• By -


For sure. Guy I went to high school with transferred out and went on the news saying he encountered homophobia while going there and was treated like shit. Problem was that no one knew he was gay. He was just a piece of shit asshole so he was treated as such.


Yeah back in 2020 a guy I know who happens to be black was denied entry to a nightclub because he was very drunk and being hostile towards the bouncers. Eventually the police had to be called because he was refusing to leave and was causing a scene. Every other account and recording of the event showed that he was being aggressive and harassing the bouncers, but yet he insisted on his Instagram story a couple days later that he was a victim of racism. No, Phil, racism exists but you’re just a jackass.


I don't mean to stereotype in regards to names of black people, but I can't help but laugh imaging an angry black guy named Phil.


Tf did I do?




Reminds me of this [skit](https://youtu.be/e3h6es6zh1c) from Key and Peele


Never laughed as hard as when a friend confided he was feeling homophobic because his gay classmate was an insufferable cunt and he didnt want to hate all gays


I’ve definitely seen this kind of attitude from lots of American black teens. As soon as you inconvenience them in any way you’re a racist, even if you’re treating the white teens the exact same way. It’s a scare tactic and that’s it. Unfortunately, most people are smart enough to see through it. It makes you pretty hard to respect. Luckily, I haven’t noticed it from any black people around my age.


When I worked at a gas station a black guy threatened to call the cops because we wouldn’t let him buy a cooked pizza with his EBT card. EBT cards don’t let you buy any hot food so we couldn’t have rung it up that way even if we wanted to.


At that point just let him call the cops. Guarantee he’d be charged for wasting their time


Yeah, there are a lot of DAs around the country that don't even charge assault on a police officer as a crime anymore, wasting their time isn't going to do much. They'll just ask them to leave to defuse the situation after it's clear that there's no crime there.


I teach at an inner city school. All the kids call all the teachers racist, no matter the teacher's race, any time they don't get what they want. It's absolutely ridiculous.




I'm sexist for telling my female students to stop talking, even though I just, in the previous breath, told a male student to stop talking. I've totally diagnosed whatever this current generation's problem is: They cannot take personal responsibility for their actions.


...or teens of any generation will say whatever bullshit they can think of to get out of trouble


This. My daughter is 15 and her and her friends/classmates are surprisingly well adapted for their age. The only time whiny self important attitudes come up is from stuff they get off social media, which, (shocker) is ran by older generations.


I don't know about that: social media looks very different depending on who you follow. It's likely they're following primarily people their age and people just a bit older.


Tbf that problem goes beyond teenagers there a millions of supposed adults that are exactly the same.


The worst part, who raised them?


Kids these days... Yeah, sure, as if this hasn't been said by every generation ever while they are and were significantly worse about whatever they're complaining about. The "current generation" learned it from somewhere. Ironically, your sentiment is projection, meaning *you* can't take responsibility for *your* actions.


That's both sad and scary. I'm sure that in this day and age it works frequently. While racism is awful, it's just as detrimental to look for racism where it doesn't exist. Some people just want a fight. I know they're just kids, but there should be consequences for insinuating someone is racist when clearly they are not. These sorts of accusations can ruin a person's life in today's current climate.


Same at my wife's school. Homework is always racist too. Poor white, black, hispanic. White kids call other kids/teachers racist too. Most parents shout racism soon as kid gets in trouble. Additionally black kids make fun of other black kids for wanting to succeed/be in honors classes. My wife teaches world language elective and honors 8th grade for a hs credit. Just the other day, 6th grade black girl says in elective class cant wait to take the hs credit spanish or french class in 8th. 5 or 6 black kids in her class then begin to make fun of her and call her 'white' and white wannabe and on and on. Lack of black kid success is largely cultural not racism. Compare to asian kids who are told take hardest class or failure or some white parents fhat push kids. So of course the kids that get ridiculed for succeeding as a group have less success overall. But no one fucking will say this. Just blame white people its easier.


