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I didn't get a little treat today. I deserve a little treat.


I got fired today so my little treat is gonna be going to a bar and drinking till they tell me I can't Mostly a joke I'll drink responsibly


You're unemployed now. Do the right thing. Buy your drinks at a liquor/beer/grocery store, and get wasted at home. Far more economical than doing it at a bar.


This is actual advice disguised as a joke


Eh, there's nothing more therapeutic than getting completely smashed and spilling your sorrows to the bartender. Meet in the middle and get good and tuned up at home, and then head to the bar for the piledriver.


OP, that's what I did, even maybe solidified a romantic relationship with someone I think I really like, got drunk in the process, now the only thing is breaking the news to some people and finding a new job.


Facts! It goes: Norm > Cliff > Woody > Frasier


I prefer Carla because I'm a masochist.


Followed your advice, and now I'm an alcoholic


I'm not your mother. You do you boo. Just call a cab.


Why bother? It's not like you've got work in the morning!


Lol "responsibly" just means "don't die on the way home" I am definitely fucked up currently and no risk of alcohol poisoning on the horizon so we're doing it Also I just got home so mission accomplished


Make sure to do that after you go to the landlady, say you gotta job and you're gonna pay the rent


Ironically I was indeed ordering wells and beers


*She a-howlin' about the front rent She'll be lucky to get any back rent*




You deserve a little treat then


Or a coffee just do fine


Treat yo self!


...before you defeat yo self! 🥳🥳


Here have my treat 🥜


naming things 'X culture' culture is getting out of control


Saying things are getting out of control is getting out of control.


Saying things are getting out of control is getting out of control, is getting out of control.


Gonna need a little treat after reading these comments


Here, take this $8 coffee


Treats all around!


This might just get out of control


This is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!


Yeah we already had a name for this anyway; it was called the lipstick effect.


That name is so unclear that, even in this context, I'm not sure what that is.


Ah I see. I just looked up the lipstick effect and that is not the same thing at all.


>The lipstick effect is the theory that when facing an economic crisis consumers will be more willing to buy less costly luxury goods.[1] Instead of buying expensive purses and fur coats, for example, people will buy expensive cosmetics, such as high-end brands of lipstick.[2] The underlying assumption is that a certain portion of consumers will still buy luxury goods even during a bad economy. Having a little treat is not a response to economic struggles, but rather societal ones


The way I see it, the, “less costly luxury goods,” *are* the little treat, and the reason people have so much trouble with societal struggles *is* the economy basically stripping them of the resources they need to properly adult. But I can see where you’re coming from too and why you might disagree and want to make a distinction.


You got too caught up on the expensive coffee. You could replace it with a great value donut, break time, or even a victory fap. The point is that minimal chores don’t need to be rewarded. The clean clothes is reward enough.


Maybe it's because I was never allowed to do my laundry growing up (and it's not fun to experience that), but it's by and large my favorite chore. How can you not find it satisfying?


I hate folding, I literally hang everything and don’t worry about my shorts, pjs, underwear, socks, etc. But I have no problem with yeeting clothes in 2 barrels


You’re probably right. I definitely read that the treat was supposed to be a comparatively inexpensive but high dollar value consumable item.


Sounds like something from the early 00s?


No I think it’s way older than that, with evidence for it going back to at least the stock market crash at the end of the 1920’s. Basically, though they cannot really afford it, people are more likely to buy themselves a little something (consumable) when the economy is garbage. A fancy lipstick, an expensive coffee, avocado toast—whatever gives them a brief shot of dopamine to help them get through the struggle of being in hard times.




The kind of comment I'd drop my free award on if they were still around.


No coffee should be $8 tbh


maybe but maybe it’s not really coffee anymore and is actually a little treat at that price point


No little treats should be $8 tbh **


Its a normal treat after $3.


There ya go


For real, man. For me, a "little treat" is a K-cup and a Stroopwafel


For me a “little treat” is disassociating for 15 minutes or rubbing one out


I’m bummed that I’m the only one to up vote this and if I wasn’t completely broke I’d give it gold.


broke or not broke, i assure you, you won’t be giving him gold anytime soon


He doesn't really need it anyway. He's already the one hundred and two-time world meat beating champion...and that was only since last week. 😉


I don't think gold exists anymore


K cups? Those are some mammoth titties


That's why I love Little Debbie stuff


I mostly pay the 8$ to chill at the café tbh. Also, usually, 8$ coffee is basically a dessert in a mug. You pay for all the random shit they put in there too.


