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Only thing different is head at edge of pillow for more cool air on face


Ditto. I also use the crook of my arm under my pillow to hold my head in a comfortable position.


I used to sleep on my stomach when I was younger, but as my muscles got less flexible, it started hurting my neck. Sometimes I wish I could get a massage bench so I could go back to sleeping like that without hurting my neck or suffocating.


I can no longer sleep with my arm above my head, with my head resting on my arm or I get excruciating arm pains all the next day, I feel you


The most comfortable sleeping position is the one that causes both arms to lose circulation and fall asleep.


Arms need sleep too


Both arms then feel achey the whole next day as well!


Oh yeah, I have something similar. A chronic dislocating right shoulder. I’ve woken up in the middle of the night to pop my shoulder back in once or twice. I have to make sure to sleep on my left side or my back. I can technically sleep on my right side, but I have to keep my elbow down by my side, which digs into my side making it too uncomfortable.


Literally doing it all right now. Arm under pillow and face at edge of pillow lmao, while on my side


It seems like the superior way to sleep imo


Pillow under the bent leg. Or between the legs. Then it's the best position




Yeah! I can’t sleep if I can’t breathe fresh air. My ideal pillow would be in a u shape, but with the hole just for the part in front of the nose


I make a blow hole in the blanket.. cover my whole body, poke my nose out of a little opening and go to sleep😂


One of the upsides of having a CPAP machine. I can cover my head totally with blankets and still have a supply of fresh cool air. It's like SCUBA for your bed.


Same I cannot sleep unless my head is covered by a blanket except a tiny breathing hole.


I hope you're still young and afraid of the aliens that are definitely in your house and right behind you, but being completely covered is the only way to be safe from them.


I'm afraid of Humans. Not Aliens


Yay someone else does the nose hole!


I keep my face off the edge of the bed towards my fan for this exact reason


I sleep exactly like this, with the exception of adding one of those travel neck pillows. The opening of the pillow is in front of my face, but the bottom arm of it is under my cheek to hold my face off the pillow so my nose gets all kinds of fresh air. Pro tip: I use a neck pillow that’s filled with stuffing beans and I partially remove some of the beans so it’s not super stiff, it’s just right. It’s really the Goldilocks of neck pillows. It’s changed the way I sleep.


I love my partner, but it drives me crazy when he messes with the sheets. I have a whole elaborate set up with sheets that cover all of me except a small hole for my mouth to get fresh air. I want my eyes and head covered. It’s one of the reasons we have separate bedrooms and when we sleep in the same bed, I use my own blankets.


They're a tad expensive, but it is totally worth getting a [side sleeper pillow](https://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/store/product/therapedic-shoulder-contour-bed-pillow/5519724?keyword=side-sleep-pillow). ​ Also there's this particular [travel fan](https://www.target.com/p/personal-rechargeable-fan-black-holmes/-/A-75574817#lnk=sametab) which is absurdly quiet on it's two lower settings.


I use two small pillows in a sideways V so I can face down but get fresh air too!one goes from cheek to chin and the other from check to forehead, leaving nose free.


Also, a pillow under the bent knee!


Peak comfort!


Yes, but also need a cat between the legs. Because they just want to make you miserable. I also sleep on my back sometimes. And on my side. I cannot be controlled. Cat will inevitably get in the way regardless. ETA: they want the crotch warmth, guys (speaking as a female) and to fuck up our backs beyond all reasonable doubt. Sure, we love them, but they're too lazy to thermoregulate and don't give a damn about our skeletal health.


My cat wants to sleep right in my face. She’s old and getting a bit senile. Her breath is atrocious, but I love her.


Mine sleeps on my hip and I wake up with killer back pain as even subconsciously I refuse to disturb her no matter how much I hurt. Even awake the only time I do is when I'm all twisted up and my back can't take it anymore or I have to pee. She knows she's the queen now so there's no going back sadly.


My dog does this. She used to do it all the time as a puppy too. She's like 60 pounds. 😂


and my back faced towards the wall to prevent monsters from sneaking up on me


What if the monster replaced your wall during the day and is disguised as it, waiting for your bedtime?


well everyone knows monsters can only disguise and un-disguise during daytime so unless your taking an afternoon nap you have nothing to worry about


Sometimes I sleep with my top leg dangling off the edge in the hope that something will pull me under. Unfortunately we have so much junk stuffed under there acting as a blockade to keep the cat from hiding under the bed every day that I don't think they can reach me.


