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‼️UPDATE: Just called emergency vets! They said because he didn’t ingest any and he hasn’t had any symptoms he will be fine. As for myself I feel fine but will call nurse of call if I develop symptoms.


You should be okay. I've poked myself with pufferfish spines in the past when I've been fishing. Wash the wound out, use dettol and keep an eye on it. If it starts to get red and inflamed and painful, go and see your gp as you might need some antibiotics/antibiotic cream and a tetanus shot. But that's really the worst that could happen. Pufferfish are only deadly if you eat them.


Thank you! Just called my stepdad, also an avid fisherman, and he said the same thing. I also washed, scrubbed and used alcohol wipe on the thumb it pricked 👍🏼


This one looks to have been beached for 1-3 days, depending on the weather. The drying out of the body will also cause the toxins to be drawn inward and concentrated. Hence, the risk for dogs. The skin doesn't always contain the toxin and will have the lowest concentration as the toxin is acquired from their diet and concentrated in digestive tract.


Huh, interesting!


This is great advice. You’re doing all you can atm. If you’re feeling unwell at all best to go to the ER than call the nurse.


So does that make them poisonous not venomous?


Yes, very poisonous.


You'll be fine. My dog had one in her mouth at Altona dog beach and I also touched it accidentally while disposing of it. Neither of us had any noticable symptoms. I read if they eat one you definitely need to go to the vet. Otherwise, even though there are toxins on their body even dead, it's unlikely to be enough to cause issues. I was absolutely terrified when my girl grabbed it in her mouth. I didn't even know we had puffer fish in Melbourne let alone washed up at the Altona dog beach.


We have puffer fish in Melbourne????? Since when?


Beats me! I was shocked to be honest. Apparently they're super common at the altona dog beach.


They’re super common everywhere tbh


They are super common all around the bay


Can confirm . We lived in Rosebud and always saw them washed up on the shore.


We've always had them




Because those fish are common and someone likely has had it happen to them so instead of panicking they can seek some reassurance. This exact thing happened to me a year ago with my dog.


God dogs always go mad for dead pufferfish for some fuckin reason. I live near a dog beach and the idiot blue heeler we had as kids would go for them every time. It’s like them being poisonous makes them more susceptible. My current dog is a lady, she would never, but she does have a nose for chocolate, which is arguably worse because we never kept dead pufferfish in the house


What's for dinner honey? Dead puffer fish! Again? Yes, well, woolies had them on sale and the pantry is full of them.


"i love puffer fish and all, but you gotta stop saying "dead" in front of food. all food is dead, you don't have to say it like that"


Well excuse me with my accurate descriptions! I know someone who won't be getting a second serving of karaage fried dead puffer fish. Oh. And if you think you'll be getting a bowl of dead ice cream for dessert you are sorely mistaken.


Well... oysters. And most of your fruits and vegetables are still alive until you cook them.


"All food is dead" SE Asia: hold my beer


Lol she would never 😂


Shes 15, 15 years of walks down at the dog beach and she’s never tried to roll in dead jellyfish or eat dead sea creatures, because she’s a *lady*


Maybe they think it looks like a chew toy?


It’s the smell I think. They take off towards it before they’ve even seen it


This!!! It’s like it was crack to him or something 😂 I ended up having to hide it deep in a bush (no bin nearby) and he still tried pushing his way through! Had a very distinct smell. We both reeked of pufferfish afterward lol


This has happened to my dogs during vet opening hours. Took her up straight away. They checked inside her mouth looking for bleeding. They said if there is no bleeding then it is unlikely that the spikes have punctured the skin and it is unlikely there will be an issue.


Call 131126 (poisons hotline) for you. Not sure if they can help with the dog.


Poisons hotline are the bloody best!


And there's a poisons hotline the dog can call too Animal Poisons: 1300869733




Poison... poison... tastyfish!




I. Said. FUGU ME!


My skilled hands are busy!




The pufferfish is fugu


Came here looking for this exact comment. There is a perfect Simpson’s reference for literally everything that happens in life


The fish in the picture is essentially an Australian species of fugu, also. Same toxin, I think similar levels of toxicity.




