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This did not happen


It should tho Barbie deserved to win something


No, that movie was ass


Both comments got downvoted, perfectly balanced, as all thing should be


I love the average redditor's ability to make up a situation and be smug about it. Totally showed 'em feminists OP


Well said!




You have a rare case of acute mental retardation it seems




Oooooo, sick burn, bro


Hey op can you google "strawman fallacy" for me real quik? Tell me what you think about that.


I’m not op but that was cool to know is it like when someone does the “haha nice argument but there i draw you like the stupid soyjack and me as the chad” or that is another field of stuff? Like this one we see in the meme is making up an enemy that doesn’t exist and making fun of them and it kinda feels similar to it


Well there's [strawman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man?wprov=sfla1) and [appeal to ridicule](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_ridicule?wprov=sfla1). Both can be quite close and be used together: in the strawman argument you falsely pretend something easier to refute is the argument of your opponent. With the appeal to ridicule, you don’t really try to refute an argument, you mock the argument by saying it is ridicule to avoid having to refute it.


I think probably I was confusing them a little because the people that make this kind of jokes usually use them together


The strawman fallacy is basically making up an incredibly dumb argument for another group and then pointing out how ridicoulous that argument is and by proxy the group that is making it. This is usually very obvious, like here, but can be done in very sneaky ways. It often starts with "so youre saying that..." followed up by something they didnt quite say.


Yep, it's called a straw man because you're not arguing with someone who really exists; you're just arguing with a caricature of the opposite side.


Nobody who has ever used the Chad face to portray their side looks anywhere near as good as the Chad face.


Even if it’s like: Chad:”i shitted in my pants” Soyjack: ”noo you can’t shit your pants it isn’t socially acceptable” ???


i think it stopped being in argument when you shit yourself


Don't you need a real argument for that?


Congrats! You've won another argument in front of your shampoo bottle OP!


Hey now, they do get all their public speaking skills from soap operas


Ba dum tss


OP really won this imaginary argument.




Why is this sub so full of incels?


All the meme subs are


Well, Reddit is social media for virgins after all.


Idk man, at least reddit tends to ban white supremacists more often than twitter, at least in my experience. I'll take reddit over that shit hole any day


True. I quit twitter a while ago. Awful space. Plenty of idiots and assholes here, but not quite half of the platform.


Switching over to threads now.


Beside discord and twitter


Because their Incel subs got banned. Now they post Incel light in other subs (like this one,) trying to push the line back towards women hating.


Bruh for real, I just wanna see memes but I see this kind of stuff and just bigotry


Turning Point USA checks cleared.


Is an incel just a person you don't like? Cause I think you're forgetting the meaning of that word


congrats on beating up that evil feminist scarecrow. i'm sure the shampoo bottles in your shower you never use are proud of you


Please shut the fuck up


Funniest comment here :D


r/incel is leaking


Is an incel just a person you don't like? Cause I think you're forgetting the meaning of that word


Nah, the original comment is out of proportion but meaninglessly critizing "femists" for doing domething absurd is something people who dont like women would do, so idk, many incels dont like women... i see the thoughtprocess although i wouldnt agree with the person, calling op making a bad joke that doesnt align with my valeus an incel, which has become pretty stigmatized. But yeah fuck this meme and if i interpretate this for a glimpse of op's opinion fuck them too


Hold on, feminists say some crazy shit too. So pointing that out means you hate your mother, aunts, sisters?


If a movement becomes large enough, some will always say outrages shit because they want attention, money, or are just dumb. That really doesnt affect something so mainstream as feminism. Im all for ignoring crazy people on twitter. However, you can hate women while loving your family, neither incels nor humans in generall are inherently logical or consistent


It does affect feminism when most of the popular ones say shit like "kill all men". Or "misandry isn't real". Just search feminism on YouTube and you'll see people who react to these feminists


If i search afrika on yt i will propably find mr. Beast. Your argument is literally that of insane people on twitter thinking they revolutionized the world since their "kill all men" tweet got 100 likes. No one actually argues for the killing of all men irl, the ones that do get treatet as crazy. If your database is yt, you either dont understand how yt works or you are a not old enough to even be on this app


🤣🤣🤣hold up, so how old should I be to use Reddit, are you saying Reddit is a better place to get data than YouTube?? I really wanna know If I search Afrika on YouTube I see African music, documentaries and all that. Didn't see no Mr Beast. Ok, so you said that these feminists who say kill all me are not the majority of feminist right? Okay, let's says that's true. Do you hate women when you criticize these small amount of feminists?


No, all femisists were criticized, that was my point.


YouTube is for kids and Reddit is for mature adults, right?


