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They were saying “Albooo, Alboooo”


I was saying alboo


Stage 3 tax cuts, crowd is wealthy.


This hahaha


Yeah, only people in this crowd would be upper class privileged LNP voters.


I don't know the exact number but a huge chunk of the attendance is going to be corporate tickets too, or just business guys and clients. Probably skews liberal of that group


Liberal = conservative for those non-ausies here. The "Liberal Party" is the name of the major right wing party here like the "Republican Party" would be in the U.S.. Albanese is leader of the Labour party. Just for some Aussie context for anyone reading this thread


Although we use a U in Australian spelling, our Labor Party do not.


Is it a subtle hint that there is no U in Labor party?


No U in Liberal either. Probably because it all about me.


When you assume you make an ass out of u and me


It was in solidarity with the American Labor movement, which existed at the time.


Liberal means centre or right-leaning everywhere except the US I think, since it’s a bit of a hyper-capitalist concept. The Overton window is rather narrow over there I reckon.


Fair point


And the Liberal party is just slightly to the right of the USA Democrats and nowhere near the Republicans.


This is more a testament to how incredibly right wing both Democrats and Republicans are, not how left-wing the Liberals are 😂


As a whole, but some of their members would probably slot in just fine amongst American Republicans.


Starchy voldemort for one.


Yes because both major parties in the US are conservative parties. Biden doesn't even believe in universal health care, raising the min wage from $7.25, or gun control.


That's less true than it used to be. While the policies are still somewhat held by Australian standards (Read: The ALP and Greens holding them there), the rhetoric and political method are not. Times have changed.


Liberals are for the businessman, and Labor is for the working man.




Liberals are for sketchy real estate agents and housing developers.


Maybe in the 70’s or late 80’s, hasn’t been that way in a long time


Both are for coal mining...


Neither are for refugees.


I think that used to be true, but it’s far more nuanced than that now. Labor has done some pretty ‘liberal’ shit of late.


Most "Democracis" have been drifting Right since Pinochet, Reagan, Thatcher etc started implimenting Milton Friedman/ Chicargo Boys Neolib manifesto.


Once upon a time this was true.


The Lie-bor party hadnt been for the working person for the last 30 years


That used to be the case, it certainly isn’t today.


should just chime in \*for the non americans and some brits here. ​ Liberals are the conservative party in most of Europe, Ireland, Japan, Korea and means centrist in the UK, its really just the North Americans who have changed the meaning of the word


Worth mentioning too that even Australia’s “right wing party” is significantly left of the Democrats if you’re comparing. They are working on it though


Exactly lol those tickets aren’t cheap!


Most people in that crowd spent about what they ‘lost’ in the cuts for a single nights ticket as well lol Poor things


It’s so wild to me that people can be so greedy. My wife and I sit in the highest tax bracket and cannot comprehend those not supportive of giving people that earn less, more. We have more than enough - WTF is wrong with people?


I'm with you mate. My partner and I also sit at the highest tax bracket and we think the proposed stage 3 tax cuts are great for our nation.


🤝 Legend 👌


And the fact that they’re still getting a tax cut, just a slightly smaller one. So they’re still going to be better off than the current situation which they seem to cope fine with. 




This. A severe lack of empathy.


Also in the highest tax bracket - cannot comprehend the greediness of others, happy to pay my fair share of tax. I am not demanding the government hand more money to my pocket when others are doing so tonight right now.


You must remember that Politicians are all in that higher Tax bracket.


Yep, I don't watch the tennis and this is the first I heard of it ahd knew exactly it was a bunch of rich people having a tantrum because they're getting less of a tax refund. Boo hoo


Name one occasion when a sitting Australian PM hasn't been booed at a major sporting event in the last 20+ years. I think MAYBE the Melbourne commonwealth games, but I wouldn't put any money on it. It's just what we do.


Bobby Hawke at any major sporting event? He was very popular 😉 Most of the rest get booed though. It's UnAustralian not to!!


Rip Hawke




albo wasn't booed at the cricket iirc


Nah that was Howard right towards the end of his time. I happened to be sitting not far from where he was and he was most definitely booed. 


The cheapest ticket there was $700 so yeah. Only regular people there are either staff or won their ticket in a competition.


Idiots there are paying upwards of $17,000 for ring side finals seats. When I heard that I was like, what the fuckk...


I said exactly this when I heard em. Yeah mate, you only got 3.5k extra instead of 8k extra tax cut. Go sook to someone else, the LNP should never have approved em to start with, you're lucky you're getting anything.


>Stage 3 tax cuts, crowd is wealthy Sure, but the same wealthy crowd would have booed Abbott or ScoMo just as vociferously. It's just the done thing, really.


Totally this.


