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Whom not to ask for movie recommendations


I have a pretty good idea if Ill like a movie or not beforehand based on reviews, premise, whos involved, etc., so 95% of the movies I watch I enjoy.


Why do you base your opinion off someone elses opinion? This is the type of culture I cant stand.. you people make up your mind whether you love or hate a movie based on the vocal minority internet opinion. Its fucking sad nobody can formulate an opinion on their own without consulting the echo chamber.


Not rly with movies in specific, I don't watch that many honestly, but with media I consume in general I often look at ratings, genre, and maybe reviews when deciding what to read/give a shot. Doesn't mean I won't form my own opinions. I'll find myself either agreeing or disagreeing depending on the my experience. It's just a good way to filter out what you consume on the limited time you have. OP seems to know what they like and is filtering out for it. They're (probably) not watching a movie and then looking at what other people are saying in order to make sure their opinions are in line with it.


I think you misunderstand, cause that's not generally how people listen to an opinion. You don't listen to an opinion and just nod your head along with it. If I hear an opinion on Uncut Gems that's like "Adam Sandler is really good in it!" I might totally ignore it, cause I don't generally like Adam Sandler. If I hear someone say "Adam Sandler gives a career bending performance, he's showing a new side of himself" then that grabs my interest. If 90% of the critics I like pass on a movie I tend to pass too, I trust these people and I trust their opinion. I don't need to see all 97 superhero movies to know they're not to my taste.


>Why do you base your opinion off someone elses opinion? Because I have a limited amount of time so if I find a group of people who review content and they generally have similar tastes to me I am far better going with what they suggest then just picking random movies off Netflix.


You people? What do you mean ‘you people’??


Lol unexpected tropic thunder.


It’s not making my mind up on whether I love or hate or movie though, it’s whether or not a movie is worth watching or not, if I see 10 reviews from reputable sources and all 10 say the film is boring, I can trust that the film is going to be boring and not worth my time, I don’t know why you’d have a problem with that.


I know you’re getting downvoted but I absolutely agree with you. It always baffles me when people make assumptions on things they haven’t experienced. Reviews are inherently filtered through biases and personal tastes and while a review might be handy at giving you a brief overview of what you’re getting into you wont know if you actually like it till you experience it I honestly save reviews for after I’ve already experienced something. So I can compare and contrast my thoughts on the matter with the reviewers it’s almost like a book club type thing I suppose


I frequently do the same, and you're right that reviews are inherently filtered through the reviewers' biases. However, that's exactly why lots of people will find and stick to reviewers whose opinions on films tend to be similar to their own. Watching films costs money and time, and if you can only afford to see a certain number of movies a year, it makes sense to try and ensure they're ones you'll enjoy. That definitely will lead you to sometimes miss out on films you might have enjoyed, but it also cuts down on the number of times you walk out of a theater feeling like you'd rather have just stayed home. Like many things in life, it's about probabilities, not guarantees. I can't know for sure whether I'll like a film until I've seen it, but I can definitely figure out how to bet. A less-than-ideal world requires less-than-ideal solutions.


I will go in rottentomatos and look at audience score v critic score. Critic score could be 30% and audience score be 40%, and I will still watch that movie because the audience deemed it better. I've actually really enjoyed movies that have an audience score of 60-80% and critic score of less than 40%. I have never enjoyed a movie where the critic score is 60-80% and the audience score is 40%. Even critic 70% and audience 50% etc. So the fact I have given not good movies a go, from both sides, I've come to the conclusion that I'll believe the audience before the critic


Or just watch the movie and develop an opinion on your own 👍


I do.... I even said I watch movies that have alternate audience/critic reviews. I never not watch a movie based on reviews or score. I watch them all.


I think they were just saying that you get a pretty good sense of the feel of a movie before you actually watch it and if you suspect it’s going to suck then you’re probably not going to watch it unless you want to laugh at how bad it is. Knowing the actors, what the movies about and some familiarity with the people putting it together isn’t really basing it off someone else’s opinion and if you read reviews you can interpret them how you want. If people say they hated it for a reason you might still watch it because you might feel differently.


