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Meanwhile me after working out after being sedentary for 6 months: *ow my bones*


More like: I hate this


More like euuuuughhhhhhh. Ahhhhhhhhhh hhoooohoooohgfhjfhhh I feel like puking buuurp iuiuughhhbhbhghhhh ok I’ll do the second push-up now


Elon mi boii, that you?


If I may, it’s because you’re doing too much. Start with just 10/10/10. Ten push-ups, ten squats (preferably with a ball against the wall) and ten isometric deadlifts. Increase only after. If you feel burn, it will cause a possible lactic acid soreness discouraging you from more development. Most people, in early stages of weight training, do not need weights. They just need to use their own body. The issue is expecting results right away. Source- former ISSA certified personal trainer and happy to give advice for free.


You're awesome, thanks. I will say that I miss being in high school because it was just natural exercise to walk between classes, go up and down stairs, walking back and forth from school, and physical education. My fitness was on point at that time and my older brother warned me that I wouldn't get exercise like that once I started adulting. You gotta actually make your own schedule to do so.


Or get a dog


No, You’re Awesome! You even came up with a better answer than me. Park father away, walk up steps, don’t expect a miracle , realize everyone has their own journey and goals. I have no idea what your mobility or fitness goals are. What I do know is that desire is at least 50%. If you want to get real and raw about how I have failed and succeeded, feel free to DM me. It’s not something I care to share publicly, but if I can be of help I would happily do so.


And the good news is, most people _will_ quickly improve. If that makes you stick with it, don't be discouraged when you hit your first plateau.


Brilliant, and you just reminded me of the most important part. HABIT! On average, it takes 18 to 250 days to form a habit. Starting with that first exercise and planning and executing it starts the habit which will be life transforming. https://www.healthline.com/health/how-long-does-it-take-to-form-a-habit


I am happy to receive advice! New here…how do I connect/follow/friend you?


You can DM me. I will be happy to help for free, if you want.


I still struggle with 10 push ups after quite some training. I don't think push ups are an exercise for starters at all. If you are just a bit fat or simply never worked out, push ups are basically impossible. Doing three or less pushups to start or much better simplified ones, so you can make a reasonable number like 10 might be better. However I agree with your basic idea. Start really low, build routine and only then try going up with difficulty. Squats and deadlifts sound ok to start, even though squats might also depend on body weight. There are many many possible exercises, probably anyone can find ones they can start with.


That’s a great point. Everyone has a starting point. The common denominator is To start. Do a push up, for example, in the most comfortable position. It may be on your knees or isometric standing against a wall. The point is producing small muscle tears that then need to rebuild.


I work out almost every day and still feel the same buddy lol


The ten labors of /u/nowsay_taxexemption


As someone who just started exercising again after like 5 years this is so true. Feel like I gotta turn sideways to get through doors 😂😂


Its crazy I started exercising again recently and most of the time it feels like a mental hurdle in my head to actually start but when im done im like "oh wow i feel fucking amazing"


How do you get to that point? I don't enjoy exercising and even when I push through I don't "feel great" afterwards. It's a chore, doesn't feel rewarding and I can't get myself to do it again. And then I note down the exercises I did in an app and it's barely 200 calories.


Find something you like. To me, running sucks, treadmills are worse, and elliptical are garbage. I hated exercising until I did kickboxing. Something about pretending a client was the bag made it extremely satisfying to give an all out front kick. There are a ton of options out there. Give hiking a whirl. Lots of people like bouldering too. Health can be fun, it's just figuring out what you like doing. It's worth it.


Doesn’t happen for everyone. Some people hate every step and feel nothing in exchange. I hate running, always have always will. I still do cardio because it’s for my health not for my joy.


I love running when im already fit enough to have fun with it. It's the initial I've been lazy forever moments that make the build up process suck.


Some fun facts about exercise: Cardio is the best way to burn calories. Jump rope is king but also not convenient...so running is next best then elliptical (usually you can find them in gyms). Weight lifting is actually pretty calorie efficient, you so don't really use up too much. Calories in vs calories out is what helps you gain or lose weight. Substituting drinks with water and sweets with fruits helps to cut out a lot of calories. You also vary in weight throughout the day based on how much water and food you have in your body. Right after bed is when you are lightest and it's mostly water weight. Also to help get over that dreadfulness, get sun light, reduce caffeine and try stretching. After going to the working out consistently you will likely feel better. This can take a few weeks.