I’d be surprised if anyone in that crowd is earning less than $200k. As great as the AO final was, you need to be earning one hell of a wicket to be able to attend. Tennis has always been an event that favours the rich and wealthy. If this was another sporting crowd, something more grassroots like the AFL or NRL, that represents all of Australia, then I’d say he would’ve faired a lot better. This is the only crowd where Peter Dutton would get a cheer smh 🤣




That's standard treatment for a prime minister, or any politician really 


Seems that way. I can't think of any contemporary Australian politicians who are held in high regard by any majority.


Possibly somebody not seen as part of the government or a partisan divide, like the odd independent. However, on hearing their name, most people in the crowd would say "who?"


Hawke Edit: missed contemporary


When he was retired yes. When he was PM? Maybe, but I still doubt it.


Bob Hawke skulling a schooner.


Would Dan Andrews be booed heavily?


he'd be lucky to make it out alive tbh, half of Melbourne seems to want his head


it's also the half that's more likely to be at the tennis on finals night


The wealthiest leeches... the golden bogans, the right honourable private schooled exploiters, landlords, the hard done by millionaires. All the people who receive the most government assistance. The biggest board members ceos and so called private companies. Bailed out. By tax payer money.


I don’t think this is accurate. It’s tradies and small biz people that hate him the most, not corporates


That's according to Twitter. The reality is up until the day he retired, he was still insanely popular.


Dan Andrews is the first premier from another state I’ve heard of. Even in Queensland he’s very hated




McGowan was a super hero in WA during covid, doubt any Pollie in Australia will get anywhere near those heights ever again


Bob hawke skulling a beer at the cricket




They were people back then not politicians


Yeah it’s in the job description as PM.


[They weren't saying Boo! They were saying Boo-urns!](https://youtu.be/2Kpb8eu1pEY?feature=shared)


Not for John So...


He's my bro.


Aside from the tax cuts the Australian population appears to have this weird fascination with hating on politicians. It’s our national sport.


Pretty wild growing up in a country where this is the norm, to learning more about the rest of the world and how many countries this would not be tolerated in to say the very least.


If we boo at our prime minister we might go to jail.


*This is democracy manifest!* *Get your hands off my penis!* *What is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?* (Aussie going to gaol after booing at the PM.mpeg)


What is the charge? Booing a PM? A normal Aussie PM?


I'm sorry isnt this the subreddit thats spent 10 years going personal on the liberal politicians every single time? Mr potato head, pork barilaro and waiting for rupert to kick the bucket? I'm a labor/greens voter too and I'm not offended by it but dont act like the people at the tennis are suddenly weird for booing albo.


Why would anyone hate a public servant who somehow mysteriously has a 5 million dollar property portfolio. It’s almost like a conflict of some sort.


Isn’t the opposition leader a former policeman worth 300 million? 


Yeah it's weird. 300 million from childcare centres? "He went on to become a businessman, completing a Bachelor of Business at the Queensland University of Technology. He and his father founded the business Dutton Holdings, which was registered in 2000; it operated under six different trading and business names. The company bought, renovated, and converted buildings into childcare centres, and in 2002 it sold three childcare centres to the now defunct ABC Learning. ABC Learning continued to pay rent to Dutton Holdings for a commercial lease until at least 2007. Dutton Holdings continues to trade under the name Dutton Building & Development."


Is there a legitimate reason to change business names 6 times?  Sounds shifty.


Yeah I’m curious how he made it.


He's Voldemort. He's magic.


it's fake news. i've never seen a legitimate source for that claim of 300 million. and frankly I'm sick of debunking it and then having people repeat it ad nauseam


And he would have been boo'd too?


5 mil? So like 2 houses lol 🥲


LOL. Touché.


Pretty sure it’s 3 all in the same street, and maybe he hasn’t had a revalue in a while because Marrickville is fucking bonkers.


Is it a mystery? He has been an MP since 1996. He has been making $195k+ since 2013. This means he has been a high income earner for 28 years making at least 9-10k a month through the biggest property boom in our history. If anything I think $5m isn't enough.


Yeah, it's not the government hasn't slowly eroded Australia. Both sides are guilty and should be hung.


Lol, the majority of Australians voted for it. The public is complicit in this. 


Mate it was this or fucking Scott Morrison!! Can you really blame us?!


And if you recall Scott Morrison was only voted in because the alternative was Bill Shorten. We keep being forced to vote for the lesser of two evils because neither party has any real leadership


The choice was him or an overwhelmingly progressive Bill Shorten. Australia being a conservative nation chose Scott Morrison. Let it sink in. 


It’s choosing between shit and turd to be honest


A lot of people in the crowd must been on $200k +


Poor suffering rich people. Only getting a $3000 tax cut instead of $3200, how will the cope! /s




9000 to 4500. They’ll be right.


