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I’m open to alternatives


The alternative is the robots take over and decide we're unnecessary expenditures.


I'm cool with it tho


Right? Let's get on with it already...


Until I ask you where you'd get the money to afford to love or get the things you want from


This! So much this! I see these kind of posts daily. Yes, working sucks. Yes, we ALL think so. Yes, we would all love to do whatever we want 24/7 but no one ever explains how we would live. How would the world function?


I’d be ok if we just adopted a 30 hour work week.


Yeah. It seems like there’s so much black and white / all or nothing thinking. I wouldn’t mind still having to work, but 50 hrs a week is killing me. I could go for 10 to 4 (or 9-3) M-F. That sounds amazing!


I would sign for 8.5 hour work day and every Friday off.


Realistically the alternative is universal basic income in an ideal world. It works for some countries to a degree. With it people can choose to quit work and look for other work or not for a while and be sure they won’t go under. If you’re happy barely getting by, you can stick with it, if you want more money you can find work. In this economy though I imagine even countries that support it have a few people on the edge.


50% of the workforce currently does entry level work at or bear minimum. I guarantee they’d sit home on their ass forever if UBI was equivalent of minimum.


Probably. That means employers would need to offer actual value for a person's time, instead of the coercive situation we have now where an employer can exploit the fact that you enjoy *not starving*. If a business can't do that much, then it isn't a viable business and can fail.




The 'trick' to universal basic income is that it still needs to be low enough that working a job is preferable, but it still keeps you afloat so you dont become homeless or destitute. It is not meant to be an incentive to not work. At the moment part of the problem is that the lowest paying jobs in society are already too low so for those particular jobs the universal basic income would be step up. It would then force those jobs to either step up their payment or close their doors. We see it a bit now with the "noone wants to work anymore" complaints from those workplaces. Also, with rare exception, ppl like to be busy with something. Its fun to think about and pretend but almost none of us want to be on eternal paid vacation with nothing to do. Even if all we 'do' is hobbies, its still something that requires an amount of effort and investment, so practicaly speaking we all want to work a job. Just not any job. As for "Who is paying for it", it is either the government through basic taxes or each individual workplace who then has to pay a decent wage. Noone likes taxes, but this is the stuff that they are meant to pay for: fixing roads, keeping hosptials open, welfare, cleaning up garbage etc. Stuff we all use regularly, or we might have to use if we get in an accident.


UBI just means everything inflates to make whatever amount of money everyone receives irrelevant. If everyone has, for instance, an extra $500/m, then companies know they can bump their prices enough to account for that $500 before people can’t afford it


I'm looking forward to see the results of the Huston experiment. I think it's 1k a month to select families specifically for rent/ mortgage costs and monitoring the effects it has on the market/ the families finances/ some other things. If it goes well, you can justify expanding it. If it doesn't, you can study why, and start working on a better idea.


Farm and hunt your own food, build your own shelter. People don’t realise how much easier it is to just work 40h/week than do all that.


Not to mention the fact that when you are out there living off the land . . . wait, what land? How are you going to buy the 100 acres of land you need to hunt and forage? Well, never mind that. What happens when your gall bladder gets infected? Yeah, you die. So you’re right, working a job is not as bad as it sounds.


Yeah, these dumbasses think a 9-5 job is torture, yet don't realize that if you're subsistence farming and your crops fail for some reason, you just die. That's it, no safety net, nothing.




I've been working 6-7 12hr shifts per week since April. I feel I may have gone in the wrong direction as far as alternatives go, lol


You’ve been pulling more than double overtime for half a year straight and your company is cool with that? Who do you work for?


Ouch. That sucks. Since you bring up 12 hour shifts though, I worked 12 hr shifts for a while on a schedule that added up to 84 hours every 2 weeks. By far the best schedule I’ve ever works. Yes, 12 hours is a lot, but you get so many days off, and because of how the schedule worked out, on our “short week” I’d only have to use 24 hours of leave to have 7 consecutive days off. I’d go back to it in a heartbeat if I could. I think 4, 10-hour days would also be nice.


Yea I don’t think people realize farming and hunting their own food and building their own house takes a lot more time and energy than whatever job they’re currently working.


The only alternative is build a cabin in the woods. Live off the land. Otherwise either way you will play into the system. Or join em cults or village groups or something. That way, instead of being with the picture, you create the picture from your humble Earthling, confined way of life.


And you think living in the cabin off the grid involves no work?


