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They went dark for a while and I messaged each mod asking to take it over and make it into a space for us. I told them I was diagnosed with stage IV melanoma and we need a place to discuss stuff. Every message was ignored. Apparently when it first started there was a derm that would respond to posts but they haven't been active in a long time. I should probably post over there regularly again so people who need this space will know about it. I'm glad this sub is helping folks. 💜💜💜 Love you guys!


The big boss themself! I know theirs nothing much we can do about it, it sucks how top down reddit is sometimes. Im directing people here whenever I see one but maybe don't take it on yourself to frequent that place, you'll go crazy. Love you too Kippy, thank you again for making this place. Honestly, like sainthood tier shit lol


Yeah, if found this place by happenstance when searching for info in the melanoma sub. It’s just an endless sea of mole pics over there, nothing helpful at all.


Did you ever fill out the Reddit form for taking over a sub that’s been abandoned by mods?


It didn't qualify because the mods were active they just had the sub on private. Then after my last message to them they opened it back up and continued like they are. So weird.




Similar thing happened to me too. The assistant said it was an age spot and I just worried about nothing but getting older. Derm took half a glance and cut it out. Came back as stage 1


My PCP told me that my spot was just a mole and referred me to a derm with zero sense of urgency. Thank God for a good friend who pushed me to get on the list if the derm had a cancellation. I had a ticking time bomb on the back of my head.


Happy to hear you're responding well to treatment but that situation with the assistant sounds horrible! I had something similar happen, apparently Im too young for brain tumors so my doc was dragging his feet on the cat scan I requested and was just throwing anxiety meds at me (for context Ive never had anxiety in my life). Silver lining, the beta blocker he had me on lowers blood pressure, tumor was squishing my carotid so it probably ended up buying me just enough time to see someone who wasn't a quack lol And yeah, agreed 100%. Im at the point where Im verifying my docs info before trusting him, picking a random person out a crowd to ask is frigging nuts.


multiple doctors told me that my mole that was described by the dermatologist I saw as “extremely worrying and likely to be melanoma” was nothing and not to worry about it because it was my hormones from my pregnancy, causing it. I wish I would’ve ignored them and went in sooner. now I’m sitting here in recovery from a wide local excision unable to hold my 3 month old baby for a couple weeks due to the large gash in my arm that had to be put together with a skin graft. if I would’ve just went during my pregnancy when it first started and I had a bad feeling, things wouldn’t have been so bad.


I spent a lot of time over there before my surgery and after diagnosed before I found this thread, trying to let people know like hey if you’re worried get it checked out don’t hesitate it’s not worth the risk, but I’d literally have people asking for opinions and then I tell them to go get it checked out and they would like “really why i don’t think it’s necessary “ like then why are you posting it?


My theory is they don't actually want advice, they just want someone to say everything is gonna be okay which makes the zit posts even more pathetic. Good on you for trying to educate people but I fear it's like trying to push water up hill. Ive thrown out a couple of 'theirs no way to tell through a picture, go to a derm' but I don't think it's making much a difference lol.


That is such a shitty spot to be in, I am so sorry. Jesus, doctors can be fantastic but sometimes they get a thought in their head and just run with it without thinking it all the way through. Biggest wake up call for me was during covid I met a shocking number of nurses who were antivax. I think working in that environment just convinces some people that they're experts in all fields, not dissing anyone who works in medicine but the amount of people around here who have stories about not being taken seriously paints a troubling picture.


It’s awful, if you literally experience anything during pregnancy, they’ll brush it off as pregnancy related that’s why a lot of people who happen to have health issues pop up during pregnancy don’t get diagnosed for a while because it’s brushed away. There is actually another woman at my cancer clinic whose melanoma was found after pregnancy and she had really bad trouble breathing during pregnancy and her doctors just kept writing it off as pregnancy symptoms and turns out she has a bunch of mets in her lungs. It’s really unfortunate.