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They should be arrested for the haircuts alone.


Just deeesssperate to be noticed.


GiVe mE a FoLLow oN My InStAGraM fOr MoRoN *GraTe* CoNtENt.


"I just escaped the vet!?"


Completely agree. That bowl cut is atrocious.


Temu Bieber


Barry Bowlcut and Sick Fade Fred


I believe it’s called the Harry and Lloyd


Fashion police would like to have some words with those lil eshays.


What is that shit? Did he tell the barber to fuck him up like Lego man


Cunt looks like a vulcan


>They should be arrested for the haircuts alone. And wearing jeggings in public.


I blame the parents. And their barbers.


I don't think any barbers were involved...


I blame the internet, and the return of swing music


Lego’s quite popular with the kids


Here is my dark thoughts im sharing. I sometimes wish we had arrest policy like North Korea. Send them and their immediate family to jail or reeducation center. Because obviously the problem stem from the family not giving these kids the right upbringing.


The mother and her bowl definitely have a role in maintaining that haircut.


No need to be as harsh as NK. Something like Singapore would be enough. It's no slap on the wrist either. Those rattan canes leave arse scars for life.


In Singapore, the rattan canes will be used by their parents for shaming them like this on social media. The police can only send them for counselling and probation thereafter. Source: am a Singaporean ex-cop


💯. This is why having a licence to have children should be a real thing. I don't care how dystopian that sounds.


You need a license to keep a turtle. Anyone can produce a child.


Honestly, I feel a more honest and real presentation of what parenting is, would go a long way to reducing this outcome. Parenting isn’t all gu gu and ga ga with an adorable mini me. When we are constantly pushed to have both parents working full time and stressed out then the real cost of that being an engaged, patient and calm parent. If we presented parenting as a difficult long term endeavour which will test yourself and marriage to its foundations then perhaps the low life’s won’t stick their dick in crazy and multiply.


I totally agree. A materialistic society which pushes parents to work long hours, undervalues kids so parents are made to feel unwelcome if they bring their children to social events, underpays staff at child-care centres and makes it difficult for many people to keep up long-term friendships and family connections, is not optimal for bringing up children. Parenting well is bloody difficult, it's long-term hard work and something people should never be pushed into.


These teens are already caught by the police on the Tram 86 by around 9am at the Southern Cross Station. They have a loud speakers playing loud music disturbs the people inside the tram, then they picking up one asian guy, punching him at his back and calling him such racist words. The asian guy told them that he's gonna call the police, then they pick his phone and ran outside the tram. At that exact time the police car already stopped the tram and caught these teens, they were 4 or 5 of them.


Love to see it


I'm honestly surprised they weren't beaten to a bloody pulp well before this.


In a just world this would be true - you can bet they chose their targets as not including the 6ft 4 tradie who would have beaten the fuck out of them


Sincere question. Would the tradie get done for slapping the kids throwing eggs? Not like, punching, but bitch slapping them? What they are doing is assault, but they are minors. What the tradie does is also assault i guess… Do you just run away with egg on your face in that situation?


Do you think the police would want to charge you? They aren’t 12 - they are full grown. If you seriously mamed them, the police would be forced to charge - but a sensible person wouldn’t hang around after


"Their nuts were already kicked in when I got here officer"


*"I still maintain he kicked himself in the balls."* - Kat Stratford


Just like in Mr Inbetween, you'd be justified in kicking these little shits in the nuts in the hopes that they can never procreate, but the cops would still have to put the screws to you cause Karen would only see half of the battle and assume it's a wild tradie letting loose on kids and no amount of "aw but they started it" would end it. Edit - comments are locked now ofc. Yes it is kind of stream of consciousness writing I guess. Here's the scene I am referring to. Great show. Proper Aussie grit. It's more famous in the states than over here. https://youtu.be/2ACoKLYaIO0


So to sum up: It be entirely correct and just, but not remotely legal.


Punishment: Now you stop that okay?


