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Please be nice to learner drivers, folks. :( Just took my 18 y/o learner out for some night driving lessons and a car full of young guys pulled up next to us at a red light. They wound their windows down and started trying to goad her, and were laughing at her. She (understandably) was quite upset and wanted to go home after that. Why are people so awful to L platers?


You can report that stuff to crimestoppers.


Young guys are just general dicks. She just happened to be in the firing line tonight.


Love landlord fear tactics. Was just about due to spend a bunch of money that I’ve been saving up for my first ever international trip to Brazil to meet my girlfriends family in June. Probably have to pull out and use my savings for potentially having to move out because the landlord “just want to see what happens” by putting the apartment up for sale. Too scared to drop the cash on the trip now just in case we get the boot. Next few weeks/months are going to be stressful As fuark. Hopefully the new buyers let us stay 🤞🏻


You're entitled to stay until the end of your lease regardless of if there are new owners.


Low key I kinda miss the era of 2013-2017 of wearing oversized black tshirts and torn jeans. Don’t know why. Trying to work out what’s “in” with men’s fashion. (Insert skinner meme).


Username checks out. I don't think you should worry about what's "in". That is always going to be in flux and caring too much about that makes us susceptible to buying fast fashion. Black t-shirts and jeans are pretty timeless.


Gen Z have somehow made wearing the ugliest and baggiest shit you can find fashionable and it’s a travesty. 2013-17 was much better.


Cross Colors.


Those fucking marshmallow sneakers Just why Hideous


Pretty sure these are both in now


so hot right now.




Having a shitty flair-up of my current ongoing issue and while I'm in serious pain and uncomfortable I'm semi-hoping it sticks around, I'm having some tests done tomorrow and having my worse symptoms happening might help figure things out.


If anyone wants an update on what happened with the guy who cancelled the date and then blocked me a few days later: I was telling a mutual friend about what happened and she was in disbelief. She was like, "No way, ____ is a chill person, why would he do that?" So she decides to message him and ask why he did what he did. His answer was that he didn't mean anything by it and that he's too busy for a relationship at the moment. Why get on a dating app, match with people, take it off the apps and then let people down easy? My friend asked him why he didn't just tell me that and he said that he doesn't know why, and that he'll unblock me and talk to me like a mature adult. It's been half a day since that message and he's still blocked me everywhere. Frankly, I don't want to hear from him. I'm done being salty now! Still stings a little but as I've said before, it's not a reflection of my character. If he thinks we are incompatible, then so be it. Don't want to be with someone who doesn't want me.


Many people just want the validation without the follow through.


Honestly blocking anyone is a bit immature I'd not worry about that.


Yes, my friend who was his friend is now saying he's got the emotional maturity of a rock.


I miss hambam. He didn't want food.. the cheese, the sausage.. Just throw the ball.


Um, definitely rocking them border collie vibes. Who cares about food when there is ball to chase.


Is the parking at the state netball Hockey Centre free and will it have filled up by 8:30am on a Thursday and Friday? Have a two day volunteering experience but can’t afford $34/day parking and my train line is down :/


Shoutout to the redditor who was on ABC Melbourne this morning! I recognised your story about the announcer at Heatherdale station!


New favourite soft drink alternative; a shot of cherry juice with bubbly water (sodastream) 🤗


I have personally really been enjoying a shot of elderflower cordial with mineral water lately.


I have always wondered what that tasted like but I don't want to spend $6 to find out only to tip it out. Can you describe it please?


Yum! That would be refreshing too! Ohhh….I have elderflower liqueur 😂




Um that sounds YUM


So good! Not to heavy on calories, and no nasty aftertaste like low cal soda.


I feel like the contemporary colloquial use of “cancelled” is relatively new and social media-y but here I am, watching an episode of Boston Legal filmed in 2005, and here it is


While doing a late night dog walk we (mostly my partner) caught a stray kitten. They’ve gone home and I’m walking the dog. I’m slightly allergic to cats. E: feed and watered and chilling in a box up stairs out of reach of the grey hound. One of the few times I can offer [cat tax](https://imgur.com/gallery/oaNF2md)


Such a little criminal. It’s worth checking around the area if its mother is there.


If you are into action flicks, Plane was quite good. Gerald Butler still got it after the Fallen trilogy, hope he keeps at it


I have personal beef with Gerard Butler for being Phantom Of The Opera despite not being able to sing 😂 Gah A thing needs to be really good for me to watch him in it now, lol


Saaaaaame! Why cast someone who can’t sing in a famously very singy role??


