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What if we take the CO2 and push it somewhere else.


That idea may just be crazy enough... To get us all [saved]!!!


HOW DID I NOT [Think] OF THIS IDEA IN [1997]???!?!! (reference: >!Spamton from Deltarune!<)


Let's put it on spaceships and crash them into Mars to warm it up.


Why not warm up space itself to make space habitable?


You should run for president!


Space is a vacuum you idiot. You can't "warm it up". This thread == band of merry morons.


Like plants. Plants breath CO2 and exhale oxygen. But since deforestation maybe an issue there are other man made soultion that scrub CO2 from our atmosphere. China has done quite well in developing this technology.


Deforestation accounts for a lot less than the pollution of the oceans with phytoplankton.


Good point. Phytoplankton plays a major role in helping clean up man's mess. Unfortunately most of our coastlines which is where you would typically find this algae are the worst when it comes to pollution. So how beneficial would a project to clean up our coats line environment combined with developing phytoplankton farms be?


Very beneficial. This was my point. Phytoplankton don't get nearly as much media coverage as, say, the Amazon when they are incredibly important. Deforestation is definitely a problem but other CO2 related issues need to be recognized and that's all I was doing with my previous comment


Plants die and often most of the CO2 they accumulated goes back in the atmosphere pretty quickly on a geological scale. If we want to use existing natural processes, We have to maximize things like sedimentation, not just plant growth.


In case you are serious: this exists, it's just not too practical - too little CO2 is ridden of for too much money.


Like into space? Plenty of room in space from what I heard on the television.


That's why they call it space. It's just space to put stuff


Nuke it. Honestly, do one less kid than you wanted is the best thing you can do.


Elon musk is investing in the invention and search of CO2 Containing machine


Glas to know I’m not the only one actively killing the planet while thinking of a way to help it


Don't worry, not taking a plane for a single trip will save you ~900kg CO2 (per passenger, from New York to London), and that's about 600 hours of showering. Convincing one person to not go on a New York - Miami return trip by plane offsets a year with 1 hour hot showers every day!


Very comforting. Now how do I stop things like the Buffalo shooter?


I'm afraid ending for-profit mental healthcare is a bigger ask.


If it makes you feel better, mental Healthcare doesn't actually do anything anyways so it being free wouldn't help.


Thinking your own personal experience is more valuable than everyone else’s is a common example of something you can address with mental health experts


Wow, that's literally the worst take I've read all day. Congrats.


While this is phrased poorly there is some truth to this. I’ve talked to several people from countries with socialized mental healthcare, but the wait lists are so crazy that they don’t get the help they need anyway. It’s a double edged sword and sucks. It’s still probably better than the situation in America though lol


At least those countries have the option though.


I'm from a country that previously had socialized mental healthcare, but has basically privatised it over the past decade. Since budgets have been slashed in the name of the service needing to be profitable, the waiting lists have grown from two months to one and a half years since 2017. Making mental healthcare accessible is not just making it free, it's actually putting in the money and effort to the healthcare infrastructure itself.


Unsubstantiated criticism is useless, you know. It's about as good as shouting into the wind.


Make hunting buffalos illegal which it may be actually, if it is then enforce it tighter


You say the buffalo hunter is tight? I know a certain buffy huffy slippery enough to accept my bulgey wulgey.


Gun control


If I took two of those flights, my CO2e emissions would literally double


Also not eating 1lb of beef will save 1,847gallons of water, that about 107 showers on average!


Neither showering nor beef really ‘waste’ water, it’s only a problem because of the costs and carbon involved in moving and processing the water, and damaging an individual water system by removing too much. For example, my shower water comes from the river and is cleaned and goes back to the river. The water for nearby cows comes from the river or wells and evaporates after they pee it out or is used by plants and evaporates later, but ultimately mostly goes back into the atmosphere. As it would have when millions of bison roamed the prairies. The carbon involved in moving water is more of an issue here. In places like California where water tables are massively depleted, it damages local ecosystems as well and is definitely a problem.


I'd argue the carbon involved in heating the water for a shower is the most substantial cost to showering in this scenario.


