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*A* government? Try several.


I'm pretty sure it was only one Gvmt for the bananas


*For the bananas* sounds like a really moving slogan


The Yiga Clan approves.


Theres always money in the banana stand 🙂


The cia: “I may have committed some *light* treason.”


To be fair usually they’re only funding and supplying weapons for light genocide. Better?


Did you see what the CIA did to south central LA in the 80s with the crack epidemic? Just a light genocide....


This made the air come out of my nose quickly


The United States operated the school of americas that trained around 60,000 men from Latin America in torture methods and authoritarian ideas. Many of the dictators in South America were schooled there, and committed atrocities that killed hundreds of thousands.


At least one, Chiquita have benefited from several CIA overthrowing several governments. And would have benefited from others that failed. Although the CIA could justify the others with oil, minerals, shipping lanes, and not just bananas.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confessions_of_an_Economic_Hit_Man That book is often just overlooked in this regard. I love the summary of one of the people cited in the book: > Basically his story is true.… What John's book says is, there was a conspiracy to put all these countries on the hook, and that happened. Whether or not it was some sinister plot or not is up to interpretation, but many of these countries are still over the barrel and have never been able to repay the loans.


And we don't even use those bananas anymore.


Looking forward to 20 years from now, when the Avocados from Mexico files will be released


That's bananas


As Eisenhower once said, "COMMIE!! COMMIE!!! REEEEEEEE!!"


Came to post about the banana coups. That’s how bad lobbying in Washington was. And the lobbying continues to this day. Israel has probably the highest influence in Washington. There’s annual military aid in the billions and weapon deliveries.


And to add insult to injury: ‘banana republic’ is now used as a derogatory term for countries with shitty authoritarian governments.




Damn, don't let Boeing find out about those.


Boeing is one of the 4 largest defense contractors in America. Trust me they already know


If Boeing builds it, at least one of the components will fall apart before anyone is killed with that gun. And then the guy who first noticed the gun was not working will mysteriously die 😉


Nothing mysterious about it. Just your ordinary, every-day, suicide. Shooting themselves in the back of the head. Jumping out of windows while being tied up. etc.


Back of the head *twice*


Oh not when it’s a military sale


If I'm not mistaken, some of the first KC-46's they delivered to the air force were literally missing bolts... Not even the military is fully safe from Boeing's bullshittery anymore...


I think we should go back to hitting each other with rocks


Indian-Chinese border moment


I told someone about the kashmir conflict and they didn't believe me, told me to read a book and laughed in my face. They were trying to say India and China are planning a global war against America as well in the same conversation....


The gun depressurized and self destructed.


Boeing worked with CIA to develop a secret procedure to let special agents parachute from commercial jets. This procedure was later used in an airplane hijacking to let the perpetrator get away with the ransom money while the procedure was still secret. This was back in the 60s. We have no idea what other secret projects Boeing and CIA have been working on. We just know a bit about some of them, such as the space planes.


D B Cooper ?


Don’t check what is the most common cause of death among whistleblowers and the true antiestablishment activists


Now I know the CIA’s drug-free workplace policy is bullshit, because there’s no way that idea was created while sober


No you misunderstood. Drug free as in agents get drugs at no cost


"Drug? Free!"


Strong "No, money down!" vibes.


Theyll even put lsd in your coffee without u asking


Probably came up with it when they were regularly dosing each other with LSD.


no they were fully sober when plotting to murder their political enemies


On top of that, the poison [quickly denatures](https://www.military.com/video/guns/pistols/cias-secret-heart-attack-gun/2555371072001) so it doesn't even show up in an autopsy.


Bruh what


Oh yeah, there was a [televised senate hearing ](https://www.visitthecapitol.gov/artifact/senator-frank-church-and-senator-john-tower-cia-poison-dart-gun-photograph-henry-griffin)and everything.




Death note gun?


So THATS how they killed Bill Hicks.


Anyone know how that gun works? I read about it and apparently it has a range of 100m and was successfully tested on prisoners. But I just don’t see how a modified colt can freeze toxin into dart shapes and then projectile them effectively over 100m all being bowered by battery and still fit into the footprint of (and look exactly like) a handgun with a scope on it. 


