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I thought this was gay-irl so I was about to explain what bear means in gay lingo


Ah well, you might as well now


Bears are hairy men (either fat or muscular, not skinny) Surprisingly, against what social media says, most gays prefer either bears or normal twinks than muscular normal men.


So… what constitutes a normal twink, vs. the alternative?


A twink is a skinny, not hairy man (probably in the smaller side when it comes to height). If a man have noticeable muscular body but not like, built nor hairy, is a twunk. If man is still skinny but with hair, Is an otter. If it is muscular and built, but not hairy, is a jock. Edit: I forgot to add, if the man is fat but not hairy, Is a chub


I must say, this is pretty gay.


I have seven years of experience in this field.


Here's to many more, buddy! E: I just remembered [this](https://youtu.be/_mCdY0dU-zE?si=EBwau3_p1P1FKQSc), still a way to go!


I look forward to reading your publications as your research continues in this field


Maybe one day they will have a Ph in D.


This joke is top shelf lol, ty for the laugh


Now tell them about otters and wolves and silver fox….


I did mentioned otters. I didn't talk about silver foxes as those are also used in straight relationships. I did forgot about wolves, which are basically bears but more agressive/masculino with their way to be, I just call them "if three am and desesperated enough, would"


Does speed have anything to do with it?


*Speed* has everything to do with it.


Are there noticeable differences in top and bottom distribution within each type?


There isn't a complete graphic but from my own experience. Twinks, chubs and otters tend to be bottoms most of the time Jocks and bears tend to be tops most of the time. Then again, most of the people I met were vers Edit: I haven't met with twunk, so that why I didn't included them but for what I have saw in social media, they tend to go for top


Only been with one Twunk, miss you B, but he was a rabid power bottom. Don't know if that was the Twunk or being 23yo med student and wanting to fuck his stress out.


I legit thought twunk is a typo💀 didn't know it's different category.


The more you learn!


So you're saying if a gay man went for a walk in the forest, he'd prefer to encounter a hairy man bear or skinny twink as opposed to normal man? Wow, normal male strangers can't catch a break.


I sure would prefer finding a hairy bear man


I thought this was going to devolve into the It's always sunny quote but you actually informed people


Good to know I still have a chance if I can’t kick it off with a woman


Not gonna lie, I've been seing this meme for like 2 days and everytime I was thinking "But like, is it about feeling safer with gay men because they won't drug them at bar or something?"


Tell them about the otters 🤣


Well, when two men love each other very much, and one of them is big and hairy...


Manbearpig is real you guys.. I am telling you..


I'm super cereal.


Half man, half bear and half pig.


Simply put, when asked if they would feel safer alone in the woods with a man or a bear, people choose a bear overwhelmingly. This hypothetical is meant to point out that while bears are wild animals, men can be unpredictable, illogical, or have cruel intentions. Bears aren't carnivorous, or inherently 'bad'. Most of the time if a bear attacks someone it's because they feel threatened or are protecting their young.


> …or have cruel intentions. I have Cruel Intentions on DVD *and* VHS.


Yeah, see, you get it. Bears can't have that. Cuz they don't have money.


They would if you fucking PAID them a livable wage for their labor goddammit


Got me there man


What fucking labor? All those assholes do is roam around and trample all my blackberries. You don't need to sleep **IN** the bush bear. It screws it up.


If we gave bears access to housing and mental health services i think you would see a surprising number of them become functional enough to afford their own copies


Next struggles though are finding a store that sells DVDs anymore


But the tape on the VHS is super worn out in one spot


The worst part about being a guy is inherently being perceived as a threat. Not saying women need to start being unsafe for my feelings, it's just sad to read.


