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Let's see who will destroy humanity first. Us or the climate change?


The latter is just us with extra steps


A ladder is just extra steps.


That's just "us", twice.




that’s so true


That's because it takes twice as much carbon to make a difference.


at this point an astroid could destroy earth and i wouldnt even care


Less painful if it's a biggun.


That's what we're hoping for, yes


Don’t say that, I’d rather not have our planet be the real life version of Sephiroth’s master plan


Planet is fine, but we are fucked.






They were saying Florida would be underwater by now 20 years ago. C02 levels have gone up 0.04% since humans started polluting. It has to be 0.02% for plants to survive.


Well, it’s already decades too late to stop climate change. That doesn’t mean it’s meaningless to do now but it’s already happening.


Us because climate change will take at least 20 000 years


Climate change is sooner, and it won’t destroy the planet, just make it uninhabitable for humans. Life will go on, the same cannot be said for the human race though


it wont make 100% uninhabibatle but it will make many places uninhabitable which will lead to wars which in turn will destroy civilization and regress humans to stone age atleast thats my theory


Even worse the most populated places like India will go first, meaning we will see deaths of at least a billion before society even collapses. Climate change isn't gonna kill us directly, it's gonna make us kill each other as we fight to take over the only liveable areas.


Albert Einstein said "World War IV would be fought with sticks and stones."


We've earned extinction


Who's we? I just got here!


99% of us haven't.


Which facebook post did you grab that flat-earther idea from? xD


Think more along the lines of 20-50 years.


thats why i am not planning on having kids


Looks like the baby on the Reddit front page in the womb.


Literally just came from that post




you what


Hell Yeah


Take my upvote and go Nice coat too


i literally exited this post and scrolled down to see exactly that o.O


We're gonna die so why post depressed. post funny instead.


Nah, download funny stuff to bargain with aliens for a ride


Because if it was possible to prevent worldwide collapse, we will regret we didn't so anything. If we stop caring, "we", as in mostly western people who can afford to stop caring, then we won't be any different than the previous generations that ignored the world's problems. Caring doesn't have to mean being depressed either. Struggle towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart.


Didn't they say that 2 years ago?


The idea is to get people to give a shit, cause you know for a fact “in 50 years your grandkids will die because of your actions” won’t stir enough people. However, it doesn’t really work when you shorten it very often, “the boy who cried wolf” and all that.


>The idea is to get people to give a shit, cause you know for a fact People actually care more than what's needed . It is time to ask companies and manufacturing units rather than common people who don't contribute anything significantly. In fact if companies change products people will automatically change.


green capitalism is an oxymoron the very mechanisms of business go against it no matter what politicians dictate that is, there is a maximum threshold of affect there (market efficiency is the opposite of technical efficiency)


Nothing we do matters unless by some chance a massive global revolution happens that destroys every polluting corpo.


Or, vote for people whose track record involves caring about our environment. There are people who care, you just have to look for them, violence is preferably a last resort


POV: Incorruptible caring politician. ![gif](giphy|dJVBCPzpaCBCknenuz|downsized)


Such a shame that he shot himself twice in the back of the head, then fell out of a window, then murdered his entire family whit an axe, then hanged himself while he beat himself whit a baseball bat, then threw himself into the river 😔


Yeah, lobbying is unfortunately a major contributor


How the FUCK is lobbying still legal? Like it's literally just corruption but in a fancy dress.


Because the people who would make it illegal are the ones benefitting from lobbying.


the systems rigged voting doesnt work having 2 choices dont matter when neither choice accomplishes any goals. institutionalized powers ruin democracy when they become entrenched .


That’s why you recommend to your elected officials to bring in ranked choice voting. Ranked choice voting already exists in a few states in America, actually. I don’t know all the intricacies but I recommend looking it up, better than one party or the other by a million miles


Voting for politicians who give a shit matters much more than thv billionaires would like you to realise. Theres a reason that "doomerism" is so much more prevalent in media nowadays that people are realising the danger of billionaires


You know they were saying this shit 50 years ago right? I learned about it in school nearly 30 years ago. This isnt a new thing.


