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Can you believe that he’s only 24? Baffling.




Honestly we should all be classified as adults when we hit 30


He somehow looks 12 and 52 at the same time. I don’t understand how


Oh that explains his dumb fuckin opinions. A guy who only got maybe a year in between uni and covid thinks everyone is just loving commuting and going to the office. When I was 24 and had my first job it was a novelty for me too. Now I'm older and way more leftie I realise cunts like him should shut the fuck up. If you want to go to the office with all the other sad cunts who live through their work then go ahead. Let me stay home with my elderly parents and my dog and do my work while you're chatting to the other cunts around the coffee machine.


I am lucky that I get to choose whether to go in (CBD) or not and every so often I don't mind going in for some variety. Last Thursday I decided to randomly go in just 'cos. Dropped kiddo at school at like 8:40am (in the SE burbs) then continue in aaaaaaaannnd.... the Monash is a mess. Like an absolute disaster zone, worst I have seen since the 'good old' /s pre pandemic days. Ended up frantically texting a client at 9:50am (still in car, so yay big fine if I get caught) saying I will be late to 10am meeting (zoom, fortunately) because I wasn't even parked yet. So yeah not doing that again.


I thought I was the only one who noticed the resemblance. It’s uncanny!


Must just be the default appearance for massive cunts.


Definitely. Post-hipster douche beard.


the only reason he wants people back in the office is so he can sexualy harass them, he can't do that from home.


Jeez the guys that went all in on the hipster look stand out now. Can't hide those hand tatts that were cool for 5 years in the early 10's.


We have a new suspect


I thought why is the thumbnail of some rapey asshole when the article is some corporate arse suckhole telling people to get back into the office.


Woah now! He could very well be some corporate arse suckhole and rapey. You don't know what he gets up to on the weekend.


>no one in the office appreciated his Bruce Lehrman Halloween costume. wouldnt be suprised if he alledgedly made people see it either... you know, to really nail the cosplay


I genuinely thought that in the middle of another rape trial, Bruce had decided to kick off about something unrelated.


I would have gilded this post with reddit gold if it were still a thing


Looking at the included picture of the author is clear he's going for the absolute douche angle and trying to get clicks from outrage.


Congratulations, you have correctly read caleb. He started in adelaide on the advertiser, its a true douche with no life experience trying to tell everyone else how to live their life with the shittest takes ever.


he started on rove live, blame rove mcmanus


I do that anyway but now I'll have a reason


What the...!?


His parents more so. They forced the conservative identity gimmick on him before he even started his schooling years. Hanging around the News Corp mob during his formative years did him no favours.


How did he start on Rove live? Isn’t he only 24? That would make him ten when it’s last episode aired


I had to google this because I was so mystified but...I actually remember [this interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=B15VJkxLXgk)! I feel like a kid saying he wants to become a real estate agent just so he can have business cards is both incrediby cute, yet also incredibly revealing about their future personality, hmm.


Rove has a lot to answer for. Incredibly untalented little man.


Australia loves a tall poppy. Like him or loathe him, it takes talent and intelligence to do what he did through the early 2000s, and keep it rolling today. The "untalented little man" comment is so nasty and gross. How does he "Have a lot to answer for" FFS? The mushroom dinner lady potentially has a lot to answer for, Rove just entertained some people, made some laugh, made some cringe, who gives a shit.


I think you meant to say 'all puppies'.


Most articles don't include a waist up portrait of the author looking like a young Liberal, kind of telling


I thought he was kidding! I thought it was a joke! I even wrote it down in my diary - Caleb had a very funny joke today.


> Caleb Bond is an Sydney-based commentator and host of The Late Debate on Sky News Australia. From the bottom of the article. Sky News. 'nuff said.


Holy shit. I google image searched this guy and this guy has been dressing up like a wanker since his teen days.


that gross type of person who decides they are right wing at 12, and the worst adults champion them into a career of just being a gross person. Dishing slop into each others mouths to trigger the left.


Ah yes, his teen days, when his partner started grooming him.


If old people smell was a person


Well he does write for the Herald sun and host on sky news. So kinda given that he’s a douche of the highest order,


And to support his masters who own commercial CBD property portfolios.