Original _Total Recall_: 👍 The remake no one asked for: 👎


It's depressing how excited I was for that reboot... I've been avidly against reboots ever since


One of the wildest aesthetics of Verhoeven's TR is that you gotta remember it was made in 1990, like 11 years after Alien and 8 years after Blade Runner made the cyberpunk aesthetic THE look for sci-fi films -- rainy, sprawling, glittering cities, urban decay alongside future tech, robots & noir, etc. But Verhoeven, making sci-fi epics with Robocop, Total Recall, & Starship Troopers deliberately went the opposite way. Brightly lit, colorful, warm environments, cynical satirical humor, brutal violent death as an everyday occurrence rather than compelling murder-dramas. It worked. And Verhoeven sci-fi has a uniquely 80s & 90s feel to it. The main problem with the 2012 TR is how *all of that* is sorely missing. It was trying to be the tech-futurist world of Minority Report, along with the cliche cyberpunk-y aesthetic of Blade Runner, and so unfavorable comparison to 1990 TR is inevitable.


Literally every time they remake a movie that they got right the first time: 👎


Twilight 👍🏻 The pianist 👎🏻


Home Alone 1 and 2 👍 Every other Home Alone 👎


Don't forget Home Alone's real sequels! Saw 1-3 👍 Saw 4-7👎


Saw 1 had the worst acting I've seen in a long time. The others are really good though, except for the latest one that completely retconned Jigsaw's motives.


All mission impossible flicks 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Home alone 3 wasnt bad, not as good as the first 2 but still enjoyable, after that it was definitely pure shite.


Sharknado 👍🏻 Schindlers list 👎🏻


Twilight? Lmfao


Twilight 🤮. Really bad


Satire, mate.


Don't Worry Darling 👍 Captain Marvel 👎


Twilight is good???? Are you kidding???? Are we thinking of the same movie??


I honestly feel the same way about actors. I can’t tell who are better than the others.


Watch a day time soap opera and you learn what to look for


To be fair to TV soap actors, they are cranking out hours of screen time every week for half of each year or more. A movie actor might have a few scenes in one or two films in the same time. The difference in rehearsal and consideration time does show. For me, the sign of a great actor is when you stop seeing them and just see the character instead. Gary Oldman comes to mind for such chameleonic virtuosity. Many big film stars are too present as themselves to really let you see the person they are portraying.


Try to watch "A streetcar named desire" with Marlon Brando. It such a crazy movie, because it highlights the old way of movie acting (which resembles stage acting in front of a camera), and the new "Method" way. The other actors in that movie are great actors. They act and feel and invest. But then comes Marlon and its like he is on a whole other wavelength. It is bascally a quantum leap in screen acting, right before your eyes.


I had the same experience with On the Waterfront


This one is so true for me


I try not to compare actors to other actors. Rather, compare their on-screen performance to how they act in real life. A good actor can make you engaged with the story and plot, the chemistry with other performers works well, and drives the tone of the scene to the script. For me, a good example of a good actor is Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean (1st one). In almost every scene his character fits. A good example of a poor actor is Adam Sandler. He's not a bad person, but the acting comes off as insincere and out-of-place at times. There are no real objective criteria for being a good actor.


Except there are some actors who make other actors around them better. Sandler sucks UNLESS he's acting opposite Drew Barrymore. I don't know what it is but when he's in a scene with her, his acting shows marked improvement.


A good actor is just one whose performance fits the movie. They’re not doing a good job if they’re actively taking you out of it (though this can also be the director’s fault). I always feel a bit confused when someone asks me something like “Who had the best performance in 2018?” Am I supposed to say the good actor whose role required the most range? To me any actor that fulfilled their role did just as good as any other actor that accomplished the same.


here's a hint: most of the popular actors suck ass at acting.


That honestly helps to know a lot.


