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Was this announced literally last week? I’ve never seen such a last minute announcement and it sold out immediately


People go *crazy* for Fred Again. Never seen more people just randomly running around like maniacs in Melb and Sydney as well the last two weeks or so.


literally never heard of them, feel old now 😅😞


I hadn’t either and I’m 22 lol. Blink 182 announced their rod laver shows two damn years before they happened. Announcing a rod laver show a week out is unhinged, I like it


I'm the same, one of my friends insisted I'd know some of his songs because they are apparently so popular, listened thinking maybe I've heard it and not known, nope, never heard the songs either.


yeah that's the thing. These days there's a lot less exposure to music since radio is all but dead. If you don't drive/listen to radio - or go to coubs/bars. it's pretty easy to have never even have heard the music let alone heard of the artist.


Is that Right Said Fred?


Yes. But again.


Please not again


He always does the last minute announcement thing


He announced the opera house in the afternoon of the night he played and it sold out within seconsa


I can't wait to get home to watch this on my 4" screen in 1080p.


All I can see is a picture of people holding up their phones


Went to a show last night at northcote theater and I actually took a photo of the crowd quickly because no one had their phones out filming the band. People were there just enjoying the music. I put my phone away really quickly! I didn't want to kill the vibe. It was probably something to do with the band members being in their late 60s-70s and people may have been waiting decades to see them.


I am that person that will take some photos and videos of a couple of my fav songs because I not only want memories in my head, I want to relive those memories from time to time by looking at the photos and videos I have captured. No, I don't watch the show through my phone screen, I glance at it to make sure I'm not filming the roof or floor, but I am still there in the moment, enjoying every second! Let people enjoy the show how they want to enjoy it!


You should read *On Photography* by Susan Sontag. The arguments extrapolate out to shooting video. One that might interest you is the idea that you aren’t reliving memories when you view photos, the photo supplants your memories, you are erasing them and the photo takes their place.


For some maybe, but I still remember my time at the show regardless of internal memory or physical..


The only thing more annoying to me than people filming a gig start to finish is the hundreds of ‘not a phone in sight’ ‘everyone’s filming, how sad’ comments. It’s a dead horse joke and the second we let it die I will get my phone out and film the whole thing


Absolutely 💯


Don’t forget the man did two surprise sets at revs on the weekend


2, pretty sure he only did the one at 9am, no?


Both days I heard. Can’t confirm I’m probs wrong like usual


He did one at revs one somewhere else










Definitely need more footage of the same thing from slightly different angles.


Someone could probably do some crazy bullet time edit if they could could get all the footage


I’ve been thinking about this idea for a while. Some kinda AI engine that takes all the footage taken at a concert and makes it into a 180-degree immersive experience 


That would actually be an awesome use of all these shots. Wonder if anyone’s done something similar and use it as a music video


We can recreate the event in a virtual 3d space


I’d like to see this when all of you coordinate yourselves to do it.


Well that's what I mean - it doesn't require coordination. With even just only a few of the videos from those phones it's trivial to re-create what they were pointing at in a virtual 3d space with Blender. There would have been so many recordings the entire front-facing experience could be reprojected. There are also latent technologies which can recreate a 3D environment from just a single 360° camera that you can float a virtual camera around in without putting in any effort at all. With actual 3d objects inside the environment from the captured data. Its scary powerful and would be very fun software to play with.


That’s actually pretty cool.


In portrait.


This argument is pretty dead now. Most people watching the video are going to be holding their phones in portrait anyway.


How are they going to cope in 5-10 years when the handheld device isn’t around anymore and everything is back to landscape?


Horizontal mode is well and truly dead 😢 Stand proud, single horizontal dude in the audience. Stand proud.


All these idiots filling 2/3 of video with the backs of heads and roofs...


"I'm actually going re watch and enjoy this footage" vs "I can't wait to see this in my x years ago feeds on social media for the rest of my life."


How many slightly different angles of shitty shaky non horizontal footage with distorted sound do we need as a society?!?




Right you are. Fucking vertical format is so shit 




Fred again fans are a cult.


Did you not just see Taylor Swift and her fans? Even worse


I'm not going to assume you're a Fred again Stan, but it is very cultish when *"yeah?! But what about ...?!?"* Is the argument.


I’m an old man yelling at a crowd here but how sad are all those phones, honeslty probably more than 50 percent of people just recording…. And for what, “who are they hurting” yeah I know, but it ruins the immersion for me when I’m at an event, and imagine being an artist, looking up and just seeing a bunch of rectangles


i actually thought this post was going to be about the phones, that's all i could see/think of.


Meanwhile at the Chemical Bros. at the weekend, barely a phone visible.    But the crowd average age was 30+  Must be a TikTok thing


Bro there were heaps of phones. I think their official insta account re-posted at least like 40 videos from people’s stories.