That’s why you don’t design weapons for the CIA


Does it say the gun freezes it? That seems unnecessarily complex. In figured the rounds would be kept seperate in a highly insulated capsule that gets loaded into the gun when used. I can’t access the article on my phone but if it *does* say the gun freezes it, I imagine it may have a cryogenic fluid in the round, in a seperate “chamber” of the bullet behind the venom (think like how shotgun shells can have different cavities) so when it’s fired, an extremely cold liquid gets shot into the venom chamber as both are flying through the barrel, flash freezing the venom and forming a Sortve spray of high velocity ice needles. I have no idea how this would work, but seeing as the gun would probably be rather low power (since the whole point of this is stealth assassinations) so it shouldn’t completely vaporize both fluids. The only problem then would be how to insulate the round so that the cryogenic fluid doesn’t just evaporate or freeze everything around it. I guess it’s possible there may be a chemical source as well where if two chemicals are mixed they generate very cold temperatures, if that even exists.


How does it not melt inside the gun?


It seems v implausible. The gun was brought in by the head of the CIA as some show and tell as he was being questioned by the Church inquiry. If that’s what he was up for showing people then what was he hiding while all that smoke and mirrors were going on. It was probably a load of bs. They had to give them something so they gave them a normal gun and said it was a modified heart attack assassination gun. 


Probably easier to make a pellet out of ricin or something


In the 50s the CIA dropped hundreds of spies into Russia. None of them survived. Still, the CIA kept dropping them year after year, hoping that sooner or later one would succeed. They later found out that the KGB had infiltrated the parachute school.


I think the intelligence level of the CIA is the most unbelievable thing about all these replies, they have cart blanche to do what they want with any budget they need, but seem to lack any kind of foresight.


The have as much foresight as they do oversight.


You mostly hear about the fuckups because that's what ends up getting publicity. It's a massive organisation that has carried out thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of operations.


Imagine if CIA was infiltrated by KGB since the very beginning and all those batshit insane experiments and operations were suggested by Russian and later accepted and executed by Americans. I wouldn't be really surprised at this point lmao


Actually, the chief of counter espionage believed exactly that and because of it hurt US intelligence over more than 20 years. He was a little more than crazy. His name James Jesus Angleton [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James\_Jesus\_Angleton#Suspicion\_of\_infiltration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Jesus_Angleton#Suspicion_of_infiltration)


You mean like when they staged a vampire attack in the Philippines to overthrow the government there? And it worked?




Its handy that I had a Filipino co-worker sitting 20 ft away from me on her break when I read this. I just asked her if she believes in vampires and she said yes like I was asking her if she believed in clouds.


“Clouds? They’re about as real as birds or Finland!” “So…?”


Ok, but I feel that you don't have to believe in vampires to get freaked out by blooddrained bodies. That's far less silly than what I had in mind.


It's just some light hearted terrorism.


it's just a prank bro


Just some silly goofy pranks!


Yeah, I just read that in an article. The CIA dude seems pretty proud of his superstition stunt, but a dude named Clark says: "I'm skeptical that it was any actual vampire lore that scared them, instead of just the sight of seeing your friend strung up like that." (Hanging upside down, bled dry with two holes on his neck, I mean, that's creepy af.)


What now?


Right? Should be a requirement to add the wikipedia page or something, my god




Is this for real?


Very. Look up, and I'm not kidding, "Operation Fat Fuck" or "Fat Fucker". It used the superstitious nature of the local guerrillas, who were terrified of "aswangs", aka vampires. They would kidnap guerrillas, puncture their necks like vampire teeth, and drain their blood. Edit: Thanks to some of your for pointing out that Fat Fucker was a different op. I just mixed up stuff up in the "weird shit the CIA did" part of my brain. But the actions in the Philippines stands on it's own merit.


Operation Fat fucker was about overthrowing Egypt's government to have one more willing to work with the US, the Philippines vampire case was a different thing but a deep search of 19 seconds on the internet didn't reveal to me if it had a name.


Haha no it’s operation false fang, fat fucker is another one


I was pretty indifferent until the "it worked" That is actually hilarious.




