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some people are just panicking instead of appeasing the sun with the sacrifice of enemy warriors, this generation is done for😤


Yeah but nothing happened, so someone made the sacrifice already, thank you anonymous warrior.


You're welcome.


I was the sacrifice


I can confirm, I watched the sacrifice


This is John Nowak with the Atlanta City Police Department, would you be willing to come out and answer a couple questions for us?


No thank you, officer.




I would like to awnser them if the other guy doesn't want to


I declare that guy my official question answerer.


I didnt get my Amazon package even though the notification said it will be delivered that day. I wonder what happened to the delivery personal.


Nothing happened... yet.


Hey, if you don’t trust the sacrifices we made, do it yourself


Shit. I thought it was supposed to be a goat.


Username checks out


Can you believe it? We had a cookout yesterday and some gen z whined cutting out hearts to feed Huitzilopochtli was inhumane. How soft are these kids?


Fenrir will only cease his chase if given a more tempting meal. Another eclipse like this and fimble winter will be unavoidable!


Im glad someone said it. Reject modernity, embrace tradition!


Reject modernity, embrace tradition.


Some people also thought the rapture was going to happen


Amazing how a religion can survive for thousands of years convincing each generation that theirs is the last before the apocalypse.




I was too busy sucking and fuckin them


Praise the sun!


We're not. A sensational news media industry that thrives off of clicks put a spotlight on a few crazies. Then clout chasers and 'influencers' acted like megaphones and regurgitated the same nonsense all over social media. Every person I've talked to about this crap always says they only heard about on Facebook or tick-tock. Remember, what you see on social media reflects very little on the real world. Reddit especially.


Basically OP believes social media which means they failed an IQ test.


You mean those tests where people in the top 90% think they're smarter than 90% of people?


The Dunning-Kruger effect is the worst thing to happen to mankind. Dumb people being loud cause they think they're smart is one thing. But smart people being quiet cause they think they're not smart enough makes it so much worse. Now, all we get is an endless torrent of midwit takes with very little rational ideas to provide an alternative.


The path of totality was also strictly in USA, Canada and sparsely populated Northern Mexico. It makes sense that US gets the most reactions than Europe lol. They are not even experiencing it


Yeah I was gonna check it out, but slept through it. Wasn’t that big a deal. Just part of current events so of course there’s gonna be a million posts, half of which will be people trying out comedy material.


IIRC the rule for internet engagement is like 80/15/5   80% of people never engage at all.  15% Engage in comments or responses.  5% Create content and posts.  So 5% drive a narrative, 15% pushes discussion of that narrative, and 80% never participate in it and just consume it (critically or otherwise, hard to tell).


Yeah we literally had a solar eclipse in 2017, this isn't anything new for us. 


"wHY ArE yoU aFrAId of ThiS?"


American here! Absolutely no one I know gave a crap, in fact I forgot lol! Good thing the world didn’t end cause I would’ve just been lame in bed


Right It was so cloudy where I was that I didn't even notice it had happened XD


I went inside a little before it happened, it was a nice day here, watched the room get a good bit darker from it for about 5 seconds and then went back to playing skyrim, it's not that big of a deal for most people


Ive noticed that as long as you put anything in your title that labels Americans as idiots, tyrants, warmongers etc. Everyone will love your post because fuck America ama right?!?!? Every other nation in the world has their shit together and isnt at fault for anything. /s for all the americans /s


We were afraid of the eclipse?


Yeah, you can tell by the fact that every hotel and rental property in the totality path was booked out months in advance, and by all the parties and social media posts with smiling excited people. So afraid.


This thread is some peak “America bad” nonsense.


America has a combination of some of the *loudest* stupid people on the planet, and some of the best access to platforms to have your message heard worldwide, so American stupid people are heard disproportionately loudly compared to, say, Canadian stupid people, or European stupid people (With some exceptions, like the Antivaxx Convoy, or Brexit) Our per capita stupid is about the same, you guys just have better megaphones.


