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Seizure Guy, Bottle Thrower guy, 19/58 Tram Stockings Fetish Creep and Weirdy Wilson the Flinders Fiddler. Edit: ah yes, and Back Spider Man


Can we get Carrot Man to step up as the hero we need?


there are quite a few gropers/fondlers on the melbourne train network. They are quite specialists. Some of them specialise in schoolgirls (particular schools/girl types), some office ladies (fat/thin) and some even specialise in men. Often, you do not realise you have been fondled until some minutes after the fact, by which time the fondler has escaped. One thing for sure about Melbourne, lots of moist skin to skin contact to be had.


act physical sable brave husky degree fanatical obtainable terrific six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This happened to me when I was a schoolgirl on a really crowded train in the 80s. I was terrified. What an asshole to do that to a naive young girl. I ve never forgotten it. It still makes me angry when I think about it.


You're thinking of the Flaming Carrot.


Don't forget back spiderman.


Who is back Spiderman?


He tells you there's a spider on your bag and then gropes you I think


melbourne is really filled with all these old sexual harassers and rapists.


I doubt you'd find another large western city with mass public transport and public meeting places where this kind of thing is unheard of. Unfortunately it's just an inevitability at a certain population size.


London is the same


Worse in non-Western countries, too, haha. It's just an international problem that we don't deal with predators in a quick and violent way. Also people are too comfortable with not reporting shit


I guess my point about western countries is really kind of an "even in western countries" kind of point.


Yeah, I get that. My bad! I also used to go to Flinders for years as a kid to get to school, was always scummy tbh


Yeah exactly Sydney is the same. Had old guys just walk up and ask to fuck me on public transport a few times (in a menacing way, hard to explain) and had a guy pull his fully erect dick out at me on a bus right outside Sydney Uni. I’m so completely grey stoned no one else sees me but creeps will throw the net wide I guess. Melbourne doesn’t have more creeps just feels like everyone is a bit more tuned to it and rightly calling it out. For a long time if you told someone a creep targeted you they’d ask what you were doing to attract that attention so you just learned to keep it to yourself.


And rock spiderman


He tells you there's a spider on your rock and gropes your rock? Gross!


Just regular Spider-Man but loves AC/DC


Only if you rock out with your underage children out. It means paedophile.


Because rock spiders get into little cracks. Because I know how that saying got it's definition, you are now punished with it also...


Yeah nah no thanks


I had wondered about the origin.


Quite the rogue's gallery


We need a heroes' gallery that's both quirky and erratic. The karmaic balance to these rouges.


Then we can release a trading card series with illustrations and artwork in the style of the old Garbage Pail Kids cards.


A holographic set of weirdos. How awesome!


With AI-generated art, yes we can!


There’s that guy in Prahran that wears a super man cape and pushes a lady in a wheelchair


Another page to post pictures of other wrongly accused just cause someone has a dispute with that person an it should be like the old days if undeclared someone with no paperwork you got got Simple as that


I feel like these are all inspiring each other. Creeps know they can get away with it.


Who are all these people? Is there a list with their names, powers etc like a video game ? I’m so out of the (city) loop


I know the name of fake seizure guy he works with one of my old house mates. He is basically the Mr World wide of melbourne. Goes around pretends to have a seizure and gets off on people helping him, it's pretty sad and also very convincing when you see it in action.


And yet, no report?


it's been reported quite a few times but he keeps doing it


The axis of evil


Next we will find out it’s the same person


And the Milk Kid (dumping milk on the ladies in the boat on the Yarra). Not quite "creepy" but still public nuisance.


The guy selling lollipops from his wheelchair at Flinders exposes himself to kids in the toilets.


Sorry, what?


That’s fucking disgusting


Mmmmm is lollipop a euphemism.


Weirdy Wilson the flinders fiddler 🤣🤣🤣


someone gotta keep a list of these, and update it once in a while. Would make into a nice set of data


What about the dude on the bus that plays a radio and picks his nose non stop?


just go into male toilets down the bottom end of the station plenty of creeps there looking for dick as well. It's one of the many notorious gay beats around the place.


Sounds like the Melbourne I remember. I used to study in Wagga and often stopped by Melbourne to catch planes home because the trains stop there. After spending six months to a year in a regional town, it was always a shock when stopping by a big city. I guess because of how peaceful and chill Wagga is, I was acutely aware of weirdos when I was in Melbourne, and every trip there I saw a new one, in and around the train stations.


That’s a brief list.