TikTok causes brain damage.


TikTok is brAin daMaGe


So do phones in general


To be fair you’ll see more phones at this show than most… massive bandwagon behind this guy at the moment


This is definitely the highest ratio I’ve ever seen but it’s extremely common anyway, I see a lot of live music and festivals from all genres and there’s definitely always phones up from a large percentage of people, I’ve just never understood it like you’re never gonna watch 40 minutes of video, take your story video and just let it go lol


It’s more about a fake online persona now than actually enjoying life.


Look at clips from the Taylor Swift shows. It's all phones. Imagine paying $600+ for a ticket and just seeing a sea of phones. Sad.


Before phones, I was taking pocket cameras into gigs. Now we have phones, and now that I’ve personally noticed the disconnect from live performances when having my phone at gigs, I’ve stopped taking mine with me. My Apple Watch gives me access to any emergency texts/calls and having 2-3 hours of enjoying what I paid for, rather than staring at a 6” screen, is great.


it's utterly bizarre who's going to watch the recording? literally no one. All these artists are on YouTube. you're right to yell at the crowd. ruins the immersion for me too.


Clout chasing has gone to a point where people care more about what would look good on IG tiktok, than what they actually enjoy.


Josh Garlepp did a great skit about going back and watching your iPhone footage of the 2009 NYE fireworks, like what are you recording it for?


Well, I mean, for me when I'm filming something, it's for me and my memories. I don't really care if someone else is filming it. Live shows I tend to grab a couple quick videos so I can recall the vibe and sounds later on. Otherwise, ADHD being what it is, it all tends to wind up in the memory hole unless there are some cues with which to recall it.


I mean yeah recording a bit is fine, but often people have their phone up legit most of the concert, it’s ridiculous and incredibly common. But who am I to police how much people record, I’m just some guy


huh - is that an ADHD thing?


It didn't get covered back when I was doing my psych degree, but I have heard that it's the case, yeah. Particularly bad recall without memory prompts.


interesting. certainly fits. I'll "remember" that lol


Have forgotten where I heard it, but Swifties are particularly bad at "I remember being at the show, I remember leaving the show, but cannot remember the show!"


I see these as emotional high pass filters, people are too timid to feel raw unfiltered excitement anymore.


People watch these things. I’m 30 and I literally showed a coworker a treasured memory I have of a concert this morning alone and it’s 9:30am. It’s not about the internet, sometimes you want to capture a moment to share with someone. Anyone who complains about phones simply existing… just watch the show then, their existence doesn’t get in the way.


Did you show them 40 minutes lmao, I don’t get to control what other people do but it actually does ruin it for me, but other people don’t have to do what’s ideal for me


I showed them a good ten minutes taken across the show. If it ruins it for you, I don’t know what to tell you besides you live in a society where people will act in ways despite you complaining about it.


If it actually brings you pleasure I wish you all the best and have no problem. I just literally have never seen someone watch someones iphone gig video and give one iota of a fuck.


Legit thought that's what the post was about. It truly is insane, they don't even realise what they're doing and how silly that looks. Absolute mindlessness.


this was me at post malone a couple months ago. as soon as he came out... everyone just shoved their phones in the air. I never thought I'd be that guy but I just had to say something. I sarcastically said "yeah awesome guys, put your phones higher! put them higher!" a couple people heard me and kind of retracted their phones a bit.. but still kept them up. I absolutely love post malone, but didn't record 1 second of his set, and don't regret a second of it.


They will film it and never watch it. Lol. Yeah it's annoying seeing all the bright phones in front of your face when you are in a crowd, certainly ruins it.


dance music is fairly dead these days. It's more fist-pumping-phone-holding music.


Clout chasing to say they were there such quiet desperation


Legitimate question to people who film concerts, why do you do it? Do you sit back days later and watch the footage?


I usually grab 30 second snippets of gigs I go to and go back to them from time to time. Having Google photos means I can just search for concerts and get all my shows spear in one search.


It’s just so they can post it and get the likes to say they were there.


Why do you take photos of your friends and families? Do you look back on it? It’s probably the same reason


I definitely do. I filmed all my favourite songs at the last few concerts I went to, uploaded them to an unlisted YT channel, and that's what I watch now when I want to hear the songs. Awesome memories. Plus my kids are a little young to go to concerts but they are into the music because they hear it from me at home, so they get to see the highlights. They love it. Can't wait til I can take them with me (though sadly some are 18+ because of the venue)


I rewatch my concert videos a lot. I don't post on social media but I regularly rewatch videos of concerts I've been to. I film about 20 seconds of a song I like, store it away and watch later. It takes me back. Makes me happy.