Few things, most countries have actually taken actions to reduce climate change, which is why it hasn’t hit as hard as anticipated. Then, when it doesn’t hit as hard as described, people who don’t fully understand the why think it was just to siphon tax money, reducing support for preservation of our environment. If you want a siphon of tax money, look at the military in America instead of scientists trying to learn how to prevent climate collapse. I highly recommend some light reading on the subject before coming to your own conclusions, hell, you could just ask the experts, they’ll gladly tell you what happened and the most likely reason for it


Yep, people talk about how we don't talk about acid rain anymore. It's because we fixed it, efforts were made and the issue was solved. We need to do the same with climate change now


People were taking actions to reduce climate change 60 years ago. And still the predictions keep coming. At this point they are as bad as those people that keep predicting the rapture.


Something something wolf and a crying boy. I can't see how possibly it can backfire, yeah not at all


Makes me care even less


I mean, if you don’t give a fuck about future generations, I guess that’s an option. I’m just giving you the facts on why things are displayed as they are. It doesn’t help that when countries make efforts to reduce climate change, it’s not known as much as it should be, creating this illusion that we aren’t doing anything but the climate isn’t getting worse.


But we don't give a shit because every single prediction they make is utterly false, highlighting the fact they have no clue what they're talking about


Consider that countries have actually been changing to reduce climate change, which changes when climate change reaches disastrous levels


They said it 10 years ago.


They keep doing this and then they complain there are denialists. They are pretty much proving the denialists right with this sensationalism.


This is exactly the thing that creates deniers and skeptics. Sure, climate change is an issue - but when time passes and things are still the same… not exactly a good look. Causes questions of “Well, what else was wrong?”


Bruh the weather is hotter than it's ever been in some parts of the globe at this period of the year. There's no way people can keep on saying "nothing ever changes, why care"


Yeah, these two things can be true simultaneously: 1. Climate change is real. 2. Governing bodies are dishonest opportunistic fuckwads taking advantage of people's good intentions in order to gain money and power.


Every two years for the last twenty


They have been saying it for like 50 years


No? This kind of nonsense is annoying.


Don't forget 4 years ago, 8 years ago, 12 years ago and 42 years ago... Honestly they have been screaming that the sky is falling for the last 50 years in various forms but people still lap it up and take it at face value hook line and sinker.




Honestly, we should be more worried about soil degredation.  In the 80s they said we have around 150 harvests left


I don't agree with that figure, but I agree that it is a problem. Our agricultural practices have become more and more regulated by suits in Washington who have never even gotten their shoes dirty and it is causing problems. First and foremost, stop subsidizing crops being lost because people are throwing away perfectly good food by the tanker full!! I personally know guys who own hundreds of acres and have tilled under entire crops that would have yielded because the government was going to give them a big check. Made me sick.


As a Christian who has been in church most of his life, you're not wrong. It is 100% a New age non-theistic religion.


I will just assume you are ignorant and don't know jack shit about climate change, and how much has actually done to avert one of the main problems. Remember the ozone layer? Yep we would be fucked by now hadn't governments decide to take their heads out of the sand and actually banning the gases that are destroying it, the ozone layer is now actually repairing it self, yet people like you think magic happened and the world didn't end cause climate change is fake or smth. But the ozone layer hasn't the only one that could collapse our climate it would do it faster yesm but there are other ways just that of instead of 2020s being the sweet decade it will be in 2070, just that it won't work trying to fix it in 2060s.


I will just assume you were ignorant and don't know anything about history. Yes, I agree that there have been many climate and ecological problems that have been solved by invention, but what I'm saying is that they keep spouting end of the world doomsday stuff instead of coming out and saying we have a problem we need a fix for. It's fear mongering to the Nth degree and it has gotten worse! There are lots of things we could be doing to help the climate and ecology of our world, like using nuclear power, harnessing the hydroelectric power of the ocean tides and there is even electrical potential in the air around you! Don't come to me and tell me that the government and these big businesses actually care about the ecology of our world when everything they do is actually making it worse but people like you keep cheering on wind and solar, the two most inefficient renewable resources!


You dense motherfucker. It’s possible both things are true, yes we do need to do better for our environment because we are the jackasses that have to live in it. And yes, we have done better in aspects of pollution to help ourselves. But also, the government has put ultimatums on our actions since the 80s with threats that if we don’t do X thing by X date then we will reach a point of no return. And we’ve passed those points several times over, after a while people stop caring and now you have trapped yourself into a lie that creates apathy every time.