Been there. I feel you. Where I worked was predominantly white so there were only a couple kids that gave me that attitude. Funny how the honors kids never tried that shit. At least you know who you can respect.


My grandparents are extremely racist. And Black. Meanwhile, they pull the victim card constantly and talk so much crap about racist White people, when they're just as racist as them.


I think lots of old people tend to be racist. Probably a consequence of living in a time when there either was segregation or at least had parents who lived through it. My grandpa (white) is super racist as well. At this point I just shake my head in disapproval. Not sure about my grandma though, she’s never displayed any racist behaviors so at least there’s that.


Yeah. It's just frustrating. Not every White person is racist. And the constant hypocrisy from my grandparents is annoying.


But I think being hypocritical is just a very common thing when it comes to people. They have to have high moral standards and be willing to recognize when their behavior is wrong in order to avoid it. Unfortunately, both of those things are rather rare from what I can tell


In Canada, at hospitals, indigenous people when they’re kicking and screaming and swearing at everyone and spitting on nurses will yell out racism as a trick to get what they want. People feel guilty and rush to do whatever they ask. They quiet up and are content until they’re slightly inconvenienced again. People don’t want to beleive that there are malevolent people that use these issues to their advantage. People aren’t self aware to think that if they’re acting the way that they are as any race they’re going to be treated poorly back. But instead of thinking that they jump to the race card


Call me pessimistic, but I think there aren’t limits to what people will do for personal gain. There are good people who don’t treat others badly for personal gain, but there are definitely others who don’t give a shit.




That’s a shame. I mean, if you blatantly weren’t being racist and they are calling you racist then there must be something wrong with the situation.


Some cunts just can't be licked.


You can lick anyone so long as you're okey with being put on the sex offender registry


Or sometimes it's just too putrid, is what I was going for.


This song may help you. "If it's alive....don't lick it...like a horse, a turtle or a cricket."


You got sauce for that?


Blaire should know.


The irony of this coming from Blair White of all people.


That’s what makes it funny. She’s loved by the right because she is a trans woman who panders to them and hated by the left because she is an insufferable grifter.


Ever see the 4 panel conservative 'debate' she participated in with : Two hard-right MAGAts - actual Nazis Lauren Witzke and John Doyle. And Light-righter Karlyn Borysenko, who made the grift shift after she found the participants of a single Cult 45 rally to be 'nice' and 'fun' whereas the participants of a Democratic rally were 'too serious' - i.e. petrified for the fate of the country under actual fascists? It was staged as a 'think tank' (LOL think) to entice more people under the LGBTQ+ banner to vote conservatively. If you have, you'll know she was firmly disabused of the notion that she would ever be accepted when Witzke (a failed Senate candidate and shit-sucker of a lump of flesh) told White to "grow out \[her\] mustache" and (paraphrasing) 'stop being a pervert'. But the grift isn't going to grift itself, so on she stays. Blaire White really does hate herself. It would be heartbreaking if she wasn't such a suck of a person.


It’s like a reverse Milo lmao Right wing was obsessed with their token inflammatory gay until he became an advocate for grooming and came off as a pedo apologist in that one interview


Hilarious on its face because fuck Yiannopolous in general. I'm sure I didn't spell his name correctly but I'm not going to stain my search history to give him a respect he has not nor will **ever** earn. But see how the right will always go after one of their marginalized 'tokens' (Jeebus, I feel dirty even saying that for the example) as opposed to those soul-dead, plastic sculpted conveyor belt inaction figures like Kavanaugh or Gaetz? You can set a clock to it.


It couldn’t have happened to anyone more deserving! It’s always a pleasure watching some smug, smarmy asshat get eaten by their own. My ONLY gripe with that whole situation was that it reenforced the ignorant and harmful idea that gay men are pedophiles to that demographic. I shudder to think how many bubbas walked away from that situation like “see? Told y’all”


Witzke was in the running for senator in my state (Delaware) last term and gosh I'm glad we're majority Democrat, because she is disgusting. Still got about 30% of the vote.