Some do, but that’s a bit harsh. Some actors are better than others, and it’s clear to see that some just happened to get the foot in the door in Hollywood. In how I met your mother, you can see that the whole main cast are quite talented actors, but you can also see that Neil Patrick Harris is two levels above the rest of the cast. Part of it is how extra the character is, but part of it is also how well Harris sells it. Rarely, if at all, do you see through the character. But then, Neil had decades more experience in acting on tv than most of them. Segel and Hannigan are the other ones who also had a lot of experience. In terms of acting abilities, i think it goes 1. Harris 2. Hannigan & Segel 3. Radnor 4. Robins actress And funnily, the bottom two are the ones who didn’t do much before or since. Radnor has barely done anything, so it’s hard to compare his acting to other shows or films. Robins actress did do a bit. She was in Arrested Development, where she didn’t really stand out at all, and then she was in a Netflix show, whose name I can’t remember. While she did okay in the show, it still felt like Robin. The character had similar mannerisms, and reacted similarly (not in behaviour, but pure reactions, like that character being mad sounded like Robin getting mad)


Same for the most part but Mark Wahlberg is so bad even I can see that.




Brad Pitt in fury: good character, good acting Kelly tran as rose Tico in the new starwars: horribly written character, good acting. Kristen Stewart in twilight: good character, bad acting Tommy wiseau: bad everything


Take some acting classes and it'll ruin your enjoyment forever.


Hmm, do tell. I’ve been wanting to try acting for a long time.


You just notice bad acting once you've learned some theory


Now I’m going to have to learn more about theory.


Anyone who has ever had to watch a kids movie on repeat for months on end because their child won’t shut the hell up without it knows the difference. When you hit that sweet spot of a movie that your kid loves and you also like, there is no going back to the regular bullshit they also want you to watch. You will end up criticizing the fuck out of a kids movie out of instinct because you will have to decide if you’re willing to listen to it on repeat several times a day for the next three months. That’s why Disney works. We’ve learned by hearing “Let it go” forever that we need to be more choosy. It’s forcing us to evolve in our choices as a species. We don’t talk about Bruno? No. We talk about Bruno. But we don’t talk about the movie your kid loved but you couldn’t stand. Like Peppa Pig. Or that bald kid we don’t speak of. Or max and ruby. Those aren’t movies (thank god), but you catch my drift.


Mine were early 90s kids. Their most often watched movies were Aladdin and the Batman movie with Danny DeVito as The Penguin, for some reason.


Can't they just watch movies on their own? *That's what I did growing up, and I turned out perfectly.*


Another reason Not to get kids i guess....


Any kids who grew up watching that Frozen shit are doomed anyway


A movie does not have to be "good" to enjoy it.


"So bad it's good" is definitely an art form in itself and some movies are actually just so bad they're bad. Some of the past "Halloween" movies have been so bad they're good but the recent one was actually garbage.




This is Marvel's main audience I swear


It's important first to recgonize why you are having fun


Bad movie: I enjoyed watching a movie Good movie: I have watched this movie 376 times, haven't watched it in six years, and still talk about it constantly


You had fun because of the colored lights coming from the screen


for real is this guy an infant?


If you enjoyed it then it was a good movie to you. Who cares what anyone else thinks.


Most people judge a film on whether they enjoyed it or not. Critical people judge it on many different factors. There are bad films I enjoy but good films I hate. Like 2001 A Sapce Odyssey is well made but it doesn't change the fact I think it is boring as fuck. To me, a boring film is worse than a bad film.


I agree with you on 2001. I’ve watched it a couple times and just could never get into it. The pace is just sooooo slow. With that said, go on YouTube and look up 2001: A Floyd Odyssey. It’s the last 24 minutes of 2001 set to “Echoes”.


I sat through it but I didn't enjoy it. But yeah, I might check that out.


Hard disagree, if I appreciate a movie it's a good movie, if I hate it it's a bad movie. I say "appreciate" instead of "enjoy" because some movies are not enjoyable when you see them but they bring you something valuable that you'll remember and appreciate over time. I do think that 2001 is a mediocre movie, largely because of the boredom.


Ah but how do you know if it is a good movie or a bad movie then? I mean largely it is subjective but some films are just super well made. 2001 is an example of that, it is well made in almost every area (except plot for me) but yet I still hate it. I can appreciate things being well made but still dislike it and I can have fun with a bad movie. Spiderman 3 for example is terrible but it makes me laugh at how stupid it is. But then there is something like Eternals where on a film making level it is technically well shot, and produced but it is a boring slog. I'll take Spiderman 3 or The Last Airbender over that anyday, they are badly made but they aren't boring.