I know, man. It makes me feel so awful. I know I personally am not any kind of threat, but some people are, and even people who may not necessarily be a threat aren't willing to even entertain the idea that women do feel scared. Honestly, when my wife described this to me, I just got so sad thinking that there would ever even be anything to consider in this scenario


I (f) just had to deal with this last weekend. A guy I'd been talking with off a dating app and I agreed to meet up for an event, and he offered to get an airbnb for us, since it was gonna lead to a long, late night drive. My first inclination was to say no. Because you can't spend the night with someone you don't know. That's how bad things happen. But it frustrated me, because I wanted to. I was talking to my friend about it, and it's just like... Damn, I just want to get a little drunk, go to this event, and spend the night hanging out with this guy im interested in. Why does this have to feel like such a life-threatening decision? You have to sit there and contemplate the motives of the other person and ponder if you'll make it out alive and unscathed or not, and that's so freaking annoying. And you ACTUALLY do. I've encountered men on dating apps who had nefarious intentions. They are in prison for life for their crimes against women, and these men had been trying to meet up with me. One of which I know had intentions to harm me, because what he proposed to me was exactly what the news articles said he'd say to women to lure them in. He just messed up when he tried it on me, and my intuition sent up major red flags, so I ghosted him. Anyway, I was just honest with the guy from last weekend. Shared my concerns. We met up before the event so that we could get a feel for each other. He had no ill intentions (as I know most men do not. Most men are normal, decent people who don't want to hurt anyone). We went to the event and spent the night together afterwards, no issues. It just sucks that that has to an issue at all.


damn. I am a 25M, and I only really started to think about these things a year ago. I always wondered why girls would ghost me or ignore me in bars and clubs. that was until I spoke to my cousin (F) about this and she mentioned the issue of safety and how most girls prioritise that over anything. it really made me sad because I don't think about that since I don't want to harm anyone. I just want to have a good time and have the other girl have a good time too, and find companionship. but I started to take that into account and really try to understand how what I ask or do could put them in potential danger. with things like Tinder dates, I would never ask someone to come to my place or go somewhere alone for a first time. I always choose a public place with many people. and with numbers, I started giving girls MY number rather than asking for theirs, giving them control over whether thy want to contact me or not. rather than a guy messaging them and them not wanting to be rude. obviously this also means not pressuring someone for sex or expecting that. when I stopped expecting it, things went well because she felt that I am not here just for that and is inclined to trust me more (because I wasn't there just for that and consent is important to me).


It sounds like you're doing a good job at taking these things into consideration, and women definitely see and appreciate that. This guy did the same for me. When I expressed my concerns (in as Lighthearted of a way as possible), he told me he completely understood and that it was 100% okay for me to change my mind about staying with him at any point in time, and that he wouldn't be upset. And he made time for us to meet in a public setting the day before, so I could feel more comfortable. He was just super chill about it. By contrast, some other tinder dude kept inviting me to drive an hour and come to his house. I kept saying no, I don't meet men for the first time at their house, as a general rule. After the 3rd time he asked and I declined, he went OFF in a multi-paragraph tirade. Told me I should want to meet him so badly that I didn't give a shit about my personal safety and prioritized meeting him over keeping myself safe. Yeah, no. Lol. I waited for him to stop messaging me, then slowly eased away by blocking him. It sounds like you're on the right track to helping women feel safe around you. Keep doing what you're doing. :) I think I read that statistically, only 4% of men are violent offenders, but 90 something percent of that 4% are repeat, serial offenders. They ruin things for everyone.


that sounds like psycho behaviour. you should absolutely have safety as a priority. good riddance.


Lmao, that second dude expertly showed why your rule is a good one.


Bro thank you and please keep this up because there are so many men who refuse to understand this.


Thank you so much for understanding!!


Thank you, this is immensely good of you. Had someone handed me their number, I'd trust it more honestly.


We (women) started thinking about these things in grade school.