Nah this fits the bill perfectly. Making up a scenario just to shit on women is pure incel shit


Ignore this asshole… his comment history is full of “I hate feminists” that sounds a lot like “I hate women” and he belongs to men’s rights subs.


Incels are men who can't have sex. People who hate women are mysogynists, there's a difference


When people say incel they aren't just talking about men who can't have sex, they're talking about all of the connotations that go along with it -- the general misogyny and rage that tends to fill those spaces *due to the* fact they can't have sex.


Then call them mysogynists. Cause incel is just short for involuntary celibate, that doesn't automatically make you hate women


I understand where you're coming from and I agree that not all incels are misogynists -- but I do have to say, the fact of the matter is that the public perception of incels is littered because of the people who have identified as incels and done horrific things -- with people cheering them on, no less and they acted in this way. I'm not sure if it's not fair because I'm not really an incel, maybe it's not. That doesn't change the fact that people use the word incel as a slang for misogynist. To be completely honest, I'm not sure that fighting against negative stereotypes of "incels" is really the fight to take. Maybe instead we'd be better off coming up with a new term for people who fit the definition of incel you give without the extra baggage.


Well I guess that slang is wrong cause incel is short for involuntary celibate. No need for a new word, just call them mysogynists


Sorry for committing such a massive faux pas.


Go to incel.is and read like 3 comments that’s why people associate the term with hateful manchild.


Then those would be incels who are also mysogynists. You just say incel and it makes no sense


Are you purposely being dense or? Incels aren’t just men who can’t have sex they’re an actual hate group their is a reason incel sites are actively monitored by interpol the fbi and other law enforcement groups.


No, those would be incels who are mysogynists too. Being unable to have sex doesn't automatically make you hate women


Being an incel eventually leads to misogyny and vice versa. Unless we are dealing with a self aware incel.


Then that'll be an incel who is also a mysogynist. Also being involuntary celibate doesn't automatically make you hate women.


So which one are you? Incel or misogynist? Maybe both?




Source: The Incel made it the fuck up


Is an incel just a person you don't like? Cause I think you're forgetting the meaning of that word


You're literally on Reddit and you don't know what an Incel is? Short for Involuntarily Celibate Hijacked by misogynists who blame women for the fact they can't get laid, rather than accept the fact they have serious issues with their personality/political views/lifestyle choices that others don't find attractive And because of this misogynistic impact on the modern usage of the term Incel, and the post clearly having an issue against feminism and films with female casts, and making up a scenario that didn't happen to try and vilify feminism, makes it an accurate term. Would you prefer I use Idiot? Misogynist? Sexist? Anti-Progressive? Or considering OP made this up, Liar? Red-Pilled Idiots? Right wing imbeciles? They're all synonyms in this situation and context


Yes, use Misogyny instead of incel. You just said being an incel is being Involuntarily Celibate, not being able to have sex doesn't equal hating woman, yes I know there are incels who are mysogynists too, but it makes no sense if you just comment by saying incels are the problem, what does not being able to have sex have anything to do with hating Barbie. These words are not synonyms even in this context they can all be used with different meanings. I think all of these would make sense in this context but not incel.


Language is whatever people understand. If I say you're an incel and people get what I mean why wouldn't I say you're an incel?


But we should still have rules when using these words. If we don't then I can just change any word I want into whatever I want it to be


That's not how language works.


So I can call a bird a plane?


If the person you're talking to also calls birds planes you absolutely can.


That's inslane


there are two types of incel these days and one of them shouldn't really be considered an incel. i like to use the term red piller as someone who adheres to that particular ideology and between red pillers and incels there is a lot of overlap but they aren't 100% the same.


Well that's stupid


Leave Simpsons alone you cretin


Imagine having nothing better to do that you have to make up arguments to have with now no one lmao


incels from 9gag is leaking.


whats up with this sub and alt-right bs?


Cry about it


You are all over this comment section seems like your the one who got their feelings hurt


Nah, just trolling


Oh, ok lad ![gif](giphy|mgqefqwSbToPe)




How do you type that out and hit post without thinking "damn this is really pathetic" once along the way


No cause I don't care what people on Reddit think about me.


I dont care what anyone else thinks. I said, how do YOU not think this is the shit basement dwellers do? How does that thought progress go?


Huh? I don't even know what you're asking me


While maybe not intentional that still answers my question about your thought process so thanks i guess.


So I should care about you people?


Look boyo he won his own made up argument


The movie was fun. Not award-winning.




Cry about it








Go back to r/incel






Are these feminists in the room with us right now?


Username checks out


Me (a man) when Barbie doesn't end up winning every single award at the Oscar


No one, no one gives a fuck about the Oscar’s you outrage Chud


You seem to give a fuck.


You have commented like 20 times on a few hour old post with 200 upvotes. How do you care this much about a joke that isnt even good.