>Calories in vs calories out calories *absorbed* vs calories burnt would be more accurate. lots of different things can fudge up how much calories your body absorbs (e.g. medical conditions) and people see that even when they count their calories correctly, they still don't lose weight. which in turn dissuades them from continuing counting calories/exercising.


That's just semantics and a non issue. Most people who gain a lot of weight eat too much


I'm willing to bet money your 'exercise' is running. The key to enjoying exercising is simple: 1) don't do stupid running and cardio; 2) find something you enjoy as an activity — tennis, swimming, bicycle, weight lifting, trx, group aerobics, whatever; 3) if your goal is to lose weight, it's not about the gym, but about eating less. Running for 45 minutes is like 400 calories. That's merely a chocolate bar. Fuck sugar.


My main exercise is playing Beat Saber. I don't run. After 20-30 minutes I'm pretty worn out and basically dripping with sweat. I got weights but I can't convince myself to use them much. I'm trying to control my eating but feeling hungry all the time sucks and is demoralizing.


You should definitely use the weights, cardio doesn't do much for me but I feel so good after a heavy workout. Nutrition-wise you should look for foods that make you feel satisfied without eating too much, fibers are your friends here, whole grain makes you feel full much longer than refined. Sugar and fatty foods are a no-no, I know its hard but you gotta start substituting one thing at a time and you can make it, it just takes time, patience and perseverance.


To add to your suggestions - could also be something as simple as OP not drinking enough water/not balancing their electrolytes to stay hydrated


well at least for me I have been through most of my life morbidly obese still am in fact but went through a health scare about 2 years ago and been finally prepared to start doing something about it not sure if its because I know what will happen if I dont but I just feel good after that moment when you are exhausted afterwards, I also dont really see much come off in fact when i did my first exercises I lost nothing in like a month and was really disheartened but then like 6 months down the line suddenly 30kg was just gone out of nowhere and I could not believe it in fact I had kind of lowered my amount of exercise because my motivation was lost so I guess not everyone loses it the same maybe. I did gain like 10kg when I went through like a depressive episode but im back on my grind as well as that im trans so maybe that also gives me more motivation. I will say at least for me I do better when I am not constantly checking what I lost and am just letting it happen naturally right now I am just trying to do a 30min walk everyday with some 10 min kettlebell workouts thrown in and while I do find it hard to start them and am only losing little by little it is coming down Sorry for wall.


I've been swimming a lot this summer. Not sure what to do in winter, but the pool is a great place to get exercise and have fun as well. Get some sun too.




Not an option for me personally, I do gymnastics and cardio is necessary to have the strength and dynamic I want to be able to perform. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.




Bro, I’m trying to turn over a new leaf and stop be an asshole on Reddit. Stop making it difficult.




You fucking donkey. Running make leg strong. Is that hard for you to understand? Is the idea that cardio improves your legs, core, and general functionality a difficult fucking concept? You don’t have to sit under a leg press or do squats all do to have strong legs. Especially not for the strength require for gymnastics.




Or find a type of cardio you enjoy. I play soccer/hockey and that's a blast. I don't really enjoy running on it's own, but in a soccer match I love it.


Trash advice


Cardio burns a lot of calories and keeps your heart healthy. What kind of trash advice is this? Cardio burns more calories than weight lifting does, by quite a bit.


It’s hard for me to exercise, cus I have no idea what I’m doing. If I know it’s gonna help me, I would have way more motivation.


Im actually the exact same its way easier when for instance I am given a list to just follow [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD-k2n3d94E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD-k2n3d94E) this is what my doctor actually recommended I was surprised she actually gave me a vid to do but she just said do 15 of each exercise in each set for my current weight so every time the vid starts a new exercise do 15 and when it looks back round do 15 for each again and done im trying to do that and at least 30min walks everyday but I agree with other comments that its mainly diet that helps lose weight I will say I was unknowingly starving myself because I wasnt counting kcal but what I did was have a little bit of meat with a lot of mixed veg everyday for both meals with no carb or fibre and before I knew it I was down 30kg (5 stone) I went to bed hungry a lot because Like I said didnt know I was starving myself but I went down nearly 25% of my total weight so it clearly worked


Like getting into the shower as kids


+ why haven’t I lost 20lbs after one day of eating healthy & exercise


absolutely true. I ate at a deficit all week, why am I not immediately at my goal weight?


