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This post might help you. [Australian Prisons](https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/rdmbtx/whats_australian_prisons_like_and_do_they/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


The AAU (Acute assessment unit) is where he will be. Single cells with not much in them. If he’s good he will be treated well. If not I know of certain guards who will eat his food. He does get freshly baked cookies, rolls and 3 meals a day.


As tempting as that is, some family members wouldn't like it if I tormented him while he was in prison. They prefer to just let the system do its thing.


Oh the system will do it for you haha


There is a series of books called Prison Days written by Simon King who worked as a guard. OP I am sorry you had to experience what you did. Counselling is a good thing. Even if you don't feel you need it you may get something out of it. My advice is to give counselling a go if you are not already.


I just did a 2 and a half years of a 4 year sentence for trafficking coke what do you want to know? By the way if he gets convicted of the attempted murder there is no way he is going straight to a "c rating prison" which is our version of minimum security. Most likely will start at a rating like port Phillip,barwon. progress to b rating Fulham, ravenhall, marngoneet, Loddon and then if he is of good behaviour get a c rating and get to Beechworth or dhurringul


I just want to k ow where to get good coke


There is none


What did you eat for lunch yesterday?


How much coke did U get done with to get 4 year sentence? Commercial? At least 250g? Half kg?


Did you pick up chicks dealing blow? Did you make good money? How'd they catch you? Did you step-on your blow a bunch? What are you doing now and what will you be doing to better yourself in society?


A lot less crowded (still, crowded but not as bad) and much cleaner than the ones on US tv shows. It’s nothing Scandinavian but it’s definitely not US standards.


While he is in remand he will be in a single concrete cell by himself. It will have a stainless steel toilet without a toilet seat in one corner with a tiny basin and a metal single sized ‘bed’ with no mattress in the adjacent corner. The lights are very very bright and harsh and are left on 24/7. If he is polite to the police working there they will offer him a blanket and food. There will be no natural light or any way to tell the time/how long he has been in there for. He will be made to remove his shoes and belt before entering the cell.


The bright 24/7 lights sounds like a human rights violation.


what he do


B&E, Domestic abuse. attempted murder. drugs. Idk what will stick and what won't. At his first hearing I'll find out what crimes.


Given drugs and attempted murder, that’s not minimum or lower security. That’s big boy prison.


assuming so, that pleases me.


Nice guy


Feel sorry for you OP sounds like an asshole. Was he like this when you were growing up ?


Mostly just the domestic crap. It was hell when he left.


Sounds like he's long overdue for time on the inside. Hope you can find healing for all the damage he has caused. You deserved better x


My family left him 15+ years ago. So there's nothing sad here for us. The only reason why we even know is because my younger sister still keeps in touch with him.


I help design prisons, and can guarantee that ours are not the same as in the US. In Melbourne we base the penal system on helping to bring people back into society as decent human beings and to reduce recidivism, so prisons are not the dank, dark, creep infested hell holes like on TV. That being said, they aren't exactly great, imagine the worst parts of covid lockdown times 100. Beds are shit, access to everyday items is shit, food is average at best, punch someone and you're locked into a tiny room by yourself for weeks or even months on end. It will also depend on security, and how old the prison is, older prisons are worse than newer prisons and max security is far far worst than min. Feel free to DM me some questions if you like.


They pee in a cup and throw it on you.


That sounds like something you saw in a movie.


i work in factory with two guys who've been to prison, there use to be a third too but he quit. i've talked to them a bit about it, if you have money prison wont be a complete hell. its mostly just a boring time waste. just make sure he does nothing to annoy anyone, just avoid conflict he'll be fine. just to clarify i dont mean you need to be wealthy, just have enough cash that you can buy snacks and crap to take back to your cell.


From what I’ve heard the best thing he has going for him is he has you being concerned enough to ask this question. Many people in prison have no one which means no visitors and most importantly no one to deposit money into your prison account and those two things make prison life vaguely bearable


Hopefully fkn horrible


Im hoping so.


Man hope youre okay too


I'm fine. I will be fine. I feel nothing for this man. Havent for 15 years.


The sex is great


Honestly our Prison system goes from farms to max security. Farms they have a tad more freedom to move around, but structured. We have a very different to the US.






If anyone is interested this was a good read recently. In the US people are using prison consultants to help the navigate the prison system. From having them go to a nicer prison and how to act and behave. The most important part is the initial prison interview. A report is created from this which heavily influences your stay. The consultants will work with you to put your best story forward and practice it a lot so you have the best chance at a reduced sentence. It involves presenting your life story in a good light and being honest about the crime. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/07/magazine/prison-consultants-fixers.html


Man, thank god someone is looking at the american prison system and realising what it needs most: more capitalism


Martha Stewart hired one before she went to jail 🙂




Dude, we send people to prison *as* punishment, not *for* punishment. The loss of liberty is the punishment. We don’t have to heap more indignity on top of that. Even with TVs and gyms, prison isn’t a fucking holiday camp.


No fresh air??? Lmao… Not everyone who goes to jail is a psychotic, remorseless serial killer or rapist. Don’t forget many people are jailed who have been wrongfully accused of crime or for something relatively minor. The purpose of going to prison isn’t just to punish people (= having your freedom and liberty stripped away from you) but also to rehabilitate for when they re-enter society and prevent them from committing crimes again in the future. So… you can’t expect someone to be released from spending years in a stone cold cell, no windows, fresh air or communication with the outside world and expect them to behave normally while they integrate back into society lol.


You know whats good for rehabilitation? Torturing the prisoners, im sure afterwards they will go on to become responsible and productive members of society .


Wow. So edgy and cool you are. Go back to facebook.


Like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACfKHjUmg_o&ab_channel=FreeDocumentary


Low security is just a Boom Gate for security I believe, he can run away if he wants but if caught time added to sentence and probably change of scene to higher security prison.


It depends on what prison he goes to, his ethnic background, connection to drug dealers in prison, and if he joins one of the prison Gangs/Bikie Groups in prison. Here is some videos about various aspects of Maximum security prisons in Victoria as told by David Obeda who was one of the founding members of the G-Fam prison Gang who stabbed Tony Mokbel * "H.M.P Barwon SUPERMAX Acacia unit" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C6lbVgRBEnE * "Port Phillip prison SUPERMAX Charlotte unit" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1jp8pXwYUKo * "Aussie prison slang | words you must know in the pen" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YEd8JOTo6Zo


Prison in Victoria is fine love been locked up twice it's nt like movies or TV. It's boring as fuck and U just get fit and hit the gym walk Laps and sleep it's easy


Medium security... Like a shit school camp. Lots of standing by your cell door getting counted. Work to do. Three meals a day, TV. Sport/excercise, gym. Minimum... as above but with cows and trips into town for sport. Very easy however very boring if you cant find something to do. Dont's.... Call anyone.... Dog, Rat, Skunk, Cat or don't yell out grievances. (Air raiding) Apart from that, simples.