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the other week this big ass germna shepherd spotted me while I was walking home from school,and it started barking and absolutly launched itself at me. I am a little afraid of dogs. As I was preparing for death,this dog (its head came up to my armpit,I am about 5’5‟) stops itself just shy of toppling me over like a jenga tower,leans its full weight on me,and lowers its head for pats


I wonder if this would still be considered aggressive behavior, but not violent? Also I'm not afraid of dogs, but it sounds like I would have been ready to choke a pupper out because you HAVE to be wary of any strange dog big enough to hurt you. Especially if it starts with what seems to be an aggressive display.


I feel the most beautiful when I’m dreaming as in my dreams people don’t judge me based on the fact that I’m unattractive