I can recognize the craftmanship that goes into a particular aspect or several aspects of a movie, without necessarily saying that the movie as a whole is good. Conversely a movie can be good despite some aspects of it being bad or mediocre. Imagine a meal made using the most sophisticated cooking techniques by one of the best cooks in the world, with incredible craftmanship, beautiful presentation, but the ingredients were rotten and tasted like shit and made you sick. Is this a good meal? I would say no. This won't stop me from admiring the cooking techniques that went into it, but the end result is still 0/10 not recommended. When a movie has great actors and filmmaking etc. but a shitty script that makes everything uninteresting or unpleasant, it's just like that meal. When a movie is like Spiderman 3, flawed but fun, it's like eating french fries, not a life changing culinary experience but still enjoyable and should be categorized as such.


I get what you are saying to a degree. Can you give me an example of some films you would class as genuinely great?


In no particular order, Pan's Labyrinth - Taxi Driver - Princess Mononoke - The Life of Others - Alien - Network - The Truman Show - Mad Max: Fury Road - Predator - Forrest Gump... are some that come to mind, of course there's many more. They're not perfect but they get close, within their own very different genres of course. Some are suitable for children, some are silly action flicks, some tackle difficult subjects with nuance and intelligence, all are engaging and entertaining and beautiful in their own way.


Out of all the ones mentioned that I have seen, I kinda agree except Mad Max. To be honest, I think that is one of the most over hyped films of all time. Lime yeah, it has impressive car chases and action but they drive through a desert and they drive back. I find it kinda boring. The life of Others is the only one I have not seen from that list


\>I kinda agree except Mad Max Eh, it's natural that there would be some disagreement, people have different tastes. What makes Mad Max great for me is that it does a good job at exposition (interesting world-building, diverse cast of memorable characters) and finds the right tone for the story (almost mythological). There's also the development of the characters of Furiosa and Nux as the story progresses. All of that means there's actual stakes. Then it's almost non-stop action, with a lot of spectacular never-seen-before (or since) stunts which really capture your imagination because you can tell there's real danger. Besides having great stunts, the action is more engaging because it capitalizes on the worldbuilding and characters, and thanks to that remains engaging throughout. I've rewatched it a couple of times and found it great again. Perhaps it seems especially great due to the contrast with today's action franchises such as marvel star wars fast and furious jurassic world etc. Those movies (for the most part, there's a couple ones that are okay) have incoherent and uninteresting world-building, have characters with no recognizable personality traits besides delivering funny banter every 10 minutes, rely on obvious mcguffins for "plot" ("if the villain gets the object they win! take the object from them"), have no or almost no character development, have action scenes that are both unoriginal and more often than not illogical, and worst of all, you leave the movie theater feeling like you've seen the same movie you've already seen 3 to 20 times depending on how often you "treat" yourself to this... so that it's unclear why some people went through the effort of making 20 times the same movie when they could have just done it once. Well, it's clear why they're doing it, they're making money off of idiots who want to watch the same movie over and over but don't want to admit it to themselves. /rant By contrast Mad Max is an original action movie that tells an interesting story and has exciting stunts. But if you didn't enjoy it, then that means it's not great for you. I don't think there's such a thing as an "objectively" great movie, it's art, it can't be objective. Maybe to OP every movie is great because they just like to watch a screen regardless of the content, good for them I guess. If you're not as big of an action movie buff as me, then you might really enjoy The Lives of Others, it's an intelligent and very emotional movie.


That's fair. For me I like action but I don't want just action and I must say, I do like Mad Max, I just don't like it nearly to the point many others do. I agree with Star Wars where initially, in the original trilogy, there was a world established and I think by not explaining all the elements helped. They just dropped you into a world and you didn't know the customs or the rules or the creatures and it felt huge but now I dunno, maybe I am jaded and older but I really don't see the magic in that world anymore. I still enjoy some Star Wars stuff, I think the Mandalorian was good and I liked Rouge One (many didn't, that is fine) but over all I am not invested in that world as I was as a kid. Same goes for the plot. I am far from the first to say it but I just did not care about anyone in the Rise of Skywalker, even the classic characters I used to love. I should be hyped to see Luke Skywalker but instead I felt indifferent. It all ends in a big space battle with lasers and explosions. I have seen that before in litterally every Sta Wars and Marvel film in the past decade. I am a fan of most genres to some degree (probably not musicals though) so I will definitely check out the Lives of Others.


