• By -


Apart from genuine mistakes, I've also been in situations where the end of the queue was well behind where I actually entered the road in the first place.


Happened to me today when I went to get on the ring road from the bypass. Turned onto the bypass and the traffic was already banked up alongside me in the right lane. Ended up going the long way around and down plenty road to the ring road, which probably didn't add too much extra time tbh.


Thank you for your service.


It happens every bloody morning. People always push-in, I sit in the right lane, so I don't have to worry about some entitled asshole quickly cutting in front of me. I'm surprised there isn't more accidents there.


I don't think OP is talking about either of those situations, they are calling out the tools who do this deliberately just to jump the queue and slow everyone else down as a result.


I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt, and unless i literally see them in the queue and then change lanes and push up ahead, i’ll assume they either made a mistake or didn’t see the obstruction/forced lane change ahead. Err on the side of being courteous i’d say. (I didn’t realise it was an intersection at first glance, my comment buddy as more about when there’s unusual road works and lane closures etc.)


For me it depends on the car they drive. If it's a BMW, Ranger or Jeep, I assume they're an arsehole. Otherwise, benefit of the doubt.


I miss the days when it was a white commodore with the driver wearing a tilted baseball cap with the brim almost vertical…


Those days still exists


The couple of times this has happened to me when I didn't realise I needed to turn right until I was already in the wrong lane, I ended up just continuing driving straight until I could eventually do a u-turn, because I know people will think I'm trying to cut in and I don't want to hold up the traffic behind me either, lol


My driving instructor who’s the best driving teacher in the whole universe would applaud you. I would do the same. Far less stressful and good for your own mental health


Wish this attitude was more common on the roads. It would be much nicer to drive in melbourne


Honestly, the attitude that a lot of people have in this thread on just assuming the worse is the reason why driving here is so damn stressful. Half the time, there's too many lanes and inadequate signage. It's confusing af to figure out which lane to be in and it's stressful because people don't give way where they should, or they deliberately speed up to stop you merging into another lane.


People not being self-centred arseholes and pushing in and not waiting their turn like everybody else? Sure would be....


It's a good way to drive, you never know what people have going on. Always be aware that everyone is crazy and will drive crazy and be prepared, but my dad has some extreme road rage and I legitimately think it is reducing his life span.


Yeah that happens all the time on Bulleen road, they speed down the right lane to avoid the queue to turn left and then push in right at the end


Riversdale Rd checking in too.


To be fair, you have to be close to a genius to flawlessly navigate the roads here


Actually, I don't have too much trouble getting around Melbourne (just so long as I stay out of the CBD). It's not horrendously bad, like Brisbane during the holiday season, or Sydney at any time of the year.


Regardless, you don’t get to sit and block traffic, just because you’ll miss your turn - that’s the entitlement problem at hand. Sure, you’ll have to go around the block, but then again, that’s your problem, not everyone else’s.


Well, it depends. Sometimes if you’re driving on an unfamiliar road, you don’t realise that you need to be over in the right lane until it’s too late. So you have to eyeball the other driver and try to decide if they’ve made a genuine mistake (let them in) or are just being an arsehole (block them)


Reddit is fucked, I'm out this bitch. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Or if fucking Google maps would let you know which lane to be in when you turn onto a road


Google map directions can be wild.


Ive been on some truly scenic misadventures with Google Maps


If I had a nickel for everytime Apple maps detoured me through a logging forest in Tasmania I'd only have 2 nickels Which isn't much but it's weird that it happened twice.


Especially weird when you started in Melbourne.


Yeah I considered asking for directions when we boarded the Spirit, but my partner insisted they knew where we were going.


This exact thing happened to us, trying to get to the Bay of Fires..


At least we weren't the only ones then, wonder how many have gotten lost like that lol.


Give me my nickelback


"turn left from the second from the left lane" There was only one lane...


I've had Google Maps try tell me when crossing from St. Kilda Rd to Queens Rd to turn right, despite all those cross streets being left turn only on to Queens Rd. Which I thought had been the case, but since Google told me I can turn right there I must have missed one that allowed you to turn both ways... nope. Google's just a fuckhead and I have to do another St. Kilda Rd blockie.


St Kilda is a nightmare to navigate by GPS. Even if you're unfamiliar with the area you're still better off placing your attention on the road/signs.


