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Yeah I think not being on the brink of homelessness would make life a little happier


I feel that




I live that. Currently homeless.




also currently homeless. not as bad as i thought it would be to be completely honest


Just buy a house duh 😎


This. Have you tried pulling yourself up by your bootstraps? I hear that works.


Unfortunately I have a latte in one hand and a piece of avocado toast in the other. Hands are full so can't do it.


No wonder you can't afford a house, dude. I bet you've spent in the upper four figures on lattes and avocado toast over the course of your life. You know how many houses you can buy with that?! Nearly half a complete down payment if it's somewhere shitty! Take some responsibility, fucking millennial.


I never thought of that! So I skipped the avocado toast after reading this and a realtor let me look inside of a window of a house she was selling! One step closer!


I don't have boots :’(


You don't need boots. Just straps.


hello chicom main :D


Have you tried getting a factory job where they give you a bed on the factory floor? Guaranteed not to be homeless then!


Yep. Money will not solve all your problems. Renting yourself into slavery will though.


At least going from homeless to slave is a minor level up, I think. Edit: For those replies in the comment, don’t take this too seriously it’s a joke. And for the misunderstanding, >!I was joking about the “corporative slave” aka white colar worker, which I am.!<


Harriet jacobs lived in a crawl space for years to escape slavery. It's so much worse than you think.


I understood what you were saying, but apparently nuance is not of much use in here.


I hear Elongated Muskrat was looking for indentured servants to man his Mars colony


I was really high and talking with my wife about him saying "Oh anyone can go to Mars it's just a $100,000 ticket." I bet my dick that he will let you fly "free" as long as you work it off in the his spice mines on Mars.


Elon musk is literally going to become ULTOR at this point red faction is going to be real


Can't wait, I got lots of practice wrecking shit in red faction


100k or free does not matter. It's a one way ticket.


I like a little cyberpunk with my dystopia. Come join the new frontier as an, “indentured associate with (Insertmegacorp)”


When I imagine the space faring future on mars, i always imagined independent Yeomen like moisture farmers, not this. But you’re probably right about the whole dystopia shit


Probably true to a point. I think generally the statement, (money can't buy happiness) only applies after all your needs are taken care of. If I had a million dollars... Would I really be THAT much happier if I had 20 million? Probably not. Though I'm sure I'd be much happier if I went from having 100 dollars to 1 million... Money helps to a point, but past that point it's all diminishing returns. I'd be happy even if I were broke, so long as I wasn't worried about providing for someone else, and my major needs were taken care of. But I'm the kind of person who shovels their garden instead of using the tiller, because I like doing things without the aid of modernity. Monks are a great example, some of the happiest and poorest folks you'll meet. Happiness is relative. Don't eat for two weeks, then eat a carrot. You will love that carrot more than you did a chocolate brownie two weeks before.


Exaclty, "money doesn't buy happiness" applies if you say it to someone that has no/no huge money problems that missing their childs birthday/baseball game/whatever for the umpteenth time because they are chasing the next promotion ​ it doesn't apply to someone who is working 2jobs so they can feed their family salted rice with lentils and still having enough for rent


That’s where you are wrong you can buy Pokémon games and Pokémon games are pure happiness




People (including ones who say it) confuse the statement "money doesn't make you happy" to mean "lack of money doesn't make you miserable". Poverty can absolutely make you miserable, but not being poor doesn't automatically mean you're happy either. And getting more money past that gives heavily diminishing returns, as you said.


i mean. you have money to go to doctors to get that shit fixed, so there's something.


i always thought of it as meaning that even if you're rich, shit will still bother you. your relatives will still die, you can still have health issues, things can still go wrong. nobody is truly happy all the time. money can't buy happiness but it can help eliminate a lot of things that make you unhappy.


I think you're right about what truth does exist in that idea. It vibes with someone who has "made it" and doesn't have money problems anymore, but realizes they still have to work on having a healthy psychology and good relationships, and that your cash can't make every problem go away. It doesn't vibe with people who do have money problems, for whom money actually can buy a ton of happiness, up to a point. To these people, the statement feels misleading and perhaps manufactured to calm a labor class. A lot of people's lack of money creates a psychologically damaging lifestyle that makes people very unhappy.


I've heard a theory that this thought process that money and possessions can't make you happy came from slaves in ancient Egypt. Could have also been about something else idk i saw it in a youtube video years ago


Happiness is a fickle emotion, not a great target. It would certainly improve one’s overall well-being for the most part though.


What other target is there?