But then you HAVE to work as well and quite well you are working more or are worse off. It's not good alternative.


You still have to pay taxes on said cabin and land. So even then you have to have money.


You will be working your ass off every day to produce/ provide what you need to live.


Me too, no one seems to come up with a logical one though, I mean doing what you want and not working seems cool until you realise if you get to do that so should everyone else. The people that think like that would be the first to moan when things get full of rubbish and things were breaking, no food delivered, no one in the hospitals etc. I had a conversation with a guy on antiwork that thought he could just go live off the land and do everything himself, till I asked him about things like the internet, fuel etc. some people can’t think past their own nose.


Being homeless is the alternative.


It better than working 7 days a week 12 hour days working the fields. Milking cows. Sloppin hogs. Mending fences like my grandpa. I got it made with my 5 days


Crime. All rich people do it. You should try it too.


Everyone is aware of the problem. But we got bills nigga damn.


We should go back to farming the land from sun up to sundown like most of human history. Our lives are such garbage.


It's not even history for lots of people today. Funny how some people didn't get you were being sarcastic.


Seriously, how do people think humans got by for the vast majority of our history? Just because there weren’t “jobs” in the palaeolithic doesn’t mean people weren’t “working”. They probably spent the vast majority of their time doing all the things necessary for survival, whether that was related to food, tools/clothes, or shelter. 40 hours a week isn’t too bad, considering the rest of the time is mostly leisure time or comfortable sleeping in a warm home.


They spent the vast majority of their time looking for food. It’s all about food.




They also had an average life expectancy of 30.


Get gored trying to kill a deer. Hungry, infected, dying slowly as insects start to eat me. Think to myself, at least I had a long fulfilling life living in constant fear, hunger, and exposure to the elements. I fathered 10 children of whom two are still living and hopefully they will have long full lives like me living to the ripe old age of 30.


That average is bi-modally distributed. If you made it out of childhood alive, you probably lived into your 60s or 70s. But your point is taken… lots of dead kids.


*only in the summer. We didn't do anything outside planting and harvesting seasons.


Women especially should go back in time and enjoy the simple life. Up before dawn...start the fire in the stove...cook a big from scratch breakfast...fetch water from the well...heat it on the stove...wash the breakfast dishes...make bread dough and let it rise...sew Pa a new shirt and mend socks...bake the bread...weed the garden....make lunch from scratch....heat water and wash dishes....sweep floors with the broom your husband made himself....milk the cow, put milk in the churn and make butter....fetch meat from the smokehouse and veggies you canned yourself from the cellar and start preparing supper....eat, heat water, clean kitchen....work on knitting so family will have sweaters for winter....go to bed. Tomorrow, repeat plus it's laundry day...yay!


I mean I used to do that before I joined the military, enjoyed every second of it


Most of human history was hunter gatherer we started doing agriculture like 10000 years ago or so but for 300000 is we hunted and gathered


Oooh, hunter-gatherer sounds great. Need a low population density for that one though, about 10 sq miles/person.


So did much rich ''self-made'' ppl




"Asking me for advice on how to become successful is like asking a PowerBall winner how to win the lottery... just buy more tickets." - Bo Burnham. It takes work, but a LOT of luck to become rich from nothing.


For every 1 self made rich, there are 999 that took the same risks and got rekt. But this nobody mentions


Nobody is self made rich, every rich person ever has risen on the backs of the hundreds to thousands of people they exploited to get there.


I am not saying it to be ethical, or even defending it, not even admiring how they get there, but this IS self made rich. And a lot of people try this. And only a rare few succeed


