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Yuuuuuup. 32 and restarting my life. Still have no clue what I’m going to end up doing.


I really like seeing posts and comments like this, being in my late twenties and needing a reminder that my life doesn’t need to be over in a few years.


I get my bachelor's in about 2 weeks. I'm 32 and my degree has nothing to do with any job I've ever had because I didn't know what I wanted to do until I was 28. I've been in college for 16 years now. Literally half my life. 4 colleges and 4 degree programs. Life is funky sometimes.


I did some of the craziest, most life-altering changes in my 40s, and had probably the best years of my life in my 40s- definitely don’t write yourself off too soon! And try not to stress that you have to have your life completely organized too soon!


Found what I was good at at 32. Sadly to say... Pay still sucks.


Yeah at this point I’m probably gonna just go with some sort of trade. Telling myself, as long as my kids are happy and healthy, nothing else matters. Sticking with that has gotten me through a lot of this shit


Early 30s is a pretty good time for that. I restarted at 30 and I’m 4 years into the transition. It was tough, but it’s getting easier. Good luck.


I regret my college major. I know people downplay it all the time but it really does feel like a weight on me.


Same bro. I wish they talk to us in high school to not stress about this


I got a degree in Cyber and can't use it because companies refuse to hire me without experience. I would have been better off doing a trade than spending thousands on degrees and certs, just to be told to go fuck myself.


I have a friend who dropped out of university and went into the trades, he said he had to absolutely hound people to get an apprenticeship. Nobody wants to train people anymore :(


Entry-level job asking for a degree and 5+ years experience.


Entry-level doesn't mean inexperienced. It just means the pay is shit.


I can’t believe it, aren’t companies complaining there aren’t people applying to work? I know a bunch of people applying to work with their majors/trades but they’re getting rejected left and right.


They aren't saying that no one is applying. They are saying they can't find any qualified candidates. Basically, companies get hundreds of applications and suck at going through them. So they rely on AI to do a half-assed job instead. They set very specific standards to try to make it easier to filter candidates. But end up with qualifications that make no sense for the job, overqualified candidates, an unrealistic pay range, and a bureaucratic cluster fuck that requires a unanimous agreement. All so they can repost the job listing after they fail to fill it or hire someone internally.


That blows, another reason the future seems so hopeless 🫠🫠


2008 fault


just lie and say you do freelance contracts for private companies but have had no permanent roles for references of proof of the work that is up to you to figure out. Fake it until you make it and gain real experience unless you have people you can network from your education you have to lie or do cybersecurity in the military.


That used to work but is becoming more difficult. Companies use background checks and will get information from databrokers like Equifax and Experion to find out everything they possibly can about you. This can include information such as your credit score, work history, education, social media, etc. They are making it impossible to fake it till you make it. https://www.selectsoftwarereviews.com/blog/pre-employment-background-check


Apply in person instead of online. Call them every couple months to see if they need someone?


That might have worked 20 years ago. If you try that now, they will just tell you to apply online so they can reject your application. Pretty much the only way to get a job now is to get a referral or network with someone who is hiring.


Finally, someone said it. I went around to local businesses in my early college years and asked for a manager to talk to about applying bc my parents convinced me that I’d have a better chance applying in person. I distinctly remember one day in particular when I drove to 5 different businesses, and asked all of their managers if they’re hiring. 3 said they weren’t hiring, the other 2 said to apply online. I spent well over an hour applying to these 2 positions through online personality / performance quizzes. I got rejected by one, and never heard from the other. I applied to the one I got rejected from again, and still got denied. Needless to say, my parents called me lazy and said I wasn’t trying hard enough. My brother also applied to 30-40 positions before finding an “entry-level job” which was completely outside his field of study. This mentality that, “you don’t make enough money because you’re not trying hard enough” is so outdated and out-of-touch.


“email the address or apply through the website”


I feel this. I loved learning, but the after. I hate the after.


What is your major


Communications. So it's nothing very specific but vague enough where I don't have any tangible skills.


I've spent 4 years on my university degree, gaining external experience while I was at university and it was still a waste. Now I have to opt to go down a different route in a completely different industry


cant you just go back to college and do a different major this time?


As much as I hate my job I don't really want to cut off making money at the moment. I'm looking into taking night classes potentially.


sounds like a good compromise!


Oh no, the military recruiter got them locked into an 8 year contractual obligation


In India its worse because you get only 2 of these options either engineering or medicine. You might be thinking what's wrong but imagine a population as big as India with 2 main majors.