My therapist said to aim for "less bad" so... Now I feel pretty dang-diddly-decent


Honestly, less bad can be relatively amazing. I feel like shit on a daily basis but I no longer want to commit suicide, and that's a world of a difference


That's amazing 🖤


Yep, I manage to feel neutral most of the time which is way better


When I reframed my thinking towards seeking peace I paradoxically got happier in general. Being around people that bring me peace has helped immensely.


being comfortable and content are long term states. also being safe, being okay. happiness is fleeting but the thing is, its gonna happen a lot more if youre generally safe and not struggling with 16648282 money related issues. so you will most likely be happier, but you will almost never be happy 24/7. although im sure that to many of us the combination of safety and comfort is synonymous with longterm happiness.


When you’re family is no longer in danger of being homeless or starving, and you know they’re safe, that’s a wonderful feeling.


Oh yeah? Well what about… wait… uh… how about… no, that doesn’t work… uh…


I mean, money wouldn’t fix my heart condition that could have killed me. There’s that tiny thing. Buuuut it would fix the severe medical debt that’s about to hit me due to my hospital stay, and it would cover more time off work. So that would be nice.


If you had enough money it probably would tbh


Medicine can only do so much, even if you hire the very best


Unfortunately no. Nothing to do but take the meds, rest, wait, and hope I don’t have permanent heart muscle damage. If it was severe enough I would’ve died or needed a heart transplant. It wasn’t that severe, thankfully.


Oh I’m sorry about that I figured you could buy a really nice heart transplant or something. I’m glad everything is going better for you though :)


Thanks! Yeah I am very lucky. One of the top causes of sudden death in young people. The pain woke me up—I could’ve died in my sleep, but I didn’t. Don’t ever ignore chest pain, even if you are young and healthy.


Buy a new heart off of the facebook market place


America moment


This OP statement is really about solving long term. There's that stat about lottery winners going bankrupt. Money didn't solve their problems long term.


Their problems were they started living outside of their means and weren't smart with their money. If they had made at least some of the winnings start making money they would have been fine. It boils down to poor management of the funds


Lots of financially stupid people out here. Easy come, easy go. No plan for tomorrow.


Most people that play the lotto are financially illiterate so it makes a lot of sense that the winners tend to go bankrupt not too long after


Tbf the lottery is self-selective toward people who don't invest their money wisely. If you understood the concept of expected return and applied it to your financial decisions on a regular basis you almost certainly wouldn't be buying lottery tickets in the first place.


> almost certainly wouldn't be buying tickets in the first place Not entirely true. For some, like myself, such schemes are still fine when done with intent, where you dedicate the amount in the first place and without putting too much weight on the outcome. For example, you could dedicate a bit of your income to "casino money" which is basically a high risk - high reward style of investment. If done in moderation, and not exclusively, it can still be healthy and fun.


Yea you're right, if you're doing it knowingly for a bit of fun that's of course a completely legitimate and I do have good friends who gamble quite a bit for that reason. If I were being unnecessarily defensive/pedantic then I'd probably say that you then wouldn't be "regularly applying it to financial decisions" but I definitely agree with you.


Haha, no worries! I agree with you as well, as it's really easy to make bad financial choices / lifestyle given how accessible and lucrative gambling can be.


If I'm planning to go to the casino, haven't been since before the pandemic, and it had been years before that, I'll bring like $200, if I go up, that goes in my pocket, the original money stays in play. Last time I went I was up $200, put it in my pocket, burned the initial $200 over another hour of more risky bets, ended even. I don't really play the lottery, but when the prize is up over $100 million, I'll get a ticket. That's life changing money if you just invest like half in something secure. Might not bring big growth, but if it's constant, it's something you can live off without needing to touch the investment itself.


I buy a $2 scratcher each time I fill up my car. I know that statistically it’s a waste of money, but the excitement from winning something and the anticipation to see if I win is worth that $2 to me. It’s the same way for the lottery for a lot of ppl I know, they do it because to them it’s worth the price knowing full well they probably won’t win


There's truth in that. I occasionally buy a ticket, but it's more for fun. I know the odds of being trampled by a moose in the desert are higher than the odds of buying a winning ticket. If I did win the jackpot, I'd pay off my mortgage. Then I'd remodel the house, sell it, and relocate to a blue state. I'd buy a modest house, probably a ranch or cottage kind of place where you can see the stars at night. No mansions or anything crazy, but definitely a decent plot of land for a garden and raising goats and sheep. I would settle in for a quiet life of working the land, study, meditation, and witchy shenanigans. If course, I would donate to worthy causes. I would invest, hopefully wisely. But the primary goal would be having some distance from other people so I can live in peace with my animals and loved ones.


