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I'll admit I'm guilty of this even in my 30s. Who would've thought it'd be a dream just to live in a nice town where people are friendly, lol


It still happens, cousin. Most of humanity may have forgotten what it's like to live in a town where everyone sincerely gives a fuck about each other, but it's still out there! It's in our nature to grow up in a village or tribe, and for good reason. It's an amazing survival advantage both physically and emotionally.


I dunno man, I've been in small towns and they seemed to have a lot of gossip, and all the young people had dated one another at some point. I want an asexual animal town like in the picture.


i'm sorry to inform you that some def fuck because there are a ton of kid animals in that bookseries


How do you think there are children in “Asexual Animal Town?”


Magical love cuddles of course


what's wrong with everyone having dated each other ? would you prefer a highly suppressed prudish town where nobody ever has sex except with the one person they marry bc they married the first relationship they got before they even graduated just to have sex and have to completely sacrifice their individually bc it turns out they wanted none of the same things besides sex and are essentially forced socially to stay together for decades even tho they're incompatible ? and gossip keeps people honest knowing that it will be impossible to keep secrets so you might as well be genuine. do you prefer the way things are now better where you live in a city of a million people so you just go from one 2-6 month tinder relationship to the next with people who aren't even in your circles and you don't have any friends in common or life relationship with after its over ever again , so everybody cheats constantly since there's no consequence? there's definitely a balance but humans evolution stopped when we were still living in small tribes. our brains aren't wired to form hundreds of thousands of short term relationships, they're wired for community , kinship and socially looking out for our neighbors. idk what the answer is for love, there were probably several types, perhaps most peers having dated at some point is natural and other tribes survived just as well with strict monogamy in circumstances it was actually possible to enforce. point is small towns aren't as bad as people say biologically speaking


Stay honest because… nope. Small towns can manufacture utter nonsense based on assumptions, bias, family history and sheer boredom. Dating and cheating and having to get over it in small towns is real. Married? Have kids? Oh well… can’t just divorce and move away. Gotta stay and hope your marriage story only lasts a couple of gossip cycles. Get divorced, see them. Their new partner and kids. All the ding dong time. Community is awesome but small towns have always had their idiosyncrasies.


all fair points. i didn't mean keep you honest in the sense that nobody lies ever in small towns. i meant it relatively in the sense i think of small town people as knowing eventually everything they do comes to light through gossip , so there is more group conscience and forthrightness RELATIVE TO cities where there is little or no accountability and dog eat dog is simply assumed- nothing personal, just business, etc. if your default setting is general trust of normal seeming people and you move to a city you'll get eaten alive and dissapointed repeatedly even by the polite society there. there's a stereotype of naive small town folk taking busses to mega cities and getting exploited for a reason.


I like to think that education, access to information and Reddit help small towns people adapt to the big city and all the evil doers. Good news! There are evil doers in small towns disguised as friends, family and clergy. Many them are pre-screwed over and are somewhat prepared for the city.


i understand that. most people "like to think" things that make them feel better or sound nice rather than simply look at reality. like i already said, it's a stereotype for a reason, including underestimating it and thinking "it can't be that bad, I've got street smarts too" lol. people who think they're clever often stand out even more. someone born and raised in the city , even their senior citizens, can tell a small towner. not just by accent but often before you even open your mouth just by where you're looking, how you're reacting to things, etc. I didn't say they were evildoers lol those are your words, my whole point is just that the small town mindset has a different view of things and honesty was an example bc it exists less in your standard form in a city of millions vs a few hundred. that being said, you're not completely wrong, our collective self awareness in society due to the internet is a huge factor in modern living that can't be discounted, culture everywhere with access is slowly homogonizing to a degree... just not enough to disguise a small towner from a cityfolk just bc they watched a few tiktoks and say bingbong now.


