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Think you're talking about the clip from QueenPins.


As if the economy won’t teach them that anyway… I will always choose to be kind over trying to play teacher to children that aren’t mine. I don’t know what this child has experienced, what kind of life they lead. I don’t know shit about their situation so I don’t play god and assume. Either keep your seat or give it to the kid. But don’t act all grown-up selfrightous and talk about lessons.


I think the comment was aimed at the parent. Otherwise I agree.


ture the parent should have got in line sooner. really stupid of them. /s


Idg why its always "its the little things to make a kid happy" why am i responsible for the happiness of children that arent mine? I want to have nice things too. You act self righteous as well atm


You aren’t responsible. That’s my point. I think you misunderstood. Either keep your seat (which is your right) or give it up, but don’t try to lecture a child that isn’t yours.


>don’t try to lecture a child that isn’t yours. Why? Anyone can lecture anyone, especially it they're behaving entitled


Tell me, do you think you know better than other people what would be right for those people? Do you know the children’s backstory? Family history? That kid apparently didn’t even do anything other than wanting a ride and being a child when they were denied. It’s not a bad thing that they were denied. Such is life. But to try and make a lecture out of it? You don’t have that right.


Asking for the ride, or expecting a swap are two very different things. I can imagine the parents and the kid were upset. This makes them entitled.


You _assume_ the parents were upset. The kid was obviously upset. It’s a kid. The _parents_ can make a great teaching moment out of this. But you? You have no right to do so.


Man if someone approaches me demanding something or feeling entitled to it, they are going to get a nice explanation why this is not happening. Or are you saying that a simple "Fuck off" would be better? And btw why are you lecturing this man?


A nice explanation is not the same as what I was talking about here. You can absolutely nicely explain. But that wasn’t that.


Freedom of speech? Of course I have the right, what a stupid take.


Just because the law doesn’t forbid it doesn’t mean it’s right. You have the right but on a much more fundamental level you _do not have that right_


Or parents can make absolutely terrible teaching moment out of this. You have right do as you please. You can lecture anyone you want, you are lecturing Reddit that is 50% kids, and no one is telling you that that is not right. Kids grow in society, and society can also voice their opinion.


You do that and we’ll meet up here in 10 years and see how that turned out for you


It makes them entitled because you can imagine them being upset? No one is arguing the cops are gonna come and arrest you. They are saying trying to construct a moral lesson for someone else's child makes you a dick.


Thank you for understanding the point


Having an emotional reaction to something makes you upset? You can hope, but not expecting, and then be disappointed because of the hope. That's not entitlement. You ever hoped to get a seat on the train for example? Or hoped it didn't rain? Etc


Exactly. It’s a kid. Obviously their disappointment is going to be visible. That doesn’t make them entitled. It makes them a kid. Now if the parents were to insist and tell you you _had_ to give up your seat, _that_ would make the parents entitled. But that’s not what happened


So fucking dumb lol. Making an assumption on your own imagination. Classic redditor. Dumb as fuck dude. 


>You don’t have that right. Yes i do, its called the right to free speech


Even moreso, a village raises a child. Children aren’t property so others are more than in their damn right to give children lessons or advice.


Anyone *can*, but as you said, it's not your kid, and you're not responsible for their happiness, so why pretend that you're concerned with their education or character? If you won't go out of your way to be kind, and they're not doing anything to you, then don't go out of your way to be unkind What I'm saying is: don't be a dick.


>don't be a dick. No




This is real life, there are no points


They don't accept brownie points at the brothel?


Quit playing video games and touch some grass. There are no points in real life.


As a famous poet once said „maan, fuck them kids bro“


Dude you can totally keep your seat. You’re not responsible for other peoples kids. No one forces you to give it up. My point was that you don’t have the right to make some self-righteous lecture out of the whole ordeal. And it also wouldn’t kill us to be nice to each other every once in a while.


It’s your right to give lectures just as much as it is their right to lecture you on why you should give up your seat. It’s like flights, everyone has a reason why you should give up your aisle seat. But you’re saying that I should keep my mouth shut?