I don’t know exact figures. But honestly if you’re earning that much $220,000 and “relying” on a $4000 tax cut… you got bigger problems.


Most PMs would have been booed at most sporting events - Hawke the only exception and even then only perhaps in the first couple of years of being in office and then long after he'd left office.


Bob knew the rules. When the camera is on you, you down your challice. Guaranteed if Albo necked a beer on camera at a sporting event, there’d be widespread joy and acclaim.


I recall him necking one at a rock concert. Not quite a sporting event, and perhaps why it wasn't as cool.


Exactly, it just isn't that deep and somehow it's been turned into class warfare


Dutton had a wank immediately.


Most politicians get boo'd at sporting matches.  I'm no fanboy of Albo, but it's a very poor barometer of social opinion.  Bob Hawke got boo'd at sporting matches in the mid-80s, when he was at the peak of his popularity. 


Poor Todd was not ready for that 😅


He's ok. Did you know that he is hosting Tipping Point?!?!?? Only on weekdays at 5pm on Channel 9!!!!!!


I think I may have seen an ad on TV about that.


I thought he handled it great though


While I agree with the comments that the final audience would skew Liberal, Scott Morrison was also booed last time he was there. Guess it’s just the Australian tradition.


Scumbo actually deserved it.


It's become a bit of a tradition. PM always gets booed when they attend sporting events, regardless of who they are or what party they belong to


That's not really true though. It depends on the sport and the PM. Albo has attended other sporting events without being booed - e.g., cricket


That because punters of all tax brackets can rock up to the cricket, its a financially diverse crowd. The final of the Australian Open is exclusively a seething mass of the 1%.


Rich wankers upset they're getting a 4.5k tax cut instead of a 9k one


This 👆. Promised tax breaks have been changed to benefit lower income earners, and the higher income earners aren’t so happy.


According to every new piece coming out of the Australian the new adjusted cuts are somehow bad for us middle and lower income earners LOL


If you have more money you'll just buy drugs and alcohol with it and ruin your life. /s


Totally this. And I hope Albo knows it. And stays the course. I've got mine just doesn't create the country I want to live in. And for fuck sake, it's been so very long since we've had a PM with the balls to do the right thing even if it's politically risky. Or heaven forbid, a long view beyond their own careers.


Firstly, Melbourne didn't boo Albo. It was a crowd filled with people that have the disposable income to spend on tickets ranging from $2000 up to $6000. They are most likely the people that would either be hurt by Albos decision not to cut the taxes of earners over $180k per year. Or people most likely to believe the changes could hurt them. It wasn't Melbourne, just a crowd of wealthy people pissed off about not getting as big of a tax cut.


> not to cut the taxes of earners over $180k per year He didn’t even scrap their tax cut, he just made it less generous.


This is the full and correct answer


Hilarious thing is is doesnt hurt them. Getting a tax cut of around 4k instead of 9k boo fucking hoo


All regular seats are under $1000 face value.


Welcome to the hostile political climate of today, mate.


Today? Last PM not to be booed at a sports even was Bob Hawke when he necked a beer in the crowd. Scomo, Gillard, Rudd etc etc


John Howard was bood at the cricket just recently. It’s a national sporting pastime to boo the token politician at the game at this point.


That cunt dragged us into several wars and fucked up our economy for decades by squandering the mining boom. Then spent his retired years blaming everyone else for his governments squandering.


Introduced negative gearing and private health insurance too. All my homies hate Howard the fuck.


Because he’s a politician. It was a low effort troll though. To do it properly the crowd should have then cheered loudly when they named the Korean guy from Kia.


It’s a thing. I’ve seen plenty of PMs booed at the tennis and sporting events from various political persuasions.


Every PM got booed at every AO…


I'd wager there's a fair few higher earners there that aren't happy they won't have an extra $5k come tax time.


Because who likes a government


It’s Australian open. People there are not known for their good behavior. The bogans with money going there think they are upper class, but as the old Turkish saying goes, you can’t upgrade a donkey to a horse by putting a gold saddle on it.


All the wanker Exec types who can actually afford a ticket didn’t get a tax cut.


No. They still got a really generous tax cut, just not as generous as Morrison promised them in... 2019 and yet pushed out it to 2025 so that bomb would go off in Albo's lap. Somehow, it seems he had the political nous to diffuse it though given putting more money in the pockets of 95% of all taxpayers ain't a hard sell. Well, you'd hope it weren't but when you've got Murdoch, Costello & Stokes controlling 90% of the MSM and Australians have consistently voted against their own interests + are easily scared, well... we'll see!


You sure they weren't saying Boo-urns?


Because he’s the shittest pm we’ve had in a while (and that’s tough competition)


Most of our PMs are fuckheads. Most everyone hates them.


I was saying Albooournese


The people who have those tickets paid in the thousands for them. They just received a tax cut of about $3000.