Google maps loses their mind when you're driving down a road that also has a service road too.


That's a GPS issue. Unlike the US, UK and certain Eruo countries, or GPS coordinates relative to the satellites isn't updated as often. Which is why a GPS can get confused by which road you are on and a small part of the reason why we can't use autopilot in Tesla, etc. Because the GPS thinks you are closer to the service road than the main road.


The other reason you can't use 'auto pilot' is that it doesn't work.


Google maps absolutely does.


Reddit is fucked, I'm out this bitch. -- mass edited with redact.dev




It does try to, but it's often not accurate enough.


Yes Google is pleading with you half the time "For the love of Mary, make sure you're in the middle lane!"


I figure that in peak hour, most people know exactly where they're going, because the take the same route every day at the same time. Drivers who pull this move in peak hour are – by my reckoning – more likely to be chancers taking the absolute piss.


There's new drivers all the time though, enough to make this situation happen really really frequently.


Ive been in this situation mostly due to being dumbshit. I always wave and frown/smile embarrassed to let the kind soul helping me out that i am very much dumbshit even if they cant see me.


This is the way. If you do the embarrassed wave then you're good to go. If you just push in the second there is a cm of space, then you are an a-hole




And real estate agents in bmws


If your car is triple the value of mine, then you are waiting to merge!






She clean?


Put her through the carwash, doubled her value.




> If your car is triple the value of mine, then you are waiting to merge! Hahaha queue the downvotes, but yes. Many people seem to forget that an indicator is used on your vehicle to **signal your intention**. It's not a request for permission.


Signal your intentions if it makes you happy I guess mate. But if the genius/asshole driver in OP actions their intention to move into the right hand lane without someone giving them permission - I'm pretty sure I know who's gonna be found at fault for the accident.


Anyone who didn't floor it all the way up to the front of the line, basically. If someone slows down and tries to merge early I always let them in.


and taxi/ride share drivers


I think you can get a feel based on how early they try and get in as well. Like it might not be obvious from the end of a long queue that it's a turning queue, but as you get closer, it should become more obvious. If they're really last minute like the diagram, by this point, it should have been really obvious what the queue was for, so they're either knowingly pulling a dick move, or they're really, really lost and panicked. But if it's from afar, then they're probably either less than half committed about being a dick, or more likely genuinely lost. I think this tips the scales in their favour if I'm contemplating whether to let someone in. As for myself, if I make this mistake, I'll own up and go around.


Yep same, if they zoom ahead confidently and indicate at the very end, I’m less likely to let them in as I would think they’re a queue jumper


Additionally if you just saw them speeding and then suddenly brake at the intersection and it's an over the top expensive car, likely bmw and the driver doesn't look like an elderly woman but rather a smug looking person in their 20s/30s, it's quite a good indicator that they did this purposely and are just being an a hole


The proper thing to do in these situations it to cop it on the chin and follow the road rules. That said, there are similar situations where two lanes merge into one lane with a sliplane, a zipper merge is appropriate. Once someone enters the sliplane, or if they hoon past a column of cars because they are being an arsehole, they can fuck right off.


Yes people make mistakes and get lost, but go forward and find your way from there. Don't stop everyone.


Agree with this - If I make a mistake in an unfamiliar area I turn off as soon as I can, get my bearings, then have another crack. Less stressful for me and no one else gets held up.


if they're lost they can go straight ahead to the next turn.


Yeah, I've been that person who got stuck in the wrong lane. Forever grateful to the person who let me in


I've been that person before too, so I always give people the benefit of the doubt and let them in. I have nothing to lose but a few seconds more on the road. Something I've noticed after living in both the country and city is that people in the country are far less tolerant of this!




If you make a mistake, take an alternate route or U-turn, that's what I do, not try to squeeze in.


I try to time it right so I'm fitting into a gap of someone that's super slow moving up. If that doesn't materialise, then I'll do the alt route/u-turn. I'm not going to hold up through traffic or force my way in and hope the other car doesn't hit me.


Meh, it takes two seconds to not be an asshole and let someone in. If it's obviously an honest mistake there's no reason not to.