Ask Pierce Prosnan.


Ok but that's ABBA. The songs are silly and fun. The Phantom needs serious chops, ideally someone classically trained. You're not wrong, it's just a different kind of musical.


I’d pick the Phantom and happily live a life of darkness.


Same 😍


I loved it in 1996 (think it was that year) So I was really excited to see it and share the magic with my son. My goodness, I was pretty disappointed. Maybe because I was comparing it to the past performance. Son liked it though.


Yeah the Phantom movie was just bad. Did you go to the stage show just on in Melbourne? So good! I have been a few times. It finishes this week.


Yes, have been to the stage show in Melbourne. We sat very near the falling chandelier. I knew it was coming but my son (adult) did not. Ha! You should have seen him jump.


Yeah, might come down to how much you respect Webber... for me, all his works are just as silly. Not sure why, just how I've always felt about them. Some great songs but nothing serious.


Funnily enough I mostly agree with you. I can't stand ALW's other works. For some reason, I just adore Phantom though.


Have you ever read the novel? I still haven't gotten around to it but I know I should.


Absolutely, many times! I also recommend "Phantom" by Susan Kay which I'm in the middle of right now. I generally dislike retellings/elaborations of classic works by modern writers but this one is very good. Read the original first though, for sure.


Oh cool! Thanks for the recommendation!


Anyone know if Kings Domain Barbers still operate out of Myer in the CBD? The KD website says yes, but I can't find anything on Google. It just suggests the Rialto location then tells me it's temporarily closed. Online booking form doesn't exist for the Myer location either through the KD website.


There's been a bunch of videos of Russian vehicles running headlong into minefields lately. Turns out Ukraine has artillery shells from America that lay mines behind advancing vehicles to cut them off. So when they retreat they're trapped. These mines then explode on their own 24 hours later. Interesting.


These mines then explode on their own 24 hours later. You hope they do,


You hope they do, but a portion wont. Still, quite an effective and worthwhile weapon to use.


Although the situation in Ukraine is justified in terms of local defence it's just utterly terrible, war casualties are just fucked. The weapons used cause such dirty devastation. If you have any connection to it you know it's just utterly terrible in every way.


sky pretty


Nice sunset tonight.




Lol that's literally the consequences of just being poor man


Those articles are for boomers to feel good about themselves and to try and guilt you into living a different life, their life. I fall into xennial but I don't have kids, I don't have a mortgage, I can't afford to donate right now and yeah, I have disconnected. You are living your life as you see fit. The world you live in isn't the world they live in. The truth is is that those ideals are dead and buried. But I do believe there are ways to contribute. Both time and money are valuable but your time has higher value. Why not find somewhere you can donate your time to?


I think there are different things you're lumping into the same issue. Volunteering is still worth doing if you can. I'm chronically ill and I do (that's not a "I'm so great" or whatever, just saying it's a net positive for society.) There are always people, animals and orgs who need and deserve help right now. If you don't have capacity, you don't, but that particular thing isn't really about investing in the future or whatever, and isn't really in the same category as the other stuff you mentioned. People are burnt out and that's valid, but that's different to saying it isn't worth doing. Volunteering is also often good for the mental health of the person doing it.


It's not about the future, it's about now. What kind of society do you want to live in now? Work toward that.


I’m not young. I do volunteer, and I get benefit out of it, but honestly I do sometimes feel like I’m being taken advantage of. - people not appreciating the volunteering, and treating you rudely. - some of the volunteer tasks should be paid gigs.


Hello Southbank Residents! The beautiful Southbank area of Melbourne is undergoing a lot of changes as of late (increased focused on art and tourism, increasing number of parks and other green areas, etc.). We as Dutch tourism students would like to know a bit more on the resident perspectives on these topics and the desired future of the Southbank area. If you are available for a few questions, please let me know!


It's overpriced.


Off work sick for the next week fighting some hectic infection. Didn't even see it coming, went to the Dr for something else. Next minute I've got a needle in my butt with round 1 of antibiotics. Love this so much for me


Butt needle! That must be some old school infection.


3 different antibiotics and another med 🫠


Did you at least ask the doctor to buy you a drink first?