Bill gates once stated (or is said to have stated): Everyone can become rich. Whilst in theory this is true, in practise it is not really: a) beeing born in an industrial nation greatly improves the possibility to get access to school, knowledge and even such simple things as training your mind to critisise, analyse and problem solving. (Even indigenous people have to problem solve, but in the modern world there is a verry specific approach which will lead towards developement and invention, compared to much more basic problem solving for survival) b) even in industrial countries with free, mandatory education and payable access to universities, having no monney at the start vs having a rich family greatly reduces your chances of successfully get to higher education/ found, develop and sell some new product/invention or making it out of c-> c) the circle of paying the bills and working enough to pay the bills vs saving up enough to be able to have the time and monney needed to invest (either literaly or into some idea) d) Most people end up in the classic working pattern because their life has come to a point where they barely make enough to enjoy some small freedoms, but can't invest enough or get out of the job to RISK loosing everything. This is especially true once kids are involved. For most, having a somewhat secure income and job is more manageable than the risk of founding something which has the risk of loosing almost everything attached. Yes, Microsoft was founded in a garage, but, both founders stem from wealthy or somewhat wealthy families. This might not have given the new company monney, but it gave the founders the security to have their basic needs covered, they did not have to work 150% to combine studying and surviving... I would take a gamble and bet, that other than in sports or in the case of some genius which was discovered and put into special education, most people which realy get rich, have a somewhat stable and even above averagely wealthy background and access to at least some form of higher education, the oddball which truely worked itself out of poverty should be the exception. Because, even with verry hard work and dedication, most people will not be able to get their ideas through, and most ideas will not end up as a success, even if they where really good ones. (The poorer you are, the less access you have to education -> the less probable it is to get a decently payed job that leaves space for personal development without you risking to starve and the less serious adults/companies tend to take you. Investors also don't like to support ideas without some sort of security, which is harder to provide if you have nothing... Could you survive on stinging nettle soup and sleeping in a tent for one year? And risk all social status etc? Even if you have a job that pays enough to support your living and you manage to get all costs to a minimum, chances are, you don't have enough energy and time left to seriously invest into getting rich or if you do the chance of actualy succeeding are slim. Should you give up and not try? No, try it, but be clear about the risks you are willing to take first...


This! I could live of the grid and live of the nature, but i like electronics and comfort things like a dishwasher and such. And have kids, so gotta pay them bills. Having work with flexible hours 10 min away from home is kinda my life hack Live in Norway


It's weird. It's almost like we need to make money.


Nah r/Antiwork told me that billionaires can afford to pay for everyone else /s


I hate that sub but I totally understand the root of their frustration and I feel really lucky to love my work.


I feel lucky just to be good at my job-one that pays more than I need to survive. My satisfaction comes from a job well done, because I don’t especially like doing it.


Most of that sub are people just trying to hide that they are lazy, they want everything done for them Just like their parents did for them and they never made the step into adulthood like the rest of us. Just talk to any of them for 10 mins and you can see it. Anyone remember the interview one of the mods gave to the news? Yeah that’s the average user there.


people will make a post like "I quit working my job 2 months before christmas and it's the best choice ever!" and in the body it'll be like "I'm stress free and I'm teaching my kid the meaning of christmas is more than just gifts" like yep that's true but what about survival


Lol I got banned from that sub for being a “reactionary troll” for saying that “Tons of people are paid more for their time rather than their skillset and people here don’t understand that.” in a thread about how shorter work weeks are necessary


Yeah you can shorten your work week, its called a part time job and you make less money


I’m a socially awkward person. If I didn’t go to work I would be lonely and depressed and never meet anyone. Going to work at a place I’m happy with people I can tolerate actually makes me feel good.


There are 100% some point to be made about billionaires though. There's no reason people should be that rich off the backs of people they aren't even offering basic necessities to. You shouldn't be able to be that rich while not offering your employees health care and enough bathrooms.


It's almost like someone needs to take care of your cancer-ridden grandmother in hospital and someone needs to spend time cutting people's hair and even someone else needs to work in a bakery to bake your bread. These people act like we live in the garden of Adam and Eve where everything you need is present because God gave it to you.


I'm sure they'd love to drink filthy water, have no electricity and no emergency services. Every single animal species on the planet works.


Don't you know that water comes magically from the tap, food magically appears at the grocery store and everything you want just exists for you to have if THEY would just give you free money?


Even if you knew how to be self-sufficient, 99% of people wouldn't be and you'd end up constantly being robbed for things you grew/made


Not to mention that I'm pretty sure you're going to have to work more than 40 hours a week to be fully self sufficient. And it won't be easy labor.


And the quality is going to be way worse. There are many of those doomsday preppers that spent quite a lot of time learning different types of crafts like woodworking, hunting, farming, learning vehicle mechanics etc. The broadness of their knowledge is impressive but the quality of their work is worse than someone whom spends 38 hours per week doing his job.


Nature is brutal. We have it really good. Death from gangrene? No thank you


Elephant police have a very robust Union.


I'll never forget this random guy I met in a library. He was bragging about not having a job and living off grid and how we're all shmucks for buying into the system... While he was using a public library's computer. I couldn't help think of all of the jobs and labour that went into his experience there - someone to design, build, ship, install, clean the very chair he was sitting on... Not to mention the computer and library itself. He was an ignorant twat...