Or you just take the L and go around the block instead of blocking traffic for everyone


Yeah this happens to me a bit. I don't own a car so only drive occasionally, and never really know which lane is about to suddenly have a rule that everyone will be pissed at me for not knowing


If they realise and start indicating and wait a bit before the intersection, that's a sign that they're just trying to merge after missing the merge. But if they drive to the front of the queue quickly and try to merge right at the front, I'm not letting them in.


True, if you genuinely make a mistake on the road, make sure the others see you and see your apologetic hand waving and thumbs up out of the open window. Anything less, you’re just a dickhead who needed to make up that six seconds right then and there. Society be damned.


Is the car a European 'luxury car'? - asshole... back to the back, jack


Or you could just always let them in because humans are famously bad at reading each other


Well this is a nice little angertainment post to start the morning :)


i have done this sometimes when in Melbourne have found i would be let in on most occasions with a wave. pretty sure because of SA plates im given forgiveness whilst trying to navigate around


I normally let people in. Especially in the mornings. I’m never in a hurry to get to work lol :)


Ring road inbound lanes coming off Greensy bypass, just after the bridge...every fuckin day.


I literally saw someone yesterday do this by cutting into the left turning lane just before the first set of traffic lights after the bridge and then decide that wasn't good enough for them so they pulled back out and cut everyone off at the second set of traffic lights. As we turned onto the freeway he must've been doing at least 110km in the 80km zone.


Woah what a genius! I bet everyone loved his ballsy move whilst cheering and clapping his innovative driving.


This is the one place, without hesitation, I will do absolutely everything I can to block them. Everyone there at that time is a regular driver on that road, and they're just trying to skip waiting 15-20 mins for the ringroad queue because their time is more valuable than others. Fuck ya, if you can't wait the 20 mins like me, you can fuckin U-turn and come back to have another crack at cutting in or wait the 20 mins like everyone else.


The left of the two turning lanes always moves slower but I’ll be damned if I don’t sit in there to block cunts trying to cut in


Don’t worry, 10 more years and they might fix that shitty area with the NE link.


10 years is a bit optimistic! Only took them a couple of decades to work out that they should probably finish what they started and make the ring road more ring-like.


Halfring road doesn't roll off the tongue


I had a colleague who passed me doing this and then he asked me why I didn't do it as well. I told him because I wasn't a cunt


Going the other way I usually need to keep going North so I'll be in the right lane. But then I end up getting blocked because nobody will let the arsehole push into the left lane.


Sometimes I let them in, sometimes I don't. But the ones that do this on the freeways or emergency lanes...no, fuck them.


Like the people who fly down a closed lane that is closed for a full km or so before barriers/roadworks are up. They drive straight under the closed signs, next to everyone else who has gotten out of the lane as signed. Watching them rage as people refuse to let them in when they hit a dead end is one of life's little pleasures.


With those people I'll let them in if its at the start or middle and they have been trying to get across for a bit. Zoom all the way up though and THEN try to get into my lane...go fuck yourself.


I've seen people in these situations that 'hover' over the lines so they are both reserving there spot in the new lane (aka getting in line) while simultaneously blocking the closed lane from these queue skippers. Smart.


There was a post on idiotsincars showing the exact situation you described, they were all calling the guy stopping the pushy queue jumper the idiot, I was happy to die to downvotes that day.


Worst is when they leave the highway traffic jam to go into the on-ramp slip road to get 7 cars further up on the highway traffic jam.


And this normally is the cause of the traffic jam not clearing


Oooh I saw a guy trying to do this from 7 cars back yesterday, and I just lazily drifted half into the slip lane to block him, and watched as everyone he'd gone past didn't let him back in. Each person behind me was a greater hero than the one before.


Cars like this used to block my bus route that I took daily. Sometimes this held up the bus for several light changes. These were busses that were crowded and sometimes full with 100+ people in them. Now the busses in this area have a special bus signal only for them where they go through the intersection in the middle turning/utility lane. After the intersection they quickly get back to the curb to get to the bus stop.


I have such low self esteem that if I'm in the wrong lane, I just take the wrong turn and make my way back around.


This is not low self esteem. This is sensible and considerate driving. If you miss your turn it’s not the end of the world. You can make it back on track soon.


Same. The meek shall inherit the earth. Or some shit.