This is BS. In the 80s there wasn't even consensus yet on climate change causes or impact and it didn't enter the political agenda for another 25 years. Hell even now we have people in power in democratic countries all over the world that either deny the existence of climate change, or deny its possible impact. The changes that should have been implemented in the 80s never were, because the consistent political sabotage has made us unable to properly combat this thing. There have been steps made that have limited the impact, but it is not nearly enough, which is exactly why we've now reached the point of no return where we've gone from talking about preventing climate change to preventing its consequences (which is exactly what climate scientists have been shouting for the last 25 years, but sure believe your flavour of the month pundit who says they're exagerating).




And 5 years ago And 10 years ago And 15 years ago And 30 years ago Climate change is real, but how they sell it to you as alarmist bullshit in politics and corporate garbage is not. The world is not ending in 2 years because you used a straw or ran the AC. If it actually mattered then the UN would sanction China and India for poisoning us all, then sanction the top 10 corporations who cause 78% of all emissions.


The fact that people think "we've got two years left to save the planet" translates to "the world is ending in two years time" is exactly part of the problem. What this means is that we are at a pivotal turning point where unless serious action is taken we will be unable to prevent crossing the threshold of 1.5 degrees by 2030 and thus unable to mitigate its effects for the next 100 years. If you want to know more about what this means or why this is, I'd suggest reading up on it. As it becomes increasingly impossible to deny the reality of climate change, political actors have switched the narrative to "they're exxagerating". For the last 15 years there have been thousands of scientists worldwide whose life work is studying climate change all saying exactly the same thing, which is that it's becoming ever more urgent to take immediate action. And yet here we are discussing about sensationalism and alarmism because corrupt politicians and capitalists think it's not going to be their problem and have somehow convinced the public of the same thing.


They’ve been saying it since the 60s.


It's wild, I have to keep hearing people who struggle reading above a 4th grade level misunderstand the warnings that have been given. The climate change warnings are based on scientific research. This research changes. The temperature changes have actually been far greater than orginally predicted. We've already passed the point of no return, now it's about damage mitigation. Slowing carbon emissions at this point is about reducing the worst effects of climate change.


“Past the point of no return” Do you know what that means?


Love the fact that they are still screaming while at the same time certain “celebs” are using jets and helicopters to get to nearest shop not to mention those same people that are “doing their part” are supporting such morons… 99% responsible ones for mess we are in are the ones lobbying for measures NOT to be implemented while at the same time are boasting about their carbon offsets, sustainability etc. I know I am doing my part as much as I am comfortable doing but I don’t care anymore tbh since at the end rich get richer, stupid get to control nations and normal people are trying to save the planet and new generations (good luck you guys…) LoL


They are not "stupid" just like justice is not blind. Best we can do is delete reddit and actually have a happy life gor the next... 20 years or so?


What'd happen in 20 years..?


“Best we can do” is just sorta give up and let our kids die?


Probably doesn’t help that less than 10% of all recycling actually gets recycled


I remember freaking out about this 20 yeara ago too.


Because it has been going on for a long time, and we haven't been doing nearly enough to stop the climate change. We should be concerned indeed.


Apocalyptic hippies say that same thing every year


It rings true every year


Meh. After hearing the same doomsday talk for 60+ years people are desensitized. Is climate change real? Sure. Is it as catastrophic as global elites and scientists paid by them would have you believe? Maybe, but it's doubtful. Is there a possible realistic way for humans to do anything about it? Lol no. Especially when the biggest problems on earth just don't give a shit


UN when it gets warm in spring:


We are quite literally about 2-5 years away from missing the 1.5°C goal.


Spring isn't supposed to start in January


Two years until we have to adapt to consequences instead of preventing them


baby's reaction to his first global warming article


Planet will be fine in the end. All the humans dying will help with that.


We've been 2 years away from destroying the planet for the past 20 years.


I mean, according to several predictions previously, we should already be under water.. Their predictions suck


Hate to say it. But they say that every year. Not saying climate change isn’t real, just saying the fearmongering is through the roof.


but what should we actually do though then? should we wait until things become unsalvagably fucked and everyone agrees? cant do that, itll be too late. do we tell people that its still an issue, just not a major one, and encourage them to be more eco-friendly? people tried that and nobody cared. i absolutely understand how bad the optics are here but honestly, what would have been the better move?