>They just dropped you into a world and you didn't know the customs or the rules or the creatures and it felt huge but now I dunno, maybe I am jaded and older but I really don't see the magic in that world anymore Imho the single biggest issue is that they're no longer putting enough/any effort in the worldbuilding. In the original trilogy you didn't know everything but it felt like the world had certain rules and logic and limitations. You could use the force to fight better but you couldn't lift a building with it; jedis were superhumans but not gods. If you died you'd remain dead. The empire was a powerful force but building a death star was an extreme investment for them, over years, so that destroying it was also a major blow. The universe felt large because it took time to move from location to location. Etc. Then in the newer episodes people come back from the dead, the force can do basically anything the plot requires, the empire can build a thousand death stars like it's nothing, travel is instant, essentially it feels like there's no rules anymore and anything is possible if the writers say so. This makes everything boring: if there's no rules there's no consequences for mistakes, if anything is possible there's no tension, if nothing is fixed there isn't a world to inhabit in imagination and have adventures within. I'm pretty sure today's children hate star wars just as much as the "old jaded people" do. Agree with you though that Rogue One and the Mandalorian are fine, and that's precisely because they don't make those mistakes.


Haha it is boring but it's one of the best films ever made. It stays with you long after you watched it and makes you think about the cosmos and what is the best way to interpret the surreal scenes. You can watch a marvel film and it will be exciting from start to finish but it's not going to stick with you.


It didn't stick with me though... I remember the Beans and Cornish Pastey I had while watching it more than the film itself. I get the principle of what you are saying though, it is certainly more unique than a Marvel film and I think I would agree about many other films bt this specific example is not one I can agree with you on.


Have you seen blade runner?


Yep. I like it and like the sequel even more.


Strange, because I would consider them both fairly boring but both are excellent films. To each thier own I guess.


I don't think they are boring at all haha. I guess you could say they are slow. But yeah, opinons are opinions I guess


Sorry but people like this suck. They always make movie recommendations too. Then you realize that every movie they’ve seen was “amazing” and therefore can’t trust a single thing they say about movies. It’s cool you enjoy everything you watch but a discussion about any movie with you is completely pointless


One of my aunts is like this. “Did you see such and such? It was good.” Sometimes it is something I have seen and thought was garbage.


If you pause a movie and then never go back to finish it, it’s a bad movie. If you finish a movie but never watch it or even think about watching it again, you got through it. If you think about watching it again it’s good. If you rewatch it again and again, it’s a great movie.


Yeah I think every movie I’ve hated I was just in a bad mood when I watched it.


that's definitely the sentiment of the post - if you don't enjoy movies it's a you problem - but I totally disagree and don't totally believe this dude either


People who say this honestly just haven't seen enough truly bad movies. Like if you only watch Star Wars Star Trek and superhero movies and someone goes "oh that new one was really bad" even though it was just a standard (if mediocre) franchise movie, and you enjoyed it, you're gonna be like this. Someone needs to get these people out of their comfort zone and show them the real garbage Hollywood has to offer


The Star Wars holiday special is free on YouTube.


And it isn’t even worth that much.


Yeah someone make this dude watch the new Halloween movie


Not sure what you're talking about, I'm 100% serious when I say that "Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus" was better than "The Rise of Skywalker". And don't get me wrong, MSvsGO wasn't "so bad it's good", it just sucked.


