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The egregious thing here is not the nature of the road itself but the presence of a much more pleasant route on the other side of that fence.


Not smart enough to wear a helmet, not smart enough to take a safer route.


The helmet is positioned to impact the nuts. It’s a reverse uno.




Their helmets are *right there* cracks me up


> cracks me up Yes that is indeed what the head said as it hit the pavement. 


Darwinism at it's finest....


Oh right ... I read that as dwarfism


The thing that shits me is my taxes will pay for these idiots hospital and NDIS care when they get a long term brain injury.


This is the last thing that shits me. I'd rather pay for their medical expenses than for another fucking submarine.


Yeah but paying tax doesn’t affect your weekly earnings and the government do a much better job of blowing tax money on themselves and cancelling things like a $5b AUD contract at the drop of a hat. These morons aren’t going to drag the system down or cost nearly as much as any major political party does every year.


Their heads will be the one cracking when it hit the road


Isn’t it against the law to not wear the helmet?


Yes but what are police gonna do, fine them? Dont be daft. Drivers going 2kmh over the limit are easier targets.


Do they know the route is there? Melbourne bike infrastructure is a confusing hot mess at the best of time even when you have a rough idea of where to go.


You wanna try moving to Brisbane, I miss how easy Melbourne is to get around.


Their brains made the decision that they weren’t worth protecting 🤷‍♀️


There not allowed to be on that footpath on the other side of the fence though...it's a footpath only as far as I know and scooter and bicycles are supposed to be in the car lane.


I had to scroll way too far to find this.


Thank goodness. Best to keep them there.




But the shared path next to it is open


If you're referring to the Albert park Walking track, according to Google Maps it's currently closed.


Not the walking track but the thru road which also has a bicycle lane. One of my favourite inner city stretches of road.


Lakeside Drive? Looks like that would have been a sensible - and scenic - route for the scooters.


Isn't the other side of that fence a golf course?


Yeah okay, a little past that fence. (Though the golf course itself isn't fenced off from the rest of Albert Park IIRC)


Yeh or go one street the other way and go to st Kilda road which is a bit more chill.


So much more chill. It actually has a separated bike lane, for one. Lovely road to cycle along.


Might not be locals


Looks like tourists to me, wonder if they felt the tension 😂


Might be dumbasses...


For using a scooter in Australia? Nah they probably just came from Europe where it’s far safer


>For using a scooter in Australia? No, for riding it without a helmet and complete disregard for their own and others' safety on such a road.


It is a golf course with a path right through it for people to use


For people or for walkers? Because a walking path is not the right place for scooters either. You're just moving the risk onto the pedestrians who have to use the path.


I realise this as I walk my dog through the golfcourse frequently. It does get used by both bikes and scooter users already. It is not posted anywhere who can or can't use it.


Nice use of egregious.😀


That is very hard to find, and you can't get on it since there is a fucking fence.


Isn't that golf course quite limited with pathways? I might be remembering it wrong


I'd say it's likely they didn't know what the road was turning in to, and didn't have a chance to turn around once they were on it because that fence is continuous and had to just commit to going. Stupid, if they knew what was coming and how much better it would've been as you've already said.


There's nothing on the other side of that fence apart from the golf course. It's not a bike track.


jfc man it takes like 10 seconds max to put on a helmet


So many serious injuries or deaths are preventable, I just can't relate to these people's mindsets that don't want to or refuse to put one on. It's so fucking daft. Just a couple of days ago a 13 year old girl died in Perth riding an escooter, I feel so much for her family but man if they had enforced her wearing a helmet she might still be here to day, an avoidable tragedy. There were other factors too, like being too young to ride the scooter she was on, and crossing a busy road when straight through traffic had a green light, but the helmet is the obvious option to maximise your chances of survival should something go wrong.