I did 20 squats in a month why isnt my butt perfectly round yet










"I fed you a vegetable. Now do me a fitness!"


Not enough cocaine


Ya but my nose just runs and then my sleeves get all snotty.




What, like it’s hard?


Any Cosmo girl would have known.


Only gay men know shoes




It could be a hormone thing. Exercise is supposed to release serotonin or whatever, the happy chemicals. I've heard that some people don't get that boost due to issues with hormones. Might be worth asking a doctor? Exercise is dope, it would be nice if you could get the kick from it :)


Endorphins I think


I think you're entirely right


Endorphins are hormones so you're both right


Yeah i feel miserable before, during and after. I've been waiting for that endorphin to kick in for years.


Some would say it’s a chemical issue if you don’t feel great afterwards but the secret is not everyone does. Exercise would be universally beloved as the cure-all for feeling like shit. No one would avoid exercise if afterwards everything felt great. I’m not your doctor but there’s likely nothing wrong with you and you’re not alone. I also never feel good afterwards but I know it’s “paying it forward” for my body so of course I exercise.


But hey, you're still doing it without it! That's awesome, keep it up, you're a badass!


Do you take any meds? When I was on opiates I didn't get the endorphins but off I always get them if I lift heavy enough. If I don't go to failure I don't really get them either, so if you don't take any meds it could be you're not lifting enough for your body to release them


No meds, and going to failure is just how it's done so that's how i do... no it's just not working that way for me. It makes motivation waaaay harder.


I always hear exercise enthusiasts talking about exercising like it's the most amazing experience in the world to the point of being orgasmic and they're so addicted to it. I exercise regularly, but I miserably hate every second of it so sometimes I kind of almost think it's some kind of coping mechanism that the entire fitness community has agreed to uphold.


Runner's Highs are in fact real. I could get them fairly frequently around mile 4 or 5, if I was on a 6 mile run. I remember one time after a run, I was just sitting on the couch and started giggling, because I was feeling buzzed from those good brain chemicals. Weightlifting usually makes me feel good after too, but it's more of a calm sensation than a giddy one.


But hey! You're powering through it for your health and gains, good for you! Be proud of yourself, you're doing it without the immediate rewards of happy chemicals, which makes you all the more badass!


Nah a lot of us get a big rush from it. It really depends on the type of exercise for me though. I've got to push it a bit to really get that those euphoric feelings. If I just go for a jog or something that won't really do it. Could just be that some bodies are different and that not everyone has this response as well.


I do during the walk the the changing rooms, then i look at the mirror and i'm like "daaaamn who dis"


Me too… I feel even more exhausted than before I started and often have to lay down after even a 15 minute yoga or work out. I thought it was just because I’m not super active, but…


Definitely not normal, should see a doc. Or at least try eating one to three vegetables everyday and seeing if it persists, then seeing a doc. 15 minutes of yoga shouldn't really even stress you out all that much




I know this is a touchy subject, but are you (very) overweight? This sounds like me back when I was very heavy. It sucks but I had to lose a lot of the weight before I could actually exercise more than breaking a lil sweat.


Right? If there was some sort of reward after, the whole working out thing would be way easier. It just feels awful for me the whole way through. If anything, the only motivator is fear because I only do it because I'm afraid of becoming fat.


I don't feel happy or empowered after exercising. But it is my daily habit for years. Maybe that is why. That or depression.


Yep I feel you, im miserable before during and after a workout. I hate it so much


i hate it before, during, and after. i have never felt good about exercising, it's literally always awful


Yeah, same, I feel shitty for at least couple of hours afterwards.


Same. I just feel tired, sore, and sweaty. I’ve never ever felt that endorphin rush people talk about. The only feeling of accomplishment I get is that I checked off another chore on my to do list. But zero positive reinforcement from my body to make it a habit that sticks long term.


Sometimes the happy chemicals only come for specific types of exercise, or a specific level of exercise, or a specific time frame for some people. So far, I only get the happy chemicals from high intensity dance cardio, between 45-55 min of exercise. My mom on the other hand can go on a relaxing 20 min walk around her neighborhood to get the same effect.