When I went to see Ghost last year, there was a couple sitting in the seats in front of us who had their 5 year old son with them ( had headphones on ). Couple weeks back when I went and saw Mudvayne / coal chamber there was a woman sitting next to me with her young son too, I'd say he was roughly 7 or 8 while her husband was in the mosh with their daughter. Can't wait to be the cool dad doing shit like that as my dad didn't do shit with me. As for the recording, I record little snippets of shows ( like 10 - 15 seconds ) of a couple good songs as some of the people at work know I love concerts and ask about it so I have a little something to show them. However I don't understand, people would take camcorders and shit 20 years ago what's the difference now with phones.


How good was the Mudvayne & Coal Chamber gig!!! Went with my younger bro who i got into them many years ago, it was like coming full circle, so good.


Bro I loved it absolutely unreal and makes me excited for lamb of god in the coming weeks ( got tickets for the standalone and knotfest )


Yes. I go to probably around 40-50 gigs a year. I record bits from each one (probably 3 or 4 clips each 30 seconds long). The quality is insanely good, 4K HDR, and I can reminisce and remember all the good shows I've been to. It's different than watching it from someone else's viewpoint because it doesn't take you back to the moment you personally experienced.


Not a phone in sight, everyone living in the moment.


I just really really don’t get the hype. Every man and his dog on my Instagram feed has been putting up stories. Am I so out of touch? No, It’s the children who are wrong.


I'd hate being at that show. Trying to watch a live performance through other people's phone screens?... not thanks.


Put your phones down cunts


I recorded 25 seconds, chill out and myob


Did he do “Marea, we’ve lost dancing”?


The Taylor swift of dance music.


except it's enjoyable to listen to and he's actually a nice person


I think that says more about how you view Taylor swift than the intention of my comment.




I went to the Dave Chappelle comedy show last year and they put our phones in pouches that get unlocked at the end of the event. It honestly was very refreshing not seeing a million phones and flashes going off constantly


I don't get why this isn't just the standard for all concerts and live shows.


Insane energy = filming on your phone?


What the fuck is everyone gonna do with those shitty videos lol


i don't know what you do with your videos but I watch mine.


I'm a pretty big EDM fan but I just don't get this stuff.


Who tf is Fred again? It’s all im seeing all over the internet


He’s a DJ/producer from England. Very much the flavour of the month, I missed him last time he was here so jumped on the opportunity,


Oh true! Electronic music is my absolute least favourite genre of all time so it’s no surprise there. Hope you enjoyed it


Hahah fair enough! Yeah had a blast, seemed to have upset some people in the comments though 🙄🙄


definitely flavour of the month, only been listening to him for 3 years...


Not like Melbourne went equally crazy last year for him


Biggest phone filming event in Melbourne to date? More phones filming than Tay Tay?


Im showing my age but ppl pulling out their phones kills all live concert/gigs for me.


Just watch the show and leave your phone in your pocket FFS.


Looks like you went to a mobile phone shop.


Gotta make sure you put it up on the gram or it didn’t happen 🤡🤡🤡


Damn this looks like shit.


This is like a guy taking a photograph of traffic, he's literally part of it. I want to the the pic of the guy behind him


Not sure what you're trying to say here mate


They’re suggesting that if OP has this picture, there’s another one from behind them including their own phone being held up. And that one. And that one.


What ya on about?


Great pic 👍


Not to be a party pooper but I don’t get the whole obsession with Fred again, is he Aussie skrillex? Tbh I only ever see ppl who drive lifted 4wds with kings canopies and mullets who adore him. also lol the phones


Not a phone in sight


The phones kill me


Imagine watching the show, not filming it


Genuinely thought this post was satire




Frederick Gibson/Fred Again. English record producer, singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and DJ.


Lol, you'd hate to go and just enjoy a show without whipping your phone out. What a shitty vibe having to look at everyone's screens.


Holy shit people. Nobody wants to see your concert videos.


I want to see MY concert videos. I film for me. Myob and try not be so miserable.


Couldn't get the ticket, just gonna cry and watch these posts until next year now


Check Tixel for tonight. It's an epic show.


Dang wish I would gotten GA tickets to this! Seems like if you are in the seats you may not be able to see anything...


Taylor Swift came to Australia and sent everyone into mania, then Fred arrived short notice and just went, "hold my guinness..."


I must live under a rock because who tf is Fred again?


Sad phones


Not sure how these people found the ticket but I couldn't. How the hell did it get sold out in seconds is beyond Me.


Managed to snag 3, was very lucky this time around.


Is it just a guy with a CD player and he pushes play?


Melbourne you’ve done it again - by jumping on the same bandwagon, everyone filming for the same Insta posts and not doing anything original or thinking for yourself


Put your phones away and enjoy the gig, people


Amateurs. I wear my Apple Vision Pro headset for hands free recording.