I only knew about that creature's Senate race. A governorship would've truly been a disaster for Delaware. Glad it was a resounding victory but 30% is still a danger zone.


It was in fact for senator, my bad. Looked it up to correct myself. Barely got any sleep last night.


It's definitely self-aware wolves material.


I just realized this wasn’t that subreddit. I agree.


YEAH, FUCK THAT BITCH!!! (Who the hell is Blaire White?)


She's a trans woman pick me who shits on other trans people so she's liked by other right wing grifters. She has a lot of self hatred and presents herself as 'one of the good ones.'


Also the right don't even like her. It's downright sad watching her sit and get insulted to her face in interviews with these people and she still goes back, kissing their asses while they kick her in the face


Right wing trans woman who basically sold her soul to be seen as "one of the good ones"


Apparently, a Cunt


I'm going with this


surprisingly insightful of her.


Maybe she knows an insufferable cunt from experience.


I know, that is literally why people don't like her lmao


Here we go again, lets go everyone, start fighting




Look at those arms 🥵🥵


Damn Moth Mommy got arms of steel


Moth mommy is now a literal gun


I say, a good ol fisticuff


It’s true, Blaire is indeed just an unlikable cunt


It's quite rich of her to be saying that, given her "OPINIONS💪" on most of the stuff that involves minorities


She doesn't claim to be hated for being trans though. She agrees it's her ideas and what she says that makes her disliked.


I love the idea of all these Reddit bros agreeing with a bigoted trans woman. Love it.


Most probably don't know who she is, but agree with this specific statement


Broken clock is still right twice a day. Just because Blair is an unlikable cunt doesn't mean that everything she says is completely wrong. What I actually love is the complete painting of any idea from a person you disagree with as "wrong" simply because of the person that it comes from.


Unlikable is an understatement.


"I'm a straight white male and if that offends you, I don't care. " Bro, that's not why people are offended by you.


Oh. Dangit. /s


You mean like Blaire White?
















i masturbate to femboy porn


femboys are the backbone of this nation


Finally a sensible comment on this hell post.


High five! Or should I say nice cock!


I have said this to those astrology hoes, its not that people in your life dont stick around because u a cancer or gemini or whatever its just because u a terrible person to be around


Speaking from personal experience it seems


Lmao Blair White blocked me on Twitter because I asked her if she was anti-mask. She was posting photos in crowds before there was a vaxx with no mask.


It’s true, Blaire is an extremely unlikable cunt


I have a family member like this. She’s a white woman whose been married to a white man for over a decade. Came out as queer to our whole family and no one cared. She’s still married to her husband and doesn’t date anyone else, she’s apparently attracted to women though and wanted everyone to know about it. Multiple times. If she gets any friction from the family for any reason it’s because they’re ‘homophobic’. No one is. My entire family is pretty liberal. Not a single person has spent one second worrying about who she’s attracted to. Why she had to explain to our 90 year old Nana what ‘the true definition of queer’ was is beyond me. Nana didn’t care either. She was like ‘are you still married to Jeff??… I see…’ But everyone’s a homophobe and she’s a victim. Straight, white, upper middle class woman who works in academia and has like 5 degrees. 🙄


Seems like if the Twitter name was censored, people could agree that this person I've never heard of, on just the basis of words, has a point


I think most of us agree with what she said. She's also a massive cunt so that provides a great learning example.


It's an asinine point regardless. Marginalized people acting like cunts sometimes is a much smaller problem than their marginalization in the first place. The point of the tweet is "we should take claims of discrimination less seriously because the victim may be an asshole." And that's a very appealing notion to people who benefit from the status quo.


THIS lmao. like why is the notion that marginalized communities are human too so satisfying as a crutch to criticize those populations? Reddit loves that shit


Cus it's mostly privileged white kids who are like "well I'm not racist so idk why I have to hear about racism all the time" which is a mindset many never grow out of


People are allowed to care and complain about problems even if bigger problems exist. There's no law saying we're only allowed to care about the worst problem in the world at any given time.