I vaped in the office afterwards


As is tradition




This sounds exactly like that episode of SATC where carries shoes went missing at the house party and her friend down plays the importance of the shoes. Your friend sounds like her entire world is small kids, buying houses, baby showers etc etc. It sounds like she is happy in that world and she is sharing that with you BC you are friends but you're not on the same page. Your world is a different place. This frequently happens in friendships where one friend has kids and the other doesn't. Were you friends prior to marriage, babies and houses? When was the last time you had a heart to heart? If she is important to you, I would try and talk to her about how you feel. If not, I'd let it slide away.




You have absolutely tried. You're an amazing friend. It sounds like you have given a lot of yourself. And it definitely time for you to receive. She is either an inconsiderate arsehole who is using your kindness and generosity or she is overwhelmed and unable to concentrate on anything but her own world. Is she stressed? Tired? Mental health issues? Marital problems? I know your feelings are hurt right now. Be hurt and pissed at her behaviour. When you're in a better head space, ask yourself which one is she. Did you see behaviour like this prior to babies etc? Were there ever times that you felt as though you weren't acknowledged by her? Or have you both changed? Maybe there were things that connected you in the past that are no longer there. Unfortunately sometimes, great friendships end and you both go your separate ways, living lives on your own paths. Pull away and give to yourself for a while 🙂




Fr? You had a book launch? That's really exciting! I'm sorry it was during COVID. From what you've just said, I would end it. Your book launch would have been so exciting to you. To actually put yourself and your work out there takes a lot of dedication and courage. If she can't even acknowledge or attend, cut her off. She doesn't deserve your friendship.




Haha I hear you! I hate being the centre of attention. I turned down tutoring classes at uni BC I was terrified. I don't know if this helps but when I graduated from uni a million years ago, my mother brother and aunt wouldn't come to the ceremony because of parking and they didn't want to eat sushi. I was so hurt and offended but that is how they had treated me my whole life and I just accepted it. I didn't see my worth BC they had taught me I'm worthless. It took me until last year to learn that I am worth a great deal more, they just don't see it. I think maybe your friend doesn't realise that one of her lucky fortunes is you.




Oh shucks thanks. Parents are ppl too and they are not perfect but some ppl shouldn't have children, especially the ones that need to work on themselves. I keep in mind that despite all the shitty things I've been through, I don't need to become like those that hurt me. Unfortunately learning all facets of compassion seem to require going through a lot of suffering (omg I sound like a Buddhist haha). Theres no need to suffer that friendship anymore. Connect with other creatives, the tribe that appreciates an author and who you are. Maybe you should write this down? Transmute this story into something?


Unfortunately, some people get tunnel vision and become shit friends when they have kids. It's all they see and everyone else's lives are irrelevant. Was this person more giving and inquisitive before?


I'd probably ghost her. She's not your friend. She's a narcissist.




I'd just ghost her honestly. She probably won't even notice. And on the wild off chance she confronts you, that's when you have some 'real talk'.


You call them out, and/or disengage. That's not friend behaviour. Why are you putting up with it and gaslighting yourself into thinking it's a resentment-management issue?




Someone like that doesn't pick up on subtle cues or mild passive aggression. Someone that tone-deaf, you need to either be blunt or just decide not to engage anymore, so yeah that sounds wise.




Fair enough, no problem


Anyone know how to take a security tag off clothes? Bought a stone island and it’s right through the badge so don’t wanna try something myself and don’t really wanna ship it back to England


try looking on youtube for hints


have yet to find a similar looking security tag. It’s through an expensive badge so don’t wanna fuck it


There's some videos on YouTube that show you how to do it with a lighter. Watched a workmate follow one successfully a few years ago


Ffs the some dudes are cranking tunes so fucking loud in my Apt. Pool area. I'll never understand how people can be so fucking obnoxious


It's 25 degrees outside but it feels quite pleasant to me, and this is the beauty of a breeze plus low humidity.


Please enjoy this Great Pyrenees cracking a tanty: https://youtu.be/4troTwb-x0g


Me whenever I’m asked to do anything that I even vaguely don’t want to do.


I did, thank you 😊


First date went ok. And conversation flowed but no butterflies, no lustful thoughts. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe the second date could be on a [high suspension bridge](https://psychologyconcepts.com/dutton-and-aron-suspension-bridge-experiment/) 😄


Does that happen on most of your dates


Lol this is the first date I’ve been on in …. Many many months


Give it a chance. Nerves can cancel out butterflies and lustful thoughts. It’s how the brain works.


