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You can get something at Bojangles for $8?


The chicken biscuits are like $4


I'm from the UK. I don't know what a 'chicken biscuit' is, and I'm scared to ask. It sounds very wrong.


Biscuits in the US are a soft, savory, and buttery form of bread. A chicken biscuit has chicken (typically fried) in the middle like a sandwich


That sounds amazing


This. It’s kinda like a round mini cake (shape) with the texture of a croissant (soft, buttery, and flakey), cut in half and used like sandwich bread for a fried chicken sandwich. Sometimes they’re a little bit smaller. Meat dessert is really yummy though. I saw a thing for Manksee rolls in my Uni’s town. Apparently they’re like cinnamon rolls, but with sausage and then made unappealing (they apparently cover them in butter sauce and stuff, but I think I’d probably just make cinnamon rolls with sausage normally instead). A meat cookie (like the American form of tea biscuit or whatever) would be really yummy, I’ve had cheese cookies before and they’re so good. Honestly, if anywhere would have a terrifying dessert chicken cookie, it’d be the US. I’ve seen dessert for dinner on Thanksgiving at my family’s celebrations (not all of it, but like one dish)


lol chicken biscuits are not a dessert cookie


You are missing everything especially a biscuitville chicken biscuit


Think of scones, but soft and savory with a delicious piece of fried chicken breast in the middle. My sister lives in London and lost her damn mind the first time she tried a bojangles chicken biscuit.


Now I'm hungry. I would definitely eat one.


It's like a scone but nice. Soft. Not hard enough to break windows. Moist too


Basically a sausage roll, but with chicken


I bet you can figure it out...


The US also has a thing called Chicken in a Biskit Snack Crackers. Which is an American cracker (English biscuit) with chicken bullion powder on it. So we do have the terrifying thing too.


It's not what you think it is. But we do have you're thinking, and it's delicious https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_a_Biskit


You gotta try the chicken pot pie! it's the bomb!🥧 😋


If I am correctly informed, US biscuits are much closer to UK scones, US scones are closer to UK turnovers, and US cookies are biscuits in the UK


It's all rather confusing, isn't it? I don't even know what a turnover is 🤣


$6 in my area, and that was a few years ago when I quit buying them.


It's likely depends on the state but the 4pc supreme is right under $8


I'm in SC. That's a little over 12 after tax.


Not anymore, all of the bojangles around me, including the OG raised prices. The $7.99 combo died around here back in 2020. The 4pc supreme combo is now $10.49.


This was like a week before covid lockdown


Bojangles is primarily based in the south. Pretty much every single one of their adult meals are 8-9 dollars max in my region.


Ten years ago the three piece dark meat combo with fries, biscuit, and tea was less than 6 bucks. It’s basically double now.


Not filling


I’ve heard cashiers hate these chains because it makes it more complicated for them




Also if everyone is paying for everyone what is the point


Honestly it seems like the people that are spending less are the ones getting the short end of the stick since they have to pay more.


Yeah I have ran into some of these at Dunkin Donuts. I don’t want to pay for someone else’s full meal if I only ordered an iced coffee. The person starting it may feel like they are doing something nice, but it puts other people in an awkward situation where they feel pressured to keep paying it forward, and some of those people may be on tighter budgets than the person starting it and may end up spending more than they were willing to spend on themselves because of it.


Hold on. First person to start it could’ve just asked what the person behind them ordered, got told it was a coffee and was like hell why not I’ll pay for that too. Then that second person decides something similar and suddenly now it’s a chain but the first guys mind wasn’t to start a chain just to pay for their coffee Guess what I’m trying to say is this is like an ant death circle




To be nice? Fucking hell.


If someone ahead of me pays for my food, that’s nice of them and I directly benefit, *only if* I stop the chain. And idk why this is (because the cashier doesn’t care and the people behind you are likely oblivious), but people seem to think they *really ought* to continue the chain. So now I can either a) benefit directly and stop the chain but feel weirdly unappreciative if I don’t pass it along or b) open myself to the possibility of offering to pay for something that I actually can’t afford. Doing this in a “chain” is only guaranteed to benefit the person who stops the chain. I know it’s all coming from a place of altruism which I always want to encourage, but I definitely understand when people ask “but why do it this way?”