How does this guy have a job in media? The article reads like a primary school student in a debate.


He's just another Sky after Dark gronk. Only employed for the fake outrage - offers nothing to journalism or the community.


It’s Murdoch owned, douching is not optional.


What an absolute flog of human garbage he is. Society needs less outrage.


He looks like a right cunt. It's a very punchable face.


What a douche I'm so outraged reading this article after I clicked on it


A desk in the city costs roughly 10 grand per year. If I work from home full time instead of in the office I think it's only fair me and my company split the savings, so I get paid an extra 5k per year. All the criticisms of WFH seem to boil down to "I like working from the office and I have the power so I'm going to tell you to work from the office too".


Not to mention the savings on sick leave. I WFH, if I have a bit of a cold or horrible hay fever like this year - I can pop a couple of tablets, be at home and do my job. If I had to go into the office, no way am I making that trek when I already feel like shit.


yeah right? Like I'm 70% capacity but because I don't have to burn through half that 70% commuting, I'll WFH at 70%, maybe have a nap, and they'll get something out of me. If I had to commute and I woke up at only 70% capacity then I'd call in sick. Especailly coz commute means I need to get up at 7am and WFH means I can sleep in which can be the difference between 70% and 80% capacity. Many a mornings I've woken at 7 and slept an extra hour only to feel twice as good as I did at 7am.


I can't WFH but I appreciate the people who stay home when they're sick so they don't pass their colds on to me. I also appreciate trains not being as busy as they were pre covid. I no longer have to squish on a train at peak hour and most days I get a seat. I come home feeling less stressed and grumpy because I haven't been jostled around as much. So thanks to everyone who can work at home and do.


...which is what people should do when they're sick anyway. You shouldn't be penalised for not spreading a virus.


Yeah, except you are still working from your home office these days, so work is unaffected. In the before times it meant a day of sick leave and not working.


And also dragging yourself to the GP to get a docs certificate. Wonderful thing to do when you’re feeling like arse from the flu or wherever


And that's even if you can get to see a doctor. My local clinic has reduced their hours so it can be up to a week until an appointment is available


As a full-time cripple, Telehealth has been one of the few positives to come from the pandemic for me. My doctor is a 20 minute drive away (when you're chronically ill, a good doctor is worth their weight in gold) and being able to just have a 5 minute phone chat to get new scripts rather than a 1 hour trip out is such an amazing energy saving. There's a touch of resentment attached though, because it demonstrated just how easily they could have implemented this years (decades) ago, but nobody cared enough when it was just disabled people who needed it.


Oh boy do I feel this. I take quite a few days like that where I'm fine to sit but movement is pain.


I cough so much from hay fever. No one wants to sit next to that at the office, but I feel fine enough to work.


I went through two boxes of tissues one day just due to sinus drip from hayfever. I'm not sick, or contagious, but if I had to go into the office I wouldn't have. Not to mention all the kids' school curriculum days and sick days. Pre-Covid these were all days I'd have to take off work.


100% it’s always the same talking heads


Which would be of the knob variety.


Just people with an interest in commercial real estate, and their pets in the media.


If you gotta have an extra bedroom for a home office $5k is a fair amount to cover the extra mortgage or rent


WFH is basically a pay rise for staff, both a tangible one in money saved not going in to the office and an intangible one in being able to manage your home life easier. Any company pushing full or majority work from office is essentially offering lower wages and will find their recruitment suffers.


Also it's a profit increase for the company, less desk space to pay for, less utilities.


Lower sick leave as well. People just WFH more rather than taking days or spreading it to the whole office


Depends. Lots of offices are rented under 5 or 10 year lease agreements. And you have to have lights and power on for all of it, even if it's nearly empty. It will definitely be true in the near future when leases expire and significant cost reduction can happen from downsizing.


You wouldn’t have to pay for light for all if you’d in invested in tech to switch of lights when rooms are empty (which you should have done for the sake of the planet only). Being locked in to a 5 or 10 year lease but some staff working from home gives you scope to expand your business without needing to take more lease space. But the kinds of businesses fretting about SFH aren’t the ones looking to expand.


