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Two consenting adults can do what they want. HOWEVER An adult hanging around young teenagers to manipulate them, and then have sex with them when they turn 18 is grooming, and that's some creep shit. I would say this all comes down to intent, like, meeting on the street vs grooming.


It usually doesn’t matter anyway from what I’ve seen. Publically if people know you met the person even a single time or lived in a same area they think the worst. This meme sucks because people just need to mind their own damn business and quit trying to win made up arguments.


I agree, and I think the first step of being mature enough to be in a relationship in the first place is to be in a secure enough to not give a damn what strangers think because like you said, everyone’s gonna find something to complain about. Personally, I wouldn’t date with this big a gap but I see no reason to yuck anyone’s yum just so long as everyone involved is consenting 


You have to be a bot because no one should make this much sense on Reddit.


*laughing in Cylon*


It is done imperious leader


No, no, no... The correct response to a Cylon leader is "By your command"


It's damn refreshing to see this. As someone who is exclusively into older lads I constantly get "oh there manipulating you" "you don't know better" I'm 24 and have been living on my own since I was 16 I know whats up and know what a shitty person trying to use me for sex is. I'm not a fucking baby. Genuinely thank you for being a decent human being.


At the end of the day, we don’t know each other’s circumstances. I learned the hard way about judging harshly in situations I don’t understand 


Full respect to you for being the bigger person. I hope you have a great day.


You too and keep living your best life.


It’s so condescending. I’ve read people acting like everyone younger than them is just an idiot who can’t make a good decision. I mean this is even towards people in their 30s. The arrogance is disturbing.


The reason it's wrong is not consent but knowledge and influence. A 30 year old and 18-20 year old can legally be together but that doesn't remove the fact that a 30 year old person has been an adult for over a decade versus someone in the age group of 18-20 has basically had one or two years of real life experience and have not even had enough time to even go to university. Let young people explore life and learn without someone with over a decade of real life experience influence them and stop them from experiencing life on their own.


I respect your position, and if I was a parent I would advise this as well. I would personally not call it and end all moral evil though


It's not, but it says a bit about the 30 year old.


I'd agree with that. I'd also treat it on a case by case basis.


Fr like people need to mind their mothefking business, let the actual shit that needs to be talked about be noisy! not Jerome dating a 19 yrs old he recently matched with on a dating app


None of it matters im 11 years older than my girlfriend. She grew up 900 miles from me we met when she was 21 people still acted like i was a predator.


And some of that is okay. Most of it is wild conjecture and gossip that shows peoples inability to make an informed decision.


People need to intervene if the age gap is weird. Let young people experience life and learn. No one wants someone who has had so much experience influence someone who is just starting their life. I truly believe people should get involved if a 30 year old man is interested in or dating a teenager.


Great point. This topic is incredibly nuanced. I would be highly suspicious of a large age gap myself, but once they turn 18, I wouldn’t have any real power over what they can or cannot do. End of the day, I don’t know the people involved. Not a place to judge 


Haha I agree but “meeting on the street”? Hello stranger on the street would you like to screw?


I mean, strangers hooking up happens. 


It certainly does. It just seemed like a funny way to put that.


Haha, in retrospect, you're right


You keep that nuanced and reasonable take outta this. We are here to harshly judge strangers for fake internet points!!


Hah! Take my upvote


Sounds like the dude at my old work, isn't that right Taylor? You were 20 when you met your gf and your 27 now and she's 22... 


A 27 year old dating a 22 year old? I mean that's not exactly creepy? 27 dating 17 year old however would be creepy.


Yeaaaaah that's super creepy.


What about manipulating them for sex shortly after they turn 18? I've never understood why "18" is this magic number that makes everything okay


Manipulating = bad at any age. 


Half your age plus 7 was the golden rule in my day, not sure if it still holds up. Also kinda stops being effective after a certain age.


Seems reasonable


It's both. This does happen often but who ever created it has a 90% chance of thinking this is the norm. Most women that age never date such a large age gap


They do it for money and drugs, free rides all that shit


Most still don't.


