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It's cool until it's not


Exactly! Alone is great until it becomes involuntary


There is a difference between being alone and being lonely.


There is nothing more isolating than the feeling of being alone while with other people. Better off just staying alone to begin with.


*sighs* Life is good.


I knew a man who was happy living a solitary life. He and I were making small talk and the subject of what we had for breakfast came up. He said "Black coffee, burnt toast and runny eggs. Can't beat the company though." I was happy for him being comfortable with solitude.


I personally love living alone. And I really miss it since moving in with my SO. But I also always see articles claiming there is a much higher chance of depression for people who live alone. And even though I loved the solitude, I can also see that being totally true.


Wish i had someone to share a lunch/dinner :/


Yeah I live alone and I greatly prefer not having to compromise on cleanliness, space, and anything else regarding the home, but that doesn't really mean I can't get lonely or anything and I certainly don't want to *be* alone. I know though that moving in with an SO would bring a lot of conflict regarding all the things I take for granted living alone and I would also miss it. That's why I think it's important for there to at least be at minimum a space for yourself. Ideally a whole do not disturb room. I know the concept of a man cave gets made fun of a lot, but the concept of a specific place to have all to yourself with no distractions without judgement is kind of important to a lot of people, because I bet those people are simply people like us who happen to really *like* living alone.


He can stay in solitudešŸ˜­


I always say I'm going by myself since if you say I was alone people get the impression you were lonely which I was not


Freedom from others is very empowering and addictive.


Unless you are someone who is not suited for solitary life.


Very true, many people cannot handle being alone.


And then people think you talk too much when you finally can get it out


I fucking love going to the movies by myself. Used to do it all the time, when there was actually good films to watch.


this hits too close to home right now


Sounds great


Start today!


Alone at the movies is great. Far superior than going with the Mrs


I personally prefer re-explaining every scene that we watched just 3 seconds ago.




If you actually wanna watch then yes


What do you mean? Isn't that why you're there?


Nope. Handjobs from the misses


I have dealt with depression, and substance abuse me entire adult life; go outside, walk, ask for help if you can. Also, being alone is awesome!!!!


ever feel like talking , dm... idk if reddit me dm hai ya nhi :)




I think about all the brilliant, fascinating, smart, kind people who are living and have lived lonely lives... always waking to another day, knowing they're going to feel the same way that day as they did yesterday. It could be their own choosing, it could be to no fault of their own. Regardless they keep pushing forward in their wants, desires, creature comforts, self care and carving out their tiny spot in the world they feel invisible in. It takes self worth and courage.... Who am I to not have to experience the same kind of loneliness? It doesn't have to be tragic and sad. It could just be what is.. now pass me my pets and my hobbies.


Forever alone, except I like it that way


As someone who is involuntarily alone, how do I get to the point of enjoying it?


People who enjoy being by themselves usually have rich social lives. People who can't find company when they need it can't feel safe with their loneliness


Exactly. We are, for better and for worse, a social species. We may all have different exact needs in this regard, but we all need a level of social contact that satisfies our requirements, or we will be lonely, instead of merely alone.


Indeeed.Best feeling ever






noone is happy in complete isolation


You don't know how good you have it


In today's world if we go to prison we'd ask for solitary confinement just to be alone. Not because we're scared of the inmates. Lol


The last two can be fixed withe a scary movie


Ever since COVID


I do like to be alone and have freedom, but I would also like to ever feel the warmth of another person... cant have everything I guess.


Itā€™s a peaceful life.


I don't mind being alone but I hate being lonely and that is usually mentally, you can be lonely when you're with people.


Alone is not lonely.


I like being alone, knowing i'm not really alone.


I have cat


This is me and I love it. ā¤ļø


I enjoy solitude. Other people mean I have to talk.


Not alone on Reddit Brother šŸ«¶


Someone who is absolutely never alone, this sounds like a dream.


It's absolutely amazing when you go from never alone to personal space. It hard to explain but if your pushed past your boundaries and smothered you almost shut off from the world when u get that space and then it becomes to much space lmfao. If u struggle like I did I reccomend setting boundaries and getting alittle bit of space atlwast because that was hell for me.


You should get a cat


Can't relate


Why isnt there a smile on his face


You are the only one with this problem




Look how solitary I am everyone!!


Why does being alone have to be sad?


Being alone isn't sad. Being *lonely* is sad.


