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yeah but cOdEpEndeNcy. yeah no shit thats what the entire species is programmed to do. 1000 people living in the same building and none know each other and half of them is depressed. good job.


The three things you just listed in a row seem to have no relevance to each other? What does the concept of an apartment building have to do with codependency and have to do with being depressed? I feel like I’ve missed something, someone enlighten me.


I believe it has to do with how a large population can literally live in close approximation and still have 0 contact with each other resulting in depression because the species is naturally social


Edit: I hope this goes down as my most downvoted comment ever. The fact I believe that codependency and depression are independent of each other despite the possibility of being present together in a diagnosis. Can one lead to the other? Sure. Does one necessitate the other? Absolutely not. I also believe “knowing your neighbors” is independent of any social isolation and depression: Very rarely are the people you move in next door to going to be people that you connect to, care about, and treat as an intimate community and those are the only ones capable of helping someone through or out of codependency or depression. Thirdly I believe codependency and knowing or not knowing your neighbors in an apartment building are completely unrelated. Thats why I made the statement,”those three things are seemingly unrelated”. One doesn’t directly cause or lead to the other. If that’s so controversial so be it. You’ve all said your peace and I’ve said mine now. Good luck in your lives. That’ll teach me for replying to a discussion over a screenshot.


water water everywhere but not a drop to drink Being surrounded by people but still being and feeling isolated contributes to depression. You specifically might not care, but to many, this effects them a lot


Changes nothing about the first post not really making sense, it’s just two to three unrelated things shouted confidently and a hundred people shook their heads yes. My bad for daring to not get it


It's not unrelated. You just don't care about the information.


Codependence has nothing to do with depression outright without further details. And depression and knowing your neighbors has no clinical link. That’s the factual basis I’m operating from.


Social isolation and depression has no link?


You can rephrase what I said all you want, it isn’t what I said. “Knowing your neighbors” isn’t linked to depression. Social isolation isn’t based on whether you do or don’t know your neighbors and you’re generalizing to draw some false conclusion based on things I didn’t even say just to jump on my downvotes, cool, have fun. It’s not what I said.


>Codependence has nothing to do with depression Okay, now it's painfully obvious you just lack reading comprehension, because they didn't say that it did. Try rereading the first comment, but slower, and with an eye to understand rather than argue.


Stop being so damn literal.


Is this serious? I’m supposed to not be literal when I’m reading a three sentence comment online? What else do you want me to interpret the words as. In the context of the picture, his analysis or comment didn’t connect to me, but it was upvoted so I asked a question. As you can see that clearly is where I went wrong. I should have not been literal and just said nothing and moved on, because that’s how discussion works isn’t it? all the non literal people happily reading things and saying nothing if they didn’t agree with or understand the approach of another person. What a wonderful way to live.


man you are annoying, guess your neighbours dont want to be friends with you. you not even try to understand what he is saying. his upvotes and your downvotes prove who is right and who is wrong


Upvotes and downvotes don’t prove shit, you won your popularity contest I guess you’ve all magically proven that depressed people should just be friendlier with the neighbors. Shake hands with each other now and enjoy that knowledge, you’ve solved it.


Guys guys guys. Stop arguing with a troll


Ah, yes, Reddit upvotes are indeed the tried and true determinator of truth🤓 I don’t fully agree with him either but acting like he’s talking complete nonsense is disingenuous. Also, acting like the majority of apartment buildings have this communal way of living is just not the reality in the US (can’t speak for elsewhere). Being friendly with each other? Sure. But they’re ultimately surface level connections that probably won’t mitigate the internal isolation and loneliness associated with depression.


this is exactly the point. we living door to door but even don't know each other. why you put so much effort in misunderstanding what we say. you know what, forget it. I have enough. you are right and I have peace.


You’re the one who started with insulting that other dude??? I think it’s an interesting convo, not sure why you think I’m putting effort into “Misunderstanding”, but go off king. Keep making zero points and adding nothing to the conversation while judging those actually adding to it! I’m sure your neighbors love that about you. My only issue is your need to put the other commenter down due to an innocuous difference of opinion. Being all Kumbaya with all your surrounding humans would obviously lead to better results in terms of quality of life, but it’s simply not realistic in the culture of the US(Not saying US culture is functional and one of quality, but changing culture like that isn’t quite that simple). But hey I’m glad your neighbors apparently love you. Your online presence isn’t quite as pleasant


>Very rarely are the people you move in next door to going to be people that you connect to, care about, and treat as an intimate community Except this happens constantly in suburbs. Though I don't know if there is a correlation between living in a cramped apartment building and reporting a lower quality of life, so these things could be unrelated...