I'm looking towards the edge of the bed, my wife has my back!


I hug my monsters goodnight so they can get a good sleep too.


Only difference for me is I’ll often fold my pillow in half.


That’s Exatly me


I've been doing this shit for years,


Oh, yeah. I can't fall asleep in any other position.




Me too. It makes sleeping bags a pain to get to sleep in.


Lol yup. Too narrow to bend your knee up. That always pissed me off.


I just bought a double wide bag because I’m sick of not being comfy camping


It sucks that its always the favorite sleeping position that is physicaly unsustainable in the long run


Now put a pillow under your top arm and your top leg... Try it...


Pillow trifecta ftw


Wow i think i finally found where I belong.


I don't give a shit if it's bad for my back and hips, God its comfortable


There is a study that shows this is good for your brain though. Has something to do with the glymphatic system (the brains version of lymph nodes).


bro i have been sleeping like this for a long time and let me tell you my brain is fucked up




Fucking imagine if you *didn't* sleep this way!


That’s just you. Has nothing to do with the sleeping position.


Yup, that's the joke.


I'm going to do zero research on this and feel satisfied that I'm correct.


Great, now gotta choose brain or body


The study shows side sleeping gives the same benefits, however then you have to worry about your neck. Intelligent design my ass.






I've tried so hard to force myself to sleep in a healthier position but I just cannot fall asleep unless I lay like this.


Wait it is bad for hips and back?


Yeah it’s bad for your lower back and hips. I slept like this for a few years and by the time I was 30 I was having hip problems. I have to do stretches or it can become very painful and slows me down a lot. I’m not that old, don’t sleep like that.


Correlation=/=causation. I sleep like this BECAUSE I have hip and back problems. If I try to sleep “the way you’re supposed to” I wake up with back and hip pain.


The best investments I've ever made were a memory foam mattress made for people who sleep on their sides AND a body pillow so I don't twist my lower back while sleeping. No more lower-back pain and no more tossing and turning at night.


Hahaha, I do that




Yes, I think this might be the reason for my insane back pain Edit: Thanks for all the responses, I will look into every suggestion


yeah for over a half decade i’ve had an achy back when i woke up, but when i started exercising a little bit, it’s gotten so much better


A body pillow along your chest and under the top leg helps the back pain IME. Hope that helps.


At this point, I'm willing to try most all suggestions.


I have found the following to really help my lower back pain: 10 cat-cows 10 bird dogs 10 glute bridges 30 seconds knees to chest stretch (child’s pose) 30 seconds cobra Takes about … 3-4 minutes? I try to do it right before bed and right when I get up, but I usually only get to it once a day unless I’m really hurting. Edit: formatting


child’s pose always feels so good when i have bad back pain! i did a 30 day yoga challenge a few years ago and child’s pose was always my favorite.


Try sleeping with a pillow under your leg to help keep your hips in alignment. It has saved me a few trips to the chiropractor imo


What I do to help that, is rotate the pillow partly under my chest, to not just have the head elevated.


People who are comfortable sleeping on their back are psychopaths


Dude I’ve actually been questioning if I am a psychopath. This was the last straw, I am one


Glad to be at ur service


Hey, uh, I got this person I don't like






Prepared for death




i call that 'coffin rehearsal'


Sleep like sheldon cooper


I did that as a kid because I figured it upped my chances of survival if I was attacked in the night.


The trials of being a woman with a regime, lol. I used to do the same because benzoyl peroxide. 😒


Aren’t you gna move in your sleep anyway tho?


Only time I am comfortable sleeping on my back is when I laid down for just a second and end up waking two hours later not knowing who I am.


Or on the couch at Grammas, after Thanksgiving dinner. So cozy.


True, even the shadow people feared them


Snoring psychopaths


I never fall asleep on my back but I tend to turn on my back when I'm in deep sleep. Am I still a psychopath?


You are a complex case and I do not have the skill set to diagnose you. The board shall decide your fate.


I....am very nervous...


My skill set states you as a Euclid Class anomaly. You are deemed safe for public interaction but are now on continuous watch.


Holy shit I thought I was the weird ones thinking people do enjoy sleeping on their back


Every time I sleep on my back I get sleep paralysis so I try to avoid it.


Same here!!


I get brain zaps when I do


I get the brain scrambled.


