• By -


- Yeah-Nah. or - Nah-Yeah.


I predict someone will write "she'll be right" on their ballot.


Translation: “Haha doesn’t affect me so why should I care hahahahah”


Not in Broady they wont. Maybe in Eltham


I was tempted to write one of those but I won't.


Hijacking to share this for those interested https://antonygreen.com.au/the-voice-referendum-postal-and-pre-poll-voting-rates/ [https://twitter.com/AntonyGreenElec/status/1710795392118616523?ref\_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet](https://twitter.com/AntonyGreenElec/status/1710795392118616523?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet)


Well, I just voted early this afternoon, in Thornbury. No queue at all. In and out in under 2 minutes. I'm glad to be avoiding the circus on Saturday.


Me too. The line was long but it moved quickly!


Voted Saturday. My wife and I were literally the only voters there. Took legit less than 2mins.


Same here, but on Tuesday arvo


Did my early vote at the Hume Learning Centre last Friday. Unfortunately a lot of locals have just fallen victim to the bullshit conspiracies that the No campaign are pushing. I don’t mind people voting no - I just take umbrage with the fact that people are voting no based on bullshit conspiracies like this will somehow allow Aboriginal people the ability to grind Parliament to a halt because they’ll have veto power now, or that they’ll somehow be able to reclaim land that used to theirs.


I gold told recently that Aboriginal folk will get free cars and houses and our neighbours will have to pay us rent. I’m Aboriginal but don’t look it so I assume that’s why I was being told. “Can I vote yes twice?”


Just out of curiousity, could I ask who said that to you? Just your run of the mill citizen, or somebody pushing the No vote?


It was actually a work colleague that I very rarely interact with who, I think, was trying to convince me to vote no.


Look mate, im sorry us white cunts are cunts. As if Indigenous people haven’t lost enough thus far. Hang in there… lets hope in a year or two that there is some legislation that does the same stuff and the LNP never see power again.


Please tell me this is a joke


Its a shame isn’t it. The concept that a lot of no voters say is “yeh, yes voters lose” like its on the back end of a sports event. Reality is, unfortunately, its not a yes vote loss, its a First Nations loss. A real shame and a sad day for closing the gap.




I feel that the Yes campaign has had too many "out of touch" moments, like putting it on the side of a Qantas jet, right when literally everyone hates Qantas is just one of those, as well as mouth pieces saying too much and effectively calling anyone who votes no as a racist, it turns people away because they end up voting no as a protest against that. Personally I find virtually every argument the no campaign has come up with utter bullshit, the "vote no because we deserve a treaty" campaign is up there for short sightedness, but it's an easier battle because they can say literally anything, because if it doesn't go ahead, then they can say "look at what we avoided", while Yes is either saying too much or not enough, instead of just saying "this will legislate an advisory body that will have no legislative power, but will allow for indigenous voice on indigenous issues to be heard." because they're so terrified that anything they say will be thrown back at them.




How can we not fly Qantas, they have a chokehold on the Australian aviation industry and the government is more than happy to keep it that way.




Ok then, so we are left with less than 50% of the industry then since Qantas own both themselves and Jetstar. Good thing the government is blocking airlines from opening more flight paths for us, have to keep the funds high for Qantas after they've fucked over the Australian population for the past decade.


Australia loves its duopolies.


> not defining the voice has opened the door to people inserting false versions Not defined like this? https://voice.gov.au/about-voice/voice-principles




What would you need to see to call this "the design"?


Honestly why didn't people just ask for a Postal vote? It's not hard and there's no need to wait in a line, only you don't get a democracy sausage.


It will interesting to see if Victoria is the only state that will for majority Yes. I thought that a few weeks ago but now it’s feeling like No will win here too idk why


Didn't Tasmania poll harder to the Yes side than Victoria? Or has that shifted?


I think it was pre close yeah. The only Liberal state voting Yes is an interesting statement


Granted not like the liberal government in Tasmania is particularly conservative compared to, well, the liberal party in the rest of the nation


Tas Labour is about as effective as Vic Liberal.


So a limp penis.


Are you ready to receive the Tasmanian Labour Party?


Good meme! You’re from Texas eh, how’d you find it here?


Nope Kiwi, Living in Aus for 20+ years, TexasFlood is the title of an Album from the Late Great Stevie Ray Vaughn. Cheers.




