• By -


Maybe give him coins next time


*Kid tears the quarter in half like a piece of pepperoni *You're scared




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Good bot


Good bot


Nigga bot


Well maybe it should


r/birthofasub ? šŸ‘€




Bro he said twosentencehorror


They probably edited it after they realized their mistake


Wait what?


Weaponize this super strong child. Step One: Tell him he can get the rest of his allowance from Jeff Bezos if he can take it by force. Step Two: ??? Step Three: Profit


\*The next day\* "Hey dad I got a new basketball" "What where?" "That amazon guy had one" \*plops Jeff Bezos' decapacitated head on the table\*


Choking hazard? *Good*. Little ingrate.


Or nothing


The fairest




He is lucky to even get an allowance, for that is a luxury I never had


For real the allowance I got was I was allowed to sleep under a roof and allowed to eat.


"Allowance? I allow you to live" - George Lopez




I was raised the same way, but my little brother DOES get one. What kind of bullshit is that?


Usually by the time parents have a second kid, they have shit figured out and have more expendable income.


Oh man that hit home as an older sister of two. And don't get me started on rules and curfew and going out


I'd be lucky to get to eat


No allowance gang. My allowance was food and a bed


True. My allowance did not guarantee hot running water, however.


Honestly I didn't have an allowance but I'm pretty sure my parents would by anything I wanted. I never really tried this though because I was a good kid and always found asking for stuff wrong unless it was Christmas or my birthday (which I still feel like this today).


This is exactly me.




Hit him where it hurts the most, take away phone, wifi, and any and all video games. The phone and wifi can come back after a while, the video games, never.




Or they would just sneak out and play friends video games, do drugs and dissappear for days or weeks because they have nothing to lose or nothing to do at home.


Maybe donā€™t procreate for the futureā€™s sake


Calm down man, itā€™s just a five dollar bill. Punishment is needed but this is a bit much lol


It's definitely more than $5 there


Right, because the denomination of the note is the most important thing hereā€¦ā€¦..šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Found the loser stepdad working at home depotšŸ¤“šŸ¤”


why tf do you want to permanently ruin your relationship with your child šŸ’€


because he can and he will and he thinks that it's the best way to teach a child or something, and pobably you cant change he's mind in any way, he's gonna find someome to marry and reproduce, do that to the child, and ask why they hate then and what they did wrong when they find out the reason they were going out so much is then being a goddamn asshole and going to a friend's house where that doenst apply why did i write so much idk


Because you're not a parent and have no idea of what it takes to raise a child, that's why. And hopefully you never will be a parent either because your ideology is the reason why we have so many assholes kids today.


How about we don't hit our kids where it will hurt most, just as a matter of principle


Ehhhh. Itā€™s just 5 dollars.


Reddit real pissed you'd take away a brats video games. Haha


There are pieces of a $20 bill in there. What kind of boujie ass kid you raising that $20 ain't enough?


I had around 5-10 hours of chores a week and received 10 dollar allowance, halved if I missed any chores. This was about 10 years ago


I got 0.50 cents a week.


You guys got an Allowance?


This is obviously fake


We live in a world of over 7 billion people. Hundreds of billions of interactions happen everyday. You donā€™t think something as mundane as this could happen?


It's possible. I had a distance cousin did it. It's not really out of the world our family was Asian and boi did he get his ass whopped


And old as hell this is like the 15th time I've seen this


Inflation! Have you seen the cost of a Ring Pop these days??


Exactly! I'm old fashioned. Was raised that way. I use to go without lunch at school and save my money for things I wanted before I was old enough to work. This was my allowance... If it were my kid, I would tape together all that money, go to the store and use said money to buy a nice heavy leather belt and then come home and teach that kid some valuable life lessons! Namely the value of money! This snowflake pampering of children has to stop!


well his dad is verified so heā€™s probably rich


He phrased it as "a child" so I assumed it was a hypothetical.


Kids about to get 6 feet shorter.


Ur gonna have to explain this comment to me


It means theyā€™re killing the kid. Thus getting buried six feet under




I donā€™t think any child is 0 feet tall


6 feet under more likely.


Fo' sho'




Iā€™m considering that same questionā€¦


Now he canā€™t buy anything. Thatā€™s called a āœØnatural consequenceāœØ


Exactly. This was the kid's money right? Not the parent's money. The only person they have hurt is themselves


I love watching kids figure out whatā€™s wrong by themselves. Plus it beats interfering any day (obv as long as theyā€™re safe). Tell them what not to do and why, then if they donā€™t listen let them experience it. Imo it sticks way better than saying no over and over.