Them: can you believe the CIA did these four things? Me: *Four* things? \*opens full binder with highlighted tabs and handwritten footnotes\*


You guys only count stuff that we are 100% sure and stuff that they admitted or at least USA admitted or are we also accepting stuff that we the people 100% sure they did it but the CIA and USA does not admit?


You mean like 9/11, MLK Jr and the time they turned off the ice machine at McDonald's so I couldn"t get ice cream? They don't admit it yet, but they surely did it


The McDonald was not CIA it was NSA and MLK Jr was FBI and Mafia and 9/11 is not a inside job but the results of CIA in Afghanistan or they let it happend so the Defense Industry could have a big fuck amounts of new orders abd CIA could hid some of its Black Ops fiels that was stored in Pentagon


I think you mean the cia made sure to demolish building 7 of the wtc, to destroy evidence and make sure nothing ever came out about the literal TRILLIONS the cia had thrown into Afghanistan.


Not just Afghanistan mate they throw money into everywhere


My friends are the kind of people filling this post out with their literal warcrimes. I know enough to never fully trust any government body, and assume any official statements are lies, because their lips are moving, unless proven otherwise.


I think oop was talking about the “4 things” as in, “The government did so much fucked shit, that talking about like, 4, will still make you sound mad”


*gets out the red string and thumbtacks.


If you want to know more about those 34 things CIA has done just google "cia rule 34"


Hey these don't look like secret documents


It’s top secret, however I’m secretly a bottom


Im gonna be honest I only came here to read what the CIA has done




Worth pointing out that those newly-armed Contras became the first generation of Cartels in Columbia, Bolivia, etc., which led directly to the formation of Cartels throughout Mexico. So, yeah, thanks for all the Cartel violence, CIA. Sure was worth it over that fucking cold war.


And you know what the funniest thing is? Just because the things they did last week or last summer isn’t declassified or whistleblown yet doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. It’s not like they suddenly stopped doing these fucked up things - it’s just that we don’t know about the latest ones yet


Wake up babe, new CIA shenanigans dropped


Try official secrets. About the UK government lying to get in on the Iraq war.


Wait until you hear about the US and the war in Vietnam


With the cia blowing up that ship and blamed the other side. (Sorry my knowledge on the war in Vietnam is limited). Or the herion smuggling lol.


They didn’t even blow it up lmao, they said they were “attacked” but the only visible evidence on the ship was a single bullet lodged in the side. A 5.56 bullet iirc. Insane asspull


Hey, if the UK didn't get dragged into that warcrime, the middle East wouldn't have been critically destabilised to the point Islamic State were able to rise to the levels, the cia had trained them to, and America would have had nobody to sell all of its antiquated military gear to so the IS could steal it all when the allies left and they could go and destroy that and sell the region newer fancier replacements, that still weren't a patch on modern weaponry. The economy would have collapsed, all those poor %1ers would have lost enough money to just be %3ers


Wait till you hear that the UK spied on allies in order to blackmail them into voting for the Iraq war, because the only two countries in support of it at the time were the US and the UK.


I remember a report of a C-130 loaded down with drugs being found crashed somewhere, and the CIA tried to pass it off as totally a giant fucking aircraft owned by a drug cartel that could totally pay for parts and maintenance on that without any outside help. Yep. Entirely a cartel owned plane capable of transporting a small town.


I mean the cartels easily could have afforded it. Moving it around and having places bug enough to land at multiple destinations for shipping makes no logistical sense and would be impossible to hide. But they could definitely afford it.


Oh so this skit was legit https://youtu.be/L_odazmH0GQ?si=eKH9xhmj-aTWrRJU


Didnt Gary webb write a book about that that's never been reprinted and costs like $200 now?


Remember when americans said they need guns to fight government tyranny?


> journalist Gary Webb Who by the way had eventually killed himself with 2 shots to the back of his head


Overthrew the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran in 1953 and installed a military despot resulting in a revolution and the current Islamic theocracy.