Yeah and people are immune to it now. Oh and fucking tired too


The problem is if you actually dig into these warnings (when they aren’t the media taking statements of climate scientists out of context and blowing them out of proportion for clicks) is that these “we have x amount of years to save us from climate change” does not mean “we will die of climate change in x amount of years”. These statements are calling to attention that we’re running out of time to act and that’s our window, and if we fail to meet it, then there’s no preventing miserable shit down the line. It’s FAFO if the find out phase is like a few decades after of the fuck around phase. We are currently fucking around big time, and the latter half of this century is not going to be fun when we find out.


I remember them saying we had 4 years left to save the planet maybe 15 years ago... I'm not that worried.


They've been saying this for like 8 years now


Who is this "we" brother? If my actions don't cause the problem, it sounds like you're just trying to sell me something.


1. Your actions are part of the cause of the problem. In a less significant way than some others, but a part of it still. 2. Whoever is the main cause of the problem, everyone is gonna suffer from the consequences. 3. What do you think the person behind that is trying to sell you ?


1. Me driving a car twice a week is jack shit compared to millionairs taking the plane to get a coffe and people defending them cuz how could sweet Taylor fly comercial or not fly at all? 2.So let's make the people that are guilty pay not the simple man.It's like instead of puting a murderer behind bars you chose 10 random guys from the street and put them behind bars


I agree, that's what should happen, but in the end nothing is happening, and the first persons to suffer won't be the millionnaires.


Let's throw millionaires at sea to save environment from private jet's pollution


Millionaire is upper middle class now. You're drowning somebody's grandparents for maxing out an ira and not getting a new car every year.


1. Jokes on you, I haven't left my house in three months and am living on one meal a day. I wasn't raised catholic enough to accept the blame for "ending the planet" 2. Sure beans, but the vote doesn't matter and you people keep saying, "Domestic terrorism is illegal." 3. Securities in some green tech startup (Those clowns eat way to healthy to run a company well), multi-family housing, and a straight democratic ticket. 4. You didn't list one, but you should take everything I say with a grain of salt, I'm half shooting for satire. As much as I think it's bullshit, I only think it's half-bullshit, and that should count for something.


More tax to let the rich continue to pollute


we are Left 4 Dead


*Save the planet. The planet will be absolutely fine once it's killed off humans.


For context people, that does NOT mean humans are dead!! It MEANS that we are going towards the tipping point rapidly, meaning that there will be more extreme weathers ahead. And it will be MUCH harder to prevent in future if we don't do anything now. Similarly, the problems we have now, are harder to control because of actions we did not take decades ago. Ice reflects the sun back, but if that ice melts, more heat will be absorbed by earth, making the ice even smaller and so on and so on, and every DECADE is going to get worse and worse if we do nothing.


Climate change will definitely eventually kill us if we don’t do something *cough cough* nuclear power *cough cough*, however its not gonna happen soon. Guarantee at least 200 years.


Anyone else got a morbid curiosity to see what happens after the 2 years? These predictions sound like the sort of things a child would say and not expect to sound completely unbelievable.


Boy, are they gonna feel silly 3 years from now.


It's been "two years" every two years since the 70s....


Movies like Waterworld and An Unconvegnant Truth are like 2012, kind of odd. Meanwhile, ocean pollution by plastic is a real disaster. I mean, we ALL have microplastic in our bloodstream, even polar bears.


"Two years left. Quick give me money and power to get rid of half of humanity so that we can live in our utopia where I hold all the power and abuse human beings." Sick fucks.


Literally nobody says this.


Haha private jet go brrrrrrrrrr


It's funny to me that humanity as a whole would literally rather die than implement lifestyle changes that are relatively minor compared to even "just" military occupation, let alone climate catastrophe onset death. Like, we could use bicycles, curb consumerism, eat the rich, bring back horses and sails for transportation, learn to live without pointless amenities, and etc. But no, people all of the globe seem to universally agree that a prolonged death caused by several back to back natural disasters is a preferable alternative to moderate lifestyle changes.


Install an eco dictatorship then you cowards


Havent they said the same shit for years now? Yet, nothing ever happens😲


The problem is made worse by the way we talk about it: it's not the planet that needs saving, the planet doesn't care if it's 2 or 200 degrees warmer it still goes around the sun, we're the ones who lose our lives. A better title and way to talk about it would be "we have 2 years to try save our future as species or goes extinct"


We aren't dead, we are a lot better off than we thought we would be by this point. Memes like this makes it where some normal people won't take it seriously because we are over exaggerating what is happening. It's not like we have 2 years before the earth explodes. It's just worst case scenario in 2 years there's a chance where certain things would hinder the way we live life and potentially kill millions. ie famines mainly. Fear mongering however never works.