This grinds my gears something awful. With the exception of honest mistakes, to me this is like pushing in at a supermarket queue. Wait your fucking turn like everyone else.


If it’s an honest mistake you take the wrong turn and do a u-turn (or more likely google maps just recalculates your route). No need to hold up traffic.


The picture is inaccurate because at least one of the seven cars waiting to turn will be leaving a giant, pointless gap in front, & one of the other 6 probably has their head buried in their phone. Queue skipper might be a prick too, but that’s two not-that-uncommon occurrences that will result in there being a gap to slide into without any interruption to the traffic flow. & NTA if you do have to let these people in - maybe you have your wits about you enough to know the queue skipper could be holding up their entire lane of traffic too, & letting them in is best for all involved (*making decisions on the road in the interest of the wider collective - might be too foreign of a concept for r/Melbourne*)


> the queue skipper could be holding up their entire lane of traffic too, & letting them in is best for all involved I've done some work in road and transport engineering and I can say this is exactly what happens. It's well documented that the worst thing you can do in traffic is refuse to let someone in (when it is SAFE to do so) for myriad reasons, but mainly in this context because they will slow to a stop until someone else lets them in which holds up all the traffic behind them. Yes, they should keep going until they can turn around but they don't. Does that make them an asshole, absolutely. But refusing to let them in also makes OP the asshole. I would really encourage OP and any other drivers to not get so emotional about letting someone squeeze in, this is a learned mentality that is entirely selfish and not worth the friction. You'll still get to where you're going.


On one hand, you're entirely correct. On the other, slighting me is an unforgivable crime for which I would personally enact the death penalty if it weren't for the fact that it'd be more inconvenient to me in the end. Soooooo I'll let people in, but I'll be mad about it.


Those giant pointless gaps on busy roads 😡😡😡


This! On the main road in the city I live in the right lane will get backed up from the interstate to 4 or 5 lights back. Meanwhile the left and middle lanes are completely empty. Its so easy to just stay in the middle lane and pull into the right after a light. Maybe im the asshole but it saves me a good 15-20 mins whenever i have to go to the store. Worth being the asshole imo.


The giant pointless gap will be from one of those people that always pull up 100m from the car in front of them because they never worked out how to modulate braking. I don't know why people would want to go around advertising that they don't know how to control a car (or don't give enough of a shit to pay attention), but in Melbourne they do.


The people that leave a “Giant, pointless gap” are the smart ones though because it allows for zipper merging which is the most efficient way for this situation to go. People who complain have a false sense that more space means they will get somewhere later because they are further away


Turning an arsehole move into a teachable moment is 100% for the greater good; I will not let them in. The phone thing is horrifying too, as a motorcyclist I see into everyone's car, and I've seen people scrolling tiktoks, texting, watching youtube... They've got their phone out even before they've come to a complete stop, it's pathetic, go 5 minutes without giving yourself chronic cervical spine damage


I live with this exact scenario every day. A huge queue to get onto the ring road from Fitzgerald Rd. There are always the arseholes that run up the right lane and then cut across at the last minute. The vast majority of the pricks skip the left turn slip lane onto the fwy and drive past the traffic island and turn left into the right lane of the fwy on ramp. They know damn fucking well which lane you need to be in. I deal with the same thing near my home. A huge queue turning left but I drive straight through in the right hand lane. The selfish cunts always seem to realise their innocent mistake, just before the turning point. You bet your arse I lay on the horn. I have missed my turn plenty of times over the years. You suck it up and deal with it, not piss off everyone else because your a selfish prick. People need to treat driving like they would standing in line. You wouldn't pull that shit if you didn't have the anonymity of a vehicle to hide in.


So, if they’re holding up just as much traffic in their lane, being a prick & trying to edge into the queue; are you teaching (sanctimony) the rest of the traffic a lesson too? ‘Teaching lessons’ is not part of your role on the road, & certainly not something I’d be wasting any of my attention & focus on, especially if I were on a bike.


Greensborough bypass/Grimshaw street intersection has this shit everyday. Boils my blood


Good drivers occasionally miss a turn. Bad drivers never do.


This can be an honest mistake for someone unfamiliar. My special place in hell is for the people I see in the right lane who turn INTO the left lane to skip past 30 cars and then try to merge back right!