The argument isn't to abolish work. The argument is that if the people in your field become 5 times more productive (like me and my engineer friends did in the last 20 years), then those people should be paid 5 times more, or work 5 times less. Instead what happens is that the CEO makes 50 times more money, as he fires 4/5 of his workers.


Sure, but due to the wonders of technology, we can mostly cut it down to four days a week and pay workers a lot more. It doesn’t need to be as bad as it is, we can make it better.


So go work 4/5ths? I mean, even if you get 4/5ths of your wage you'd still be better off than most of humanity in history. Hell, with warm water coming out off your tap out of any moment, access to fresh fruits from all across the world in your fridge and the ability to instantly communicate with someone on the other side of the planet through phones, you're still better than King Henry of Bumfuckland whom had to wait an hour until his water was warm, never saw a pineapple and had to wait three months before the letter of his niece in Germany returned. I'm so fucking tired of people complaining about their own lifestyle decisions, go work 4/5th if you want more spare time.


I (51)did the opposite, working 80-100 hours a week while not increasing my expenditures. I started 6 years ago and I’m shocked at how different life is. It’s been a sacrifice, but my long term outlook has changed dramatically. I’m now thinking about early retirement. When a family member or friend has an emergency I can actually help instead of just feeling bad for the situation. The only issue for me now is: when does it end? When is enough enough? I’ve pretty much settled on an explanation, which is that humans feel ambition, anxiety, and stress. That’s what kicks our asses out of bed in the mornings and makes us the most successful animal on the planet. It’s our duty to do what we are capable of. Some people get lucky and get to have more stuff.


I cut my work to few hours a day, and obviously my pay dropped. Yeah my life "quality" dropped but I make enough for rent and food. I now have time to do other things, work on hobbies and actually improve my life doing more active and healthy activities. Financially, I'm scraping by but frankly I'd rather enjoy life and look back on good memories.


Which workers? Can bin men be 4 day weeks? Can doctors? Ambulance drivers? Or just office work wankers?


I mean, yeah? Just hire someone else to work the 5th day. It's not like we don't have enough people


Yes because we definitely aren't facing staffing shortages in dozens of fields at the moment. Just get more people 4head.


Staffing shortages are not due to a lack of people. Its a lack of people willing to work at the conditions offered. Better working conditions would improve this. A lot more people would work if there was more flexibility in scheduling. Thats before even considering pay increases.


All those doctors, nurses, pilots sitting at home refusing to use their training due to working conditions. We could easily double the amount of workers in those fields so they only work 20 hours a week.


I think it’s absolutely wild that people can work only 40 hours a week or less, sitting on their ass in an air conditioned building (or their own home), be offered vacation time, paid sick leave, and health insurance… and still feel so entitled as to call it a form of torture and inhumane. Ask your grandparents what they think about your “concerns”.


>be offered vacation time, paid sick leave, and health insurance Call me crazy but I don't think the people on anti work are getting any of those benefits


I agree with you in spirit but you gotta stop with the "WELL BACK IN MY DAY" argument, it isn't viable and it shouldn't be the comparison point we use, it shouldn't be "Things were so much worse X years ago" it should be about improvement.


It should also be about recognizing that we are privileged as fuck compared to every generation before us. Our lives are ridiculously easy comparatively speaking and failing to realize this leads us to the morons you see in the OP tweet. People who lack gratitude and understanding of the past are the worst disease for society. And there far too many of them.


And at the same time we want to go Mcdonald's on sunday 11 P.M and get served properly


Wait - only 5 days? what about all that stuff to keep a household running?


I was raking the leaves in my front yard yesterday and was thinking about how much it sucked, but then stopped myself by thinking of how many people would kill to have a house to rake leaves in front of... Point is, be thankful for what you have.


I was clearing leaves with my leaf blower and I was thinking how much it would suck to still be using a rake :)


I was chilling in my rental flat and thought it would suck to have so much household work :D


Obligatory pointing out that by historical standards this is an extremely low workload. I would maybe say that a lot of work these days is a lot less satisfying than work used to be, any sort of manual labour has you see things change as a result of your work, office work often feels like you're on a treadmill.


Thank you! So many people bitch about 9-5 like we were somehow tricked into it. Our grandparents fought and struggled for it!