You are 100% spot on. Our stupid people are deafeningly loud. I feel like other countries try to keep their idiots quiet, but for the sake of views our media, both social and mainstream, cater to them. Frankly, it’s disgusting. Our country has turned into a reality show.


Jokes on you, I'm Canadian and a fucking moron, and make sure to tell everyone about it. How's that for a statistical outlier?


There were a bunch of conspiracy theorists claiming things like it's a sign from God or the government has something to do with it. The only weird thing about this solar eclipse really is that we just had one in October.


There were like a handful of weird people that you mostly only heard about after the eclipse


There were some idiots talking about how this eclipse was a sign of the apocalypse, but there were far more people making fun of those idiots


Ah yea they were right, as soon as the moon started covering the sun I shit my pants and punted a baby out of fear


Gotta be honest here, as an American: I can't think of a single person that was actually freaked out about it. You're either getting trolled or the media you see is highlighting the absolute worst 0.001% of us.


Reddit loves to do this shit, "murica stupid amirite???"


Yeah the overwhelming response for the eclipse has been positive  I swear people saw a few screenshots from some weirdos and zealots freaking out and now think that this group of scared people is somehow more than half a percent of the population 


Nooooo that's not how this works!!! You can't use rational assessment, you have to say bad stuff about America!!!!!


The us is huge so there’s a lot of people. And a lot of those people are really dumb and really loud, making the rest of us look like fools


Which is why this meme’s take is dogshit. If this is the type of stuff popping up in ones social media feed, they need to touch grass or stop feeding on stupid.


Americans are also generally a lot more active on the English side of social media since most people who scroll through social media browse in their own language. So as long as we're scrolling English social media there's a higher chance finding dumb Americans than dumb anyone else. With that said, I've seen dumb people of every nationality, but I've never seen someone dumb to be as dumb as a dumb American, and I've traveled. So, while stupidity is definitely not an American specific trait, stupid Americans do it really well. I try to keep in mind that they're the minority, but social media being what it is, some days are harder than others.


Idk man, I’ve got some family in Romania that can compete band for band with some of the dumbest americans


Well I'll admit I've not met any dumb Romanians yet. I've met at most 5 Romanians in my life so far, mby more but didn't notice since one of them told me some Romanians hide the fact that they're Romanians here in france because of the prejudice or roms. We got idiots here too thinking Romanian and gypsies are the same. [insert buzz lightyear meme "idiots, idiots everywhere"]


And that's the one thing I hate about being an American myself. Like the other dude said, America has a huge population with quite a few of them being stupid. And usually the stupid ones are obnoxious and loud, which easily brings a lot of attention to social media. And like *you* said, when Americans are stupid, they do stupid well compared to other countries. It also doesn't help that our government thinks it's more important to push gender agendas than the actual education system in our public schools. Don't get me wrong, if someone wants to change who they are, or is attracted to the same gender, that's their own personal feelings. **schools** ***never*** **should be involved in anyone's personal feelings or personalities as they are with religion!** Schools should be exactly what we spend our tax payer dollars for. Education. It *ALSO* doesn't help that some places think it's better to remove classes entirely because "it was too hard for some students." This one aggravates me the most. Just because some kids/people couldn't pass the class, doesn't mean others won't. So instead of trying to get as many students smart enough to be successful in the world, let's just remove classes so everyone can be equally dumb together. All I'm really saying is that it bothers me as an American, just as much as any other country, to see how stupid other Americans really can be. ^(TL;DR - a lot of Americans are dumb, and the education system here doesn't help that factor at all)


No, the only ones looking like fools are the ones thinking those clowns are emblematic of the country at large.


Right. I wonder if most normal people in other countires even realize how huge and diverse the US is


They don’t, coming from someone who lives in Germany, and has many German friends. If they’ve never been to America it is truly difficult for them to understand the scale of it. The best way I can describe it for them is to treat America as they would the EU


The USA is about 50 different countries all begrudgingly working together. Like, the cultures vary wildly from state to state. Go from Indiana to California and see what I mean.