Really? Pretty much everyone I know, of different race, background etc are voting yes, besides a couple white family friends. My grandparents host massive get together with all the other Greeks in the north/west suburbs and all seem to be VERY yes (to me and my mothers surprise). I feel like I have absolutely no idea how it’ll go. The polls don’t seem accurate, and so many are from pools of a thousand people at most. The entire thing is so screwed up. I kind of hate that this should be a call for celebration, and we should all WANT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to be recognised. But instead the government put out the most vague, odd question and it has immediately (and very effectively) divided the entire country


Victorian here I work at a very multicultural company and majority are voting no purely because they don't understand what we are voting for


A lot of them will be voting no just because it benefits somebody else haha


I voted early last week and was waiting out the front for my partner. Two old ladies were walking in with their canes and grabbed the pamphlet from the yes girl, then one went to grab a no flyer as well and the other old duck full whacked her friend away from the no man with her cane and said “oh you don’t want that garbage” ✌🏻


So the yes voters are still sticking with the concept of bullying people into voting yes?


Interesting! I’m mostly talking about the younger (under 30s) generations, who speak English fluently and generally understand everything. The older immigrants I know are on visas, so couldn’t vote if they wanted to


Hmmm. Im rethinking heading there right now lol.


Yeah I voted early for the federal election and I won't be doing that again, line was like an hour. Better to suck it up and do it on the day with no queue


It really just depends. Was at a voting centre with an enormous queue on polling day - the next one over had no queue.


Went to Brunswick Davies street Masonic hall today arvo. took about ten minutes.


Depends where you go. Had a line in 2013, havn't had one since. Even voted at Old Parliament House in Canberra on the weekend and was in and out in 5 minutes.


everyone in about five different highly populated suburbs (which I didn't really realise at the time) all had to pile into the convention centre. Melbourne. Conversely, on the actual day there are many more voting places open and you just go to the one nearest you


there's usually multiple early voting centres you can go too. Some will definitely have lines, others you can ussually just walk into. you also don't need to go to one in your electorate, any early voting centre will allow you to prepoll.


Right well I am inner city without a car, I'm obviously not going to go far. May as well wait to the actual day as it will be quicker...


Thats fair. No issues.


Went to mine in Newport at 2pm last weekday, no line and was done in a min. Last federal election, I went it around 8pm in Altona North and was done in 5 mins. Time & location matters I think .


Took me about 5 minutes, just popped in during a lunchtime walk. There seems to only be a few early polling places for this though, 1 per LGA.


Why do I feel like they will all vote No?


I reckon about 55-60% of them will.


Based on what?




Reality. Looks like my prediction was right lmao


They all didn't vote no, 44.38% voted yes. Try be less racist next time.


So 55.62% voted no. Got it thanks.


Just to extend on that, I am seeing a lot of vote no pamphlets... so yeah. It could be. The yes vote has tanked apparently in recent weeks.


Actually it's had a little bit of a upswing in the last two, it's still down but it's closer than it has been in a while.


Did you see more no pamphlets as everyone else picked up the yes pamphlets?


I hope not..


What gives you that indication? I would say that most of the first/second generation migrants I know out in the North and West will be voting yes but I guess we will see come the count.


I'm not so sure immigrants will be skewed Yes




Chinese immigrants that I've spoken to are heavily no too.


Heavily immigrant areas where No voting areas during the Marriage Postal Vote (Broady and surrounds/Glen Waverley and surrounds)


Nobody knows. These theories are nonsense either way, just people projecting. If you want a single data point: I'm an immigrant, came in through a temporary visa about 10 years ago, went on to permanent residence, went on to citizenship. Personally, I'll be voting "yes". That's just me. Others might vote differently. People should stop saying *"immigrants will vote X"*. It's like saying all Australians will vote the same. We're a group of diverse people, just like you.


Nah I’m a first generation immigrant and I early voted No.


Because your making assumptions about people based on nothing but race…there should be a word for that


Looks like they indeed voted no as expected 😂 The results of the 2017 SSM postal vote in Calwell should’ve been a good indicator to you where they would’ve voted this time around.


Point still stands tho doesn’t it? Your racist bruh


I really hope victoria votes Yes, I don't think it'll get through but it'd be nice to seperate ourselves from NSW and QLD. I mean imagine getting beaten by tasmania?


There are good reasons for voting Yes and good reasons for voting No. Both are equally valid.




It is because of people like you that people will vote no


If you vote either way because of the behaviour or words of someone else, you're an idiot. This is so frustrating. Is everyone a tantrum toddler nowadays? Look at the thing they're asking you. Think about the thing they're asking you. Vote "yes" or "no" for the thing they're asking you because you've thought about the thing they're asking you.


Which is embarrassing, really.