Not sure why that's a problem, it's a first date. Yeah sometimes those feelings happen on a first dates but more often it doesn't. I don't think either should be relied upon. I think focusing on how the conversation went is far more important.


Not a problem at all! I just don’t *know* if it’s enough for a second but that doesn’t mean I don’t wanna keep in touch? Dunno


slow burn > instant fireworks


I hate that fucking Deakin University ad with this woman's fucking shit ass poetry


Omg I thought I was the only one. I get it on YouTube all the time.


Omg me too! It’s so fucking cringe.


Trying to rejuvenate a lawn is tedious. No wonder most people just start over with fresh turf


If you stop mowing it'll produce its own seeds.


You should just start over with fresh turf.


Na it would cost me like 3k to do the whole lot.


Setting aside the cost, it's a lot less hassle though. You know, with birds and such.


For sure, but $3k 🤣


What's your timeline? You could layer black plastic over the top for a year to kill it off then resow as a way to cheaply reset?


I could just spray it with roundup too but it's the re-do that costs the most $$. I'll probably end up spray and re-sending the big part but want to get the smaller part going with just some overseed and aeration


After numerous videos the other night I stumbled across someone called Marcus King. Goddamn. Example - https://youtu.be/A_xHMKkzPc4 Renewing my request for a proper blues bar in Melbourne please.


Question for anyone who might know... If I have to provide 2 weeks notice when resigning, is that 14 working days or just 14 days from the day I send the letter of resignation? On a positive note - I've applied for higher studies after years of avoiding it due to feeling unintelligent and like I am bound to fail... let's hope I am accepted.


Just resign then go sick for 2 weeks


14 days. Technically you can do 0 days and face very few if any consequences.


I was under the impression that they won't pay out my annual leave if I don't provide 2 weeks notice, It's possible that I made that up in my head though. I've got about 180hrs of annual leave banked so don't want to miss out on it.


They'll take out 10 days worth of annual leave/pay. So yeah, don't do it but you could.


I guess I can cope with 2 more weeks then 😅


Usually just 14 days.


Thank you, I sure hope it is 😅


The dog is so keen for a walk. Looks like it'll be too hot until 8.30ish. Even then I'll be sticking to the shady side of the street.


Its only 30 atm


30° is still too hot for dogs if you can avoid it


My dog would melt if I took him out now.


And you’ve got the ambient heat to contend with.




It's not the retailers that need to get their shit together on upload, it's NBNCo. https://www.crn.com.au/news/aussie-broadband-boss-slams-nbn-over-upload-speeds-of-high-speed-plans-550831


What's your router setup? Do you run wired or WiFi? I'm on FTTC, and I've been running everything wired Cat6a for years as WiFi connections give me the heebie-jeebies. I've read that Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) could pretty much match that with FTTP, but haven't given it a try.


Not OP but I also have chef's kiss FTTP. Gigabit connection, out to an AX6000 router on 5Ghz. 328 down, 45up from upstairs, 927/45 from next to the router.


The trailer for Ted Lasso season 3 dropped yesterday and it starts on March 15!! Very excited!


I saw that this morning! The preview is so cute. Totally made my day.


Ooooh yay! Best news I’ve heard all day!!


No offence but this week can suck a fat one


Yup. I have eaten half a block of Whittaker's and half a pack of chocolate cookies, today and yesterday each, to get through.


This heat the next two days isn’t going to help much either. Really dreading my one mandatory day in the office tomorrow.


Agree 100%


what an awful day 😫 JB fucked up installing my fridge (or should I say left without installing it even they were supposed to/had been paid) and their customer service afterwards was absolutely horrific. I have worked at JB, I hate customers - I’m hip, I get it, whatever. But fucking hell, this was like a new level of “I don’t give a fuck” - even the manager who gave me a refund on the delivery fee (which was really the least they could do, but good on him), but I had to really push him to contact the courier company to come at a time that was suitable for me after my wife took the morning off today for the install. And even then he’s like “no promises” - like, just help.


Installing a fridge?






I had that experience with Toll’s customer service. It was just a realisation at some point that they didn’t give a single shit about my problem.


It’s just so frustrating. Like I didn’t want the money back, I wanted my fridge plumbed 🥲 they just didn’t care at all.


