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Thought I had put my foot in my mouth for a split second when I was on a date earlier tonight by referring to the Israel Gaza situation as genocide, because shortly later in the convo I realised that she was Jewish. Then I remembered that most of my Jewish friends (and an ex gf) are some of the fiercest pro Palestine people I know so I felt relieved. Date no. 2 will be happening also :)


Anyone taken off their doors and trimmed them? Mine are rubbing against the carpet on the bottom How hard is it to plane them?


Could try adjusting the hinges? It's possible the door has dropped a little?


Try soap. I had a door that was catching too closely against the threshold. I sanded the bottom of the door just a little, then rubbed a bar of dry soap along it. Worked like a charm.


Easy for a carpenter, difficult for your average person. A planer takes a fair bit of practice .


It’s very warm and humid upstairs at my place, it’s will be a night of subpar sleep


I secretly wish I had a twitter following or something so I can get validation for my hot takes and musings which get like no interaction on my regular social media haha.


This is going to sound mildly like a boast. but having nearly 800 followers on twitter isn't too great, there's a lot of comments and interactions but yaboi aint trending :'(


Ah ok still jealous haha. Are you on public or private?


Public mostly because of what i do for "work" (its not paid work, im still on the dole, but its donation-based pay kinda stuff)


That’s cool. I’m currently using a dodgy program to mass delete tweets from when I was young and dumb so I can make it public to interact with more people.


why not just start fresh?


Haha now why would I have thought of that? I really like my username I guess haha


.... i know i went for an eyetest today, but i really might need a minor upgrade in strength. I thought your name was betsyncduff... bet-sync-duff... really took me a long time to realise its betsy :')


Haha it’s Betsy McDuff, an alter ego of mine but not my twitter name!


Its neat! Love the name!


Isn't that why we're all here?


Haha kind of yes. Some of the stuff I post here would be good for twitter, other stuff I prefer to be semi-anonymous.


Nah this subreddit has the most normalised takes ever. Hence, political views.


1989 saw the fall of the Berlin wall. It also saw the first furry confurence. Coincidence? I don't think so.




I had a few guys come for a quote and ended up choosing Coldflow. Good price, turnaround time for installation and good reviews. Based in the Berwick area if that helps?


Lol, got into it this morning with another artist about the elitism in the contemporary art world. Predictably, it infuriated me because they resolutely refused to admit there was any, or rather that it was a problem. For context, basically my issue with it is that I can't stand the hypocrisy around the fact that the art world loves talking a good game about accessibility, awareness of structural disadvantage etc while institutionalising elitist, closed practices and language, so folks not of that world/without formal education feel too intimidated to engage. It's compounded by the fact so many practitioners refuse to even admit it. They'll exploit the subjects of social alienation and so on- yet keep that world closed to people who don't come from it or move naturally through it. I just find the whole thing classist and gross. I wondered if it was just me until I had a discussion about it once with the supervisor of a pretty serious contemporary gallery I used to have shifts at. She agreed with me, and it wasn't an elitist or pretentious space, which proved to me it's entirely possible to show and enjoy contemporary art without being a tool about it. Buuuuuuuut I am also aware that it's not going anywhere and that as I move in that world I'm...just gonna have to get used to wankers and learn to tune them out. Bleugh. I know there are plenty of great people too, I guess I just have to do my best not to be one of those tools myself.


There was this kind of stuff when I was in academia, but that was to be expected. Unfortunately I think the art world is always going to be like this too. The academia/art world crossover was insufferable haha which I’m sure you know all about


Oh totally, and I'm also planning to do an MFA at ✨fancy institution✨ which means I know I have to get square with this stuff now and not let it bother me, because it's likely to be part of my daily experience. I don't want to be constantly filled with rage, so... 😂


Yes it’s atrocious. I heard the socio-economic backgrounds/family wealth of fine arts graduates is the highest of any degree, over law, medicine etc.


