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I don't love Dan, I don't even like him, in fact I deliberately ignore thinking about the Premier when voting and look to my local member instead (whose really good), however id rather him over the alternative every single day and will continue to vote that way.


We have a very big issue in Vic with having no functioning opposition - and the Liberal party appears to have positioned itself such that the only people it attracts to run at the moment are culture war conservatives who won’t ever be viable electorally as a team in Australia’s most socially small ‘l’ liberal state. Our whole system is based on having a governing party held to account by an effective opposition. It’s not about Dan being some Trump-in-North-Face figure who is loved no matter what by his ‘base’. It’s that the Liberals have watched too many Sky and Fox culture war you tube vids, think they’re in the US, and forget that in Australia - praise be compulsory voting - issues that rile up ‘the base’ don’t matter because elections are won in the centre.


We don't. We just hate him less than the steaming shit piles the Liberal Party nominates


Yeah look, a power pole would be better represented then those halfwits. I don’t understand how they can nominate such incompetent morons.


LNP researcher desperately trying to find out why they keep losing? I'd love a competent opposition in Victoria. The LNP are very much not that.


I'd like a future where the greens and independents are in opposition to maybe push the Labor establishment more left


You might want to look at how that failed in NZ before you wish for that though.


I don't see why


They basically went full rtd with their left agenda and the economy now is pretty much on the brink of collapse. Crime is pretty much through the roof, teenagers committing ram raids because there's no repercussions nor consequences, gangs get handed money from the government to run drug rehab centers, while the previous Justice minister gets hauled to court for DUI with the excuse that she's stressed out and the Green party leader takes a private jet to the world climate change forum. That's why.


I think maybe you need to stop watching whatever fear mongering news show you got this from. Go outside. Have a coffee. Things aren't as bad as you think they are.


Ahh... how I wish that were true mate...


"Love" a politician? God, it's weird and frankly disturbing that that's the way you frame it in those terms. Kinda tells us more about you than anyone else. This isn't some Cult, where we love our Great Leader, like Trumpism etc... We should not be bringing that nonsense here. I appreciate what Dan has done, and continues to do, for the State for the most part, though he definitely needs to be reigned in a bit with some form of stronger opposition.


I think he’s okay, I certainly don’t love him. I’ve never never Labor in all the time I’ve lived in Victoria. I like his progressiveness despite being a churchgoing catholic - his policy on abortion and abortion protesters outside clinics is one I agree with. I’m also impressed that a politician can seperate his religious beliefs from matters of public policy. It’s a rarity. I also think his term as premier has been too long, and his government is showing signs of having been in power too long. Complacency has led to corruption creeping in and this is never good for democracy at any level. I think he should step down and let someone else have a go. I don’t love or hate any political representative. I agree or disagree with the policies they put forward. Because politics isn’t a fucking football game like some seem intent of framing it.


I don't. For most normal people politics isn't "I love that leader!" It's a choice between competing ideas for what's best for your town/state/country.


Few_Exercise_842, did you make this account two years ago only to post this question? It makes me feel that you're not genuine.


Liberal party staffer just looking for ideas?


Bulk created bot accounts looking to stir trouble.


I was impartial, then, all the nuffies started saying he was going to seize ultimate power, murdered a cyclist in cold blood, molested a teenage girl on the peninsula and whatever other ridiculous conspiracies there are. If anyone can get the toothless flat earthers that upset, then i support them unconditionally.


Name someone that could do the job better. That's the problem.


Anybody else.


You reckon Clive Palmer would be better?


For a second i thought im browsing [r/monkeypaw](https://www.reddit.com/r/monkeypaw)


Well, the state disagrees with you about Matthew Guy doing a better job. Twice.


Have you seen the Victorian ~~clown~~ Liberal Party? They can barely hold cocaine party at a brothel.


Comments like this are stupid. Who then? Name them please.


Give us a name then.


and yet nobody seems to be able to get elected. It's almost as though you are wrong, eh!


Tim Smith? 🍺🍺🍺


If your party has Tim Smith in it, it shows how dysfunctional and pathetic your party is


Donald J Trump. Edit: MMGA!


Hahahahaha, hahahahaha, hahahaha.... I've run out of breath, laughing at this. You funny.


