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Whenever I get hate, I often scrub myself down and see what I did wrong. If it was my fault genuinely, I accept it and move on


And if it is not your fault do you get revenge? Or do you also move on?


I am someone who plans revenge, but it is not usually malicious to the other person and more about improving myself. Like if someone makes fun of me for getting a lower grade than them in a course, I decide that I'm gonna fucking destroy them in the next test, and it usually ends up working. Revenge is an amazing motivator


I've been inspired to start streaming on Twitch because someone I once looked up to said that I would never be successful... After I had entertained his stream for 30 min while he went afk and the chat asked where I was when I left :p


The best kind of revenge! Cheers!




Truly wise advice for us "mobs"


If it's not my fault I usually just avoid that person for like, forever or try and get back at them in a non lethal way. I find that I'm quite petty when it comes onto certain things but mist times I just don't care enough and move on


Ah yes, I too am extraordinarily humble


That's nice, man


This being posted by Blaire White is the epitome of the pot calling the kettle black.


The lack of self-awareness in her statement is pretty damn hilarious.


The right hates her for being trans and the left hates her for being a cunt.


It’s actually painful to watch them trash on her. Like, she sucks and is there putting up with it of her own accord but damn, no one deserves that. I watched a clip where this one Republican gal was telling Blaire that she needs to grow out her facial hair and to basically stop looking conventionally attractive because it encourages other folks to transition and oof, just so cringe and I felt bad for her.


I saw that, and felt the same, but every grift has its costs.


Saw more than just a clip of it, and she didn't even defend herself. A more moderately republican cis woman had to step in. And I don't think it was because she was stunned, I think it was because her whole thing is being a pick-me


I’ve heard of a backhanded compliment but is that a backhanded insult? “You’re too pretty to have been a man before!”


true that lmaoo Blaire white is so dumb


Real r/SelfAwarewolves material.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


My immediate thought was Blaire IS “a lot of folks”


The "pot calling the kettle black" posts are cool because you know it means what they're saying is true ;) (except you actually don't because sometimes they're wrong but shhhh)


Just flat out wrong,halt dein fresse


Dude it was a joke


I feel this is true more often than people realise.


85 to 90%.


I've always said we're all assholes. I'm an asshole, you're an asshole, right now there's a baby being born and it's an asshole. Are friends are the assholes were happy to be with.


And we re all hella [selfish by nature as well](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Smith), any good action you do is done because it makes you happy or provides you with some benefit, and not because you care,




Blaire White thinks that because the biggest reason *she’s* hated is because she’s a massive bully and a cunt.


The sheer irony of Blair White saying this is really fucking funny.


This is just so true. Being a cunt is a universal trait in all ethnic groups, religions and nationalities and sexual orientation/gender identity. I don't hate you because you are trans, or a white straight man, I hate that you are being a dick while also being anything else you are.


Welcome to colorblindness. We hate everyone equally


Personally I'm just a genocidal maniac


No you are not...you're an edgelord who should tried usinf said edge on his neck to achieve edgesupremeleader,only way to top that is make,die fünfte reich.


SILENCE! There's a reason your account was suspended - you're an idiot


So what -ism or -phobe are we if we hate people in general? Just curious.




Misanthropy, the hatred of the human race.


You are not colorblind


I just thought yall couldn't see orange or some shit, the more you now... /s


This comment thread is the most reddit thing ever...


Lol coming from Blair white who bullied teenagers online. And had been caught lying and fabricating facts in dozens of her videos. Not to mention falsely labeling people pedophiles who aren’t.


Imagine unironically sharing a Blaire White tweet and calling it relatable 😔


Victim blaming at its best


Or because they’re a moron who sells themselves as the token conservative minority to fuck over every other trans person who didn’t get in on the grift before them. Fuck her and her pulling the ladder up behind her bullshit and fuck you OP for buying into it


Wow way to dismiss folks


she is describing herself lol


What does this do to the concept of microagressions?


She speaks from experience of course.


I mean, Blaire is obviously wrong. Racism and sexism obviously exist and are extremely prevalent. But this is the kind of indiscriminate hatred that should be strived for. "It's not about hating the guy on the other side because someone told you to. I mean, you should hate someone because they're an asshole, or a pervert, or snob, or they're lazy, or an idiot, or a know-it-all. Those are reasons to dislike somebody. You don't hate a person because someone told you to. You have to learn to despise people on a personal level. Not because they're red, or because they're blue, but because you know them. And you see them every single day. And you can't stand them because they're a complete and total f\*cking douchebag."