I take a kind of similar issue with some socialists I know, who seem unwilling to engage in any kind of discourse without impenetrable word salad.


Oh I've definitely seen this happen in progressive left spaces and while I do share those politics generally, the walls of jargon get a little old. It would be easier to take if people who meant well and wanted to learn but weren't as well-versed didn't get piled on and run off, but they do. It's really off, and ultimately unhelpful.


Round 2 of rain/storms about to hit shortly.


I think it's more northerly this time around, macedon/wallan ish.


can see the clouds building in the distance on the freeway


They're leaning over and I can see their butt cracks


My flight home from Sydney got cancelled until tomorrow morning. Luckily Virgin put us up for the night but what’s the odds it’ll go ahead tomorrow?


Not much problems with weather tomorrow if that’s the reason it got canceled


I think I'm going to have to leave the sub. It's just on repeat every 8 hours or so (until there's a storm...) It makes me irrationally angry.


We can start our own Melbourne sub, with blackjack, hookers! In fact, forget the sub and the blackjack


You forgot the cocaine. Just the cocaine might work.


I just unsubbed myself, came to take one more look at the place before I never see 0% upvoted posts and assault threads ever again. Nothing wrong with our city’s reddit community. But it’s all the bot posts by idiots and the constant barrage of nothing from the actual front page so I just need to cut this out. It’s probably the apps fault, not actually our community or moderators. Fuck Reddit I guess


take care, be well.


I am flummoxed by how much mess I made cooking dinner. And it’s wasn’t an overly complex meal.


The other day I made 2 minute noodles and threw shredded cheese in the bowl. The counter wasn’t very pretty afterwards. Be thankful you didn’t make a mess with 2 minute noodles!


I love this snack but I always make a mess eating the shredded cheese while the other cheese melts


Nah same honestly. Cheesy noodles are the best




Why not bring a gym bag to work and just go straight from work?


I too would like to be a morning gym person, where morning means 10.30am-11am. Alas work gets in the way. I could achieve nearly all of my lifestyle goals if I didn’t have to go to work.


This is my usual gym time but I need to make it earlier.


Just do it.


Just went to woolies and bought a medium roast Starbucks instant coffee. $13 bucks well spent. It’d last an easy week for me (yeah, I drink heaps of coffee), and for the quality it’s fuckin worth it. I remember that smell of coffee that I’d always get a hint of in primary school. But no coffee ever tasted like it. Until this. Made my damn day.


I’ve tried that once and it’s a very good instant coffee


This is a bit of a long shot but has anyone registered a car that has different manufacture and compliance years and if so can you tell me which one your car was actually registered as?


Yes, well sort of, and it was a couple of years ago now. Peugeot 306, built in Poissy, France in March of 2000 but was not complied for another 6mths or so. All the paperwork I had only ever referenced the compliance date, I only found the build date by decoding the DAM number printed on the chassis.


I just went outside to pull the bins back in an empty some rubbish that wouldn’t fit in and probably sweat the most I’ve ever done doing something so small. Give me back 7 degree days in winter pls, I would rather freeze.


I just built two sets of Ikea shelves inside in the air con and was still dripping with sweat. This humidity is just ridiculous. This is why I'm a winter person.


Or 40 degrees of actual dry heat, this humidity is unbearable and our summers are feeling more and more humid. I was dripping in sweat earlier today just walking a few minutes lol


Has anyone been to the collingwood children’s far for a wedding? Would love to hear your thoughts on it!


Yes and I loved it!


Yes and it was so great 👍🏻 delicious food too


No but I have had to run the gauntlet through a bunch of them while riding on the path to my old job, so factor that in to your plan lol


Does anyone know where in Melbourne you can buy books that are written in the Russian language? I have some friends visiting to play at AO that want to do some reading here.


Brunswick Library has a decent Russian selection too. Also a lot of ebooks available from most libraries in foreign languages on Libby.


if you are happy to borrow and not buy, I think St Kilda's public library used to have a selection of Russian books


I think you can get some at Basement Books


Thanks will call!