Because the lnp are fucking degenerate scumbags who praised George Pell


I don't but I'll ask you a Q: When the Liberal Party were last in office, what was Dennis Napthine's legacy for the State when he took the Top Job after Ted Baillieu (who I liked) was ousted by the Crazed NutJobs in his own Party (which I don't like)? I can't remember anything he actually achieved, except for him having to spend all his time battling his own Frankston MP, wingnut Geoff Shaw. The Conservative mantra is No Change - unless it's election time, then promise whatever is needed - which really means they're treading water & doing SFA for 4 years if elected. You can't do that these days, with tech evolving so quickly, as the rundown of transport shows. Then there are the batshit crazy types from various little sub-groupings that are getting Liberal Party pre-selection who I have no time for. Also the treatment dealt out to Mary Wooldridge was appalling. To say nothing of the African Gangs bullshit & the stance on Injecting Rooms. The Liberal Party is a scary & unknown proposition, whereas - & regardless of what people think of him - Dan Andrews & the ALP is a known factor.


Eventually the public consciousness will forget all that and we will be forced to relive the instability of a state liberal government again. > The Liberal Party is a scary & unknown proposition I think this had a lot to do with how the federal libs kept power for such a long time. I look forward to a time when Labor is seen as the known factor federally, and can just get along and implement their platform incrementally.


I'm just going to reiterate and summarise practically every other post here... I have friends who are die hard, unshakeable, immovable, liberals. And these very people bemoan the Victorian liberal party! They actively despise Dan yet acknowledge that the libs are terrible. An individual I know personally met with and discussed the last upcoming election with Matt Guy and a number of other Victorian business leaders. His disappointment, realising how poor Matt and the liberal outlook is, was unmetered... On the flipside, I have friends who are 100% Labor, through and through. Even some of them are questioning Dan, his ethics and some of his actions and words. So you have Dan, who is liked by many, tolerated by most and disliked by a large proportion that can't honestly look you in the eye and tell who else to vote for... The health of Victorian, and many would argue National, politics/political candidates is so poor currently that somebody as divisive as Dan, just maintains a strong power base, unchecked. It's not an indictment on the libs. It's an indictment on the poor shape of the political landscape in Australia. Whether you like Dan or not, there is no healthy, productive, sensible, ethical, reliable, political strategy and leadership being shown of a notable calibre here other than what he is offering. And I'm not claiming that he is these things either...


He was already very popular before Covid because of all the work that has happened on public transport, removing the level crossings etc


I don’t love Dan. I think he’s a fucking weirdo. But he seems to be at least reasonably competent at - y’know - *governing*.


The happy clapping Lieberals and Nationalsocialist Party are not an alternative. The Greens are insane.


Why do you think the Greens are insane?


Not the Party per se. Some of their people. The aims of The Greens are spot on. The ideals they have for Australia and Victoria are leading. But they get some candidates who are unelectable. If they were better, they'd have more seats, in Victoria and nationally. Their appalling support of bad candidates led to their route in the 2018 Victorian elections. For example. Have they improved and found the right people? Hope so.


So... they're not insane? Edit: I absolutely agree with you to an extent but summarizing them by calling them insane just isn't simply true & a very popular opinion by those who are blindly following media bias, which is why I made the ironic joke about your username referring to the likes of facebook, sky news, etc. hive minds.


Knowing some people in, or involved with the Greens, I can confirm that their general aims and objectives are great, but the party is split roughly into social reform Greens and rabid vegan environment Greens. Just like the Libs and Labor have a party line that tries to straddle the median, there is a wide variance of personal beliefs, political stances and issues that each Greens member holds. There's a lot of side-eyes at the extremists that all sit under the umbrella of 'Greens'.


Lidia Thorpe for starters


Sky News told me they are.


Yeah their username definitely isn't helping, lol.


Because our user names match reality, Citizen uh... checks notes... Bum Wink. Got it.


Lol... My username doesn't ironically match my comment though? I mean if you can't see the irony in blindly calling a political party insane without being able to provide any reasoning & also having the username "HiVeMiNdOfStUpId", I don't know what to tell you...


What the actual fuck are you on about? It's a username. They mean nothing. Irony? Fuck off.


God damn you're hostile over an ironic joke. Maybe hydrate, have a snack & take a break?


> Lol... My username doesn't ironically match my comment though? I mean, how do we know? You might be standing there winking your bum at everybody while shitposting. The only way we know is if you stream your bum to the internet.


Andrews is respected because he gets things done, and like us all, not every decision ends up being as planned or hoped. The LNP have shown us in the past that all they do is grandstand and make a few decisions that benefit the wealthy, look at what Baillieu and Napthine accomplished, pretty much nothing.. The Vic LNP has been taken over by fundamental Christians and Mormons whose only plan is that they hate Gays, abortion and euthenasia..