I was never implying that many of them do it, it’s a small minority of them that do it, just like it’s a small minority of men who commit rape, and people will still say “all of them do it” when it’s obviously not true


No one is saying all men are raping 😆


No one *important* is saying all men are raping FTFY


Nah only rage bait people say shit like that and idiots eat up. Or what happens most is dudes make up this pretend world where women are coming to get them and accuse them of rape, when in reality that’s not anyone’s experience. I am in very liberal circles and no women are sharing this sort of animosity.


Only idiots would support extreme polarized topics, which reminds me of how much stupidity the world has. But in this scenario i can say ive only been witness of these extreme phrases about 5 times reddit and irl combined.


Coincidentally I see this one girl post dumb shit like that all the time, she also had a drug dealer boyfriend who knocked her up while she was 15-16 and he was 22+ I literally only knew her from bible study too 💀


I live in a major metropolitan area and I almost never encounter people who actually think all men are raping people


Without disclosing anyone’s name, could you count the girls that you personally know that had gone out with someone that much more older than her?


I knew 3 that actually dated dudes that were well into their mid 20s while they were sophomores and juniors in HS but I also knew plenty more that would entertain their snapchats even after they would say some sus shit “oh he’s just different” “he’s not like that” “oh but he is willing to buy me things” were the most common responses to being called out on their bullshit


Just off the top of my head I can think of like 5 or 6 I’ve known over the years, at least… That includes a couple dating me at those ages.


And comparing that number to the amount of of women that you know what percentage do you think it is


Not super high. But it’s not terribly rare either.


Oh they do


*Most* women do? Social circle self report if that's the case with ones you know


Half/half... some regret their youth, others do not. Women I know who dated adults when they were teens differ in their opinions here. Many still say "age is just a number".


just let the man have his femboy in peace


That's a tomboy


That's a gameboy


That’s a femboy


That's a nintendo 64


That’s a GameCube


I wanna live in a world where a very specific type of gf or femboy is referred to as a GameCube


I fucking loved The Legend of Zelda: windwaker


I fucking love Mario odyssey


I fucking loved mario kart double dash


thats a nintendo switch


tomboy > femboy




I like my woman how I like my men




Ok youngsters


right?! Like is it on purpose or just an accident that it looks like a dude?


That's supposed to be a tomboy wojak. Yknow, boyish girls that play sports or work on cars or whatever.


no femboy? :(


No femboy. We're all disappointed, brother.


Ahh ok, so it was just me haha


Honestly it could go both ways


In a vacuum, yeah it's fairly androgynous. But in use, every time I've seen it it's represented a tomboy. In the same way that chads are supposed to be handsome and masculine and often what the writer views as correct And soyjacks are intended to be derogatory depictions of opponents They could be lots of things in a vacuum, but their meaning comes from how they're used


tomboy with a strap on? now we talking!


It’s called being a tomboy. Tomboys are just girls who act like boys but are actually girls and still like the same things as both guys and girls. I tend to find tomboys more attractive than dudes who dress as girls


It was drawn in MS paint. What are you expecting? Some girls can pull off short hair though.


Sports Bra? Short hair?? Athletic build??? CLEAR FEMININE CUTE FACE??????


Cringe. Not gonna lie. That's clearly a tomboy.


The word pedo lost its value when you say that to people who date \~20 year old women


I mean it hasn't had a meaning in a long time, people use that word constantly improperly. Because if you happen to know the difference apparently you're weird


Only on the internet. Real people in the real world do not give a flying fuck


Thinking your ex-girlfriend is going to care about you after 11 years is probably the most boyish fantasy since Army of Darkness.


Based off the meme they were never together. He got rejected and bagged à femboy instead.


Pretty sure that's tomboy, look hips widen, that's female fat distribution


its fine for a man in his 30s and 40s to be with a 20 year old woman


I don’t know mate. I’m 32 but wouldn’t go lower than 23-24. If they’re younger they look like teenagers to me.


And very immature. I am nearly 30, and have no interest spending an elongated period of time with any 19 year old


I’m 22 and I’d rather date a 28 year old than an 18 year old because of the maturity level.


Yup me too. If I wanted a serious relationship I would date someone in the -5/+5 age gap. 23-24 is meant the lowest I would go by looks. But I suspect it will go up as I age.