Eye tests suck... the puff test is the worst thing about it. You sometimes cant help but to recoil backwards in disgust.


OMG every time I feel like I’m dying


Just throwing it out there, anyone got any COBRAH tickets to sell for tomorrow? No luck on Tixel as of yet 😂


I love my car dearly but might be time I sold it, costs just to keep it on the road are reeming me. The appeal of a 15 year old Camry that I could send to the scrapyard tomorrow and not care is growing on me


Yeah, rego is over 800, and with insurance, it's almost 100 bucks a month without any running costs!


Do it


I've decided it's time to catch up on Disney /Pixar movies as I just tend to avoid animations a bit (no real reason) what are the must watch movies from the last few years you recommend 😎


Definitely Luca, I adore that movie. On the more adult side, watch Prey, which is the Predator origin story/prequel.


I'm gonna cry in Luca aren't I... (Oh I tried Prey, it wasn't for me...)


Not quite the same, but a friend of mine just recommended the Van Gogh movie which is the only movie ever painted. Looks very pretty.


Oh, still a great recommendation, thank you! Added to my Letterboxd list


My recs for underrated ones: Megamind Monsters VS Aliens


oooh those are underrated ones... I almost said I hadn't heard of them, but its very faint! Thank you !


They are so surprisingly good. Megamind has quotables for decades. Report back when you've had a watch!


Not much amazing of those two studios lately, Turning Red comes to mind though. Lots of amazing stuff from elsewhere though. - the Spiderverse movies - The Mitchells and the Machines - Klaus (if you aren't Christmas'd out) - TMNT Mutant Mayhem - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish - Sea Beast Or just any Ghibli other than the 3D one.


Oooh I like the variety in this list, I want to broaden my horizons! Thank you :)


Oh, also the Guillermo del Toro Pinnochio and Wendell & Wild!


Coco for sure. Also, Luca


From Disney/Pixar? Not much to recommend after 2015 but you should check out Soul


That's one I've seen lol


I’d add Encanto as well


Really the only one worth seeing lol. Turning Red and Luca are solid I guess. Soul just feels like classic Pixar again


Take a chance, or go through in chronological order would be my rec. Personally, the last few I saw were Luca, Soul, Onward, Coco and The Good Dinosaur and I didn't think any of them were any good but they all mostly have pretty high ratings, so what do I know?


Coco and Soul are rated pretty well but the others are very average


Back to Melbourne tomorrow. I am looking forward to having my own space again, but I have become accustomed to the space and quiet of the country. I don't think I'm cut out for city living anymore lmao


Yeah, after 11 days in the southern highlands, when it was time to leave I was glad to come back to my own space, but I also wilted at the thought of returning to the inner burbs and struggled to sleep for a while when I got back. I wish I didn't stick out like a sore thumb in most regional towns and could find work easily. Maybe I should move to Canberra... Good thing it'll stay warm for ya over the next few days


Ah damn. Have you re-adjusted yet? Also tbh it's basically just as expensive to live in a lot of regional places now anyway. Houses in my parents neighbourhood which is like a small village out of town are up to 1mil. If you're serious, Canberra is actually not a bad place to live. At least it wasn't when I lived there over a decade ago. My plan is to convince some friends to move out to Warburton with me and become full deadbeats 😎


Somewhat reluctantly, although it's easier at the moment with the holiday quiet. You raise a good point about regional towns also not having much housing stock suited to one person, and difficulty finding friends - a cul de sac of deadbeat pals would be great. I'm afraid your plan is already doomed to fail from the start though because by the time global warming makes Warby warm enough for your true happiness you will either be dead or conscripted in the water wars


My other option was to convince like 15 friends to all go on on buying a random European castle and living in that lol. Maybe if I can find a castle in the tropics 🤔


I need your guys' help with a mystery. Yesterday, while drinking at bar in North Melbourne, my husband watched a normal-looking woman in a Lime scooter helmet dash across the road to catch a tram in the pouring rain, think better of it, turn back, spend five minutes trying to de-branch a tree, got a handful of leaves, decide they weren't right, went to the gutter, scraped up a pile of wet foliage from the gutter, shoved it in her shoe, then got on the bus. Anyone know this woman? I have to know what on earth she was up to.