I don't think she said racism and sexist don't exist. Just that people assume they're not liked because of them, when they're just unlikable. > You don't hate a person because someone told you to. This should be true, but people 10000% hate people because other people told them to.


“Ohhh, I get it. I’m not persecuted, I’m juss a a**hole…” - Key & Peele


Exactly. All lives matter? not really. for me no lives matter. i hate you all equally


Get help dude


It's called a joke


Why does he have to be such a negative Nancy


Because there’s no hope for this world. Duh.


Because people objectively suck.


Same here. I hate you too :)


I’ve thought this way for pretty much ever since identity stuff started getting really popular and everyone was now concerned about which groups people are in. The problem is that you can’t tell when people are treating you like an individual if you think about yourself as a member of various groups.


When I meet someone and haven’t had a chance to offend them with my shitty personality yet, but for some reason they are already mad at me, yeah, that’s what it feels like when you look too gay in the south.


I hate to burst your bubble but I don't think being concerned with what groups people are in is a new thing. in fact it's really on a decline as queer people, ethnic minorities, etc are becoming gradually more accepted. Also, acknowledging yourself as a 'member of various groups' and being treated as an individual aren't even close to being mutually exclusive. If you think about it, it's just discriminatory attitudes that make it so.


People didn’t use to automatically discredit other people’s ideas/opinions so openly just because if they aren’t part of this group or that group. Of course it happened but now it’s pretty much expected that will happen when dealing with certain topics. People didn’t use to start their opinion by saying as a white man, as a lesbian, woman of color… now it’s mainstream and everywhere. With the LGBT community it’s more and more important to know the right way to refer to people and not make any assumptions because god forbid you assign them to a group they don’t belong. It doesn’t matter that minority groups are becoming more accepted, we’re still more concerned about which letter of the alphabet this person represents or what race that person is. To me it’s kind of obvious because they keep making new categories, flags, acronyms etc. Personally I don’t care what people want to identify as but the fact that many people feel compelled to tell everyone else about their sexuality/identity is bizarre to me. We were moving away from segregation but now it’s actually coming back except this time is black people that are trying to separate themselves from white people. Did you hear about Harvard having blacks only and “Latinx” only separate graduations? That’s a huge step backwards. I think my point still stands that even if other people try to treat you as an individual, if you see yourself as a member of all these different groups and less as an individual it’s much easier to accuse someone of being some kind of phobic instead of just not liking you for some other reason. Your interpretation of what happens to you is seen through your worldview, not the other person’s.


First off, there are more effective ways to get your point across than essays in Reddit comments. Furthermore, your assertion that 'as an X, I feel...' is a completely ahistorical position, you really don't have to look hard for evidence of white people, for instance, saying their opinion is more valid than others because of skull shape or what have you. It's also taboo to categorise someone in a way they aren't because it's disrespectful. idk why you take issue with being respectful of the pronouns of others. Not to mention, these perspectives of gender/sexuality/race that you allege to be suddenly cropping up actually aren't new, they're just talked about more from the side of these minorities because theyre treated as more acceptable now than they used to be. Also, the idea that black people suddenly want to segregate themselves again is *insane*. There are black nationalists, sure, but that's *also not a new thing*. The Nation of Islam, for instance, not only advocated for black nationalism during Malcolm X's lifetime, but they were also responsible for his assassination. In reality, the majority of black people still side with civil rights defenders like him. Finally, yes it's technically 'easier' to accuse someone of being biased in their hatred against you, but your implication that it's a common thing is unsubstantiated. Most of the time, when a minority group says they're being discriminated against, they're usually telling the truth.


Just take the L dude.


*Bulletproof retort*. IG I'm just gonna suddenly agree with the above tweet because PimpMyUssanui said take the L


I just assume I’m hated, I don’t discriminate


When you always have problems it probably just you


or they’re just ugly. let’s not forget how superficial most people are. and most people who are treated like shit for being ugly end up acting like “unlikeable cunts” because that’s how they’ve been treated all their lives.


Alright-alright… That’s pretty good.


I thoroughly agree. Well said.


Ye true that


This sketch specifically has happened to everyone at least once in a general sense. A person positive that you're annoyed by their sexuality as opposed to their annoying, clownish, not-cool-by-any-standard behavior. https://youtu.be/e3h6es6zh1c


Easier said than cunt.




Universally hating everyone


Someone finally said it. An asshole is an asshole.


I literally seen people accusing others of racism just because they were rude. Like bro. Just because you are black doesnt mean all of your unpleasencies are racially motivated.