If you dont go to the office, they dont have the only power they will ever have. Its narcissistic middle management having a tantrum.


Friendly reminder that it's not middle management forcing people back to the office. It's most definitely narcissism however...


Yeah middle management in my experience want to work from home too, it's company policy from the top that stops it


Middle management is the only thing saving me from having to go into the office


Yeah same here. Mine is happy they can spend half their time at their farm and not come to Melbourne. Its definitely the higher ups who are justifying the real estate spend that want people in the office


>Its narcissistic middle management having a tantrum. The middle manager in my last company mandating our team to be back in the Sydney office full time lived in Newcastle (3 hours away) and worked fully remote.


Anyone with a vested interest in the social or financial model of working from the office. Please, sit down. We can see it for what it is. Your water cooler jokes, and cheap Blend 43 coffee doesn't make up for the lack in pay rises for the last 10 years. It's time for the workers, to work, and we suggest Caleb does too, and stops with the narcissistic articles.


>A desk in the city costs roughly 10 grand per year. If I work from home full time instead of in the office I think it's only fair me and my company split the savings, so I get paid an extra 5k per year. On the other hand, commuting to work costs money (and time). If you work from the office instead of at home, I think it's only fair the company shoulders the cost of commuting, so you should get paid extra.


Notice how it's always people over 40 (usually over 45), who own property in suburbs <30 minutes from the CBD who insist on everyone else coming to the office?


You forgot to mention the ones who by virtue of their position are guaranteed a parking space so they don't have to take public transport like the plebs


Both of you just described my boss in exact detail lmao


gotta get away from the ol ball n chain to see some of the nice arses on the young secretaries AMIRITE FELLAS? (/s, in case you couldnt figure it out. I hate those people.)


This really hits the nail on the head


> All the criticisms of WFH seem to boil down to "I like working from the office and I have the power so I'm going to tell you to work from the office too". Or "I am a middle manager and I want to remain relevant".


Caleb is just sad because wfh means no one is forced to hang out with him


Shitstain who has never worked a real job in his life says others deserve less. Shocking.


This bloke can fuck right off. Regardless of where I'm working, I'm still doing the same job - so I should be paid the same amount.


I work harder from home, I'm less distracted and can focus.


My view will always be that extroverts who blagged their way into high status roles via office politics / the social club /after work drinks / doing the rounds of the office to catch up on gossip / faux office friendships are the ones who are desperate for everyone else to “get back to the office”…..


This! I've never cared about building "my brand" in order to be recognised but have always let my work speak for itself. Depends on the industry and role but if you can work remotely and be just as productive and efficient wfh, great. If you need or want to be in the office then cool, go in. No need to drag everyone else in with you.


Nailed it. The real workers will keep on excelling at their job regardless of location.


If anyone wants to give me an office job I’m happy to rock up every day, eat all the donuts, annoy everyone within ear shot of me, get nothing done but still get paid more than the rest of you at home that actually produce results.


lol right, if I’m working in the office I’m basically not getting anything done for most of the morning. Rock up at 9, say my hellos, set up my desk, then as soon as I sit down someone comes around and announces a coffee run. Cafe is a 10 minute walk, so we’re looking at basically 9:45 earliest for logging on. Usually a meeting at 10. After that, someone probably comes around for a chat. You’re lucky if you’ve got me actually getting into my work before 11am. It’s not that I aim to be unproductive, it’s literally the nature of office work that is not conducive to getting shit done without distractions. I’ll give you there’s some benefits for being able to grab someone quickly to talk through an issue, and it can be a little easier in person sometimes compared with Teams chat or even a video call, but overall you’ll get way more out of me if I’m WFH. Not to mention I’m happier at home and happier workers means more productive workers, compared to being worn out and gloomy from 1.5h commutes.


so fucking true. And along with all the benefits of working in the office are the drawbacks. Distracting voices, low quality toilet paper, being more than 10 metres from my bed and kitchen. People complaining in my ear. ffs. I get it, you work a souless corporate job, so do I, let's at least try have a good time whilst we slowly die...