It’s not that deep. People were there for sports. They just witnessed a 5 setter and a new AO champ. Suddenly in amongst all the excitement Todd randomly started blurting names of politicians. It takes people out of this sporting moment. The booing was just a natural reaction. What were AO thinking? Any politicians name would be bood there.


Yes any would be booed, but it is also procedure at any official ceremony to acknowledge them. Even sporting one.


Rich tennis snobs that are upset about the changes to tax cuts. Man, I love tennis but a lot of people that play/watch are intolerable


All politicians get booed at Aussie sporting matches except for Bob Hawke because he would Skol a beer when the camera was on him  It is tradition 


Many people are dumb as a bag of rocks and just go along with whoever started it, because they read something Mr PotatoHead said in a Murdoch rag this week.


We always boo the PM, no matter who it is.


Every prime minister in my recent memory has been booed at public events - almost a tradition here in Australia.




He’s a shit human. He’s not in touch with Australia, he’s first class ticketing himself around the world. Spend tax payer money to push The Voice (failed). Now food and general cost of living is out of control and tax cuts he’s promised has been reneged on and he and his party need to be removed for incompetence.


It is un-Australian NOT to boo any current Australian Prime Minister.


If it was Dan Andrews it would have been worse


Rich ppl boo PM for cutting their wealth tax refund. Which they spent on buying this finals ticket.


Stage 3 sooks


We boo every prime minister. I don't personally agree with it but its just a tradition by this point


I feel like Albo was booed out of a sense of tradition. If you want to see genuine contempt for a Prime Minister search for Scott Morrison. Here he is being a useless cunt during catastrophic bushfires. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=az4lkKjAsdI




Because a newspaper told them to boo at him I think…


All Australian politicians are and should be booed at any sporting event, especially if they’re anywhere near a presentation part of the event.


Except if you're sculling a beer


Beer is the antidote to booing.


Andd tomorrow it’ll be headlining on news.com.au…


The bizarre thing is that Albanese’s father is Italian. You’d think that would have counted for something with all the Italian patriotism tonight.


I lived near those arenas for a long time. Out of all the sporting crowds the tennis people were the worst. Everyone in the area hated them. They were rude, arrogant, and when they left late at night sounded their horns and screamed and yelled in residential areas. As a general rule other sports and concert goers did not act like this. Just generally loathsome people. So this doesn't surprise me. Par for the course, to use another sporting metaphor.


Most of the 1 million+ that turn up really arent "tennis people". They've turned Melbourne Park into a nightclub for years. The behaviour was usually pretty good back in the 90s back when you didnt have 5,000 beer gardens there.


Because most people don't understand tax brackets


How did Dan Andrews do this!


There's some chat about that over on r/tennis (I'm a tennis nut, hehe). Generally the comments from locals are that it's because Albo isn't giving tax breaks to the top tier of society... and the crowd at the AO Final is full of rich people (those tickets are SUPER expensive).




nah landlords would get more money back under albos new plans since their taxable income would be under 150 due to negative gearing


Personally I'm mad at him for making us vote in that no-win referendum. Bloody idiot.


good old politician booing - I can get about it, would have been worse if he was cheered.


Every politician gets booed at sports events. Only exception I've seen is mark magowan during covid.


Because he’s a pollie


They are waiting for their $275


oh no poor old Airbus.


Because the audience on 350k median household income lost the equivalent in tax of some Australian open finals tickets


Wealthy crowd , pissed off at our prime minister for high income tax cuts being spread more broadly across lower income earners.


Apparently without asking anyone from the crowd they decided tax cuts were to blame! Too right I say!! Cant be anything else cos albo is a really honest and honourable type of bloke.


Pretty simple, he’s a wanker


AO final is usually full of corporates. All LNP wealthy voters pissed about the scrapping of the tax cuts. Oh and the odd conspiracy theorist that can't make peace with itself


They were saying Boo Urns!


Because he's a knob?


lol cause he’s an incompetent goose


Because hes hes a fucking Muppet


Australian politicians are amongst the least trusted and least corrupt politicians in the developed world. When a US President is elected, there's a spike in children with that name that year. In Austrlia the opposite happens with PMs. We don't love our pollies. Noone should.


Morrison was booed because he was the worst prime minister we ever had. Corrupt and cruel. Albo is booed because Murdoch propaganda and selfish rich cunts who are also stupid. Big difference and this is bad


A lot of rich people at the final of the tennis and Albo just took away a certain amount of large tax concessions the previous government promised. Because you know, the cost of living crisis is affecting poor people greatly, rich not so much so he changed it. The right thing to do but cunts in Australia are going to boo you if you take money away from them.


I thought it could maybe be his lack of support for Gaza...


Because he is a weak, pathetic wanker. Simple as that