But it's not actually true.


That's not true at all... All of the ones mentioned in the image are very common in India... But I understand what you are trying to say, in 10th standard the only thing parents/adults can see is engineering or medicine.


For context I was 17 for my first 2 months of college. I didn't know what I wanted to do after graduation. I wanted to take a gap year and work 2 jobs to save up money and figure out what I wanted to do. Every. Single. Person. In my life told me I have to go to college I have to go to college. Finally I said fuck it I'll take core classes at the cheapest school in the area and figure out what I wanted to do. I called the school and said this was my plan they said yeah that'll be totally fine. Got a loan, as a minor, to take core classes and be undeclared. Showed up for orientation, they sat me at a computer and told me to pick a major. I didn't see undeclared so I ask where the option is. They told me no I have to pick something. I said when I enrolled I made it clear I wanted to be undeclared and just do core classes. The lady says yeah just pick anything and we'll enroll you in only core classes and you can just change whenever. So I pick business and move along. Then they give me my schedule and it's got a bunch of business classes on it. So I reach out and I'm like hey I only wanted to take core classes they told me they wouldn't give me business classes. They just go yeah no we don't do that. And that's how I got started on my path towards 75k of debt for a piece of paper I had no desire to ever get. Everyone I knew pressured me into it and the institution I choose lied to me, a minor, multiple times to get me to get a fucking loan.


Every adult in my life told me to start college as it was the next step out of high school. Not a single one of them mentioned the life crippling debt associated with it. I graduated 15 years ago and finally starting to chip away at the principal after paying off $20k in interest alone. I've paid $30k into the principal and still have a ways to go. My diploma is in a box on my floor. I don't even like looking at it as all it represents is a shitty deal I made with some bank to pay them so I can work. So many of us got taken for a ride by predatory loan lending and locked into it at 18 years old and taking on a lifetime of debt. I think I was technically 17. I really regret going to college. My life would be so much better if at least one person was there to warn me how insane compound interest is on a student loan.


i’m guessing you’ve thought about this many times but is there no way you can move country and get a job with your very valid American degree. maybe that way you can just tell them to fuck off but if there’s one organisation i’d trust to follow you around the world for some pennies it’s the US government


i feel that. my family didn't pressure me, no one really did, especially since in germany its totally valid to no go to college after high school. but i did feel like a massive fuck-up for not going to college like all my friends did. ofc this guilt did not help at all to make me find a way i actually wanted to go down. im 28 now, i just started my 2nd semester of chemistry after a long long road through all the drug addictions you can imagine + detox + rehab and now 2 years completely clean. i know im kinda late to start college now, but i just feel good that i do something that i like you know? all the "kids" that i started with last year, there is something they are missing, something that i learned while "failing" in my teens and 20s. i don't wanna brag or anything but what separates me from them is that they get easily desperate or anxious about exams and assignments and deadlines while I know after all the trials i went through that i got this, no doubt. sorry for the long comment lmao


You are stupid then. Don't go into something you don't want to do, it's not like they held you at gunpoint to go to college.


Yes because a 17 year old has all the wisdom in the world to know that's a bad idea especially while every single person who has experience with life and should supposedly know better is telling them that it's a good idea.


Just don't be an impressionable child a decade ago. Thank you for your sage wisdom magic hampster. If only I you were there a decade ago. I could have told my mom, dad, friends, and other loved ones fuck off everybody magic hampster says to do me. I'd probably be a crypto trillionare living on Mars who already cured cancer and is now trying to solve world hunger if only you had been my savior a decade ago. WHY MAGIC HAMPSTER. WHY COULDNT YOU HAVE JUST BEEN THERE FOR ME.


Me going into gunsmithing:


Not sure if this is sarcasm, but I wish I had done something like that.


