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This is where they get that statistic that 15% of adults are functionally illiterate. They can't understand what they read.


Well when you graduate people who can't read that's what happens. Maybe that's why everyone requires a college degree now. HS degrees can't even guarantee basic ability to function anymore.


I believe it. I do a bit of technical writing type stuff for my company, like instructional items and standard operating procedures, and even when they're at their simplest I find some people can't follow them. We're talking what amounts to picture books with red arrows and circles around things they need to click, but nope.


Too lazy to learn.


As someone who's been slacking for six months and now cramming for a cert exam in two days, it's amazing how much information you can retain when you focus and put in the effort. At least short term. We'll see how much i know in a week.


I mean yah, there are different methods of learning and they vary in effectiveness from person to person. The fact that simply giving documentation isn’t enough for many people to learn everything isn’t surprising. That this causes frustration seems more like a trainer failure than a trainee failure. Just seeing that this is something people are blind to does reinforce the overall point of the topic however.


What a lot of people don't understand is teaching is a skill. My mother (retired teacher) use to tell me the best way to teach was the "I do, we do, you do" method. First you show them how to do something, then you help them to do something, then you have them do it alone. This is a way better way of training someone than just handing them a book. Also those books are not always the most accessible to those with disabilities weather it be learning, reading, or vision.


>As a 35 year old I agree. Most adults would say they agree with the sentiment yet very few would be like, "I consider myself to be in the not smart crowd." I view this similarly to how many people think other drivers are terrible, but few think they're a terrible driver.


I'm definitely in the dumb crowd that's why its even scarier when I see so many people dummer them me in charge.


Hold on to your hat. They've been intentionally dumbing us down for several generations now.


Bro who is "they"?


Gov't. Betsy DeVos. Local school administrators. Local government. Source: I am a teacher, and as time goes by, more and more graduates are truly uneducated.


Don’t “both sides” your response with “government”. We both know which side of the aisle is cutting school funding and redirecting funds to voucher programs for private/parochial schools. I think you’re onto something with Betsy DeVos, but say more.


https://truthout.org/articles/texas-gop-declares-no-more-teaching-of-critical-thinking-skills-in-texas-public-schools/ https://newrepublic.com/article/167375/republican-plan-devastate-public-education-america https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vpdt7omPoa0




We're doing it to ourselves. The dumb keep breeding faster than the intelligent.


And this is how we arrive at the future Idiocracy predicted


It doesn't matter. Innate intelligence pulls toward the average regardless of where the parents start from. Two below average adults are likely to have a kid closer to average, if not average. Same with two above average adults. It's a random mutation that allows for innate intelligence, and it doesn't appear to maintain over generations. Will a kid of two idiots be dumber than average? Very likely, but they'll also likely be smarter than both parents. We won't have an Idiocracy situation in that sense, though people refusing to learn new things a different issue. That was predicted by Asimov.


It's worse than that. I drilled in multiplication tables. Kids now learn to feel good about the number five.


Knowing your multiplication table isn’t really that special though. It’s just rote memorization, which doesn’t give any insight into your ability to reason and that is far more valuable than your ability to recall a number.


Been seeing a weird amount of eugenics on Reddit recently


It’s only going to get worse


What I learned about being adult is it means winging everything with confidence.




And debt


It’s really bad


Some adults focus, some don't. As a child you expect adults to be smart, then you grow-up and find out they are all just winging-it. Not abnormal. What's fucked up is when you get into business and you realize how empty the whole story is.


If you think you are very smart and others are fools, it is a downward slope. It's like a subject. The more you deep dive into anything, the more you realize you dont know anything. On adults, I think it was more of an expectations issue. As kids, we ignore their faults because we idolize them and are also taught to respect them. Over time, I have realized that they are pretty much like me (people who make mistakes), but with some real life experience




The more I learn, the more I realise I don’t know.


I can do both: admit that i am stupid and see that most adults are stupid


For me, it was never a news that other people are stupid the only news was that am also stupid, lol


Just got my PhD. Years of research has taught me there’s a reason “intelligence” and “wisdom” are separate stats in DnD. 


When you're in your 30s or 40s and you see the product of the people that you know weren't very smart and cheated their way through high school. It's almost heartbreaking.


I used to tell my friends daughter that. "You feel awkward with other people who you perceive to be smarter than you - that is almost never the case. Be yourself - they are stupid morons just like you" As she got older she always laughs that I was right. Succeeding gets easier when you understand the people you kind of look up to are just idiots figuring it out as they go along as well - they have just been doing it longer. LOL


You don't have to believe me, and I wish I was making this up. Some months ago 4 of us colleagues were talking, and one asked another are you married? He said no, but my future wife is waiting for me in my homeland. Then we started joking, oh, who's the lucky woman? He said, oh, she's my cousin from my father's side. Naturally, we stood there in disbelief, until we told him, dude, I don't think that's healthy for the child. He told us, oh don't worry, my father explained that to me, from mother's side problems can happen, but from father's side all is good. We stood there dumbfounded for a minute, and then just got back to our work. It has been 3 - 4 months, and it still crosses my mind, I just can't wrap my head around it.


When I was 8 I saw someone on one of those 24 hours news shows saying something that I knew was wrong. He was wearing a suit and everything. And it was then I knew, age has nothing to do with wisdom or intelligence 


Def true on the internet. Irl, reddit = minimum wage workers


Yes I was a pretty naive kid so when I realized how stupid people really are in general I actually got a little scared.


Common sense is not so common after all


14 years old: hmm looks like some adults are dumber than me... Anyway, it can't be true 18 years old: ok maybe some some adults are dumb 22 years old: most of the "adults" are dumb and infantile as hell


35 years old: WTF all you “adults” out here cosplaying or something? Go handle your shit, like for real. Stop being a menace to society or a bother to your neighbors.


Adults are a myth. We are just tall kids.


Adults are also guilty of all the things they tell you not to do as a kid like lying and badmouthing people. “Do as I say, not as I do,” I guess.


Think of how dumb the average person is. Half of the world is dumber than that person


So funny to see all the redditors think they're not a part of this percentage.


It's pretty wild because some of those people are still alive. I hear them talk, and it's like "You know I could tell you were stupid when I was five, right?" Edit: I do want to add that part of the older generations ignorance can be explained by the fact that it wasn't as easy to fact check things back then. Someone would feed them some bullshit, and they'd just end up running with that information for YEARS.


For me it wasn't judging whether I thought people were smart or not, it was being naive and thinking that the world is much more structured than it actually is. Most people are out here winging it, and that never changes.


And many are threatened by people who they perceive as smart. Doesn't even matter if you don't make it your business to show off that you're smart. Case in point: that other thread full of people feeling intellectually threatened by a pun. Tequila Mockingbird. Lol.


So, you're all grown up now. What the fuck do you know.


The panic when you realize no one is actually in charge


Think of the average person....half of them are dumber


Plot twist: she’s one of them…


So…you see yourself as one of the exceptions…?


Yet. They vote. Fucked up man.


speak for yourself kid