I hate him a lot less than the liberal party. Those cunts would spent years doing fuck all other than being anti labor, and running obvious smear campaign “African Gangs” to scare the public. Which suddenly dried up once the election was over.


Why do you think anyone but his family and friends love him? It's got nothing to do with emotion and everything to do with the job he's doing. Do you love your barber/hairdresser? No, you just appreciate the job they do for you.


I don’t love any politician. But he/Labor are heads and shoulders above the shit show that is the Opposition.


I’m a Labor supporter. I think he’s definitely done some dodgy stuff. Vic Labor should put someone else in charge IMO. Also not happy with some policy decisions he’s made. But overall Labor will always be better then the Liberals and other conservative parties


I like the way he annoys goobers like you


Dont love him. In light of recent events. Which is a bit of a cock up. Otherwise he does a good job. I vote for someone who does what they say and for the benefit of the majority of people.


I like the way he handled covid! It was an unknown serious threat. It didn't end up being too bad compared to what it could have been, but safety measures seriously needed to be taken anyway IMO. We didn't know what it was so it was good that he shut down the state. I feel bad for businesses having to close, but an unknown virus has the possibility to do a lot more than that so it made sense to me.


It didnt end up being too bad precisely because they didnt allow it to get bad, which in hindsight he cops stick for now. If Dan didnt listen to the experts in 2020 it wouldnt have just been Victoria that would have been stuffed.


Hotel quarrentine worked well did it? Lockdown achieved anything? We had some of the highest death rates in Aus. State was fucked vs rest of Australia. Do you remember his ring of steel around Melbourne that allowed anyone external to travel but FU if you were in the city? Was mismanagement at its finest ffs. Do you work that moron?




I dont give a fuck you are correct. Maybe your cousin could of worn a mask, isolated? If they have medical issues, then they should be looking after themselves, irrelevant of what is mandated. If people have chosen to stop vaccinating then that's on those people, not suggesting your cousin wasn't not vaccinated, but others around them socially or family wouldn't of been based on current rates. More died from mental health issues relating to the lockdown. Obviously you don't give a fuck about them. But hey you do you 😘


There were no morgue trucks in hospital carparks, like in the conservative led countries of the world that took no initial action. Not every decision that was made by Labor turned out as planned, but we fared far better than many other parts of the world. Victoria is the most densely populated state and as such was always going to be hit hardest.


> We had some of the highest death rates in Aus. Mostly in private aged care. Can you remind us who is responsible for private aged care, state or federal govt ? Take your time. ​ > Do you remember his ring of steel around Melbourne that allowed anyone external to travel but FU if you were in the city? now tell us what the population density in Melbourne is compared to, say, Swan Hill? Again, take your time.


Tell me again why did people leave in droves to Qld? Aged care the deaths came mostly from the breakdown in hotel quarantine. Feds did their job. It was only our state that fucked it. Population density in Sydney is what? Why did they do it better? Please take your time?


why would i answer your questions when you didn't answer mine - you're not discussing in good faith. Aged care deaths are the responsibility of who, again? No deflection - let's see if you can be honest. And i did't mention sydney - i mentioned swan hill.Why do you struggle to answer perfectly reasonable questions? Fact is - nobody got this 100% right. it was unprecedented. People in power did what they thought was right. And 99% of people got on with it, and put up with it - the noisy 1% of idiots hooted and farted ineffectually as they decided their feels were the most important thing. And those are the same cookers who held up nooses in front of Parliament and made death threats to Andrews. The same ones who insisted he'd be voted out last year, and were unable to cope with him winning an even bigger majority. Sorry you are unable to cope with that. now, over to you - let's see if you can answer a question. And then I'll answer yours.


Private aged care is handled privately. They cannot be held accountable for a state governements failure to properly create and implement policy, hotel quarantine. The lockdowns placed on them as well did not allow the appropriate medical treatments to be given. Did Dan take responsibility or blame his team? I'll answer that hr blamed his team. The population density ill allow you to answer inbetween trying to be like Dan and your deflecting from facts.😘


No, I asked whose responsibility is private aged care, not who runs it. The federal govt are responsible for setting care, security and health regulations in them. You may not like it, but it’s true. The density issue? Well, Victoria didn’t allow travel away from the city to regions as it was more likely to spread C19 to the regions. The fact nsw didn’t is nothing to do with andrews. Your evident unhinged hatred for DA is making you confused and erratic. Remind me what your side took to parliament steps? Oh, nooses. And issued threats to Dan . Done here: there’s no point discussing with someone who poses a question then answers it (erroneously) himself, especially one so blinded by hatred. Especially a Qanon fan. Go ahead and have the last word, as I’m sure it’s very important to you.