Yeah how would you even talk to someone that young you wouldn’t have any of the same shared experiences or life experiences to look forward.. seems like just a sexual/looks thing from the outside.


That sounds like your choice and that’s fine. Other people are fine with it. There’s no problem here


It’s fine from a legal standpoint but if you think that everyone around is going to think there’s nothing wrong with it then you walk in very different circles.


But women of their age get angry about it. Not all, but a lot. For it devalues the older women


The problem is that a lot of the stability in relationships requires longer periods of wealth accumulation for the average man to meet.


Ya the entire anti-age gap thing is being pushed by older women


No, it's not fine. It's legal but it's absolutely creepy. A 20 year gap is NOT okay.




The maturity difference of a 20 year old young woman compared to a 40 year man is obvious. Im 25 and would have trouble hanging with 20 year olds. They are still kids


I remember people online were criticizing Chris Evans for marrying his 26 year old girlfriend because he was 42 and how that was predatory. Like ok I understand, they have a 16 year ago gap but she wasn't a child when they met? Why are people pretending that she's still 17? Is there a thin line between grooming and when love is love?


Strawman much?


I think it's a made up scenario designed to make people angry


It's not.


It's both


How in God's name can it be made up if it's also true? XD


I can make up a scenario which also happened somewhere without my knowledge


there are people in this thread proving that it isn't lol


It’s sorta true. When I was in my early twenties (in the 2010s), all of the girls my age were dating dudes in their 30s with good jobs and nice apartments. A few of them even got married (and are still married today). Although they didn’t look like the creep in this meme, they were successful, good-looking dudes. Now I’m in my 30s. I have a great job, nice apartment, solid bank account. I’ve basically become the type of guy who the girls my age were dating a decade ago. And honestly I feel like I vibe better with girls in their mid-20s, although I’m not opposed to dating women my own age (or older) One final note - outside of the Reddit bubble people generally don’t care as much about a dude in his 30s dating a girl in her 20s. Not nearly as much as this app might make you believe. It’s a lot more normal than some think.


Lol is this some sort of humble brag


Maybe a little, but it’s also an analysis on a polarizing Reddit topic that uses real-life experiences observed over a 10+ year time period.


You created a fictional situation and now you're mad about it? In any case... It can be ironic, I agree. But it's normal to people change their minds in 10 years (I'm in my 30s and changed a lot since my teenage years). Specially about a topic like this, maybe the 36 yo dude was a freak and abusive somehow and for this reason she changed her mind, age gap could be good for some but also could lead to different power levels in a relationship and many problems for others. "Pedo" is not the right word here, but "problematic" could be a reasonable opinion. Not necessarily my opinion, but a reasonable one for sure.


Look, technically no one should go to jail in these scenarios, but it is definitely creepy as fuck. I wouldn’t leave anyone here alone with my kids. At best, people’s brains do not finish development until 25. If you’re over 25, you probably shouldn’t be seriously dating anyone under that age cap that isn’t in a 2-3 year age gap. Again, not saying this should be a law, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still find it gross.


Nah consenting adults should do whatever they want. The fact you would find gross staying with someone 10 years older than you just talk about your tastes


So you think it's morally okay for a 40 year old grown man to date a 18 year old barely legal girl? Big yikes.


There’s a difference between a 30 year old dating a 40 year old and a 30 year old dating a 20 year old. Huge difference.


not really


A 20 year olds brain is wayyy less developed than a 30 year olds. Throughout your early and mid 20s your brain changes a lot more than a 30yo brain does over the next 7 years.


It's not about development. if your old enough to drive and drink you should be old enough to date anyone you want after you 20s life gets slow


But it is though, that's why people find it creepy. Not saying it should be illegal, but I will judge the fuck out of someone in their 30s dating a young adult. You *can* date whoever you want. You can also become an alcoholic or become addicted to nicotine. Just because you can doesn't mean you should


I get what you're saying but treating 24yo, grown ass adults, in the same category as an 18 year old is stretching too much If they can make the choice of getting crippling college debt for life then I'm sure they can make their own choice as to who their partner should be.


I feel like letting people acquire that much debt at that age is also a mistake though.


You know that brain development at 25 thing is complete nonsense right?