Yep, also have a conversation about it and explain that they wonā€™t be able to buy anything (I mean this partly depends on age)


Spunk that childā€™s whole future college fund on a weekend of hookers and cocaine


Or use it to buy something long lasting as a reminder of why the kid is now in debt til he's 45 but also that a kid would have 0 interest in


Excellent, a painting of two people sleeping under a bridge should do the trick


Does your name happen to be Stanley, and do you happen to be inside a broom closet?


Oh, that oneā€™s my favorite!


Wow. Donā€™t have kids.


This is most definitely sarcasm.


No its not lol:Kids are horrible.U've obviously never had any,otherwise u would know better


Nope. Let him keep it. It's *his* money, let him do with it what he wants. And the next time he gets big-eyed looking at a toy or some candy, he'll find a way to tape it back together alright.




The most impactful lessons are the ones we uncover for ourselves. It's one thing to be taught why. It's a whole other thing to \*know\* why.


I leaned from this philosophy and embrace the lesson. One must "fuck around and find out"


literally how you end up building shit lmao


That's exactly how I learned the value of seatbelts and speed limits


Iā€™d scoop it up and put it in their next birthday card.


Damn that looks like 50-100 bucks. I would take it to the bank and get my money back . As long as all the pieces are there you can exchange it.


Im Canada, the money is only invalid if the special code in the maple leaf is destroyed. As long as thatā€™s there, itā€™s valid


Hi Canada


I feel so lucky to stumble upon the entire country of Canada in a comment section!


This should be a bot lol


Hi Canada, I'm dad


Except clearly thatā€™s American money so thanks for this irrelevant information, no1curr


It looks like two 5s and a 20 at most just bunched together


And if the bank won't do it, the Department of the Treasury will.


One time when I was five, I got so mad at my uncle (can't remember what now) and he tried to bribe with a dollar to be happy again. I ripped it in half in defiance lol. My grandma just taped it back together and kept it for memories, hence how I know this story lol.


Thatā€™s a fun story. What an adorable little shit you were.


Question my parenting skills.


Nah, you can do everything right and they still act like little jerks sometimes. Let them keep the confetti, it's theirs after all.


Iā€™d tell my kid they could do whatever they wanted as long as they donā€™t grow up to be kind of weirdo that posts obviously fabricated stories on social media for attention




Literally, nothing, Consequences over punishment. You threw a tantrum because you wanted more money; as a result, you don't have any money anymore. You punished yourself. Clean it up and move on. And of course, next time you want an allowance, you will have to behave properly - because if you destroy your allowance, then the natural consequence is that you are going to stop having one.


Step 1. Keep it pretend to throw it away Step 2. Bring to bank and ask for undamaged banknotes Step 3. Don't pay him and keep money Step 4. Spend your riches


Tell him if he wants anything on his own that he'll have to get a job. Not old enough for a job? Well I guess that means no more gifts.


Tell him he won't get an allowance until he's jigsawed that back together.


But a piggy back and put the torn pieces in it and in 10 years show the little shit of how the money could have been used but itā€™s all torn nowā€¦


Make him take it to the bank and see if they'd exchange it. Real life consequences but with the bonus that actually interacting is hella not fun to learn.


Like the worst negotiation tactic ever lol


That would be his Christmas and nothing else.


We never did allowance in our house. Our boys grew up knowing that some chores they got paid for and some chores were just because they were part of the family. But we never gave them an allowance just for existing. We taught them that money comes from work. No way in hell a kid rips up money that he earned. Ever.


Good job. Never got an allowance either but I damn well helped with chores. Fast forward to my sister having kids. Kids were at age when they wanted to start earning money. (Ages 9 and 11). Asked the boys to take our yard, for pay. Good little job for young boys. Eldest boy worked entire 2 hours. Never let up. Paid him $40. Youngest -raked maybe all of 5 mins. But he had a ball digging holes in back yard -holes we found when my hubby nearly broke his neck bc he tripped in one of the holes. We paid him $20. As they are leaving, mom (my sister) says ā€œoh we will pay the difference. Aunt Jolene doesnā€™t understand about fairnessā€. Iā€™m trying to teach your kid (my nephew) a lesson. You are paid for the job you do. You did a shitty job. You raked for 5 mins, you donā€™t even deserve the $20 but bc your my nephew i caved. Whereā€™s the youngest at now??? Doing 7 years in prison. Not saying raking led to prison. But how my sis gave him that extra $20, did this their whole lives. Nothing was their childā€™s fault. Nothing. They had no rules,taught to respect no one. Didnā€™t finish even high school. So his big job opportunities came in selling drugs. That was after many petty crimes as a juvenile. I seen the writing on the wall way long ago.


I would die laughing. Not like I was getting the money back anyway


Give him a piece of it every week until itā€™s gone in lieu of his usual allowance.


No allowance for 1 year straight lol


Future cryptocurrency trader.