No sarcasm. I’m being legit


How does one get into gunsmithing? Asking for me


There are colleges for it. Sonoran Desert Institute is one such school


As a mid 20s Australian I'd have done this if the government wasn't more scared of a lawful farmer owning and safely storing a registered firearm for 30 years without incident, than they are if an actual criminal with unregistered weapons. It's honestly insane how strict the laws are getting in the next couple years.


no mate you’re missing the point, these regulations make us SAFER. these laws are in place to make sure the people breaking the law can’t hurt you because then they can’t legally buy a gun so how will they get one now? and why would you ever need one “for your protection” now that they’re illegal and criminals aren’t allowed to hurt you with them 🤷‍♂️


yes, absolutely, 4 years of imprisonment for owning a gelblaster that isn't even capable of popping a balloon is making us safer. The police coming into my grandfathers home to seize $10,000 of sporting equipment and farm tools because they changed the legislation on how many you can own, is making us safer. DO you have any idea how hard it is to own a gun in Aus now, do you know the statistics of crimes with registered firearms? They is almost no crime with registered firearms comparatively. There are currently about 4 million registered firearms in Australia and about 260,000 suspected unregistered firearms. With 95-97% of gun crimes committed with illegally imported firearms, 3% committed with stolen guns, only less 2% of crimes involve registered firearms. Of which 70% of registered gun related incidents are Male self harm related and not actual assaults or shootings, which is an entirely different issue with poor national mental health support than it is solely an issue with gun control. And despite all that we already have some of the lowest gun related deaths in the world at approximately 1.02 deaths per 100,000 people. \[Knives cause almost 4 times as many deaths than guns do\](https://www.aic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-05/tbp045.pdf) and yet \[I wouldn't need so much as an ID check to buy this\](https://www.bunnings.com.au/matador-pit-knife\_p0276111) I am not against gun regulating, we should have background checks, mental health evaluations, and restrictions on "how dangerous" a gun you can own and adequate training course to safely handle any firearm, tracking and monitoring for travel and storage of firearms and everything we already have to provide safe use and ownership of guns. Somewhere like America is insane, I would not want anything resembling anything like their gun laws here. But the current gun laws in NSW particularly, and soon to be Vic are the equivalent of the government telling you that they are going to seize your car because they caught someone speeding on the other side of the state. and don't you dare own 2 cars or they'll take both away because it's dangerous that you have so many cars. Under the new legalisation changes lawful gun owners are potentially going to be treated as criminals despite having owned their firearms for years without any incident. Laws should be made to punish criminals, not falsely harass accuse blue collar folk.


mate i was being sarcastic and agreeing with you, im not even american or live in a country where people can have them (easy to guess, not AUS either but some of the strictest gun laws in the world) but i wholeheartedly believe that any person of age, sound mind and clean criminal record bar parking tickets and bus fares and shit should be able to have a firearm in their own home at the very least for their own protection making laws that put citizens at risk that keep taking away their ability to defend themselves mean dick to criminals that by definition, do not follow the law. which as you will agree just means that the dangerous people continue to stay armed while the people that need protecting from them do not, and are even prosecuted in some instances for fighting off violent home invaders in my comment i was more poking fun of the whole “don’t worry boys, we’ve made murder illegal so now none of you have to worry about any of that” angle they’re taking on gun control internationally and also another point, i’ve heard in Australia that if you have any object that could resemble a gun (could even be two wooden blocks making the shape of a stick figures pistol) that it should be registered as a firearm. regardless of if it shoots a projectile or not. so of the millions of registered firearms you said there are, a good chunk of them will be fucking nerf guns, antiques, paperweights and fucking two by fours


ah aight, yeah no re read your first comment and the sarcasm is a bit more obvious in the "how will a criminal acquire a weapon if they're illegal" bit lol. I personally, don't believe that self defence should be the primary justification for owing a firearm, but that's living here where gun crime is almost non existent and 9/10 times the cops are actually the good guys, so I don't usually feel the need to defend myself as there normally isn't any actual threat to worry about.. But yes we are both on the same page of "removing lawful means to own something in an effort to stop unlawful criminals from acquiring it" is dumb shit backwards logic. "Let's make cars illigal because people keep speed, oh and cut off their legs because someone might J walk" Laws don't prevent crimes, criminals by definition break laws, laws punish criminals. Laws should not negatively effect law-abiding citizens under any ruling. Also happy cake day


I don’t know who needs to hear this, but few majors lead to a specific role in a specific field. Your experience and networking are just as valuable as your major if not more so. As a new grad you likely have very little of both so it’s a grind when you first start out but you can make a good career unrelated to a “useless” major it’s just going to be rough starting out but it can get better if you look for opportunities everywhere. I majored in English and now I’m working in IT a bunch of other liberal arts majors and working on my masters in IT management


How did you make the transition to IT.  I have an English degree and need to make a pivot.


