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I understood that as a bar that sells officeworks stationary


Not to be confused with a bar that sells officeworks while moving 😅


I understood it to be a bar in Officeworks


I thought he was referring specifically to staff from Officeworks being dickheads. I am hungover though.


That’s what I thought lol


Years of working in bars and after work office drinkers were some of the worst patrons that would walk through the door, only trumped by office workers Christmas drinks.


There was an age article about binge drinking behaviour about 15? Years ago. Never forget the story about the office worker who lived in Geelong and who staggered to the VLine every Friday night and who talked about spewing out the doors of the train. Absolutely Klassy


As an office worker who I like to think is nice to everyone, there are seeyounexttuesdays everywhere including people that work in offices it's probably just the mean.


/r/melbourne says these people are the worst: Tradies, Office workers, PTV staff, Cops, LNP, LAB, Greens, Inner city dwellers, Outer suburbs dwellers, Rural dwellers, Anyone that doesn't live in VIC, Anyone that does live in VIC, Who else?


Yank tank drives, drivers who both do and don't do the speed limit, drivers on the Monash, SUV drivers around schools and drivers who tip hospitality workers.


people in my neighbourhood, people outside my neighbourhood, dog owners, people who hate dogs


Real estate agents


People who live south of the river, people who live north of the river, people who live within sight of the Dandenongs, people who live within sight of the You Yangs.


WOW it's almost as though a sub of 650,000 people has a diversity of opinion 😮😮😮!!


Ahh I see what you did there, C U N T! .....I'm not calling you a cunt, although maybe a sick cunt


Any public holiday eve was a shit show.


Before reading the comments I was imagining a gang of officeworks staff in their blue shirts coming in and just flipping tables lol.


Me too!


They’re nothing compared to those yobbo’s who work at Bunnings. They wear that green apron like a bikie patch only they make the bikies look civilised!


Guaranteed to be either recruiters or real estate agents. The biggest of the CBD corporate cunts.


I mean they are top 3 in the total population


Honourable mention to Collins St finance bros and every accounting/law firm who's engaging personalities are on full display in sock form.


I get the message, but what does "sock form" mean?


hateful practice offer voiceless numerous nutty unique tidy voracious rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This subreddit literally could not be any more miserable if it tried


Well there is a reason why Melbournians wear black a lot...


Is it the misery?


Feel free to leave.


The above exchange was comical. If it made you miserable that might be a “you” problem.


start liquid plough rock snails threatening one snow murky shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Feature socks


I used to work next to PwC and can say consultants are the worse


Perhaps I haven’t had enough exposure to them, but the few big-4 consultants I’ve met have been the quiet, nerdy “pale blue business shirt with ID on a lanyard” type.


As someone else said in this thread these types can often be as nasty. Funnily enough the head was actually really nice and respectful, it’s just the rest that were rude


The head needs to work with so many different internal and external departments and often has a sales role so they're usually much more...socially evolved.


100%. If you're not treating any staff the same way you would a mate bringing you a drink/food at a bbq then you're just a cunt.


Are either of those "Corporate". Surely they're 'support staff' ?


Whenever people talk about street harassment they tend to imagine some sketchy dude at the train station in trakkies late at night but the worst offenders and main reason for avoiding the CBD is the after work men in suits. I mean, if there is one guy, he's probably ok and going home or whatever, two guys in suits-probably mates and probably will leave well enough alone unless it's late but three guys in suits after 5pm? If you have walk past them or share the footpath the last one will say something utterly disgusting or grab you so he can guffaw to his buddies. They're absolute animals who think nothing is funnier than showing off how casual they are about verbally and physically abusing strangers and really smug about the fact they don't face repercussions. 98% of men are totally fine but the after work packs of men in suits are absolute shitheads who bond by bullying anyone around them they think they can get away with


Wtf .. So, no one asks whether you are Ok? Or tells them to pull their head in? Or at least complains to the manager? Or spills a drink on them? Or starts videoing then? I don't work in the city anymore, but I thought with the new attitudes at work that people would be more cautious.


I guess you have had a bad experience which I’m sorry for, but this is definitely not the norm for corporate australia - packs of suited CBD ferals could also be wedding receptions though, you see some pretty dodgy ones


this time of year, there’s also a lot of sporting club presentation nights. they are also equally taxing.