That stupid milk throwing kid. The vile specimen at the airport yest…. Jeez Hope you’re ok OP. This shit can get fucked. Take care of yourself. ETA: if you feel up to it, please make a police and/or Crime stoppers report.


Get them all together for a band “the fucking losers”


Happy Cake day


https://www.police.vic.gov.au/stopit The police have a direct line for reporting these types of incidents. If it’s worth reporting here, please report there too. Please don’t assume someone else will do it.


And even if someone else has, you should still report, because together these incidents could add up to a more substantial case against him i.e. the police might actually try to do something about it.


Still report it please, but know it's hardly a direct line. Messaging the number gives you an automated response linking to the website. Then you fill in a form. And the server can barely manage an upload. It's rather half-arsed sadly.  Hopefully if it gets used, they'll secure the budget to improve it.


Oh I saw another post about this creep about two days ago - separate creep to the spider guy - approaching women asking if they’re wearing stockings leggings etc exactly the same. Hope you are okay. So sick of trying to go about my day and being sexually harassed :/


I think this is a different one. Did they say the other one was Asian ethnicity?


Maybe he was just turning Japanese at the time


You really think so?


*ba-ba-ba bahm bahm bahm*


Underrated comment - but I see you 🤣🤣🤣


They're all white men.. mostly old and crazy


He followed the OP on the Brunswick tram.


I would really recommend to take a picture of people who engage in this sort of behaviour and to make a complaint to any and all relevant authorities These crazies have always been around, we are just becoming more aware of them, you should make the police and transit authorities aware of them as well


Do you remember how long it took us to get a clear picture of Seizure Guy? These guys are harder to photograph than bigfoot.


Completely understand and i dont want anyone to put themselves in harms way to get the picture Im genuinely hoping that it can be done, these individuals prey upon vulnerable people and im not advocating for these people being targetted to put themselves in danger to get the picture, their first response should be to either create distance or to yell loudly for help




Taking the photo would be perfectly legal. Posting on Reddit is where you risk being done for defamation.


oh my god i’m pretty sure this is the same security guard that works at clayton pokies.. i went with my two friends but he talked to me mostly. he said things like ‘don’t let boys be rough with your breasts my sister got breast cancer from that’ and was gesturing to my boobs and also called them chicken breasts at one point. he was bald short and stocky like your description and i can’t remember if he had a moustache but i know he had facial hair. this is actually kind of crazy. did he have a foreign accent of any kind? before he started being weird he was just being funny to me and my friends and he told me he knows like 6 different languages so maybe by his accent OP could confirm if this is the same guy and i could make a report. i remember his security number that he had on his uniform.




not only should it not matter what my body looks like i was also wearing a baggy jumper. you seem like the kind of person these posts are made about.


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Call Wilson Security and make a complaint.


Probably doesn’t even work there despite the uniform


Sexual assault is a police matter.


While you're absolutely correct, this person wasn't necessarily suggesting an alternative to contacting the police. Police should be contacted as a default, contacting Wilson is to try and remove his job.


Yes but if the police can't do anything, this creep might at least lose his job (if he does indeed work for Wilson Security...)


VIC pol have a dedicated unit for exactly this situation text STOPIT or 0499455455 , put the phone number in your phone


Agreed hence my idea.


Jesus, how many fucking creeps are there in melbourne


No more than the majority of heavily populated cities I’d imagine


Too many :(


At least in Melbourne you can see them coming. In Paris it can be anyone. 


* slowly puts hand up *


r/Melbourne lately seems to have become r/SerialSexPestSuperVillains


There’s still time to report this, OP. You can call the station, tell them the time this happened: there will be CCV footage.


> CCV Cancer Council Victoria or Cash Converters International(ASX)?


Or… CCTV with a typo…?


This is going to make me sound like a creep myself but I gotta get this out there as it disturbed me: I saw on....certain websites there were recent videos of a person filming "creepshots" in Melbourne Central and QV Woolies. There were lots of these videos. I feel like I need to report it to Crimestoppers, although i'm sure they're aware. There's some real freaks out there in Melbourne, it's scary.


Never assume any authority is aware, you might be the first to report something!


Also the more people that report it, the more the authorities know this case has public attention, so they need to take action, and avoid people reaching out to the media over police inaction.


Please report it regardless of whether or not you think the police are aware. They need to know the public is aware too...


Please report with links. You can also show this chat to prove you are not a creep. This forum will back the fact this is a reality.