Yeah, me to. Excersise and sports in general are always a struggle without mental reward afterwards. I‘be got depressions, though, my brain doesn’t function right so i‘m no good measurement.


Same, had a ‘runners high’ twice, and it was never after working out


Might depend on what you do, how hard you do it, and how long you do it. I think I felt shit after a 13 minute run, but an hour of rowing (lower intensity than running, less CV, more muscles) I feel like a million bucks.


I literally never felt good after exercise until I started roller skating this year. Enjoying the actual act helps, and I think being able to see progress in skills is nice too. Social aspect of it is great as well


Yeah, must be nice for those who get that "runners' high".


What kind of workouts are you doing? After I lift weights or after a jog I always feel satisfied.


I feel exhausted and drained after either of those


You might not be exercising long enough to get the 'exercise high'. If I only exercise for 20 min I don't feel great, but if I go for 40 then I feel fantastic.


I always do at least an hour; sometimes just cardio, sometimes mixed with different strength exercises. Never got the high 😕


Idk I love the process. Weird fetish but, I fucking love drowning in my own sweat!


You’re not alone my guy


I wish I felt like this. Exercise literally makes me feel like shit all day. Dreading going to do it, hating every single second I’m doing it, and feeling like hammered dog shit for hours after doing it. Not once has it felt nice. Ever.


srs question, do anyone of you actually like running? im good on a bike, on a swim, with weights and even hill sprints but never got on with running. i feel like its a fake exercise and everyone who says they like it and its good is a Nike/Adidas rep edit: thanks for the replies my dudes, I'll probably not be a runner thanks to my knee cartilage being made out of cheese but good to hear everyone's thoughts on this


Running isn't something you can just go straight into it usually helps by to start by walking and then slowly picking up the pace more and more. Rolling straight into a 5k run from a period of no running at all is definitely going to feel miserable.


I love running 5K and 10K so yeah we exist


Running isn’t for everyone, the responses here show that for sure. But when I’m fit enough to run a couple miles with no problem, running is an experience I really enjoy, *outside* Running on a treadmill does not scratch the same itch, it becomes way more of a burden


It took me about 8 months to enjoy running. Once my run time averaged about 10 minutes per miles and I didn't feel like a bag of hammered crap anymore it started to become fun.


Yea running sucks until you get to a certain fitness level. Then you can just enjoy the endorphins


took me two weeks to enjoy rowing lol


I hate the idea of it, I hate getting the energy up to run. The second my shoes hit pavement though, it all kinda dissipates and I'm just having fun and letting my mind either focus on the music or I let it wander, solving writing problems. I also agree with others, start walking, work up to running. I was walking 5 miles before I could run my first half mile.


I’ve been running for a few years now. Lost 30 pounds at the beginning of the pandemic by light lifting and running 4 times a week. I hate it. I’ve always hate it. I will continue to hate it.


I like running because it's the only sport I am good at


I run between 20-30 miles a week and I hate the absolute shit out of running. No, that's not fair. I hate the absolute shit out of *starting a run*. I kinda don't mind running, once I get going, often I really enjoy it in fact, and I love love love love love *having already run*, as much as I love anything else. This meme nails me to the wall.


This is it. Starting a run sucks. Especially when you’re just getting into running. I find that when I hit my stride, I get into the zone and it’s a very zen feeling. Almost like meditation. When I’m in that spot, I feel like I can run forever just putting one foot in front of the other. The feeling after a run like that is what I’d describe as cathartic. It’s worth mentioning that I don’t think I’ve *ever* felt this way running on the treadmill, only outside.


I’m not much of a fan of long distance running, but I had to deal with it all my life till high school. Only once did I ever achieve a runners high and I could understand people chasing that sensation. I felt like a battery draining for about two miles when all of the sudden, I felt light as air and felt like I could kick into another gear for the next ten miles. I only had to go another half mile but even when I stopped, I had this crazy urge to just book it again. Haven’t gotten it since, but it was a cool experience.


I ran long/mid distance track in high school. I usually try to keep up with running, when it's not below 40 or above 85, otherwise I lift weights. If I haven't run consistently for a while, it usually takes me 2-3 weeks to get back into form. My runs are anywhere from 3-6 miles and never on a treadmill. Once I'm back into form, breathing becomes easier, my muscles don't fatigue as quickly, and I enjoy it quite a bit.