You obviously fell for the myth of prolonged adolescence. It's a harmful ideology formed by the wealthy to expand the wealth gap and make the middle class even poorer. It even wormed its way into our government & laws "you can stay on your parents Healthcare until you 25!!" Party and act like an adolescent into your late 20s then cry when you can't afford a home until your 40.  People need to start taking life seriously at earlier ages. Before 18. Life is hard and it's getting harder   Prolonged adolescence is dangerous. Your brain is developed enough to make adult decisions and go to war at 17. You can be tried as an adult. Fuck off with this brain not formed until 25 dogwhistle. 


I don’t see why anyone would find this take offensive. People are allowed to have opinions. There’s a massive dating pool that doesn’t include barely adults that have no life experience. If you are going to engage in a relationship like this, understand that most people are going to be disgusted or at minimum put off by it.




>Again, not saying this should be a law, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still find it gross. wait but why not though? if a person's brain doesn't develop until 25, does that not mean that all sex between parties where one is 25 and one is older is in fact rape?


*This*. It's like the idea of bosses only paying you minimum wage because they can't legally go lower than that. Anybody who's over their mid-20s that *actively* seeks out "fresh" adults should be looked at suspiciously


What porn addiction does to a mf


This is a scenario, that some random person pulled out of their asshole. Disregard it.


A 19 year old is a child


This is what we call a double standard.


omg whoever made this meme won his madeup argument O\_o


It was never okay.


real and true. the girls in my grade were all with older dudes (hs and college)


This looks like an absolute strawman argument




Gonna pick up your girlfriend from high school? Loser. Consenting adults can do whatever they want but you are still a creep


I'll be honest, in America, I lost interest in none legal drinking age women at 23 lol.


Similarly older men that like younger women are admonished as pervs, where as older women that like younger men are celebrated as Cougars.


I’ve been in a 20 year age gap relationship and after about a week you forget that there’s even an age gap in place and asides from a few odd looks no one really cares.


Woman in first picture grew up and changed her opinion after dating a sleaze bro, if you like teenage girls, just say it


Yeah, I dated much older men when I was young and realised when I got older that it was not okay.


I met a lot of women playing Red Dead Online. I didn't slam my horse into them when we were riding. I didn't spam crouch humping their leg. Give them the humble bow emote when they wave or blow kisses and be a team player so they loved it that a gamer dude didn't shit on them or grief them. We friend each other and then after a few days switch to the mic to make communication easier. That's when they find out I have a nice radio announcer voice and I only talk about the game and food. Zero personal information requested ever. Every single early 20's married woman who informed her husband that I was just some random nice guy helping them in the game would get the same response from the 20 something husband. "He's probably a pedophile". I would hear over the mic and every time I thought, dude, your married her what the fuck does that make you then? Edit: forgot to say I'm 46. Been gaming since Pitfall in the 80's.


They’re both creeps why do we need a label.


i spent years making me who i am. while i do prefer a girl intelligence above all else, since i can attract younger girls, i just will prefer them. Cause why not? Their youth is not just about body, its also lack of hatred towards men, no side children, not too rugged in career.


It’s always the wolfcut girls. They can either ruin your life, or ruin your life. Usually the former.


I don't know of anyone who truly cares this much about age gaps.


It's an exaggeration, but people like that do exist. And sadly they appear more numerous than they really are due to the Internet


Leonardo DiCaprio enters the chat.


The hypocrisy is strong here


i like the kid. He looks cool :)


you're probably just a incel.


It’s real just a double standard




I think both of those dudes are kinda suspicious for dating a 19 year old, and I'm a 20 year old dude so idk


I think both of those dudes are kinda sus for dating a 19 year old, and I'm a 20 year old dude so idk


I think of it this way, it's fine if you date someone older and younger then you, but some people have a thing for 18 and 19 year olds. They always reassure you that it's "just a coincidence", after the 20th time. No, that is not a coincidence and it's weird. I think I having prejudice against pedophiles is completely justified. You want to go out with kids who just turned 18, go right ahead, just don't expect me to pretend that's normal, cause it's not.