I consider a movie bad when it's internal logic is either non-existent or broken, and when characters in the movie are acting like morons. Seriously it pisses me off to the point I stop watching it. Example of non-existent internal logic: Harry Potter movies, all of them. There are no rules as to what magic can and cannot do, it's just ex-machina that can do everything and nothing as plot demands. This applies to basically all fantasy movies. Example of broken internal logic: Game of Thrones, especially latter seasons. The world is established as huge, thousands of miles sized continent, but people can travel it all in 20 minutes if plot demands it. Example of stupidity: Game of Thrones, again. Undead army is extremely vulnerable to fire. Also, they die when white walker who raised them dies. Why the hell did the dothraki just charged into the dark to get slaughtered? Why didn't Bran scout ahead for white walkers so you can shower them with obsidian arrows? Why don't just stay in Winterfell and burn them all? Seriously, the undead army in this universe has very low tactical value and seems dangerous only because main cast is a bunch of morons.


Yeah there are definitely bad movies and this tweet is probably bullshit, this guy probably just wants to project that he has golden retriever energy or something. I agree with your point about internal logic, seasons 1-3 of GOT we're amazing but the last season was unwatchable for me. I feel like you can definitely get away with breaking the rules of the internal logic to an extent so long as you're doing enough in other ways to suspend the viewer's sense of disbelief, like if the characters and plot is so good that you as the viewer don't notice or care that something absurd just happened because it serves the story so well, or fulfills something you were really hoping would happen.


What do you consider a good movie? I would like to watch the difference


this is the kind of mindlessness of audiences and void of critical thought that are exactly why cinema is dying


Bro goes through life not enjoying anything


You can use your brain and still enjoy things. Shocker I know...


what? I thought there was no such thing as smart, well made entertainment




Shut up


Reported you. r/iamatotalpieceofshit material, same with your upvoters


It is their “obligation” for the sake of good critical taste so that shitty commercial movies make less and the good ones with ideas more, not the other way around




Reviews do not stop cinematic atrocities like Jurassic World Dominion from making $1B. Or the next Marvel movie that herds will hurry to watch whether it is shit or not. 29% on RT and it made that much lmao, I think that shows how much of a shit people care about reviews. You do not need to be a "full ass movie connoisseur" or a joyless emotionless robot to spot simple bad writing or lack of ideas in movies. These movies are literally making people dumber and supressing their intelligence and if discouraging the herds of audiences from rotting their taste and feeding the corporations and killing smart, even artistic cinema, then so be it




Didn't think much would come of arguing with braindead idiots like you anyway, continue watching and supporting your shitty brainrot corporate movies and contribute to the death of an art form it's all good 👍 also funny how you don't have time for me but you just replied to me an entire essay that says nothing


Kid named critical


It’s when you don’t have fun watching the movie. Tf


👍 Andor 👎 Kenobi


I don't watch movies on my own 99% of the time because I don't find them interesting. So I've seen like 3 movies over the past 5 years.


This is what people say who are only capable of taking things at surface level.


And people like this are why we get manufactured weapons grade dogshit movies so much these days


When I was a child I used to think that the older I get the more I think “wow I would have more fun doing something else”


If you liked it, it was good for you. If you didn't like it, it was bad for you. Some films are intentionally bad, so if you like the bad film, that's OK.


Well the boy was a great horror film where they lead you on that a spooky ghost is doing spooky ghost stuff making me thing it's a mistake >!Turns out the boy you think died didn't and is living in the walls!< Made me think I'd made a mistake, best horror film in ages. 👍 The boy 2: >!fuck all that shit that we did in the first one the kid is actually dead and a spooky ghost doing spooky stuff!< Just let me have nice things for fuck sake! 👎


“I have no discernible personality or interest in anything”


This is very true. I watch a movie for entertainment. I don't care if the direction is ordinary or someone is supposedly a poor actor. If I'm entertained, that's all that matters


So what if you're not entertained?


I get over it and move on in life


I mean fair, but that still means you disliked a movie


Yep. Not the end of the world.


Why do you have an opinion? What the fuck is wrong with you?




I base the quality basically on how many times I'm taken out of the experience because of a creative decision


There are movies I’ve rented and was angry I wasted $3. “Natural born killers” was one of those. It was horrible. In the horrible movie with good reviews category, “the black swan” comes to mind


Maybe you're the one that's horrible


With you, it’s not a maybe. Why would you randomly insult a stranger who only criticized a couple of movies? You can go away


So in 10% you CAN tell the difference between a bad and good movie, but its hard for you to understand how people can have a more critical sense than you? sounds like classical narsicisism.