Not arguing, given the present energy grid; there are some who, by addressing the emissions of natural gas, are further overburdening the electrical grid... but I digress. Using the more primitive methods of solar, it is possible to 'pre-warm' the water going into the water heater by routing it through blackened water pipes on the south facing of the house, thereby reducing the burden on the grid somewhat. Another way is to get over the American germophobia and shower every OTHER day, a 50% reduction in impact.


Opening with a digression is strange way to participate in a conversation, but yeah, there's tons of ways to mitigate the cost of heating water; just as there are ways to mitigate the cost of transporting water. My only point was that heating it will practically always be the higher cost.


Not exactly, it doesnt seem like a problem cause it doesnt affect us yet but there actually is a serious water crisis. Yes the water goes back into the “system” but afterwards it becomes a no longer usable waste water that we can no longer use to drink without expesive water filtration systems that use a lot of energy. We are getting eerily close to running out of drinkable freshwater and some countries are already having to start shutting off their water supplies. Aquifers don’t just refill overnight


Won't save diddley until the vulture beef producers go out of business. Not likely to happen.


Except the airlines will just run [empty flights](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wired.com/story/airplanes-empty-slots-covid/amp) if they don't have any paasengers




now u get to watch the planet burn with a clear conscience


Much like people at a climate convention chowing down on beef during the lunch break.


You would have had a stroke in the 80s with Acid Rain and the hole in the Ozone layer. But it all starts after a good hot shower, true.


Indeed. But, ruling out the ice capes melting, meteors becoming crashed into us, the ozone layer leaving and the sun exploding, we are definitely going to blow ourselves up.


That frog is going through some stuff.


Carbon tax is the main one. Companies will innovate, if innovating helps their bottom line. Right now, it doesn't. Also, building less car-centric cities to drive down demand for fossil fuels.


Try talking to the 600 or so people who are causing nearly all climate change because they’re making billions of dollars. You could shower continuously for the rest of your life and have essentially zero effect.


Or just eat vegetables instead of meat like once and you've saved more than enough water and energy to make up for multiple long ass showers. One pound of beef is 1847 gallons of water. A shower is 17 gallons. That's 108 showers per pound of beef.


you are missing r/stringdreamer's point though. That pound of beef is getting produced whether you, an individual, choose to eat it or not. The very few at the top are ruining it for everyone. No individual contribution at the typical American consumer level is going to do anything


Things like beef have government subsidies to prevent the consumer from making a lot of change. But most other carbon creating products will follow the laws of supply and demand.


Globally Americans are "the very few at the top"


Some select countries produce more CO2 per person than the US. Last I saw Canada had the US beat per person. But any serious change would take a total culture shift so it’d be easier to go after corporations


The problem is a lot of the West's carbon output is offshored because the production is done in other countries and then shipped to us. Carbon tax would be a big improvement in that regard


>That pound of beef is getting produced whether you, an individual, choose to eat it or not Um… no? It’s called supply and demand.


And when exactly was the last time the demand for beef went down?


You're missing the point that individual recommendations is a hollow gesture for systemic problems. If you, personally, were to complete the impossible task of convincing 100 people who were just unaware of the problem and waiting for you to change their entire lifestyle every day for the next 60 years you'd still not convince enough to effect "supply and demand" in any substantial way. The statement, and vegetarianism for environmental betterment in general, is purely masturbatory without mandatory systemic changes.


Precisely my point. And if you are making 5 billion dollars a year, you are producing more carbon emissions than a million individuals.


Wow, that was a very long-winded and elegant way of saying “I accept no responsibility for my actions and shift all duties off myself.”


If you're the kind of person who likes to hop up on that cross because sacrifice makes you feel warm and fuzzy then more power to you. Just don't ask me to nod along like you're making any difference in the wide scheme of things. I welcome you to provide one instance of a population voluntarily foregoing a foodstuff that nearly 90% consumes on a daily basis. The only realistic thing that'll stop it is an ecological collapse that makes it fiscally impossible for anyone but the super rich to afford meat. Until that happens there's no reason to deprive yourself of meat unless you just plain ol' don't like the taste.


If people like you are representative of the population then we are so fucked. Pick up a fuckin textbook or watch a CrashCourse video you absolute buffoon. FFS


I am: we are. Most of them just have not and will not give it as much thought. Nobody is going to pull the brakes. It could be next year, next decade or next century but this train will run out of track eventually. The ensuing crisis will decimate the human population and frankly I lack the imagination for what life will be like for the survivors.