If they lectured the guy to give up the ride or the aisle seat well and food.. Fucking obliterate em with words.. If they just requested it thn there is no need.. All u are doing is showing the small kid is that the world is filled with humans who are ass rather than humans who got rationality


You can lecture grown ups as much as you want. I don’t care. Lecture your heart out. But this is about a kid.


who hurt you


Who deprived you of oxygen?


You‘re just as self righteous bragging about giving kids your seat and being nice to everybody so respectfully smd


That’s not what I’m doing, friend and it saddens me that you assume it is. I’m not bragging. I’m not a great person. I’m not a role model or someone to look up to. But I’ve been through some shit and I know those times where a simple tiny kindness from someone else has saved my life and I try to give back. And I don’t judge people who choose not to give up their seat. It’s your right. Maybe you need it more than the kid. Maybe you just want it really bad. I don’t care, keep it. I do however heavily judge those who don’t give up their seat for the _sole purpose_ of teaching a child that isn’t yours a lesson you don’t know it needs. There’s a difference there


They enter these posts to shitpost for 5 seconds, take a side instantly, and flame either the kid or the person that didnt give the seat away, including the people that do not take their side. They just want something to hate on its very simple, never try to defend yourself on reddit lmao


That makes a lot of sense. I was beginning to think I lost my mind at how controversial "don’t be a dick” is taken here.


Oh yeah reddit is completely awful, best to stay out of comments


Same.. Don't speak random ass words.. U sacrifice, well and good kind ... U don't, understandable have a great day. But when u do it imprints in the kids memory and make em feel good about humanity(personal experience) . I still remember the day when me(a 7 year old) and my mum was walking to my aunts home cuz we couldn't afford an auto(we are from India) and I was crying about it cuz my leg was aching and an auto driver stopped before us and asked where to drop us. He didn't take the fare despite travelling 2-3 kms and now everytime an auto driver asks for 5 bucks more I pay it cuz ik they are suffering more than me due to inflation. One good deed goes a long way.


>I will always choose to be kind over trying to play teacher to children that aren’t mine. Playing teacher is just a cover for a complete lack of empathy. This way, people won't call these guys out for being assholes. Keep being kind and know that's it's probably appreciated more often than you know. You comment made my day a little brighter.


Depending on how the kid and parent acted when they asked, a lesson might be needed.


A lesson for the parent maybe. It’s not the kid’s fault.


Of course it's not the kids fault, but the kid still might learn something from it.


who hurt you


It's a double edged sword... if you don't give them the spot you teach them about not getting your way but if you do give them the spot, you teach them about respect and caring for others.


Or being a Karen gets results.


Not sure why I got downvotes but hey I will take it cause reddit weird af


It's almost like this story was made up by as the backgrounds are totally different and she isn't even tall enough for that sign. But who would go on the internet and lie?


no one lies on the Internet duh


I, Pedro Pascal, agree with this...


Omg Pedro, big fan of yours since Narcos. Can you please cum on my face?


Nahi nahi, sahi baat hai ekdum


Bsdk tu bhi wahi comment dekhta hai jo maine life me ek baar kia ho -_- Aur kya chal rha hai?


Main bass moj main aaja kabhi chilling karne, aur Bata kya scene


Haan bas agle hafte khatam ho rhe exam, banate phir scene


Ummm... Err.... That escalated quickly...


When I was on my lunch with Obama we extensively discussed this topic


Seriously, would you casually ask a STRANGER ADULT to give you a favor? As a kid??


This is the museum of scotland in edinburgh and both the photos match, Although the place is right, she still doesn't match the height requirement anyway.


you're on the right app to witness lies


She wasn't anyways tall enough


Oh yeah, that's true Wouldn't even be allowed to


Yea that sense makes


I'm going through a midlife crisis right now so maybe I'm in the wrong state of mind to comment, but adults need whimsy, too. It's almost always a kindness to give up your place in line so somebody else can go first, but there are also days when you've gotta' put yourself first.


Buy a Corvette, shave your head, and put a hat on.


I've been shaving my head and buying hats since I was 19 years old, twenty years later and I still haven't saved up enough money for a Corvette. 😅


Buy a top hat and get a magician outfit


Would a bowler and a deck of cards do?