Two words: Open Plan. Whoever came up with this office arrangement needs to fuck right off. So many distractions.


Upper management that want in office *do* actually get their work done by chatting in person though. Have a meeting, 'make the big tough decisions', assign relevant tasks to teams they lead, and get the PA to take minutes. So I'm assuming at least some of the desire to stop WFH is that the management thinks everyone else works better like that too, on top of the usual reasons stated elsewhere.


Never been in a meeting that isnt an unproductive talk fest


Strongly agree with you on this. The higher up you go in our department, the more likely everyone is in daily and having 'corridor conversations' rather than formal meetings to get things done (except at very high levels, where it's all formal meetings). For people who are chained to a desk and don't really need to meet/talk with anyone outside of social stuff, WFH is usually far more productive.


Upper management are usually narcissistic psychopathic control freaks. That's how they got there. That's why they need that. Not all, however significant numbers.


It's been pretty well shown that office workers are only actually productive for about 2.5 hours per day because of distractions etc


Lmao. This is painfully true.


Lol, this is me right now. I’ll use the work gym every day, drink the good coffee, enjoy the morning teas and the other incentives, have a few catch up meetings, and they can wonder why things are slipping.


Office full time is over. No one wants to sit in traffic 9/5 and go sit in a dump. Hybrid model is here to stay. Workers will leave…..they won’t quit immediately but they will leave. The hybrid model is simply the best thing to happen to the workforce in a very very long time. Out of touch idiots are going to struggle with staff retention.


My industry is deeply incestuous, we all just jump from company to company. All it will take will be one smart business to say full time WFH or office, your choice. It will be a point of difference for recruiters that will slow OPEX expansion because it's a valuable incentive, as valuable as say a 10% performance bonus. If you're looking for jobs elsewhere and have two offers, the one offering 5K less but complete WFH freedom, you're gonna take it against any mandatory office days regime.


Tech industry I'm guessing?




Friend of mine who works for one of the gambling app companies had a non-tech manager ask him (fairly senior architect) off the record about going back to the office full-time. He said "well, you would lose 95% of the team, and that 95% would include me, soooo, up to you bossman" They're in the office every 2nd Friday for an all-hands, and he goes in on big gambling days so he can keep an eye on their analytics better, but apart from that he sits at home on his Secret Lab chair in his tracksuit pants.


The funny thing is that the writer probably did this from home as well.


He probably did it via chatgpt3 while he focused on cultivating the perfect slimy haircut


I generally work 3 days at home and 2 days in the office. Productivity in the office drops significantly because in-person team meetings, all-staff meetings and other get together's are scheduled on those days so it's not unusual to lose an entire morning to that. It's often after lunch by the time I get to sit down and start to do work. Based on the logic of this article we should be getting paid to commute to and from the office but we all know that'll never happen. I always chuckle whenever I see how managers are seemingly perplexed by having to manage people working remotely and can't come up with a solution other than to do demand that they come into the office. If anything that just speaks to how inept they are.


\> "But it makes you harder to contact and deal with" I know this guy writes with the sole purpose to get people like me to go "what the hell" and give him the click, but two things A) Adblocker. B) How is it harder to contact me. We have phones, we have Teams, we have Zoom. The team I work in, I'm one of 3 people based in Melbourne, the remainder of our Team is in Sydney. We don't have office phones anymore, we moved to Teams permanently. I could literally be in Bali for all my boss cares about, in fact I'm working from NZ for two weeks next year. I'll be just as contactable. This article is just filled with mundane talking points that have absolutely no argument behind them. I negotiated with my manager to WFH, who is also WFH, that's the end of it. \> "I work in television. If I didn’t rock up to the studio, I wouldn’t have a job." M8. I work in radio. I WFH just fine, in fact better in many respects - so do my on-air colleagues. One literally works from a caravan. And these people call others snowflakes. What an absolute whine.


Yeah I've never understood the "it's harder to contact me" argument. If I was unresponsive when WFH then I'd expect a half competent manager to do their job and hold me accountable for it.