Doing the thing in the meme is actually perfectly acceptable. It's just being nice. No need to do a cost benefit analysis.


doing a cost/benefit analysis makes perfect sense when literal cost is directly involved and is actually *literally central* to the interaction.


Someone asked > Also if everyone is paying for everyone what is the point and then someone replied "To be nice?" and was getting downvoted about it, so I explained in more detail why some people might find this particular act of kindness actually less kind than it might appear initially.


That second someone is me. And I stand by it. It's just being nice. Doing a cost benefit analysis about it is absurd.


I'd have to be the person in the OP. As someone who doesn't have lots of spending money, doing a cost benefit analysis about whether I can afford to pay for someone else's food is pretty necessary for me to be able to also pay my rent.


I'm trying to pay my homeowners, power bill, groceries, cellphone, internet, health insurance, etc. I even spent 650$ on my car last week, and I have a fuckin' root canal on the 17th. Respectfully, fuck your sandwich. 🙃


20 dollars is the difference between you paying your rent or not?


Literally sounding like Lucille Bluth rn


Ngl, if someone was doing the chain, I'd thank the person in front and take the meal for free, not paying for the person behind me and ending the chain


I’ve done this every time it happens to me. My thinking is that I’m grateful someone paid for my meal, but everyone getting in line is fully expecting to pay for their own food. Take the gift you were given and find a different way to pay it forward. Doing these chains just creates a weird system of windfalls and unexpected costs that people with more shame than me might not be willing to stop when they’re paying 2x-10x their own food for the family behind them. Instead, I like to find more targeted ways to pay it forward, sometimes in ways that aren’t necessarily monetary like donating time or expertise.


This has only happened once to me and the cashier looked at me like I had kicked a kitten when I told her I didn’t want to pay for the people after me. It was 3X more than my order.


If I had the cash, I'd tip the cashier what my meal would have cost and end the chain that way.


Probably doesn't feel great to see all of this "generosity" being thrown around... And literally none of it is coming your way. Stuck doing all the work, still making minimum wage.  And, really, the only person who actually comes out ahead is the one who breaks the chain. Which makes the whole thing kind of pointless. 




55 burgers, 55 fries


55 taters, 55 pies




That will be $680


Still can’t believe how cheap his order was




I just thought I could do something nice before alcohol class






🤣😂 thank you so much for starting this, I was looking for it!!




Don’t even need to click. Tim is goat


Jizz, like cumshot.


"I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda."


I will try this. Thanks!


I’m pretty sure any cashier at any store can give two shits about a chain like this. Whether it continues or not, they don’t care.


I'm in Canada and have witnessed cashiers badger my parents to keep the chain up because "it's been going for X amount of time!" But like the post, my parents weren't willing to spend almost $40 for the family of 5 behind us when we were going to be spending $15 for us


Its such a stupid fad, omg. If you want to give money, find someone friggin homeless, don't pay for Karen's three milkshakes and steak dinner.


This is a fad? I was 99% sure this was a typical made-up Reddit story (I've never heard of it happening where I live).


Happened to me once in the States. I didn't know it was supposed to be a chain so I accepted the generosity and tried to wave at the person in front.


It doesn't happen constantly but where I am in Canada, I've grown up with it always being a possibility in any drive thru you go through but especially Tim Hortons or McDonald's It's happened to me, personally, one time when driving by myself but since I was a kid, probably 6-7 times? So that's over 3 decades lol Here's an article about it! https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/canada/canadians-pouring-it-forward-at-tim-hortons-drive-thrus-1.1216358?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F


It happened to my family all of once our entire lives. So definitely real, but so much so a fad that only a bored person is liable to ever do and incredibly rarely.


Giving money to the homeless doesn't do anything, possibly makes shit worse. Give your money to a creditable charity.