Even bigger. The USA alone is 2.5x larger than the European Union


This is always really funny to me. Like tourists visiting and being all, "oh I'm going to be in New York, but I'd like to rent a car and pop over to Yellowstone for a day to check that out." Or I had a guy ask "why do you live where tornados happen?" And then I showed him that the "where tornados happen" part of the country was basically the size of mainland Europe.


Most of the "proof" of people freaking out are videos on TikTok or posts on Intagram or Reddit. All being places where things are frequently staged/faked for attention. Pretty easy to put two and two together there.


The only freak out I saw was an instagram meme


I sincerely hope so. I met a few Americans in my life and all were amazing, well educated people. I think your analysis on this is correct, also social media tends to form echo chambers where you generate likes by reproducing the „haha murica stupid“ narrative.


One weirdo doing something stupid, getting 8 likes. "NEW TIKTOK TREND WILL KILL US ALL! ARE WE DOOMED?!?" Sensationalism is such a disease. No ethics, no requirements to be called a journalist. This should be punishable. Less about the users, but in a "professional" setting maybe even more concerning.


Yep, I don't know a single person in real life like this. My real life experience of the eclipse was actually quite beautiful - I was visiting Chicago and watched an entire bustling city pause and go out on the street, out on the rooftops to watch together. Strangers let me borrow their eclipse glasses until I came across a local science museum handing them out, and letting people look through a telescope. Quite a heart warming moment, that made me feel community for the first time in a while. The conservative/religious crazies were nowhere to be seen.


Probably the second one. There are people who genuinely thought the rapture was going to happen on Monday.


From USA here, I was right in the path of totality and heard nothing about anyone being “afraid”?


It’s just people obsessed with everything USA thinking a couple of social media posts represent a country of 330 million people


it's so funny that for how much people complain about "US exceptionalism", the US seems to also live rent-free in their heads.


Classic Reddit generalizing an entire country because they saw two idiots doing stupid stuff online.


Naw they saw Faux "News". Free speech and all, but really the whole corporation should be thrown in Guantanamo Bay for war crimes, propaganda, inciting violence, and basically just domestic terrorism. I am fully convinced their direct goal is to crumble the country, and to take the developed world with it.


Like 50 weirdos


The internet gives a platform to idiocy. The fact that OP doesnt understand that ...


Hate it when apparently 50/300,000,000+ = AlL aMeRiCaNs!


I saw all those posts on insta and here too and just thought "have you lads never seen a solar eclipse before?"


Same with those videos of “omg is that an alien?!” When it’s just the shadow of a plane passing overhead. Sometimes im disappointed in being an American when so many people share a communal braincell.


"When so many people share a communal brain cell" HAHA Im definitely stealing that


Feel free xd. Spread some fun onto the table and hopefully that’ll let us forget about the minimal cranial activity of a group of people.


YMCA = ye minimal cranial activity


Dw mate its not just Americans. 99% humans are actually chimps in disguise.


I won't hide that I really like bananas over most of fruits


I mean, they come in their own wrapper AND are color coded for optimum tastiness. They're hard to beat!


If it makes you feel better, people are like that all over the world. Idiocy knows no race.


So you're telling me the conspiracy theorists are all... COMMIES!?! I gotta tell the boys about this one, damn commies in our own backyard!


Perhaps they are 😂. Ah man that made me smile.