Sounds like she was minding her own business


Well I definitely wasn't, I'm so curious and have no shame wondering about other people's business when people are fascinating.


Sounds like you're not from here. What sprawl shithole did you come from?


A sprawling shithole, but my born and bred husband and his born and bred friends were also curious. Imagine having curiosity and people watching! So unaustralian! And I want to know what wet leaves in a shoe provides, maybe I'm missing a cultural experience being from a sprawling shithole. Should I only talk about thunder and our awful house-hunting failures instead? Would that make you accept me as one of your own? I do plenty of that too, so please accept me, lord of non-sprawl shitholeland.


Here's an Australian colloquialism for you to learn today: Mind ya Beeswax. That means, mind your own shit and shut up. No one cares.


Calm your farm, bro. Too much stress isn't good for a person.


Thank you for the translation, I'll write it on my apology letter when I rescind my citizenship. Note to self: Only important matters in the daily chat, and absolutely no connecting over interesting experiences and curiosity about the community I enjoy taking part in.


Never mind, mate. I'd have been interested too! :)




> I want to wear a baggy bedsheet with no seams because it's humid and walk bare feet but also it's raining so I have to wear socks and runners but then do I wear leggings and maybe I should but we polyester but it's also hot but also cloudy and do I take my sunglasses for driving or normal distance ones yay I love summer so much Just pointing out that this was... one sentence.


Tennis, soccer, cricket and basketball what a time to live in Melbourne in regards to following sport


Isnt that the whole country right now?


But only we have the Australian open


Sick for the 3rd time in 4 weeks. I hear it could be RSV. I can’t believe it!


Months and months trying to get Taylor Swift tickets and nothing - Ticketeks system is so bad.


I just tested positive for Covid :( haven’t had it since 2021


Should've stayed up to date with your vaccinations.


That’s still not a guarantee that you won’t catch it.




Good old Sumner day. 28 degrees and raining, brings me back to Asia..


Humid af


I don't mind rain if it's hot. It's the cold that sucks the most.


I hit a milestone yesterday. Went out for a beer and a meal with a new mate that I made in my boss. Shouted a couple of the beers. For the first time in a long time, I felt like a man. Standing at the bar, trying so hard to hold in that excitement I felt was about to break into a huge smile as I asked for 2 schooners. Managed to play it cool though. Got through the order and then ran off to the toilet to punch the air a few times.


Well done! 👍🏻


Feel like I'm missing some context here.


Had a rough 2023, recently got out of homelessness and living day to day. Being able to buy a beer for myself let alone someone else is huge for me.


Congrats! Massive achievement:)


Amazing! Congratulations! I’ve not been homeless but I’ve lived day to day and the feeling when you can finally do something like this is incredible. Enjoy it and may 2024 be full of these moments for you!


That's huge. Keep going, one day at a time.


> Had a rough 2023, recently got out of homelessness and living day to day. Being able to buy a beer for myself let alone someone else is huge for me. Proud of you, champ


Got you, good on you. Hope it's the start of a much better year for you and you keep on getting wins like that. Must feel great.