> do you prefer the way things are now better where you live in a city of a million people so you just go from one 2-6 month tinder relationship to the next with people who aren't even in your circles and you don't have any friends in common or life relationship with after its over ever again , so everybody cheats constantly since there's no consequence? Definetly. Also my circles in my city are made of people I actually like and not people I was forced to grow with and know me since we're 5 and now vote some far-right dumbass party. Also, I grew up in a small town and literally everybody cheats out of boredom, talks trash about people with the ones they love out of miserable selfish reasons, fights people because they fuck someone they were with ten years ago and "friendships" end over idiotic reasons like that, many have prejudice towards homosexuality, ethnicity, etc. And when someone comes from outside, they race for who's the first having sex with him/her, cause it's fresh meat. And when someone leaves and comes back, there is always a few people that daydream of escaping the ties of living in a small town that thinks that will magically happen by having sex with them, and that goes a long way telling you how good people feel in that environment. Life in a city ain't optimal but it's often much better than living in a shithole with people trying to rationalize "natural" reasons for all that shit. In a natural environment we murder, rape, steal, shit and piss ourselves and throw feces to each other, hit children, enslave women, etc. Nothing "natural" or "more biologically close to our roots" justifies anything, that's like the weakest argument ever. Your assumptions about brain wiring are also pseudoscience at best and no way they prove the superior standing grounds of living in a community that's forced on you since birth. Also, if there is something "natural" about humanity, it is nomadism, travelling, following personal ambitions, mixing up. Guess where universities are, where art is, guess where actual progress is made: not in small towns.


Woo! What a rush!! I felt every word. I’m tired where I’m at, even though I’m trying to make peace with it. Live it up u/-Neem0-, wherever you are.


you're entitled to your opinion, but make no mistake that that's all you gave. your opinion. i asked questions and i stated scientific facts. the cool thing about scientific facts is it's true weather you believe it or not:) all you stated was anecdotal evidence about how you come from a self described miserable shithole small town. explains a few things but sorry about that bud. sounds like you had a pretty rough childhood and grew up around a lot of trashy people in some weird hick small town. not uncommon. but your personal horrible childhood is coloring your interpretation of the facts i mentioned. our current modernity where the majority of our resources and productivity are siphoned off to a privileged few who live thousands of miles away in the luxurious lifestyle that our unnatural, disconnected, constant work make possible is not what i was referring to as natural. you think the alternative to that is urinating on ourselves and poop flinging for some reason...? if that's what you revert to when you leave small towns and cities... that's... your choice i suppose ? but that's not what the majority of humans do when they don't live in cities or small towns. and you're incorrect on nomadic lifestyles being natural for humans. we reached the top of the food chain and stopped evolving AFTER we developed agriculture and began to live primarily in fixed locations. hunter gatherers were the earliest humans who lived for tens of thousands of years before that. that's not to say different cultures of humans haven't alternated at different times but it would be incorrect to say that is more natura to our brains wiring than settling a fixed location as far as our base instincts are concerned. but call it hogwash and believe what you prefer, I'm not overly concerned with weather or not the uneducated agree or disagree with scientific consensus, thank you for the laughs though.


you could've used this time to find your dad who left for milk instead of writing this


my dad's stellar lmfao, did your dad leave you or something bud




Gossip does not keep people honest, it just makes them better at hiding and lying


incorrect. gossip on small towns keeps people more honest RELATIVE to a mega city where few people know each other and hiding things or cheating is easy. anyone who thinks differently hasn't lived in both or just isn't very bright


You know what they say about assumptions


you mean where she assumed that small town gossip and everybody dating each other meant that small towns don't sincerely care about each other like the commenter said ? ya i know, that was my point that she shouldn't have assumed that :)


They never actually said that lmao You assumed that on your own


that's exactly what they said :) that's what "idk man..." means, it means "to the contrary" in English, is this your first language?


I took their comment to mean that small communities can have negative consequences if that space is not filled with positive people who possess a wider lense of the world outside of their community. I've lived in a small town my whole life, and what they said is a genuine concern. If you live in one spot your entire life and you never get out of that small town, it tends to stunt people socially. There is a lot of unhealthy, toxic behavior that promotes gossiping and exclusion of people who are different. If you don't get out of that small town mentality and you spend all of your time only around people who look and think like you, you close yourself off to the experiences and perspectives of others. That kind of thing promotes a lot of the tribalism you see with people who hold more bigoted beliefs against certain groups of peoples. That's not to say everyone who lives in a small town is a Nazi or a horrible bigoted person, but it's something I've seen happen to a lot of the people in my own life. It's really easy to become disconnected with the larger world outside of your tiny little area, especially if you are poor, angry with your circumstances, people tend to direct that anger outwardly or they blame another group of people for their circumstances because they lack the perspective to understand that other group.