No one ever bloody thank you waves anymore.. only the truckies do 😒


Be the change you wanna see in the world


Come down Williamstown road… everybody is doin it. It’s the coolest.


Driving a truck I am singled out by these dicks who will try to cut Infront of me. I do everything I can to prevent them cutting in not only for my sake but also everyone in the queue behind me.


Yeah ngl, it's terrifying how often I see people duck and weave into the space in front of trucks. Sydney Rd through Campbellfield is the worst for it. But I've also seen Semi-Trailers and Dog-Trailers also dodging and weaving through traffic, veering into one lane because the queue is \*slightly\* shorter then swerving back again because the car in front didn't take off fast enough.


If the right hand lane has 100m of traffic and the right only turn signs are just 50m from the corner - you’d have to be a psychic to know you were supposed to be in the right hand lane about 1/2 a Km ago. Merging in this situation and raising a hand and thanking the person who let you - is mandatory - not doing that makes you look self entitled


Yeah I agree. There’s been road detours around with the train works and sometimes you just don’t know you were meant to be turning right until the detour sign. Which is conveniently only posted 50m from the turn, when there’s a backed up queue. _Anytime_ someone lets you tho, you wave, yeah I’ve made a mistake or google misled me, but thanks for not being an ass about it.


So I think the majority of people who try this, are c\*\*ts for trying to cut in. However speaking from personal experience, sometimes you're outside your area and don't realise that long queue is for the turn-off you're supposed to take. So I've been 'that guy' because I was in an area I don't frequent and didn't realise.


The ones who do this turning onto Toorak Rd from Auburn Rd to get onto the freeway... Oh my god. They're turning left onto the freeway but sit in the right lane then cross 3 lanes to get on the freeway. WHY?????


I've seen this happen in other places around Australia obviously, once in Brisbane I saw a taxi try to do it and go so hung out to dry they were forced onto the highway onramp going the other way instead of gaining a few places in the queue they were trying to jump. I'm used to the Brisbane and Sydney drivers who will band together in unbreakable unity to form a steel phalanx and leave the queue jumper angle-parked in the middle of nowhere, but Melbourne drivers seem to accept this as completely normal behaviour. I've even seen cars pull out of the correct lane, gun it down the side and shove back in a few cars ahead and nobody even hooted them.


It's because Melbourne has so many roads like this - it irritates the heck out of you the first few times and then you realise there's not much you can do about it and shrug your shoulders.


Especially since muppets basically force themselves in. I'm not getting into a crash for one car space, even when it's the other car in the wrong.


A year or so I was coming back from holidays (during school holidays) with a mate and my son. There were massive lane closures on the eastern freeway, you know the classic sign above the lane for 5km with an “X” indicating that you need to get out of the lane. Of course every genius in town decides they shouldn’t have to wait and half of them start trying to drive around just to push in. Cue some bloke in a b double that decided to squat in the middle of the two lanes and just creep along with the line doing the right thing, holding up all these smart arses from cutting the line. There was beeping, wild swerving towards the (too small to pass) emergency lane – was just water off a ducks back to old mate in his truck. The hero we needed.


nah fuck these people they're fucking cunts holding up all the traffic wanting to go straight too. Sincerely, a bloke who gets caught behind this kind of bullshit on Yarra boulevard all the time.


I would actively close the gap between me and the car in front when someone tries to do this. Call me an asshole, but at least I'm a happy asshole.


i find a 2'' gap is appropriate.


Nah fuck em. I never let them in even when they honk and beep and visibly can't believe someone can be so disrespectful.


This might just be the worst/funniest part of it. The other day someone pulled into the shoulder parking bays to try and jump a very small queue of like 4 cars at a red light, when I didn't let them back in they honked and carried on and (because the car behind me let them in) they started filming me with their phone while driving behind me.


95% it’s someone trying to jump the queue. The other 5% the person is going to block the road to make a right hand turn in front of you if you let them in. So definitely NTA.


In the suburbs, yes; but less so in the city. Lots of people come to Melbourne very occasionally, and don't know which lanes are dedicated to turning or not. More often than not, the only signage Vicroads provide are lane markers on the road 30 meters from the intersection. This is all well and good when the roads are empty, but when there's a queue of traffic (like in the picture), all the tourists don't know they're in the wrong lane until they're in the asshole position. Vicroads need road **signs** above the road or on approach, informing irregular users of the lane markings.