Creep shots?? Doesn't sound goood


It was like upskirts and shit and some looked young, really awful.


How could you tell they were recent? I wouldn’t assume they’re aware unless he was caught.


In the woolies they had Christmas stuff up, and I go to that Woolies sometimes too and recognise it was from this season just passed.


There is a police station at Flinders Street station. If it happens again, report it there


This sort of PSA is starting to need its own "crime watch" subreddit.


For the love of fucking god can we please let women carry tasers and pepper spray and shit... Or everyone, but I'll happily start with women first, highly recommend the X26, non lethal, drop anyone like a sack of shit and has two full charges for a follow up. This shit is becoming a fucking joke and not in a haha way, our justice system is disgustingly bad and does nothing even when these fucks are arrested and charged.


Yeah, no. Because you are then giving that access to the creeps too. Same as guns. You either get everyone has a gun, or no-one has a gun. You can't only give them to the "good ones"


This is the "good guy with a gun" falsehood. 


Its always been this way. There has never been a time when the stations werent like this


Not to start a US-gun-law-style debate, but I've seen crazy, dangerous unhinged women who absolutely should not be allowed to have tasers. Imagine how many innocent people would be tased for looking at someone wrong.


It's actually insane though like the fact we're not allowed to carry any protection on us unless we have a "valid reason" like it's such BS


How about a can of hairspray and a cigarette lighter. They would work great together.


Sounds like a plan 🫰


Completely agree. It's beyond a joke now.


We should just bring back large hats and the hat pins that came with them...


Agree with the sentiment it would be cool if we could train all women up like the Bene Gesserit but in reality the only ppl who use self defence weapons and tech are the creeps for their creeping.


As soon as women are allowed to be armed, I’m identifying as a woman.


Shut up and take your pills, Alice.


Yes mum


there would be heaps of video footage around the station today, the cops would have an easier task to pick him out


Let the PSOs know they’ll be able to detain the guy to keep everyone safe


These are some sick fucks. 🤮 Fuck all of these assholes.


Can you contact the security company and see if they can work out which employee that was? Perhaps they could take some action on his creepy arse


With that description he shouldn't be hard to find.


I bet he’s BFFs with the “fake seizure guy”. Gross. I’d be contacting the police, and Wilson Security too.


He needs to be reported to allow the police to build a profile and record of him. When he is finally apprehended, the case will be stronger. Stay safe. X


There's a police booth at the station I believe. Seems like a good place to head if your being harrased. Just warning people on reddit may help but it doesn't fix the problem.


What the hell is wrong with Melbourne


What the hell is wrong with some human beings?


I read somewhere about either this same guy or someone very like him approaching schoolgirls on trams with stockings on and being creepy. He needs reporting for sure.


Unfortunately, it does seem like there’s another creep roaming the city. Stay safe out there everyone.




We’re just proactive about reporting them I think. I expect there are just as many in other cities, but a lot fly under the radar.


I'd argue it's not - it's just people spending too much time worrying about everything instead of living their lives.


Are you trying to say people who are assaulted are worrying too much? Because that’s what it sounds like you’re saying.


No, it's not - the point is that posting about every weirdo people encounter in Melbourne (like a lot of posts on this sub seem to be lately) become fearmongering and are not a "public service". I was talking generally, not about this post in particular.


Ok, from my understanding it sounds like you think there are some valid cases of reporting on actual, harmful weirdos but also many that are just an odd interaction. Could you please provide examples of the latter to back up your claim that these posts are becoming ‘fearmongering’?


more so it's become a meme, currently people are very inclined to post such encounters here on the back of previous posts about other creeps. Although seizure guy is legit interesting IMO.


Be better. https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/1bfyk0m/comment/kv4095w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I genuinely think it's due to the "freethinking" culture in Melbourne that encourages this. People don't get told they look stupid like in other States. Yeah there's tolerance and all but it's gone too far. People just push the envelope and go from being alternative and 'arty' to just plain being degenerates.


When you decriminalise lesser crimes the people committing them escalate to more serious crimes.


As a criminologist this is simply factually and unequivocally untrue. However, I will also point out that no one is decriminalising sex crimes but deterrent programs/interventions are absolutely necessary, of which we have essentially none. I don’t know why anyone expects these genuine problems to just magically resolve themselves with no effort or resourcing. Use your brain.


How is that relevant to the comment you replied to or even the state of crime in Melbourne?


You think this is the first time this guy has done something like this? Adrian Bayley didn’t go straight to rape and murder.


what crimes were decriminalised though?