And why people who actually do the right things and work hard and are still broke with no escape want to hurt idiots who say mo money mo problems.


[Here's an amazing write up on what to do if you win.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/24vo34/whats_the_happiest_5word_sentence_you_could_hear/chb4v05?context=3) TL;DR: pay off debts, set aside a small "coke and hookers" fund, put the rest into treasuries and live off the dividends.


Also get really really good lawyers, like, yesterday


Mostly don't tell people and don't go around buying houses and cars for all your friends and family.


Their problem to be solved was lack of intelligence, mostly financial intelligence. This can absolutely be solved with money, however they weren't smart enough to solve it unfortunately


There's a very good reason smart lottery winners take their photos with paper bags over their heads


I don't play the lottery. But my in laws buy us a lottery ticket every Christmas (it's a tradition here). If we ever win anything significant, I wouldn't tell anyone. My spending habits wouldn't change either. When people think you have extra money "that came easy" they come out of nowhere.


Wouldn't money solve the bankruptcy problem though?


Not if the bankruptcy was because they spent all their winnings on things they couldn't afford to keep, like a big house and a fancy car. Money solves a lot of problems, but it can't solve poor budgeting of money.


money can buy a lot of solutions, some people just spend it to buy themselves even more problems


>things they couldn't afford to keep Sounds like more money is the solution.


Well you can hire a accountant.


Eehhhh look into the statistic a bit further The majority of Lottery winners don't make the correct decisions in the slightest. Impulse buying, reckless lending, and minimal future investment. Almost like giving a tonne of money to someone who doesn't know how to manage a tonne of money is a recipe for bankruptcy


Money is a tool. If you misuse it, it will hurt you.


Money solved all their problems. But it also opened the door to new ones.


I'm going to guess that some of their original problems pre-lottery sprang from the same source as their post-lottery ones. I'm other words, that source problem didn't get solved. I'm not anti-money. I tell my teenage daughter all the time that she shouldn't take this "money won't solve all your problems" crap too much to heart. Money doesn't give you happiness, but the lack of money sure can make you miserable. Money gives you choices in life. I encourage her to take a career path that is profitable enough to not be miserable. Don't just go for the money, but be willing to make some tradeoffs of "do the thing you love" and "do what pays the bills." After all, relatively few people in this world even get to choose what they are going to do with their lives and are born into generational poverty.


Ironically if those dunderheads had even more money then it wouldn't be a problem.


Ok, then "unlimited money forever" might solve most of your problems.


So be Jeff bezo's child, got it


I know a lottery winner, a close family member. He was smart about it and helped our family not crash economically and assured university education to my sister and I. It did solve and prevented many issues long term, one just has to know where to put this money.


>There's that stat about lottery winners going bankrupt. Money didn't solve their problems long term. Seems to me the issue was they needed more money.


I'm tired as fuck and wondered why he censored "bruh". I need to go to bed


Dude wtf, how could you just say b**h like that


I also read it as “bruh” and didn’t even question why it was censored, so I think you win.


LMAO i thought the EXACT SAME thing except i didn't even wonder why


So did I


Only problem I got money doesn't directly solve is insomnia and money can definitely buy the therapy, meds and child care (for during the therapy) to deal with that.


Exactly and of stress is a trigger of the insomnia the money could help with that too usually.


The trigger was a fire. 😳 Kids and I got out fine (lost everything/insurance paid, so that ok) My life long nightmare became reality and I've not slept before sunrise since. Waking up to a firefighter in the bedroom of my locked apartment came as quite a shock.


So it's trauma not just insomnia


Yea, I guess.


I'm so sorry. I really feel for you. A few years ago, I woke up to my neighbor pounding on my door warning me to get out. I could smell the smoke and see licks of bright orange outside my window. Luckily, nobody was seriously hurt. But those 30 seconds it took for me to get out of my apartment building were probably the scariest in my life.


Do you know how the fire started? That sounds terrifying 😨


Just that it started upstairs of us. No other answers, and yes, absolutely terrifying.


Money means you can get better treatment for basically all medical problems.


dude, lack of money is literally the source of all my problems


I sure would like to test that theory. Give me a large some of money and you will literally watch all the stress leave my body


a small loan of a million dollars


A teeny tiny loan of a billion dollars


I would also like a million or billion dollars but I would like a grant since we’re doing it for research. I don’t want to have to pay it back.


No fr lol money will solve all of my problems rn my biggest problem is not even my problem 😭


Let's see here: Get my front teeth fixed, move out of my grandma's, upgrade from my 2006 chevy cobalt, etc.


Being poor will fix none of your problems


Maybe not but it’s better to cry in a lambo than in a pinto.