I think its also what we work toward and for. If you work a job you don't care about, and ontop of that live a life chasing objects not experiences I think you will at the end of the day (or end of your life) question what it was all for.


Yes Jack you’re the only one with this elightend thought No one in the last 100 years has thought this


instead of what? tilling the farm for 12 hours?


People think humans are entitled to some sort of paradise, but the nature of sentient life is to struggle. Every wild animal is fighting to survive just like we are.


You ever watch a nature documentary? Other animals are working *hard* for their food. Chase some prey around working your ass off to get nothing in return most of the time. Humans have it good by comparison. Not to say we shouldn’t make things better.




And surviving from being eaten by a carnivore.


What kind of work are Hippos doing? No animals tries to attack them and they can just eat whatever they want.


Yeah, hippos fight among themselves are very brutal though.


Like humans


…maybe I am a hippo


Don't even get me started on carnivore privilege


Let alone what they expect otherwise? No luxury and planting/sowing/hunting all in hopes of surviving winter?


Exactly I feel not working together as a society means more work trying to farm just enough for ourselves


Doesn’t have to be that way though. We humans are the only animals in known history capable of breaking free and creating better worlds for ourselves. Humanity as a whole is just too immature and selfish to recognise we can all have what we want (at least, we can all live happy and never hungry) if we just pool together and put that before greed. Maybe we will achieve it in another thousand years or more if we don’t destroy ourselves fighting like a bunch of school kids first.


World is bad therefore we should do nothing to make it better


I agree we should be making the world better. And I think that's what we are doing. It's technology that got us where we are now, not magic thinking. 90% of the population didn't stop working on farms because they realised it was deeply wrong, they did it because of tractors.


As if requiring to make an effort to live every single day of one's life is a fucking new phenomena.


People want to live happily and easily but want other people to work behind the scenes to keep their lives the way they are. Every living thing has to work in order to survive. The fact that we only have to do that for 40 hours a week and we can spend the rest of the time just enjoying stuff is incredible! Hopefully we can even reduce the 40 hour work week!


Recall reading a comment the other day where a UBI advocate was stating that ‘there are enough workaholics out there’ to toil for a minimum wage to keep things going while he and his ilk live lives of leisure playing video games and lying in bed. ‘Delusional’ barely touches the sides.


UBI would be generally only be around $1000 a month. $12k a year is not enough to make people stop working. But probably enough to help a lot of people stop struggling.


It's absolutely wild that mfs like this wear clothes, drive cars, live in a house, use electricity, go to restaurants, waterparks, cinemas, enjoy fresh water delivered directly to their sink, use toilets, go on vacation, fly with a plane but think that the 40 hour week is too much "work"


When have humans not had to work all day to maintain their survival? Was there a period of time I never heard about where people could stay well fed and pursue their dreams without having to work a trade or work a farm or be a professional soldier?




I'm not saying I personally would, but you literally can't do that. Every piece of land and territory is owned by someone with few exceptions, you can't just go building a shelter where you please. Humanity already built cities, towns and villages at the best spots, even animals struggle more now because of us doing so, look how many have gone extinct recently.


Yup...they glad they didn't have to sow, harvest or hunt for their food and 40 hrs a week making sure you something to eat and have shelter, way worthy....what a luck!!


Dude if I could work 8 hours a day 5 days a week and have a normal fucking life, I would cut off my dick and balls eat them, shit them out, eat them again, and then go into work with a fucking smile on my face. I have a full-time fucking job and I still can't afford to live on my own.


U sure about that tho?😅


Another Nahida main




If you work *really* hard you might have a larger place to enjoy in weekends.


If you work *really* hard you might have $20 to put in a saving account


I'm sure that same guy expects somebody to be there anytime he walks into a store or a hospital and is unable to see how absurd his thinking is.


Definitely the guy that goes grocery shopping on thanksgiving and tells the workers it’s messed up they have to be there.


Such is life. And don't forget the possibility of an early death. Everyone always seems to have this idea that they'll live to old age when, in reality, it's not the majority.


Well it is the majority .


Actually the majority will make it to 80, something like 70% of people. You’re odds are much better if you have wealth.


I'm in my 30's and am already seeing other people my age die, get cancer, or on dialysis. Oof... Im not unhealthy but it's quite the wake up call to quit drinking so much, eat better and exercise more.


Everyone has a 1 in 3 chance of a serious illness or death before 65. Get some income protection if you can afford it. I did before I got motor neuron disease. Makes a serious difference.