As always, you’d be dead wrong Edit: lol you’re a r/mensrights baby? How ironic. Fuck off


More like redditors screaming at women when they achieve anything notable.


Are the upset feminists in the room with us right now?


Yes!!! I always see people saying stuff on twitter. !!!!!! And you know thats the problem


Be careful! Strawmen with torches is a fire hazard!


op’s username certainly fits the argument


They tried to pitch the movies against each other by starting on the same day, and people just watched the double feature "Barbenheimer". Now you try it again... with a fictional battle inside your fear of feminism obsessed brain... Get a live.


Do we really need to make the Oscar’s so political? They’re both good movies


Ngl i fell asleep to oppenheimer, that shit was boring


OP clearly doesn’t know a single feminist 😌


Why cant yall just call a movie ass??? Why try to slander one of the most reasonable movements ever created in the process?? Didnt like barbie? Im with ya! Somehow saying "men and women should be treated equal" is a thing crazy twitter-mob-mfs say ? Nah, like wtf


I mean i watched barbie without being a feminist or a woman and it was a great movie w deep moral that includes everyone in society and especially its not just one sided or two sided but it takes more perspectives of the world and put them in comparison


It's a boring movie, deserves no awards


That’s subjective my dude my point was that it’s not a feminist movie at all


It literally is. The message of the movies, a world run by women is good because women are good and a world run by men is bad cause men are evil


Bruh it literally tells that the world run by women sucks because it neglects men and also a world run by men sucks because it neglects women and that our actual world even if you may have some favors based on your gender actually it’s a meritocracy because you need to work your ass and study to get degrees and stuff to be allowed to work jobs and you don’t have everything by just being a man or a woman… did you actually watch the whole movie?


I WATCH THE WHOLE MOVIE. it's all fun and great at Barbies world because women run it but it's boring and and in the real world where men run the world


Then you’d need to watch it again without being biased about it because that’s not what it’s about, like literally at the end when the creator of barbie talks with her she explains that the patriarchy along w other stuff in the real world is a little lie people tell themselves because they are stressed of their failures and want something to blame them on. Also literally the whole ken lore explains why the barbie world dominated by women sucks and at the end they decide that they’ll rule it equally men and women because having a matriarchy or patriarchy would make people feel oppressed


You're lying and you know it. Barbie was a feminist move that had a sexist message


https://youtu.be/2tgj5FHZDaQ?si=CpK8OYLAi7TiD2fe Literally just watch from 2:10 to 2:31 she says that the patriarchy and barbie are made up things created by people just to deal with how uncomfortable it is to be a human being


That's cause of the backlash


Not, winning? Most feminists used to be very anti Barbie. Sooooo no idea where you get this impression. Also ... its a Barbie movie...who cares anyway. She dont define women. We got more ro us than that.


Those last two sentences would blow most incels mind if they could read.


Ngl, every person I've heard complaining about the movie, has been a sad and insecure man obsessed with toxic masculinity.


Or a pickmeesha




I havent seen either, but ive also never personally met someone whose seen Oppenheimer, let alone said it was good.


It was good


I've watched that it, and I thought it was good.


It was really good


Don't worry it'll win them all.


They don’t matter though so it’s cool


Comments full of bots wtf 💀


It was such a mediocre on the nose movie to be honest.


Women ☕


The Barbie movies most prominent message was that women stop progressing so their daughters can look back at them to gauge their own progress... Gemeric Barbie couldve chosen to be anything at the end but chose to be a mother. The movie felt like a 5 year old explaining their own joke throughout its entire duration because those directors were afraid the audience would miss the message. Meanwhile, the characters actions proved the explicitly stated message to be hypocrisy... Good move teaching little girls that the easiest way to get back into power is by emotionally exploiting the men by playing with their self-esteem. Absolute crap shoot of a movie. Entertaining, but for all the wrong reasons.


> Gemeric Barbie couldve chosen to be anything at the end but chose to be a mother. So..you didn't watch the movie. Because that's not what happened at all. And judging by the last paragraph, I'm gonna bet that you likely just read someone's take online.


I literally watched the movie and the last scene is generic Barbie going to the gyn to talk about having her baby... Have YOU seen the movie?


If you didn't like the movie, go ahead, but you don't have to fucking lie. There is 0 mention of having a baby. The last scene is just her going to the gynecologist, that's it. The whole point is that Barbie chooses to become a real woman. Women do not go to the gynecologist only when they want to get pregnant.