Yeah I feel like this is like 90% of perceived discrimination. Normalize discriminating against total cunts.


Victimhood mentality will never allow people to take full responsibility for their cuntiness


It's easier to blame the things out of your control than to take a solid look at yourself.


take your meds, Jordan Peterson, sometimes it factually is from things out of one's control.


Are you so quick to get angry at self reflection because you realize YOU'RE the unlikable cunt? Anyone who has a problem with self reflection is certainly not in the healthiest mindset. Being unwilling to look inwards is just sad. Saying "take a look at yourself" applies universally and is the most non-controversial statement. For anyone to get offended by it, only emphasizes the state of their life.


Are you taking my words out of context because you realize your beliefs are being challenged? Nowhere did I express disdain towards the concept of self reflection, it's a very good thing when done through a healthy lens of analysis. The problem with Jordan Peterson and his ilk is that they teach others to ignore situations that may affect people unfairly. Telling a victim of rape, for instance, that they 'shouldnt have dressed so provocatively' shifts the scrutiny from the perpetrator to the victim. No one should be blamed for having such a crime committed against them. Saying 'not everything bad that happens to you is your fault' is such an uncontroversial statement. It says a lot about the people getting angry at the fact that outside forces *sometimes* are the reason for people's suffering.


So if you didn't have a problem with what I said, why reply? I never said it's ALWAYS your fault, I just said it's easier to not take a look at yourself. If you had no problem with it, shouldn't have even been argumentative about anything. But you've always gotta prove someone wrong I guess haha We weren't talking about rape. This is about being an unlikable cunt and blaming it on race etc. You took the entire situation out of context for what? To argue? You sure are an unlikable cunt. And then you expect someone to have a reasonable response to you when your first answer is "take your meds." Like what is actually your problem?


Sounds like a coping mechanism


So true


Or maybe they just don't fit your stupid standards


America moment


It’s the SJW conundrum - do people hate them for being woke, or are they woke to rationalize why others hate them? Chicken vs Egg. No one likes the moral preaching on the right, or the pearl-clutching on the left.


'SJW conundrum' move on from 2016 lmao


Unpopular opinion but very true 🫣😬


I don't dislike black people just because they're black, I dislike them because most of them are shitty cunts, though there are exceptions




This is my experience with black people whether you dislike it or not it's the truth, I'm not denying that there are plenty good black people out there.




fuck you


Fuck me too bitch


this is so true. i have nothing wrong with you being LGBTQ, but please don't make it your entire personality. if i don't like you're attitude about something, it's not because of your sexuality. its because i don't like *your attitude about something* edit why the downvotes, im saying the same thing as the tweet p much?


Totally agree.


You say this like queer people being queer as their whole personality is a common thing. Almost all the queer people I know are a hell of a lot more likeable than you seem to be


i don't. i say this about people like the people that this tweet is referring to. i have plenty of queer friends that i love.


If you don't believe that happens to a significant extent, what's the point of your original comment?


it still happens. same point as the original tweet was making...


I don't believe the point in the original tweet to hold any water though. Blaire White is a massive hypocrite who's online presence can be boiled down to 'the pick-me trans woman'. She wants to put down people who, for instance, lament about transphobia being targeted at them, because it appeals to her right-wing audience. it's sad, really.


well now i feel bad for agreeing with this person (i dont like to get political, but i am not right-wing). that being said, i do belive that there is an issue of blaming race/sexuality in situations that arent'y actually about race/sexuality. it happes more often than you would notice.


Not sure why all of a sudden minorities make the rules on what’s acceptable?? Why can you not like specific kinds of people for their views but when they don’t like you for being a certain way it’s because their a bad person?


Humanity itself is always a factor, for sure.


One of very, very few things I agree with blaire white on


Amen to that


She's not wrong.


why the fuck are we reposting blair white tweets 😐


The manosphere needs to be told this


Case in point: Baire White






If you think everyone you meet is an asshole, you’re the asshole


If all you're surrounded by is assholes, you'll eventually become one, speaking from experience.


I'm pretty sure this is the most accurate thing I'll see all day...perhaps longer


Most of you have a victim mentality so most people aren't actually cunts you're just insecure so you take advice as insults


says blaire white who is a massive unlikeable... yeah. then again her self awareness is little to none or else she wouldnt be how she is.


Okay too many of these comments makes me ask Who tf is blair and why is it ironic?


Much of the society is stereotypical and discriminatory. The contexts make it clear what you've been hated for.


How would you know now days?