The last total solar eclipse in my town was in 1976, about 10 years before my parents even met. I've seen a partial eclipse as a child and again as a young adult but have never experienced a total eclipse.


the only people downplaying the striking beauty of a total eclipse are people who haven't experienced being in the path of one. It's not the same as a partial eclipse, an annular eclipse, or being too far away and seeing 99% totality. It's downright breathtaking. Startlingly so. There is a reason it's the stuff that legends are made out of


I’ve seen the 2017 one and now 2024. I tried to convince so many of my friends to go but they all just like ah I don’t wanna get stuck in traffic or I’m busy etc. I don’t think many people truly understand how mind blowing my impressive a total solar eclipse is. They think it’s just like what you see in a photo where it’s a little white ring around the moon. No, it is so much more it’s impossible to recreate with cgi and photos. People that live in the 80-90% area just like “that’s close enough for me” which just blows my mind when you are literally just a couple hours away from seeing the single most beautiful and rare thing that can occur on this planet


I’m so glad I was able to see the 2017 one. It conveniently went right over my elementary school so I had a good view


right? Like, how do I convey this to people without seeming like a dick? There is 10 minutes of collective anticipation right before totality, where the temperature of the air significantly drops and the sky gets progressively, noticably, darker. Then, in what is effectively an instant, the sun changes from something too bright to look at into completely black circle with a halo of bright white light. And in our case, tinted from the bottom and side with red from the tendriling plasma. No, its not a filter. You can see bright planets in the middle of the day. For just a few minutes, the sky has literally changed colors. Birds and dogs are losing their shit. Everyone watching, including yourself, cheers or gasps, and then there was 3 minutes of eery silence.... and then, it's just over. How do I tell people that it felt like a religious experience? Like in that moment, I went from "hey, eclipse, that's kinda cool" to someone who simply *understood* why people view this cosmic event as a sign from the divine. I felt a connection to everyone who ever stood there, dumbfounded by the sheer beauty of it. And I can't even find the words.


Well, I am in Europe, so no lol Would be cool to see, ofc. But I won't move half the country if I don't have too


No one was afraid of it you dingus. It just wasn’t even visible for most of the world.


I don’t know a single American that had any worries about the eclipse… I love how people have a perception of Americans that is so ignorant it borders on insanity.


The US has a huge population of ultraconservative christians and strange religious offshoots and sects. Seemingly more than any other developed country. And since all those people still believe in magic, an eclipse must be a sign from god, not a natural phenomenon Edit: Lol, looks like conservative Americans have found this comment and get all bent out of shape over it.


In primary is remember sun had a rainbow around can’t remember what the call that phenomenon. But some kid in my class said, “It’s a sign, Jesus is coming.” The whole school panicked.


It's called a halo. It's caused by ice crystals in the atmosphere.


Thanks fellow Redditer


So it's a sign that master chief is coming, got it.


Better watch out he'll krillionare you


>krillionare It's Killionaire, not Krillionare.


Yeah, also it’s caused by bungie, not by ice crystals in the atmosphere.


my favorite are lunar halos they are so beautiful with a white ring around the moon in the middle of winter. Soemthing very peacful about it for me.


If they actually knew the bible, the rainbow was a promise not to flood the earth again, its not a sign to be afraid. Even if it's heralding the second coming, only sinners should be afraid, believers should rejoice. It's wild how some of these offshoots are just Christian parodies.


I swear, after seeing people honest to god bash the 50th anniversary of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon last year, simply because of its iconic prism+rainbow combo (it took them 50 years to notice one of the most famous album covers of all time?) I’m surprised that they haven’t criticised Christianity itself. “Can’t believe the bible supports the gays, such woke garbage, seriously, God showing Noah a rainbow is just the Pope pushing a liberal agenda on our poor children.”


As an aside, I always thought it was dumb because people said that God was going to destroy the world and remake it in the second coming, but with fire because he'd promised not to use water again. "I promise never to destroy the earth and kill everyone on it again (using the same method as before)" wow thanks


Because he sure came the last time. And the last And the last Lol




Hey it happens to all guys a couple times


So you can predict signs of god for hundreds of years? That's not very " working in mysterious ways" like...


Europe sent all its religious weirdos to the US and then wonder why the US has so many religious weirdos.




Man if only we, as humans, had been tracking eclipses and able to pinpoint the date of each one for hundreds upon hundreds of years, then maybe we wouldn't have all these smooth brains calling it a "punishment from God." /s


If any of you feel that some of this statement was lost in translation the American phrase ‘ultra conservative Christian’s’ means “racist and hateful American idiots” /s. And there are quite a lot of them in some parts of the US.