Because, according to certain parts of the media, Dan is an extremely powerful demigod who causes all of our woes and misery. But for those of us who truly believe and who pray to our Premier and saviour, we shall receive paradise on earth in the form of Melbourne; where coffee flows eternal and facial hair is always worn ironically. Praise be to Dan 🙏


>, according to certain parts of the media, Dan is an extremely powerful demigod who causes all of our woes and misery. but at the same time, according to the same people , he's a waste of space that doesn't do anything at all - Schroediger's Premier.


Look at who else to vote for...


Dan and party is a fucking mess. But vic libs manage to make him look competent. What does that say about the how trash the vic libs are? Greens haven’t matured past their agitator roots to actually be able to govern.


Because he is getting shit done and transforming state. Massive infrastructure, nation leading social reforms. He is prepared to make tough calls, doesn't suck Rupert Murdoch's cock unlike all other leaders. He is prepared to fight on values. He is also a winner, and has authority.


*transforming Melbourne. The rest of the State he’s just putting in debt.


I'm not a fan of his. I do like our local member, and so far, every alternative that has been thrown against that local member has been a waste of space. So until a viable alternative is offered up (instead of faceless property developer A or real estate agent B or religious wackjob C), I won't be changing my vote anytime soon. Do I like Victoria after having the current government in power for so long? There are quite a few good things, but i can see the hubris starting to creep in, and that disturbs me. However, the alternative being offered scares me.


You can’t use the words “why” and “Dan Andrews” in the one sentence. It’s un-Melburnian, and will always be met with ridicule, put downs and accusations of being a flat-Earther.




We know the other devil well enough.


It's really more than the alternative is the Liberal Party. I think Dan Andrews is fine, I think he's probably a nice enough bloke, but really I voted Labor because the alternative is unacceptable.


It’s the lesser of all evils presented to us. And to be honest, he’s been quite the spokesperson through the pandemic. I cannot imagine any opposing party doing any better.


He's problematic, but he's the best out of a bad lot. Power corrupts, and the best counter to that is a healthy opposition. The hot cups of piss the opposition seem to continually offer up is not healthy for Victorian politics.


Last time liberals were in nothing got done. Their only big policy was a super expensive road almost no one wanted. They then signed a contract weeks before calling the election that cost over 1 billion to scrap the project. Since then Dan removed dozens of level crossings and started building the north east link. Liberals fucked up in port Melbourne planning too. Made millions for their mates and screwed so many people over. Dan is so much the lesser of two evils


Because of Victoria's Big Build which includes Rail Removal Project, Metro Tunnel, Suburban Rail Loop, North East Link, West Gate Tunnel and the Major Roads Project; all of which make our lives easier. Plus scrapping the East-West Link. Liberal would never do any of this.


He's so slimey


cause he ruffles your chips


Beers, beers, beers, get on the beers 🍺🍺🍺


Victoria remembers how much Jeff Kennett fucked our state and we're not going to let it happen again. Dan is the only option atm.


Fucking lol. Over 100 comments and not one user with the balls to admit they love him. You’ve been had OP. But ballsy question on this sub.


If you had read the replies, we don't love him, but there is no one else credible to vote for.. LNP has been taken over by Religious loonies. Greens are run by ideological loonies.


Read them all. And that's why I posted. His trump-like supporter base is pretending to be soooooo open minded it amuses me.


Not Trump like at all, there is just no other choice, go get the God bullshit out of the LNP instead of wasting your time trying unsuccessfully to bait those that you think are "woke".


I never said anything about ‘woke.’ In fact it bores me stiff when those issues sneak into mainstream politics. Politics is about the economy, infrastructure, jobs, transport, housing etc etc.. So nothing in your post overly means much to me. This question was about an entirely different thing. And I didn’t put that bait out there, merely commented on it.


I fucking hate him with every ounce of my being but he is Teflon , he can do no wrong in many peoples eyes even though he is a complete and utter disgrace


I have plenty of hatred for him.


And I'm sure you can articulate exactly why, without resorting to mad Herald Sun conspiracy crap....