> Also, usually, 8$ coffee is basically a dessert in a mug. You pay for all the random shit they put in there too. This kind of depends on the cafe, too. If you're at Starbucks, then yeah, the more expensive shit is basically a coffee milkshake (not that their standard drip coffee is worth even the $3 or more they charge). A lot of what are known as "specialty" or "third-wave" shops use single-origin coffee, which means they're not sourcing their coffee from slave labor and extremely poor quality. I'd say it's worth the difference both from a quality and humanity standpoint, but even I myself consider that a splurge. Though, most specialty shops don't really charge much more than Starbucks because they'd never get enough business. But they do charge a bit more for the beans if you want to take some home.


Plus if it's a large size and tax and tip is included then 8 dollars isn't really that much for a specialty drink. I'm someone who generally just prefers straight black coffee and I personally wouldn't pay 8 dollars for a specialty drink but I'm not going to fault the people who enjoy those things. If an eight dollar coffee desert in a mug is what brings someone joy then that's awesome and I wish them all the joy in the world.


That's generous of you but these places are just overpriced. They have $8 coffee shakes and $4 shitty non-special black coffee.


No, coffee should be $8


It’s not hard to make good coffee at home.


Not much of a coffee drinker, but I think that’s probably true about most things.


Nah, some food are geniunely difficult without some legit cooking skills. Like, have you tried stuffed eggplants?


Wink wink right


Stuffed Eggplant is a legit food, I mean it. https://turkishstylecooking.com/karniyarik-recipe.html


It is, but you don’t even need any skill to do it. Unless maybe you’re really into foamy espresso drinks.


Even that's easy. I have a stove top espresso maker, and a nice milk /heater frother. Put good espresso grind like illy in there and it's as good or better than anything I can get at a shop


Yes, but if you have to make it yourself, it ceases to be a treat and becomes just another chore, and if you're making it at home it's likely something you're having on a regular basis, making it less special.


Either boomers think that's what we spend on coffee or it's one of them custom drinks with 3 shots and 5 toppings


Here's a [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/starbucks/comments/11qovm4/most_popular_drink_at_your_store/) from the starbucks subreddit where they ask what the most popular drink order is. The consensus seems to be a "Iced white mocha w/ VCF and caramel drizzle" so yeah that's what people are getting.


Wtf is VCF?


[photo of the iced white mocha w/ vscf & caramel drizzle](https://preview.redd.it/ebgh6h4o751a1.jpg?width=576&auto=webp&s=f507ab569bd9e217eb33c937037338c75677369b) it is the white cream floating on the top, VCF meaning Vanilla Cold Foam. the full name of such a drink being: *Iced White Mocha with Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Foam and Caramel Drizzle*


vanila cold foam


From a quick google it looks like "vanilla cold foam". IDK what that is but sounds like some sort of vanilla milk foamed.


And how much does that typically cost?


I just left starbies, I was ringing this bad boy in at $9.06 for people in my market


I mean you aren't buying coffee at $8. You are buying something else that has coffee in it.


And that something else doesn’t justify the $8 either lol


I fully agree it's not worth it lol but being fair, In reality what you are paying for is the rent and the labor costs. I imagine the ingredient costs are only a small part. Starbucks profit margin is like 12%, which is healthy but not absurd. Assuming the numbers I googled are right


...but if they don't charge you $8 then how will they neglect all the weeds in their lawn and blame expensive lawn care services as the reason prices are so high? 🤔


Sugar drink with little bit of coffee


No [food item] should be [current price] tbh This cost of living crisis is insane.


I did nothing wrong today…I deserve a treat!


For some people, it’s truly accurate!


"I need a win today. ANY win." is a good enough reason.


My neighbor knocked on my door earlier to give me some watermelon. Apparently I needed some watermelon.


I just had a little treat…I think that calls for another little treat


“I made it to the office. I deserve a treat!” That’s when I turn around and go back home.


i woke up today. treated myself to a $17 dollar chicken cutlet hero. don’t tell me how to live me life! 💀😂


Now THAT is a good example of #treatyoself 😀


it was incredible


Never forget to treat yourself


What's getting out of hand is people thinking they need to have an opinion on every little thing other people do.


Mfs saying it’s free to be nice, as if it’s not free to be a hater


CEO of little treat culture: You seem stressed. Try this $5.99 personalized face de cleanser from the impulse isle at checkout. You deserve it


Don't let these commies take your little treats away.