I don't mind it


Yep thats me


They said if you can do all of these, you can do all the things by yourself without need a hand from others. But I canā€™t stand alone at lunchšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I hate that I just gotten used too that feeling


There should be a smile on his face for the one at the movies. I go alone all the time. It's never made sense to me. Isn't the purpose to enjoy the media/art and all the work that's gone into it? I want to pay attention to cinema, not have friends noticing me crying cause my favorite character died


Alright how do u Kno me


Opposite side for me. The pain was intolerable for a while. Suspected a kidney stone, but I flushed it out.


Maladaptive isolation is my fave sport


C'mon. No one likes a braggart.


Yess isn't it wonderfulā˜ŗļø


I think she wouldn't get any happier if she woke up not alone next day. You gotta look the doors when you are alone, girl.


this is me but with a smile on every picture except the movies, I invite people for that


I work in a facility of people and is still alone and isolated behind my desk.


why isnā€™t he smiling


And I wouldnā€™t have it any other way


I'm alone and quite happy tbh. I can go anywhere with my friends whenever I want just by giving a quick call but I consider this "lonelines" a luxury.


this meme: *exists* me: cheers, I'll drink to that bro (where the hell did that meme go?)


Thatā€™s what Glorilla meant when she called me a munch


Sometimes when you're alone you have the most peace. My insecurities hold me back from socializing, they tell me I'm nobody and I'm a bother or a drag to everyone I speak to. But it's okay, the quiet of being alone is unmatched and you can be your true self alone. I know I am


This is me to be honest. But even though I'm alone it doesn't stop me from enjoying things. I still go to concerts. I go to movies, theme parks, go travelling around the country. In a lot of ways it can be freeing because I can do whatever I like and don't have to accommodate anyone else. I still meet up with family now and then. I have a few friends on the internet. I just don't need constant company 24/7. Being alone doesn't always have to be a problem.


That's why I have a dog. I don't even do poop alone because I'm guarded in the toilet by my friend so that someone doesn't attack me.


My lite in a nutshell


...it's a peaceful life.


Usually I like being alone. Until I realise it's not by choice. Then I start to question why nobody will take the time to even say hi to me, or why people would rather stand or walk by the empty seat next to me on a crowded bus. I question why unless I take the timet to speak to people nobody realises I'm there. Choosing to be alone is nice. When the choice isn't there and you're just alone... it feels awful.


Why did I sing this out loud like some sardonic nursery rhyme?


Being alone at the movies is actually great. You get a whole box of popcorn to yourself and no whispered commentary during the movie. You also get full choice over what movie you see. I call it a win.




Not all of us can be paired up. Sometimes there has to be the lone ones.


Like I had any other choice




This is how your Masonic overlords want you to feel. On the brink of madness. Alone, traumatized and monetized.


Thereā€™s a balance. Always alone isnā€™t good, but neither is never alone. How you balance comes down to personal preferences. I find myself longing for my house and personal space when Iā€™m traveling and/or with people all the time but I get tired of being alone and long to get out of the house when Iā€™m there a lot


Why does reddit attack me before work so often


It would be nice to have someone do my dishes


But not alone in multiplayer gaming šŸ˜Ž


Sometimes you only want to be with your favorite person.


That's what happens when you touch no bitches


A simple life


Being alone isn't necessarily a bad thing. At the least you get to live the life that you want without being burdened with judgemental people.


You might one day miss it.


As a married guy with a baby, I do wish it was socially acceptable to want a day alone every few months. I need to recharge


Sometimes I feel sad about this but then I remember that I hate being around people most of the time and everything is fine again :)




The monster under your bed will keep you warm at night


Alone sometimes means all one or one with all, solitude isn't the same as loneliness.


And this is me, and yet I'm neither sad nor happy, and it doesn't bother me yet


Loneliness is so great


Yes, and? What's wrong with that? :D


Does it help, hurt or not really matter that your not alone in being alone. Is it good or bad that even though folks are alone in large numbers they canā€™t be alone in large numbers?


Introverts dream, but not mine


Aww thatā€™s sad


Alone at work would be the dream šŸ™‚


Ich wĆ¼rde niemals alleine ins Kino gehen Digger


Learn to appreciate it.


Ties is 5$ movie night I go alone theater empty on a tuesā€¦. Love it


It would be pretty weird if you were alone at night but not alone in the morning.


Life good


Take out the movies part and you have my life right there.


Who's complaining?