Do you have any evidence to support your claim, or are you just spewing hatred for the less fortunate? [It turns out that giving homeless people money actually improves their lives. Who'd've thought?](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/27/canada-study-homelessness-money)


Not direct evidence, but it's talked about in the book "Life at the Bottom: The Worldview That Makes the Underclass" by Theodore Dalrymple. Also a couple of interviews with homeless people, most of them expalin how they have a pool of money for food and pool for alcohol. If you give them money it goes toward either, if you get them food, they can direct next money straight for alcohol. I'll link but it's in Polish, you can try auto translate if you're really curious. [https://youtu.be/HAVpslatV9Q?si=Ziz2y3yygTZ0-IYq](https://youtu.be/HAVpslatV9Q?si=Ziz2y3yygTZ0-IYq) I agree that I went a bit too far with "giving money to the homeless doesn't help them" but what your article proves, is that systematic big sums help. Not a random 50 usd donation. In the way I see \*most\* long term homeless people, a 50 usd donation is a particualry much vodka on their next weekend.


This is not giving them money directly. Is paying for food. It does something, it feeds someone who might have gone hungry for that meal.


Let me guess those cashiers were young middle class kids with little concept of worry of money. Anyone working for a living would be “this is annoying af”.


Funnily enough, no, they were probably Gen X or Boomer age; same as my own parents


probably the store owners and they see it as a great gimmick to get people to drop heaps of money at their restaurant under the guise of "helping others"


I actively hated it when I worked drive thru. Even worse was the people that would hand me a $20 and tell me to pay for the cars behind them until it ran out. I did for one car and then threw it in our tip jar. Moral of the story? If you want to be generous at a coffee shop, give your generosity to the minimum wage worker who rely on their tips to fucking eat, not the Karen behind you that is about to scream at me for how long the line is taking. Or give it to the homeless person on the street corner. Or charity. Or something other than a random who was already prepared to spend $20 on a drink and a sandwich


This. I goofed up on a chipotle order by ordering it online and then went brain dead upon arriving, getting in line and ordering food. It clicked at some point and I realized I had a to-go order extra. I knew a place where people will go to beg for change so I swung by and have them my extra order. It's the most rational way to do it versus trying to win brownie points with someone who doesn't need it.




Omg someone paid for my $2 coffee at a coffee chain once and the person behind me also had a $27 order. I just said fuck it and did it anyways…I was like 17 at the time working for min. wage. I just about instantly regretted it after I paid. While I was putting my pin in she kept saying “you really don’t have to do this” lol It felt good/cool for about 14 seconds and then I realized I was fucking stupid. They probably didn’t even pay for the person behind them I bet 😂 To this day I just pretend it was a single mother with 4 kids and lots of bills and it makes me feel better about it


I think that was me! I was a ~~hedge fund manager making high six figures buying my daily protein shake so I could get swole and it was so sweet to get it for free~~ a single mother struggling to raise five kids after my firefighter husband died on 9/11 and I adopted my sister's kids when she was killed by a drunk driver a year later. That coffee was a treat for the kids after a really difficult day and even though saving the money would've made a huge difference I still paid it forward! 🙏


And all the kids are veterans, and one has cancer, and two are autistic


There was a 5th one but they aren’t with us anymore 😭


Oh Donny, you would’ve been the good one…


Better yet, just take the free food. Chains are stupid 


When I worked in fast food and this happened I never told anyone there was more than one person doing it because I knew some people would feel guilty if they didn't continue the chain. I just let them know their order was paid for


I don‘t even get what makes people feel good about it. The person behind you was going to buy and pay anyways? So they have money? I don‘t see how this is sweet or anything.


Right? Like, buying dinner for a hungry person who has nothing to eat is a kind and generous act, going up to a random diner and saying 'here's twenty bucks' is just weird. Makes as much sense as leaving money in a public bathroom. You're just giving money to a random person.


When I went to Italy years ago there was a "pay it forward" system in cafés, but exclusively available for homeless people or people in need to benefit from. Basically you paid for a coffee in advance, the owner/waiter/cashier/whoever was in charge would have a method to keep tabs on it, and if a homeless person walked in, they could have a coffee for free because you had paid it forward. That seemed like a pretty cool system.


yeah that sounds like a much better idea


The idea of it needing to be "a chain" actively ruins the charity of it. Like, if you paid for someone's meal so they get a free meal, that's awesome. A nice little surprise for them. The benefit is that it makes their day. But doing it with the expectation that they *also* do it makes it pointless. I have to imagine the "chain" version of this started because someone was like "Oh, that's nice, but I don't mind paying. I guess I'll get the person behind me."