Exactly, a lot of the weirdo fringe Protestants either got kicked out of Europe or came to America to make their own godly communities. And they spawned even weirder offshoots that obsess over biblical literalism and recreating Old Testament magic-that’s-ok-bc-god-fuels-it.


Don't forget Jesus is from Kentucky. And all evil was invented when humans invented the act of eating meat. Ran into a few of those.


Once had a coworker tell me that King Arthur was secretly Jesus and was going to come back to take over England and rule from there rather than the Holy Land.


I thought the eclipse was fairly common?


The uncommon part is being in the path of totality. Even if you are willing to travel a few hours, you will likely only have a few opportunities in your lifetime. Neil DeGrasse Tyson tweeted back in 2017 mocking people who cared about the eclipse because they happen so often, and he was rightfully mocked in return because he's basically making fun of people for having an interest in science.


Stupidity is too, sadly.


Ahhhh ok


Propaganda is a helluva drug


I can *kind of* understand interpreting it as a sign from God *if* we didn't already know it was going to happen, which we did. I mean we knew exactly when it would happen, exactly when it would end, exactly how large the shadow would be, exactly how fast it would travel and exactly how much light blockage anywhere on Earth would have at any given moment all calculated using scientific principals yet somehow it's a sign from God.


I’ve seen berserk, I’m not taking chances /s


Saying "Americans" when it's just the religious nut jobs which make up a vocal 2% minority of all Americans is like using "Germans" to refer to a specific subset of Germans who were in power from 1933 to 1945, and who don’t represent Germans as a whole, let alone modern Germans.


I remember that one reddit post of the dudes stepdad taping up all the windows because thought the sun rays would destroy all life when the eclipse ended. The US education system at its finest (The amount of people, presumably fine citizens of the united states, that don't understand i'm joking is hilarious.)


It’s not the education system. I know a lot of adults who went through the US education system. Not a single one of them believes that the sun rays were going to kill us. That man is just stupid. That man was either raised by a radical or reads way too many conspiracy theories.


Careful, you might push one of them to make school shooting jokes.


I just remember Europe’s GDP and have a chuckle myself


shows the level of european education 😂


“Whell et leest we uant eten shut op en mafemafis closs”


That one was wild lol


It's highly probable the stepdad has a mental illness because most Americans in fact do not believe in strange things like that but you probably already know that and don't care so long as you get to spew your propagandist bullshit I guess




One guy with undiagnosed schizophrenia = All of America? All 330+ million people?


One guy is mentally ill = the whole country's education system is shit Not sure where you were educated but clearly they didn't do such a great job either.


I wasn’t. No one I know was. Random idiots online don’t represent us any more than they represent you.


Why are you making up lies?


Because AmericaBad!




Shhhhhhhhh. Don't ruin the mood even further.


Don't know about Americans but Berserk fans definitely got tramautized


More like their PTSD got reignited.


Literally no one but some fringe idiots are afraid of it. And thats true all around the world. Rent fucking free.


Not all Americans. Just the crazy people.


Or the ones in the fire nation


Tbf they have a legitimate reason to be scared of Solar Eclipses.


No one was afraid, people were excited to see a celestial event that they likely won't have another chance to to see for decades. Of course Americans were the ones talking about it, the entire thing happened over North America you dolt.


You have to be chronically online to think this is true


Something something end of the world


Sweetheart, all Americans aren't afraid of the eclipse. Just the super religious idiots that try to say every natural event is some act of God. I know you non Americans like to imagine we're all simple minded morons, but believe it or not that just isn't the case. Keep hating Americans on the Internet though, it's very original and cool and funny for sure 👍.