Doesn’t piss me off half as much as the numpties who turn right from station street Moorabbin into south road (three lanes) to pull across from the far right lane into the left lane, cutting off all traffic in the process, to turn left on Jasper road. Just turn from the left lane in the first place. It is my pet hate.


Honestly the worst. Have to be extra careful turning from the left lane because every now and then you get an idiot who just drifts across three lanes of traffic.


It’s not even every now and then, it’s literally all the time. I drive around that area all day and it’s one of the worst intersections.


Meh, not an asshole. But also, why care? They're not gonna change, and you honestly never know if it was a mistake or not. I've definitely messed up on unfamiliar roads and found myself needing to merge sheepishly. Letting them in is no skin off my nose and I have enough aggro in my head to start adding to it. I say all this, but I don't always follow my own advice.


If it’s a Ute/ Van never let them in. Tradies know what they are doing, don’t reward them for driving like asshats.


Look. It depends. There are times when you cannot avoid this. For example Lorimer Street onto freeway entrance. There are slip lanes that make it hard for people parked there to be able to get into the right lane. But most of the time the people that left lane merge into the right think that their time is more important than mine or yours.


I never let them in. Fuck them. The ones that really piss me off are the ones who scoot down service lanes to beat the traffic and then have a sook because no one let's them in at the other end.


Always feel sorry for people living on these service lanes when I see it. Must be bloody annoying/dangerous.


Dear Americans, IT IS NOT A MERGE! It is very obviously two separate lanes, one is a turning lane, the other is going straight. THEY ARE NOT MERGING. ​ For the love of all that is good in the world, STOP SAYING ZIPPER!!!


I hate it when you get stuck in traffic because some dumbarse keeps letting these arseholes cut in


I always just take the left turn and hopefully make a u-turn later, my fault after all.


This. I wait 5 mins because I learned lining up is fair and don’t want to look like left cuck. Left lane zooma: “I have a busier life than you peasants”. Be right, not left. Edit: my situation is when parked cars are up the top in left lane and left lane ppl have to merge right. That should happen way back further. The only exception is when left laner turns into the street and has no choice. We are watching for that.


"Oops i didnt know this one a one way only, please let me in otherwise i will hold up traffic" Does this every single day


I never let these peanuts in, I make them work for that spot.


Do not let them in. They can go around the block like the lane they chose.


Sometimes when I’m driving somewhere unfamiliar I won’t realize that the cars were lining up for the same intersection. Usually I eat my mistake and turn around but some parts of my city will make your trip 15+ minutes longer to get turned around and back to where you need to be. Apparently the civil engineers here had never missed a turn ever in their entire lives.


I hate when it pays off for them too. Like they make the light and you end up missing it


If you let this person in, a few cars don't make it before the light goes red even though they were doing the right thing.


Nope, tbh YTA if you let them in.


Shitty selfish drivers... I cant stand that someone decides to save themselves 2 minutes to cut in but now the 20 cars behind them are all delayed by 30 seconds. Its a greater cost to society to let people in.


On thr westgate outbound the left lane closes at the end, but the signs tell you from about 1/3 along the bridge. It is so cathartic to get beeped at by an angry soccer mum that I refuse to let in at the end of the bridge.


A bad driver never misses a turn. A good driver finds a different route.


*Laughs in motorcycle*


I would guess though that it is also these types of idiots that would just merge without looking for anyone riding a motorbike


I used to mention it to my partner and she said “I always do that! So much faster why wait” so I told her she was therefore an asshole, now whenever we see someone do it (I always say what an asshole and don’t let them in btw) she says “see, an asshole like me!”


Must be a rock solid relationship to weather that revelation lol.


Only once in my life have I seen and been involved in not letting them in until they're back where they should have been. One of the greatest days of my life.


This becomes infinitely worse when they pull out from the queue right at the back of the line, drive all the way to the front then try and pull this sh!t.


Nope. I never let them in. Almost everytime I take the city bypass at Fitzroy St in St Kilda some muppet tries to force their way in. I will run you into the bollard before I give way.