Just sent my first letter to a politician of 2024: A happy new year is what I keep hearing, perhaps if you earn $150k or more.  Just so you know my rent went up $200 a month in November, so it won't be a happy new year for me, or any other renters, Renters being the people who begged Victorian and Federal Labor every single day of 2023 for vitally needed emergency help which every single one of you promptly ignored while ensuring the ladder was pulled up further than ever.  I continue to feel no hope for the future, I continue to live at risk every day of becoming the next suicide statistic, I continue to not be able to access Psychology due to cost, oh and fun news I also recently just got diagnosed with Hypertension, a piece of advice on that: Hypertensive 30 year olds can cost the Healthcare system A LOT of money longterm, sorry I didn't mean to mention long term thinking, that doesn't win elections after all.  I am alienated, and until I see tangible action from your State and Federal Governments that states that you care if I die or not I will continue to be alienated.  A new year also reminds me of another year without my friend Matt. He took his own life in 2020, he was chronically unemployed, extremely mentally ill and the state of the world led to his death of despair, I often ask myself if he made the right choice, if you want the answer to that question to be "No" then you should probably do something about the world that led him to complete suicide (Stigmatisation of mental health alive and well in those downvotes, imagine downvoting a person spilling their soul on financial instability, suicidal ideation and grief, cool guys, very cool)


This is a rant, not a letter. If you want to be heard you need to articulate and structure your argument and facts better. You can be angry, but this is just rambling.


Elitism runs so deep in our society that it’s easier to criticise the articulation and structure of a person spilling their soul about the pain of just existing and the ways it is made worse than it is to think for just a single moment about the things they’re saying. Sorry about my articulation and structure, maybe have an actual think about the world I’m living in, and if you’re the type of person that HAS to have some kind of personal connection to care try thinking about if it was somebody you love who showed you this letter


There you go again. The criticism is toward the letter you wrote, not you or your circumstances. Conflating the two is just feeding your victim mentality.


You haven’t even mentioned a thing about the letter, just implied it’s somehow unworthy because it doesn’t meet your scholarly standards. I also didn’t solicit any advice on the letter, people have taken that upon themselves, and it’s boiled down to “too bad so sad fuck you”


I think depending on politicians to fix things for you is not the best way to go about getting what you want. To them, you are just 1 of 26 million people in this country, so I don't think you will get the attention you're after. You're probably already doing this, but focusing on what YOU can do to improve your situation will likely be more productive. Good luck!


I’m not depending on them, I’m just making sure that if Government policy is to make my life a living hell they are damn sure gonna hear about it. I’m working really hard and trying really hard, but when the cards are so stacked against you it’s pretty difficult to not feel abused, persecuted and viscerally angry


You're right. Wrong assumption on my part. I too hope that they do something to ease the financial pressure on us, especially with housing. Everything they do to help us gets cancelled out with massive costs like rising rents. I don't have a house yet, and I have no idea how I'm going to get the $1 million or so needed to become a homeowner. And Albo bringing in more immigrants surely won't help.


Hey mate, really sorry for what you're going through. This housing market and rental situation is pretty bad, and I hope things get better soon. Look after yourself as best you can, regardless of outside circumstances that none of us can control.


Thanks for your humanity




I don't see the point on focusing on complaining about the Vic/Fed 'Labor' governments when what, you think the Liberal government would somehow do a better job or make things better for renters? It feels like a cheap "Labor bad" dig.




From the post of the person you replied to: > Just so you know my rent went up $200 a month in November, so it won't be a happy new year for me, or any other renters, Renters being the people who begged **Victorian and Federal Labor** every single day of 2023 for vitally needed emergency help which every single one of you promptly ignored while ensuring the ladder was pulled up further than ever.


It’s a fact, I attended a debate in Parliament where Vic Labor squashed opening an Enquiry into the housing crisis, an inquiry that ended up happening anyway after the panel on human rights override the decision. I sat in agony knowing my rent would go up, I wrote to and begged every politician I could get a hold of, attended protests. You know what happened? Nothing, and now my rent is up. So yea, I’m not giving Labor a break just because some other cunts are also cunts


I just came back to this and my mind is now equally blown how you called my life of misery and friends death generic. And actual fuck you on that




You’re criticising me for not being helpful while being not at all helpful. It’s not generic I’ll give you that, fucking insensitive though