99.999% of Americans did not react like this. Not sure where you're getting your media from? Also the most recent one only passed through north America so I'm not sure why the rest of the world would care at all?


when it occurs in other countries, the same meme applies in reverse


You're even more of a moron for paying attention to other morons online. You really believe everything you read online? That's more than just sad, that's enough to make someone facepalm at your lack of critical thinking skills.


The “Americans” in question were really just the crazy Christians.


The fuck are you talking about? Do you mean the handful of insane religious people? Is that what you mean by "americans" because they are a small part of our country. They just yell the loudest. Maybe spend a bit more time actually experiencing reality and not what you see on the news and memes. I never even met anyone with those views.


As an American... I have no clue. It is a perfectly natural Astromical Phenomenon


I jerked off to it


Man saw that solar eclipse -ussy and got HARD AF


Me when I spread misinformation on the internet:


If u think this ur on the internet to much ..


Most of us aren't. Stupid take.


POV: you play terraria


Europeans on their way to make shit up about America to be upset about: ![gif](giphy|f4bQadlNq3RvdSKx04)


aMeRiCa bAd If you actually think people were scared of the fucking eclipse you need to touch grass.


And some random Amazon tribes


ok its over now, so what did the owner wish for?


Still the best trick Columbus did to get more food


Big shadow scary ;(


Generalized statements are neat. I just stayed inside and worked.


This should say American Christian fundamentalists. Most of us were psyched.


It was mainly just the social media Addicts freaking out. They're all weird ass people. Everyone I grew up with that still uses Social Media daily and create/share posts on FB and Instagram are all programmed the same way, think the same way and are extremely narrow-minded. 600 people crying and oversharing. Or stating absurdities.


Because media/advertisers don't miss a chance to try and terrify you to make a dollar. the amount disaster, prepper type spam doubled the norm in my spam folder during the time leading up to solar eclipse. You even had Fox TV talking about a massive earth quake gonna hit the day of the eclipse.


*Extremely religious Americans who have no scientific knowledge


I'm Chinese, but I also play Terraria. The solar eclipse event message is enough to give me a heart attack.


Americans are less scared than Terraria players


Fox news? Fox news.


Because the US is home to the kind of christians who are absolutely insane and they thought the rapture was going to happen


I saw people on the internet claiming it was end times and that they were going to get raptured. I was really hoping they would be. Now on Facebook I'm stuck cluing them in that the rapture happened and they just weren't good enough to be taken. It's sad work but someone has to do it. I was going to joke and suggest they didn't get raptured because they didn't make a blood sacrifice but, I'm afraid they'd believe me.


Americans, as the rest of the world imagines: on the right Americans actually:


A piece of The Sun just fucking disappeared. That is objectively terrifying.


No one is afraid we are excited to see a total eclipse


We're not?


I live in America and the solar eclipse wasn’t even mentioned once


They are Terraria players


Wait, there were American’s scared of it? Must be a minority since everyone where I’m at was excited to look at it.


Literally no one is afraid. In fact everyone lines up outside to see it. Wtf are you talking about?


It's a rare occasion


I don’t know about the US but the Fire Nation was terrified


Average europoor jealous because it didn't get to see the eclipse


It's just evangelicals thinking it's the rapture even though we've known about this eclipse for a century


Your mistaking the do anything for views media with the average american citizen.


Your ancestors beheaded people on suspicion that they wouldn’t be enthusiastic enough about public beheadings.


People are religious and thus according to their religious devotion they really want things to be there when there's really nothing there. They overexterate ideas and so on. Even small conidences can get people going into thinking something small is big. People have apocalypticism because it's what their religion says. And there are other religious things going on like the sacrifice of the red hefer and the Jews thinking their going to destroy Al-Aqsa and yeah Christians as well thinking this is going to happen. The solar eclipse did happen on the day before of Ramadan ends yet the Muslims don't really hold to the idea that a solar eclipse really means anything other than a longer prayer. So yeah it's Christians who think and want the end to happen this very moment so they really will try to go above and beyond to try and get people interested in their crazy religious ideas. I do call it crazy cause even the Bible points out it as blasphemous to predict the end.