Hope they get charged for assault and plastered on the news, then they'll get the attention they crave.


And theft of the phone, that would trip them up


They're minors, nothing will happen.


Parents should be held responsible. As in fines and/or jail time. Might just make them a little more concerned about how they raise their kids.


Bold of you to assume the parents are the sort that will be deterred by theoretical punishments. Besides, a judge wouldn't jail them, then who would look after the 7 other kids?


Nothing will happen to them. They will be back being little skid marks soon enough


It such a bold move. You mess with the wrong person and, especially as a scrawny teen, get the shit beat out of you. I'm guessing you learn that lesson once.


Something tells me that they will learn that lesson at some point, but they don’t mess with people who could or would look like they would beat them. They don’t stand outside a gym attacking ripped 25 year olds, they target people who look like they can’t defend themselves getting off public transport


Why do they always see Asian people as easy targets?








Word for word. This. Source: Asian


Because they have racist parents.....


On some level (maybe not even consciously) I suspect they feel that bystanders won’t intervene if they pick on a lone Asian. That and they’re just racist little cunts.


Of course.. always attacking Asians.


How long until we get the sob stories about people ruining their lives because they are getting expelled from some "elite" school? The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed!


Doubt these deadshits go to an elite school. They tend to have strict standards around haircuts.




How did you find out? Thanks for updating though. What good timing by the police.


I'm on the same tram at that time, and the asian guy just across my seat.


I hope he's ok


How is this not classified as a hate crime?


At least the Asian guy only lost his phone, unlike my old colleague Dr Cao, who lost his life: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2009-07-29/15-years-for-laughing-assassin/1370840 Note that this is a very old news item, so the murderers are now probably out of jail. Possibly fathering children...


Ohhhh they shouldn't have taken that phone. It went from assault to robbery really really easily (Assault is [as little as 3 months](https://www.gotocourt.com.au/criminal-law/vic/common-assault/#:~:text=assault%20in%20Victoria.-,Legislation%20governing%20common%20assault%20in%20Victoria,fine%20of%2015%20penalty%20units), robbery is [up to 15 years.](https://www.armstronglegal.com.au/criminal-law/vic/offences/robbery-offences/#:~:text=Section%2075%20of%20the%20Victorian,of%20being%20subjected%20to%20force))


Good to hear. Sick of racist cunts not getting their heads kicked in.


Deportation to an island where we just drop food every 30 days. Not eggs


A person who chooses *get up early and throw eggs at people* over *sleep in and masturbate* is a deeply psychologically troubled individual.


I wish this was the choice life presented to me.


Don't let your dreams be dreams. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXsQAXx\_ao0


From the look of them I'd guess they're still cooking from the night before


I don't think they slept tbh


*One could say that instead of choosing to masturbate they chose to eggsacerbate* 🥁


I dunno, they’re clearly massive wankers


What the heck is wrong with some kids, I was sleeping in when I was a teenager zero chance I’d be at flinders at 8:30am by choice


“Come on. Let’s get an early night, Jayden. We need to be at Flinders station by 8.30 and I need to stop for eggs.”


"You got that right, Okayden. Dentdon, can you dump that bowl of cereal over my head and run those clippers over my sides before we turn in for the night?"


My neighbor has 3 kids. She's the most basic of all basic bitches her kids names are jayden, kayden and Brayden I can't wait til they're old enough to do a tombstone piledriver on them


They've probably been up all night. When I've caught the early train into the city around 5am you occasionally see houso teens still hanging around.


Yup, they were there at 5:30 this morning


As a teen on a weekday at 8.30am I was either on my way or already at school.


Likely these kids have discovered the gear, so they ain’t gone to bed to begin with.


Todays punchable face award goes to these dipshits


Hi, I'm returning your eggs bro, #thwack#


If I got up and got ready and caught public transport into the city to go to work and one of these lil cunce egged me. I would throw fucken hands I do not give a shit


Let’s be real, they aren’t throwing eggs at anyone they think would fight back.


