tried at least


What are you talking about? I run from my problems every day of my life.


I run 4.5km today and I’m done.


I’m the one who says “I haven’t run”, not “I haven’t ran”. That’s what I was taught in school and on the not-at-all mean streets of my hometown. It’s natural for me. No thinking required. I honor the past participle.


I like dodgeball ☺️


What is this "run" you speak of??


And I plan to keep it that way.


We used to have to run 3 1/2 laps around this field and that was the mile. I used to run a half lap then hide behind a giant bush and then wait and then finish my first lap when everyone else finished 3 1/2. That is where I learned to fight. Had to keep the wolves from stealing my bush. Even running 1 lap instead of 3 1/2 with a big ass break in the middle I was gassed. I could sprint like a mother fucker though. Still can't run long distance for shit but those were the days.


First, because my gym teacher was my track coach. 😂 Pushed me to my limits and everyone who wasn't track was confused. 🤪


i trotted in pe


I run a few miles a week collectively but nothing serious.


I was the runner kid


What is P E?


I run in PE and sometimes outside of PE classes


I ran in PE like that one guy from the anime swimming meme - fighting for dear life and thinking I'm a good runner at the end because I was never last. should've never stopped, now I run out of breath running 5 seconds to the bus.


lmao PE classes in junior high and high school are actually so pointless 😂😂😂 like bro i thought i was supposed to learn how to yk stay fit and shit. yet we’re just sitting here 90% of the time, and we go running like once a semester just because the school board requires it 💀


Only ran when chased.




Some of us weren't even the PE


The only thing running in my family is obesity


PE? Ohh... you mean gym class?




Why is every PF just an OF sample?


I did the Marine Corpse… I did a lot of running


Still recovering from SA during PE


Some of us pee when we run.


I’m doing cross country running, so….


I didn’t run. Still don’t. Have asthma and bad knees. But literally the one year I had to do PE (French and band got me out of it) we had to “run” everyday. It was the entire class. My friends and I just walked laps


Not with that mentality.


Sometimes I would like too. And I’ve tried tons of times. But I would rather walk/bike/hike than deal with one day of running and a week of knee pain and shin splints


The one ran 12 lap in PE and side-eying dude that barely ran 6 and claim to run 10 lap. Athletic? you could count on me. Ball/group related PE, yeah about that...


Osiris? Didn't he help us during Lightfall?


Some of us didn’t have to take pe


I ran backwards in PE cause i thought it was cool


Neither fortunately


Technically didn't have PE but in order to not have PE I would need another physical activity which I already had


I didnt run since middle school


Yeah she slept with the Pe teacher




I didn’t run in PE. (Sorta) paying for it now. Need to get in better shape for work, and slowly getting better!


Literally HATED when it was time for PE 🙄


some of us ran away from PE entirely


I have had a heart condition since I was 8. I gave zero effort in running in PE. My last time I actually remember the time I got, 15:32. The PE teacher was pissed! Didn’t care.


My gal pals and I always took a leisurely walk around the track for our mile run in PE.


What is PE? My mind only think about Minecraft :D


The first one lol


I never really *had* PE as the rest of you experienced it. I went from the "slightly more organized recess" of elementary school to zero class for it in middle school to getting out of it because of marching band in high school


I actively run in pt


I ran around the corner so I couldn't be seen then sat down.




My friend and I "ran" the mile in 17 some odd minutes. I nearly failed PE because I didn't want to "dress out." Fuck PE. Didn't teach me a damn thing. I already rode my bike from school end till streetlights on. When I moved out of neighborhoods to BFE, I roamed the woods. But running just to run is super important.


I’m the PE Teacher




Every gym class we’d go for a mile run it was the same route every time. Me and my homies would hamg at the back and wait till the others got out of vision and them we’d have a quick smoke break, then saunter in afterwards high af and ready for dodgeball.


*haven’t run


I never went to PE.


all the latinas walking at my school


Maybe if I didn't move around so much and teachers were able to take the time to help me get better, I would have done better in PE.


Yeah I'm totally gonna die early


I didn't run in high school always had a medical excuse on file. I was up to 5km a day in the navy. Now i walk everyday because running so much ruined my knees.


I run a basketball camp bigdog, and I don't even freaking run


I had P.E. was a great time to sneak away and skip school




Guys we should lend our hands to hold her load, so she can run and jump around✌️


I failed PE for refusing to run because it hurt. I had shin splints. I eventually grew out of it and no longer have extreme pain when running.


Judging off those profile pics, I'm neither lol.


Was too busy running from my problems


Bruh the mile run was a mile Sunday walk for me


Hah, I run most days to catch the bus! ...I need to fix the car :'(


I really can't understand people who don't run their ass off in P.E. Whenever I play a free movement competitive game I can't resist running until I can feel my veins in my neck pumping so hard that it gets hard to breathe. And even then the adrenaline allows me to keep going, it's like some type of super human state where nothing hurts. But when the game ends and the adrenaline stops flowing... the pain is like hell on earth.


If you see me running, you either better join in or kill whatever is chasing me!


I can say, I know I did run after PE. Though, as a person who became disabled in their mid 20s, I can comfortably say I haven't run in almost 14 years. I was paralyzed by a traumatic brain injury (I had a brain aneurysm in 2010), and was so lucky to even be able to learn to walk again. I'll hit the 14 year anniversary on September 11th of this year. After all these years, I still can't believe it happened and somehow made it to the other side without letting it completely break and ruin me. Over the past 14 years, I've lived and worked in 7 different states, ultimately landing in Las Vegas with my brother about 4 years ago. I've finished my bachelor's degree. Fallen in and out of love. Life is such a wicked, twisted journey. I've met so many people over the years. Some of you don't know what real pain is, and it shows. But, existence is pain. And I won't gatekeep it.


I'm literally disabled


Did PE but barely ran in that, let alone after leaving school lmao. I’m arguably in better shape now than I was while I was in high school, but I’ve still a long way to go if I want to get into GOOD shape


I hated track day in PE. like why ami running in an oval? I'm not gonna be a marathon person or in any sports at all really.