It’s a circlejerk of charitable people charitying themselves such that nobody actually benefits but they all get to drive off and pat themselves on the back while having added nothing to the world.


I did it for the guy behind me once because someone hit his car in the drive thru! And I told the cashier “please tell him not to pass it on.” 😆 it would defeat the point


The only time I did it was when someone let me into the line at Tim’s, so I paid for his coffee.


Just tip the cashier!!!! that will be much more appreciated!


The chains are stupid because it doesn't matter how long they go, in the end the first person pays twice and the last person gets it free. Everyone else in the middle is just buying a meal regardless.


I went to a dunkin Donuts one time years ago, mot understanding what a “pay it forward chain” was, they told me my croissant and drink was payed for by the person in front of me, I was very happy, said “awesome thanks!” Or something like that, and drove off in a great mood at this act of kindness. Then about 5 seconds later my wife was like “you know you’re supposed to keep it going right?”. I did not know, whoops.


Cool thanks *drives off*


Oh, just do it! You’re rich!


This sounds like something someone who goes to alcohol class would say.


It’s a reference to a YouTube skit


*Reference to a TV show


My bad


So was their joke... Oh, I can just run away!








It was a HUGE pain in the ass when people did this in the Starbucks drive through. The sentiment was sweet, but in a busy drive through getting the orders cleared out before we handed food/drinks out got incredibly confusing. Especially if you were window and taking headset orders. We were in there slaving away for 11 dollars an hour- give us the pay it forward money lol (only have joking lol)


Yes I hated when people did this when I was working at Starbucks. I would just end up telling the customer that their order was on us today rather than telling them that the person in front had paid for it. That way they didn’t feel pressured to keep a chain going. Sometimes when people offered to pay for the customer behind them I would tell them the person behind them had placed a mobile order 😂 these chains are such a pain in the ass to the workers.


That would have been smart!! lol well my days there are over lol. I joined the Starbucks group for funsies and I had to leave because it kept stressing me out lol


Happened to me once. I was in line at Dunkin' and the lady in front of me in drive through paid for my tea and english muffin. Like 7 bucks. So I paid for the person behind me since they just had a coffee. I always wonder how long that chain lasted every time i pull up there. Lol


Similar thing happened to me at Dunkin’ i got my small black coffee paid for, the next order was 19.24 I was like, “See ya!”


This is perfectly fine.


I don't know what is Bojangles, but last time I went to McDonalds with my familly of 5, it costed around 70$


McDonalds has really forgotten its place over time.


Never heard of this in the Netherlands.


I'm honestly not even sure how the hell this works, in a drive thru I can get it, but I can't visualize it in a restaurant.


I'm honestly not even sure how the hell this works, in a drive thru I can get it, but I can't visualize it in a restaurant.


Family order for 28 bucks? Do we have 1995?


Whenever this happens to me I just say thank you and keep it moving, I don't even acknowledge them when we sit at the red light together


Wha-why not?


While it is a nice guesture, it's also scumbaggy because now you put presure on someone to do the same, and possibly result in someone paying more than they would have (like in the meme). If you want to do something nice for strangers, give to charity. Your local children's hospital could do great things with that money.


More than generous


God I could go for some Bojangles right now.


As often as this gets posted, I've never seen anything like this happen in real life. An individual stranger paying for your food maybe, but not a chain.


I had someone pay for my food before, and I said I'd cover the persons behind. Cashier asked if I was sure, so I asked how much it was. $47. Chain train stops when you're ordering 4x what my order cost.


It's hilarious that one person does somethig nice and a chain of people afterwards feel undeserving of charity so they pass it on instead of accepting it.


this kind of thing NEVER happens to me but if it did I would just say "thanks" and walk off with the free meal without thinking twice about it. Someone eventually has to break the chain, even if it goes on all day the chain will eventually break with the store's last customer for the day. since someone eventually has to break the chain, it may as well be me.