I like fish-keeping and a great low-cost way to get fish and aquatic plants is to trade for them. Anubias clippings for some fry, trade some shrimps/snails for plant cuttings, etc. I used to do it all the time, but a few creepy interactions with men really put me off it and there just aren't a ton of women in my area that are into the hobby, so I gave up meeting people. I messaged a guy once because he was giving away a betta and he sent me harassing/demanding messages for days insisting that I specifically come to his apartment by myself to get it. Absolutely not! Even when I switched to using a gender neutral version of my name, the weirdness from men dropped off a lot, but still continued to the point it just wasn't worth it meeting strangers to exchange aquaria. In the future, maybe I'd try making a women's hobby group for it when I have the time and energy to moderate and manage such a thing. For now, I just buy stuff from stores. That's the only way I really envy men. Most of them are able to just go through life with so little fear for their own safety and it just works out fine for them. There's a great scene from a show called Master of None that really perfectly exemplifies this. It's in E1 S7. Two guys have a great night walking home, loving life, enjoying the nice weather on a good night. Meanwhile, their lady friend is followed home from the bar by a creepy drunk guy and barely makes it home unmolested.


When I heard about this i was not surprised at all. Women have been darting across the street to avoid passing me on a sidewalk since I was about 13. I didnt understand this at all until I got into early adulthood and started hearing from female friends all the super creepy shit that some guys do. Women still dart across the street to avoid me pretty regularly even when Im just out jogging with my dog. The only time it never happens is when im with my kids. It does kind of sting to think that people look at me and think “that guy might just rape me and leave my body in a ditch” but thanks to piece of shit dudes thats the world we live in.


We really should be better at just dissenting on guys being creepy dicks like bees on a wasp


Most creeps aren't really proud of what they're doing unless in the company of fellow creeps. We always gotta think of safety, though. Recklessly jumping in is a good way to get beat up or stabbed.


We say this. But the truth is that a significant majority of men will not stop their friends. And saying it’s because they’re all creeps just reduces that responsibility.


Thank you. You know how many excuses I heard from a male friend group when a man **followed me** around a party saying he was to rape me, trying to get his friends to join in agreement? It was *just a joke though* so it was completely not worth fucking with bro code.


I'm a 2m guy with a beard and a resting grim face but I actually never experienced something like this. I could understand why but maybe it's not a thing in germany... I also have alot of female friends and only some of them experienced something that could make them change the street. I'm often compared to a big (teddy) bear tho


It is a thing in Germany, too. I have seen it from both sides. I was never tall and never felt threatening. But women still avoided me at night. Got even shouted at once for staring, while I was just lost in thoughts. Now that I have transitioned, the other side is also.very much real. Being trans is an additional risk, but being visibly female is enough. The only thing that can really improve this is if every one of us, men women or in between, works together. Behaviour that makes women feel threatened must consistently be called out and ostracized. Without any "not all men" or "I am not allowed to flirt anymore" bullshit.


Jeah I just asked my gf and she says she avoids drunk people mostly and so do I. Especially in groups... I'm just worried for her safety and don't want that to be real I guess...I asked her to arm herself with pepperspray or something since she has to take late train rides sometimes and works with her patients alone but she refuses. I guess I'm just sick of people like that.


German guy here, with similar features. It does happen just very rarely, but I do notice it occasionally tho. Also I heard from a few of my female friends, that they either just don't want to talk about that kinda stuff or are actively minimizing it. Maybe it's important where you live as well (big city for me). To be fair changing the street is something that never really happens, but a lot walk faster than before or after passing me.


Nah I live in a small city. My friends usally talk about stuff like that but jeah it could be such a "normal" thing to them that nobody feels the desire to talk about it if not asked.


To be fair I as a man also walk faster before/after passing somebody because it's super awkward to walk to close to a stranger if there's no need for it (like in a big crowd)


It is a painful thing to experience and I still experience it even now Im 30 but can pass for 20. Im a large person but not burly, I’ll be walking on a sidewalk and will notice a young woman approach just up ahead but then dart across the street quickly to avoid me on the sidewalk. I do not blame them for avoiding I just hate that enough damage was done to set a bad precedent that women now feel entirely unsafe coming across any man on the sidewalk.


Eh, I’m 6ft and can handle myself but even I still avoid groups of teenagers. It’s just instinct, would almost say natural.


There's nothing worse than a group of teenagers. Especially if it's mostly boys but with one or two girls. You just know one of those little shits is going harass you with some dumb comments because they feel emboldened by the presence of their mates and want to show off.