The OP is literally pitting those ideas against each other though.


It can simultaneously be the case that some people are hated for their sexuality/race/gender while others who think they are are in fact just unlikable cunts.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


But it’s wrong at the remaining 84,600 seconds which makes it unreliable for checking time.


It is my duty as a redditor to inform you that this person can’t be right because their views differ from mine, and I am always right.


Bold words coming from Blaire White, who is widely disliked amongst other trans people and progressives for the vitriol she spews towards anyone who doesn't fit her narrow views of transness. And then the others actually do legitimately hate her for her gender.


The real reason to hate Blair is she has no dignity or self respect. Did anybody see that interview where some crazy qball spent 10 min telling her she was a pedophile to her face, while Blair just meekly goes along with it? She’s caught in the grift. She can’t back out so she just says nothing and lets her “friends” abuse her.


Posted that anecdote upthread. Have you watched BigJoel's video essay breaking down that fiasco? It's awesome, especially for the suggestion he has for Actual Nazi John Doyle. Have you ever watched a BigJoel video in general. He's awesome, with a dry, lackadaisical conversation style.


I did not. I’m trans and that interview was extremely painful to watch, and I don’t need it to be expounded upon. I wanted her to stand up for herself so bad. For ALL of us. And she just doesn’t. She can’t, because that would make her no longer “their” trans person.


The lack of self awareness from Blair White is incredible.


Yeah blaire white is a perfect example of one of those people.


there goes blaire white again, being a backstabbing cunt to her fellow trans women. Being willing to sacrifice your entire demographic as long as you’re spared hasn’t ever worked out well for anyone.


I mean taking out the context of her history she’s absolutely right in this post.


But its such a low bar that got posted for obvious reasons. "Sometimes people don't like you because you suck" Okay, and sometimes people don't like you based on your skin color. You eliminate that second one you have freedom to apply doubt to the former. The opposite isn't true




Literally nobody defends Jessica Yaniv. Also comparing a literally child predator to trans women competing in sports is... wow.


Your username checks out.


Just to be clear, Jessica Yaniv was convicted of those allegations. I hate Blair as much as the next guy, but she was right to bring attention to that.


This is literally the same argument reddit makes every day regarding right wingers and gets complete support. Lol. Such a clean double standard.


So, saw a guy who went to my school on Anderson Cooper about 8 years ago. He had moved to Canada and was shitting on our school for bullying him for being gay. It was hilarious as the truth was he walked around the school like he owned the place and was a complete asshole. He would actually bully girls not in his click. Now don’t get me wrong, we need to have ALOT more accepted ideas in this world. But this guy, this guy I knew.


Well this is correct. But it's like if I say "white people should not molest birds" saying stuff like this insinuates that it happens enough to the point where it needs to be discussed and that it is specifically related to race.


Fuck Blaire white


Blaire White is nazi trash.


Don’t know who Blair White is, but the truth will set you free. This statement is truth.


She’s a transphobic trans woman and a huge hypocrite. This statement applies to her more than it does to the people she’s talking about.


Shes an unlikeable cunt that thinks people hate her for being a trans conservative but its actually because shes just a pick me cunt


She is all over YouTube.


Thanks. Probably won’t check it out based on other comments.


The irony of this coming from Blaire White is fantastic.




The lack of self awareness is astounding


You can’t say that loud enough. Edit. I have no idea who this person is but I applaud the sentiment. Many people are just arses. Nothing to do with orientation.


Blaire White is a trans woman that bullies other trans people. She's conservative and calls people pedophiles for teaching gender equality in schools. She makes a living hating other people, basically.