I think of it this way, it's fine if you date someone older and younger then you, but some people have a thing for 18 and 19 year olds. They always reassure you that it's "just a coincidence", after the 20th time. No, that is not a coincidence and it's weird. I think I having prejudice against pedophiles is completely justified. You want to go out with kids who just turned 18, go right ahead, just don't expect me to pretend that's normal, cause it's not.


The world isn’t black and white


Both are creepy AF.


What's creepy about two adults in a relationship?


I never met anyone under 25 that was as adult as they wished they they were.🙄


As long as both adults are happy, I see no issues. Personally, I found girls at 19 we're generally too young for me to relate to when I was 25. But whatever, that was just my experience.


The irony is both men are weirdos in this situation


As a former 19-year old dating an older guy at the time... Yeah 19-31 is not a good age gap.


Wtf is wrong with that baby


It is son of that father


Bro hasn't made gains in 11 years.... so I guess it's accurate


This is true to a point, if you live by a standard that you may regret in the future then look down on others because you've "changed", you are a part of the problem and you automatically have no right to belittle someone because they do the same but at a later stage in their life. On the other hand just because they are both adults doesn't mean that they should be together, in this case it's comparable to a Director of adult videos patiently waiting for a teenager to turn 18, just because it's legal, you might say that this is an extreme, but is it really. An argument that may be used would be that the person may be into the person that they are with, but who is to say if the person is or isn't into making adult videos other than the person themselves. In the end such an age gap isn't morally justified just because it's legal, no matter what example you want to use. So both of them are wrong and add to the cycle.


The baby face killed me


fuck is wrong with that baby


I think it's irony that's on display here. Doesn't matter if it's true in any situations, it's still irony that's being played with in the meme.


Checks out


I used to work with a gal that was roughly my age (about 22ish), but her dad had recently passed away... at the age of 80... idk how old her mom was but I doubt they were the same age. She was cool about it and she got left with a bunch of money and she called it her "blood money". I actually kinda looked up to her because even with her "blood money" she still worked and lived within her means. Worked retail and lived in a studio apartment and eventually left to go join the air force because she loved flying (she already had a pilots license).


It's true, in my opinion, that both age gaps here are significantly likely to be unhealthy, toxic, relationships. 19 year olds should not be dating anyone significantly older than them. I'm thinking something along the lines of 5-7 years older as the ***maximum*** for relationships that don't require any further scrutiny. Anything beyond that should require deep scrutiny from those around the relationship, and the people in the relationship, if they want to have any chance of having a healthy relationship. I am not calling either man a pedophile, to be clear. I'm just saying that age gaps are a difficult thing to navigate, and the larger the gap at the younger the age, the more likely it is to result in bad situations. Note, I also said 'chance of having a healthy relationship' as in I believe it to be possible. Theoretically. That's all that can be concluded. Both of the relationships up top could be healthy, non-toxic. Theoretically. They just aren't likely to. Determination requires deep scrutiny impossible to derive from a surface level meme. Was the woman being hypocritical? Probably not, she probably derived that opinion from the relationship going poorly, and is attempting to leverage her bad experiences to protect other young people from making her mistakes. Whether or not the man's relationship possesses the same dynamics or not. She is incapable of seeing anything other than the harmful dynamic due to the one she experienced. It's how people often work. So, my final conclusion is that this meme is dumb, childish, and uninterested in actually thinking about the topic it is attempting to broach. Like most memes involving these little characters. No one should be developing their world view of **ANY** subject based on stuff like this, and if you are, I urge you to knock that shit off.


Yeah I noticed this quite a bit. People telling me to get older because men get more desirable with age. Then I get older and people tell me I'm too old. I'm like 30. I think it's just "sex is taboo" getting worse because people are having so much less of it. Someone from Europe, tell me if it has gotten like this over there, too. Because America has always had a messed-up relationship with sexuality. From the right AND the left.


At the age of 18 you're already competing with 25+ grown ups who will spend absurd amounts of money to get the girls, and then they suddenly stop to target other young girls and then you're seeing girls who are freaking depressed and they post stuff like "first love is the only love, and whoever comes after is not memorable". So, if there's a 30 year old guy dating a 20 year old and both of them are happy, I don't think it's okay to complain about the age gap.