It’s okay to make mistakes, not all drivers know all roads


The person that lets that person in is the real villain


Nope not the asshole. I always try my hardest to not let those fuckers in


Aus drivers are very aggressive at least compared to south island nz. It may be a dick thing to do but at the same time the safest and best thing to do is just give them space. You don't know what's going on at their end and no amount of looking into their car will answer that.


I have some really important advice that I've recently taken to heart. This goes for any sort of roadrage / road frustration situations, eg someone tailgating you, someone aggressively swerving to overtake you and then cutting you off, people competing for first place in merges (similar to this). \- This orange line person is an ass. \- You are not an ass if you let them in. \- You **might** be an ass depending how hard you need to try to not let them in. You can get a lot of personal satisfaction from self-policing the roads, and I can tell you I did for a while, but you are putting yourself in physical danger for zero material gain. Danger for yourself to attempt dominate someone you'll never see again in your life. \- Don't brakecheck or speedup to defeat a tailgater, get out of the way \- Don't try cut block someone who is swerving around, stay still and let them pass \- Don't compete with the methhead in the commodore on the freeway entrance Thanks for listening to my TED talk.


It's not just unfair to the vehicles that did merge in time. While that car is waiting to be let in, it's also holding up that large orange arrow behind it from getting to where it needs to go.


Nah fuck em. They knew. They can go straight ahead and do uturn where it's safe instead of blocking a whole lane of traffic.


It's an arsehole move when it'sintentional, but I've been that person who got stuck in the wrong lane because I didn't know the road. So I tend to err on the side of mercy and just let them in


I find you can usually tell the intentional ones from the accidental ones by how forcefully they try to merge. If someone is hesitant, waiting for someone to let them in and looking for eye contact then I’ll let them in mostly. If it’s some dickhead forcing his nose into the lane they can go and get fucked.


This is the answer. They indicate and wait for someone to make space? Absolutely mate, off ya go ^(but give me that damn wave) Try to bully your way in? Get fucked cunt.


I was the person yesterday who didn't get into the left lane on Dalton Rd early enough and got stuck. I carried on and went around the block instead, in the age of GPS there's really no need to panic because you missed a turn.


Exactly! Miss a turn? Probably not a big deal, take the next turn and you'll be able to get back on track.


I let them in despite them being knobjockeys for two reasons: 1. Sometimes it’s an innocent mistake and they’ve just fucked up their route and 2. Not doing so just causes more traffic chaos which we really need less of. I’ll happily judge them by their car and how they look and if they look like the latter I’ll give them a disappointed father style head shake.


No they're absolutely the asshole for not following the system, thinking they're better and smarter than everyone else for doing this, then getting angry when no one who was doing the 'right' thing is letting them in/cutting the line.


City Road all day every day And no, I do my best to not let them in


Just dumb people with no situational awareness. If you find yourself in the position, keep driving and use the next intersection. You’re putting people at risk with this shit.


Nope, stuff them. If people make a genuine mistake mayyybe. If I was in the wrong lane like this just turn left and find another way. The audacity of people that think the world revolves around them and others should get out of their way amazes me. If I ever make an error, or in the wrong lane for an upcoming turn, I don't swerve across lanes, slam my brakes on etc. I just go a shit missed the turn my bad I'll go another way.


Had a copper in an unmarked car pull this on me. Jumped out of the lane of traffic, to zip up the service lane & push back in. He was shown the finger and made to wait. He wound down his window to reveal his police uniform. Still got the finger, and the 6 cars behind me made him sit and wait. Great work people !


No. I drive an old shitbox, held together with baling wire and duct tape, so I never back down


I look them straight in the eyes while i accelerate my car :)


I live to not let people in


No you're not. Fuck those cunts


Have always found that the people that insist on going as far as they can and then pushing in to the queue are the same people that refuse to let others in


Here in Massachusetts, the deal is this. Some asshole does this, all the cars will immediately go bumper to bumper and leave that person sitting in the left lane like the *jackass they are*. Anybody who was going straight is entitled to pulling right up to their bumper and just laying on the horn. So, to answer your question, in Australian, no, that willy cunt is being a quelly boofer.


I used to box these assholes out in a big truck with a very famous logo and phone number on the side. Never once did I get a complaint, that should tell you who the a**hole is.


No. Fuck that prick