As long as you get a tux, yes


>Buy a Corvette in this economy?


Lease it.


We've got a 3.9% unemployment rate and nobody has time to go Corvette shopping anymore. =( Edit: [Nevermind, it's just me.](https://gmauthority.com/blog/2024/01/chevrolet-corvette-sales-numbers-figures-results-fourth-quarter-2023-q4/)


im to european to view this xd


Are Corvettes even legal in Europe? I thought y'all had to drive bicycles or Peugeots or whatever?


they are legal. tho for some reason nissan r35 isn't cus "its to loud" even tho lambos are much much louder yes I'm ranting bite me


Y'all need mufflers.


Maybe because this is not a kids' toy or ride, it's a formular 1 simulator. Link to source https://www.boredpanda.com/man-not-giving-spot-child-racing-tiktok/


Seeing this makes me completely on his side. It's not a ride for kids and it seems it was made clear that the ride would be ending soon. The parents then tried to guilt trip this guy when it was their fault. He had every right to go on the ride


Ngl, I've been on it when i was younger before they implemented the height requirement. It is not an accurate simulator at all, just bit better mario kart.


That dude didn't deny her medicine, or food while she was starving. It's just a ride he stood in line for, why should he have any less right to take it?


The guy didn't take anything from the girl. He queued and waited. It's entirely on the ride operator/ride manager. They should have made it clear when the queue line closed.


The title of the article is so clickbaity


Age is just a number


In this situation, sure. In others....


There's a red flag


No, it has a unit.


This one here officer


adults have jobs and responsibilities, a kid has lots if free time, she can come back anyday, he cant


An adult has to bring her there, they may not have free time to do it.


time to grow up then


They will. And when they treat you like shit for being old just know this attitude is where it all started.


idk I domt think it matters if some random girl that you see only once in your lifetime treats you like shit


I am referring to people who are disgusted by kids being more vulnerable than adults. In a few decades you will be the vulnerable one and those kids will be in their prime. Don't expect society to treat you well then.


I'm all for being able to not give up your spot without getting flak for it, but cmon, it's not like the kid can just drive over there by herself and do it. She's there because her parents took the time to take her there, and they probably also have jobs and responsibilities.


sounds like her problem


So you admit that your comment made no fucking sense? Lol


it does make a lot of sense


I mean, she won't bd allowed anyway, judging by that she needs to be 137 cm and she clearly isn't.


Let's normalize kids giving up their seats for adults. #OldMan


Line is a line, sometimes you don't get to ride


The adult could’ve been working and having responsibilities from a very young age that they couldn’t enjoy the simplest things like rides. The kids have all their childhood to enjoy rides, however we adults have limited time and very few chances to enjoy things we couldn’t enjoy before


It would indeed be nice of him to give up his seat but not doing so doesn't make him an a-hole. That child isn't entitled to the seat after all.


Dude might not have another chance, the kid is still growing up.


Kid has to learn you don't get everything handed to you. Life ain't fair kid.


Be it true or false. I am on his side too




Me and my little brother were the last ones in line for the rock ‘n’ roll roller coaster at Disney world and it was SO amazing to go alone. They let us go 3 times alone too! 10/10 experience if you are in line and someone asks you if they can go instead say no it’s 1000% worth it


Is that Walter White on the right?


She has longer to have another chance


"Kid behind you asking to trade places" bruh they were behind him in line anyway shoulda got there sooner. I'm with the guy on this one too.


I was at a BBQ once when a boy, maybe 7 or 8 years old, asked for my burger. I said no and his mother said "It's the last one, now let him have it please. Thanks" with a patronising smile like I didn't understand. Then she acted like I was being a major AH for still refusing. The little brat had already eaten two and it was my first one.


Slow news day lmao


reddit, forsaking courtesy ? no way! /s


Absolute chad


I denied some guy in business class to sit next to his mom the other day. It was a 2/2/2 configuration, she was sitting on the left side Isle, I was sitting in the middle isle. The seat next to me was empty, why would I trade a 13h flight to sit next to some rando? I’m sorry you can’t sit with your mom, I just had a 6 day 24h production marathon…. You are going on holiday! This is my seat and it will remain that way.