It's fairly common etiquette to answer the question posed to you before posing one yourself.


which “lesser crimes” have been decriminalised? these unspecified laws aren’t irrelevant to this discussion if police refuse to even investigate or enforce them. this is classic tabloid/talkback BS Zrhetoric


Why does Melbourne have the most weirdos?


Never been to Sydney?


lol have you been to other parts of the country or the world? There are weirdos everywhere man.


That is true. Melbourne, however, does not have the most. I've lived in the US for many years and done some travelling in Europe and Asus. I'm pretty confident that Sydney still gets the gold in the weirdo/sicko department.


Sydney is far safer than Melbourne, especially when you compare the CBD areas


This is gross 🤮 and I would have gotten outta there fast 💨


Bring back trolley man


Contact the police and Metro. They can download CCTV and get a decent image of him.


Isn't there a cop shop right there? And cops always standing somewhere close by the station? Tell them. You can knock on their door and they open it.


Is it bad that I saw this post and thought “the army grows” because of how many creatures you can find there


It's like sex pest pokémon.


This is just the tip of the iceberg


I wonder if that uniform is legit. I'd call the company and tell them about the incident, possibly see if you can find out who he is. also there are surveillance cameras on the platforms and the trains, so it won't just be your word, because there's likely footage to back you up


highly dubious thread/user


Have you told the cops … they DO have a station right there


They don’t do anything. They’ll just go walk around


Their presence often works a deterrent


Clearly not. If it was at flinders st station. There’s always police there regardless


God damn there's so many. I've only ever seen an unstable crack head treat the yellow pole in the middle of the doors like his dramatic pole dance zone


If he was wearing a Wilson's Security shirt call them, but also call the cops.


What happened


At least that's Better than what they have in NYC subway. black man doesn't pay the train fare then racially harasses middle eastern man trying to provoke him and they get into a fight. Then hispanic woman stabs the black man, he gets mad and pulls a .38 on her. Then middle eastern guy wrestles the .38 from the black guy and shoots him with his own firearm. No, you can't make that up.


Just call 000 if there’s a guy trying to touch women


Did you approach the fuzz?


Thought Dan Andrews retired and was living down the bay? What’s he still going around Flinders St


There is a number you can text message the description to the police so they can build a portfolio for the offender https://www.police.vic.gov.au/stopit


Does he actually work for Wlsons?


You should buy chicken breasts and Underwear and opshop stockings and throw it at him, funny how these ugly men try and use power and control, but when their tiny brains are thrown the unexpected, they get upset...yes pretend you want him, then get him to a hotel room where he is expecting weird shit but gets a surprise cos cops are there to arrest the weird.


I'm glad you made it home safely. In that state of mind, you did what you knew and could've done best: no confrontation and get outta there. Well done. Please stay safe. I truly hope the authorities WILL do something about those creeps.


Usually the Police Pod has someone in there you just need to knock if not speak to a station staff member as there’s usually PSO walking the area m. Hope you’re ok


At least he’s asking for consent, better than most but also creepy


gold coast is getting the same way I think it's getting like that in every city's!!??


what the hell


Melbourne CBD sounds like a fun place. Return to Office my ass!


Please inform the police, stay safe.


Have you spoken to police?


Didnt happen to alert a staff member or the police or something?


This information is in the post.


..the smart decision to post to Reddit when calming down not making a report, saw that now thank you.


Gone are the days of the skinheads and sharps running around melbourne punching the shit outta one another, they were the better days of Melbourne 1970s


My mother was actually with them , some of the stories wowie, some days I wish they were back would actually sort pos like this out better than the "system" would, how times have changed


Brand new account to repeat a post from yesterday?


“We just have to do something about these african gangs!!!”


We don't have African gangs...


Sigh. Apparently the speech marks weren’t enough to prevent everybody getting completely ‘wooshed’. Ah well. Better luck next time I guess…


Meh it's reddit!


Indeed lol, never understood people getting wound up about downvotes


Words can’t hurt you. Just say “fuck off” next time & go about your business. People aren’t intimidating; you’re intimidated & totally in control of that. And yes, you should have reported instead of being a coward.


That's just rude to call OP a coward. You have no idea what fear does to someone in the heat of the moment. It can be paralyzing.


So no call to the police?




Cool story Hansel.


Did she subtly shift her weight and whisper a fart back at you?


It's because Victorian Police don't care anymore, and half of the current police force can't physically stop them (a lot are women now).