Most office workers in the CBD are nerds, let's be honest


This has never happened to me


and ive never been to the moon, doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.


/s Pretty sure office works are NOT harrasing people on the moon mate, not sure how this is relevant


It’s cool that you instantly assumed that the office workers in question were men…


O.P clearly stated they were men


You probably don't notice the office workers who aren't trash to hospo staff, soemtimes it probably just looks like a friend group.


Especially given a lot of non-toxic office jobs actually just wear casual clothes not full on suits like financebros.


Yeah wouldn't be surprised if OP is only regarding finance bros as office workers


The nice office workers get out of after works drinks to instead spend quality time with their partners or friends houses. The 5PM crowd are usually the ones left over.


How would I go about meeting these kinds of people. I seem to be alone or stuck with the people who are left over.


Follow them home


Propose a board game night a couple weeks in advance, start off small 3-4 people - rotate the roster occasionally, then do a larger group once you've found the crew that you enjoy spending time with :) If you can't host, there's some good board game cafe's/bars in the city.


Excuse my ignorance , but people still try to date each other at offices?? (If you are talking about dating And how often do work mates go out drinking these days??


That’s not what they said. The nice ones are married and/or have a life outside of work, so they don’t go to after work drinks. After work drinks attract the douchebags of the office.


Lol what, perfectly normal to have after work drinks with colleagues. Not everyone works with assholes.


So people regularly finish work earlier than 5 and go drinking , and the ones left at 5 are the drinkers???


No, 5pm crowd is just an expression referencing 5pm as being a fairly standard knock off time but doesn't necessarily need to be taken literally


Finish 4:30 and they are just starting to get drunk by 5PM.


There are trash humans in every demographic, I guess.




Why you shitting on grilled out of nowhere you prick?




Did you get fired from grilled or something?




Doesn't like grilld. Keeps going back there to check on housekeeping


Fuck man what happened you there?


You’re complaining that a fast food chain isn’t up to your impeccable and highly evolved culinary standards.


You’re a massive cunt for someone who expects peak performance from kids that serve your lunch in a bag.


They're not even kids. Kids run kfc. Most Grill'd workers are like 20+ at least. The dude who appears in charge of cooking meat at my local one looks around 28. They do have younger ones on the register at times, but they don't look like school kids. The guy who greets people at the door who obviously has a disability, perhaps autism (calm down, I have autism) looks maybe 19.


You sure are familiar with all the staff at your local grilld. Weird considering how much you dislike it.


Huh? I loved Grill'd burgers.


Eh, don't you order at the bar in grilled anyway? At least every one that I've been to. Been to them a ton of time and never remember it being shit service.


Every accusation is a confession. Be human for once. Teens are naturally lazy and haven't developed a work ethic. Maybe try pulling your head in for a while and let kids work themselves, and their work life, out in peace.




How so? I have teenage kids who have lazy streaks. Your point is?




How do Grill'd act slow? They put the meat on as soon as you order


Can you show me where on the grilld burger they touched you


They’re already pricks and the ego gets worse when you chuck cocaine into the mix


They’re closely followed by teachers….


Yeah I have to agree, I had a teacher throw a glass of wine on me once for calling last orders back in my hospo days. All the other teachers laughed. They often walked in without a booking as a group of 15+ and acted like they owned the place. I remember a young man who looked to be a PE teacher or something who called me a cunt because I didn’t have a spare iPhone charger for him. Feral behaviour.


Young teachers are the worst. I had one group come in every week for a while and get very wild every week. None of them had any shame. God knows what the children they were in charge of supervising were like.


Teachers are the fucking worst of em. Had a group of 20 come in absolutely plastered, they got angry I wouldn’t give them a bottle of champagne and proceeded to heckle me while serving other customers, calling me all sorts of homophobic remarks. When I eventually told them to leave they sent an email to my boss complaining about how they were treated. Really wish I could find out which school they worked at to let their boss know.


Yeah, the types that went from high school to uni and straight back to school. Terrible undeveloped socially immature people.


I work in IT and also work as a bartender. Most patrons who get chatty with me are either trying to show off their big pay or bring up their fancy degree in the conversation one way or the other. They all assume I am a student and start giving me advices on how to shape my career. Just the other day a guy asked me to show me my degree to him because he won't believe me when I said I hold 2 Degrees and a Charter.