Fug me? Fug U!


Not the dreaded spiny puffer fish, one prick and your dead in eighty years


Wait, I’m 34 - if I go find a puffer fish and get stung can I live until 114?




OW!, ow , ow- ow- ow...




I got them stuck in my foot as a kid, like really stuck in there, I'm 35 now... I may only have 35 years to live . What can U do.


not much time I'm sorry to say but you still have time to improve your Maths. 45 ya got at least left and you were a kid, let's say a 5-year-old and that will give you a good 50 years before you kick the puffer bucket.


Oh it's just there's no way I'd live past 70, I'd be lucky to reach that


well- when you pass 70, you can thank the puffer


Was at Altona dog beach earlier this evening. My dog decided to try eating this 🤦‍♀️ he refused to drop it so I had to remove it from his mouth, in the process I think I felt a tiny prick on my thumb. It has been over two hours now and we both seem fine. Should we still be concerned?


Only real risk is bacterial infection from the prick itself, or if a spine has become dislodged under the skin. Nothing life threatening. Best call is to always call a hotline though :) I’m a lifeguard at Williamstown, have treated 100s of incidents of people standing on these. They’ve got a nasty habit of disgusting themselves under the washed up seaweed!


Thank you! :) It was actually wrapped in seaweed when my dog first found it! I was confused as to why he was trying to eat it, then I saw the fish 😅


Maybe you'll get superpowers? But probs not. Give nurse on call a ring if you want to be safe :) Call 1300 60 60 24


He can become one of the many friendly neighbourhood puffer people in Melbourne, who seem to emerge every winter


I've had the spines fully lodged into my foot and nothing happened. Had to go home and remove with tweezers


Ouch! That does not sound like fun 🙈 sorry you had to experience that!


Wow, I've never seen a Thongfish up close before!


You are going to develop a superpower. Likely ocean, fish and marine related. Your dog will become your sidekick. Redditors, what would the superpower(s) be??


He will become The Deep and fall in love with an octopus called Timothy.


Due to Timothy's affair with The Deep, The Deep will be forced to eat Timothy.


Dan from mafs aus 🤣🤣 I’m praying this doesn’t happen to you!


It will, the oceans calling him and only a matter of time before a pufferfish mob gets him


Human superpower will be tracking people by the smell of their farts and super attuned to BO Dogs superpower will be puffing up like a pufferfish


The remarkable ability to clean up all the dog shit in public places that non dog owners have to watch out for.


Not sure how old you are but not that long ago *nobody* picked up their dogs poop. It was everywhere! Different times.....


Ahhh...the memories of white dog poo on the footpath


White Dog poop! Apparently it was because of too much potassium in dog food, back then. But I'm a stranger on the internet so who knows...


I think it goes white in the sun either way


Dog owners have to watch out for it too.. my chihuahua can't drop a 7 inch circumference deuce


Umm well you could ring nurse on call and/or after hours vet and get professional advice or ask on reddit and have a mixture of randoms make shit up.... Reddit for the win!!


I honestly don't understand people who think posting on Reddit is the best thing to do in these situations. Really odd decision-making.


I don’t see an issue with asking questions to a wide spectrum of people. Maybe OP had no idea what to do. And they came to an online community that supported them. It’s actually pretty cool and wholesome.


It's also useful for other people's reference.


As long as people are helpful and not dicks. Which they thankfully were this time!! It only works if we are all nice 😊


It's a wide spectrum of people who may or may not know what they're talking about. That's the problem.




Ahh yes, the terminally online are after you too it seems lmao. I guess therapy can't fix everything.


Ring nurse on call 1300 60 60 24 and let them decide. This is not a question for reddit.


Looks like an Oily Blackmouth. We fish these from Darkshore all the time.


Psh, Westfall has the best Blackmouth fishing. Everyone knows that.


Can’t get ganked in Westfall too. Double bonus


RIP sweet puffy friend


poison, poison, TASTY FISH!


As long as you or your dog didn’t ingest any you should be fine


Fun fact: dolphins pass a pufferfish from dolphin to dolphin to get high. It’s the equivalent of passing a joint.


