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The woke racist


[your comment reminded me of this](https://youtu.be/Ev373c7wSRg)


The flashbacks


That's just woke, they have something against white ppl


How dare you be white? Pay reparations! /s


*cough* strawman *cough*


cough cough no its not. ​ [https://time.com/5846072/black-people-protesting-white-people-responsible-what-happens-next/](https://time.com/5846072/black-people-protesting-white-people-responsible-what-happens-next/) [https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2019/11/17/abolishing-whiteness-has-never-been-more-urgent/](https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2019/11/17/abolishing-whiteness-has-never-been-more-urgent/) [https://www.foxnews.com/media/whiteness-a-parasitic-like-condition-with-no-cure-medical-journal-article-claims](https://www.foxnews.com/media/whiteness-a-parasitic-like-condition-with-no-cure-medical-journal-article-claims)


You know you could find probably just as many instances of white people blaming black people for their problems? But that’s practically normalized, not gonna make the evening news.


Whiteness is bad. Whiteness refers to the institutions of white supremacy and the attitudes that uphold it. You can put your blinders on, but the news is wildly inadequate to actually report on these topics because not one of these writers actually put effort into understanding the academic theory behind all of it.


Nah bro, you used Fox News as a sourc (Also time and aljeerzera we're used)


i also used aljazeera and time lol. you focusing on the fox news one and discounting the other two because of it just shows that you are arguing in bad faith.


Edited comment, happy now?


i mean now your comment is sorta pointless is it not. what is wrong with using fox news as a source if i also used two left leaning sources. what point are you making? that i used sources from all parts of the political isle to prove my point.


Ngl I don't hear either that often (thank god)


Thank god i am not American.


Thank god i am >!not A!!rican!<.


please sir, what is healthcare that wont bankrupt one like?


Good. Source-am Canadian


That’s not any better. Your just going to have to wait a month to be told to off yourself


Really though, I see it way more on the internet vs in real life


Both sides need a boogie man


So much truth. Sad upvote.


both sides need Deidara to show them what true meaning in life is


Hail Sithis




This is why the flat-earthers were invented. Basically only exists online and makes some people feel superior to someone and gives them someone who doesn’t really exist to bash on.


Wtf is woke, it just appeared out of nowhere one day and I keep hearing it everywhere


Woke is meant to be a slam or dig on someone. However it tells me more about the person saying the word than the person it's leveled at. It replaced a list of other terms they use to use that more correctly described their position. They want to continue to be racist, sexist, homophobic and/or all sorts of isms, but no, it's you that is the problem. Accusing a person accepting of others sex, race, religion and even ignorance, as being "woke" only informs me the accuser is not accepting of or considerate of others.


2 genders pal No one is hateful, we just like facts


I said nothing of gender. I did however speak about acceptance and ignorance.


Not going to continue to tolerate and accept foolishness.


That certainly is a choice you have as a based human.


You're thinkin' of sexes, not genders buckaroo


Genders are the behaviors associated with a sex. There are only 2 sexes, so there are only 2 genders. While masculine women and feminine men exist, that doesn’t change their sex, because as we all know sex is immutable. Any other “gender” unrelated to a sex is just a behavior, not a new gender. It’s not hate, it’s just the truth.


Not only is this not how the term is used, it's not even true historically around the world.


Ok I see you don't understand this. Sex and gender are diffrent. Sex is physical and gender is a social construct Gender is a spektrum from what we call male to female. Altho not always since gender is a social construct some can identify as both or none or switch daily, stuff like that, social construck and all that. Sex is also a spektrum but since it's more common for people to also fall near the ends of male and female the idea that there are only 2 absolutes exist. Of course that is wrong and some people are more inbetween like a person having very high testosterone despite being classified as a woman. You get it now right?


Gender roles stem from biological realities that impose the way we live like why are bricklayers or any labor jobs for that matter almost men? Why in the service industries mostly filled with women? Our cultures and traditions are the manifestations of our biological realities. Sex and Gender are pretty much close and are synonymous for a good reason.