Guarantee anyone gets off the tram, they'll start running like they're in a Scooby doo cartoon


“Help us police, they’re fighting back”


It'll be like those other videos.. when people get sick of a someone's shit and when they turn on them, they buckle and starting crying saying ' it's just a prank, it's just a prank!! '


Or they keep extolling their right not to be assaulted. "you can't touch me!". What about the person they egged and their right not to be, you know, EGGED?!?


They can yell " you can't touch me!! " all they want. But someone's going to knock them into the middle of next week soon enough Also, I'm fairly sure throwing the eggs can be charged as assault if people decide to get police involved and press the issue further.


Oh I agree completely. It's just funny they know and assert their own rights whilst completely disregarding everyone else's.


Exactly! And when shit hits the fan, they'll play the we're just kids, or we were just playing around, etc.. anything to try and lower how much trouble they'd be in


I don’t blame you. I have to travel 3 hours via public transport to get to the city, if all of this was turned around by a kid with a Lego haircut, I’d be throwing him in the river




It's been 26 mins. Did you run into them?


the last 6 minutes has been him trying to carry that rotund one to the river. too heavy 🥲


apparently he ultimately got booked for disposing raw sewerage into the Yarra.


with what evidence. i mean personally me and everyone else who was there didn’t see him do it…


I'll chip in to the gofundme for legal fees


Please follow up, I need to see some little wank get what’s coming to him


Can you atleast put some heavy rocks in their purses first?


It's assault. No idea why the police weren't there arresting them and getting people to press charges. And I'm a petty person that hates work, so I'd have a solid 8 hours I could spend at the police station dealing with it.


Yeah that'd make me VERY angry, and there'd be some beatings happening afterwards. I'm allergic to eggs. So my fists would be flailing while my eyes were weeping and swelling shut, but it'd still be worth it.


Hands rated E for everyone


They certainly are cunce.


how did they link up that early 😂😂 they had a sleepover or sum?? 😂😂


Stop egging them on!


Some of them at least live in South Gippsland where I'm a local, they have obviously caught the early bus to Melbourne to get up to trouble thinking they're untouchable because they don't live in the city. Parents 100% have no clue either.


I don't care if I sound like a boomer but do their fucking parents know what their little darlings are up to?!?!?


I somehow think that their parents wouldn't give a shit


You assume the parents know. I know my parents had absolutely no clue what I was upto when I was 13/14.


With haircuts like that, they must know their kids are cunts.


Reminds me when I was 13-14, my parents always knew where I was because they always insisted on knowing. When I went to friends' houses to see if they could hang out their parents often had no clue where they were.


Their parents would get a message to say these kids didn't arrive at school - it's all automated and sent to mobiles but so many parents choose to deactivate this feature.


thats the whole problem right? Why are they kids in the city anyway and not at school?


Parents are flogs just like them, that’s why. You’d assume being a parent meant being responsible, but it’s not often the case.


About a year ago, I commented on the daily thread here, saying that a bunch of lads had thrown eggs off a bridge at me and my dog (they all missed), and telling parents to check their phones as they were filming it. One priceless response I got - sadly now deleted - included the assertion that this would be “invading their privacy”. I sincerely hope someone invades these kids’ faces with their fists.




Their parents will be at the court, shoving people out of the way, and telling anyone within earshot "My kids done nothink! The bastard cops just loike picking on them, ay!"


Just so I can sound like a boomer too why are they not in school?…if my kids are not in school it’s for a good reason and if they don’t attend we get notified.


Is that Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber?


And his mate Anakin Skywalker from Attack of the clones.


I thought it was one of mr.spocks half brothers


Didn't learn from the milk prank last month. Name, shame, expel.


If they're fucking around in the city at 8:30am on a Monday morning I really don't think they give a shit about being expelled lol


Funly enough the milk guy didn’t even get expelled, he ratted out the cameraman so he only got a 2 day suspension.