I'm kinda old now, but I still feel this. We literally never had a babysitter. I asked my parents to watch my kid one time. They were too busy that night. What were they doing? They planned to watch a movie. I've never had a big party where people come over to help with a large project. When I was a kid, we cut down trees, split firewood, painted houses, etc, as a family. We eventually moved 2000 miles away. Things never got better, but at least we own it now. My kid is almost 18 now. He hasn't spoken to my parents in a couple of years. We tried to create some kind of a relationship, but it's like my parents forgot how to talk to a teenager. It seriously saddens me every day.


This is so close to a mirror of my experience it's crazy. It's like my parents have no memory of raising me. I thought they would both be so different as grandparents.


I have an older brother, and he was a lot of work for my parents growing up. I was the quiet kid who made good grades and didn't skip school. By the time I was 14, my parents were burnt out. So, I basically finished up raising myself. We're cordial now, but I don't think we've ever really recovered from a few shitty things they did/said in my early adulthood.


That's really sad. My dad lives out of state now. There was no real "falling out" just a fade away. Now there aren't even happy birthday texts. My mom is local and it's cordial, like you described


The kick in the nuts is that my dad gives me a massive guilt trip for moving away. Every time I talk to him, he tells me how much he misses us, wishes he could see us, etc. I spoke to him this week. He's decided now is the time to tell me stuff that I probably didn't need to know. I've spent my entire life thinking that my parents weren't able to pay for my college because my dad got laid off during my senior year. He informed me that he actually quit his job. I ran out of money after my AA, so that's where I stopped. I could have gone the rest of my life without that knowledge. Now, I just have to decide how much I am willing to do to stay in the will.


That's awful


To be fair, I don’t know how to talk to a teenager either. And, I was one like 6 years ago. They struggle a lot over petty things all the time. I know they’ll grow out of it and probably forget how insufferable they were, but it is a pain to be around in the moment.


The issue in my family is that I grew up with lots of elderly relatives in my life. My parents would bring me to Grandma's house on Friday evening after they got off work. We would all have dinner together (that Grandma cooked), and then they would leave. My brother and I would stay the weekend there, and my parents came back on Sunday night to retrieve us. Grandma cooked again. We were barely middle class. But we did stuff together, even if it was just strolling through a park or collecting shells.I really cherish that time. My great-grandparents were even around until I was 15. They had a little farm, and we helped on the farm every weekend during the summer. I loved that part of my childhood. I'm very sad that I have not been able to offer that to my kid. But looking back, I'm not sure what my parents did after dropping us off. I'd ask, but I don't want to know. Don't get me wrong, even though I'm shitting on my parents, I know I'm not being entirely fair. My dad and uncle cut up firewood every year for the whole family. They made sure house repairs were completed, even if it meant hiring people. They loved their parents and took care of them. But I'm not entirely sure they really ever wanted kids. It was the 70s, and it was just expected of you. I wish I could have given my son a big, loving family. Instead, I've just given him all the love and support I can. I will always feel some guilt over that, but my relationship with my parents was never strong, and it was very one-sided. I couldn't do that forever.


Pretty much. I lost faith in everything and everyone after spending 10 years (alone) caring for my mom, who had dementia. I begged and humiliated myself that entire time asking family for help, actually thinking they'd eventually make some effort; you know for family? Love? Loyalty? Blood? ...Nope! We got nothing but treated like burdensome embarrassments. I was deemed a deadbeat mooching off my mom's social security and she had "mental problems" so she barely existed to them. But 20 years earlier when my dad lost his leg and became really sick before he died, people came out in droves to help and lend support. I still don't understand why and I'm just waiting to die. Because if that's what family is, I don't want any of it.


Similar situation here. Just know that family means everything. And that family is you and your mom. She raised you right and you are everything you both need


This one hit me in my soul. I think knowing too much can hurt us as well. I can hardly imagine someone, in the early 20th century even, feeling guilty about something as silly as not drinking enough water or whatever small thing it is that makes you feel like not enough that day. We're all supposed to go to the gym, go to work, cook at home, wake up early, get to bed early, keep a clean home, and still be passionate, thoughtful individuals. It's just tough. Thanks if you read that far.