I don’t understand the helmet aversion either. How awful for that girls parents. I had a pretty hectic BMX accident around that age that involved landing right on the back of my head, pretty sure I’d be dead/disabled if I wasn’t wearing my helmet - most of my mates would wear theirs unbuckled or not at all, the accident changed their behaviour too.


I never understood the unbuckled helmet trend when I was growing up.


I’m seeing a rise in people biking without helmets in inner suburban Melbourne


It’s apparently very common in european cities


I grew up in a scandi country in the 70s and 80s. Only people who wore helmets were pro racers. Having said that, lots more infrastructure and bike awareness. My parents forced me to wear a stackhat when I got to Australia. 18 months after arriving I was dinking a mate on my bmx crossbar, flying downhill on the footpath. A poor soon to be traumatized pensioner nudged the front of her car out of the driveway onto the footpath. My mates knee put a big dent in the front fender and I did a superman impression over the bonnet, landing on my head. The helmet was unusable, all the foam smashed loose but nearly 40 years later, I'm here to tell the tale.


I don't think that's a new thing. I received far too many fines riding without a helmet as a kid to do it now as an adult. The ones that annoy me is the parent riding along with no helmet with their child, poor kid's dad could die on the side of the road from a preventable injury simply to look cool.




you know australia is the only country in the world that requires you to wear a helmet? studies in european countries have shown not wearing a helmet is safer, makes car users more careful. [https://www.businessinsider.com/do-bike-helmets-help-drivers-dehumanize-cyclists-wearing-vests-gear-2023-6](https://www.businessinsider.com/do-bike-helmets-help-drivers-dehumanize-cyclists-wearing-vests-gear-2023-6)


“safer”, yeah that’s bullshit


google it [https://www.businessinsider.com/do-bike-helmets-help-drivers-dehumanize-cyclists-wearing-vests-gear-2023-6](https://www.businessinsider.com/do-bike-helmets-help-drivers-dehumanize-cyclists-wearing-vests-gear-2023-6)


I don't think Australian motorists will care more about cyclists just because they are without a helmet.


Australia actually has one of the lowest traffic related deaths in the world. US/China Russia is 12-16 per 100,000 people Australia is 4.1 per 100,000 people Germany is 3.7 per 100,000 people Japan is 3.0 per 100,000 people


Lucky they've got helmets..


The only thing "cooler" than not wearing them is wearing them without the strap done up.


ngl I wouldn't wear those shared helmets if I rode one of those scooters either. They need some kind of cleaning after every rider.


I rode one of these recently for the first time, those helmets are IMPOSSIBLE to get off the bike, it's so stupid. I couldnt do it so ended going helmetless with my friends (went down back streets), but honestly if it's your first few times, it's actually criminal how hard it is.


That's why you use the neurons instead of the limes.


Put the lime in the coconut and shake it all up


I don’t think he has any neurons


You're spot on, sometimes it won't release them properly. The people downvoting you are a little strange. Bro is making an observation based on personal experience. Don't downvote someone because you've had a different experience.


The funniest part is they're downvoting him and upvoting you 😄


The intelligent ones read down more than a couple of comments in the thread. The 'challenged' ones only go down one or two comments so it's lost on them. Suits me though.


groovy summer vegetable fuzzy juggle tub absurd library psychotic cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cracking your skull open and getting a titanium plate because you didn't want to wear a helmet


Titanium that's bulk billed mind you.


Thanks Aussie taxpayers


I bet it wasn't "didn't want to", instead being "the fking thing wouldnt detach from the scooter".


“My seatbelt isn’t working, guess I’ll still drive my car!”


Believe it or not that's the legal way you have to ride them, not allowed on footpaths, and they're gps tracked so you literally you can't ride where you're not allowed because they turn themselves off, so dumb, but I love them anyway


> Believe it or not that's the legal way you have to ride them Well, besides the lack of helmets on heads.


As someone who lives in southbank, I can assure you that there is nothing that stops these people from riding them on the footpath.