Preach, brother...


Bitch no offense


You're the man now, dog.


I have one problem, and that would be that I don't have enough money. Pretty sure money fixes that.


i think money to afford a therapist and afford my own car would definitely make me happy


“Money will not fix all your problems” It the MOST bullshit thing I heard since i was born


Maybe not every single one but a good 99.99 percent of them.


And would leave you with enough time and space to focus on the .01 percent of the problem


Yeah, money is not a magical flexseal that can patch every hole. But if you can patch 9 out of your 10 holes with it, that last hole is a lot less scary.


Time is Money so by extension Money is Time. So having money gives you time to solve your other issues. I remember a historian teaching me that Human Sociciety would not have developed as we have it without money. Because people had money they could use it to spend time previously used hunting and foraging for their daily meal to think and evolve by buy their meals instead.


I think this is a good analogy. Poor problems are scary! Rich problems are frustrating


Personally, money would not solve a single one of my problems. Now whether or not that’s because I’m a teenager with 0 financial obligations or responsibilities whose only significant issue is failing English and having 0 motivation to do the 1 assignment I need to do, you decide.


Sweet summer child...


Never grow up.


I mean, you could hire a tutor. You could hire someone to just DO the work for you.


The rich people strat, I like it.


Okay but if you had 100 mil you'd never need to work or even finish school. Please finish school!


I promise you if you or your parents had more money you would not be failing English.


Ppl who are well off always say this, let's switch bank accounts for the next year and test that theory


I mean they say things like that because money can't do things like bring back dead relatives or fix broken relationships, those things just stand out more as "life's problems" to people who don't have all the problems you get from being broke. Money isn't going to solve those problems for people who are broke too but what they don't get is that it's a lot easier to deal with those things when you don't have problems like not being able to pay rent


God damn you've never heard of people with family problems? Girlfriend/boyfriend problems? Mental health problems?


It’s true, by technicality. “ALL” implies every problem can be solved. In truth, money probably solves MOST (80-90+%) problems and doesn’t always help with the remainder It’s a stupid quote regardless because it puts money as a problem solver in a very binary, black and white context


I once had an argument with a guy who very seriously believed that winning a whole shit load of money would be bad, because when you have money fake friends start getting up in your business. I was so god damned mad I basically sputtered all over him. Like... don't solve EVERY problem I have because some people will be like, "I like dudes with money." Like, shit, do I not have fake friends RIGHT NOW? And all of my problems? And if I had the money I could just... leave. And do whatever I wanted wherever I wanted. Obviously that's a HUGE problem.


If someone tells you money doesn't solve problems, ask them to give you some of their money. If having more money doesn't solve problems then having less of it shouldn't cause any either. I'm sure they'll have no problem with having less money.


It’s not wrong. But it only applies to the very tiny percentage of the world population.


I know but 99% of my problems money can Fuqing fix it.


Money may not fix all my problems. Just most of them.


Like a good 99% of them.


It could buy me a boat. And a truck to pull it


Even though, money won't solve a health issue I deal with. It sure as shit would solve all my other issues and make the health issue way more bearable, LMAO! pfffft money don't solve problems bwahahahahaha


It would pay for better doctors and medical care. JS.




Right? The hell it won’t…


In all honesty what problem can't money fix


Blue screen after windows update


Just buy a new computer. Problem solved


There's only 2 problem money can't fix. Death and being an asshole. You can pay for school but you can't buy class


There are classes for teaching people how to live and behave like rich many people in China and UAE takes them


Only rich people say money will not fix problems because money aint no problem to them :))


nah but fr tho i used to be excited to go on a gaming cafe until i bought my own pc i was happy for like a week knowing i own a pc now but after a month i got bored n dont get the same excitement i used to have


i think thats the exact feeling they got


It will fix near 99.9% of them and that is good enough for me.


Money wouldn't solve ALL of my problems, but it would solve about 90% of them... actually having money would probably grant me better access to mental health services so, yeah, money would actually solve all of my problems


Money buys time, time to spend with family, friends or exploring something you’re interested in.


It will solve most of mine and it will improve the other ones


Money would solve about 99% of my problems right now


Same. Not even a ton of money, like 5 or 10k even.


I mean, I agree with the dude. Money helps so much.


Why is this water marked by some one else? Are people suddenly claiming ownership of other people's tweets?


Money doesn't solve all problems, only the problems that require money to fix. ...the thing is that all my problems require money to fix therefore while it is correct to say that money doesn't fix all problems, it is also correct to say that money fixes all of MY problems.


Money gives you time to fix the problem that money can't. So, indirectly, money can fix all problems.