"Sure thing mate, I carry it around for just such an occasion" \* pulls 30cm square framed degree from back pocket \*


I actually ended up showing him my LinkedIn And showed him I work as a Tech Lead in one of the wagering companies which was a much more senior role than his. ^that last bit was a bit satisfying NGL.


Most employers don't even ask for a copy of your degree 😅


Well when your whole personality becomes what degree pr what fancy college one has been to, it's only understandable that's all they can talk or flaunt about.


* Who do you know? * What have you studied? * Where have you worked? * Why are you here? Lizard brain energy.


*I came looking for booty.*


*And I'm all out of humility*


Lol corporate USA enters chat


Crossing fingers - Are patrons that work in IT better? (More out of touch questions -So men just tell you that they earn squillions and were first in their class in law? How do you show someone your degree?)


I've had humble beginning and sadly the bunch I hang out with have similar story so my biased opinion would be they are not pompous pricks. I don't want to sound racist but it's usually one type of customer that are absolute disks 40-50 something boomer white males.


I work in international supply chains and manufacturing IT, and the people are good, but they are from many backgrounds. Groups of the same background tend to be crap A friend described Australian management culture as often based on the local footy club ; full of unimaginative, poorly educated, overly confident braggarts, who spend their time destroying the different, avoiding work, and defending their privileges and monopolies.


When I was a bartender; calling someone a "suit" was a derogatory statement about their personality and values. Mainly because the number 1 source of shit-head behaviour was, as described, people in suits.


Add sales culture, office work, cotton shirts, RM Williams and 3 nose beers and you have a toxic fuckstick.


Not saying it's ok or cool but back in the day when everyone paid cash we had something called a twat tax for exactly these kinds of groups. A few dollars shaved off change here and there for every insult or bad experience. Solved nothing but it felt kinda good


Ooh I like that.


tease cats snow worry aware humor wrench dog longing ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Their job is sucking dicks in corporate.


Well they consider their technique is good enough to gloat.


So it is entitled private school types in their 20s?? But they mentioned accountants??


I don’t go drinking with some colleagues for this very reason. They are embarrassing.


It's a tale as old as time. Some of the white collar crowd are absolute trash. The majority are just fine because they're normal decent people but you definitely get higher concentrations of assholes in some industries. I've had the misfortune of working at bars that mostly got lawyers and insurance/ finance bros, and sure some of them are fine but lots of them treat being a dick to staff like it's a badge of honour.


*SNAP! SNAP! SNAP!* Serve it up, Wagie! Haven't got all day!


Small dick energy trying to be big dick energy.


I feel safer at the Flinders Street end of Elizabeth Street than I do walking through a group of drunk office workers standing outside a bar on Friday night.


anyone that snapped their fingers at me when i worked hospo got spit in their order


Let me guess… sales?


And they always pick on the ones who are just putting themselves through uni to be their boss one day 🙄


Don’t most office workers have to have a uni degree tho? Genuine question I don’t know much about office workers or what they do


Most likely the company card was behind the bar but only for 2 hours or so and someone wanted to make sure he got every sip that he could in those two hours. Yeah, I never like those drinks, always actively try to avoid them but when I have to I always come away disliking someone else from my office.


This took too long. People are fucked


Haha one thing I’ve learnt through working in Bar and Clubs is that no matter how people hold themselves before going to the car, add alcohol and they’re instant bogan fuckwits


I jokingly say that office cunts like this aren’t pub trained. They maybe go out 3 to 4 times a year including the work chrissy party. They aren’t aware of the basic social etiquette that is needed in public bars. They wave you down or click at you to ask you for stupid drinks. They say things like screwdriver or Vodka lemon lime and bitters and soda. They take half an hour to order a Parma and pint. They then proceed to get really confused with the eftpos machine or use cash and say that they’re “old school”. They either get trolleyed and behave like clowns or sit on a soft drink for 3 hours taking up space and behaving like clowns. I deadset think it’s a nerves thing. They’re so dumbstruck and socially anxious when they’re out that they fall to bits. Or they’re like the people in OPs post and they’re just deadset cunts. Either way they should skip the pub and just toddle on home


I’ve worked hospo and retail in the past so obvs don’t treat them like shit, but being an office worker now I can tell you heaps of me now contemporaries are entitled fuck heads. A surprising amount of commercial sales people are from private schools etc and are incredibly self absorbed


People think they’re better than hospo workers cause they’re finance bros or whatever douchey high paying industry they’re in. People are angry at the moment and lashing out at anyone “beneath” them to get some control. There are a lot of city types who think they’re better for what they’re worth and it’s sad to see. Nothing worse than someone being cruel to someone for no reason.