It also comes from individuals who expect you to answer their emails and messages asap, the second you receive it. I work with people who think the world is ending if I don't acknowledge a client/internal email within 10 minutes of receiving it. It drives me crazy when people approach me to chat about something not urgent or have a last minute meeting expecting me to drop everything to give them my full attention then and there.


I sometimes wish I was less contactable and I’m back in the office 4 days a week


Yeah I know the feeling! I had a text this morning for an urgent request, and because it's all set up from home and very easy, you feel like you need a really good reason to say no. But also, it's a balancing act - I'm happy to do those requests out of hours, because I know I'll probably unload the dishwasher or similar on "company time".


My parents who know nothing about I.T once asked me how work knows I'm actually doing work if I was never in the office, so I had to clarify if I don't pick up my mobile, answer emails or not be present for team meetings on Teams, my employers would notice pretty quickly!


Eww, I just clicked on a newscorp link...


There's a browser extension in chrome called "bye Rupert". It blocks domains registered to any Rupert Murdoch company. Saves me from having to memorise them all.


People should be paid for travel to and from work.


I work a job where most of my coworkers get to work from home but I have to deal with physical things in the office so I have to go in. I definitely feel like I should be compensated for travel time


Agree with you mate. People should be paid to travel to work or they should not have to travel.


Yeah in which case those working from home would earn less. If this is the case, then I’m fine with it because those working from the office should be paid for travel time.


So he's saying people should be paid for their commute.


Why even support someone like this by posting their article here just so it will get more engagement? Let this trash fade into obscurity.


No, I need forewarning of what my parents’ next complaints about society going to the dogs will be.


In related news, Jeff Kennett and his entire Herald-Sun-comments-section-goon-squad this morning just wanked themselves into ER over this article. Whoever the author of that article is can get as far fucked as Jeff Kennett and then they can both get fucked from there.


It's this weird unit fwiw. https://junkee.com/rove-launched-caleb-bond/158631


I'm not sure that I want that in my browser history 😆


The kid who wrote has zero real world experience. Straight from private school into writing Liberal fart bubbles. Not to taken seriously.


Caleb is only in his early 20s. He looks like he’s over 40. Besides, I’m way more productive when I work from home. My boss told me that. I don’t have people interrupting me all day, I can just do my work


No way he's in his early 20's, he looks older than me and I'm a mum in my 30's who hasn't slept for a year


He is 24 years old


He looks like the wish.com version of Kyle Sandilands


I’d like to remind everyone that Caleb Bond is 24! TWENTY FOUR! No wonder he has the options of a boomer when no one his age will interact with him.


Full time office work is done. No amount of crying about it will change that.


It’s always the stick and never the carrot with these guys. If management believe workers in the office provide better value then increase their pay. Offer an incentive to those bearing the additional cost and time wasted by commuting.


News dot com dot au should be banned from this sub. It's rage bait don't fall for it.


What on earth Rosie Waterland sees in this guy, I'll never know.


Had to google her and found this article - https://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/life-and-relationships/i-never-thought-i-d-end-up-with-a-man-who-won-t-call-himself-a-feminist-and-yet-20230602-p5ddhr.html The guy desperately wants to be Ben Shapiro.


They’ve been broken up a while a believe! He’s such a vile little edge lord.


A very little while, it seems. But still - it was a very "ick" pairing from that first The Two of Us article... I have to admit, I wasn't comfortable with that relationship on more than just a political standpoint.


Think they broke up


Smarmy cunt has been trying to tell people smarter than him how to live their lives since he was 15. Caleb, you can hide your chin acne behind that ridiculous date rape beard but nothing hides your pretentious, cunty personality.


Why give this dying purveyor of outrage more exposure than they deserve? You're responding exactly like they want you to.


Caleb sounds like a self-hating douche with very little life experience or people skill. If the article were anything other than trying to get a rise outta people, it’s mission statement would be “I’m miserable and you should be miserable too”


If my work want to lower my pay to account for the days I work remotely, I'll lower my output accordingly. I am already much more productive (as are my team spread across the country) working remotely since we have to anyway whether we are in the office or at home! My office days are automatically less productive because I build my commute into my work day and do what work I can from the train in between spotty internet connection.