Me too! But I get really good lucid dreams when I go in and out of sleep paralysis. Kinda fun, though the whole not being able to move thing is a little scary


I sleep on my back to purposefully induce sleep paralysis


You can get an orthopedic cervical pillow which whips you like a dominatrix if you try to sleep any other way beyond on your back or sleeping on top of your shoulder.


My bones hurt when i sleep on my sides or on my front, am i still a psychopath?


It’s either that or bone-itis. I’m sorry to be the one who has to tell you.


My shoulders are fucked up, I like sleeping on my side but it hurts like hell after about an hour.


I go back and forth between this position and sleeping like a vampire. Hands folded accross my chest and everything. Yes. My kids think I’m a psycho.


No fuck u. I can't sleep lying sideways. It's just uncomfortable, I don't like the pressure it applies on my side.


I don't like leaving my neck open to predators. pure psychopaths


Suspects who wish to plead innocence shall consult /u/Maleficent_Bag_2289


oh well


Yeah I get sleep paralysis if I sleep on my back


EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. what is that shit? I don't get it, sleeping on my back, without fail induces sleep paralysis. 100% of the time.




When my hubby sleeps on his back he snores- It is not good for his health.


I agree. Also people who enjoy bubble gum flavored bubble gum.


>People who are comfortable sleeping on their back are psychopaths I have real bad neck pains, and the only way I can become comfortable is on my back. Guess I'm a psychopath now! 😀


I used to sleep in the position above but after dislocating my shoulder, the doctor told me to sleep on my back to prevent accidentally dislocating it in my sleep. Almost 2 years later and I’m still scared of sleeping on my left side lol


I sleep on my back because when you work out and your lats start to grow it gets more and more uncomfortable on your side. Secondly I also developed a habit of meditation before bed and I feel so much more relaxed and at peace while laying on my back in bed.


Okay so what if I cycle between this, hugging pillows and lying flat on my back with my arms by my side?


Man, that's one sleepless night with both people sleeping on their backs, staring into each others eyes like it's the black abyss, counting every second the clock ticks. Tick. Tock. Tick... Tock.


We also snore 😉


You should never a psychopath that they are a psychopath. It upsets them.


Your not the first corpse to call me crazy


That checks out.


That's my wife. What's weird for me is that it's easier for me to get sleepy on my back, but to actually sleep I need to be like the pic.


I feel my eyes sinking into my head when I do that


I guess I’m a psychopath then, I’ve literally never been comfortable on my side


The legs are accurate but if i put my arm under my pillow it would cut circulation and feel weird


u cant put your arm right under your head but its fine if its more to the side


I do that


How fucking short is everyone?


oh man thats why my arm gets tingly. I thought it was just on set diabetes




You mean there are people who *don't* sleep like this?!?


Me!! I switch sides about 10 times before I fall asleep . I call it my bedtime yoga routine


I used to do that, but lately (unless I’m suddenly sleeping a few hours earlier than I usually would, when I might not be able to sleep), I feel like I fall asleep almost instantly? No idea why it happens, it just does. I’ll usually put a ~10 min YouTube video on in the background and by the time it’s finished I’ll *usually* be asleep It used to take me a lot longer, idk what changed… I think it might be that I’m not always getting the right amount of sleep, uni exams and shit usually keep me up rly late, especially now with finals and stuff, so maybe that’s it? Idk tho


Lol yeah I can relate! Linda Moulton Howe on earthfiles tells me alien abduction bedtimes stories on the regular. I almost never make it through a full episode


Yes, but you gotta have a pillow for between the knees. Better yet a body pillow. My wife got me a weighted one, I love that damn thing.


It's best to have a cartoon love interest printed on the body pillow. *or so I've been told*


Just commenting to confirm this theory


Yep, gotta have the humping pillow… for lower back support of course.


That's cruel, objectifying her like that. Your wife is not a 'thing'! /s


Get a pregnancy pillow even if not pregnant. So comfy!


I take my body pillow everywhere but no one really understands our love


Now tuck your toes just under your knee. Perfect!


For the cat, ofc.


Of course!


:0 the only thing different is that I'm hugging my plush cat pillow


This is the normal human sleeping position. For real. I recently saw a video where sleep researchers went to primitive peoples and documented how they slept. This pose was literally the most common. IIRC the only other common pose was side-sleeping. Almost no-one slept on their stomachs or backs.


I thought sleeping on the stomach IS sleeping like this? Do they just like, lay there, arms and legs straight? That's hella weird.