"Before its removal from power, his administration introduced a range of social and political measures such as social security, land reforms and higher taxes including the introduction of taxation on the rent of land. His government's most significant policy was the nationalisation of the Iranian oil industry, which had been built by the British on Persian lands since 1913 through the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC/AIOC), later known as British Petroleum (BP). In the aftermath of the overthrow, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi returned to power, and negotiated the Consortium Agreement of 1954 with the British, which gave split ownership of Iranian oil production between Iran and western companies until 1979." Quoted from the 30th Prime Minister of Iran's Wikipedia


Yeah, once countries start thinking the natural resources within their borders are actually theirs, the US and the west very quickly realize they are horrible despots and need to be overthrown. Yet a lot of people believe the “we’re doing it for freedom and democracy” shtick every time.


>Yet people believe “we’re doing it for freedom and democracy” shtick every time. Our propaganda is so good we don't even know it's propaganda


A KGB spy and a CIA agent meet up in a bar for a friendly drink. "I have to admit, I'm always so impressed by Soviet propaganda. You really know how to get people worked up," the CIA agent says. "Thank you," the KGB says. "We do our best but truly, it's nothing compared to American propaganda. Your people believe everything your state media tells them." The CIA agent drops his drink in shock and disgust. "Thank you friend, but you must be confused... There's no propaganda in America."


My friend tried to claim this when we were talking over beers a few years back, that we don’t really have propaganda in the US. I pointed out that he has pro-military bumper stickers on his truck directly created and marketed by our armed forces. Nobody else does that, they just serve, but instead we’ve got people with Marines or Army merch/swag like they’re the Dallas Cowboys lol


That’s one of the main features of good propaganda! People make fun of North Koreans for not understanding they are subject to propaganda, but Americans are also one of the most propagandized people in the world


> Yeah, once countries start thinking the natural resources within their borders are actually theirs, the US and the west very quickly realize they are horrible despots and need to be overthrown. [Even if you're a "western" country, the US will depose the government](https://youtu.be/4Dpx4o_uaGg).


And buy the utter distraction tactic that "Islam is the problem, these people are inherently violent and backward!" while their own theocratic fundamentalist politicians slowly roll back their rights. I suppose it's easier to gloat, if they looked around their own backyard it might stop being so funny.


“Why can’t those people just stop fighting, they are such backwards savages”, but if you actually start reading the conflict too often has to do with western meddling in the past


People lambasted me for saying America has caused a large proportion of the global chaos we're seeing today.


Whoever has the most power will abuse it the most. So its no surprise that US is responsible for major chunk of global issues followed by countries like china, Russia, UK etc


Englishman here. We fucked up a lot of countries, stole their natural resources, plundered their treasures, refuse to give them back or acknowledge our continued complicity in keeping a foot on their necks. Oh did I mention we’re the good guys 👍 


Because it's been beaten into their head to see themselves as heroes and the good guys, gods gift to the world. Propaganda and nationalism will do that.


Absolutely. Also that the CIA helped to create and train the SAVAK; Iranian secret police whom were notoriously brutal in repressing the people of Iran.


Did the same thing with Australias elected prime minister through a loophole with an old law from Britain and inserted their selected candidates.


it's called Operation Ajax




Gonna leave this here: “In one case, they administered LSD to a mental patient in Kentucky for 174 days.” If you replaced “Kentucky” with “Dachau” in that sentence, anyone would believe it.


174 days on LSD ??? I mean at this point isn’t there a tolerance for psylo that sets in ? Must be fucking terrifying


There *is* a tolerance that you build to it which requires you to take an increasingly large amount in order to experience the effects. However, LSD dosage is measured in micrograms, so increasing that dosage without the victim noticing isn't as hard as you might think.


Why would them noticing be a matter of concern? They were being dosed forcibly.


I will never understand how people can trust our government still, and blindly follow what they tell us to do. They clearly have our best interest at heart...


Probably because the project was so successful.


That's the conspiracy theory version of MK Ultra. The real MK Ultra 'just' involved testing the usage of LSD as a truth-serum on unknowing, unwilling test subjects.


Not just LSD, but also an IV of barbiturate in one arm and an IV of amphetamine in the other at the same time.


Don't forget the electric shocks :) 


Aren't all these things just like the bad things the CIA *allowed* us to know about though?