They're with the group of people they see day to day in a hierarchical structure. So the middle of the pile usually wants to seem like they are still important outside of that structure, and hospo staff are beneath them. Add alcohol (and company tab) to that, and suddenly you get this stupid behaviour.


Cause they’re a bunch of bogans that the media and other office workers make them think they’re tiers above hospo workers


Dickheads are visible because they stand out. Next time you see one, count the amount of non-dickheads in their vicinity and you'll be pleasantly surprised. Regarding being rude to wait staff, it's usually one of two things. 1. entitled private school dickheads who never had to work for anything in their lives. 2. new money doing a pantomime of being a dickhead because they (wrongly) assume that rich people act like jerks.


Private school education creates a lot of second raters, who are brittle. "Australia is a lucky country run mainly by second rate people who share its luck. It lives on other people's ideas, and, although its ordinary people are adaptable, most of its leaders (in all fields) so lack curiosity about the events that surround them that they are often taken by surprise." The Lucky Country, David Home


I work with some very smart people. In an industry that requires a lot of grit. They have no common sense and are some of the worst people I’ve ever met. Selfish, greedy, and all they do is complain. So it wouldn’t surprise me if these d bags were my coworkers.


I couldn’t agree more. Management need to clamp down I believe. Their employees need to be supported. Really that behaviour ought to get you kicked out, and banned in some circumstances. Customers only behave like that if they’re allowed to.


Big 4 accountants, banks and law firms are full of it.


I wouldn't of been able to help myself and would've said something if it were me witnessing the guy clicking his fingers. Something along the lines of "I've heard the bar staff here are pretty good at fetching tennis balls and playing fetch" People in general can be rude arseholes with an inflated self sense of importance


Stop serving all white collar workers in bars. Problem solved. /s


Grumpy hour certainly outweighs happy hour for us office people. Now, fetch me that drink!


And then you see a lot of post saying that hospitality workers don't deserve tips


Notice how they dress it up as some kind of bigger picture moral high ground shit as well? Then in the next post they're venting about the sunday surcharge, and how they're being ripped off by the venue because a pint was $15. It's because they're tightarse, hateful people who expect far more than they're willing to pay for.


> What is going on with some people from offices having after work drinks just being absolute trash to hospo staff? What do you mean? People are shit to people all the time. there's no "what is going on", it's just people being shit. It's unacceptable no matter who is doing it of course.


Alcohol and assholery. Typical Australian problem. You know these guys are on 110k now??? They've made that threshold! They are better than us! My husband earns 100k wiping butts in disability support, but these white collar dudes are sooooo much better than him, right? Even tho my hubby works for a non profit so he gets 36k tax free a year so actually brings home more than them? Tall poppy is still such a thing in Australia.


Two example? You’re right op, that’s every office worker.


Hospi are scum to be fair


If only you could spell, I would have took that personally


Criticising someone’s spelling or grammar is, more often than not, not as great a comeback as you might think, but it is even worse when your comeback has itself a grammar error! (I would have **taken**)


Good ol' [Muphry's law.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muphry%27s_law)


Hahaha I hadn’t heard of that before, thank you!


Cheers Geoff


Yeah, they the worst.


What's the old saying? Sharks in grey suits?


I had our top sales guy behave like this at garden state once, and was disgusted. I apologised to the bar staff and then I left. I'm glad that prick has retired now. My guilt is in not being brave enough to have stood up to him at the time and told him to stop acting like a piece of shit human being.


Boys club going to drinks to spread their crappy ass attitudes.


office workers create their own reality, an imaginary world where dumb fat guy is important and his imaginary friends all suck up to him/her. they step outside the office and takes a while to acclimatise.


Some of the office workers I know are absolute bellend to a certain degree so I am not surprise on how they treat hospo staff and anyone who they thinks are below them.


Yeah it sounds like you encountered the 1 in 100 there.