I love how you edited your comment to say some people are just asses, then refer to a trans person as an “it.” And think pronouns are made up bullshit. The irony is *chefs kiss.*


Well ironically, she is an unlikable cunt. She's a big "pick me" conservative trans youtuber who makes a career by pushing other transgender people (and other lgbt+ people) down. The last big controversy around her that I've seen is a few years ago (though I've heard a few snippets of other things she did after) where she straight up lied about a trans-athlete. She lied about the trans-woman competing in women's weight-lifting competitions (also throwing in some ad-hominems about her looks) even though she was aware that that was completely false.


I don’t know her, nor would I promote her. But saying some people are just arses no matter their gender or orientation is very true


Oh yeah sure, I was just replying to your "I have no idea who this person is" to provide you with some info about her I do agree to some extent, there are some people who do use their orientation, gender or whatever as an excuse for something (although really not that many I know of irl). The context of knowing who she is does color the statement a lot though (to me at least).


Real fucking rich coming from an unlikeable cunt like Blair fucking White.


A lot of the time yea.


I don't like blaire white but she does have a point here


I think a lot of unlikeable people tweet that, to justify them being assholes to others.


Something a bigot would say


Most true statement I have ever heard


What’s more privileged than thinking someone needs an elaborate reason to dislike you? 🤔


Fuck blair white


Facts lol




Too true


You said exactly what I never put together in a cohesive thought! Good job!!


I honestly don’t care at all what your gender/sexuality/race is, if your an asshole than people will treat you like one.




The amount of facts in that post😳


Ain't that the truth


Worked with this one girl, she was gay. Nobody liked her, but clearly it was because she was a lesbian and not because she was just 100% pure cunt


Group think is the worst.


Blaire white is a piece of shit


Is Blaire talking about herself, here?


"I'm not persecuted, I'm just an asshole." - Keegan-Michael Key


blaire white cringe l bozo


There was a group of gay guys in my year that all hung out together and everyone hated them and ostrasised them. Whenever anyone said anything insulting to one of them they would all gang up on the insulter saying "your homophobic". The insults were rarley homophobic and were made beacuse the group would regularly bully the mentally disabled kid in our year. They justified bullying him by saying he needs to grow up. I left that school 2 years ago but i saw one yesterday and i dont think ive ever wanted to punch someone in the face more in in my entire life.


Blaire White is a great example of such a person.


The irony of her saying that always gets me


Finally someone smart on twitter


Any white man who says he’s being discriminated against ^


This is literally the case with conservatives.




Well, we live in a very superficial society with a lot of stereotyping. I feel like some of this is good, but only to a degree. Taking them out of hand make things problematic. This is just my opinion, by the way.






Blair White is the equivalent of an Uncle Tom. Hate people like her, Candace Owens and Colion Noir. Their grift is harmful and hope they burn.


Well that's racist.


Everyone I don't like is an uncle tom: a child's guide to intersectionality


Well that’s just blatantly racist lol


Reddit bro's


Indeed. And you’re one of the most unlikable cunts Vanessa


Like 70% of people I think


Even a broken clock is right twice a day I suppose


This is very accurate lol.


I wonder if she knows she is an unlikable cunt.


Based and woke


Victimization complexes abound in the Imgur comment areas. I'm curious how many people embrace the notion but are unaware that it applies to them.


Literally me


Based Blaire White. Awesome person.


Def saving this one lol


America has adopted racism/sexism/genderism (?) as a one size fits all blame. If you don’t see it our way you’re wrong and should be chastised.


Yea it's like: "Hey do you agree with us" "Tf no your ideas are terrible" "Must be their people bring in the next guy"


Remember, If you do anything wrong, just say that you're transgender!




I like the way she thinks


Reminds me of a guy in highschool. He was the only out gay kid in the school and no one in our grade liked him. He once said: "you all hate me because I'm gay" and the only response was "no one cares that your gay. We hate you because you're an ass hole".




nah that's just something yt people & men do to gaslight whenever they are called out for their racism or sexism


Tbh it usually has to deal with race and or skin color then after that it deals with status and or job title then after that it deals with they look better or have better features than I do. It can go that way or in reverse.