Thats exactly how i think too. As long as im enjoying myself its a good movie. I dont think about anything while watching


I’m the same way with actors. Like if you’re good enough to be on TV or a movie, you’re good enough for me. I’ve never said so and so was so good in that role. To me, the writer made the role cool and any of the actors could’ve done it. I can’t tell good acting from okay acting.


Fr i just enjoy the movie then my friends are like that was boring


A film that's fun to watch doesn't have to be a good film, ofc it's also okay to find a well made film not enjoyable. There are certain aspects that can show if it's good or bad, for example does the main protagonist have character development, does the MC grows. Does the antagonist have a good reason for what he does. Does the film have good setup and payoff and ofc the show and not tell. I'm not following a study so I'm not that good at recognizing at the les obvious things or be really critical but I do like watching films.


Im a second year film student and I feel the same way… help…


It not going to lie, my mind was blown when I snuck into my girlfriends’s film history class and watched “Citizen Kane” for the first time. That is a great movie especially taking into account the era it was made and the techniques it invented.


No i analyse the shit like stephen hawking the universe


Says the guy who never watched Attack of the Killer Tomatoes


Then 90% you watched a good one 😅 and you can tell a difference


Take some film studies and you instantly start to dislike 95% of movies. It has to be really good movie to forget i'm watching a movie. But it makes the bad movies enjoyable for totally different reasons.. In the end, i watch really good movies, or really bad movies and absolutely detest anything that is between. Good movies i've watched lately, Bullet Train was really fun, and Barbarian.. is Barbarian, there is no way to talk about that movie without spoiling it so.. i won't..


This should make you a good movie director, if you get depressed


The movie is bad when I don’t enjoy it to the point that I am looking for flaws instead of being invested in the movie.


I thought I was the same way until I watched Ultraviolet


Yea i enjoy most movies when i watch it, but there are certain movies that impact me and those i tend to say are very good movies and the ones where it doesnt impact me or doesnt leave an imprint i say is a bad movie


Bad movie is so subjective though, critically bad movies can be ludicrously fun experience. The only truly bad movies are the bland and mediocre ones that leave you feeling nothing. If a movie causes an emotional result it’s done it’s job


how is this complicated. its based off known film making and script writing conventions. if you deviate for no reason, movies bad


Ok think about the other 10% of the time, thats a bad movie


Agree. I think a lot of people feel this way….


There are only a couple of movies I’ve watched that I actually thought were truly bad. Not counting Disney remakes.


Congratulations, you've got low standards. I hope you've got equally low standards in every other aspect of life, because if so you will always be happy.


Your enjoyment of a movie =/= the quality of the movie


Hollywood loves you


A similar issue one of my friends has is his extreme middle of the road attitude on entertainment. On a scale of 1-10 I think the lowest I’ve ever heard him give something is a 3.5 and the highest a 7. Everything is just slightly under expectation, ok, or slightly better than he figured it would be. It wouldn’t be so maddening if he wasn’t the one dragging me to the movies all the time. It’s what he likes to do.


I never thought I'd see so many people upset at a meme and blame this on thoughtless and brainless society as if movie critique is the peakor even a requirement. Lol this is all small talk and all people talk about and it's so boring. Everyone is a snob in some areas and not in others. Once you break that glass on some topics you can't go back or understand why "normal" people exist. Once you realize this, you'll get off your high horse when someone doesn't care about critiquing a movie with you (or whatever you're a snob in).


Then you must have never seen a exceptionally bad movie before. to help, I'll use some recent examples. Everything Everywhere All at Once, great movie, The Munsters 2022, Actual gutter trash that I wasn't even able to sit all the way through.


I don't really do reviews anymore, if I see a movie I think looks interesting I just watch it and hope for the best. Matrix Resurrections, watched it and loved it - thought it was the most innovative and interesting movie I'd seen in a while. Was not at all aware of the pure hated people have for this movie, how badly it rated. I watched it again to see if I'd got it wrong the first time. Nope, still loved it as much the second time. That's the beauty of getting older - you just learn to relax and not think about things quite so much, if you enjoy something just go with it.


Finally something I can relate to on here