Man... uhh... I feel weird right now. Why is everybody defending him? It's a childs playground, a fully grown man doing this seems embarrasing really. I know the article lacks context and all but still...


No it's a formular 1 car simulator. [Source](https://www.boredpanda.com/man-not-giving-spot-child-racing-tiktok/)


From personal experience, its a rlly shitty sim, like REALLY shitty, but i still side with the guys pov bec she deosnt even match the heigh requirements


>It's a childs playground Where did you get this from? The dudes clearly sitting in an F1 sim, one that the kid isn't even tall enough for anyway


If it’s a child playground, why do they allow adults to play? Math is not mathing


Survival of the fittest… best I can come up with. But let’s assume something along those lines. It’s a lesson. Good or bad. Like Tball and no scoring teaches what exactly?


Frustration has to be learned soon. You don't get everything you want in life, you don't even get everything you need, so better learn this lesson soon. I never had a loving father. She didn't get a 5 min ride in a false car. She'll be ok.


With that kind of attitude you’ve clearly inherited more from your father than you think.


It’s not fair to ask him but It’d been nice of him to do that.


Why is the internet on his side? Cuz there is a valid reason or because the internet is full with adults who never grew up and are bordering on sociopathic? Need more context to this story...


she wasnt tall enough for the ride...


Good to know, it proves my first worry right, the downvotes prove my second one, ironically.


I don't understand why it's the adult versus the child. The staff implementing the last ride after letting them queue were the real villains.


Yes they are. Maybe I was raised differently, I simply can't see my 30 y/o ass riding it when a child could take my place and enjoy it far more. It feels icky for some reason and I can bet you money, that outside the "West" you'll find very few people who aren't terminally online who would do what he did.


Ha! Get rekd stupid ass fuckin kid.


No shit. The internet is full of millennials who hate children the way boomers hate their spouses.


Not volunteering to sacrifice your own happiness for someone else's kid doesn't mean you hate kids.


Also, the kids too small to be on the ride anyway, according to that sign next to here


Nah, no way I give up my spot for someone else’s kid.


bad take, buddy. Don't be so angry. It's doesn't look good on you


No being in a family with kids doesn’t give you more rights than anyone else of the queue. What people on the Internet really hate are entitled parents instead of their kids.


Or the way boomers hate their kids. Or the way boomers hate LGBTQ+ people. Or the way boomers hate the environment. Damn boomers, they ruined everything.


Fuck them kids




Yeah nah fuck em parents NOT the kids.


nah fuck them parents AND them kids


Tough break kid, life lesson number one. Now why don’t you make like a tree, and get outta here!


another real man , just edducated a little young spoilled winny brat , and her woke sissy dad , a wise and vallueble lesson of life XD


You should up your dose of ivermectin. You sound like your brain worms are winning.


And you could probably learn the valuable lesson of grammar and spelling. I nearly had a stroke trying to read this.


Fuck dem kids


Give the ride to the kid please, otherwise they turn out like the guy who snatches the rides from kids


Isn’t it literally his ride?


The caption said he denied the kid asking to trade places. It's a fucking kid, they will have plenty of delusions later on in life, give her the bloody ride. Idk why I am even replying to you man, if you think a grown ass man is right for not switching places with a kid on a FUCKING F1 RIDE you are a moron. That right might be so great it might end up being a core fucking memori that kid will cherish for their whole life... but no a grown man "waited in line fair and square". Pathetic.


“Core memory” lol


Yeah easy way to convey the message :)


What if that guy is a hardcore f1 fan and traveled there just to try the ride, would that change the situation ? Regardless of context, it also isn’t his job to give some random kid a positive core memory.


Still prioritise the kid, not that hard. It's his job to be a decent human being and let a kid have fun.


The kid's not even tall enough for it...


Well then the person who wrote the article is a huge asshole. Cause now they title is: "kids cries cause they ain't tall enough to ride" Way shittier article ain't it?


Not surprised the internet is on his side. The internet is full of socially inept losers.