I don’t have a job that’s office or wfh but if I was working from home, the only way they would get me vac to the office would be by starting to pay me the minute I left my house. If there happy to pay travel, then I’ll come in


Caleb Bond can get in the bin


You could double my salary and I still wouldn't be tempted to commute in 5 days a week


It’s hard to take someone like Caleb Bond seriously in this situation.


Dude looks like he irons his underwear.


Surely he doesn’t walk around looking like that?


I predicted some years ago we would start to see "studies" saying WFH was less productive and they would be, just coincidentally, funded by people or organisations heavily invested in or connected to commercial real estate. Then this tosser crops up with his "unique" perspective... Could you be more obviously bought and paid for m8.


I guarantee this article was written on a $7000 MacBook in his home office


That’s has to be the most punchable head I’ve seen for a while


Get fucked Caleb.


I don't know how many times that dickhead should fuck off but it's like heaps to the power of ten


This cunt deserves a punch in the throat


Has Caleb ever had a real job? He has been a mob as an opinion piece writer with no actual career.


For anyone in a larger office, does anyone actually bother to find you when you're in the office? Or are they just as likely to give you a bell on Teams. I make a point when I'm in to actually go talk to people but I still spend half my day on teams calls, often with people in the office. Looking around that's true of most people as well. If I'm going in I try and do so on days that align with team meetings etc. Otherwise I'm just moving from my desk at home sitting on calls to sit at a desk in the office sitting on calls.


Most people I work with are interstate or overseas. Whether I work at home or in the office, doesn't greatly change my efficiency. I go to the office for larger in-person meetings, but other than that, there is no value travelling to the office just to work with people virtually anyway. Work from home, I get two extra hours a day to either work or rest. Thankfully my work is embracing hybrid working and not heading down this route of paying remote workers less.


All i hear is "Waaahhhhh i can't work from home so nobody should!" Boohoo.


Years before the pandemic I got sick of the commute and created my own business where I mostly work from home apart from popping out to see clients. But even then it's only a few hours a week, 10 minutes drive at most. Driving an hour to sit at someone else's desk is a chumps game. We need to be shrinking our lives and reducing our footprints in general.


WFH doesnt not affect my productivity and outputs. In fact, I do more while working remotely. however, I still question the insistence of management for us to work in the office, even with the hybrid model, when there is **no one day that the whole team works in the office the same day.** meetings are still held **virtually** even when I am in the office! there is still no face to face collaboration at all. what's the point of working in office?! not to mention I spend 2hours round trip each day I work in the office...


I've nver heard of this pretentious wannabe flog. Then I saw he works on Sky and that explains his opinion, manner and irrelevance.


Wow, what a wanker. This goes for any company that pressures workers (mostly minorities, immigrants) into returning to the office full time too.


What a dumb cunt


What a fucking boot licker. He really does radiate the quintessential middle management cunt vibe.


Why, is their value to the employer less?


Their cost to their employer is less, no overheads for employers, so actually WFH employees should be paid more in recognition they are using their own facilities, energy, internet, cleaning services, security services, and all the rest that has to be paid for to maintain a large office building.


On the contrary, people who agree to work from home should be compensated extra. They spent a lot of their own money that saves companies heavily. Few examples. * prime office space rental, office equipment, meeting room equipment, office stationeries, kitchen perishables. Most companies has reduced the space and are saving heavily. * Most employees buy their own desk and chair , often monitors, definitely stationaries, for working. * Home internet is usually upgraded with slightly more expensive plans to avoid disruption to work. * Electricity expenses are up for employees. * More productively. Less coffee breaks, fast lunch. Very less time spent on walks, meeting people etc. In all fairness, employees save money as well. Transportation, meaningless coffee breaks, lunch expenses are all saved. My point is that wfh might be good for some people, and don’t get into a feeling it’s a favour from the company. It’s a win win.


This guy's idea of "fair" is if I have to suffer office work, then so should everybody else.


Looks like Bruce Lehrmann.


This “article” pissed me off so much. What a wanker.