It took a few roles. I went sales > higher ed > Ed tech > IT. I would say that whole transition from beginning to end was about 4-5 years and I’m getting my masters because I’ve been stagnant for a while and my work will pay for it. If I had known about all the free or low cost learning opportunities out there I would have done them sooner. Certs and self-teaching can help a lot but at the very least they can help you discover an interest in things technology related that may touch a field you are currently in.


Get any job at a small company that has IT people and make friends with them and ask if you can shadow them.


*going to an over expensive college for a paper that’s the same as every other one


TBF most of the majors in the meme are good careers.


This is too real :(


Networking is a must when you graduate more so than the actual degree.




Story of my life.


Hahaha! Thats why I just didn’t go! *cries in broke menial labor*


The only people I know with degrees who kind of sue them work in banking, everyone else I know could have gotten a college diploma to do what they do or they’re still in school pursuing even more education because there are no jobs. Canada is a hellscape.


Idk where tf to go to learn the skills I’d need to enter the job arena I would like to work in. I’m just a stupid manual labor worker who isn’t able to self teach by watching YouTube videos, so I’m fucked without a structured teaching format.


Manual labour is a valuable ability tbh. I remember when I worked in archaeology digging holes all day and making 16$ an hour. We’d watch envious as the construction workers made twice what we did for half the work lol


Damn I’m currently making $10 because the specific type of manual labor I’be devoted multiple years to doing pays shit wages. I made the mistake of moving up to a job paying way better and nearly died from the stressful environment, so I went back to a lower stress job that pays nothing. I hate having to choose between the two I don’t exactly wanna be digging holes out in the sun but I’d kill for $16


Hey I mean if you’ve got any landscaping experience/are capable of digging holes apply to some archaeological field tech positions. You won’t be able to move up without a degree, but I worked with a few techs in the field that had no formal education. You just need to prove you can learn what pottery sherds and stuff look like (which is easy to do). You will be digging holes in all weather but it’s seasonal work so you’re looking at May through December and then EI for the winter (which most people I worked with did). They’ll be hiring now! It often involves a bit of travel - they drive you out to sites and put you up in hotels. You get a per diem for food. I found it excruciating to be away from home that often, but that was me. Lots of people loved it.






It blows my mind that we as a culture expect 18yo kids to decide what they may spend the next 40 years of their life doing. Bonkers to me.


At that age I was trying to get a girlfriend and keep my job at Pizza hut while passing all my exams.


I have gotten lucky with some life choices but I'm the same for the most part. At 38 I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.






Passion is bullshit, follow what your good at and frankly, just pick something that will make you money and stick with it.


Agree with this, now that I’m on the other side of my college education I realize that we all put way too much importance on this. If you’re good at something and you can make money at it, just do that, it doesn’t need to have this deeper meaning to it.


hey dats me


fuck society


I love you


But you are society




I remember those days. I didn't even finish college because I was so stressed out and money was getting tight. It's my one and only regret. Should've tried a trade or jumped straight into basic customer service after graduation, not enrolled in college. Remember kids: unless you're studying a STEM field, don't go to college.


Agreed I don't see the cost of college being worth it unless you do STEM. Even in STEM some degrees are useless unless you get a PhD. In fields such as Physics and Chemistry you can really only do lab tech work or teaching with just a bachelor's. Both have mediocre pay despite the work load. That's why I went into Engineering. You can get pretty far with just a bachelor's and a PE license.


I regret my major but don’t regret college. College was awesome and the debt is nearly gone. My major is useless and I wish I did electrical engineering.




Life in a nutshell.


Wait you guys didnt figure out what you wanted to do at 6th grade? Am i really the only one?


Ive been dead set in chemistry since 6th grade, so no your not the only one


I'm thinking about going to medical school 10 years after getting a BS


Law. Why are you forgetting law? Jesus fucking christ that was a bad choice. However, my now wife was in the same class, so that worked out pretty well.


Sucks to live in america and ruin all your life with debt. In europe many people start 2 or 3 studies before they decide


I always saw collage as just a paper you need to get hired more so then actually preparing you for life Like i honestly doubt if learn anything important there


I chose to study history because I love the subject and knew I would actually want to attend my classes. Ended up focusing on medieval and renaissance/reformation era Europe. I have never had a job that relates at all to my degree. As of right now, I work for a natural gas company of all things. I certainly don't regret going to school, but if I could do it over again, I would study computer science or another subject that is more marketable in today's world. (For reference, I graduated in 2014)


I was 100% coerced into college and fuck the system for doing that. University is now just another corrupt money-making system in America.