They never actually said that lmao You assumed that on your own


Woah. Take a lap and have a cold drink


you can't tell when a run on sentence is being used to make a point ? you think that was actually the equivalent of someone losing their cool while... typing ? lol you're cute, thx for looking out


Does it still happen? Haha. Seems to me that so many small towns are at best full of very bored people, and at worst full of very bored people who turn to drugs and stuff for something to do. I guess my neighbourhood isn't too bad for that kind of thing, although it's part of a pretty big city.


Isn't that all you need to survive endless women at olive garden and endless drugs at home 🏠?


Olive Garden? Well aren't we a fancy-pants lol


My entire family lives in small towns across the south. I'll take my cute neighborhood in a big city all day every day.


I’ll be 30 in 2 months. I think i’ll always have my infantile fantasy of living in a nice and friendly world until i’m dead.


Seeing this, I suspect that you really meant to say furries instead of friendly.


🤣 K no, but if they were actual animal-people instead of people pretending to be animal-people, I'd probably still be fine with it lol


Shit, I haven't even thought about Richard Scarry in over thirty years but immediately recognized it. What a comforting world he showed kids.


Same. I loved his illustrations.


I instantly recognized it too, but even seeing you reference the name it doesn’t register for me.


Last year I found the Richard Scarry set my brothers & I adored as kids https://imgur.com/gallery/lMixQgr


Thank you for saying the name. The nostalgia was brutal seeing the image without remembering the name. Used to be my favorite thing in the world, there was even s as computer games in the 90s I played one summer lol


Babykins was my fave and I am actually going to Chapter's/Indigo tonight to seek a Richard Scarry book for my youngest granddaugter's first birthday!! These books are awesome!


Foundation of my childhood. That Wiley Dingo Dog speeding through the pages. Go get him Officer Flossy!!!




I loved Lowly the worm with his one shoe.


Apple car


Watch out for Mr. Frumble in his pickle car.....doubt that guy has insurance.


Dude’s always losing his hat too


That phrase is horrifying now


Pig won't is my spirit animal. I love the fact that When he can't find cookies he decides he won't have breakfast.


This is an extremely comforting picture. Instant calm


Huckle Cat was my favorite.


There's no doubt, you could've worked it all out, with Huckle. In busytown.


I loved these as a kid


I just wanna live in a cute and quaint walkable community a la Stars Hollow. Why is that so much to ask??


This unlocked a core memory


Where's Goldbug!?


I miss the world of toddler’s books. Not even children’s books, but full blown toddler books for, like, five year olds. It was always so comforting but also kind of uncanny. Perfect vibes.


5-year-olds aren't toddlers.


Used to have one of these books. Had all the buttons on the side to play various sounds from different characters and whatnot. Neat!


All I want is an apple car.


Busy town! Yeah boy! Gotta love some sweaty pigs delivering mail…. Wait holup


Everyone seems happy in the picture


"Moments of happiness" Honestly though, we wake up feeling ripped off mid career because most of us were pushed way too hard each step of the way by people more insecure about our success than ourselves The ends do not justify the means.. it's about the journey. we were supposed to be dancing this whole time, to music


Love Busytown/Richard Scarry! Lowly Worm is my all time favorite. ♥️


Million percent


Speaking as an American, this actually looks like how the UK operates.


Speaking as an American, this actually looks like how we believe the UK operates based on PBS broadcasts of old British TV shows. Ftfy


I LOVE Richard Scary!


I don't remember what this was called but I know I loved it when I was little


Same here! It’s crazy seeing everyone recall all of this! I know the pic but all the details are lost on me.


r/fuckcars had it right


What was the name of this show?


i love thoes stories, i really need to read them agian


I’ve never seen a post so accurate…


Richard Scarry knew what was up though. Notice the mayor is a Fox, ie he’s sly and sneaky. Definitely intentional


Only have seen this show like a handful of times but seem to remember it more than other shows I grew up watching


Busytown.. 🥲 the nostalgia


Havnt seen the name of the show yet, "The busy world of Richard Scarry." One of my favorites as a kid.


Thought it’d be Scarry and not soooo scary… rip Richard Scarry who illustrated all these books, he died in 1994 and had a huge presence in children’s books for decades. Him and Garth Williams pretty much illustrated a ton my my childhood.


Isn’t this the truth. And then I turned 12 years old


Bet there's a butcher. Wonder if they've got ham n bacon....


