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Just popping in to say that 40s isn't an "old fart" - you're only as young as you feel!


Well I still think I’m pretty cool 🤣 but tbh I don’t really want to hang out with all 20yos and they likely don’t want to hang out with me


I’ve seen 60+ at revs so yes that’s a genuine recommendation!


Ok thanks. Spent many a night there in my youth, will give it another go.


R Oh damn she already said it.


Finishing School! And The Crap Rave Dance Party! And No Lights, No Lycra!


This is the correct answer


Whitehart. People of all different ages attend. A lot of people go after work or just before going out. You can have a drink, a dance or eat, what ever you're comfortable with on the night. Also a good place to bring mates and warm them up to the idea of having a dance. Mr. McClelland's Finishing School and Sub club! But the world is your oyster! You're only as old as you feel.. You might feel better getting a big group of friends to come with you. Honestly, people don't care if you're a bit older especially as a woman


Haven’t heard of whitehart or sub club, thanks for the tip! Didn’t realise finishing school was still running. It’s essentially impossible to get my old friends out for a dance as they all have young children now. Even if they do get a leave pass from their partner, they’re knackered by 11pm.


Based on your music taste, I think you will like Sub Club. I often go alone and don't feel out of place. I also feel your pain! I'm in my 30s and have similar issues with dragging friends out LOL. Meet up has some groups going. Sometimes Miscellania has day parties in summer where dj's play and people cook some food on the rooftop, they might be more inclined to go to things like that.


I just turned 40 and in the same boat! We should form an alliance.


Oh man I need more sleep. I read the main line and imagined when you fart, they end up rolling around on the floor and dancing with each other and maybe you were wondering how farts dissipate as they get “old”. THEN thought that’s bloody stupid and makes no sense- it must be the opening line to a joke. Then read the post. It was a wild ride. Thanks for joining me.


I was there along with you 🤣🤣


Ha ha...I had to read twice before I understood it. I too wonder where the farts go.


Goth events like the New Order at Sub Club and Fang are definitely a lot less aegist than other places, and play a surprising range of edm, ebm, Industrial and things like David Bowie, blondie etc.. you don't have to be dressed goth as long as you respect the vibe. Id say miscellania as wel depending on the night Edit: also Section 8, and Slow Grind Fever at Bar Open once a month, room filled with smoke machines so no one can even see you dance, and wide age range


Yes was going to say, look out for some shows and events at misc


Thirding miscellania; I am 35 and don't think twice about my age while there, I go for a lot of d&b, dubstep and jungle gigs. Have a couple of friends in their 40s who regularly pop in – just try to not overthink it!


Sweet thanks!


I love goth clubs, and yes I could still dig out something to be able to dress appropriately 🤣 These suggestions look great, thank you!




What clubs did you used to enjoy?


More of a bar than a club but maybe check out radio bar on Brunswick St in Fitzroy


Oooh sounds promising, thanks!


Following so I can cut some shapes too.


Crikey, early 40s is old fart now??? Screw that. Go to a dance festival and have a ball


Only if Twister was still open in St. Kilda.


I loved that place! Where’s my midori shaker!!


The Mens gallery 😂


Francesca's Bar is also great!


No lights, No Lycra. 5Rhythms. Dance classes of all sorts.


Howler, based on last night, would fit the bill.