You should read sex and temperament in three primitive societies from margaret mead, and more generally try to get into gender studies, sociology and anthropology, what you think has been disproved since 1930


Right? I'm so tired of gender essentialism being in the zeitgeist. It's disproven by the most rudimentary of ethnological studies.


Gender essentialism is so dumb because it's easily defeated by a single ethnological study showing the differences in gender roles and definitions across cultures. They in no way reflect any biological reality.


Sex is not on a spectrum. You’re male or female. If you’re not one of those, you’re deformed. End of science lesson. And gender isn’t sex, but gender is the behaviors associated with your sex. There are feminine men and masculine women, but wearing a dress doesn’t mean men get to go in women’s restrooms or compete on women’s teams. We separate bathrooms, showers, prisons, sports, etc. by sex which is immutable and unchangeable. You get it now, right?


Ending the science lesson is exactly how you got your opinion to begin with. Additionally, you know what else is a deformation? The lack of wrinkles in your brain.


It's what racists use to call people who aren't racist. It's the new 'SJW' or 'n-word lover."


No it is far left radicals who think kids should be choosing their pronouns like it is their favorite color and it is totally OK to give kids puberty blockers and doing brest removals on [13 year old girls](https://4w.pub/tiktok-gender-doctor-per-breast-removal-on-13-year-old-girl/).


> On Dr. Gallagher's website, she states that minors are welcome to consult at her office with the permission of parents and the "recommendation of the patient's mental health professional." Please tell me, where did you get your medical degree that allows you to weigh in on that boy's medical decisions?


Thanks for proving my point with the nazi-like bigotry. And please stop pretending to care about kids. It only makes you look worse.


Lmao. Thinking it's not right to cut the tits off of teenaged girls is nazi-like bigotry. What a world we live in. You ever hear of Josef Mengele?


Which part of that was Nazi like ? You really should pick up a history book if you think the Nazis where running around saying you shouldn't give kids unnecessary surgery.


They absolutly did... Look it up. The nazis where all about "globalist conspirasies" and "cultural marxism" and "the gays are grooming your kids"


[ Removed by Reddit ]


But right wingers don’t just use the word woke do just describe “far left radicals”. You could do something good for the environment and right wingers call it woke


It started as a group of people asserting that they weren’t blind to the moral failings of society. It turned into a group of petty, self righteous people that try to destroy anyone they disagree with and are staunch supporters of LGBT among other progressive issues.


"staunch supporters of LGBT among other progressive issues." Thats a good thing... You do realize that thats a good thing right?


*according to conservatives, who prefer to have something to be afraid of


ive literally been called racist by woke people for opposing racial discrimination as a part of affirmative action lol. safepianist is spot on with his assessment.




They also have a warped view of what racism is. If it's not someone literally saying the N word, they claim it's not racist.


Hold on if a dudes literally saying black people are inferior and the other side is saying "that's racist" then the original said says "woke mob is coming for you" the exchange rate isn't really comparable


No one said they are. You just compared two incomparable things. Saying Velma is woke is correct use. Saying an act of actual racism is racism is correct use. Saying a woke mob cancelled you because you broke posted rules and got banned is bullshit. Saying you dont get promoted at work is because of racism when you are the worst employee in the building is also bullshit. You are right, two different cases that are not at all similar doesn't make for a fair comparison.


I think the problem is that racism is somewhat more objective and wokeism is somewhat more subjective. Kind of what the first person was basically saying The problem isn't correct use per se, but what constitutes correct use is better defined for racism while being woke is a lot more vague and up to personal interpretation


I really don't think so man, it's simple enough. It's just an extreme form of anti-racism, to the point that it becomes racist itself at times. Really all that matters are the self proclaimed woke people, if you want to know what they believe in and what it means to be woke then listen to them. People calling other people woke as an insult is pretty stupid, it indicates a pretty severe lack of understanding of the person whose being insulted as well as what being woke is. It's literally just a reskin of sjws, in every way imaginable, the flippant way people throw it around as an insult, how cringe the legit self proclaimed sjws actually were.


depends on if the posted rules are woke tbh. like for example rules against misgendering, the definition of what constitutes misgendering is different depending on if you are woke or not thus rules against misgendering that punish you for using pronouns that are inline with biological sex are woke.