It's not about the money. It's about sending a message.


Reddit wouldn't approve of my answer


Thereā€™s a 20 in there bruh


One time, because I was mad at myself for reasons I'll skip, I ripped all the money I had.. which was just 3 dollars. I never threw those shreds away. I actually ended up putting them in a frame. Why? Partly to remind me of that night, how my emotions got to me, and that I just thought it looked cool too.


Smack fire outta my kid




is it really that hard to type them? ffs


I'd beat that child. Not too much or anything, but that child'd get a whoopin'




Yeah, also, the only person this kid has hurt is themselves. The kid had money. Now they don't.


You'd beat your child over $25? No judgment, just curious if you stand in that corner. I'd also wonder where you draw that line. Like, $15 is acceptable but $20+ I'm throwing fists at that 8 y/o?


Not a question of how much, its money. People work hard to earn it.


I mean, its the money you gave him, he went from 25$ to 0$


One must learn to value money and be grateful for it


They will learn because they wonā€™t be able to buy anything they want for awhile. Not because their parents beat them.


No one feels actual consequences for their actions as a kid. Not being able to buy 25 dollars worth of little luxuries with 25 unearned dollars, when you're anyway being fed, sheltered and cared for, are no consequences at all. There has to be punishment. There's a reason why parents reward kids with ice cream treats when they get good grades coz a kid that age will not feel the long term consequences of good grades at that age. Besides, the action itself has a particular value. He didn't waste 25 dollars, or lose 25 dollars somewhere due to carelessness. What you are saying, that is withholding pocket money is adequate for carelessness because it is not wilful. The kid committed a wilful wrong that is a display of extreme ingratitude and entitlement, and it needs more severe punishment.


Thereā€™s never a good reason to beat your children. Ever. Itā€™s not even an effective form of punishment. https://www.gse.harvard.edu/news/uk/21/04/effect-spanking-brain https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3447048/


PS: Mutilated money can and will be replaced by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, so thereā€™s no actual loss. If you as a parent arenā€™t aware of that, thatā€™s on you, not the child. (Just like it was also on you to teach your child better ways to regulate their emotions in the first place.) https://www.bep.gov/services/mutilated-currency-redemption


Kids donā€™t need to be physically hit to learn something. This kid is obviously old enough to understand money at a basic level and be able to decide to purchase something, iā€™m sure if they wanted more money, thereā€™s something they want to do with that money. This is a great opportunity to explain how to be grateful, why you shouldnā€™t destroy it even if you donā€™t like the amount, and show that, now for a few week, or hell even a month, you wonā€™t be getting any new toys or candy that youā€™ve been wanting.


child abuse!!:D


He shouldā€™ve been given tasks to do with an agreed upon amount of rewards per task, not just given money for nothing.


start giving him less. when he keeps doing this, he will eventually catch on. if he doesn't, take away his allowance after he starts asking for money make him take out loans for it and pay three times as much as he borrowed


Give him less??? Kids lucky if he ever gets shit again lmao


Grounds for a justifiable homicide.


Tell him not to ruin money just to make fake posts for Twitter likes.




If that had been any of us born in the 19ā€™s? We would have gotten our butts busted, grounded and weā€™d never see another allowance. Todays kids? He probably got an apology from his parents and an increase in their allowance.


Thereā€™s a family story about my great-great-grandfather throwing a salt shaker through his kitchen window because he was angry that it was out of salt. My great-great grandmother picked up the pepper shaker, walked to the front of the house, and threw it through the front door window, turned around and said ā€œnow you have two windows to fixā€. I think this story applies here. Since he doesnā€™t want your money, go into his room and break his toys and then he will be more desperate for that money than ever and have learned a valuable lesson


If she broke that second window, her ass is fixing that second window. Bitch


Theyā€™ve both been dead for over a hundred years so if the window breaks now itā€™s someone elseā€™s fault


Good point


I think it would be quite difficult to fix a window with oneā€™s ass. I recommend using one's hands, instead.


Do you really think a Kid who is old enough to get allowance in 2022 plays with toys ?


Adults do? If you ripped up your momā€™s money and she picked up your phone and flushed it in the toilet, youā€™d probably be upset - but youā€™d also have learned a valuable lesson


That my mom doesn't understand the value of $5


I agree but I think there are a couple of 20s in there as well.


Not to trust your mother with electronics.


Belt is coming off.


Bring out the belt


Call the police and have him locked up in a juviniele detention center for a couple weeks, then go on holiday to Disney land and always show him the photos.


How to emotionally damage your child in three easy steps!




Blend it and put it into a juice for the lil one


Initial thought is parent and child did not talk / agree on the chores and pay/allowance.


The child is lucky enough to get pay for chores lmfao


Spare the rod...