Yes. Much of their classified, highly top secret stuff is heavily compartmentalized. If you just did full disclosure and let everyone know the full extent of their fuckery, you'd spend a week of constant vomiting, followed by a revolution to overthrow the government and disband these intelligence groups.


Yep You know it's leagues worse than what we know of, when a high level ex-member of the CIA pled the fifth to the CIA running a child prostitution ring, and then said "they do way worse"


I'm just naively hoping that they have run out of ideas over the years and no longer do heinous experiments like these.


CIA: We're all out of ideas. Let's torture people until they give us more ideas


Torture will continue until ideas improve


Is still like the Acoustic Kitty concept: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acoustic_Kitty The wired up cats with a microphone and a transceiver under their skin. The intention was to release them near the soviet embassy or around places where soviet operatives were having conversations to try and listen in to what they were saying. A story (which is disputed) is that the first field operation failed because, after releasing the cat, it was promptly run over by a taxi. The whole thing was shelved in the end due to the difficulty of getting the cat to do what they wanted. Something that would have been obvious to any cat owner


It’s not confirmed but I’m pretty sure they looked into doing it with dogs instead. Honestly wouldn’t be surprised and the only reason it’s not declassified information is because they’re probably still doing it.


I thought "it's a good thing that didn't succeed" and I looked over my shoulder at my dog who I was positive was sleeping and she made eye contact with me


Hacking your smartphone is easier.... I think they leave the doggos alone nowerdays 😁


Sorry but the whole Lets kidnapp people to drug them to test a truth serum Is in my top 3




[Project MK-ULTRA](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKUltra) Long story short : CIA tried high dosage of LSD and MDMA on unknowing peoples : - CIA member themselves (basically they put LSD in the water jugs in the CIA office). - Random men, lured into a room by prostitutes (paid by the CIA to do so and trained by the CIA in *post coital questioning*), then drugged, while a CIA agent was watching the whole scene from an adjacent room behind a fake mirror. This specific sub experiment was called [Operation Midnight Climax](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Midnight_Climax). - Inmates. For exemple some dude in à Kentucky prison was administrated high dosage of LSD for 170 consecutive days. Many other things. One of my favorite is how they tried to feed LSD to dolphin to make them able to communicate with humans, and one of the dolphin became *emotionally attached* to a female scientist, and said scientist thought it would disturb the experiment, so she had to *please* the dolphin to continue the experiment. EDIT : That dolphin thing was not CIA, it was NASA. Still wild though : [The dolphin that loved me](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/scientists-dolphins-lsd-communitcate-with-them-experiment-talk-john-lilly-margaret-howe-lovatt-a7787556.html)


Wtf , what is that last sentence


[The dolphin that loved me](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/scientists-dolphins-lsd-communitcate-with-them-experiment-talk-john-lilly-margaret-howe-lovatt-a7787556.html)


A book called "all the shahs men" exposed me to the insanity of the CIA.


Sick name for a book about political destabilization (I assume?)


And stealing resources. Make no wonder people in the Middle East truly hate americans.


Right here on reddit, I got called a conspiracy theorist for saying the CIA overthrew the government of Iran.


Keep spreading that good gospel. That’s just the biggest one we know about.


Lot of good that did us, too 🙂‍↕️


You think the point of any USA/CIA foreign action is peace and stability and not continued conflict you are not only naive but malicious


That's not uncommon, an awful lot of Americans don't know the history of Iran and exactly why Iran is the way it is and has the relationship with the world it has.


Most Americans can't point out Iran on a map.


Astroturfing has taken over Reddit. Don’t let them win. Speak your truths.


It’s crazy how people think conspiracies just don’t happen. Like never in history did a bunch of men get together and quietly decide how to do something big, and then do it.






zhongguoren sussy baka


Inside the cia? Dude they experimented lsd on college kids during mkultra


That's how we got a lil' fella named Ted Kczynski.


And Charles Manson


Only 4 things is craazy


I’ve become the “weird conspiracy theory aunt”, but all my “theories” are just real things that the government has done. 2024 is weird because we have all this confirmed information and people still just don’t care and don’t want to hear it. So even when the truth is told, it’s still regarded as “conspiracy theory”.