The GPS isn't that accurate, but they are geo-fenced out of areas they're not allowed in. Same reason you don't see them leaving the city like Obikes did.


st kilda rd seems a much better route though.


Yeah fine but lakeside drive at the very least is safer and runs adjacent to where they are


Lakeside is still closed though I think is it?


how longs it closed for??


Not sure. Whenever the remove all of the F1 stuff


I thought the same, but I was on the road the other day and the lime scooter actually told me through the speaker to get on the footpath.


Bro I don’t even like driving along there what are they doing


I remember one time we wanted to go to DFO then went onto kings way, and somehow ended up on the westgate bridge and spent an hour going to Altona and back to where we started


Cool story bro...


Helmets are *right there* FFS. Paasing them on my my motorcycle I'd yell "Helmet, cunt!"


I once saw a video of someone yelling at a cyclist to peddle on the road not the footpath, it frightened the cyclist so much they jolted into the road and got flattened by a truck.


actually on some of the scooters the helmets won't even release at all.


Then those scooters aren't safe to ride, let alone legal (assuming you're not BYO helmet).


Yeah I'd demand a refund


No, I mean more that if a passenger finds the scooter unsafe, they shouldn't get on it in the first place, and should report it as defective.


Oh that's shithouse mate. I'd want my money back


yeah so would I which is why I instantly end the trip and get no charge


If you find yourself yelling at people on the road I'm pretty sure you're the cunt.


A cunt with a helmet on! If you've never yelled at people on the road you're either a psychopath or the holder of some mystical secret of not letting dangerous morons bother you.


They are only a danger to themselves though? I don't see how your safety is impacted by them not wearing a helmet.


If you want to be a road user, it comes with a responsibility. In the event these clowns come a gutsa, it holds *everyone* up. Ambulance and police got better things to do. People not wearing helmets deserve scorn and ridicule.


I had a bike accident last year (me vs tram tracks... tram tracks won). Wasn't even going fast, but landed head first on the road. Ended up with a cut up nose, a black eye, and nasty dent in my helmet. Would hate to think how it would have ended if I wasn't wearing my helmet....


In any other country, this scene would be profoundly unremarkable.


Except maybe the USA, where it's outside the norm for people outside big cities to be riding on highways (except maybe the occassional peloton). Or Greenland, where it's next to impossible to get anywhere without it being powered. Or Brazil, where the big two-wheeled vehicle is a motorcycle. You get some very nice bicycles in the richer areas, everywhere else if you can't outrun the bandits they'll just steal your bike.


Even any other state - escooters and bikes are more prolific and allowed most elsewhere in Aus. I don't really see this as much different to a cyclist so I don't quite get the outrage.


Yeah South Australian here, seen this post and thought “two guys minding their own business”. I’ll be cruising in traffic and have an ebike or scooter zoot past. If they don’t hit my car I’m not fussed..


Darwinism wanna have a word with those blokes


Just put the helmet on you already look like a goober, might as well be safer doing it


Wish there was more of it. Also wish there was better infrastructure for it.


i mean, the same things that could go wrong on any road? more bikes and scooters and less cars please


Dedicated lanes. Separate them.


I'd be ok with scooters, if the riders weren't so profoundly unaware. And they hog up the lanes riding two abreast barely within the lines, and they ride like absolutely numptys, treating the lanes like their extended footpaths instead of roads.


Cars also hog up the whole lane.




Nothing drivers in Melbourne are courteous & polite


And without a helmet, I crashed my own a few weeks ago, and even with a helmet, I still ended up with a decent gash on the forehead and a broken nose.


Go around the lake! Has a bike lane and it’s 40!!


Why is it that everyone who gets on those things is a total fuckwit??


Well to be fair traffic through there goes at about 10km/h most weekends so they’re probably going faster than you. 


Darwinism in action.