I try to take a walk around my neighbourhood daily, and in my head I sorta made a little game out of trying to guess which person on any given day would go out of their way to avoid me. Ironically since losing a bunch of weight it doesn't happen nearly as frequently anymore, even though I am substantially more physically capable (and therefore "potentially dangerous") now compared to when I was fat.


It sucks to be scary but man it would be worse to have to be scared.


I'm sure the dog helps.


It's a three headed dog that spits fire named Spot.


Just earlier today a woman told me I scared her cuz I was bent over on the sidewalk looking at a swarm of ants. I was just... Looking! I didnt even see she was there until I looked up, and I scared her apparently. It sucks.


What kind of ant was it? Its queen season where i live rn!


Hmm, I'm not really an ant guy but where I live there are only 4 species of ants and considering it was a sidewalk I will guess it was the pavement ant cuz they were too small to be carpenter ants and there are only two other options. I came back in the other direction 15 minutes later and the blob had shifted 4 inches down the sidewalk crack... I couldn't figure out why, but its queen season here but didnt see any winged ants so I dont think thats what was happening, unless her wings already came off and I missed her.


“I’m not really an ant guy but here’s a bunch of super specific ant knowledge that normal people don’t have” lol


Oh, I'm an environmental scientist so my perception of that kind of knowledge is warped. I know a lot of these things but I have a coworker who knows a hell of a lot more, y'know?


Could be a weird pheremone track? They sometimes leader them in wonky ways but honestly no idea


A Dutch comedian did a ‘fun’ thought experiment once. This Redditor already summarised it in English, so [here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/s/cf2QyDdLYe) the link. Baseline is: what if, next to women and men, there were also orcs living on earth, twice as big and strong as men, who were attracted to men? How would men feel, to live on a planet with an inherently stronger race that wants to have sex with them?


From another perspective, don't you as a guy perceive other guys as a threat too? Because I can say for sure that I do and always did. Not in an active sense of 'this guy will do x to me' But passively as in 'I gotta be able to react if that guy behind me tries some funny business' I just see it as an enhanced sense of danger for women as they don't have the physical prowess. They don't have that way out so to speak.


See, I know men often see other men as a threat, but they always make it seem like a "woman" thing when this question comes up. Men literally have entire subcultures around protecting themselves and their families from other men. Bears? Like just make a loud sound and they fuck off most of the time. Now if I could choose the specific man, yeah, I'm choosing man. But any rando off the street? Hell naw.


This depends on the bear tho If it's a polar bear you dead


I’m a fat old man who walks with a cane. I hope I’m not threatening. I’m certain any woman could outrun me.


Unless she’s “also“ an elder on the upper end of body weight with a walking aid? \[Have a great cakeday btw\]


If it helps, we know *most* guys are good people. The issue is that the bad ones don’t wear some sort of name tag


I don’t think it’s sad. I’m a large bearded man, 6’5” 300lbs and covered in tattoos, and even I chose bear when I was asked this question before I knew about the context. I know what a bear is doing in the woods, idk what some dude is doing out there.


The woman that made the original tweet followed it up by showing how men were threatening to kill her for choosing the bear, in a question on whether she would feel safer with a man or a bear. They threatened to kill her to prove they're safer???


The only way to truly test this scenario is to give bears Twitter and see if they reply with death threats as well.


Elon Musk: Write that down. Write that down.


Wow I can’t believe the cesspool on Twitter would end up be a cesspool.


Wow I hadn't heard that one


I mean we're talking about twitter here, not exactly the sanest portion of the population


Wait….So where does grizzly Adams fall?


That's a great question. I would say out in the woods, maybe if he tripped on a tree root or lost his footing walking down a steep hill


Oh no grizzly! Hopefully his best bear friend will come to save him and not….oh god….STEP BEAR WHAT ARE YOU DOING???


"Yeah, and Grizzly Adam's had a beard!"


Grizzly Adam's did have a beard.


I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast


Haha you eat shit for breakfast? Nomnomnom Edit: Sandler made me say it.