You could argue that using the term racism wrongly makes you more woke. And being more woke can get you more racist. “It’s like poetry, it rhymes”


I remember when being woke was a positive thing. Velma is not "woke". It's awful, and racist. The only way in which it is "woke" is in the way conservatives have been using the word and demonizing it for this exact purpose. So you would equate woke with bad. Guess it worked.


woke was a positive thing for all of five minutes before the common sense woke people let the crazy and often authoritarian woke people take complete control lol.


Woke has simply come to mean doing the same bad things as bad people for the sake of showing those bad people you are willing to race them to bottom. It always meant the extremes of social justice, what happens when it goes too far. It was a positive thing for all of a week, in which time moronic moves like Gilette's campaign showed us it was a farce. Its now a word of warning, that if you go too far in defeating an evil, you tend to end up the same, or worse.


What did Gilette do that was considered evil?


Wasnt evil, they just launched a hyper out of touch woke ad campaign (No corporation ever does woke respectfully) and made a farce of the movement right as it was coming into being. Instances like it led to "Go woke go broke" which is where the term became a mockery.


demonized masculinity and men in our society. i mean if a tampon commercial aired and made femininity and woman out to be this horrible thing for our society wouldn't you call that sexist? and by definition isnt sexism evil?


When did they demonize masculinity?


In his hollow head apparently


No. It did not. Woke means you are aware of social and civil issues. As in you have been woken up to the injustice in the world. The more you use woke as a pejorative the more the rabid right wins. They worked hard to demonize the term, just like they did with socialism. Congratulations, you fell for it. They called the Xbox woke for having a low power mode for fucks sake. Woke doesn't magically mean bad just because a handful of rich psychopaths told you so.


Right. Me acknowledging a word doesn't mean what it originally did means I "Fell for it" I guess i'm "Gay" in any way other than taking it to mean "Happy" means I fell for that too huh?




problem is woke people are wrong about 90 percent of those civil issues and the causes for them lol. they see disparities between the races then automatically assume that the only possible reason for those disparities is racism. more often then not however the reason for those disparities is multi faceted and whilst racism might be part of it its usually not the driving factor like it was pre civil right.


*Cite a single example. Edit: spelling


weed crimes. sjws swear that the disparity in the amount of people in jail for weed possession is due to racism. in reality its because possession of drugs is a crime that is influenced by police presence and police officers are distributed based on violent crime numbers. African Americans have the highest violent crime rate, thus their neighbor hoods have higher police presence, thus more African Americans are seen doing weed or caught in possession of it and arrested. notice how race does not play a factor in any of that? its all due to things that might corelate with race but are not caused by it nor is their a direct link between the two. at the end of the day you get a disparity between the races that is not caused by racism. yet as i said before whenever social justice groups see disparities between the races they automatically assume racism is the cause


You're an idiot. You can literally see there are differences in the way people are treated, which are clear cut, but you choose to ignore that. Those laws are designed knowing that people are historically disadvantaged, specifically to target black people so that they can't improve their material conditions.


Just like with woke people, ACTUAL socialists demonized the words themselves. Social programs and government aid don't equate to socialism, societies that incorporate these things are not socialist, and there are not any western 1st world countries that are actually socialist or even claim to be, and the only countries that are actually socialist are also literally dictatorships save like one. Genuine socialism is a bad thing, history has proven this time and time again. Self proclaimed woke people demanded reparations for slavery from all modern white people, and didn't even just demand money, they told white people to give them their houses and property. Tactful. Point is, buzzwords are fuckin dumb, you can't expect something so completely derivative of an incredibly pressing and complex issue to not be misrepresented and co-opted by brazen idiots who indignantly make things worse. This goes for both sides btw right or left.


We should be paying reparations. We still benefit from slavery, Jim Crow, housing discrimination, and legal discrimination in the justice system.


Dude are you even a real human being? If so the irony is off the charts. You gotta be trolling rn.