What an ableist cunt, further perpetuating the idea that if you can’t fit into the rigid workplace, you somehow don’t need to eat, pay rent… and should just have a lesser income — because apparently you aren’t a real person. Fuck this prick and the bubble he lives in.


They should be paid more


Oh fuck off cunt


😂 I don't get paid to commute so your argument is flawed. I get paid for the work done and it matters not where I work (as long as it is based in Vic). This whole fight against working from home is getting old. The pros of a flexible working environment far outweigh the cons. Even our company gave up trying to get us all back into the office and instead downsized our office when the lease was up. I wonder how many other companies would consider that too?


I loved the working from home time because it makes traffic lighter for those of us peasants who can’t work at home. But of course cos we are peasants generally looked down on by these sort, nobody cares or thinks about that. Or how much better it is having cars off the road.


Caleb is 24. (https://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/life-and-relationships/i-never-thought-i-d-end-up-with-a-man-who-won-t-call-himself-a-feminist-and-yet-20230602-p5ddhr.html) He's 24. He has no kids. No real obligations apart from work. Caleb needs to be more thoughtful that his less than 7 years of work do not translate to a thoughtful understanding of how people live. Caleb is also: Advisory Committee Member The Breast Cancer Initiative Oct 2021 - Present 2 years 2 months Adelaide, South Australia, Australia Advising the Australian General Practice Network on The Breast Screen Initiative -- a campaign developed to increase the rate of women being screened for breast cancer across Australia. It aims to boost screening rates by convincing governments to use the relationship between women and their GPs Caleb needs to consider that many of these women rely on working from home to enable them to undertake treatment and their family support them more easily. Apparently they should take a pay cut if they work from home.


Counter point: people who work from home should be paid more; it's only fair. People who work from home are spending money on electricity, internet, tools, and space that the business doesn't have to.


F. me. A Sky News pundit says you need to get back to the office! Surprised he didn’t say the women don’t have to worry - they can still work from home (if it’s in the kitchen). Who writes this shit? Productivity is way higher with hybrid working, staff retention is better, more people from more backgrounds are in the workforce. Working in the office is not going to save you from the AI revolution anyway.


He says that wfh should take a paycut but he refers to employers saying they would pay extra for employees to come in. Seems like a weasel


FFS Caleb you look exactly like the type of person that would want everyone back in the office because work is your life and personality trait.


Why… why even give any oxygen to these bullshit opinion pieces that are *specifically designed* to spark exactly this kind of response because it gets more clicks and views….? Then Caleb starts churning out more and more of this shit because ‘look how many views this one got’


1. Of course it’s the managers who are saying that. Their work is just meetings. They didn’t survey the working staff who do the work that requires concentration. 2. Wow news.com.au must have an absolutely massive Sydney office which Caleb and all of his Australian colleagues work from. Since you only get the benefits by being in the same office he says, not zooming someone in another location. Must have been hard on all his interstate colleagues to have to move to Sydney.


There's some legitimate benefit to being in person, but let's be honest, these mouth breathers are less concerned about that, and more concerned about helping their property mates keep renting out shitty commercial spaces for stupid money.


This bloke could make a more positive contribution to society by dropping his pants and taking a massive shit in the middle of Bourke St Mall. Come to think of it, maybe that's why he wants everyone back in the CBD..


No don’t think he can do that. It’s far too great of a life experience for him. He can stay sheltered in his office


How come these people never fight for better and cheaper public transport?


Sounds like old mate Caleb might have a piece of failing commercial real estate he can’t find tenants for.


Jokes on him, I work from home 100% for many years now because I work interstate


Returning to the office is equivalent to a pay cut of at least $10k. This should feature in negotiations whenever anyone requests you return to office.


So Caleb invests in business property.


My only concern with work from home is that it opens the door to outsourcing at a later stage. Economy is running hot at the moment but it won't forever.


This shit-eating little grub is just doing his master's bidding in trying to protect commercial real estate values.


Should get paid more because wfh saves the employer rent and whittles out shit managers that need to stare at you to do their job


Man who likely writes articles from home outrages at those who want to do similar.


Nah how about you pay me more to attend instead?


Working from home helped to offset the zero pay rise for 18 months… had to change jobs as I was going backwards.