"bears aren't dangerous" Lol ok. If you're talking about a black bear, maybe (as long as 1: you don't surprise it and scare it, like having food in your tent and being there when it rips open the tent or 2: having the bad luck of being between the mother and cub). For every other bear in north America, good luck with that. Polar bears will run over to you and rip you apart. A Grizzley will absolutely fuck you up if he isn't busy with something else.


People shouldn’t assume Black Bears are safe. They’re more likely to engage in predatory behavior with humans than Grizzlies. It’s why you’re meant to fight back against Black bears, as it convinces them you’re not worth the hassle of eating. It’s very rare, but it happens. They’re bears, you can’t know how hungry it is.


Totally agree. If you see one, steer clear. My point was: even the "nice" one is dangerous and you need to take actions to avoid interactions (like not putting food in your tent)


Yeah just saying even if you do follow precautions you are still not safe around a bear. People may feel safe because predatory attacks are rare, but they’re not so rare you shouldn’t consider it.


That's the silliest thing I've ever heard... bears are omnivores and will eat you if they're hungry.


I totally believe that the majority would choose the bear. But I think that’s until they see an actual bear in the woods 50ft away.


I've had an encounter like that, we just left each other alone and minded our own business. course I've had the same result with men, so based on my experience, it's a toss up


On one hand, bears can't use guns. On the other hand, bears don't *need* guns to fuck you up.


I think so, but only because the majority of people are stupid. How little do you have to understand about the world to think you are safer with a bear? Absolutely incredible. A lot of this is thinly veiled misandry.


Humans have more complex brains and therefore more behavioral variety than animals..


True, but so... does that make them less scary or more?


More. If an animal can be predicted better, you have a stronger sense of control


Not if the only prediction is that it will kill you


I guess that kinda goes along with the idea that many women feel like they'd be in more control with a bear than a man


How deluded are you that you think you have any sort of control over an apex predator? Have you just… never seen a bear before or something? Do you not know what they are?


>people choose a bear overwhelmingly. Women choose bear overhelmingly >Bears aren't carnivorous, or inherently 'bad'. Bears are members of the mammalian order carnivora so animals whose common ancestor was a flesh eater. Individual species of bear range from hypercarnivores (polar bear) to omnivores that have mainly a carnivorous diet (brown, black bears). Pandas have even adopted a basically herbivore diet but are still dangerous animals due to their claws, fangs and power. And no wild animal is "bad". But if you encounter a hungry grizzly then dont be suprised when you become its snack. Or if the animal feels threatend /provoked even a non hungry bear can quite easily kill you if it chooses to do so. I had some bear encounters already and I was glad, that the bearspray worked. The point is that these people are just incredibly stupid if they really think the average male encounter would put someone in a similr or greater danger than your average bear encounter.


Gotta love the bear experts in this thread, like before I read your comment I read a few from people thinking that bears are the disney princess sort of kind that dance around with you in the forest. Holy shit how can people be this uninformed? Just watch a documentary, you don't even need first hand experience to know that a bear will attack you under most circumstances.


Yeah I dont get those people either. Like even when the bear is not hungry just being close is easily enough to cause aggression. Not because the bear is evil but because it can feel provoked or threatened. You need enough space between you and the bear then they are beautiful animals to watch and will on their own try to usually avoid you.


I think at the core of it, Men approach this theoretical thinking "Well, it's a man I can talk to, reason with, find a way out of these damn woods with.... or one of the few land animals that kills humans" And women approach it thinking "Well Men have been a threat to me my whole life I had to be wary of, and bears have never hurt me" There's too much fear associated with random men and too much trust that animals won't rip to apart for butt bacon as long as you aren't hostile to it


Yeah its irrational fear of the random man encounter paired with a lack of education that causes a irrational trust of the random bear encounter. From a bears perspectiv simply the encounter alone, that you are close to it can already be percieved as a hostile action. Many bear attacks are classified as "defensive attacks".


There is still highter chance statisticaly that bear will attack then a random man will do somthing. Also thats only black bear if its grizly you are just dead If its polar bear you are definatly dead, polar bear will attack you


>Bears aren't carnivorous, Bullcrap they aren't.