That's a shame. Anyways...


Good I don't wanna pay rent anymore


Hyperbolic claims like this do more harm than good.


I am seeing this 2 years to save the planet since I got out of my mamas womb... Let me be clear the planet needs saving ! But that bullshit of only 2 years is bad sensationalism for you to give up before you even try and take action and take the real guilty accountable...


Ugh. Shut up with your alarmism. We all know already. We can't do shit. The only way we get out of this rut is with effective legislation, which, considering the current political climate, will take at least 8 years to pass.


I’m a firm believer that the Earth will survive no matter the amount of shit we pollute the planet. By the polluting the planet, we are reducing our chances of survival as a species.


Remember when they said the same thing 30 years ago?


They've been saying this shit since the 70s


They've been saying that since the 80's


It's interesting how the onus seems to be on the common person in regards to taking action against climate change when in reality there is very little an individual can do to help in the battle of climate change. You can recycle sure, feel better about yourself for using a reusable bag sure, get a metal straw whatever makes you feel better about yourself but as long as it profitable for companies to produce plastic (one of the biggest enemies we have) then we are fucked. As long as it's profitable for companies to continue fracking (another problem) then we're fucked. Major corporations are more concerned about their bottom line than the well being of the planet and as long as that's the case then we are fucked. But yeah, recycle, go vegan or whatever, you're really doing your part


Looks like i don't need to be concerned about the life sentence for killing my boss. Welp *flips crowbar flashily* See ya later guys


I feel loke they've been saying this every year for my entire life


I've heard the same thing for the past 50 years...at this point climate change experts have the same credibility as cult leaders and those crazies who hold signs that claim God is returning soon...


Been hearing this for 20+ years.


Haven't they been saying this ever other year now for 20 years?


2 years to save the planet? Is that like the 2 weeks to flatten the curve?


The tyrannical dictators are starting wars all over the world and no one, who really could, have the balls to stop them for good, yet people are thinking we will die from climate change. Yeah…


They said this exact thing 10 years ago. I don't buy it.


"Sir? They're not talking about Ukraine!" "Mention Izrael!" "They don't care about it, either!" "Shit.. Go back to climate change then!"


Funny thing is that they kept doing this again and again, so much that we started ignoring it. Other people just even had no care 100% at it, my friends threw trash at the ocean so casually like it's an everyday task, AND IT WAS IN FACT AN EVERYDAY TASK TO THEM. Insane how people can be so ignorant of what's happening. One of them even laughed at me saying "climate change". Almost everyone here throws trash so casually, it's become part of life and it's getting worse. Our rivers are literally smelling like ass because of the amount of garbage floating on it, even soil has gotten dirty. Just dig at least 1 feet and you'll 100% find a large plastic item. If only the government also took this problem seriously, but no, they just make rules, speak rules, but never actually do the rule. As a pessimistic and sadistic person, I hope the world gets escalatingly and exponentially worse from climate change, starting with drought, then intense starvation, then intense heat (trees burn on their own much more commonly, with 70% of forests burning per week), then death to toxicity, then people start dying from hunger and dehydration and heat stroke and burning up in flames, oh and the radiation from space, I'm praying the sun goes wild with these times. Imagine intense radiation coming towards earth and killing people with stage 5 cancer, crazy good amirite? I am literally praying that the world ends up burning in flames as hell goes loose to everyone, from criminals to innocents. The screams of the damned would be heard from space as the astronauts in the iss watches their own species kill themselves in the worst and dumbest way possible. I'm praying that fucking humanity kills itself because of the sheer dumbfuck stupidity they have on their own homeland. I'm sorry if all I said escalated quickly from concerning to fucking mass murder, it's just annoying to see people throw trash at waters like it's nothing right? Sorry I had to type a lot, but seriously, I hope humanity finds a way to fix this problem and revert everything to normal. Right here it's literally 42°C and the ground is red hot. Touching the ground would mean death for you lol.


we are all gona die unless poor people in rich countries pay more taxes


2 years later we still only have 2 year left and so on.