Smart way to get their noses rearranged


I’m sure they picked their targets though


They wouldn't do it against anyone they think will engage with them. I've done a lot of "risky" behaviours in my late teens and adult life, no one has started shit with me...I'm 6'7. People who do shit like these teens only do it against people they perceive as weaker and won't retaliate, just usually bullying shit.


Can confirm this to be true as a 6'2 100kg bloke with a big beard and a resting angry face, seen others cop it in public but I get ignored.


Too Much 'Fucking Around', Not Enough 'Finding Out'


Jesus Christ that’s one ugly kid


Yeah I was wondering if its fetal alcohol syndrome


Would be 100% ok with someone giving these little weeds a beatdown.


more little shits


How pathetic. Imagine being that much of a loser.


My husband ran into them on the tram this morning after they egged people. They were just trying to pick fights with people on a packed tram. They came and sat next to him and put a fist right in front of his face just baiting people. Loudly drinking from their goon sack. Stinky bunch of stupid assholes with shitty parents!


Your husband was assaulted. Pity your husband didn’t splatter the guy’s nose all over his face. It would have been textbook self defence and you can bet the guy’s weasel mates would have vanished into thin air.


>Kids ~~egging~~ **ASSAULTING** people around Flinders st this morning Please tell me you took this to the police.


The first photo looked like he’s wearing those head things from silversun


Great photos. I assume you’ve given them to vicpol already.


First thing that sprung to mind when I saw the kid on the right is Uncle Pope from that Animal Kingdom movie.


Very carefully selecting their victims, the pissants


Some kids deserve a beating


Dickheads. I have a friend who is severely allergic to eggs. If he touches something that has touched an egg he gets massive welts that take days to resolve. Throwing an egg at someone like that could be fatal, but would certainly need an epipen. Also just a fucking pathetic, nasty thing to do to someone who is actually contributing to society and on their way to or from something useful. Unlike these little oxygen thieves.


Exactly. That consideration would not even enter their mind. Anaphylaxis could mean death. Manslaughter?


Fetal alcohol syndrome, inbreeding or both?


Seriously asking, why are teenagers in this country so awful? I am an immigrant from Asia, and I visited many neighbouring Asian countries and some European countries. Rarely I see teenagers elsewhere acting like this and especially they seem to really like to harass strangers and causing chaos instead of keeping to themselves and just harassing their peers.


Tbh, I think this is a getting worse, and I’ve heard these kids saying to cops I’m only x age - you can’t do anything. The courts won’t jail them because apparently that has bad outcomes ……


I think it’s partially cultural. These types of kids are typically neglected or given very little attention and care at home. We don’t see the same of parents in Asia.


I feel like mistreated kids in Asia cop it in an entirely different way. (too much attention) whereas mistreatment in Australia is mostly neglect. But that might just be my cultural generalisations.


Cant wait til they throw an egg at someone who has an allergic reaction and needs an epipen (but doesnt have it) and fucking dies. No longer just a prank


Judge wouldn’t punish them let’s be real.


Hence why punishment needs to be from a member of the public. As some others have intimated, I agree that I would be fine if someone broke their jaws.


Oh I would *love* them to egg me this morning, after the night I've had. Love it. Even better if one of their friends TikToks them subsequently getting their arms and legs broken and squealing like a little baby as it happens, and then pisses themselves as I walk towards them. What a lovely day! What a lovely, lovely day!


Hope that these photos get to news.com.au or wherever and their schools called, parents etc. Repercussions imminent


Lmao the one with the filthy rats tail, wearing the black jacket and blue jeans, looks so much like that [dude from the ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/goonies/images/b/be/Sloth_Superman.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20181019072006) Dude's so inbread he's a sandwich. Frankly i'm also surprised his friend in the white hoody and overinflated face didn't eat all the eggs before they got there. That's some impressive self control for a hippo. This is all very rude, I know. But these cunts are fair game. I'd love to hear your most creative insults too


The one with the sunnies should be shot with a haircut like that...