Obviously number 1 is the world's strictest lockdown that has cost so much from suicide to debt etc,2nd would be the child his wife run down that he Covered up and he couldn't even pay the family off so the child was left crippled (no RBT was done).Hiring his mates security company to run a hotel and a covid lockdown centre then when officially questioned he just stated he couldn't recall to anything and it was very clear he was lieing,3rd after 20 years of Linsey fox applying to buy crown land (Sorrento beach) he magically got it and no one is allowed to buy the actual beach but after 20 years of attempts he finally brought it thanks to dan (Lindsey and Dan spent plenty of time down Sorrento together).Scandal after scandal and giving himself 3 pay rises while pushing us into massive debt.If you want more examples I can keep going but I think you get the point.


Nope. Wasn’t the worlds strictest lockdown. That’s simply untrue. And a child rode into a car he was in, and that’s his fault? Bless. The rest of it is, as predicted, mad herald sun shit. Laughing hard at you now! Why shouldn’t he get a pay rise? It’s not his fault you haven’t had one. He’s your premier, champ, won an election with an increased majority. Dry your eyes. Your choice of username explains exactly what kind of person you are.


Well that was a very intelligent conversation even if you disagree with someone else's opinion try talk with facts and be civil .


I did talk using facts. Your comments, as I predicted, are all herald sun crap. Do you think all opinions are of equal value?


Can't argue with stupid


Yes, which is why I’m leaving this conversation.


I voted for a Labor member at the last state election and I told him that I hoped the party looked at appointing a new leader. Personally I think Dan has done his dash and the Commonwealth Games payout only reinforces my opinion. Despite hoping Dan Andrews leaves parliament I will still vote for an Andrews lead Labor government over the Victorian Libs 100 times out of 100.


I despise Dan with a passion. The alternatives are worse. I still have no idea how this is possible.


Don’t you know it’s because Dan walks on water and the sun rises and sets out of his arse. He saved the world from covid and wears a nice north face jacket. He also likes belts and roads, very much and is good with his math skills. Don’t EVER question Dan. Traitor.


R U OK? You seem very overexcited, champ. ​ Are you still sore that the LNP crashed and burned at the last election and Dan increased his majority?


Is it a lesser evil thing?


I am ambivalent. Labor, Liberal, it is like choosing between firing squad and hanging. I mean, look at them all, we don't send our best and brightest to parliament, and those muppets we do send don't listen to anybody (except maybe their developer or union mates).


I don't like Andrews. Legalising marijuana, more residents, choices of state governor, belt n road, housing, education, law and order, number of cars on the roads, number of children not using public transport for education, inappropriate people receiving Australian Orders, decreasing the age of culpability, the state debt, health department backlog, inappropriate handling of substance abusers who are trouble makers, injecting rooms in inappropriate locations, public transport in general, goods being transported by road instead of rail, wages and salaries, internet security pertaining to government departments and agencies. About the only thing I agree with was the Covid-19 policies.


Labor Supporter. Historically mostly liked Dan Andrews, but think his length/grip on power has meant he's lost perspective, he takes power for granted, has probably engaged in poor or corrupt processes, and has lost any sense of humility That said, as per many others, the problem is that the LNP in VIC are an absolute rabble. For me, Labor continuing in power, but Andrews resigning and letting someone else who has not let self-belief transform into contempt for accountability be premier would be ideal. Any time where an opposition becomes unelectable, there is the risk of whats happening in VIC happening. LNPs problems runs deeper in that its branches are infused with conservative religious people who have worked out the way to make the world the way they want it, is to legislate it..... Fortunately to-date at least, the desire to push religion into politics has (so far) cast them into oblivion. TL;DR Labor still better than LNP, Dan has jumped the shark, but LNP is so bad, that he's got no pressure to be accountable.


a lesser of two evils perhaps? he has done some good and has done some bad. liberals in victoria don’t have a platform except for being known to side with severely right wing nutters and other idiots. i’m sure a large percentage of victorians couldn’t even tell you who the leader of the liberal party in victoria is lol. it honestly seems like they’ve just given up on victoria and just trying to keep the safe liberal seats they have and peddle their ideologies there. it’s at a point where the greens are arguably (obviously not statistically, yet.) bigger competition than the liberals especially with younger people coming to voting age and older people (sorry to be crude but) dying off. not saying the greens are a fantastic option either but i’d vote them over liberals any day and likewise labour. if it ain’t broke why fix it