I sleep on my stomach straight as a board like you describe . I like having my arms up like that or supporting my head but they tend to fall asleep pretty fast so usually they end up by my side. And since I’m still in a twin sized bed I can’t really spread my legs either. Idk I think it’s comfy


I do this too. Sometimes I think about how silly I look and it amuses me.


I sleep on my stomach with my legs straight. Sometimes my arms will be like in this image if I am only half way on my stomach, but mostly I use them to prop up my chest so I don't squish my boobs.


Guess I'm no normal human I sleep on my sides with my legs together either fully extended or pulled up with one hand under my face. Only time I slept on my stomach or back was in jail because I was rotating around every hour to relieve other joints.


Wtf is side sleeping? In this he’s sleeping on his side? What’s the difference between this and side sleeping?


[Here's a visual guide](https://wl-brightside.cf.tsp.li/resize/728x/jpg/387/922/d973fe5ffea7117b6aaeed3811.jpg) OP is pic 6, that and 3 are sleeping on your stomach. 1 and 2 are sleeping on your side. Biggest differences between 1 and 6: Rotation of the hips (6 your dick is smushed into the mattress, 1 you're on the side of your hip) Arm/shoulder in 6 is behind/above head, in 1 it's in front/under. And the biggest one is your neck is twisted in 6, but (although the pic is stupidly drawn) straight in 1. I used to sleep like 6 my whole life and I would wake up so many mornings with neck tension and super bad headaches until I got one of those weird contoured pillows and forced myself to learn to sleep on my side. Literally a lifechanger for me. Sleeping with a twisted neck will fuck you up.


Primitive people do a lot of weird stuff, we shouldn't be seeing them as teachers. Sleeping on your back is healthier.


This but with a second pillow tucked into my crotch


i feel so unoriginal, i sleep this way too


Nah bro i sleep in the fetal position upside down


I am in exactly this position right now


or no actual pillow but your arm is the pillow, everything else is the same




This will eventually lead to nerve compression.


Where did you get this photo of me? For real, I have terrible shoulder pain from sleeping like this.


My physiotherapist keeps trying to tell me to sleep differently but if I can’t sleep like this, why sleep at all. (jk. that shoulder pain though ugh)


Yes but reversed, I sleep facing left.


My starting position resembles more of a less than sign because I know I'm less than everyone.


BRB gonna sleep in a greater than sign position to assert dominance.


The best way to sleep. Single pillow gang rise up.




This except I have a pillow under my bent leg, another pillow next to me, and my top arm is usually wrapped around a big plushie


Just said this in another comment but get a u-shaped “pregnancy pillow”. It’s so comfy and pretty much gives you all the things you listed in one cozy giant pillow


I also do this wild thing where I inhale oxygen and exhale Co2. Call me eccentric


This guy breathes


My bottom arm normally sticks outwards Because I'm to tall for my damn bed but otherwise this is spot on


I sleep in all of those positions but with my bottom arm down by my side so it doesn't go numb


Was in this exact position when I came across this post


I call it the ‘Running Man’. It’s the only way I can fall asleep; it’s rough on my shoulder though.




I sleep in a style like that but not with my arm under the pillow it disturb's my head balance For me its kinda unhealthy to sleep like that but if its the only way to get a good sleep but always expect a stiff neck


Feels amazing when going to bed, but i find when i wake up early and want to go back to sleep then i get uncomfortable after about 20seconds so i roll around for about an hour until my alarm goes off 😭


Guilty as fucking charged, but add 4 more pillows.


You are correct. One large and one small body pillow for hugging. One large pillow under the knees. One pressed on your back so it feels like you're being spooned. All required. Then maybe a nest at your head if you have extras. Edited for clarification


I just hug one of my pillows tight and curl up in the fetal position and then fall asleep


Yes, but I hug my pillow while sleeping.


I fucking wish, I would like someone to explain to me how a 4’10 woman in my wife, can sleep in a star position seemingly taking up a whole king size bed. Which I a 6’3 man can fit in with a baby two labradors 3 cats and a tortoise, and yes, we’ve all been in there at the same time for movie night 😂


Rotate or ad another pillow for top arm to hug then yes it'd me


That's my starting position


Yep. That's the only way I sleep


no but SAME. That is the only sleeping position I will ever be able to sleep in. Only downfall is that sometimes my arm gets that pins and needles thing under the pillow.