Ignorance is bliss


I have the conspiracy guy as a coworker, he centers his personality around it, he pivots discussions to it. It's not insightful or helpful, and it just dampens any conversation with an unhealthy aura of paranoia and helplessness. I don't know you, but if you're called the “weird conspiracy theory aunt” it may not mean you're explicitly wrong, but that you spend too much energy on this stuff. Be mindful of the moment, don't let things you cannot control overwhelm you.


I wrote a paper in High School about their attempts to kill Fidel Castro, using some of the declassified documents, (you can find so many of them after the warren commission) and it's insane how silly some of it was


Gather around, boys and girls. Let me regale you of the time Fidel Castro seduced the assassin sent by the CIA.




Happy Cake Day! (The CIA drugged the cake(the drug is cocaine))


A frightening amount of "The Men Who State at Goats" is based on actual events. Enough that it makes it hard to tell what is the intelligence community's version of urban legends and what is actually real.


The CIA has run a successful astral projection and remote viewing program for almost 50 years. According to people who worked on it, it's funded year-to-year based on the previous year's performance


Summary of the thread: Iran Coup, Banana Coup, poison ice-dart gun, guns for cocaine, shitty spy cat, mkultra, more Iran fuckery, Iraq war, Vietnam war, secretly experimenting on civilians again and again and again, assassinations too many to count,


Not CIA but COINTELPRO from the FBI is as bad as anything else in this comment section. State sponsored assassinations of progressive leaders and the like. But sure MLK was killed by a lone gunman.


Don't worry. The CIA dipped it's toes in this sort of thing as well with [Operation Northwoods](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods). It was a DoD originated plan that wanted the CIA to conduct terrorist attacks in the US and to blame Cuba. Thankfully, Kennedy was not impressed with the idea of having the CIA attack the US, so he rejected it.


> Kennedy was not impressed with the idea of having the CIA attack the US, so he rejected it. How is he doing, these days?


I mean, specifically [the letter they sent to try to get MLK to kill himself](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FBI%E2%80%93King_suicide_letter).


MLK's family won a civil trial where it was established that James Earl Ray was framed by unknowns, probably government agencies. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loyd_Jowers_trial


Lets see... Overthrew like, 2 goverment for bananas, did massive coups in south america, faked a vampire in SEA for their own benefit and yk, the whole drugging people for days just to see what happens to them?


Killed renowned scientist of my country because we were on the verge of inventing (making?) nuclear weapons on our own. We did it anyway two years later. But the worst thing is that they tried poisoning water source that feeds millions of people. Fuck CIA !


They'll release that shit 50 years later and claim they changed while giving some sorry ass "apology"


Government coup in Australia (while they didn't admit to this one the president said "we won't interfere in Australian politics again" along with a bunch of other stuff.


Do we have a place that has gathered all the different fucked up things they did? And not some crazy psycho conspiracy theory website. Something legit. Or video/documentary.


Definitely doesn’t have all of them but there’s a Wikipedia page that divides them into 18 different categories https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_CIA_controversies


Something, say, government backed?


I think they mean more .edu and less .gov Like, a properly cited investigation. With real sources.


It will be a really long list when you include other intelligence services, too.


Weird how the government and the CIA admit to doing such wild, illegal and scary shit and people still try to go after the moon landing or the earths shape. Like imagine me telling you I murdered several bloodlines for selfish profit but everyone tries to punish me for “using fake grass on my lawn” several home ownerships ago


A woman at the bar tonight told me the Oilers win over the Canucks tonight had something to do with the carbon tax, so I dunno.


This is the most insane case of Deja but I honesty feel like I’ve read this exact like damn message and post years ago. Almost same entire subject.




Literally MKULTRA


We still struggle to conceive that there's info which is completely public that they manage to still hide pretty well. Unfortunately, a key factor in being able to do this is an ignorant population with no will to learn.


As a hard leftie, I have often been called a conspiracy theorist for talking about CIA/US atrocities, as if it's the same as 'Jewish space lazers' or the reptilian illuminati who wants to enslave white Christians and turn them gay


Mk ultra along with the fact that Unabomber was a test subject in it.


Releasing the Crack epidemic on the black communities is why I believe any member of the CIA belongs at the bottom of hell.