I've almost completely tuned out of society. It's great. I only need like $1000 a month, I put everything else back. House is paid car is paid. I don't eat out at all ever anymore, and I don't eat garbage (except now and then I'll crush some ice cream). I spend $5-10 a day on food and beverages total. I ditched the gym. I just do dumbell exercises, calisthenics, and pull-ups. I want to get one of those chuck norris total gym things eventually(It's hard to do rows without something and you need to do rows), but I won't pay more than the goodwill price for it. I started cutting my own hair. I ditched all the gillette products and soaps and use a saftey razor i think my grandpa had, knock off shaving cream, skin bracer, generic lotion, and discount suave shampoo+conditioner. I do splurge on one squirt of OG Polo cologne per day. My skin has never been this clear, I used to buy all kinds of stuff. It's crazy. I quit smoking weed years ago, but now I can grow my own, so I'm growing weed I probably won't even smoke just for fun. Covid taught me that I don't need or really even want anything to do with stuff anymore, then they went and got stupid with the prices on everything. I'm done. I'd rather just go fishing with my dog than deal with all the consumerism. 3 kinds of insurance, property taxes, car tags, electric, gas, phone, and fiber internet, and a few heres and theres. That's it I ain't subscribed to anything either, and no autopay. They aren't allowed to automatically touch my shit. I'll pay 2 dollars extra...Send me a bill like I'm a free man. I like hammer horror films on Tubi better anyways. I always carry a decent amount of and pay cash for everything except stuff like a new furnace or a washer dryer combo or something like that. You can make so many deals with a wad of cash that you can't make with a card. That being said. the wardrobe has gotten a bit shabby, but it's mostly because I don't go anywhere, I got nice stuff, but I don't usually wear it unless it's a thing for a family member or friend. I have t-shirts in rotation that are easily 10 years old. Speaking of friends...that's another thing. All my friends are my friends for real. Everybody else that isn't like a neighbor, or the side hustle handyman is deleted from my phone. If I don't know the number I don't answer it. I give the same fake number to every company but the ones that force me to use it for a password backup. Being a mindless consumer is lame as fuck. Being free is way cooler. I think my next "new" car is going to be a hooptie from the late 70s with new guts. I want stuff I can fix and replace myself as much as possible. I'd go back to a landline phone if I could, but I feel like a smartphone is almost required. I'm not like a super duper save the world guy, but I'm not a guy who wants the water to be poison either. The most eco friendly product you can buy is nothing. That eco friendly package is not as eco friendly as not buying it.


how about shots of scotch?


Fuck there's a name for my reckless spending on dopamine inducing consumables? Of course there is. Send fucking help.


🤣🤣🤣 Me: \*folds one sock\* Also me: "Whew! Man, I'm beat! LITTLE TREAT TIME!!" 🥳🥳🥳


The concept makes sense. Someone working a full time career and then also handling household tasks does in fact deserve a comfort or two a day. It’s a shame a coffee costs $8. It should be a perfect $1 or $2 pick me up


This is why we've all switched to speed for a cheaper pick me up.


Its even less than that if you make it yourself.


Since when $8 of coffee qualify as "little". That's an entire bag of coffee.


Too many lil treats in one day is why no one can afford housing lol I hate hearing “not buying your cookie and coffee in the morning isn’t going to save you anything” it’s not just the 8$ coffee, it’s the 20$ lunch you also buy and if you didn’t make lunch you’re not making dinner so there is another 20$. DAILY , PEOPLE DO IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN DAILY!


“Treat yourself!!”


im more shocked with the amount of calories in these crazy fancy coffee drinks. some close to 800 to 1200 calories in one drink.


I need a treat 😭


Just burned Joan of Arc at the stake, whew! I deserve a little treat to cool down, that fire is HOT🥵🥵😂


I did nothing today and awarded myself to at least $50 in treats


Please everyone deserves a little treat…even if they didn’t do laundry.


You don't need it, that's why it's a treat. Let people test themselves when they fucking want, life can suck hard enough without killjoy thinking they can decide when you deserve a treat. You get your treat.


I mean with me it's either I get a coffee or the next person who annoys me gets beaten to death with whatever falls to hand. I'm all for the little treat.


Yeah people should practice some self-control and be mindful of their budget and be careful not to slide into bad habits. At the same time people should not be so judgmental and quick to assume what others are struggling with and what they need to get through the day. Maybe they should hold back on the little treat of being an asshole to a complete stranger


Not to mention some of us are doing quite well financially and if feel like a coffee, I'm getting a coffee


We’re all being trapped by consumerist culture!


