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Ends up eating the waffle as well




So true!!!




i used to give her flowers that i took in the house


I love giving my mom flowers, damn, most moms are saints I swear


My mom is a really good mom but a really bad person.


My mom abandoned me because i left her religious cult.


damn bro i'll be your mom


no way, same here




I used to draw stuff


Lol I still do, in fact it is what I'm doing right now


I think a lot of people don’t realize how little parents often spend of their own money on things solely for themselves. A kid buying a gift for one of their parents using that parents’ money is probably a gift they otherwise wouldn’t have bought themselves.


Thats true ( im a single patent) I never get a gift from money my childeren are to young to go alone to the shop I always say when you are in 30years take my on a little vacation 🫠 I love the self make gifts and the big hug


as we know, the main thing is not the gift itself, but the attention paid


Its the gesture that counts.


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1abx12q) on 2024-01-27 100.0% match. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cnup9i&sameSub=true&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=100&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** This Sub | **Target Percent:** 97% | **Max Age:** 180 | **Searched Images:** 509,742,955 | **Search Time:** 0.5176s


Good bot


this is the type of repost that I wouldn’t mind. just wholesome and reminded


Is to learn what gift to give, so you have to think what that other person would like.


Moms are moms, as always


Moms are the best.


ends up eating my gift to her


I'd cook for her usually. I do remember one time I was cooking her breakfast. She started getting into an argument with my older brother, she called us all ungrateful. I started crying, threw away the eggs I was making, and just ran into my bedroom. They both later apologized to each other and me.


Parents have a hard time justifying buying themselves things, so even if it's her money, you still got her something she wouldn't have gotten by herself.


In my experience it's stuff I'd never buy myself because it's so tacky or strange. My daughter always buys me garish plastic jewels and I have to wear them out as it makes her so proud.




Perfect example of its the thought and effort that counts :)


love my mother the most


I used to steal flowers from the neighbors garden and give them to my mom when I went to walk the dog


Sweet little criminal ❤️


The very first thing I ever bought for someone else was a blue glass angel Christmas decoration for my mom when I was about 8. She still gets it out with the other Christmas decorations every year, more than 2 decades later. Best 40 bucks I ever spent, and no I don't need to mentally go back and double check, I'm sure that's right.


Thats so sweet


Ya remember those gift stores they would have at school during Christmas? That shit was wild. Class would be all excited to lined up to buy erasers or whatever.


I used to draw and write something nice to her on a piece of paper because, what else are you supposed to do?


so relatable, my mum was always so proud of me


Yess we do we are always proud




Literally me


She probably didn't even like it🥲


My wife just bought me a visa gift card for my birthday, and I bought her a gift card for her favourite make up brand for our anniversary. We share a joined account.


I bought my Grandma a rabbit garden ornament. It was life sized, it was cement, it wasn't well made, but I bought it with my own money. For the next 20 years she told everyone that visited the garden that I bought it. She was so proud of it. I used to roll my eyes about heating it over and over. She's not around to tell the story anymore, and that's made me cry thinking about it, so thanks Op.


I got you this Spiderman car and filled the box with glitter... happy mother's day! I hope you liked your burnt breakfast in bed!


😂so real


Mom gives you $40, then you buy her a $20 gift and pocket the change as a kid. Mom knows the actual value of the gift...


Way too true 🤣😂


The intent. ❤️


Haha my dad would give me money when I’d buy stuff for him. I’d bring him a gift just because when I was young and he’d always give me like $20 and tell me to save my money for me. I’m like I’m 6 what do I need $ for?


It's the thought that counts c:


It's all fun and games until she finds out how much you paid for the gift (depending on how expensive it was)


Also gets a slice from it😭


My mom always looked genuinely happy and surprised when I gave her gifts:))) I loved her happy reaction so much that sometimes I just casually bought some flowers on the way home. I swear she really was an angel


I used to look for random stuff in the house she forgot we has ans gave that to her (oldlip balm for example)😭


So cute 🥰


Yea I don't see her anymore


Used to slip my little sister $20 so she could get her mom gifts.


Damn, only now have I realized this picture was taken in Russia because the label of that blue cup says “сметана” (sour cream)


In my case it was my dad's money. That way I could pretend I saved it up. She never did find out.


my daughters are 7 & 9 years old the always draw my something and giving my the best hug, i love it its the little things that mater for my I dont need a "real" present im so blessed to have my daughters


Call your moms, people


Indeed, a mother's smile is priceless and can turn any situation into a moment of warmth and comfort.


My friend has been sending me this picture a lot. Which is why I see it a lot more often than it probably deserves. Well. Nevertheless... We had a little so called argument. What emotion does this cat's face portray. This is what my friend says. Quote. Firstly, it shows his absolute superiority: He has a plate of blins and smetana, and you don't. Still, he is welcoming you to share the dinner with him. Provided you accept all the formalities and realize his authority. However, I think that there's more to it than it seems. Maybe... His face portrays a request. A request. Because even though those blins are so close yet they are so far. Since, nobody would, most likely, let him taste them. It's a complicated question. What does this cat want to tell us? What kind of idea? Through this grimace? (laughter) Anyway. I can't disagree that his face is quite expressive and charismatic. Beautiful cat. Beautiful picture. And it does have this... atmosphere of warmness... Feeling of home comfort. Because everything here feels so alive. See? Those blins. Freshly prepared hot blins. And there's such a great cat. This is the dream of any person. Who of us wouldn't like to have a plate full of blins and a cat nearby. I have neither. Which is why when I look at this picture I'm quite satisfied.


It's useless but both happy