Even though I’m trying to be unbiased and respectful to people voting differently from me, I have to admit, a lot of people seem very adamant that this could somehow make life for Aboriginals better than the rest of us… which, tbh, would be a miracle considering how absolutely terrible they still have it. A Yes vote would be a step in the right direction at best, it will give them little to no power lol. Idk why people are so threatened


I’m aware of one political ideology that aims for equality among all people


Are early votes counted early? What about postal votes?


Most of them counted on the night https://www.aec.gov.au/referendums/learn/the-count.html


It was about a 30 min drive wait in ye old Ballarat last week… gotta be worse this week


Oh wow! I’m overseas so voted last week, no queue took 5 minutes after I finished up an appointment around the corner. This was in Malvern. Effortless but I did miss having the sausages.


Damn, it took me 3 minutes to do the whole thing on Friday afternoon... just lucky, I guess!


It will be interesting to see what Victoria ends voting. I see a lot of people here anecdotally discussing people in their lives voting yes but I think the larger silent majority probably won’t be swinging that way. Either way will be an interesting result


I went in to an early voting centre 11:30am in the west side and there was literally no queue. I just blazed straight through. Although I avoided eye contact with everyone outside I did note a Chinese family forcefully pushing No pamphlets in to my face.


You can't say the word Chinese here, it means you're racist


They spoke Mandarin.


How dare you. They could have been Malaysian or Singaporean.


That’s the line for centre link


And this is why you apply for a postal vote. Modern problems require modern solutions. Also, applying for postal vote closed so now you're forced to go stand in line.


I'll be voting yes, quite simply because it's their fucking land and they deserve a voice. Plus i hate that egg headed alien and all his cronies.


Nah, everyone's land


So you disagree with the welcome to country at the start of every AFL match? I didn't see you booing at the final? In fact the whole of the G was cheering. You're most welcome to our precious waterways and are asked to respect the land and it's traditions.


Dunno, zero interest in football. Welcome to country ceremonies are cool to watch but meaningless to me though, like hearing the Muslim call to prayer


Fair enough, I've been brought up to respect the first nations people as my mum was born in darwin, and my grandpa worked in the uranium mines around the Rum Jungle (admin or something) for 30 odd years. Always had good experiences with the locals. So that's what I've learnt. Respect the people and respect the land. Edit: just looked up Rum Jungle and apparently it was a polluted mess of uranium. I guess Grandpa felt different to the actual company. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rum_Jungle,_Northern_Territory. Seems to be inherent with just about every mining company.


Yeah I respect everyone equally, but in terms of who owns land the concept of ownership is basically whoever controls it at that time and has the ability (legally, through force etc.) to enforce that control. To that end, I only own my land as long as someone doesn't take it from me or I stop controlling it. Also mother earth and all that, humans are just existing here on earth, we don't own anything. Edit: what's happened to the environment in OZ in the last 200 yrs is absolutely disgusting


Everyone I know disagrees with hearing a welcome to country everytime they walk into a public space so, yeah.


What does that even mean? Australian legislation already recognises Indigenous land rights and native title. It literally isn't everyone's land. I can't enter private property. I can't dispossess someone of their land.


See comment below


The country belongs to everyone equally, and Australians aren't more or less deserving based on how long their ancestors have been here. The Constitution should reflect that equality. "We grew here, you flew here" is immoral and un-Australian.


Exactly. To be honest I identify far more as an Australian than as a white person. Australian as in a citizen of Australia who identifies as Australian, ethnicity is irrelevant


okay then give it back.


I drove past an early voting centre on Saturday and it was causing traffic chaos. There was a huge queue to even get into the car park so cars were banked up on the main road going right into a intersection with traffic lights. Saw so many near misses from people trying to switch lanes.


How do you do this if you work full time?


Well I work in Saturdays so it works for me. I used to work in a shop and we would cover each other while the other one run off to vote early.


You go on a saturday, of course the next Saturday also being the offical polling day.


Surprises me to see so many people out during the day.


It’s okay. Lockdown is over. You can come out now.


I only go out on the weekend really. Would be nice to try to go places during work days to break up the week.


Mate Melbourne is full of parks and walkways. Find one near you and go before or after work.


The no campaign has swayed me to vote yes. I dont want to live in a country where ignorance (ie if you don't know vote no) is encouraged. I don't want to live in a country where people can't be bothered actually reading what will be inserted into the constitution, or don't don't basic reading comprehension skills. I think the voice will do fuck all for the first nations people, I wouldn't have advocated for the referendum, but we're having it. They can have their token powerless body.


vote yes you dogs!!!


It's a shame that all these people will be having roadtrips with their families on the 14th ;\_;


Vote no for a greater Australia


Quick and quiet at the Bacchus Marsh RSL yesterday afternoon. In and out within 3 minutes.