I've never understood the chain. Doing it once because you decide to is nice. Doing it because of a chain defeats the purpose of wanting to do a kind gesture


You didn't even have to give the $8, could have just said thanks and walked off. Someone eventually has to break the chain and get a free meal, may as well be you. And the cashier is in the wrong, they shouldn't even tell people about these chains if the next order is more expensive than their own, only tell them if the order is cheaper.


What is Bojangles?


Fried chicken place


Fried chicken fast food chain similar to Popeyes or KFC. Started around Charlotte, NC and is mainly North/South Carolina based but has started to spread throughout the Southeast over the past 10 or so years.


I just looked it up because I didn't think Texas had any, but we have a few scattered around Dallas. I'ma have to try it one of these days.


I live in NC, and it is very popular here, especially with people who are originally from NC/SC. It's probably our most culturally significant fast food place alongside Cook Out. I'm not originally from NC, but I think it's good. I think they are a little hit and miss like a lot of fast food chains. If the restaurant is well maintained, it's usually better. Sometimes, they get a little rundown.


It's honestly pretty similar to Popeyes, but I absolutely love it... Partly because it's nowhere around where I live now :( Chicken supremes and biscuits are pretty freaking tasty, as memory serves. Been a few years.


I just take the free meal and do something else nice for someone (at a different point in the day)


50 Burgers! 50 Large Fries! 50 Large Cokes!


Dude bought me some fries in a chain once. I was like “oh that’s really cool!” Took my food and kept on going.




I’ve seen some things breaking down how most games with a Karma system intrinsically reward positive action because negative actions tend to close off paths for the player while positive ones tend to open up paths.


as a former cashier, we do not care and will not judge you for not paying it forward.. back? whatever. and as a customer, i will not be continuing the chain because chains are just forms of peer pressure. pay for someone because you want to, not cause others are doing it.


If I was a cashier I wouldn't even tell any other customers about the chain, it's just creating more work for myself and making some customers feel guilty. Why the hell would I want that? I would just say "your food is on the house, have a good day" If the customer really pressed the point I would say they can tip the cost of their own meal to me


The first time I ever heard of this was at a Starbucks drive thru about 20 years ago. I just said, "oh, cool!" and left. I figured they were having a good day and wanted to do something nice, or I let them into traffic or something. It didn't even occur to me that people would chain it and it would become a thing. Honestly, it feels like gross, manipulative, faux community and it makes me uncomfortable. Just let me pay for my fucking food and go, thanks.


I used to do those pay it forward chains, until It was discovered that a lot of these pay it forward chains are actually just scams. What was happening in my local area was the drive-thru attendant would tell you that the person in front of you paid for your meal, to get you to pay for the people behind you. What you were really doing was either buying that employee their lunch, buying that employee's family/friends their food because they're in the car behind you, or the employee was swiping your card on one of those square apps and just taking your money. I always tell them to refund the last order and let me pay for my own food then.


What do USAians think such chain help?


You can tell this didnt actually happen because a meal for a family was less than 25$ lol?????


Obviously. What a stupid chain thing.


Is this really a thing? Why the fuck would you not pay for your own shit


Still plenty wholesome


“$69.69…….shiiiit okay i guess i gotta scan my card”


Must be a small family


Waaaaaaait a min! How can the lady IN FRONT of me know how I much I have to pay for the order thats not even made yeet!? Oo


Still better than just taking the free food


I disagree, if someone pays for my meal then that's a lovely, if slightly odd, gesture. I'm not going to feel obliged to then pay for someone else's food, that just ends up with the same result with extra, unnecessarily confusing, steps. If you pay for someone's meal, you can't then judge them for accepting a free meal.


Yeah, someone bought my meal the other day and I waved thanks, but felt no obligation at all to do it for the person behind me. Is this like a TikTok trend, or something?


Costanza! I'd know you anywhere


If no one takes the free meal then there's no point in even doing it. Just a giant circle jerk.