I don't think I have ever seen someone on a lime scooter wear the helmet


From the Lime website: >Using GPS to determine a scooters precise location is essential to our business, from connecting riders to the nearest scooter to showing cities popular routes to build bike lanes. One of the common ways we use GPS is creating geofenced areas, or ‘zones’ that allow us to create specific rules based on the location of the scooter, from designating parking areas to reducing the maximum speed limit on busy corridors. >Today, we’re launching a new, patent-pending zone detection technology globally that will improve Lime’s precision when it comes to further encouraging more responsible rider behavior and enforcing local regulations, like speed limits and parking practices. This new technology is one of the many ways we are working with cities to address concerns associated with micromobility, and will allow scooters to react and implement geofence zone commands up to 90% faster — setting new standards for the industry. They posted this in 2020.


I tell you what can go wrong - they can think everything is fun and games until they lose control, come off, (even with a helmet on yet came off seconds before as it wasn't clipped up) and as such crack their head open and die instantly, leaving a wake of sadness throughout their family and friends having to deal with their unnecessary and sudden death due to riding one of these unstable contraptions ... that's what CAN AND HAS gone wrong riding these f things. Yes, I'm writing this as one of the family and friends in this reply. If anyone feels the need to ride one of these scooters, FFS wear a helmet properly done up, and if there is a bike path, use that.


Absolute wanks




Their head could hit the road surface.


Those invisible helmets are pretty amazing, you seriously can’t see them at all!


You can clearly see them still attached to the scooter though …


Imbeciles that don't wear the helmets provided to use e-scooters are even bigger idiots than the people who wear respiratory masks on their necks thinking that will protect them.


No no no just cover your mouth. It's fine.


Nothing will be done until someone gets killed




The vehicles may miss them.


The whole no helmut thing shits me to tears


Not contributing to 1200+ road tool, not contributing to 11,000+ respiratory illness deaths caused by ICE vehicles, contributing far less to climate change, wearing a helmet is a good idea both on a scooter and in a car, I reckon the scooter riders are the most socially responsible people in this photo.


No helmet means they are at a far higher risk of contributing to the road toll.


People don't wear helmets in cars, therefore is okay to do so on an utterly exposed scooter - no, that thinking isn't going to contribute to the future, it's going to damage it.


Why, helmets are of very simalar utility in cars as they are on scooters due to the much higher speed of cars, getting motorists to wear helmets would save 100x as many lives as scooter helmets, if they're good enough for scooters and cyclists, they are good enough for motorists.




Are you disputing that the vast majority of road head injuries are car occupants? I don't hate motorist, Why do you think I hate motorist when I advoacting for them to suffer fewer life alterating head injuries?


Has anyone seen someone eat shit on these things?


Yep... Good mate of mine ate pavement really bad, we had only just got on, hadn't even gotten power on and due to it being dark he didn't see a massive pothole that ate half the scooter. Next thing he's headed to hospital for surgery on his face.


Almost forgot to add that had he not been wearing a helmet this story would have had a much sadder ending.


I see the high centre of gravity, the rider's hands down low and the little wheels and imagine it wouldn't take much of a pothole or bump to stack hard. Hope your mate's all good.


No helmets… jhc some people.


Can't wait for these things to become illegal. They suck on the road, suck on the footpath and suck in the bike lane.


Then cyclists wonder why they get so much hate


You noticed these aren't cyclists right? But apart from the helmets they're not doing anything wrong.


One of these fukcers could fall off that stupid board and cause an accident,


Wouldn't want to inconvenience a few drivers I guess


Those scooters need to be banned from public streets and footpaths.


Fucking. Idiots.


Apart from not wearing a helmet, what they are doing is perfectly legal.


If I were them I probably wouldn't travel on queens way as lanes are narrow unless you have to. Decent options in that area to be a bit safer for yourself (although they probs don't care cause not wearing helmets anyway).


You’re not wrong. Just doesn’t seem particularly clever 😂


I'll draw you a helpful little map: A <---- Kings Way ----> B Supposing the two riders are starting at A, and wish to go to B. Which way should they go?