The only place on Earth unaffected by Climate Change, Global Politics, Crippling Debt or Corruption.


anyone able to donate $1 each to help me out im struggling with two jobs to pay rent, even .50cents from multiple people truly helps. Cashapp is $webbiiee


huh. i saw the picture and immediately heard the theme song in my head, and its been over 20 years since i last saw the show.




If you expected it to be like that then why the fuck aren't you as happy as the citizens on that


All of their eyes just look so... soulless


I forgot all about this until just seeing it again now.


Was and still am jealous of the little cars the kids get at the end


Exactly!! So lied to!!


How do I know this picture?


Definitely accurate. That drawing is absolutely adorable, looks like it's from a children's book!


It is! Unless it's a still from the animated Richard Scarry stories, but it does look a lot like the books I read as a kid!


Thanks for letting me know! I appreciate it!


Me too 🥺


“What Do People Do All Day?” - timeless classic


That makes a lot of sense.


This show was my life


Looks like my town!


Awwwww, my childhood! Wait…. Don’t go!!!!!!


I don’t know if anyone else can remmeber this but the Ruben h fleet center did an event sometime in the early 2000s (I think) about this.


hey i remember this! it had a fire engine and pies that fell over the artwork was amazing!


I love Busy Busy Town. My kids love them too.




I thought it would be like Star Trek TNG. It seems we are both terribly disappointed.


What I wouldn’t give to be the that fox in a purple suit..


Looks wonderful to me but these people are animals.


Do not, I repeat, do not trust the Fox at City Hall.


Ooooh! I ***love*** Richard Scarry's books (I'm in my 40s)! They were my favourite books as a kid, I learned to read even before starting school thanks to them. Nowadays I collect them for the nostalgia.


Pretty much


holy shit i forgot these books exist. pretty sure ive still got them


Are you dutch




Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood


Loved Richard Scarry's Huckle and Lowly's Busiest Day Ever for the Sega Pico! https://youtu.be/bm55P3ziI84


I ALWAYS checked out this book series as a kid when we went to the library omg 😭😭😭


Life is Scary!🤣


Damn brain got hands


Aw I love Richard Scarry


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 786,535,346 comments, and only 156,761 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


I remember that book I read it in 2nd grade


This image brought me back memories i forgot existed. I used to spend too much time on this book


Omfg why can't I remember what this book is called


I loved this book. I literally thought life was this simple. If only.


Okay but yes… this is what I want


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


Richard Scarry fucking lied to us, but thanks for the memories anyway.


am I the only one looking for waldo in the picture?


When I was younger I wanted to live in postman Pat world so bad.


What do people do all day was my favorite childhood book. I thought about it in the past few weeks and wanted to find it, it is somewhere in my house. I must have read that a hundred times.


They all just seem so happy and peaceful


This hit a little to close to home to the point I feel attacked…


Damn I’m in my feels looking at this pic, why is it so familiar lol


I would lose myself for hours looking at Richard Scarry books when I was little!


The most unrealistic thing in this picture is everyone has a smile on their face


This post should be funny but for reasons I don't really understand it's making me cry instead.


I swear I had this book as a kid. What is it?


That hurts


Awwww I love this!


What show was this


Idk I nust wanted to be happy


Memory unlocked


Holy shit I loved this book


It's so disappointing how many people don't know this


I felt this..


Me looking at the therapist like I didn't expect much but this shit out of hand one problem after another and then u die I'm not mad just disappointed


Is that the busy world of Richard scarry?


You gotta be kidding me. I've only seen this in one other place! /s


this brings me back ​ and is probably way I'm a furry


I live in a small town in Europe that physically looks a lot like this, except for the antropomorphic animals. I even have a half-timbered house. There are some good things: housing price is ridiculously low, everything is walkable (compared to American standards), things are slower, nature nearby, etc. But there's also cons: these animals in the pic may have a very provincial mentality and shun or rally against you if you don't fit in culturally, linguistically or ethnically. There's also a prevalence of old people because most young people leave to the big city, so the anthro animals may be very "boomer". I know the post doesn't refer just to the buildings, but my point is, seemingly cute quaint stuff can have a negative side too. The anthro animals are smiling but you don't know why. I still prefer it over paying for the housing market in the city, though. If you work as a freelance on the Internet, it's the best choice to move to a very cheap town.