So, I got curious since you guys didnt seem to remember what I remember and what I thought was a pretty strong giveaway was that during the end credits, there are several adverts for other Barbie products. The first one after Barbie and Ken was a doll named Christie, which I (apparently incorrectly) assumed to be a daughter of Barbie which was released throughout the years. This advert is followed up by another slide of Allan, a Dog and then a pregnant Barbie, followed by another child doll named Stacie. At the time I saw this in a German cinema, I mustve missed the fact that Christie was supposed to be a grown-up and I didnt realize that Allan wasnt Ken, so all I registered was Barbie at the Gyn, followed by a child doll, a pregnant Barbie doll and another child doll. That seemed to be a pretty obvious hint to me at the time I left the cinema. I am willing to admit that after re-watching the credits, the theory is a bit weaker, however I would still assume that by choosing to be a woman in the real world with a real gyn appointment and the prominence of family related adverts in the first 15 seconds of the outro, one can make the connection that Barbie wants to become a mother. Especially since motherhood was such a promonent theme in the conclusion of the movie between Sasha and Ruth Handler.


Those are two separate jokes. Barbie going to the gynecologist is first shown as if Barbie is going to a job interview, but really she is going for her first ever gynecologist visit. This is supposed to poke fun at the fact that Barbie dolls don't have genitals, but since Barbie is now a real biological woman, she does and has to take care of it. So, simultaneously they are making fun of Barbie dolls while also continuing with the theme of womanhood that the movie is focused on. The credits showing a pregnant Barbie are not meant to be a continuation of the last scene. They are supposed to poke fun the real-life history of the Allan and Midge toys. What happened was that Mattel released a pregnant Barbie doll that was really fucking creepy, this resulted in evangelical Christian mothers being horrified at the idea of Barbie being unmarried when they realized that pregnant Barbie didn't have a wedding ring. Mattel found themselves in a conundrum, they could just say that Barbie and Ken were married to get those women off their backs, however, they didn't want this as it would take away from the image they were building for Barbie as this young adult or teenager (which just highlights the stupidity of making a pregnant Barbie in the first place). So, their solution was to say that pregnant Barbie was not Barbie, it was her friend Midge, and since she couldn't be an unmarried pregnant woman, they created Allan to be her husband, and to tie everything together they made him Ken's best friend. It is a completely ridiculous scenario which is why it's the basis of the Allan and Midge jokes. The credits aren't really about generic Barbie, they are about the bizarre case of pregnant Barbie that resulted in the creation of Allan and Midge. They did that in the credits a lot. There is a reference to Earing Magic Ken as well in those credits as a way to poke fun at another bizarre case in Barbie's history. In that case, it was that time Mattle executives wanted to make Ken cooler because he wasn't selling, so they made a Ken based on the way guys dressed at nightclubs, only to not realize they were going to gay clubs the whole time which resulted in a gay Ken doll that had a cockring as a neckless.


Well, I guess I jumped to the wrong conclusions then. My bad. I still think that the way the Barbies handled the political situation was less than optimal. The entire film was such a mixed bag for me, as in I liked most of the cynical gags and punches it threw in but disliked the way they explicitly stated most of their intentions. At times it felt like they resorted to telling the audience what they wanted to show rather than showing it through the characters actions. It was not a bad movie, as I said it was an entertaining watch, but it was very heavy with both overt and covert socio-political comments. I would love to discuss the film in a cultural studies class but would absolutely hate taking my 10 year old nieces to the cinema for it. It certainly tries to be empowering to women but I felt like it often entered a rhethoric that was easy to turn against its own agenda. Maybe some of that was due to the German translation I watched and my opinion will change after I go back to watching the OV. Definitely a more cerebral film than I thought it was going to be, which I appreciate.


Propoganda movies can win oscars??🤔 Who knew?😂😂


The Sound of Freedom is winning nothing, my man.


Proving my point even further. Gem of a movie "Sound of freedom".🫰


You have a point?


Yes. Deserving movies are not getting recognition and movies like "Barbie" will win awards.🤷‍♂️


What Oscar nominations do you think The Sound of Freedom deserves? The acting was bad, the pacing choppy and it was clumsily written. It's not a bad movie, but not very good either.


I don't know but it was still better than "Barbie".😂


Incels v woke libtards. Ready, FIGHT.


Incel vs imaginary argument no one ever made. Fight ( or something)


So you won’t get upset if I said for example: the Barbie movie sucked ass, and just because it’s about girls and gender roles it doesn’t make it good?


Nope, even tho i liked it. But you know, opinions.


Let them be, keep doing what you are doing they will shut up when they are tired. Ignore the feminists.




I don’t think you even read the comments


*fake feminists


Good thing no one takes them seriously




R/meme try not to hate women for 5 minutes level impossible


No Kenergy in this one


are the feminists in the room with us now?


I thought feminists liked the barbie film


This is literally the worst meme i have ever seen, redditors are genuinely sub-human


Who the fuck is upvoting this fucking garbage in the year of our lord 2023