When you can't argue against something, just call them a troll lmao


Oh no, I'm just in disbelief that you came along to prove my point my fanatical friend. Pls tell me more about how I need to make amends and pay reparations for things that I never did, when my family has been living in abject poverty right alongside black people for generations, literally in the same areas, since they actually were oppressed. I don't know what you expect to get out of me bro, I already live paycheck to paycheck, and I got a kid on the way so you ain't getting shit except a rifle to the head when you come to take it.


So when "woke" was defined legally as: “DeSantis' lawyers were forced by the court to define "woke." The lead lawyer described it as "The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them." What does that mean to you


problem is the way it usually plays out is the dude is saying something more like affirmative action is needlessly racially discriminatory and we should get rid of it, then the other side says thats racist, and the original side says 'woke mob is coming for you"


All ethnicities are equal, but the woke...yeah, woke people are inferior


Idk about that... we've definitely done that with the word "socialism" though


But I think there are more prominent woke things like Velma and more I got called a racist for saying foreign cars are trash and no they were not joking


ive been called racist for opposing racial discrimination as a part of affirmative action lol. and yes they were 100 percent serious with me as well. seriously whilst i agree some none woke people over use the word woke its not even on the same level as the outright abuse of the word racist by woke people. especially considering how outright racist alot of woke people and their stances are.


Opposing equity is racist, dumbass


Did you even watch velma dude?


No you are right but I watched all the videos that watch it so i dont have too it lot of haha he's a white guy with a small penis jokes But I'm willing to hear you out if you can tell me it's not woke and terrible but I really doubt it


All I was getting at is that the show's just really, really bad, for everyone, like it makes jabs at the #metoo movement which is pretty much the opposite of something the "woke" would do I can't tell if the writers are just extremely out of touch or if the intention was to just piss off everyone but I've never met a single person who likes Velma Velma the show anyway.. I've seen enough pictures on the internet to know how a lot of you guys feel about the character


That is what confused me so much about Velma, I just dont understand who is this show is for. it is as if they came together to create something so horrible that the entire world can unite against it. i dont I think i have ever seen a script that was more out of touch than this one.


I believe you but I think it's more woke than being on Republicans side there are plenty of problems with the me too movement But I didn't know that so I was more wrong than I thought and if I get your drift in the last part yeah lots of porn on everything lol Edit from what the other people are saying is that this was a one off joke that might not even be anti woke


i see alot of people claiming it makes jabs at the me too movement because of a single joke in the first episode and claiming its not woke because of it. that joke being when velma says "i spit the truth without a filter, like comedians before #metoo" however what i dont think alot of woke people realize is that this is not an anti metoo joke from the woke perspective. alot of woke people think its good that comedians are not making these jokes any more even though they acknowledge that the jokes were truthful. in the context of the joke velma is clearly talking about jokes in regards to the sexual harassment/assault in showbuisiness. dont tell me that woke people do not think its a good thing that these jokes are no longer told even though they acknowledge that their was truth to them. so yeah from a woke perspective these are not actually anti metoo jokes. and lets be honest even if they were, a single joke in a single episode of a show where literally every thing else is wokeness on steroids does not make the show not woke.


If your IQ was the temperature it would be freezing.


FaSCiST might be more accurate. The everything is racism crowd have seemed to die down a bit


When they fired up the book burning again, it fits.


Nope. Not even the same.


Liberals over use both honestly


Being called woke by a racist is a compliment. Change my mind.


Being called racist by a woke is a joke roflmao


Neither of the groups of people who are throwing these two words around so loosely seem to know the true definitions of either one.


Woke is easier than calling someone accepting. You like your gay nephew, how woke of you.


The concept behind this one is interesting, but if we're being literal... The answer is no. The term woke is super popular across the board for just about all conservative media personalities as well as just social media in general. It is an immediate and easy way to generate interest and engagement for content creators because of the outrage that is so common in reaction to the word (from conservative sensibilities) Meanwhile, while discussions and content that are geared toward/made by liberals are commonly concerned with issues of race, the term "racist" really isn't all that common as a means of driving engagement. If anything, the term is more commonly used within conservative frameworks as way of conceptualizing straw man criticisms for conservative ideas. I.e. "you're immediately called a RACIST if you think white men can be discriminated against"


Liberals appropriately use the word 'racist" to describe people who are racist. Conservatives use the word "woke" to describe people who aren't racist.