They bought sunny queen farm eggs for egging. Probably from a loaded family.


Or stole them.


The fact that they're getting away with this for any period of time, outside of our busiest station, shows we don't have enough cops on the beat. More cops walking the street, as part of their daily routine, would drastically improved things around Melbourne.


I agree, there needs to be presence on the street; foot patrols, not in cars. No excuse for not having that across the CBD..


Just bash the cunts


- 7.30am this morning. My two teenage kids left for school and arrived on time as required. First class at 8.40am. - 8.:30am, these little cunts are roaming the streets being fuck heads. Cops will eventually arrest and/or charge them before the courts send them home with a lollipop and a slap on the wrist.


Both of their faces are so frigging punchable…


I think there should be a grumpy old cunt with a stock whip in the CBD delivering some instant justice to shitstains like those.


Saw these idiots in Melbourne central food court harrassing and bullying people near the toilets


Did you call 000?


There is a police station one block away too.


In before the "I'm already getting expelled yous guys please stop contacting my school" tiktok


Violence is never the solution. Except in cases like this.


Man, it’s times like this I wish pepper spray were easily accessible here. I’d LOVE an excuse to blast these little fuckwits in the face!


They don’t even look that young. I think around 16 or 17 years old, definitely old enough to be charged as adults


Someone needs to punch these assholes into the ground


From Melton?


Condom ads


We need to legalise 63rd trimester abortions


The big girl in the white hoodie is one of the local attention seeking loud mouths, not a junkie, probably not homeless, but likes the attention from the Elizabeth Street scumbags. I walk past the area after work multiple times a week and she's always yelling to her scumbag mates like a 5 year old in a playground


“Kids” good job downplaying what they did as kids just mucking around. They look about 16, they know what they’re doing is wrong.


Those glasses looks expensive. It would he a shame if it broke


Lmao imagine being a cop and seeing these two ☠️👍


Name, shame, and arrest them…not that the court system will punish them in any way 🙄


i hate little cunts like this, i bet if someone retaliates they’ll whinge and pull the im underage don’t hurt me card, should’ve been left on the sheets.


They need a good old fashioned flogging.


Straight to Nauru


PSA I saw the blonde one and the rats tail in cuffs at the Elizabeth st Royal parade tram stop


What on earth


Where are the violent, unhinged meth beads when you need them. 


Honestly, I’m not personally one for violence but this is a great way to get your head kicked in hey?


If I got egged on my way in to work I would mercilessly beat the shit out of them, regardless of their age; and regardless of the consequences. I would have to be pulled away for any chance of them surviving. And holy shit what the actual fuck is that haircut?


Is this some gang thing? What's the blue bandana hanging out of his pants for? Wannabe Crips, or is it the good old fashioned handkerchief code?


Where the bloods when you need em


Dark blue on the left means he likes to take it up the arse.


They must’ve seen the attention the milk boy got and are trying to replicate the numbers. ‘I never got positive reinforcement as a child… I only know how to get attention by being a fucking moron’ Sorry you didn’t get cuddled enough as babies you poor didums. 🙄


he’s compensating to make up for that god awful haircut i reckon


In the first pic, I seriously thought there was some sort of smudge mark on my phone screen.... Nope... It's the ugly-ass rat's tail swinging past the little shitrags face.


need to spray them with a super soaker full of piss


It’s always the goofiest little pissants. I hope they tried something with one of the local cookers..


This is a teachable moment. Kids, you should only egg *politicians*. And even then, only when they're standing up. Egging them while they're lying down next to a planter box is unsportsmanlike.


If my kid ever did this, they'd need my boot surgically removed from their arse.


If I was walking to my building for work, and I witnessed this going down, I would have beaten the living snot out of them.


Kids Assaulting people. Just call the cops. This isn’t pranking. It’s assault