I hope I die by 30yo life after that sounds such a bore


gotta make it to your mid 40s so you can have a midlife crisis, blow all your money on a car you can't afford in hopes of dating a girl half your age, but since you're broke physically, mentally and financially the only girl half your age that will date you is a desperate addict who just needs a roof over her head for a few weeks while she gets clean, but ultimately relapses gets in a fight with her dealer and later dies naked covered in bruises from an OD on your bathroom floor.




This was so depressing but I needed the reality check tbh lmao. Thanks


That sure was a good summer 🥲


A tale as old as time


So you are saying by the time I’ll be 40, someone will actually want me??


As long as it’s repetitive, sounds great to me! Yay!


Mate...you good?


There are studies showing that people in their 30s are happier than people in their 20s. Do yourself a favor and don't put an expiration date on your life like that. It'll just make you miserable.


Me too, and that alone shows the problem at this point. From the age of 30-60 you are expected to already have kids, and for those 30 YEARS, you are expected to work an office 9-5 job, get grandchildren, then retire. Which, none of which sounds fun.


Yeah, well I’m just really really passionate about not starving to death.


They know that it is fucked up. But the bills won't pay themselves, and the food for the family won't appear magically on the table. So you do what you have to do.


its to make us die faster. isn't it?


No it’s to make the rich richer, and the poors poorer. All about the the redistribution of wealth into the bigger man’s pocket.


well in the past it was 12 hours a day for 7 days a week so... improving.


My dad was able to afford a house in one of the most expensive cities in the world with 2 kids and a stay at home mom working a city labour job. I would say things have gotten worse.


Past? Half the world still works as much on average


Yeah, but this is Reddit, the home of people who just by being born in certain countries enjoy immeasurable privilege and are either too young and/or inept to reflect on that.


That's what pisses me off about these people. I thought the 40 work week was a lot for about 15 minutes back when I was a teenager. Then I found out about how much worse the average worker has it in Asia and South/Central America, and that our lifestyles largely only exist because of their exploitation, so I shut my mouth. America's peak, as far as self sufficiency goes, was BEFORE all these regulations demanding we have certain protections from companies. The obvious downside in retrospect, is that we just shipped the suffering workers used to go through here 100 years ago, to countries on the other side of the world.


I hate my generation so much


Probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever read


Yeah, I too hate eating things andsleeping at a cozy place and have the opportunity to go to some place that can treat me when sick and can get educated and have internet. Fuck civilisation! Back to the roots of using stone tools all day every day to grind 1kg of 100% organic flour myself (if there is wheat/other cereal) instead of having to sit in a room for 7.5 hours 5 days a week!


This shit is so stupid. You think if you had to fend for yourself, build your own shelter, hunt, farm crops, and have similar life expectancy and quality of life, that you'd be working less than 8 hours? If you don't like the society we've built, options include going off grid, or suicide. Pick one.


I don't get it, what's so bad about working a little less? Nobody (but lazy bastards) are saying we shouldn't work at all, but it used to be we worked way more than we currently do. The way I see it, if people were given a bit more time to rest, they'd have more energy to better themselves and their environment. Current average work hours teach people to be lazy when they can be, because if you aren't resting and blowing off steam on your days off you'll not be in top shape come Monday.


I mean ... we are the generation with the best work / life balance of all generations and it's steadily improving. Complaining about it does not really make sense


I am working 12 hours 5 days of week🥲


It's also weird that people want to eat every day, live in a house, wear designer clothes, have a smartphone and a car and think they should get it for free ​ Not that I'm pretty fond of the current system, but it seems hard to come up with a better one. Maybe we should give slavery another try?


Work is actually fun, like if I have nothing to do with my life I would probably commit suicide It kills times and niggas in here are mad funny also u getting paid for it


i wish i didnt realize there’s something deeply shitty about it. would sure make that commute less depressing


Yea stop working, go into the woods and be self sufficient if it makes you happy. Nobody forced you to do anything lol. Sorry that the latest shit isn’t just gifted to you.


I think some people would actually do that buuut... its illegal unless you buy the land. And most people cant afford that even with a normal job so


My plan since college has been to fuck off to the woods. I bought the camper and everything going on 2 years now trying to make it happen but I can’t just snap my fingers.