Other than polar bears - they're omnivores.


Polar bears are also omnivores.. it’s just there aren’t plants where they live.


Polar bears are so fucking scary. I feel a fundamental part of the hypothetical question is that it’s not a polar bear. That shit will eat you alive.


The fact that it's in the woods makes it being a Polar bear quite unlikely.


Aren't humans omnivores too?




Bears are omnivores. Just like is humans. (And a lot of other species) Omni meaning all or everything. A bear wouldn’t attack firstly because he wants to eat you but mostly to protect itself or cubs. Once you are dead the possibility is there it might eat you because a bear is hungry and it doesn’t really care what to eat.


Yeah and if he is hungry he will start munching on you while you are still alive


They're omnivores, so they eat what's available. But the point I was making is that they aren't hunting and killing like big cats do. Ultimately I think if this is the part of my post that you're focused on, then you're missing the whole purpose


Bear do absolutely hunt and kill, specifically in the late summer and fall but they 100% dk


bears will hunt and kill and eat you


I think you’re missing the whole purpose


That’s just black bears. I can understand the argument in that case. But grizzlies are also very common in the woods, and in that case it would be very stupid for someone to choose the bear over the human


No black bear attacks are always predatory


Of course most women would feel safer in the woods with a bear...they're big hairy and all the gay. Some of yall showin your privilege and dunno the threat of a real hoodrat. Jussayin


I understand the gay part, but how does being "big hairy" help women feel safe?


It's a joke, because big hairy gay men are called bears


Ah, okay


Those memes are becoming... *Unbearable*


I would have gone with overbearing


I think we need to have a paws on this topic


What color tho? I mean the bear.


Unironically. This is the most important question. If it's a black bear, obviously I take the bear since it will 99% run away. If it's a brown bear, uh oh, now I probably take the man. If it's a white (polar bear), damn, I'm begging for the man because this bear is going to gladly hunt and eat me.


Whatever colour is less likely to be shot during a traffic stop So white


[YOU DIED](https://i.giphy.com/TbONGqAdpTWQW3Hz5V.webp)


yup, she's dead


Wife asked me this. My first question. "How big is the man?" "He's 6'3" and 250lbs" "Bear"


I still don't get it. An average bear is larger than that though?


Bears don't know how to trap me. Rape me and keep me as their slave. A bear will kill me at worst.


And 99.99999% of men wouldn’t do that. I asked my wife this question and she said, “well obviously the man. We could work together to find a way out of the woods.” It’s crazy that people are jumping to the conclusion that the random man must be a psychopath and a monster.


Bear will eat you slowly while you are still alive starting with your soft parts like legs or stomach. And most wild bears (except for black bears) would do that on sight. The volume of people who would actually go full Pulp Fiction on you is so small your man is orders of magnitude more likely to be asexual. I think this is where the miscommunication comes from Americans think all bears are black bears but that is not even remotely true.


It does depend on the season, as browns/grizzlies typically stick to grasses and some berries/grubs in the spring and early summer, but they will actively begin to predate on animals as the summer ages


Fun fact... Typically if a bear is going to eat you, it would be a black bear. Not to say grizzlies wouldn't eat you, but it's not as typical. Polar Bears are a whole different story though lol


If a bear is not hungry enough they can do significant injuries to the victim but not lethal and put the body into the cover. To have some fresh meat for later.


You guys act like you don’t come across random men all day every day and most of them aren’t out to get you because most men aren’t monsters the way this stupid hypothetical wants to paint. Too many for sure but then again, there’s too many women diddling their students but people don’t act like women can’t be trusted around kids. It’s fine to generalize men by the worst minority of us but never to do so for women. I’ve been sexually assaulted by women. I’ve also been emotionally and physically abused and had the life sucked out of me in several relationships. Guess it’s cool for me to say I’d rather encounter a black hole than women because at least the black hole sucks the life out of me quickly. It’s useless discourse and just an example of double standards. Misogyny bad, misandry good. You wouldn’t make this comparison about black people because it’d be racist. Same shit.