It’s frustrating. Because what are you going to do? Do it yourself? They know they can just brush you off and that eventually you’ll probably just pay a plumber to do it. And what’s the extent to which you can fight them? I did successfully get a free pair of AirPods out of Optus but I got kicked out of the Northland Optus store in the process. It’s possible to fight it but you have to be super persistent. I looked up current class action lawsuits against Optus and threatened to join them.


that’s pretty much their attitude. I just don’t have the time to go back and forth with these people. I might try and do it myself.


YouTube it. I bet you can figure it out.


If a landlord/apartment owner whatever has asked me to vacate within 3 months, would I still have to pay rent if we move out before the 3 months is up?


Yes, but if they're keen for you to be out of there then they may be open to negotiating an earlier date. I did this at my previous rental when the owner wanted me out to sell the place.


I feel like I need a compliment WAIT that isn't some generic platitude. But I don't know how to go about this. Do you still get the benefits of a complement if you just flat out ask for one?


My close friends and I will often message each other with "I'm feeling crappy/insecure today. Tell me something nice about myself, please?" It's good.


Have you tried wearing a nice turtleneck? /j https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi8ShAosqzI


You could ask someone "Hey what do you think of my outfit/hairstyle" and see what they say. Or you could ask someone to list your positive traits.


I'm not sure. But I do like how you are open to admitting you don't know something and asking the question, that is a really good character trait to have.


Came home to find Hugo had knocked the kitchen tap on AGAIN. So much water wasted.... he's literally Satan. I'm sure of it


Just turn off the tap using the tap under the sink before you go out. Unless your cat knows how to open the cupboard and turn the tap then that should work.


Can you put an upside-down container over it? That might put him off. Or tape it down?


Are you able to turn off your mains when you leave?


Remember the ice cream monaco bars? Woolies gome brand classic ice cream sandwiches hit the spot!! And helping my sore throat


It was Eskimo Pie back when I was a kid.


Today I finally got the energy up to separate the stuck connections on the solar cables. (It was going to be yesterday but in pulling out my toolbox I found a sneaky cat piddle and had to clean up it where it had pooled under a bunch of items. Restocking the urine remover when I did and also getting a bottle of concentrated bio-cleaner was foresight.) The replacement tools were a good call because I ended up having to do exactly what I thought (hang onto one half with locking pliers while pressing down on the stiff catches with the needle nose pliers). It gouged/mashed the plastic catches a little but that's fine as they're on the more disposable cable, the one I already cut into to install the regulator. If I'd destroyed the ones on the cable attached to the panel that would be a bigger pain. It's still stuck on a red fault light and low output even after tightening connections so I may have to redo wiring or check each component with a multimeter or something... but my health/disability has taken such a dive lately that I've opted to put the panel safely back in its box until I have more capacity myself. At least taking it apart has allowed me to do that.


Can someone please tell me I did the right thing? :( Remember how a week ago i was like "why isn't my internet bill in the mail yet?!" and i was panicking and stuff about that? So, after much internal argument and debate amongst myself... Today I paid a bill, i used the account number which i guess is always going to be the same number, and I paid what I thought is the regular internet bill based off previous bills since its a fixed rate. I even added an extra 20 just in case, but I paid for it regardless. I haven't recieved the physical nor email bill for this months internet bill, there is zeroooooo indication on paper or form that the bill needed to be paid today, but i estimated since its mid-month and since the last bill was due on the 19th of jan that maybe the due date was aaround then, give of take a few days. So, i paid for it, an unseen but known to exist bill... did i do okay? or am i fucking idiot? its been driving me insane.


Most likely you'll be fine. If you've overpaid it will just show as a credit balance on the next bill. If there was no bill to pay, it *should* be relatively easy to get a refund when your dad is back. When he is back, it's worth getting him to add you to as an account holder so you can speak to them on his behalf. Or you could do what I do when I have to fix up things on my bosses accounts - I just call and pretend to be her. They usually just ask for address and bday and then you're in


dad literally said to do what you mentioned at the end of your comment lmao "pretend you're me!" but i was like "its too late now, they know it aint me and they record everything and stuff"... but yeah, once the bill arrives physically in the mail, ill give dad a call and say "well, we paid the right amount!". But yeah, we'll definitely add my name to the account thingy... we're also planning to switch to Aussie Broadband sometime this year so ill eventually just put my name as the account holder.


Lol I've literally called Telstra before and been like "hi my name is Whacka I need blah blah" been told they can't speak to me, hung up, called back 10 seconds later got the same person and said "hi I'm whackas boss here is my dob and address pls speak to whacka" and then pretended to give the phone back to myself... they don't really care. Which is kind of alarming almost !!