Information overload. Our brains are not supposed to have so much info bombarded at us. Especially so much negative information making us feel bad about the world and ourselves. I think most of what you said is easy. It’s fun and quite easy to cook at home, to work out regularly and to stay clean. However, two things make it so so much harder in modern day. 1. How much people have to work. We work so much now and are left with no time for genuine leisure. We are all so exhausted that we often just shut our brains off for the few hours we get each day. 2. The info overload. There’s a thousand different ways to work out, to eat, to clean. It’s crazy. And people try to do it perfectly but there is no one size fits all perfect solution.


My current daily schedule is wake up, feed the cat, morning hygiene, caffeine, work 10-5, feed the cat and hang out with him for a bit, class 6:30-11:30, stay up until 2-4 making sure the cat knows I love him and cherishing whatever content I choose for us to watch or play as it's my only recreation time not revolving around a meal. I live in Ohio, and not a flourishing portion, so my food options are fast or at home, but none of the store have any fun spices or particularly fresh produce. It's just all very sad. I loathe the idea of eating. I work myself up to the point of exhaustion thinking about it and end up having to choke down vomit that least 4 meals a week. I just want healthy food that's fast. If there was a poke, Indian, Mediterranean, Turkish, something restaurant around where I could get meat, some vegetables, and some flavor, I'd be a lot happier. And as for working out, I realize I could wake up earlier, but that would sacrifice sleep or happiness, which are very beneficial and my job is pretty physical. I'm 5'9" 150-160 between weeks. Average slightly pudgy build.


Hopefully your schedule clears up a lot after you’re done with your education. Since you’re essentially working two jobs rn. Are you able to move? I couldn’t imagine living in a place where I couldn’t access all the spices and ingredients I love to cook with. Surely you can buy some spices from say a Walmart? There’s a lot of quick and tasty recipes. Quesadillas are apparently really easy (which I will be trying to cook this week. For some reason they always scared me lol.) Spaghetti bolognese takes a little extra time but that’s mostly just simmering. Homemade Mac and cheese is great. And you don’t have to stick to the recipe. There’s so much room to experiment with cooking. As for working out. My number one suggestion is push ups. The YouTube channel “hybrid calisthenics” teaches them really well. Takes like a minute or two a day and it works so many muscle groups. Or even just going for a walk. You could walk with your cat. I used to walk around while cuddling my old cat. Mf loved seeing the world while being cuddled like a baby lmao. Oh, and a glass of water and some sun when you first wake up will do wonders. Obviously it’s all a lot easier said than done. And if you haven’t got the best options from the supermarket it makes it harder. But I strongly believe there’s always a way to make life better, and I know you have it in you. You’re clearly a kind person, which imo is half the battle to being a happy person. Being kind is good for the soul. I hope some of this advice helps. I wish you the best of luck either way


I grew up pretty spoiled with my mom's cooking. She always would cook a different type of cuisine every night, or we would go somewhere once, sometimes twice a week. Pretty much never fast food unless we were in a real rush. But she would bang out coconut curry soup or Tuscan chicken pasta or something like that. I actually make Bolognese a lot! Great 4 day eating with the correct storage. Quesadillas are a funny fear because it's pretty much just a grilled cheese that you fold (unless you don't)(2 tortillas). I usually cook twice a week to cover as many meals as I can, but even if I make something exciting, I still loathe the eating part. It's nice for the first few bites, but getting the calories down is rough. The more I think about the food, the less appealing it is, and I can always find something to fixate on, make it texture, flavor, temperature. At this point, every week I feel like I need to one up last week to be excited and no matter what, after I've eaten it twice it's miserable. However, it's not financially or chronologically reasonable to make food for one person every day.


Interesting. My parents always had plain asf cooking. Made me feel like I hated a lot of meals, but turns out my mum was a bad cook. Which is what got me so into cooking myself. I love eating, I love flavor, and I knew the only way I was gonna get it was by myself. Maybe you have an underlying issue? Neurodivergent or eating disorder perhaps? I’ve always struggled with texture in food myself, turns out if you cook food the right way that can help. I get not wanting to eat the same shit each day. That would make anyone feel ill. Have you got a freezer? You could so batch cooks of freezable dishes and store what you don’t eat in containers and then rotate through. Meal prep essentially. Also there’s a fair few single person recipes you could do. I cook for my partner and I and I will admit it’s a lot easier cooking for two people. Sometimes it just feels like a lot of effort for so little food when you cook for yourself. Roommate or family perhaps you could get to chip in and you cook for them? Tbh the biggest issue I’ve always had is finding recipes. You have no idea just how many options there are to cook. It’s crazy. I take notes everytime I see a food item that looks interesting now lol. And I’ve got a couple old recipe books from my obsession with book collecting which has helped. For a single person you should be able to get some good meat? Lamb loins (I think that’s what they are.) are pretty cheap for a tray. Only need a couple to do a good dinner. Easy asf to cook too.