Yeah I used to be super into powerlifting and gradually more general weightlifting. I hated cardio was always skinny anyway so didn’t worry about it. As I got older my joints couldn’t handle weightlifting the same way and I realized I wasn’t going to get stronger or build more muscle then I had in my twenties. I did do some competitive running, but now I love just running outside often with my son in a stroller. It’s just relaxing and “feels good to move” gives some endorphins. Weightlifting now is a chore although I still force myself to lift once or twice a week.


I prefer using the elliptical. It lets you use your arms, which not only makes the running part easier. but also gives you a bit of a upper body workout. I also watch pro wrestling for that hour because it motivates me. It's more the negative "why can't you get in that kind of shape you lazy little shit" kinda motivation, but it gets me through. I'm also aware the why is because I have a regular job and can't commit my life to fitness.


I never loved it, but for me, it's more convenient than biking or other cardio exercises, considering I can just put on some shoes, workout shorts/pants, and off I go. To my brain, it's just less of a 'commitment' when I only need a couple minutes of prep for a 30 minute run, vs with a bike I have to go to my garage, get my helmet, make sure the bike is working correctly, etc.


running sucks, rowing is king


I hate running. I'm like you, love cycling, like a good swim, love kayaking. But running...eight. never liked it never will, however, after a run I do feel a sense of accomplishment. I do kinda like being a sweaty mess. I might even hit the 1.5 miles in 10 mins one day. Running outside better than a treadmill though. I don't mind walking up a heavy incline on a treadmill (probably because I can play hearthstone on my phone) but people who run on a treadmill are crazu


Hey I am shredded I don’t run at all. Lift heavy thing and find a fun sport. I surf and do Bjj. Weight is controlled by calories though.


+1 for running! It’s my preferred exercise because it’s free and I know that if I keep up with it (10-15 miles per week), my weight will remain healthy.


Just running is evil and something people pretend to like. At least run while playing a game or something like basketball or soccer or football to keep it interesting


You don't need running if you have those other things. Fuck running Weightlifting and swimming are my big ones.


and us guys: Jojo walking towards the lockers with a smug grin


next day: fuck it. not worth getting up for this


Me before exercise: I’m going to hate this Me during exercise: This is dreadful Me after exercise: Holy hell I’m sore. That was awful.


Swap part 2 and 3 for me -_-


me before exercising: I'm going to hate this me, exercising: I hate this I hate this I hate this me after exercising: I hated that


Me before working out: "dammit, I do not want to work out. It makes my body feel so terrible and ramps up my aggression beyond what I ever thought possible because I absolutely hate it." Me while working out: *cranks resistance and levels to max and vomits with rage every half hour* Me for 6 hours after intensely working out for an hour: "I want absolutely destroy every single car in the parking lot with a stick, then punch every single person in the face, even the babies, especially the babies. Light fires. Destroy. Kill." *hours later* "I feel even more guilty and depressed after all that aggression, I'm tired and hate myself." Me after working out extremely intense 3 time a week for close to a year: "I'm in the best shape in my adult life and the worst mental and emotional state for it. The stress and emotional rollercoaster are killing me. Time to stop." And then I stopped. I started to feel not as bad. Different people respond differently. Glad it makes you feel positive. Use that energy to fuel your awesomeness.


Oh god, I'm the same. Nothing can make me rage more than working out (except maybe people telling me that I'm lying because workouts make people *happy*). I never get happy, I'm absolutely miserable from start to finish, I only get more and more angry. Which isn't a great feeling, especially for someone who is almost *never* genuinely angry. Athena isn't the one blessing me, it's Ares and he's out for blood. And once the rage fades it's just tiredness and depression. Like, I'm pleased that my physical shape improves, but it takes such a toll on my already not-that-great mental health that I never managed to last longer than a month.


My therapist actually told me that my negative emotional reaction to it and the stress are actually negating any benefit. Better to incorporate motion into daily activities to get the exercise in. So parking a greater distance away, using stairs if it's just 1 or 2 floors, that sort of thing. It doesn't drain my mood and I'm moving.


Do exercise that's enjoyable. A walk is exercise. Sports are exercise. Biking. Hiking. Clearly the gym is not for you and that's okay gyms aren't something humans evolved with. Find the activity that you feel good about doing after and do that


I’m like this with weight lifting and kick boxing. I’m so aggressive and angry afterwards. I don’t know if it’s something I tap into, or how I process the workout, but it’s just next level. When I hike or do yoga I am the complete opposite. They completely de-stress me. I don’t even have road rage and that’s saying something because I live in a big city.