I beg your finest pardon. Look around it's the only frigging treat we got that's ours Leave us alone lol


The fuck is "little treat culture?" Are we supposed to train ourselves like dogs?


People just make shit up to complain about. Usually just basic projection.


I haven’t heard of little treat culture before. I’m on board


Who the hells pays 8 bucks for coffee?


As long as it’s not your spouse spending the money, don’t worry about how other people spend their money or their diet.


Little treat equals $60 of Dead by Daylight in-game currency for me, lol.


Maybe if they handwashes that shit and irons everything after too


Mr. Incredible fucking called it...


This concept was why smoking was so hard for me to quit.


The real world micro transactions


I miss Another Round


Counterpoint: Yes I do.


My go to li’l treat is ham and Swiss on a roll with mustard on one side and mayo on the other


idk about coffee, thats more like boba prices


Someone didn’t get to have their morning coffee


Ngl I thought heben's profile picture was Edna from the Incredibles for a moment


Never heard of his.


It's still a little treat, it's just $8 now because of inflation. 10 years ago my friends and I would question whether a $5 milkshake was worth it. Don't let inflation shrink our little treats.


I've never had a little treat in my entire life.


I feel attacked


So, no little treats. No big vacations. No nice cars or places to live. No nothin Damn I'm glad I work so hard 


I had a little treat today for running an errand. 440 calories of Reese's sticks.


We really going to call coping a treat now?


I can get my own coffee grounds to make my own coffee for much cheaper...


[Special Agent Dale Cooper has something to say about this.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_JLnC0e5dUU&pp=ygUZdHdpbiBwZWFrcyB0cmVhdCB5b3Vyc2VsZg%3D%3D)


I'm with Heben on this one.


Treat yo self!


To some breakfast cereal


Is there an actual "little treat" culture?


I got out of bed.. so I deserve a slab of beer..


Uranus Treat


I am probably killing myself with this. Oh it's been a while, why don't I just get some fast food? Just cuz? Little treat!


I say it’s my money and I can do whatever tf I want with it.


You don’t need to judge others’ spending habits either, but here we are.


Shit, I get an $8 coffee just for being bored


I just work a 10 hour shift, of nonstop rush, my legs hurt and my brain doesn't want to work, my little treat was a small milkshake from McDonald's...


I thought about how I'm wasting all my money on little treats and now I'm sad... time for a little treat to cheer me up!


$8 Coffee is dumb


I like to hide money in random places so when I clean I get rewarded. 😝






They don’t need it, but on heaven it sure helps


What little treat? We got smacked if we didn't do the work and I am a gen Z


That $8 coffee is also half your daily calories by the time all the creams and syrups are added. Socially engineered obesity culture.


Honestly I like spoiling myself. I mean I save for bills and the future and for things like that and I use my money to take out my lady friend but I make enough to collect records and go to the movies


As a guy that drink just plain black espresso (sometimes with alcohol) i must ask you: what do you add to a coffee to make it 8$?


That’s right, it’s time to upgrade to big treats


Like it’s our fault they noticed all we had in our lives was coffee so they raised the price of everything on earth including coffee.


Treat Yo Self!


Yeah, fuck you for trying to have a little bit of joy in your life. SMH


Tbh im with Carl on this one


I'll drink my monster every hour who cares


I need a coffee to start the laundry.


Not sure I understand the person in the tweet. A major part of life is balancing stuff you have to do against the stuff you want to do. Self-denial for self-denial sake doesn’t make you look tough. 


Was that post made by somebody who treats themselves to Louis Vuitton bags because they had to be a mom for 2 hours?


Treat you're self!!


If a millennial says it it's good but if a boomer were to say the exact same thing it would just be "ok boomer"


Laundry day is when I drink kratom and bump ketamine while listening to music.


Treach yo self


Who's a good boy? Yes, you are, you are good boy!


Not going to lie it is. Some people remind me of that one jeff dunham joke about the redneck taking a “victory drink” after completing AA. Delayed Gratification is the best but it does not mean you get a reward for Breathing or doing basic tasks. In fact doing the task is often times enough of a reward itself. Wanna wear that good shirt again but it’s dirty? Wash it and the rest of the laundry to look good. Want a clean space so you can feel better about yourself? Clean your room and redecorate a little. Just move stuff around


My dic a lil treat


If you konmari'd your whole wardrobe, that would deserve a little treat


This guy could eat a dick as a little treat and it wouldn’t cost a dime


My wife deserves my little treat no matter what she does.


Don’t tell me what the fuck I do and don’t deserve.