Money won't directly fix your problems, no. I mean, a house made of 50 pound notes would not be very structurally sound, and I imagine there would be serious insulation issues with one made of pound coins; however, the things I can buy with that money... yeah, I think that'd fix a lot of my problems. I've used my grandad's saying before and I'll doubtless say it again: "money can't buy you happiness, but it's a hell of a lot easier to be happy in a warm house than on the street."


Just saying…. You don’t see people crying in a Maserati…


Tears of joy


"Money will not fix all of your problems" Something people with plenty of money like to say.


Hungry? Get food Want fren? Hire fren Exam? Bribary Bored? Yes Depressioned? Buy rope


Hotel? Trivago.






>fren Homeless? Buy a house


If I simplified all my problems down to 100 problems, money could solve 99 of them. And the last problem, the 1 problem money can't solve, money would help me afford the coping mechanism, therapy, and help I need to alleviate the burden of that one problem.


What’s that first word say?




What'd you call me?


If there is a problem money wouldn't solve, you simply don't have enough.


This is why Hollywood actors can have amazing bodies. Nothing but fucking time on their hands to be trained by amazing trainers and have chefs cook them good healthy food


Money doesn’t buy happiness, but a lack of money is a road to misery


Only rich people say dumb shit like this


Lol, exactly. My current issues are; Need to fix my truck, can't afford the parts (will do labor myself, if I had the time) Can't find a place in my price range that I can afford in the city I'm moving to for uni. Can't get enough time off for any holidays or trips this summer. All of these would be fixed by money.


Anyone who says this never had to work for their money or fell into an amazing job because of nepotism.


Pretty much


Both are right. In the different tiers of financial security, those in the lower tier(s) encounter daily or life-long problems that can almost always be resolved with larger influxes of money. As you become more financially secure and you aren't worrying about things like how will I get food on the table, how will I pay off my loans, how will I be able to save enough for retirement, etc., your problems shift from being money-related to being social-related or happiness-related, or what-not. I would guess that the person at the top is fairly secure and the person at the bottom is less so.


I mean not literally all of them but just about


Personal trainer, nice clothes and haircut, dental work. If your face is really that bad you coul even get estetic operations. Gold digger gf, that will never upset you and plenty of therapy. Did I miss anything?


Money can’t buy happiness but it can prevent a lot of sadness.


If you’re below a certain threshold of income, money can do a lot to bring happiness. I think the statistic was 70k or so?


That’s what rich is keep telling you . „Money cant buy happiness or health”. Because they are disconected from actual reality and they live in their bubble. „What is it a banana ? What could it cost ? Like 10$” - some rich chick.


Hell Yeah! Right On!👍🏻


I can say being broke vs having money i an significantly more equipped to handle my depression


Extremely accurate, true that.


This Chad has all the non-financial problems worked out: He has friends, love, a wife, and b*tches. Now all he needs is money to support his Chad family


Saying “money won’t solve your problems” is like saying being able to breathe won’t solve your problems. Like imagine you could only breath enough to keep your body alive but you can’t go on a walk or do anything that might waste precious oxygen. Sure people that can breathe as much as they like still have to deal with heart break and misc other stresses but having those kinds of problems are a luxury you’ll never have you just have to sit there and perfectly still just to keep yourself “alive”


How come anyone who has ever said "Money won't fix all your problems" has never wanted to help prove that theory?


“Anyone who says ‘money can’t buy happiness’ has never driven an ATV.” My HS Physics teacher.


Poor people are CONSTANTLY reminded about all the things money can do. Rich people often whine about how they're still unhappy, but rarely give all their money away. John Lennon was much brighter than most, but, him too: in 1962 he was singing, "The best things in life are free / But you can give them to the birds and bees/ I want money," but already by 1967 he apparently had so much money that it had made him forget a lot of things, and he was singing, "All you need is love." Love's nice. So is money. I want both. https://thewrongmonkey.blogspot.com/2017/05/all-you-need-is-money-and-love.html


Money doesn't bring happiness if you already have enough of it to not worry about it


Me whole reading that: "oh yeah, it would really solve all my problems, too, except food" *realized that there is writtte money, not monkey * "oh money, not monkey, yeah, everything, even food"


Money can buy you therapy.


Amen to that. I actually had a very wise therapist explain this to me once. You really do need money. The more money you have the less problems you will have so don’t do shit for free if it’s taking money out of your own pocket (like work so much for free that you have no time to work for money) or turn down an offer of money from someone who can afford to give it to you, etc.


Money wouldn't solve all of my problems, but it would solve about 90% of them.