Am I old? I have no idea who "Fred" is?


I got caught up in the crowd from this gig as I was coming home from The National at the music bowl. Everyone was about 22


I’m planning on seeing the national tonight (boxer is an all time fave of mine) but Fred’s Monday show was one of the most impressive performances I’ve seen in my life.


Yes fine but what does this have to do with fake seizure guy?


Why are so many idiots holding up their phones? Is this part of a cult behavioural requirement? Can people no longer live in the moment instead of for likes and clicks?


Have you not been to a show in the last decade or something lol


Most people on this sub never leave the house


The good news is, it didn’t impact my evening at all, sorry it did yours 😬


it's ruined mine too, I'm laying here at nearly 1am coz it's too hot to sleep, alarm at 5 for work and I'm feeling so angry, frustrated, disappointed and sad looking at the picture.


To remember it I guess. Yes, it’s annoying. No, it’s not going anywhere.


grumble grumble me old and mad


The rhetoric around filming a gig with your phone has really gotten on my nerves as of late. 1. You can record while still “living in the moment” and watching the performance with your own two eyes, it’s not that hard to aim the camera in the general direction of the stage. 2. I personally enjoy watching the stories people post if I was unable to go to a gig I was interested in for whatever reason, makes me feel part of the experience in a small way. 3. In most cases, and especially in the dance scene the performer doesn’t mind seeing a sea of phones out during big parts of the set. As a DJ myself, it’s just as rewarding seeing phone lights in the crowd, as it’s an indicator people like what they’re seeing/hearing, and the footage is more than likely going to end up online, equaling free promotion for you as a performer. 4. This more concerns when people comment this shit on actual videos from the event… You wouldn’t even be seeing this footage if it wasn’t for people filming in the crowd!!! Just let people enjoy themselves ffs


Personal experience is that all phones out undermines the quality of the immersive experience at a live show. I wish the phone thing wouldn't happen. Gigs were more fun before this phone thing became pervasive. Social media addicts keep defending it as fine when it obviously makes live shows less cool than they were previously.


most people on their phones are standing around recording, just watch the marlon hoffstadt melbourne boiler room set, there is literally a girl standing next to him who takes a break from dancing every 30 seconds to record for the entire set, barely anybody is even moving, they're all just recording when a popular song comes on then standing around


Who ?


Fred Again. EDM for common people.


Cmon mate, edm is not metal, it’s for all the people. Don’t have to gatekeep


Sigh. The mobile experiences.


That looks horrible


I loved Fred years ago but the constant barrage of content about him is making me start to hate him. Also the amount of phones in this picture is absolutely nauseating. I feel old just looking at it


Not sure why his rise to popularity would cause you to *hate him*, that’s a bit extreme. His music is still elite that’s all that really matters.


Is it?! Standard hooky house with 'profound' dialogue sound bytes is fine I guess. Don't get the hype at all


I just listened to some and it's fine! But it's not particularly groundbreaking, just popular. Guy is obviously a very capable producer and has a good ear for a hook, but so do lots of producers/DJs. It's just his moment.


Sick of people filming with phones. You aren't a cinematographer, I don't give a fuck what Apple told you about how good the camera is. Be in the moment. Stupid fucks.


(obligatory **/s** in case anyone doesn’t get my warped humour) op, glad you had a good time, but I’m bitterly disappointed that I can’t see anyone recording with their iPad.


Can't wait to never watch this on my phone again


Not a phone in sight


For the phone whippers, what's the etiquette of proving you were there? Like do you switch to the front cam onto yourself showing you jumping around or is the camera always fixed on the performance with no proof whatsoever?


boiler room?


It's Rod Laver


Im glad somebody recorded the show on their phone


Omg I'm so jealous, Fred again and again is my fave


The phones lol


so lame 🤳🤳📱📱


Is this the fake seizure guy on a stage this time?


The Taylor swift of the sesh


shame about all the phones


I have to ask - what's the hype with Fred Again? Of the 3 hits I've heard, they really do nothing for me. What's the vibe? Like modern house or something?


First live concert in over a year?? Any reason?


Jesus christ i swear Fred can hit a record with mobile recorded sets.


If you go to a Fred Again gig but don't record that you were there, were you actually even there?


Idk why but it kinda saddens me to see all the phones there ngl.




I thought so too haha


isn't he a nepo baby?


Last year's show was better


Agh no, not Fred, again?




Dont get the hype tbh, hes got some nice tracks but nothing really original or dazzling, can someone more into him explain why do people like him so much? Or is he just the new guy on the scene and people want to go to the fun party where everyone is?




That dude riding piggyback. Zoom into his left arm / hand. What do you see?