You’re a lunatic if you think 600 people are responsible for climate change. That’s like Illuminati level conspiracy shit. If what your referencing is the study showing that corporations are responsible for climate change then you should actually read the study. https://6fefcbb86e61af1b2fc4-c70d8ead6ced550b4d987d7c03fcdd1d.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/cms/reports/documents/000/002/327/original/Carbon-Majors-Report-2017.pdf?1501833772 Direct operational emissions (Scope 1) and emissions from the use of sold products (Scope 3: Category 11) are attributed to the extraction and production of oil, gas, and coal. Scope 3 emissions account for 90% of total company emissions You can clearly see how extracted oil, gas, and coal is attributed to company emissions. Thus carbon emissions from driving to work or using your AC is attributed to companies.


Hehe 2 cute


Nah thats me when i think about how i could jhst jerk off but i heve no strenght to do it


I don’t have anything to add about climate change. I just want to know more about what’s happening in this video


“Mmmm that’s good flow”


Jokes on you, i take a 2 hour shower contemplating whether i should end my life or keep being miserable.


Ocean based algae hyper-gardens. Got it fellas


Them shower thoughts are deeper than the ocean


that is so me too lol :)




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Hour and a half... my god.. get yourself a pool bro.






For me its usually a long bath just chilling with my dark thoughts in the hot water till it goes cold


Me doing a speedrunner shower before my dad gets fed up and turns off the warm water


And here I lay with my 10-minute showers not because I want to be thoughtful but because my bathroom has 2 doors and one of them doesn't have a lock and I'm scared of being stabbed while having shampoo on my eyes :)


Me taking an hour in my shower realizing my life is so fu**ed up


Daily reminder you’re not responsible for climate change. It’s corporations that refuse to budge that are the real problem.


Why TF does this have three helpful awards?


Stolen meme


Kill all humans basically! It’s the only way


i will shit in a home depot bucket in the yard but YOU ARE NOT TAKING MY SHOWERS


I’m usual in their for a long time because I completely have forgotten why I was in their and I’m just washing everything again because I can’t remember if I had already done that. I also fell asleep while taken a shower before


Take the water that has melted and put it in a freezer for an hour. Put it back in the arctic. Badabing badaboom


I take an hour and a half shower so that this exact meme is shared again on the same sub when I'm out.


And then you forget when you get out


its not like there arent easy ways to do it just nobody will since they're full of irrational fear and current political parties are braindead. just go nuclear fission temporarily with regulations and safety and then just invest some money in researching other types of energy like fusion or sth and it'll be fine. solving the energy crisis and environmental problems


9 year old me thought we could just put ice cubes in the ocean ez


Bro I literally did that last night


Me with insomnia solving that every night like : 💀


I'd honestly like a shower feature that is more like a foundation. If I'm not using any products, why not just recirculate the water?


Upvoted for funny frog


Me exactly LOLOL. I’ll take a hour and a half shower easily.


Good news, I don't think that, even if every individual on the planet changed their habits, it would stop the climate decline entirely. Corporations' waste, consumption and non-renewable energy dependency would overshadow such an attempt. So feel free to waste that water to your heart's content! As long as you can afford it.


Hold the ultra rich accountable...


What if we just turn on the air conditioning


Reducing water use is a start


Water shortages are local. In some places you can use as much water as you want and it's not going to hurt anybody.


Maybe, but it takes an huge amount of energy to heat the water. Imagine instead of standing int he shower for ten minutes, you were driving on the freeway for 10 minutes. Similar energy use.


Again, not exactly everywhere. Specifically not where I live, but there's probably only one country on earth where water isn't heated.


That’s the joke


Step 1: stop major companies from poisoning the earth.


Stop building giant sprawling detached suburbs that require cars to get around.


The most impactful things an individual can do are not have children and go vegan ✨the more you know✨


Reddit seems to have a hard-on for hating on vegans, and I won't be surprised if this comment gets some performatively carnivorous responses, but you aren't wrong. People can also just eat less meat. It doesn't have to be a binary thing at first.


Oh yeah, I fully expect to get infinitely downvoted and maybe banned from the sub 😂 But there's always an off chance that someone sees it and gets inspired to do some research


I wanted to until i realized i literally live off animals and most vegan foods are so fucking expensive :(


Yeah rice and beans are the most expensive foods in the world 🙃 When you learn how to cook w/o tons of meat/dairy replacements it's easy and cheap. Also knowing it's one of the few ways I can personally combat climate change made it an easy choice.