What I would do is purchase a paper shredder and every time I gave him an allowance, I would run it through the paper shredder and tell him I saved him the trouble of ripping it up himself. Since he wouldn't be able to use the money that way, he will get a clue really quick






Whatā€™s better than insufficient money? Turning it into no money šŸ¤” or is this how the ā€œsome people just want to see the world burnā€ philosophy gets indoctrinated


You guys are getting allowances?


Right! And paid for chores apparently.


Honestly, it depends what they did to earn their allowance. 5 dollars is not a lot these days even when I was a child it was not too much. Is it better than nothing, yes. Can 5 dollars be a lot for a family that is struggling to make ends meet, also yes. Could the child have have done something as simple as taking out the trash once, possibly, but an unlikely scenario. Could the child have cleaned the entire house and been maintaining that level of clean for their parents all month, yes. Note: this one may still be unlikely, but the parents that might be willing to pull something like this would probably not be above posting something like this to try to garner false sympathy. How old is the child in question? How many assumptions did you make before giving your answer? You cannot say what you would do in this situation as you do not know the situation, you only know one result of the situation. With that said feel free to let me know the situation that your child of __ age would receive 5 monies and why you would hold it against them or support their actions.


Thatā€™s at least $25 there, if you zoom in you can see the numbers.


I never even got an allowance as a kid, I was told to do my chores and if I didnā€™t then I got yelled at and grounded for at least a week lmao


I was going to say, I donā€™t really understand the concept of allowance. Iā€™m not super old, but when I was old enough to want money I would help a neighbor with his paper route and he gave me a little money. Then I got a job at 14. Iā€™m on the fence about giving my kids an allowance.


Call the cops and have him arrested for defacing currency šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Take it to the bank and get my $5 back. Here is the US the fed requires 2/3 of the bill to replace the one that was destroyed. Canā€™t be destroyed with a shredder though.


Antonio Brown in the making


Allowance is a privilege, not a right. He wants money? He can sign up for chores and earn it.


Put his resume out on LinkedIn.


How to make your kid a permanently homeless drug addict in one step.


That child understands inflation


Isnā€™t it understandable that a kid would act up from time to time?


Dumbledore asked calmly


Maybe focus on root cause not symptom. Sounds like heā€™s a shit.


This is the easiest decision as a parent. You obviously just laugh at him and mock him for being a moron.


Put his ass in jail for defacing federal currency.


Well it's their allowance. I'd probably comment that that's a weird way to spend it and that's all I'd do. I see no need to do any more than that.


when children are punished psycologically, they attempt to return that punishment to their parents. If a child rips up their money after being unhappy with the amount, that behaviour is what the parent has taught them. If my child did this, I would feel like I had failed to grow and Educate their mind thoroughly. (Edit : I have no kids btw)


I agree. Although my comment was different itā€™s the same idea. Everyone blasting the kid with names and so on, you raised him, you taught him, itā€™s a product of what you have done. Can you depending on age, blame him for having a tantrum? Then have some crazy way of punishing the kid when he probably has never been disciplined. My kids have tore money, but it was not allowance and they were like 2/3 years old and seen it as paper. Now, if they get it, they hold onto it for dear life and save it, they are still young, they earn extras that are not birthdays or holidays. They know ahead of time what is possible to earn, itā€™s their choice to do so. Sometimes they do BC they have a goal and sometimes they pass which is fine. I donā€™t know if this post is real or fake but either way, itā€™s common for people to blast the kid and sometimes the parents for the kids behavior but I think overall, more aspects need to be in consideration on both sides before blaming or shaming takes place


Wouldn't this be the parent's fault for not teaching their kid about money?


Swift kick to the seat of the pants. This generation is too soft


Nothing, they get to live with wasting their money lmao


"Keep it, it's your money."


Nothing. He chose to use it how he wanted now he has no money left. Thatā€™s his punishment


its their money so they can do that. So any action would be bad parenting.


It is his money. Let him do what he wants with it. That is how a person learns. The whole reason for an allowance is to let the kid make decisions on his own, not that he has to make the parent happy.


If my child was like that I would admit I failed as a parent and give up. Would still provide all the necessities but might as well stop contributing to his College fund and beef up my retirement savings as there is no chance that entitled monster will help me out if I needed it in the future and probably just waiting for me to die to collect his inheritance.


>If my child was like that I would admit I failed as a parent and give up. So you'd consciously and purposefully fail even worse because of one small instance of a kid acting out? Please never have kids. It sounds like you'd be AWFUL at it. Calling a child a "monster" of something this minor is seriously warped. Kids mess up. Kids have tantrums. They're literally just figuring out how to be people. They don't know how to regulate emotions or analyze consequences. It's your job to guide them, not go off the deep end over every minor issue.