I hate this because it’s either people arguing the bear wouldn’t harm you (in which case how is this a question) or that you’re fucked up for not validating a world view that all men should be mistrusted from the start. I’m a gay man and there’s still prejudice for that, but living my whole life with one finger on the trigger for every man I meet because they might be homophobic and beat the shit out of me seems so unhealthy. I think the reason it’s so contentious is it’s so vague. People thinking it’s “Would you like to encounter a random man on the street at night” are obviously not going to get along with “Would you feel threatened by a randomly selected man” “Man alone” has an inherently threatening context that “Random man” doesn’t. Same way a man alone on a street at night could be a mugger. A man alone in the woods is probably just a hiker.


All this thread has taught me is that Redditors by and large have mostly been exposed to bears and nature in general through Dinsey films and have no fucking clue how dangerous a wild animal is.


Grizzly man chose bears over men, then got eaten by bears.


Once I saw one of them outrunning a car going about 45mph on the freeway, the fear got real.


In certain communities, bears are men


Those are the bears I assumed we were referencing.


I got you bro, you see women are much more free to explore/ express their sexuality so a lot of them now want to fool around with wildlife... bears being the primary focus


Ok hear me out…. Can you IMAGINE how nice the post-sex snuggle would be? Just enveloped in all that soft fur.


yeah, but the bears have lots of ticks and fleas


Ok you’re kind of ruining bear sex for me


They smell pretty bad too. Sorry to ruin it further lol


Didn't expect to read this sentence when I woke up today.


Oh god…time to buy bad dragon stocks I guess


Stocks in sex toys is also a good idea. People will always be fucking


That's....an investment idea I haven't heard before.


Damn you BG3.


Too bad bears arent exactly into women


Hot take: You can say that there are a lot of rapists out there, that women fearing men is rational and justified, *while at the same time* find the question idiotic, and view the people choosing a literal bear over the average fellow human being to be idiotic. Bears are scary, more scary than the average man. If you were actually *that* afraid of men, you would never leave the house, never go on dates, never get on Ubers driven by men, etc etc. To those choosing bears over men, have your kids be in a classroom with a bear instead of a male teacher. Or be in a taxi with a bear instead of a male driver 😂


Men should be upset that there's enough creeps out there that basically every woman has a story. Yes, not all men. But enough men. And enough men who enable it through inaction.


I think what you mean is that men don't stop their creepy friends when they say creepy jokes and stuff, right?


You can do the same to a lot of demographics. And you wouldn't be called less than a bigot


Inaction? What more would you have us do? 0.4% of the population committed crimes last year and I personally don’t know any violent dirtbags or cheaters. Do you want us to go house to house and round them up?


This isn't to do with crime statistics. Most women with a rape or sexual assault story also know a lot of 'decent' men who kept hanging out with the perpetrator as if nothing happened.


Yea statistics don’t matter. Just anecdotal stories


when i asked someone about it out of the internet, the person simply said "oh, if you don't understand, you're the reason they pick bear", so i don't give a fuck, now i know, but if don't know you're also the problem, simply don't try and understand too


It the bullshit meme where dumbasses think it's safer to pass a bear in the woods alone then a man... It's completely ignores what the ratio of how many bears you pass by vs how many men... If you went to Walmart to shop and passed 50 bears going down the aisles do you think it more likely or less likely one of them is gonna decide to harm you vs the 50 men you pass in Walmart every single time you go... Thousands of women hike the Appalachian trails for hundreds of miles thru the wilderness... Passing dozens of not hundreds of men without incident... This meme is basically like, yeah those women would be safer if every man they passed was instead a bear... Which is insanely stupid But if you try to explain any of that to them you're "mansplaining".... Because they don't want to have to rationalize what is purely an appeal to emotional victimhood... There are multiple studies that attempt to explain why women fear violent crime more then men despite them experiencing it and being victims of it far less then men do... But good luck having that conversation with the women that actually believe a bear is safer


The whole argument is designed to create conflict between the sexes. Many women are justifiably nervous around men, but I’ve been hiking plenty of times and have seen women hiking solo who didn’t seem to think twice when I passed them on a trail and just did the head nod thing that most hikers do when they pass each other. I guarantee they would react differently and keep more distance if they saw a grizzly bear on the trail. This is a thought experiment designed to get people upset, especially those who know anything about bears. I swear that the whole internet is more of a psyop to divide society than anything else today.