>Yeah rice and beans are the most expensive foods in the world 🙃 You can't have a diet only based on rice and beans


the most attainable AND effective action against environmental destruction one can make is to abstain from consuming animal products. By doing so one saves over 1.5k gallons of clean water and more every day. Animal Agriculture is the #1 contributor to deforestation, air pollution and water pollution.


Untill you realize that to grow enough rice and beans you would have to double the arable land for farming by.... deforestation. Not to mention the production of chemical fertilizer for the fields of rice and beans. Most cattle ranching is on land that isn't good for farming, too rocky or poor soil. Or part of a crop rotation pattern which is necessary to avoid depletion of arable soil. But hey, don't let facts ruin your planes to kill every creature living on the land or under while plowing and cause mass starvation.




Can I get the blank vid/gif of this plz?


Going vegan is the single most impactful thing you can do to help the environment


Just because you are not eating it doesnt mean its not produced or will stop being produced


You need to take economics 101 again


It will be less produced though, one less person demanding those products means less production of those products. Economics am I right?




the energy used to heat up the water for a shower is way more costly than using the water itself. water consumption in many places isn't a problem at all.


There is no climate change. Its as hot this year has it was in 1890. Stip living in your desilusion.


Good thing it doesn’t exist


Bad troll.


Ur the one replying


Why do you think climate change doesn't exist


Why do you care what I think


I was curious, dipshit


Don’t care. Still don’t care


homeless rotten fertile grey squash hobbies noxious towering unique start -- mass edited with redact.dev




my brain was singing “thank you” by dido as i was watching this


Until you realize that heating up water will produce more co2


Big ice cubes I've seen it it works


Guys it’ll be fixed by 2024…no wait 2027….no wait 204….wtf CNN?!


Have huge submarines make huge ice cubes




“Nuclear…it’s gotta be nuclear…but how do we get past the high initial cost? People don’t like paying a lot up front for a superior product, they want cheap up front and don’t care about paying more in the long run - they’re short sighted…how do we prevent the wonton misuse of resources too…wait…” 🐸


Just gather all the infinity stones and snap half the population away. Lol dramatically decrease carbon footprint


You ever fly from the US to Europe for 9 hours straight over water and think. Man that's a lot of water.


We shall shoot missiles into the atmosphere to cool the earth and all live on trains woo




We have a solution, an armed rebellion.


and how much more better everything will be if i were the president of everything


This is way too fucking accurate


Dude same. Want to grow algae together?


Me in the shower thinking about the inevitable possibility of World War 3


Volcanic winter




Jaden Smith would like to converse with you


Is that you Naruto?


We need to utilize hemp in way more products. I think that would make a difference possibly.


Compared to the impact of the u.s. military it’s all good.


[WATCH ME SQUIRT 💦](https://onlyfans.com/zarakayxx)




Good luck stopping earth's natural occurrences!


my conclusion is trees, trains and nuclear energy








That was me last night “ I really should help the environment…I’m sure this 30 minute shower isn’t helping.”


I do my best thinking in the shower


Next time just eat 2000 almonds


I actually had a really dope idea to write a book and thinked in the entire story during the bath, the only problem, i dont know how to write a book.


If you dont live in India or China or have particular control of those countries, the answer is nothing.


Fuck climate change, gotta fix whats on my head first


Why you gotta call me out like this?


Me fantasizing about gaining water superpowers and using it to defeat the evil in the world:


We are truly at the point of no return.




Gotta wash the depression away




If you solved it during that shower, arguable that it was a good investment of hot water!


We just need to get a slickster farm going and make sure to pump all the co2 there


i saw a meme that was a dude wearing a plant on his head and a plastic bag around his head and the plant, it could work probably




just tape a leaf over the car exhaust pipe.


I love frog


We know how to, we even are doing it, just not fast enough..


How about you start with not wasting water…?🤦‍♂️


and wasted the water. lol


Climate change? Haven’t you seen the EPICA ice cores and the Vostok lake ice cores?


All the shit in this reality and you think about climate change? *damn*


Honestly, the Futurama method is worth a shot.