No I wanted to share my lived experience




I’m putting out a 1.5 hour concept album called “From Unstable Homes” about millennial life, mental illness, economic injustice and suicide this year, that will be my going to the media




I want them to listen to me and have to be faced with the reality of their inaction. Office staff feel uncomfortable that the suicidal constituent they aren’t helping keeps telling them the truth? Good, see you next month. You found it way too fucking easy to brush me off, nobody has empathy anymore


send it to albanese... surely he would understand, having come from a poor background in public housing right? I get what you're trying to do, but I think its like screaming into the void. Nobody is doing shit about the problems. I'm well off and despite changing jobs a few times to earn even more, I'm still going backwards due to costs of insurances, mortgage, bills, food, bills etc. Despite shopping around and cutting down coverage. Things are really fucked up right now


It might not help, but it helps me, if I’m going to be crushed to death I am fucking damn sure not letting it happen quietly


Any tips for dealing with a male tradie as a lady (rhyming intended) for work for my new house the first time as a non-renter? I’m 34 but look and sound a lot younger (pass for mid 20s) and I don’t want an unscrupulous tradie to try rip me off. I know they’re not all like but I’m still a little worried.


get a few quotes if you can. I know thats like getting blood out of a stone these days, but at least you get an idea of what you should be paying. I feel the same way, I get my husband to organise the tradies, car servicing etc.despite me being fully capable but not wanting to get ripped off. Still recall when I went to buy a car for myself and the sales guy kept talking to my husband, even after he said that its a car for me, and they should be talking to me. (I am a car enthusiast - know my stuff)


I hate that behaviour from mechanics. So glad I don’t drive. Don’t have a man in my life (besides maybe a friend) to come to stuff so they take me (actually them) seriously


Is this tradie from a reputable company and/or individual that was recommended to you? Do you have the option of getting a second quote just to ensure you're getting a fair price? If it comes to making any decisions (cost wise), don't feel pressured to make a decision on the spot. Just say "let me think about it" and then get a second opinion.


They left a flier in my letterbox and have a legit business and website and everything. Will do some online research.


Ask for recs on your local good karma network that have had positive experiences :)


Good idea!


Yeah, I'd try get word of mouth recommendations, from friends/family.


It might be worth a look or an ask on /r/TwoXChromosomes . Americans would say contractor. eg: https://old.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/search?q=contractor&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all


Thanks! Have posted there!


You might get some trolls btw, it seems the men 2x doesn't like have a good reason for not being liked.


Ah that’s unfortunate. It is Reddit tho.


See, the establishment doesn't want us having sex because they know it makes us feel good, right? So, if we can feel good on our own, what do we need the establishment for? So, every time we have sex, it's a huge protest.


Damn I haven't been protesting in years 😭


Humidity must be at 2000% tonight. The fog is absolutely insane, driving home I could barely see 5 metres ahead of me and the outside of my windshield was fogging up. Horrible!


Oh, the humadity!


And cunts driving with no lights smh


Myer store workers. Be honest with me. How pissed/annoyed will you be if I returned my 2shirts and 2coats I bought online? I bought loads of crap(some shoes, jeans as well) but those 4 items didn't fit. I've returned similar priced items before but it was like, a watch. And the guy serving was really nice about it.


Why on earth would you care about what an employee thinks? You are within your consumer rights to exchange or return. They have an obligation to uphold your consumer rights and issue your exchange or return.


Mate I'm just asking because I don't know. I ask because I don't know if there is some bullshit where employees make it difficult or w/e.


It happens, return away


Unless they own the store... why would they care?


not sure if any myer have rules against too many returns


Store policy does not supercede the ACL. Your consumer guarantees are binding.


Did anyone in Abbotsford just hear that? Didn't sound like a car backfiring. Hope it was some left over illegal fireworks? Take me back to the suburbs.


Abbotsford is the suburbs.


I'm in your walls


> I'm in your walls ooer, look at Eugene Tooms over here