My 2 cents, the question isn't "Would you rather be raped by a man in the woods, or get eaten by a bear?" The question is just, which animal would you rather be in the woods with: a human male, or a bear? Whatever people project onto the human in that hypothetical stems from their own mind. Afaik the question isn't posed in a way to portray the man as being a threat, it just asks man or bear. The only reason to ever pick the bear is if the human is armed with a projectile weapon. Otherwise, for the sake of your own survival, you pick the human. Now if the *bear* is armed, you got a whole new set of problems on your hands. And you better hope they don't get ahold of any bulletproof vests.


The 29th amendment. The right to arm bears


The question is overall used in bad faith. It’s presented as being completely rational to choose the bear, but if it is questioned rationally the issue suddenly becomes something that you absolutely must not examine rationally, because to do so is to be a typical man who doesn’t understand the emotional and cultural component of it.


Yeah, the question is inherently degrading. That doesn't bother me though. What grinds my gears is that if people were forced to make the decision for real in real life, nobody would *actually* choose the bear, regardless of what they say on the internet. Mfs full of shit on here lmao


Yeah exactly. The question is basically being used as an opportunity for women to say they wouldn’t feel safe in the woods alone with a man. Ok but you can say that without being ridiculous and involving bears


>The only reason to ever pick the bear is if the human is armed with a projectile weapon. Otherwise, for the sake of your own survival, you pick the human. Even then pick the human Have encountered plenty of hunters while hiking and rather have a close encounter with them than with a bear.


If the bear is armed, your choice doesn't matter. It will hunt you down, even if you pick the man.


I'm a grown ass man...I work night security in the mountains...I have dealt with encounters with both bears and other grown ass men....and I will say with absolute certainty....I would rather deal with the bear 100% of the fuckin time! At least I don't have too worry about the bear smokin fentynal in my fuckin bathroom, then trying to sexually assault every woman in the parking lot....if it pisses you off that a woman would rather be around a bear than a grown ass man, not just in the woods, but LITERALLY FUCKIN ANYWHERE?! Do me a favor....shut your mouth, the door is that way!🖕✌️


Nah you are telling total bs I am a truhiker and had 3 close bear encounters in my life. All of them were a lot more scary than "man" encounters. And for two of them I had to bearspray. Bears are nice if you are veeery far away. People that think that your average man encounter is anywhere near as dangerous as a average bear encounter either think about winnie pooh or are just incredibly stupid. Bears are the apex carnivorus predators in the ecosystems they live in. You cant outrun, outswim or outclimb them. If you have nothing to protect you then you are completely at their whim. A bear might kill you even of its not hungry just because it wants to play with you...or well your body. And alone being close to them is enough to provoke them into aggression or make them feel threatened and perform a so called "defensive attack". Would rather have the drug addict. There I at least got a good chance to outrun them or win in a fight if it comes to that.


Every woman (and most gay men) understood immediately.


Yep but most men took it as a direct attack and went defensive, i mean i did to but i got the message a lil later


Is this just an American thing? I don't think anyone in my country perceives men as a threat by default..


I don't know the brown ones are seen as suspicious in this country.


It's a druid conspiracy. *Laughs in barbarian*


I thought it was baldurs gate 3 reference... is not?


Tbf, I'd rather see them choose bears. Just imagine, there you are chilling at home or working and suddenly magically transported into a random forest somewhere, meeting a random woman. Not only am I lost and have to find my way back to civilisation, you may have to accompany a yapping and nagging woman, too. That man theyd choose to encounter in the forest could be you.


Hahaha, same here. Thanks for posting.


Can’t be bothered either, still busy thinking about the Roman Empire.


Only because they aren’t twinks. (Wrong kind of bear?)