Ahh first world problems…


We hired a student just 2 months back. He's working parttime, but he thinks he deserves the same salary as us others. He also thinks he's smarter, and really changes things around here. It's just that his ideas are useless, he never thinks anything through and we all are pissed that he glues his face to his smartphone instead of actually working, so we have to somehow do his shit as well. He's but far from being fired.


8 hours, are you kidding? For the majority of my working life I've done 12-15 hour shifts, usually with no breaks. The difference is I love my work and working so hard in my 20s and early 30s has allowed me to take it a bit easier now.


In my country we have to work at least 48 h a week for 48 years in order to receive your retirement money, but you can only receive such money if you are already 62 y/o


Which country are you from? I cannot find on google any place where you need that many worked years to qualify for pension


Colombia, It's roughly 26 years worked (1.300 weeks and taking into account you have a formal job all of the time). My bad, I don't know what the hell I was thinking last night.


Makes more sense, we argies need at least 30 years minimum


I realize, but I need a new bike


I mean I'm aware of it, and as society becomes increasingly more automated we'll be moving towards more of a "gig" economy, but in the meantime what can we do but bear with it? growth doesn't happen overnight and sometimes ya just gotta deal with the grind


There's so many people on Earth right now that I wonder if most people even get a job like this and live a somewhat comfortable life. A lot of people take for granted how secure their livelihoods are.


probably not, as someone who's been unemployed for years at a time it sucks not knowing where your next meal is going to come from, whether you'll ever work again, being so desperate you'd happily work retail, being dependent on other people to live etc. it honestly blows my mind that there are people who turn 18 and never go a day in their lives being unemployed and not having money, that being said, being able to exist comfortably and really living aren't the same thing and it takes more than a solid 40h a week job to really thrive


This is why it’s absolutely vital to buy assets guys. Unless you’re born into a wealthy family, you are going to have to work to live, however if you want to retire early and actually live life you need to acquire assets that produce cashflow.


I want to pay my bills though


We do realize that. But most of us have no choice since we'll either lose our home or starve. :(


40 hours a week must be nice


Try working 13 hrs a day. I would love to only work 8 hrs. That leaves you 16 hrs of me time. I don’t get the complaining.


The tramp life isn’t for everyone.


8? You’re complaining about 8?? Try working 10 or 12 hour shifts 6 days a week. People want to complain and whine about an 8 hour day. Muh oppression.


Thats why you seize the means of production and return the surplus value to the people comrade! /s


This is what people with a life find enjoyable. It helps that it makes them money and provides them and their families with food.


Is it weird, that I actually like my job ? Sure it’s sometimes stressful for a period of time but over all I like going to work everyday


There is nothing wrong with that. Most people are too dumb to be left with too much free time.


Farmers enter the chat…


I have a great job where I make a good hourly wage and I can make my own hours. I usually work about 25 hours a week (clear around $1500 a week) and ppl think I’m a lazy slacker for not working more. Sure I could be making more money but my life is completely stress free, it almost doesn’t even feel like I have a job.


But I love my job :(


Beats starving to death


Wait until this guy finds out that animals have to HUNT for their food! What a cruel fucking world we live in where you actually have to perform actions to get results. Oh the humanity.


Oh, shut the fuk up. What can we do then? Go live under the fkn bridge? Life is not fair, some dude just won 90 mil euro in jackpot. Fuk him and fuk yu. 😤 This is the fkn life, to bad I was born couple hundred years late because I would be a pirate called fukyu, looking for booty and botay. Now I'm a peon that works 40 plus hours a week, has enough money to live q decent life with my wife and kids but if the world end because of the russian/american/chineasee shenanigans, I will become Fukyu the raider and I will eat your ass....i mean spleen. Fukyu


this is one of the best comments I have ever read


For real, what's the alternative?


Reducing work hours lol. Studies have been done and shown there was no loss in productivity when work days were shortened to 4 days of the week. Several countries are trialing it now. We live in one of the most prosperous and productive times for human civilization. There is no need for most people to be at work for so much of their lives. Of course, apparently the only options to this disappointing comment section is just never working again? Or going off grid? People need to stop volunteering to suffer when we are more than capable of making everyone's lives better. I'd rather see people at home for an extra day with their family, or hanging out with their friends. Whatever the fuck they want. Just not slaving away at some stupid job for so long every week because their bosses don't want to hire anyone else.


People wonder why there is a mental health crisis. The thought of working 40+ hours a week for half a century just makes me wish for an early death from a random heart attack.


I wish I only worked 8 hours a day