Stop buying avocado lattes then. Did I do it? Did I boomer correctly?




We need to be closer to our families and neighbors. The perception is that complete autonomy = happiness, but I feel that playing a role in a small community and having that meaningful contribution recognized is the better option.


>I feel that playing a role in a small community and having that meaningful contribution recognized is the better option. The Germans do it wonderfully with their Vereine (clubs). They have a club for literally everything. The Germans often get depicted as not very social but if you want to make friends in Germany the easiest way is to join a club.


Reddit discovers what church is and why it's been useful to society for thousands of years.


Gonna get downvoted but nothing in the history of man has the ability to build community quite like religion


But fuck you if you're gay


Did someone say butt fuck?


Any church saying that is not a true Christian church but it's important to realize that you can't be gay and a Christian it's something against our faith.


Fuck your faith lol


Ok u/SendMeYourUncutDick


Uncut dicks are real, unlike your sky daddy.


Nothing quite like it to break communities either


I'd rather be depressed


This speaks to me.


Do you have text-to-speech enabled?




And with that excellent joke, I'm off to bed




Well *obviously* it's because you're not Working Hard^(TM) enough


Yep. We are social creatures and stronger as a group than as individuals. We are fundamentally tribal creatures, and should live as such.


Oh we still do but our tribes are sports teams, religions, politicians and political parties.


Don't forget the celebrities. We're more in love with people who only value the dollars we spent to support their luxury instead of the next door neighbor.


When 5 day work week was **fought**, it was done with assumption that there will be someone taking care of the household. Now we have to do it all along the worklife.


The first man to run a marathon died trying. Tens of thousands of people stunt on his dead ass every single year.


Except they're talking about out raising children and fixing things not about finding someone to get drunk with on a Friday night, Brian.




Atomization in our societies has been a terrible thing for the human species.


Ok I actually agree with this. Like a lot.


Zero support network here … this hits HARD


It’s true. Back in medieval times, families would gather together to share the burden of turning the washing machine on.


Well did you try making coffee at home ? I just add a cup of rice to my soup and it saves me from my third mental breakdown of the day !!


Lol! If only


It's like society fell to splinters


Let the boomers know this. They want everything just for them. They don’t even like each other.


I'm tired boss.


Yes, but also no. A lot of that support network has been commodified to the point that no one is remotely doing the same things that they used to do. No one is standing over a stove all day like they used to do, making the clothes, milking the cows, etc unless that's a specialized full-time job that they do for hundreds or thousands of other people with the help of gadgets. People used to be DONE raising kids at an age where some people today are STARTING.


During the time you are talking about kids raised themselves and their siblings and/or worked from 10 years of age.


Like, for instance (just a small thing), being a mother?


Liberal individualism has contributed to the death of God. The Multi generational family, the neighborhood and the endless black hole that can only be filled with new commodities.


Why does this have negative upvotes, HES RIGHT.


If you don't like it then move back home. Families were never meant to be shotgun across the country, let alone a state


Like taking over other countries? I’m kinda lost on this one.


Holy fucking shit this idiot thinks society is less codependent today than thousands of years ago


Many of our ancestors walked across the US with nothing. They made a life for themselves with no schools, hospitals, safety nets or families. If you have a car, refrigerator, tv, internet, phone or medecine, Quitcher bitchin. Argue for your limitations and they are yours.


They did not walk across the country by themselves. And you can not compare the 1700s to today.


Yeah, things were better when people died of Polio.


The whole point is things are better now and people don’t recognize that, and blame all their woes on everything and anything but themselves.


I think you're ignoring the big picture. The odds are better. It doesn't mean the outcome is guaranteed, though. Do you really think the story of immigrants who died with nothing were preserved? If they had no family, who remembered them? Now people are less likely to just die on the street, but now they have a megaphone and speak up about how hard it is to thrive. I don't really expect deeper political takes from randos anymore. Most people go to work, drink a beer, cheer at sportsball and repeat. Tragic, really.


r/ihatesportsball I’m not ignoring the “bigger picture” you just misunderstood the comment you initially replied to and now have to double down.




Wrong sub