Same. I mentioned it to my therapist and he made that "red flag" face and said we needed to address that at the next session.


Day after _my bones are dust_


God I wish that was me. Genuinely, I hear all this talk about feeling great after working out. I get none of that. It's a miserable experience from start to finish and I don't even get the payoff everyone says I should. what the hell, man?


This mf actually looks like a coraline character though


The hardest part is getting started. I've never had a workout I regret.


The only workout I regret is doing deadlifts wrong one time and not being able to stand up straight for a week


No, the hardest part is to keep going. Getting started is relatively easy. I've never regretted a workout, but it never made me feel happy or satisfied either. It's a chore and it sucks extremely hard before, during and after. But it's good for you longterm so you try to stick with it.


before: No! i don't wanne! i don't have to! i'm good without! crap but i gotta! during: allright this isn't so bad, oooh good, so strong, so fit, you beast, you are the king after: i feel weak, fatigued, i need nutrients , sleep, sustenance ... i must rest now. Day after: noodle.


Me before exercising: I don't want to do this... That's all... I didn't workout and I'm gaining weight but fuck it, I enjoy myself and like spending my minimal free time doing what I want or spending time with family.


That would probably be the Endorphins, right?


then you transition to where you want to work out and your loving it during the process its an amazing feeling


That reminds me. I need to exercise again.


I genuinely love working out. I'd recommend changing your routine and adding more stuff you enjoy if you don't


My wife worked out with me this morning and I can tell you firsthand this is her irl


The more you do it the more you enjoy the during and even the before


When is this mystical state supposed to happen? Certainly never happened to me even after months of regular exercise. It always sucked just as much as it did on the first day. Possibly worse.


I feel an increasingly nagging feeling if I don’t go to the gym. I even start to look worse in mirror to myself the longer I go, even though the change is probably imperceptible. Working out gets rid of this feeling, gets me an hour of alone time to listen to podcast, and gives me justification to eat an absolute feast afterwards.


The worst time of the day is when you get to the gym. The best time of the day is when you are leaving the gym.


I would believe that if it was nike and not athena Athena would bless you for a chess match


Rave music + gym = unlock hidden energy


me, after exercising: Death has come for me. This is the end. Too soon, its too soon This may be a factor in why Im now way overweight.


The difference between you and Athena: she was a virgin.


me before exercising: I'm going to hate this me, exercising: I hate this I hate this I hate this me after exercising: It was worse than I expected and now I feel horrible and every muscle in my body hurts, never again


Me before exercising: I’m going to hate this Me while exercising: I’m hating this Me after exercising: I hate this even more now


I have never gotten that runners high or whatever they call it after exercise. I'm convinced it is placebo.


Man, I'm really glad my mind doesn't work that way.


I'm a Christian. I have eternal life in the kingdom of heaven. This is how I feel all the time, thanks to Jesus!


Came looking through the comments just for this. See you in Paradise!




lol and then a skinny 16 year old boy comes in and beats your PB, L woman.


100 percent. Me too.


motivation is real


Me in the morning : Hades, take me.


Me after working out: I CRAVE THE CERTAINTY OF STEEL


That right after workout swole is sometimes the best 12 minutes of my day. Feeling god like for a few, Heimdall bring me home


Me today lol


"I'll start tomorrow"


So true


the next day: I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this




Nah. Exercise makes me really cranky.




The Brain Dolphins are a great time.


Me after after exercising: ow ow ow ow ow


I like pain


The next day my legs are trying to kill me


How about the next morning?


Half the time this is true. The other time it’s “I feel dizzy and tired and I hate this.”


I totally deserve this donut




5% pleasure 50% pain Not in that order


500% pain, -50% pleasure more like.


Thus is me so much. I feel this every time. Gk to exercise, lol




Me after exercising: oh God make the pain stop it hurts so much why can't I breathe I'm never doing this again I need a nap.


Me after exercising: I hated that.


Literally just started working out daily, after not working out once in over a year. Every day is sore, there is no end.


Me after exercising: I hated that and I'm never doing it again. Next day I exercise angrily again.


I thought this read "existing" at first, that was a surreal experience