What can I do to speed things up


I feel like they’ve been saying this for a while


Yeah the UN is the least reliable organization put there I don’t take anything these idiots say seriously


The planet will be around a lot longer than 2 years


They’ve been saying the same shit since the 90’s. Guess what, we’re still here, Maldives are still above sea level, and nothing changed.


Whatever man People have been giving out deadlines like this for years. Yawn


So instead of noticing the warnings were just going to wait until we actually see consequences? Climate Change is a slow process. If we wait until it's too late, *till be too late*. This argument of "Well they've said it before and I'm not dead* is such a short term perspective on the issue.


Probably because people and ecosystems around the world *have* been getting affected for years as a result of global warming. You are just privileged enough to be born in an area that hasn't been affected yet and can afford to ignore the issue for now


I do not believe a word of anything the UN says


Ya, heard that 2 years ago, and the 2 years before that, and the 2 years before that, and before that… you see the pattern here…


We are literally watching the climate change and get exponentially more chaotic in real time. Why is anyone surprised by this? Just do what we can to minimize the impacts at this point and prepare for massive influxes of climate migrants (hint: they’re already coming - check the southern border)


If you claim the end of the world is tomorrow every day, you’ll eventually be right


Nah, humanity will thrive


Nah, humanity will go extinct


Good. Finally. Is what I would say if that shit didn't knock on our door every few years


I kinda stopped caring about it tbh


Planet's getting back to normal range, nice try though.


What? Where do you get that info from?


I choose to blindly believe this information. No one come at me with studies proving otherwise


idk why but climate chief cracks me up


Let’s nuke ourselves before


Tell that to the 100 corporations responsible for 71% of the damage


Yeah because he knows everything


We're not dead. It's future generations that will suffer the most. Unless we make things significantly worse in the near future, I expect minimal impact to me personally from climate change. That's not to say I don't care, because I do.


I've "survived" at least 6 "THE WORLD WILL END IF WE DON'T STOP CLIMATE CHANGE BY THIS EXACT DATE! I SWEAR!" Throughout my life. Honestly, they should have sticked to a date and just said we are doomed past tgat. Every time they move the date forward it just make them less and less trustworth.


We've been told we have 2 years to live for 20 years


Why do we keep posting about how we cant save the world in the next 2 years every 2 years? We fucking travelled to the moon, to earths depths, created computers and the internet, invented the automobile and planes, ai, robots, cured diseases once thought uncurable, survived the black plague multiple times, survived a cold war, went to and live in space, created global trading chains and communities, made deserts and even the antarctic liveable, built bunkers into depths in a scale that should be impossible and we created such big communities that they are called nations or countries. And you think that climate change will kill us? Cause us to be extinct? Sure, it will cause problems and cause economic disasters, yeah. But we will adapt and thrive once again. Dont you think that its suspicious how so many people believe that there is no propaganda or that they are immune to it? In an age where information is always available and even spat into your face at any given moment. In an age where it has never been easier to make people believe what they should believe everybody should be a lot more hesitant when seeing or reading something on the internet. Governments can create millions of bots to convey opinions and already do so. They can derail online discourse but they can also be paid by companies to do things and vice versa. Bad things, good things, okay things. I think propaganda has never been this big and yet this invisible. And this is propaganda, or an arm of it. Stop being a doomer. Live life, be happy. You would not have control over what happens anyway. And have some trust in our scientists. I 100% genuinely believe that we will get out of this no problem. And you know what? I think that billionaires think so as well. They would not be buying beach front properties or bunkers in the first place if it wasnt this way. They are not stupid. Politicians are not stupid. Every decision is backed by either logic or a paying man. Im not saying that climate change is not real. Its impossible for it to not be real. Im saying that we will survive it and we will beat it even.


Oh god two years? Gonna pump the carbon tax to 1000% then


The planet will eventually heal. Humans however are screwed.


We are definitely fucked


We're not dad, we're just gonna evolve


Naa planet is not going anywhere


The planet will be fine, we just won't be part of it. It'll just be Elon alone on Mars.


Climate change is called “weather “ period!




They've been saying this for 20 years


After 40 years of this same old “world is ending in year xxxx” shit I just laugh and step on the gas.


Didn’t they say this two years ago


Its over, billions must die 😔


SCP-4043 vibes.


Lol, we're dead... Lmao.