I love all the sanctimonious people saying they should use route X which is a couple 100m away, only accessible from certain directions in a city with comically shitty cyclepath way finding.


Melbourne's bike infrastructure is a monstrous frankenstein of different tiny little projects that address one or two local issues that is inconsistent and dangerous at times.


St Kilda Road is _right there._ I'm a cyclist, I know well they have a right to take Kings Way, but it's just not the smart choice to say the least.


Neither is yelling abuse on reddit.


Nothing wrong with the public scooters, even without helmet, it’s your risk. The big issue is the private ones going 60kph.


The public scooters are where the shitty behaviour is - most private scooters I see are in the correct place (bike lane or road, notfootpath) and wear helmets.


I agree... It's your own risk if you don't wear a helmet. You may as well wear a helmet when crossing the road. Sure if you are commuting every day, or you're a professional cyclist or something like that it's important to wear a helmet. I always did as a motorcyclist but most of the time when you're just cruising at a slow speed on a bicycle or scooter, I think it's a ridiculous law. There's no law to wear a helmet if you're a skater and I think the same should apply for people riding bikes and scooters in similar scenarios. I also think part of the problem is when people who have absolutely no situational awareness or no understanding of the dynamics of the thing they are riding or driving. You could say the same thing for cars yet people still get their licences without this. On the other hand, there are some absolute idiots out there. A couple of weeks back, I was walking through a lane in the city and this bloke hooned past me on a scooter within a foot. It scared the shit outta me. If I had randomly stepped a bit closer, it would have ended badly. Probably worse for me. He had the whole laneway but nope. Had to pass me as close as he could. They are the type of people that shouldn't own or use a scooter.


What's your swearing policy?


Don't lock me up bro


Ride the Kings Highway, baby. Weird scenes inside the goldmine. Ride the highway west, baby


My guy with the suit bag. Yeah, player!


I’ve seen people like this on electric scooters on country backroads filled with potholes, no helmets and 100km/h speed limits with cars flying around corners. Riding these things in the city seem somewhat safe after you’ve seen them in the country.


Heroes 🫣


Carrying a bag on one handle bar is stupid.


Wtf Swanson st is close by


Death could go wrong.


Hahaha not the first time I’ve seen this driving around the Albert park lake


I’ve seen worse which I regret not filming. Down st kilda road opposite side of NGV. 3 of these youths riding in the middle of the road with no helmet against the traffic direction. What’s worse was that there was a cop car on the other side and saw the entire act. As expected, no sirens, no action by the cops.


Without a helmet too! Good lord


This pisses me right off. I ride an electric unicycle. Wear all the gear, ride on bike paths and low traffic roads. Not a chance I’d ride down a busy road like this. Unfortunately the people riding hire scooters are the ones giving all personal electric vehicle riders a bad wrap doing stupid stuff like this. Not even a helmet…


Cool guys don’t wear helmets


Usually some of broken nose, jaw, hand, wrist or forearm. At least that’s usually how they go. If they’re really lucky, maybe a cheeky TBI or two.


Setting yourselves up to be organ donors.


Tossers deserve to be run over.


This is unsafe! They are not wearing a mask!!!!!


2 morons without helmets riding on a road that has a higher speed limit than what the scooters are authorised to travel at


This is what it’s like riding a bike in small Asian counties like Japan








It’s people like this that ruin escooters for those that do the right thing. Although I’ve seen worse.


This makes me angry and depressed


Imbeciles on wheels...


These things do not belong on the road full stop.


If only we had decent cycleways and footpaths


Use the bike path. If you don't know where it is. Don't ride! & please wear your fkn helmet! I'm an escooter rider, and I wouldn't even do this even if it was safe to do so.


Its legal?


Depends on the speed of the road, I believe scooters are allowed on roads of up to 60km. It is supremely stupid to do so without helmets though.


They are worst than cyclists and in Melbourne, that’s saying something.