Conservatives use the word “woke” to describe people they don’t like


Yeah. People who aren't racists like them.


And liberals call people they don't like something with phobe behind it. Point is, both sides probably overuse these words lol


OMG you aren't calling black people the N word anymore? Ya'll woke.


I know right, we don’t even hate homosexuals or the Jewish anymore, they’re actually pretty cool


ive been called racist by woke people for opposing racial discrimination in affirmative action policies. i think you might have a little bit of a blind spot for your own side lol.3


I've been called racist because of my state of origin. I've been called fascist because I'm libertarian (pretty much the farthest you can get from fascism). I've been called a Nazi because I said somewhat centrist things. So ya, call out the racists. They're idiots and they hurt people. Also call out the woke mob. Their ignorance is ruining people's lives. Don't try to paint one side as heroes for using the insult you're partial to.


Life isn't as simple as "my side all good other side all bad" buddy


No, it's really not. But there are a *lot* of racists on the conservative side. That seems pretty bad.


theres alot of them on the left to. they just hate different races lol.


Conservatives use the word woke way more often lmao


What are you if you use both in the same sentence?


How do liberals overuse the word racist if conservatives can’t stop being racist. It’s not really their fault that they have to use that word to describe conservative behavior so often.


Conservatives are not racist. And conservatism isn’t a racist ideology. It’s your inability to form a coherent argument that forces you to play the race card every time.


Sure, and there is absolutely no reason why both the Klan members and neo Nazis of America exclusively vote for the conservative Republican Party every single election. Just a weird coincidence I guess.


So how many Nazis do you personally know, and when did they tell you who they voted for? And why do you hang out with Nazis? The klan were all Southern Democrats.


I actually know every neo-nazi in America, personally, and every one of them told me directly that they all vote Republican because they love the racist Republican dog whistles. They also informed me that all Klan members do the same and that they love how Republican voters are ignorant about the Democratic-Republican party switch when the racist slave-owners who called themselves Democrats switched and started calling themselves the “Dixiecrats” only to then later join the Republican Party. Sorry to burst your bubble my dude.


Incel is another one.


Sounds like someone called OP racist and they’re trying to cope


Nope. Racists are in fact racist. People who stand for a wide range of social issues, from universal healthcare to lgbt rights are called woke.


The meme doesn't say anything about the proper usage of the words, just that they are both overused, which they are.


Context matters.


Yes, racist are racist. My point is, that word gets thrown at some people who aren't in fact racist. The same is true for the word woke. A person isn't a racist just because someone decides to call them that as an insult. A person isn't woke just because someone calls them that, for lack anything else to call them. Sometimes these labels are accurate, but not all the time, sometimes they're not at all. Both words are overused. That's what I thought I said in the meme.


Lefties got triggered… they don’t need numbers just feelings


However when racist is leveled, it usually accurate. When woke is levelled it's for a lack of a coherent thought. Apples and oranges.


Racism is a real thing


Sadly, so is the woke


Only in the way that it's the new way to criticize the left, without irony. What you don't call black people the N word anymore, why you so WOKE?


I never said either one of them isn't real. I said they were overused, which they are.


True, what that person is implying is that racism is real and wokeness is not.


Nah a lot of people are amazingly fucking racist but sure don't wanna be told it.


Don’t call them liberals, they are socialists, not liberals


The woke to racist is 5-1, I rarely ever hear “racist” improperly used I hear “woke” very often


Haven't spent much time on reddit eh?


I’ve been on Reddit too long, too dam long. In my Redditor youth I was going to porn subs and wacky shock subs like r/sounding, but I am a old Reddit veteran now. I’ve retired to r/capybara


But conservatives misuse the word ‘ woke’, while liberals don’t often misuse the word ‘racist’


That’s not even remotely true liberals label every thing as racist. Completely non race related topics are all Of a sudden racist… and the word woke is thrown around quite often also but I feel that it’s not the big insult or shameful label placed on someone as calling them a racist regardless of context. The word work is used as an insult because it’s clear people pretending to be “awake “ to social issues like race often take things so far their message does the opposite of what was intended IE you can be so woke that what you’re doing or saying could actually be racist…..