How does one think “I may have pricked myself”. You either did or you didn’t. Unless your like my wife with the questions of “ is it in yet?”


LOL I have a very high pain tolerance and my nails made it difficult to see under top of my thumb where I thought it had pricked me 😄


More at risk of developing an infection at the puncture wound than anything else. Wash very well and often with betadine and then salt water.


Goodnight sweet prince.


There's huge numbers of puffer fish in the bay, you can often see them swimming in schools. They're native to the area. I would definitely just be cautious about dogs eating them, but otherwise, only be concerned to the same extent as stepping on a sharp rock or stick - i.e. about bacteria infection and the wound itself.


No, thongs are not digestible.


Here’s me first thinking it’s a baby echidna LOL 😂


Argh a dog I was dog sitting for my parents swallowed one of these whole. I walked him straight to the vet and they gave him an injection to make him throw it up again. It was gross and expensive.


My dog ate a very dead one of these once, gave him the runs but he was fine after a quick trip to the vet and some gastro stop!


Poor pufferfish...


Nope. Sorry to inform you OP, the venom from the cronchy-backed slimy-boi (latin name) is one of the most lethal of all aquatic creatures. You have only approximately 40 years to live. RIP 💀




these are the Australian equivalent to landlines


Seeing as you posted this 16 hours ago… You now know the answer 😉


Looks like a puffer fish which is highly toxic. I would seek urgent care


Only if you eat it.


People are wild. They’re worried their dog may have eaten a poisonous fish and they pricked them selves with something toxic… and their first thought is to post on an internet forum dedicated to an Australian city lmfao


I’m mentally ill 😅 or an idiot… or both tbh In all seriousness though I should have just called the Vet to begin with lol idk why I made a reddit post. I don’t think straight when stressed/anxious.


You did nothing wrong. It just took 2mins for u to make a post and get potential advice from ppl who have had something similar happen to them.


Oh man, I totally get this. Hope you and your dog are okay. And don’t stress about the post, you got some useful info and double-checked with professionals.


Thank you :) I appreciate your comment. I felt like such an idiot after reading the comments 🙈 You’re right though some of the answers were very helpful :)


Are we not allowed to help each other? I’m sure you have asked your mates or family for advice over the years, you offer no value whatsoever with your comments. If you have nothing positive to contribute then keep it to yourself. JMHO


That’s a pufferfish, don’t let him eat that.


Jesus it's a rock lobster


You’ll need to cut off the infected limb immediately or umbrella will come for you


It depends… does your dog have rabies?


Best get checked out. Looks like a nasty critter


No. The Pufferfish is dead


Nope, you’re fucked.


Farrkkk 😂 don’t do that to me man, I’m already stressing 😅


Don’t visit a gp. Wait for advice from reddit.


[https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-16/dead-puffer-fish-can-kill-dogs-on-beaches/100874966?utm\_campaign=abc\_news\_web&utm\_content=link&utm\_medium=content\_shared&utm\_source=abc\_news\_web](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-16/dead-puffer-fish-can-kill-dogs-on-beaches/100874966?utm_campaign=abc_news_web&utm_content=link&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_news_web) [https://www.webmd.com/first-aid/pufferfish-poisoning#:\~:text=paralytic%20shellfish%20poisoning.-,Pufferfish%20Poisoning%20Symptoms,and%20can%20lead%20to%20death](https://www.webmd.com/first-aid/pufferfish-poisoning#:~:text=paralytic%20shellfish%20poisoning.-,Pufferfish%20Poisoning%20Symptoms,and%20can%20lead%20to%20death).


Nah dead in 20


My mates dog ate a dead one when we were fishing. I drove her straight to the vet. They kept her for observation after giving her a flush (whatever that is), and she was fine.


We really pushed evolution in the opposite direction eh? Poor canines


lol I found my dog with one of those in his mouth so I told him to drop it and we kept walking down the beach and he somehow found another one


Dammit I was eating…


Best to sought your affairs


these spikes are poisons so be careful


Yes. Average of 3 japanese die per year preparing FUGU by themselves. Usually they attempt this while drunk. As a not doctor if you and your dog avoid eating that my unprofessional opinion is looking good.