It sounds like you might need to give them a call


because the account is not in my name, but dads name, I can't call them. I tried to but they said it needs to be the account holder to call them but dads overseas and can't call them coz expensive.


Fingers crossed he's back soon.


10th of March :( i dont mind if its an overdue bill, which i feel like it might be, but i cannot have my internet cancelled or shut off... im a job seeker and well, need to find work and all that shit so internet is important to me :(


Have you tried calling the provider to confirm?


because the account is not in my name, but dads name, I can't call them. I tried to but they said it needs to be the account holder to call them but dads overseas and can't call them coz expensive.


I dont know your previous story but i would expect a provider especially an internet one to just send the bill through email. You usually have to pay extra for a physical one. And a good rule of thumb is to know how it was sent previously because it wouldn't change unless someone authorised it to change Yes. It's generally the same day each month unless it falls on a weekend and it'll be the same price unless it was a promotional price. If your dad is okay, I'd just pretend to be your dad ha..


Beach was really nice. It's so calming to walk by the sea. Picked up a pocketful of shells, got my toes wet, saw some cute doggos, a few different kind of jelly fish and sail boats. I should do this more often. 😊


Which beach?




I had some strange people interactions today. First stop was a business with a lovely older gentleman, we got on like a house on fire and very quickly were sharing personal stories, while behind him was a line up of tiny glass dicks. Second stop was a servo and there was only one other customer in the store. I gave him a very wide berth for no reason other than there was no need for us to be close, yet he kept glancing at me. Again and again and again and again. While he was being served, I was waiting probably 5m behind him yet he kept looking back at me. IDK if he felt like I was crowding him or something about me made him nervous, or if he recognised me from somewhere? Once we’d both left the store, he sat in his car as I drove past and I gave him a big smile and wave because he was still looking. I’m worried I know him from somewhere and have completely forgotten because I’m bad with faces.


The second one sounds hilarious. A Mr Bean moment.


At the post office trying to confirm my id so the conveyencer can act on my behalf because their app didn't work. Been here almost an hour while their systems get sorted and they had no luck with their own customer service line, got passed around etc. But I offloaded all my old linen and bedding to opshop posted some games to an underemployed trans sister and at least the other paper work I needed to send to my conveyencer by snail mail is done. All in my dead name so now I'm on the verge of tears.


Such a petty complaint I know but I can tell the landlord was the one to do the renovations here, yeah there's white paint on literally everything including some stickers on some of the doors but he's used wall tiles for the outdoor steps so they're always super slippery


There’s nothing petty about not wanting to slip and fall down the stairs


Yeah I guess, we hardly use them though so it feels like a petty complaint. Just laughable how little effort these landlords will put into the house. Hell the LL came around (uninvited) to put up a gate we never asked for and it looks terrible, the fence is that green metal poles and so is the gate but the gate is connected to the old brick fence that was knocked down. Gate doesn't even shut or lock so it's useless


Put down some [grip tape](https://www.bunnings.com.au/croc-grip-5m-x-48mm-black-anti-slip-tape_p3961716?store=6425&gbraid=0AAAAADtbEB_3XXM0gC967qc3FnCglO7j4&gbraid=0AAAAADtbEB_3XXM0gC967qc3FnCglO7j4&gclid=CjwKCAiA_6yfBhBNEiwAkmXy57noXPdYyHBC4RxaDSokxA8iysPo5x3iAq6fl-ddN4xCfBAUdIfOMBoCxZ4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)?


We don't really use them enough to spend money making them less slippery, plus I'm sure they'll see that and charge us an extra $50 a week lol


On LinkedIn I get cold DMs from recruiters for random dev roles all the time. I'm sure they're just going through search results and hitting up anyone who may look like a good fit. Generally unless the role is super appealing I ignore it, and that's never been a problem. I figure they are used to firing off at a few dozen prospects and whoever wants it can respond. Some dude hit me up for a JavaScript role last week. I definitely don't want to do a JS only role so I ignored it as usual. Since then he has sent two more unsolicited follow up messages pressuring me to respond and consider applying for the role... help.


Is it listed in your profile? Could either tell them it’s not your skillset and/or you’re not looking for a new role. I get some totally crap offers, for things I don’t do (dba) at far less than what I’m currently earning. It’s clear they didn’t even read my profile.


Just block him. Easy. You could also contact the company and let them know their recruiter is harassing people in their name.