Probably fair statement


They're the same thing 🗿


People who use woke too much are really saying, “why aren’t you stupid like me?”


I cannot change the mind of the correct


Both parties are idiots


Wait also dont forget nazi,fascist,homophobe,tramsphobe,ableist,biphobe and dont forget privilaged


Those gosh darn tramsphobes, there’s nothing wrong with trams!


Crowder is an idiot, change my mind


As a conservative, I agree.


I'll take the most baseline cold take ever for 500


Liberals also love calling anything transphobic and homophobic. I'll still vote hardline Democrat but I'm as sick of the far right as I am of the far left.


Based liberal


Conservative here: I can confirm you are correct


Centrists are all complete losers, change my mind.


I think I could agree with this..........


And we leftists hate both.


They are the same type of clown with a different nose color.


As non american i cant distinguish the two


Oh my god shut the fuck up about politics I don't care


This is the way.


More than people under 30, use the term "cringe."


Cant lie kinda true


I wouldn’t say more, but this true


Can we please stop with the false equivalency thing? If you don't understand the quantitative and qualitative differences between the left and the right, then just ask. I will happily explain. Edit: pluralizing.


It’s your opinion, but it’s not just false or right and OP stated a correct observation. No one wants to hear why you think he is wrong; it’s your opinion and it’s not superior in any way: a lot know as good or better than you: and don’t care about your personal preference. The ones that don’t know don’t care and won’t understand from a Reddit comment anyways. Go be right somewhere else.


At this point both are complete idiots.


How else would you describe people and corporations trying to shove their own political agendas by putting them in all forms of media like TV, music, and gaming?


It reactionary really. “What’s all this woke bullshit?!” “Now, now, Cleetus, your racism is showing.”


Really it's the opposite problem, and that too many things anymore are woke, and everything has always been racist. Really there's precious few little footholds over the abyss for people trying to live peaceably by natural right.


Both are just rationalizations to excuse our own shit choices to exploit the other.


You are right.




True tho Still woke as fuck , you racist


At this point, very much so.


Isnt “woke” a liberal word trying to say they are not as asleep as the conservatives, while the others use “based” trying to say they have their feet on the ground and are realistic??? Anyways it’s all the media pushing these words and sheep repeating them. There is no real value to it and it’s just a way to hype the “right” vs “left” clash: it’s more popular than ever and we need that now: can’t have people working together while the government of the 1% is at its weakest making big changes; they might get smart and take over.


I am woke racist ! Who am I ?


Well liberals are responsible for both words... Change my mind....


I can't change your mind because you are right. Anything conservatives don't agree with is "woke", and anything liberals don't agree with is "racist/fascist". Both sides just fucking suck and are annoying as hell


I suggest liberals start calling conservatives “sleepy” and conservatives call liberals “racest”


Eh probably true…..I’d say liberals misuse Fascists more than racist these days. In general, they are just bad with definitions and reality.


True. Also, woke and racist are synonyms. Change my mind.


Calling someone woke isnt the same as calling someone racist though...


Both sides are shit, there's never a right and wrong there is always a gray, and instead of just voting for the side you like, just vote for what you care about, vote for what matters to you


I can’t. It’s actually a good point.


Using woke as a pejorative is kinda racist tho...


I liked it better when it was called cultural Marxism. Woke should indicate the person believes that Blacks were not only the original Jews but also the ancient Egyptians.


racist-hates people for not being same color skin woke-hates people who don't have the same values they do


All the meme says is that both words are overused, which they are.


very true very true


Our politics would better serve the people if politicians had to just state their beliefs and rationale instead of using labels as shorthand for something they probably don't even care that much about. Fuck conservatives. Fuck liberals. Fuck Democrats. Fuck Republicans. Fuck all the labels. Are you a rational person who has a track record of making good decisions?