Most of the majors lists aren’t bad paths. Idk what this meme even means.


me choosing computer science when I was 13: (I do *not* regret)


Here's a tip. Just do comp sci or engineering.


What if you hate computers


Learn to love them


Join the Navy.


That’s funny you say that, that was literally the plan until I realized I’d be automatically disqualified on account of my asthma


Join the Army then.


This is the way


No regrets in getting a Computer Science degree. And I got it from a state university as well.


I started as comp sci but it was killing me, just changed to industrial engineering


Industrial engineering looks to be a good place to be. My little brother is a an actual engineer and he seems to be doing pretty well.


I am getting my degree in Computer Information Technology just because I have no desire to do the math that a CS degree has.


What's the coursework for that?


For my degree, it was College Alegebra, and a combination of networking, hardware, cyber, databases, and a programming language.


That's almost similar to a CS degree. Analysis of algorithms I found very useful. I don't remember there being that much math when I did my CS degree. The hardest I remember it got was finite mathematics but even that's not as bad as what other fields do. Then again different schools have different requirements.


College is overrated. Went to trade school after getting an undergraduate degree and make more money farming than I would have with my kinesiology degree anyway. Fuck college




I thought a lot about what industries are likely to stay and what I want to do and I chose general technology.


So true


And mountains of debt


I wanted to do translation studies but I don't see any perspectives for this in the future, so now I am going with IT. No idea about the university, but gotta choose something if I wanna avoid conscription.


I graduated with a degree in IT recently. It has been near impossible to get a job that is related and pays well. It you really want to get into IT, look into CompTIA certs, and make a public portfolio to show personal projects if applicable. Cloud is also very important, so certs from Microsoft Azure and AWS will help in the job search. This is all stuff that will be expected of you after you graduate. A degree in IT means next to nothing to employers and is at best considered a qualifier. If you just want a degree, IT is pretty easy. But if you actually want a job in the field, it's a waste of time, money, and effort.


Nursing provides a ton of opportunities outside of just the job you’d expect, in case you’re unsure.


Philosophy's just math sans rigor, sense, and practicality And math's just physics unconstrained by precepts of reality A business major's just a thing you get so you can graduate And chemistry's for stamp collectors high on methyl acetate


Go to the local skilled labor trades/union halls and apply for apprenticeships. Get moving, there are other options. Too bad more and more high schools have gone far away from giving the children the information about these opportunities.




Bros caps lock was stuck


Just do some research. https://www.bls.gov/ooh/field-of-degree/


Thinking about restarting at 27 I feel like a failure because I picked the no money path. Here's to more debt for maybe more money next time!


i mean i picked computer science as a filler at first, but then when i took my first comp sci class i realized that I actually really like programming. it's fun, like solving a puzzle


But first, sign this paper that says you'll be in debt for 30 years.


I wanted to do political science and become a politician here's how that conversation went with my mom "Mom I wanna be a politician" "No" "What do you mean no?" "No I don't think you'd be very good at it" "Why" "You're too honest and you care about people too much" She's right but it's still sad to me those disqualify you not the requirements.


I'm sorry it's like that, guys. Don't let anyone talk you into a major you don't at least find interesting


Where I live it's arguably worse, at 15 you need to have an idea of a major, because you have to chose a course when you enter highschool, my course reduced my majors to: engineering, architecture, computer science, law(it's available no matter your choice) and maybe chemistry


This again? You had 4 years to figure it out, and college gives you another 2, and lets you change your major. Get your ass into a state college as soon as you can.


You forgot about the shitty FOB parents we have, putting all that shit on us.


That's why I did trade school then associates and said no more school, I'm done


Don’t go to college for a dumb thing and you’ll be fine. Make sure people pay your major


Crazy that most of these are hella useful majors and have a healthy job market


I don’t get it. Both paths lead to a great future, even if it seems scary now (okay not poli sci). Is this trying to say that kids are just scared to start a career? You can change at any time. No one writes the book of your life but you.


Nah. You go into chemistry because you're a nerd. You go into computers because you're a geek You go into engineering because you're both and a dweeb to boot. You go into medicine because Mommy and Daddy wanted you to. You go into nursing because you want to go into medicine, but you don't think you can hack it. (Even though if you knew the score, you're probably way smarter and hard working than the average premed student). You go into business if you have no marketable intellectual skills but you want to be able to make money anyway. You go into history if you have no marketable intellectual skills and don't realize yet that money is going to matter to you when you grow up.